Vinland Saga (2019) s02e19 Episode Script

War at Ketil's Farm

We're with you!
Let's go!
There are about 350 people.
Out of which only about 100
actually know how to fight.
Get an exact number later on.
Are we seriously going to do this, Boss?
The master is bent on doing it.
We have no choice.
They must be insane.
Do these guys think they have a chance
against the king's army?
All of them owe the master money.
He assembled them by saying that
he'll write it off if they fight.
Even still, they wouldn't have come
if they knew their enemy was the king.
But now that they're here,
they can't turn back
because their pride
as a Nordic man won't allow that.
And plus, people feel
invincible in big numbers.
It makes you feel like you can win.
It was a smart tactic
to wait until everyone assembled
before saying our enemy is the king.
I didn't know Thorgil was this battlewise.
The master is determined to do it.
He's already got an army.
This place is going to
become a battlefield.
I told you, didn't I?
We have to leave this farm now
or we'll get caught up in it, Thorfinn.
I know, but
we cannot leave Arnheid like this
and escape from the farm.
Thank you so much
for caring about someone like me.
You've changed, Thorfinn.
At first, when I saw you,
I thought you were the wrong person.
You look much better now, Thorfinn.
I finally got to see you again.
I can't just
leave you and escape on my own.
Pater, there it is again!
Turn her to the side.
We can't let her choke on
whatever she's coughing up.
is it possible to relocate Arnheid?
No, I think we should
be careful right now.
Once she wakes up,
I can see how she's doing,
but at the moment
I honestly can't determine her condition.
And plus, I'm worried about her baby.
The best thing we can do is let her rest.
At least until she regains consciousness.
One day
Let's wait for just one day
and see how it goes.
Are you serious?
What are you going to do after that?
Boss, hurry!
- Are they here?
- Yes.
Where I'm pointing.
That was faster than I expected.
Send a message to the master!
We spot a fleet in the north.
The king's army is here.
- They're here.
- That's them.
- What should we do?
- First
You idiot! Don't shoot without permission!
Obviously it won't reach at this distance!
Lure them in more and then at once
Damn it! Go back!
Darn it!
How are they reaching all the way here?
Spread out and gain control over the area.
Make way for His Majesty The King.
It seems as though
Ketil wants to fight me.
Dispatch an envoy, Wulf.
We will line up here
and wait for Ketil's response.
Yes, Your Majesty.
This is a nice piece of land.
It's a waste to stain it with blood.
Based on the aforementioned reasons,
King Canute
has ordered to have
the rebellious Ketil and his family
be outlawed for ten years
from this day forward.
Under normal circumstances,
these crimes are worthy of death,
but the lives
of Ketil and his family are spared
as a result of the mercy
of none other than His Majesty.
Humbly accept your punishment.
That is all.
If you don't want to die,
hurry up and flee to another country.
We will wait until tomorrow morning
for your answer.
You're useless!
How could you let them on shore so easily!
Rebellion? Outlawry?
Don't get cocky with me, you brat!
I'm back.
Thorgil! How was Canute's army?
They were boiling their pots
and leisurely eating lunch.
There are two warships
and two cargo ships.
And they've pitched tents
right by the landing place.
They have approximately 100 men.
One hundred?
Yeah, excluding the slaves and servants.
- What a joke.
- Did you hear that?
That is less than a third of our army.
That darn Canute
Did he think that we would
bow down in fear
once we saw the king himself?
This land is home to countless daredevils
who aren't afraid of the king!
Let's go, all of you!
Whoever beheads the king
will receive a prize of their choice!
What a happy bunch.
These 100 men aren't ordinary warriors.
The ones surrounding the large tent
Those are the king's thegns.
Th The king is seriously here?
We're talking about the royal guard here.
They're a group
of the strongest warriors in Denmark.
And they're Thorgil's former
S So you mean
all of them are as strong as Thorgil?
So what about the other guys
in white capes?
Are they weaker
compared to the royal guard?
What? You've never seen them before?
They are the Jomsvikings.
I've never seen your eyes open so wide.
We can't win.
They're on another level compared to
our hodgepodge of farmers and warriors.
They're the kind of people
who only think about war,
from morning to night.
But it seems like the master needs to
fight them once to understand that.
If you want to run away, go ahead.
King Canute is giving us time to escape.
What are you going to do, Boss?
I'm a commander. How could I run away?
I'll try my best to protect
as many as I can
of those 350 overconfident dummies.
Well then,
why don't we tie up the Ketil family
and hand them over?
That's right!
Then we won't have to go to war.
We're going to tie up Thorgil too?
Don't be a chicken!
If eight of us go, we can manage.
No, it's not just Thorgil.
There's the rumored "Iron Fist Ketil."
You know the story about
how he killed a bear with his bare hands.
Come on, let's just run away, Boss!
Nothing good is going to come
from being stubborn.
"Iron Fist," huh?
I know Iron Fist very well.
I met him when I was about 15 or 16.
He showed me the ropes on the battlefield.
He really was incredibly strong.
He's like an older brother to me.
I forget how many years ago it was,
but I got into a little trouble
and I became a fugitive.
I thought my big brother, Ketil,
would be willing to take me in,
so I followed the rumors
and fled to this farm.
when I finally arrived here
Who are you? Do you have business with me?
It was a completely different person,
believe it or not.
What in the world!
The master is deceiving everyone.
Just because they happened to have
the same name.
I'm speechless.
How did no one find out until now?
But it's not like I had
anywhere else to go.
So I ended up working here as a guard dog.
They've fed me for free
for quite some time.
It's about time
I pay them back for the food.
Well, you guys can do whatever you like.
Now you know the master is a fraud
who isn't worth risking your life for.
Well then, take care.
Don't try to act cool, you idiots.
You guys will die before you get to
pay back for your meals.
Sh Shut up!
If we dine and dash
against a fraud like him,
that will make us
the real scum of the earth.
We will work and pay for our food!
Don't go blabbering
about what I just told you.
Their backs are against the ocean.
The king's army is positioned
in two lines here.
This circle is King Canute.
They've docked their ships on the sand
and are not thinking about
what's behind them.
They know that we don't have
a sufficient army.
The terrain is wide open
so we can't launch a surprise attack.
Olmar, how would you attack them?
A night attack?
Night attacks are done by
first-rate warriors.
It's impossible for amateurs.
Those guys won't be of any help.
By the time you count to 100
they'll all be killed.
Then why did you assemble them?
You amateur.
There's only one reason.
So they can distract the king
while we count to 100.
Thorgil! Where are you, Thorgil?
Jeez, where is he when I need him?
Master, the entire army is ready.
All right. On my order, get ready to fire.
Get ready!
Master, this is the final warning.
If we do this, we'll lose.
That's enough, Snake.
I am the Iron Fist Ketil.
Nothing about me is inferior to that brat.
It's begun.
The best of luck, Pater.
Damn it!
It's all right. Let's go.
Both armies are in the middle of fighting.
Slowly! Try to keep it stable.
I'm not going to be responsible for this
This is stealing, isn't it?
Stealing a slave
Don't worry about it.
I left a reasonable amount of money.
I didn't know you had it in you, Dad.
She's Thorfinn's friend.
I can't leave her behind.
If she stays here, she will be killed.
We couldn't
say goodbye to the old master.
Did the children fall asleep?
They fall asleep so quickly
when they're swayed by the wagon.
Are you scared?
Don't worry.
We'll get out of this dark forest soon.
This place is a pool of pain and despair.
It's a forest with bloodthirsty beasts.
It's not the place to raise a life.
We have a warm home waiting for us.
It was a long, painful journey, wasn't it?
But that pain will soon end.
I guess you're right.
But even then,
there are still
beings who try to survive out here.
Go ahead
and say goodbye to those
who took care of you.
I'll be waiting here with the children.
You're right.
I have to say thank you
to Einar and everybody.
Stop! Stop!
It's me! Can you comprehend?
How do you feel?
Advance 50 steps! Be thorough.
Show them the difference in power.
As expected of the Jomsvikings.
They only have one line of 70 men,
but they're not faltering at all.
At this point, we don't need a rear guard.
Send the thegns in the second row
to arrest Ketil.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Don't retreat! Charge!
Show them your determination!
Damn it!
Where did my sons go?
It's impossible
to swim while carrying a sword.
It's impossible, brother.
I can't
become like you.
You'll never see me coming, King Canute!
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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