La Femme Nikita (1997) s02e20 Episode Script

In Between

You didn't
have to kill him!
I'll kill you!
You hear me?
You're dead!
You're dead!
Let go of me!
What happened?
In order to get to him,
we had to kill his brother.
Really? Who did it?
Tell him to stay close.
We don't have much time.
You're wasting your time.
Why don't you kill me now
because I'm not
giving you anything!
You hear me?
You've had several conversations
with able gelner
in the last month.
Tell me about them.
You didn't
have to kill my brother.
You didn't have to kill him.
But we did.
And I'm afraid
you're going to die as well.
So why would I
give you anything?
Because I'm going to give you
something in return.
I don't understand.
How can I help?
Madeline will fill you in.
What do you need?
Just talk to him.
Apologize for shooting
his brother.
Look, it was nothing personal.
I i was just trying
to do my job.
Able gelner.
Tell me about him.
[Woman speaking French]
♪♪[Refractions in the plastic
by stereolab playing]
[Knocking on door]
♪♪[Woman singing in French]
Hey, stranger.
I couldn't believe it.
I'm turning onto coolidge,
and there you are
crossing the street.
You should have stopped.
I tried. I yelled
out the window and everyone
but you turned around.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Where'd you go?
I thought something
horrible had happened.
No, i i had to go home.
My family had an emergency.
Is everything ok?
Mmm-hmm, it's fine.
Carla, I wanted to say sorry
that I haven't kept
in contact with you.
I just I couldn't.
It's no problem.
I'm happy to see you.
So when did you get back?
About 3 or 4 months.
So, what about you?
Why did you move out?
I met someone.
Oh, gosh!
His name's Steven,
and he's a commodities broker,
and we live in this
great loft downtown.
Nothing wrong with that.
He's a good guy.
You'll meet him.
It's great to see you.
Yeah, you too.
Do you want a refill?
So, what about you?
What have you been doing
since you've been back?
What have I been doing?
Did you get a job?
Are you seeing anyone?
What's going on?
[Phone ringing]
Not a lot.
(Michael) Josephine.
Yesterday, in Kuala Lumpur,
we picked up marzio Ellis,
a well-connected dealmaker
who works the pacific rim.
Lately, he's been in touch
with able gelner,
a man we've been after
for some time.
Gelner has been destabilizing
friendly 3rd world countries
through the use of his
massive financial resources.
He's about to use
those resources
to fund terrorist strikes
against civilian populations.
We need to get in with him,
discover his
financial pipeline,
and shut him down.
Michael will be
leading the mission.
He'll update you as soon
as the mission profile
has been set.
Michael, are we on standby?
[People chattering]
Ah, I see the party's
already begun.
Able gelner.
Pleased to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
Um, would either of you
like something
to drink or eat?
Um, marzio had
very good things
to say about you.
And you are?
Nikita, my attache.
How nice.
Well, you know what
it is that that I need.
Marzio said you wish
to transfer funds
without drawing attention.
Yes, that's right. Yes.
We don't want to draw
any attention.
If you choose
to use my services,
your money will be
funneled into segregated
offshore accounts.
I stay away
from the Caribbean
and other more visible hubs.
I've had success in east Africa.
They're desperate
for hard currency.
What about the, uh, rates?
You could do better
if you're willing
to take the risk.
I'm not.
Interference is minimal,
almost nonexistent.
Uh, I'm curious.
How did you two meet?
Is your relationship
social or professional?
What does that have to do
with our business here?
Everything. I'm about
to make a decision
where I'm gonna place
a bulk of my assets
in your hands!
I want to know
who I'm dealing with.
What do you think of him?
He's a fair employer.
Are you attracted to him?
I'm sorry.
It was a mistake
for us to come here.
[Snaps finger]
(Gelner) One final question.
If your employer were
to suddenly cease to exist,
would you be able
to get up to speed
quickly enough
to do this for me?
It depends on what
you mean by quickly enough.
By next Tuesday.
Can you give me one minute?
Not quite.
But if you can give me
2 more days, then, yes.
No, no. I need it done sooner.
Tsk, that's fine.
Your assistant is very good.
But don't train her too well.
So, do we have a deal?
Yes, we do.
Uh, if you'll join me
in the other room,
I'll show you what
we're up against.
Just him.
Oh, nothing sinister.
It's just the fewer
the better at this point.
You are an attractive woman.
[Door closing]
Thank you.
I like your tie.
I like a woman who
knots her own tie.
It shows an independent nature.
I've been waiting
a long time for you.
I i don't know what this means.
Take it to operations.
He'll know what to do.
Tell no one else.
(Gelner) Karel.
Did he open the books?
No. He presented
a theoretical scenario.
If he likes my response,
he'll use me.
Get the data to analysis.
Have them work up a projection.
Tell them not to be too precise.
We want it to look real.
Of course.
Is there something else?
[Intercom beeps]
Send nikita up here right away.
You'll have to study
the numbers
analysis gives us.
Where are you going?
To see operations.
He has some questions
about Algiers.
That was 2 weeks ago.
I guess he's still reviewing it.
Does Michael know about this?
No. In fact,
I just lied to him.
I told him
I was up here
to talk about Algiers.
Good. Don't mention
this to anyone.
Who is he?
Every once in a while,
someone turns up
where they shouldn't.
Why does he know so much
about section one?
I don't know yet.
What else did he say to you?
That he was waiting for us.
And I should speak only to you.
Report to duty.
The only adjustment
you need to make
is to treat anything he says
as unreliable.
Don't you think
we should tell
Michael about this?
Not yet.
What about the integrity
of our cover?
I've told you what to do.
Don't worry.
Both you and Michael
will be protected.
(Walter) Hey.
Heading out? Yeah.
You ok?
I'm fine.
You don't seem so fine.
I'm worried about you.
Walter, it's just this place.
It just gets to me
sometimes, that's all.
I was in pretty bad shape
this time last year.
I don't want to feel
that way again.
Look, sugar,
you can't change
the way they treat you.
The only thing
you can change is the way
you treat yourself.
Why don't you go out?
Have a good time.
Find a man.
See, see, just thinking
about it makes you
feel better, right?
Good night, Walter.
Good night, sugar.
I don't care what you say,
buying a dog is a big step.
It's it's like
having a kid together.
You sound very serious.
Yeah. Feels serious.
by esthero playing]
He's late.
I thought he would be.
I don't know. He's shy.
I'm surprised he didn't call
and cancel last minute.
I'm sure he's just
stuck in traffic.
He'll be here.
Hey, thanks for calling.
I love doing stuff
in the middle of the week.
Me, too.
What I have got? ♪
[Phone ringing]
Open your eyes ♪
I can not be what I am not ♪♪
Great. Come on up.
He's here.
(Carla) It's about time, fella.
Look at you
all dressed up.
Come here.
Hi. Hi.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Hope you're hungry.
There's plenty of food.
Yeah, sure. Want some wine?
Yeah, that'd be good.
Help yourself.
I don't know about you two,
but I'm starved.
Hey, let me get that.
I'm going to need
those funds in position
by the 13th.
I have a client
who's going
to need them
to make a fairly large purchase.
I'd like to get them
in place sooner.
I've already talked
to the c.F.O. Of that bank.
The rates are coming down.
Good, good. Uh,
now, what about
those bearer bonds?
I don't think
you should touch
those right now.
What do you think, karel?
Well, um, let's take a look.
What's your thinking
on this, Michael?
The accounts
would be too visible.
Last spring, the European bank
networked into
the Asian markets.
That exposed all
continental accounts
to routine surveillance.
We'd probably get away with it,
but I don't think you
want to take that chance.
You're a bright boy.
He's a bright boy, karel.
Oh, yes, he's a very bright boy.
All right, then we'll
keep those in place
and start staggering
the other accounts.
Well, uh, I've
arranged schedule.
Would you like to see it?
Yes, please.
Fine. Make a hard copy.
Did you speak to operations
about me?
Who are you?
You know damned well who I am.
Why aren't they bringing me in?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
He didn't tell you.
Which means
either he's worried
that I've been turned
and he's trying to be cautious,
or he never intended
to bring me back in.
What are you saying?
Why do you think
you and Michael are here?
To move gelner's money.
Gelner asked me
to check you out
before meeting you.
As I began digging
into your histories,
something started to gnaw at me.
A vaguely familiar pattern.
It reminded me
of the background
I was given
before I was put into place.
That's why I cleared you.
Charles sand:
First-tier operative.
I've been out for 9 years,
waiting for someone
to bring me back in
from section one.
I was grabbed in mid-mission
by red cell.
To this day, I don't know
how I was made.
What about the rest of the team?
During egress.
How'd you survive
all these years?
I kept myself alive
by feeding red cell
disposable section intel.
They wanted to kill me
when I formed a relationship
with one of the soldiers
who, uh, eventually
went out on his own.
If what you're
telling me is true,
why did you never
contact the section?
I tried.
They must have
closed down my channel.
And now you want me
to bring you back in?
You've got to bring me back in.
I was told not to trust
anything you said.
So, unless you have
something hard on gelner,
there's nothing more to discuss.
Here. Take this.
What is it?
Take it to comm.,
they'll pull off
the specifics.
It's the only chance
of bringing gelner down.
You and Michael
can't do it alone.
Trust me.
And if operations
still doesn't believe me,
speak to Madeline.
She'll want to know
that I'm still alive.
You met him?
You could have let me know
he was a section operative.
What did he tell you?
He gave me this.
He claims it's the only
way to get to gelner.
He doesn't think
our approach will work?
That's interesting.
I don't understand.
Do we trust this guy
or don't we?
Nothing's changed.
I'll look at this
and let Michael know
how we're going to proceed.
What do I tell Michael
when he asks where
I got the disk?
If there's anything
useful on it,
I'll funnel it
to Michael myself.
You were never involved.
Just seems strange,
if he's one of ours
why we are not protecting him.
Just do what I tell you, nikita.
He says he's been waiting
for 9 years.
This is how
it has to be handled.
We are going to be out of range.
Use the tri-field pick ups.
We can't risk the chance
of a drop out.
Gelner will have his eyes
on the file the entire time.
How is it going?
We should be able to access
all his accounts
before the takedown.
We'll have a complete profile
ready in an hour.
I need to speak
to Michael alone.
I've upgraded nikita's
status for this mission.
She'll be reporting
to me directly.
I have a variable
I'd like to isolate.
I need you to handle
all of the primaries.
Is this a singularity
or is it a permanent upgrade?
We'll see how it goes.
Do you have a problem
with any of this?
Nikita performs best
when she's scripted.
I don't think she's ready.
I disagree.
It's never easy,
but you're going
to have to let go of her
sometime, Michael.
Michael, do you have a minute?
Come in.
Has operations ever asked you
to do something
outside mission parameters?
What did you do?
What do you want
to know, nikita?
What will happen to you
if you don't obey him?
I don't know why I came here.
I don't have a choice.
I've got to do what he wants.
Think it through.
But more importantly,
you'll have to stop
coming to me.
I'm no longer your mentor.
This had better be
priority 3 or higher.
Sorry to wake you,
but it's important.
What are we looking for?
Incoming communications
on dormant channels.
Friendly or hostile?
An operative believed dead,
who's trying to get back in.
Ok. Over here.
Alias or real name?
Charles sand.
No. Nothing.
How about giraldi?
Can I go back to bed now?
What if someone
from the inside
was trying to reroute it?
I need to know who.
Just try.
What is it?
Charles sand.
First-tier operative,
went dark on
the parsifal mission
9 years ago.
Went dark? What does that mean?
Someone pushed a button
on this guy
in the middle of the operation.
It was like
he was hung out to dry
for no particular reason.
Had a perfect record.
What's his status?
That's the weird thing.
He's listed as dead,
but there's comm.
From him every month.
Who received it?
It had to be operations.
He rerouted the communiques
to a sync file,
then trashed them.
What's going on?
Did you check in with Walter?
Yeah. He said 4 teams.
Seems pretty heavy.
What's going on?
We have new intel on gelner.
What kind?
It's on your panel.
Where did we get
the information?
He sourced it
from Eastern Europe.
We leave in 2 hours.
Michael we're gonna
kill giraldi?
He's collateral.
Operations only
wants gelner alive.
What's the problem?
You have work to do.
Yeah, right.
What are you doing here?
I thought you were
prepping a mission.
Where did you get this?
He's an incidental
on my current mission.
I'd like to know who he is
and why operations
wants him dead.
Tell me what you know.
Charles sand,
first-tier operative,
been out over 9 years
waiting for us
to bring him back in.
Then why are you here?
Operations claims he's lying,
and wants him
to be killed
on today's mission.
I think that's extreme.
Especially if he's one of ours.
Has a mission profile been set?
Madeline, he said
if there was a problem,
to speak to you.
Who is he,
and why does operations
want him dead?
Doesn't look good
if we can't keep track
of our own people.
He didn't lose track.
What do you mean?
He's been trying
to contact the section
ever since he's been out.
Operations has been
intercepting his communiques.
I want you to bring him in.
How? The profile's
already been set.
Just do it. I'll deal
with operations.
And Michael?
Find something on site.
Use it to create doubt.
Tell Michael we need
to bring in sand
before we kill him.
Madeline, who is he?
My husband.
Gelner plans
to quietly acquire
controlling interest
in the banks of several
Central African economies.
He will be meeting
with the leaders
of rebel armies today
to dispense funds
for a large
arms transaction.
He will be particularly
vulnerable at this meeting.
To close this deal,
he will have to move funds
on 3 continents in real time.
Primary team
will be responsible
for getting control
of the computer
while he's online.
Secondary team
will bring down
the terrorists.
Put some scopes
for the outside team
and another set of p-6s
for the ops on point.
Will do.
Hey, hi, sugar.
The profile's been locked.
Get your gear
and meet me in Van access.
I changed the optics
on your scope.
It'll give you
an extra 5 degrees
of slop.
Did you know Charles sand?
Who told you about him?
He's Madeline's husband,
isn't he?
Was. He's dead.
He was killed during a mission.
He's alive.
What are you talking about?
He works for gelner.
Operations wants him dead.
Madeline wants me
to bring him back in alive.
Are you telling me
you have separate confidences
with both of them?
Yes. Oh, boy
(Operations) Nikita,
I'd like to talk to you
a moment.
You're welcome, sugar.
Have you studied the profile?
Yes, I have.
I expect everything
will go according to plan?
What's the problem?
No problem.
Even though your cause is just,
I know you can't
expect the full support
of an army
whose bare necessities
need to be met.
I'll provide that,
as well as the munitions
and material.
Once you are in power,
I'll expect reciprocity.
After you have
nationalized your banks,
Mr. Giraldi will organize
the governing boards.
All financial decisions,
from that point on,
will be initiated by us.
Ok, Michael, they are all in.
I'll give you the signal
when he gets online.
All teams to final Mark.
These are your
operating accounts
for the next 2 weeks.
I've put in what I believe
to be sufficient amounts.
Contact me
if there are overruns,
and I will deal
with it personally.
Ok, he's plugged in.
You're clear, Michael.
First team, go.
[Gun firing]
I've got him.
Gelner's laptop is loaded
with hot files. Get it.
I'll decode it in section.
[Gun clicking]
What are you doing?
I've been ordered to kill you.
Did you speak to Madeline?
Yes, I did.
What did she say?
That'll be all, nikita.
I can take it from here.
Watch the door.
I'll need a minute.
Hello, Charles.
[Gun firing]
It was wrong of me
to put you
in this position.
Operations was right.
He was your husband.
Yes. He was.
How could you kill him?
There was no way
to bring him back.
His presence
outside the section
for so many years
would undermine our credibility.
And letting him go
wasn't an option.
He understood that.
I just read the debrief.
Quite a shock.
Charles never tried
to contact you
over the years?
Yet it's hard to believe
that he switched
his allegiance
to the other side.
Yes, it is.
Must be hard on you.
I'll get over it.
Well, at least
the mission was a success.
We stopped the deal
and got control
of gelner's accounts.
Thank you.
Do you want to tell me
what happened?
I went out
with a few people
and I got home late,
but only about
half an hour,
and he went crazy.
I've never seen him
like that before.
Did he hit you?
I can't go back there.
It's all right.
You'll stay with me.
I can't, uh, I can find a place.
You've been through
a lot right now.
It's no problem.
My life is such a mess.
[Phone ringing]
(Michael) Josephine.
You have to go?
When are you gonna be back?
I don't know.
But you just stay here
and relax, ok?
Make yourself at home.
Carla, don't call him.
I'm in.
[Woman speaking French]
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