Where's Wally (2020) s02e19 Episode Script

Gibraltar Rocks!

# Oh-wee-oh
# Oh-wee-oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh-wee-oh
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip all around the world
# Take a trip all around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
# Jump in
Discover something new
# Oh-wee-oh
# Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh-whoa-oh
# Where do you go? Where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
A little more purple icing
over here
And a little purple piping here.
And a little purple piping here.
BOTH: And done!
Wow, Wenda,
Wizard Whitebeard is really going to
love his birthday cake.
Purple is his favourite colour.
Purple is his favourite colour.
But how many candles
should we put on it, Wally?
Better put them all,
just to be sure.
(CHUCKLES) Good idea.
Now all we have left is to finish
decorating the kitchen
before Wizard Whitebeard gets home
from walking Woof and Arf.
before Wizard Whitebeard gets home
from walking Woof and Arf.
Well, then hold on to your purple
striped birthday cake, Wally.
I'm on it!
The streamers are streamed.
Great job, Wenda.
This is going to be the best
surprise birthday party
This is going to be the best
surprise birthday party
Wizard Whitebeard has ever seen.
Or, uh, not seen
Well, until he sees it, of course.
Well, until he sees it, of course.
The biggest surprise is going to be
when you and I show up
at this party, Fritz,
and the Wanderers
see my new party dress.
and the Wanderers
see my new party dress.
Is the tiara too much?
No. Of course it isn't.
Lovely birthday cake.
Lovely birthday cake.
Well, it looks like
we have everything, Wally.
The cake, the decorations and the
BOTH: We forgot a birthday present!
BOTH: We forgot a birthday present!
We better think of something fast,
Wizard Whitebeard will be back
any second from that walk.
BOTH: Oh no! He's back!
BOTH: Oh no! He's back!
Woof! Arf!
We need you to keep walking Wizard
Whitebeard around the neighbourhood!
We forgot to get him
a birthday present!
Crikey, it sure is a warm one out
there, young Wanderers.
Crikey, it sure is a warm one out
there, young Wanderers.
I could definitely
use some lemon-
Uh, I guess we've not
finished walking!
Phew. That was a close one, Wally.
It certainly was, Wenda.
But this will give us
a little more time
to find Wizard Whitebeard a present.
But what do you get
the Wizard who has everything?
But what do you get
the Wizard who has everything?
I don't know.
Wait! Why don't we ask
the WanderGlobe?
"By striped staff
and white of beard."
"By striped staff
and white of beard."
"We summon magic, wild and weird."
"Spin, Oh magic globe, to show"
"..where Wally and Wenda
should go"
"..where Wally and Wenda
should go"
..to find the perfect birthday
present for Wizard Whitebeard.
Hmm. I wonder why the WanderGlobe
pointed us here?
Let's see.
Gibraltar has colonies of
wild Barbary macaque monkeys,
Gibraltar has colonies of
wild Barbary macaque monkeys,
and of course,
its most famous landmark -
The Rock of Gibraltar.
(CHUCKLES) Uh, not sure if
we have enough wrapping paper
to wrap the Rock of Gibraltar,
to wrap the Rock of Gibraltar,
Well, then what is it
about Gibraltar
that would make it the perfect place
to find a gift for
Wizard Whitebeard?
Wait, Wenda! Look!
Wait, Wenda! Look!
On Gibraltar's flag.
It's a key!
And a tower.
And red and white stripes.
That's it, Wenda!
That's it, Wenda!
The WanderGlobe wants us
to go to Gibraltar
because that's where
the Worldwide Wanderer Society's
Great Magic Key Vault is!
Wow. The Great Magic Key Vault.
Wow. The Great Magic Key Vault.
Yes, it's a secret underground room
filled with bunches and
bunches of magic keys!
All shapes, all sizes
and all kinds of powers.
All shapes, all sizes
and all kinds of powers.
Sounds like the right place
to find a present for a Wizard.
Well, then we're off to Gibraltar.
BOTH: Wander!!!
Oh, well, it looks like my party
dress will have to wait, Fritz.
Oh, well, it looks like my party
dress will have to wait, Fritz.
But, Odlulu, Birthday cake.
And your cake
will have to wait, too.
We're headed to Gibraltar
and the Great Magic Key Vault!
We're headed to Gibraltar
and the Great Magic Key Vault!
Thank you!
Well, Wenda, welcome to Gibraltar!
Hey, there, little ones.
Hey, there, little ones.
Aww, hello. (CHUCKLES)
I definitely see a lot of monkeys,
but I don't see
the Great Key Vault yet, Wally.
but I don't see
the Great Key Vault yet, Wally.
Huh? Wally?
Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Now over here, Wenda!
Now over here, Wenda!
Actually, over here, Wenda!
(CHUCKLES) I think
she likes your hat, Wally.
And on any other day,
I'd love to monkey around with her
I'd love to monkey around with her
but we really have to find
the Great Key Vault.
Woof and Arf can't keep
Wizard Whitebeard busy forever.
Thank you.
Uh, I think she's trying
to tell us something.
Wait, Wally, the purple shirt.
You don't think
You don't think
Well, I don't remember
Wizard Whitebeard
ever mentioning
a Wizard Monkeybeard, but-
Um, excuse me, madam,
but are you a wizard?
Um, excuse me, madam,
but are you a wizard?
Oh. I said,
are you a wizard?
Well, I don't think she's a wizard.
But I do think
she wants us to follow her.
But I do think
she wants us to follow her.
The Wanderers went
into those cable cars
with a monkey wearing
a purple striped shirt.
with a monkey wearing
a purple striped shirt.
This way, Fritz.
Whoa. Wenda. Look at that.
It's the same tower
from the flag.
It's the same tower
from the flag.
Well, she's gotten us this far,
so let's keep following.
Oh, Wanderers.
Pepita, no one told me that we were
expecting visitors today.
Pepita, no one told me that we were
expecting visitors today.
You weren't. I'm Wally.
And I'm Wenda.
And I am Wizard Longbeard,
Keeper of the Keys
and Guardian of the World Wide
Wanderer Society's Great Key Vault.
and Guardian of the World Wide
Wanderer Society's Great Key Vault.
And I bid you welcome.
Wow. That sure is a very long beard,
Wizard Longbeard.
Wow. That sure is a very long beard,
Wizard Longbeard.
Ha, yes!
Sometimes it has a mind of its own.
Now get back over here, beard!
Now get back over here, beard!
We know someone with
a beard like that, too.
Sit. Sit.
Stay. Stay, beard.
There you go.
There you go.
So, what brings you here
to Gibraltar?
We need to find the perfect birthday
present for our Wizard friend.
A birthday present. Marvels!
A birthday present. Marvels!
Well, you know what?
I have plenty of keys
to choose from! Ta-da!
Is your Wizard friend a prankster?
Then how about
the "Pie-in-the-Face Key?"
Then how about
the "Pie-in-the-Face Key?"
It goes great with the "Giggle Key."
Combining key magic. Wow.
Combining key magic. Wow.
Yes. Being around all
these keys for so long,
I have definitely
learned a few tricks.
I have definitely
learned a few tricks.
Like combining jelly beans
to make new flavours,
I have also discovered
that you can combine magic keys
to make new magic.
that you can combine magic keys
to make new magic.
Oh, maybe next time I should add
the Towel Key as well.
Mmm. Boysenberry!
That's definitely a lot of fun,
Wizard Longbeard,
That's definitely a lot of fun,
Wizard Longbeard,
but they're not quite right
for our friend.
Well then, young Wanderers,
what do you say
we head down to the vault
so you can pick out
the perfect key yourselves?
so you can pick out
the perfect key yourselves?
It's a secret staircase
to the Great Key Vault!
But why use the stairs when you can
use the banister instead?
But why use the stairs when you can
use the banister instead?
Follow me, Wanderers!
KIDS: Whoo-hoo!
Did you bring the sack, Fritz?
Perfect! Then it's time
to collect some magic keys.
# Da-da-dee do-do-do-do #
The Vault is just ahead, Wanderers!
The Vault is just ahead, Wanderers!
You know, Wenda, that song
sounds kind of familiar.
It certainly does.
But where have we heard it before?
I don't know.
I don't know.
But something about Wizard Longbeard
seems very familiar, as well.
Yeah. Like we've met him before.
So, Wally. Wenda.
So, Wally. Wenda.
Tell me a little about
your Wizard friend
so I can steer you in the right
direction once we reach the vault.
Well, he's very adventurous.
Likes to sing.
And loves to cook.
Likes to sing.
And loves to cook.
Marvels! Me, too!
Uh little help here.
Uh little help here.
Silly beard.
Silly beard.
Well, here we are,
Wally and Wenda!
The World Wide Wanderer Society's
Great Vault of Keys.
The World Wide Wanderer Society's
Great Vault of Keys.
Uh, Wizard Longbeard.
I know. It's spectacular, isn't it?
I know. It's spectacular, isn't it?
Actually it's empty.
Somebody took all the keys!
Oh! Who could have done
such a thing?!
Pepita, sorry,
Pepita, sorry,
now is not the time for dress up,
We have a big problem right here.
Somebody took all the magic keys.
But I do like the yellow
and black stripes.
I must say. I really do.
It goes nicely with your eyes.
Now could you give me
a hand with my beard?
Now could you give me
a hand with my beard?
BOTH: Odlulu.
We think we know what happened to
your keys, Wizard Longbeard.
(STRAINING) Ugh, this sack
is extremely heavy, Fritz.
(STRAINING) Ugh, this sack
is extremely heavy, Fritz.
So many keys.
Good idea, Fritz.
Let's take a break.
Wait. I have an idea on how
to lighten our load.
Why don't we leave the keys
behind that we don't want?
Why don't we leave the keys
behind that we don't want?
Let's see now.
Yes No Yes
No Uh. Uh-huh.
No Uh. Uh-huh.
Yes, yes, yes.
Oh, definitely
Salt & Pepper Key?
That's a no
Oh, Salt & Pepper Key.
Oh, Salt & Pepper Key.
Ah! Food!
Did you say something, Fritz?
Did you say something, Fritz?
Never mind.
I wonder what this one does?
Well, this is just great.
Can you see if there is a Scissors
Key in there somewhere, Fritz?
Now where did that ferret go?
Now where did that ferret go?
Your calentita chickpea pancake,
Senor Monkey.
(SCOFFS) I am not a monkey,
(SCOFFS) I am not a monkey,
I'm a Oh, forget it.
May I get you some salt or pepper?
Oh, I see you've brought your own.
Huh? Huh?
Huh? Huh?
There you are.
Can I get a little help?
Thanks, Fritz.
Now we better get moving.
Those Wanderers can't be
too far behind.
But, aw my calentita.
What calentita?
Whoa, this is much lighter.
Whoa, this is much lighter.
I must have thrown out
more keys than I thought.
Eh, doesn't matter.
Let's go, Fritz.
We have a bunch of magic keys
to add to my collection.
Uh, Odlulu.
Not now, Fritz,
we have to keep moving.
No sign of Odlulu and Fritz, Wally.
And no sign of any mischief either.
Where could they have gone?
I don't know.
Where could they have gone?
I don't know.
But what I do know is that we need
to find them quickly.
Arf and Woof won't be able
to keep Wizard Whitebeard
walking much longer.
Did you say "Wizard Whitebeard"?
walking much longer.
Did you say "Wizard Whitebeard"?
Yes. Do you know him?
Know him? Do I know him?!
He's my son!
BOTH: Your son?
He's my son!
BOTH: Your son?
Ha-ha! Oh yes.
I'm Whitebeard's pappy!
Of course. The expressions.
Of course. The expressions.
The song.
The beard.
Oh, it's been quite a while
since we have seen each other,
young Wanderers.
You know, with all the wandering
that we're doing.
You know, with all the wandering
that we're doing.
Oh. This is such a nice surprise!
How is Junior doing these days?
Ha. "Junior" is doing great.
Ha. "Junior" is doing great.
And this is great too,
because now we can pick
out his birthday gift together.
But first,
we have to find the keys.
But first,
we have to find the keys.
And there doesn't seem to be any
sign of them anywhere.
Wally, look! Over that ridge.
Wally, look! Over that ridge.
That has to be Odlulu.
C'mon, everyone! We need to fix this
and get back home.
Oh, this isn't good.
Let's help these beachgoers
and get those magic keys back.
Let's help these beachgoers
and get those magic keys back.
Everything's fixed on the beach,
Where's Wally?
Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone!
I spotted more monkeys at that fort.
They have the Water Balloon Key
and the Popcorn Cannon Key.
They have the Water Balloon Key
and the Popcorn Cannon Key.
We have to get those keys away
from those mischievous macaques.
Anybody have an idea how?
Maybe we can use these to help.
Which keys do we have,
Wizard Longbeard?
Well lets see.
We have the Whip Cream Key.
We have the Burping Key.
Oh, the Cha-Cha Key.
That's it! The Cha-Cha Key!
Oh, the Cha-Cha Key.
That's it! The Cha-Cha Key!
I have a plan.
BOTH: One, two, Cha-cha-cha.
BOTH: One, two, Cha-cha-cha.
Three, four, Cha-cha-cha.
One, two, Cha-cha-cha.
Three, four, Cha-cha-cha.
OK, Wenda, we have their attention.
OK, Wenda, we have their attention.
Now's your chance.
Hold onto your stripes, I'm on it!
Do your thing, Bubble Gum Key!
I'll take those.
Thank you.
Way to go, Wenda!
Thank you. Thank you.
Wally, I see Odlulu and Fritz!
Wally, I see Odlulu and Fritz!
Then we better shuffle off
so we can get those keys
and still make Wizard Whitebeard's
birthday party in time!
and still make Wizard Whitebeard's
birthday party in time!
Ugh. Wanderers.
I need to slow them down somehow.
But how?
I need to slow them down somehow.
But how?
Odlulu, the sack!
Oh, right.
I have a sack full of magic keys.
Oh, no.
She used the Banana Peel Key.
So we'll use, the Trampoline Key!
Well, how about this one then?
Mmm. What's that smell?
BOTH: Butterscotch pudding.
Mmm. What's that smell?
BOTH: Butterscotch pudding.
We'll never get around that.
Oh, yes we will.
With the Build-A-Bridge Key.
Ha! This is an epic
magic key battle, Fritz!
Ha! This is an epic
magic key battle, Fritz!
But now to find the one
that'll give me the win.
Uh, Fritz
I'm not sure what I just did.
What's happening?
What's happening?
Odlulu must have accidentally
used the Island Maker Key.
The Rock of Gibraltar
is breaking away
to become its own island.
to become its own island.
Oopsie. (LAUGHS)
We need to reverse the magic!
Odlulu, give us the key
so we can fix this.
OK, Wanderers, here.
OK, Wanderers, here.
Wait, where is it?
Wenda, look!
I'm on it, everyone!
Hold onto your stripes.
I'm on it, everyone!
Hold onto your stripes.
Huh? Oh, no.
The Rock of Gibraltar is
an island now.
The Rock of Gibraltar is
an island now.
And the only way to fix it,
just sank to the bottom
of the ocean.
The Rock of Gibraltar
is an island now?!
It's a long story!
It's a long story!
Uh, Wally, I just wanted
to say that I was sorry
for making a mess of things.
for making a mess of things.
I shouldn't have been
playing with all these keys.
It's OK, Odlulu, we'll fix it.
But how?
There isn't one key
that can help Gibraltar.
There isn't one key
that can help Gibraltar.
That's it!
What's it, Wally?
Where's Wally?
Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone.
Over here, everyone.
You were right, Odlulu.
Not one key is going to help us
solve this problem,
but maybe we can
combine keys to do it instead.
but maybe we can
combine keys to do it instead.
Marvels, Wally!
That is a great idea!
OK, everyone,
the first thing we need to do
is get the Rock of Gibraltar
back to where it was.
is get the Rock of Gibraltar
back to where it was.
But we're drifting out to sea.
Exactly. That's why we need
to come up with a key combo
that will create magic
like an outboard motor.
that will create magic
like an outboard motor.
How about the Fizzy Key?
That's a good start, Wenda.
And the Ferris Wheel Key.
Great idea, Wizard Longbeard.
And don't forget the Burping Key.
And don't forget the Burping Key.
How could we forget that?
OK, everyone, that should do it.
So, here goes.
Marvels! It's working!
Marvels! It's working!
Introducing the Wally Fizzy-Burping-
The Rock of Gibraltar is a boat
(SHOUTING) No. It's a
(SHOUTING) No. It's a
Another long story!
But what will we do when we get
Gibraltar back to shore, Wally?
We glue it back together.
TOGETHER: Glue it together?
We glue it back together.
TOGETHER: Glue it together?
Yep. But we'll need something to
hold it while I glue it together.
Is there a Rope Key in here?
Who needs a Rope Key
when you have a long beard?!
Who needs a Rope Key
when you have a long beard?!
OK, Wally,
I have Gibraltar in place.
OK, Wally,
I have Gibraltar in place.
Now all you have
to do is glue it together.
OK, the Lava Key and the Honey Key.
OK, the Lava Key and the Honey Key.
Those are definitely sticky.
And the Staple Key.
But I could definitely use
some more sticking power.
How about a little bubble gum?
That's perfect, Wenda!
How about a little bubble gum?
That's perfect, Wenda!
It's working, Wally.
Almost there.
And done!
And done!
The Rock of Gibraltar is back home.
And, all the keys are back
in the Great Key Vault.
And, all the keys are back
in the Great Key Vault.
But we still didn't pick out
the perfect present
for Wizard Whitebeard, Wally.
Wenda's right!
You know what, Wenda?
I think we might have found
the perfect birthday gift
after all.
after all.
Whoo. That was quite a long walk,
I could really use a nice foot
soak and some cold lemona-
ALL: Surprise!
ALL: Surprise!
Happy Birthday, Wizard Whitebeard.
Oh, what a fantastic birthday
surprise, young Wanderers.
Well, we have one more surprise for
you, Wizard Whitebeard.
Well, we have one more surprise for
you, Wizard Whitebeard.
Your birthday gift.
Yes. For the Wizard
that has everything.
And Pepita!
And Pepita!
Happy Birthday, Junior.
Wanderers, I can't thank you enough
for this amazing gift.
It really is
the best birthday ever.
It really is
the best birthday ever.
We're glad we could bring
you two together again.
Now, Dad, if you would, a little
help blowing out my candles.
Make a wish, Wizard Whitebeard.
It's already come true, Wally.
It's already come true.
Uh, a little help here.
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