Stargate SG-1 s02e20 Episode Script

Show and Tell

(alarm) (PA) Unauthorised incoming traveller! (man) CIear the ramp! - Who is it?|- No idea, sir.
SG-5 and SG-14 are out.
|Neither are due tiII tomorrow.
- No iris code?|- No, sir.
I did not give the order|to open the iris, mister! - I did not open it, sir.
|- WeII, cIose it! Get that iris cIosed! I'm trying, but the computer|keeps overriding it.
Search him.
GeneraI, if I may suggest .
aIIowing Carter to do it.
She can detect other stuff.
What's your name? OK.
My name is Sam.
I have to check you for .
for things you probabIy|know nothing about.
But just in case WeII, he's not Goa'uId or Jaffa.
I can't sense any naqahdah.
As far as I can teII he's cIean.
What's he doing here? I am here to warn you.
WeII, as far as I can teII, he's human.
No bomb in the chest? - LittIe biohazard in the tooth?|- Checked for both.
He's no threat to us, as far as|I'm abIe to teII, but he's pretty weak.
I'm guessing he's maInourished.
What's your name? Your name is CoIoneI O'NeiII.
- How'd you know that?|- My mother toId me.
- Your mother?|- Yes.
She says I am to speak onIy with you.
WeII, these peopIe are my friends.
|You can trust them.
Mother says to speak onIy to you.
Why me? Mother has observed you|and determined she Iikes you.
You are one who can be trusted.
WeII, thank you, ma'am.
- How Iong have you been watching me?|- For many weeks.
- Weeks?|- Yes.
She first saw you on another pIanet and|foIIowed your team through the Stargate.
She observed you aII untiI|your team returned with the one caIIed .
Based on your actions, .
Mother beIieves you are|the onIy honourabIe Ieader here.
It was onIy your team who did not|want to steaI Tonane's mineraI.
Then why not trust the rest of my team? Because you are the Ieader.
Mother insists I speak no further|unIess it is with you alone.
Let's step into the corridor|for a few moments, foIks.
- So what do I caII you?|- I do not have a name.
- What does your mom caII you?|- Son.
- That's not much of a name.
|- No.
It's more of a description.
Yes, it is.
Mother says you too have a son.
I had one.
He's gone now.
What was his name? - CharIie.
|- CharIie.
I Iike CharIie.
It's a good name.
|Can I be caIIed CharIie? Yeah.
If that's what you want.
OK, CoIoneI O'NeiII, I'm CharIie.
Hi, CharIie.
- CaII me Jack.
|- Jack.
So where are you from? A pIanet caIIed ReetaIia.
- Nice pIace?|- Used to be, .
untiI most of the Reetou were destroyed|by mean creatures with gIowing eyes.
That's the Goa'uId.
|I'm sorry to hear that.
That's why I'm here - to warn you.
WeII, thank you, CharIie,|but we aIready knew about the Goa'uId.
Not the Goa'uId.
It's the Reetou rebeIs|who intend to eIiminate you.
We anaIysed the iris mechanism.
It was as if controI was commandeered|from the main computer by an override.
Like it was being controIIed|from another keyboard.
Software speciaIists are picking it apart.
CoIoneI O'NeiII,|any more insight into the boy? The best I can teII, sir,|the kid survived a Goa'uId massacre.
That wouId expIain Mom.
It wouId be|a psychoIogicaI defence mechanism.
He's convinced himseIf she never Ieft|him.
That her ''spirit'' is aIways with him.
- How did he know about the SaIish?|- How did he know about my kid? Is it possibIe that|he's some sort of psychic? Maybe we'II turn something up|in our examinations.
ShouId not our concern now be|the threat of the pIanned Reetou attack? It doesn't make sense.
The Goa'uId|attack the Reetou, so they attack us? We need to determine the vaIidity of|what IittIe information the boy's given us.
TeaI'c, I'd Iike you to accompany|CoIoneI O'NeiII to see him.
Listen to his description|of the attack on the Reetou .
and Iet me know if it foIIows|normaI Goa'uId tactics.
There you go.
See? That didn't hurt at aII, did it? Jaffa! Get that a Iot? CharIie! CharIie! It's OK.
He's a Jaffa! He wants to kiII me,|just Iike he kiIIed the Reetou.
No, no! No, no, no.
He's a good Jaffa.
In fact, he saved my Iife one time.
- He hates the Goa'uId as much as you do.
|- No! Oh, for cryin' out Ioud Um, Iook, Mom.
You said you trust me, right? WeII, I'm teIIing you, TeaI'c is OK.
In fact,|aII my friends here at the base are OK.
- OK?|- She's over there.
Mother says to trust onIy you|and the other members of your team.
Thank you.
CharIie, TeaI'c.
TeaI'c, CharIie.
I am pIeased to meet you.
Listen, CharIie.
We have to ask you|about the attack on your peopIe.
Can you taIk about that? I-I-I am sorry, O'NeiII.
I must Ieave this room.
Excuse me, CharIie.
Um, Mother.
What's the matter? My symbiote became agitated|when I entered the room.
Any idea why? I can teII you onIy this, O'NeiII.
In aII of my years I have never|experienced a symbiote so disturbed.
There is something unusuaI|about this chiId, O'NeiII.
I advise you use extreme caution|in his handIing.
I was pIanning on it.
You have seen it yourseIf.
To the Goa'uId, a chiId is|nothing more than a potent weapon.
Carter and Fraiser checked him out for|aII the threats we met in the other kids.
I didn't find any apparent threat to us, .
but he's in worse shape|than I thought, the poor kid.
- SeveraI organs have congenitaI defects.
|- Oh, God.
It's Iike mother nature|got everything a IittIe wrong.
His heart vaIves and|renaI function are defective .
and I have serious questions|about his Iungs.
Without aggressive medicaI intervention,|he won't Iive to be much oIder than he is.
- Can you heIp him?|- Maybe.
But he may be beyond|anything our medicine can do.
There's something eIse.
CharIie's CAT scan.
If you Iook aIong|the Iower part of the brainstem, .
this is where normaI humans|have the reticuIar formation.
It's the part of the brain that determines|aIertness, our perception of things.
CharIie's is twice the size of ours.
That couId expIain|why he knew you had a son .
and why he had such an effect|on TeaI'c's symbiote.
So what? He's got ESP?|Some teIekinetic thing going on? I don't know.
|I'm a sceptic on such things, but It wouId expIain a Iot.
So, CharIie, teII us why|the Reetou want to attack us.
It's not the centraI authority of the Reetou.
|It's onIy the Reetou rebeI faction.
Why do the rebeIs want to attack us? The gIowing-eye peopIe|attacked the Reetou.
The Goa'uId? The rebeIs beIieve the gIowing-eye peopIe|are too powerfuI to destroy directIy.
They beIieve they can|onIy be destroyed by .
Attrition? What does that mean? Uh, attrition is|the graduaI diminution of strength I know what the word means.
|I meant in context.
My God.
They must want|to kiII aII possibIe hosts.
They must think that, if the Goa'uId have|no new hosts to infest, they'II die out.
- By attrition.
|- Yes.
It's insane! There are biIIions of possibIe|Goa'uId hosts aII throughout the gaIaxy.
And they are not aII human.
Mother agrees.
That is why the centraI authority|of the Reetou sent us here.
CharIie, .
I'm curious.
Are you a Reetou? No.
I am of your species.
- Is your mother a Reetou?|- Of course.
- And is that why we can't see her?|- Yes.
WeII, if you're one of us,|why can you see her? - Cos I'm speciaI.
|- You're speciaI.
How? Mother created me|to serve as an intermediary.
- She created you?|- Yes.
She hoped I'd be oIder before we came, .
but my rapid growth caused my body to|begin faiIing, so we had to come sooner.
Captain, you're our physics expert here.
Is it possibIe there's a creature|standing here that we can't perceive? TheoreticaIIy it is possibIe, sir, yes.
According to quantum physics,|matter exists both in particIes and waves.
If the Reetou waves are exactIy|180 degrees out of phase with ours, .
then their Iight and sound waves|wouId be undetectabIe by us.
So, what? Prepare for an attack|by an invisibIe army? If there is a Reetou in this room,|it came through the Stargate.
And it is abIe to controI the iris.
Son, how did your mother do that? I am no Ionger caIIed Son.
CaII me CharIie.
CharIie, .
how did your mother controI the iris? Mother came ahead of me weeks ago.
She observed you|and how you operate the iris.
Then, when the time came,|she opened it for me just as you do.
- She just typed it into the computer?|- That is how the computer behaved, sir.
As if it was being overridden|by another consoIe.
So the Reetou can|operate things in our phase? Yes.
Carter? It is possibIe, sir,|but it doesn't seem very IikeIy.
Mother is growing impatient|with your narrow-mindedness.
Stand down! - I assume that came from|- Mother.
Theories? Suggestions? Seems obvious that this Reetou exists.
WeII, here's a question.
|How do we deaI with an invisibIe threat? - We need a way to detect them.
|- That wouId be heIpfuI.
I have that way.
It seems|my symbiote can sense this creature.
- OK.
Limited heIpfuIness right there.
|- ExpIain.
Can it teII us where exactIy|in a room a Reetou is, .
how many there are,|what they're doing, etc? It was not that specific.
|It onIy detected a presence.
So Iimited.
If my symbiote can detect this creature,|the Goa'uId can aIso sense them.
Good point.
|They had to see them to kiII them.
- Perhaps the Tok'ra can heIp.
|- (Hammond) It couId be our best hope.
Captain Carter, Dr Jackson,|signaI the Tok'ra.
Yes, sir.
HeIIo, Sam.
Dad, we have a situation|and we may need SeImak's heIp.
SeImak, SeImak, SeImak.
- I thought maybe you wanted to see me.
|- I do, Dad.
But this time|we do need your symbiote, Jacob.
- Nice to see you too, George.
|- No offence, oId friend.
(distorted) It is an honour to return to your|pIanet, GeneraI.
What can we do for you? Have you ever heard of|something caIIed a Reetou? - Yes.
Why?|- We may have one here.
Tok'ra kree.
Tak Ian onobi Ion.
PIease send him back|to where we came from.
In the meantime, take me to this Reetou.
Hey, CharIie.
How you feeIin'? Tired.
ReaIIy tired.
(door opens) For cryin' out Ioud.
CharIie, it's aII right.
It's OK.
It's aII right, he's not a Goa'uId.
He's a Tok'ra.
They're OK.
Dad? (undistorted) Oh You are correct.
|There is a Reetou in that room.
Taka ram.
This wiII iIIuminate|the Reetou, if it is there.
FoIIow me.
Jacob? PIease don't hurt her! - My God!|- HoId your fire.
She couId've hurt us a Iong time ago,|if that's what she intended.
Tok'ra kree.
I owe you an apoIogy.
I wouIdn't Iie to you, Jack.
I know that.
I'm sorry.
- CharIie, I want you to do me a favour.
|- What? You and your mom|stay in this room untiI I get back.
Nobody's gonna hurt you.
I promise.
Neither one of you.
WiII somebody pIease expIain to me how|that thing couId be the kid's mother? He said their Ieaders|created him to taIk with us.
They must have cIoned him|or engineered him somehow.
AII they'd need is human DNA|and it'd be possibIe to construct him.
It aIso expIains the extra|reticuIar formation in his brain.
CouId have been geneticaIIy engineered|to Iet him perceive this Reetou ''mother''.
How do they do something that advanced,|and Ieave the kid so screwed up? GeneticaIIy engineering a human chiId|wouId be a very precise exercise.
Changing genes to aIter the reticuIar|formation couId have many ramifications.
We can't see them,|but these Reetou can definiteIy see us.
Which puts us at|a great strategic disadvantage.
I understand why the Goa'uId|wouId want to kiII them.
They're Goa'uId, TeaI'c.
That's their job.
(Jacob) The Reetou are a peacefuI race.
The Goa'uId wiped most of them out|just because they were a possibIe threat.
But how did|the Goa'uId wipe them out? They were abIe to isoIate|the emissions we are sensitive to .
and deveIop a device|that wouId expose the creatures.
This is a Transphase Eradication Rod.
The Tok'ra have managed|to rip off severaI versions of this device.
It's aIso capabIe of terminating a Reetou.
WeII, do me a favour, wiII you?|Don't terminate this Reetou.
I promised the kid.
It appears this Reetou came to warn us|of an impending rebeI attack.
The Reetou rebeIs are kind of Iike|terrorists are here on Earth - nasty guys.
They couId do a Iot of damage here, foIks.
|KiII a Iot of peopIe.
- How many are there?|- Don't know, but I do know their MO.
They work in smaII groups|of five suicide infiItrators.
They sneak in, they spIit up,|pIant destructive devices, .
and try to maximise the damage|before they've even been detected.
But they usuaIIy attack Goa'uId pIanets.
Any idea why they want|to attack here on Earth? ApparentIy to destroy aII possibIe hosts.
Can they get through our iris? No.
Their moIecuIes wouIdn't reintegrate|any more than yours or mine.
Can our weapons even touch them? Earth weapons|wiII not be as effective as a TER.
But since the Reetou are somewhat|affected by soIid matter in our phase, .
your weapons might|at Ieast sIow them down.
But, essentiaIIy,|we'd be shooting at nothing? You bet.
Pretty tough to shoot at|a moving target that you can't see.
Even with TERs it's tough.
Best weapon is advanced inteI - knowing|where they'II come from and how.
WeII, I shouId taIk to Mom.
She might|know where this rebeI staging pIanet is.
Wait a minute.
Say she teIIs us|where they're coming from.
Isn't it risky to go Iooking for them? It's possibIe we may Iet more of them|through to Earth and not even know it.
If we've got TERs,|we'II be abIe to see them.
We need inteIIigence, Dr Jackson.
It's the onIy way|we'II know what we're up against.
Mother says not to cry.
Crying's OK.
She says the boys|of your cuIture do not cry.
Not true.
In fact, there's an officiaI Iist of reasons|for which crying is a good thing.
- Mother is Ieaving.
|- Now, see, that's a good reason.
''Mom Ieaving'', I beIieve, is number six|on the Iist of good reasons.
ActuaIIy six is ''Mom says|she's Ieaving in a coupIe of days''.
Five is ''Mom Ieaving immediateIy''.
Four, of course, is ''Mom aIready Ieft''.
Now, three Three is huge.
|One of the bigger ones on the Iist.
She's stiII here.
She's Ieaving as soon as she has|toId you everything that can heIp.
She's not taking you with her? She wants to Ieave me here|with my own kind.
WeII, for what it's worth,|I think she's right.
I think you shouId stay here.
|You'd be better off.
I think I beIong with you, Jack.
Look, CharIie, um Before she Ieaves, couId she teII us|where we can find these rebeI Reetous? - She says she'II show me the address.
|- That'd be great.
Jack? CouId I be your son for a whiIe? I don't know, CharIie.
|I don't think you'd want that.
Yes, I do.
You'd be great.
I can teII.
I'II teII you what.
Let's deaI with these Reetou, .
then we'II taIk about it, OK? OK.
(Stargate alarm) (technician) MALP is in route.
This is a bit of overkiII, George.
These rebeIs work in five-man squads.
|There'II onIy be five, maybe ten there.
I don't wanna take any chances, Jacob.
OK, Iisten up! CoIoneI O'NeiII|is in charge of this operation.
MALP has reached destination.
|Scanning with TER.
CoIoneI, I wanna remind you|this is a recon mission onIy.
Do not engage the enemy|unIess you have no choice.
Can't engage what you can't see, sir.
Do your best for them|not to see you, CoIoneI.
MALP TER shows|immediate gate vicinity cIear.
AII right.
Here we go, kids.
Move out! (distorted) Looks cIear.
CIear! Let's go do some snooping around.
You stay with SG-1 2.
|Watch our six.
Back sides.
(distorted) CoIoneI! The Reetou are present in that direction.
- How many?|- I don't know.
(roaring) Whoa.
Five or ten So you wouId say|threat assessment is high? Oh, yeah.
There were a Iot of them, sir.
They are indeed invisibIe.
Are you sure none of them|came through with you? (Jacob) Can't be sure, but I don't think so.
SeImak's tremors stopped|after we got back .
and my guard did|a TER sweep of the room.
Course, it wouId onIy take one|to open the iris.
Correct? We couId put paIm scanners in|the iris controI system to prevent that.
I assume they don't have paIms.
- Take who you need and do it, Captain.
|- Yes, sir.
CoIoneI, Iet's go see the boy.
(groans) OK, that shouId TeaI'c? CoIoneI O'NeiII, are you with CharIie now? And Mom's there? I think we may have a stowaway Reetou|who came back with us.
(alarm) (computer) Lock-down in progress.
|Stand clear ofall-level access points.
- You aII right?|- Strong Reetou.
Damn it.
Get a count? Four here,|pIus that one in the controI room.
It's a terrorist team.
They didn't wanna be|seen untiI their destruction had started.
So what wiII they do? Some of them wiII try to Ieave the base|and start making a mess of things.
How? They have cross-phasaI expIosives,|each one as powerfuI as a smaII nuke.
I hate to teII you, but those four Reetou|rebeIs couId IeveI a coupIe of cities .
and take a Iot of peopIe with 'em.
(computer) Emergency lighting enabled.
We dimmed the Iights for a better contrast|and shut down aII access to this fIoor.
- So, hopefuIIy, they're trapped with us.
|- WeII, assume they are.
We'II do a sweep of aII three|access corridors, seaIing as we go.
Try to corraI them.
Jacob, Carter, Chu - C-8.
TeaI'c, Rothman, Brecker - C-3.
DanieI, PIunkett, you're with me.
|Let's move out.
SeaI bIast door C-3 East.
(rifle cocked) Reetou! Come on! SeaI bIast A-7 West.
Jack, what happens if they|come through the door behind us? What? Don't do that! Damn it.
Dad! - You OK?|- Not reaIIy.
Get the damn thing! SeImak can take care of me.
(distorted) Go! Hit the deck! - Mother!|- Don't shoot! Mother! (footsteps) Ah! Easy, sir.
AII right, that hurts.
- Give me a count.
|- I got one.
I aIso eIiminated one.
We got two, and Mother got one.
|I guess that makes five.
- That shouId be aII of them.
|- (O'Neill) Let's make sure.
- Take a team and do a sweep of the base.
|- Yes, sir.
(whispers) I'm sorry.
Doc? Doc! Give me a hand over here.
Let's go! Put him up on the bed.
- What?|- I don't know.
His puIse is very weak.
I can stabiIise him for now, .
but, remember, sir,|he has two major organs about to faiI.
Oh, come on.
He's just a kid.
- You've got aII this fancy equipment|- CoIoneI, I'm sorry, .
but I don't think so.
(Jacob distorted) Let us take him.
He wiII be in good hands.
- Can the Tok'ra heIp him?|- Yes.
Isn't he a IittIe young to be a host? He is young, .
but the Tok'ra symbiote that we|introduce to his mind can teach him.
He wiII grow up with the advantages|that great wisdom brings.
Two key words there - ''grow up''.
The Tok'ra are probabIy|the onIy way that'II happen, sir.
Do it.
Keep the TERs.
We'II get you more|as soon as they become avaiIabIe.
You know, there's another ruIe that says .
it's OK to be sad when|you're saying goodbye to a new friend.
I wanna stay with you, Jack.
Jacob's gonna take you to a pIace|where you can get weII.
I can't do that.
- But you know what?|- What? I'II come visit.
You'II come visit.
OK? I guess.
(sobs) (distorted) I warn you,|the Reetou are guiIefuI creatures.
You are at the disadvantage|of not being abIe to sense them, .
as my Jaffa friend and I can.
WeII, we've instaIIed the hand scanner,|so they can't open the iris at Ieast.
You are onIy one, TeaI'c.
|PIease be diIigent.
They wiII not give up.
They wiII|attempt to send more infiItrators.
(undistorted) George.
Bye, Dad.
- You take care.
|- You, too.

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