The Unit s02e20 Episode Script

In Loco Parentis

Previously on The Unit Is this dangerous enough for you? Lis? What did you I cut my hair.
She locked herself in.
What started this? Leave me alone.
I think she found this.
Officer sleeps with an NCO's wife, army'd kick him out.
Sleeps with the wife of a man in his covert command? The law of the pack is, they kill him.
I'm begging you not to tell.
You're gorgeous.
Thought you'd forgot.
It's all coming back to me.
New issue.
Makeup anniversary present.
Present? Just a little something for you.
Well, let's unwrap it.
You first.
Yes! No! It's our makeup anniversary.
I'll make it up to you again.
Our anniversary party was killed in action.
I thought your anniversary was 2 months ago.
Had to reschedule twice to carve out an afternoon This was our fallback anniversary.
And I was mission-ready.
And Bob was recalled? Fox Alpha.
I don't know.
I just miss him more than usual lately.
It's better than not missing him.
Mom! Lissy? Mom! He's hurt.
Get some towels from the kitchen.
Are you all right? Young man? David.
His name is David.
Let's see if you broke anything.
Does this hurt? Not too much.
He a friend of yours? From school.
Well, I think you'll live.
We just need to get you cleaned up and call your mother.
No, I'm fine.
I can ride home.
Put this on that bump.
Keep the swelling down.
You got to be tough to be a ranger, ma'am.
Hoo-ah! Sit down, soldier, you took a bad spill.
Mom, he's not a baby.
I'm not letting your friend board home with a head injury.
Now give me your number.
This vehicle, unload it ASAP.
Jump toc to that corner.
Engineering, follow me.
Swat, over this way.
This is as close as we could get to the school.
It's not perfect, but it'll do.
I checked with the swat commander, he can pull 2 teams off the perimeter if we nee them.
Let him keep them out on the assault.
We got enough to start.
Do we have any idea how many kids are inside? Without attendance sheets, it's best guess.
according to the tv.
Yeah? According to tv, fbi's running the whole show.
Believe that if you want.
We have any intel of our own? We do now.
Heard gunfire, and I just ran.
I saw mr.
Ryder, the vice-principal.
He was on the floor, outside the cafeteria, there was blood all over the place.
Did you see how many were shooting? I don't know, it all happened so fast.
Could the shooters have been students? They were wearing hoods.
Black ones.
They didn't seem like kids.
How do you know? They say anything, did you hear any voices? Everyone was yelling, and running everywhere, I'm lucky I got out.
as most didn't.
You're a strong young man, Noah.
And we're gonna need your strength.
Did you play any football in school? What? Did you play any football in school? Yes sir.
Yeah? What'd you play? What position? Free safety.
You know, that's what I would have bet.
You're quick, and you can read an offense.
I want you to draw, best you can, the position of the shooters inside the school.
Like on a chalkboard.
Can you show me how you'd do that? The Braydon School Alexandria, Virginia Yeah.
Any movement? Must have them all rounded up in some interior space Library, locker rooms.
Yeah, if there's anyone still alive after 3 hours.
It's too quiet.
I don't know if it's Munich or Columbine in there.
I can't see anything.
Had june bugs bigger than this back home.
They have hi-res cameras upside their asses, too? There may have been, I never looked.
Perimeter's covered.
Aerial camera's up.
But I'm not getting a good image here.
Bad guys say what they want? Say again, sir? Have they said what the hell they want? Sir, we don't know what they want because we don't know who they are.
Hell, half the kids in that school belong to forbes 400 families.
The other half belong to washington insiders and foreign diplomats.
Any one of them's going to be a rich target.
There've got to be demands.
We can't even get them to pick up the phones inside.
White house doesn't want us to move in until they give us the green-light authority.
That being said, they sure as hell wouldn't mind you pushing the speed limit on closing this thing.
Well, tell them fools rush in.
And we won't risk children's lives charging in, shooting blind.
Find out what's happening in that building before they start tossing out bodies.
Like I said, sir, I got DODs favorite toy flying surveillance, not worth a damn.
Nothing's coming out? Dead quiet.
This is that day we always feared.
Surrounding the school at these points here, here, and here, are your fellow SWAT units.
At emergency assault readiness.
You will switch positions with them at intervals of 8 hours.
Sergeants blue and red will stage and coordinate your rescue mission from here.
Now until we lock the OP board, speak your mind.
No idea's a bad one.
We've identified 5 key choke points to clear.
Fair to assume all these points will be heavily guarded.
What about booby traps? We have no intel at this time.
We're working on that.
How do you plan initial entry without alerting them? We don't have that for you, either.
Hit the access point with flash-bangs.
Gives us a chance to blow in.
They're holding over 100 hostages.
Most of them minors.
Which is to say, the potential for panic is high.
If they have rigged ordinance, they'll take the whole place down before the smoke clears.
Now, we'll find a way in.
Question is, once in, where to? Front foyer of the school is here.
Corridors branching east and west.
Administrator offices first, classrooms beyond.
Down there, library, locker rooms.
Cafeteria's this way.
Fire doors in the rear.
We'll start by working opposite ends, meeting at the center, units of 8.
Walk it through.
And when you're ready, run it.
And then run it again.
And keep running it, until you can do it on winged feet and closed eyes.
All right, gentlemen.
Grab your weapons.
It's time to go to school.
We cut the water and power, forcing them to engage.
Top ruled it out, it's harder on the kids than the captors.
Go with the food delivery.
Drug up the food.
They got a full cafeteria.
They'll suspect a third party.
Look, I'll get myself inside, you just create a diversion.
How about I put on a wet t-shirt and stage a car wash? Hey, whatever it takes.
Now in the fourth hour of the stand-off, police and emergency crews Get out of here! Come on! Out of the way! - Come on.
You almost got us killed! - Ok, ok.
Hey! Got enough, jackass? He's with us! No further.
You could have told us! Yeah, we'll tell you next time.
What do we know? For one, they're using live ammo.
Your lucky day, buddy.
Get out of here.
Snake Doc, do you read? Glasses working ok? Roger that, Cool Breeze.
How's your audio? Good vibrations.
Very attractive, too, I must say.
Take a right into the hall.
Should see a water fountain.
And 2 classroom doors.
Check, I got the fountain.
Should be coming up to a set of fire doors.
Doesn't look like there were ever any here.
No fire doors, I'll mark it.
I must be getting closer.
There's our vice-principal.
Did you hear that? Now we know why no one's been picking up.
Here, I'll trade your green beans for peas.
I think Lissy has a crush.
Oh, god.
When did she grow up? I think they're cute.
You say that when some skater boy's coming to your door to pick up Serena.
Hey, will you grab that? Oh, you're David's mother.
I'm Captain Tate.
I appreciate the call, Mrs Gerhardt? Actually, Kim Brown, I'm Tiffy's Is that David's blood? It looks worse than it is.
Trust me, I've cleaned up my husband.
I'm fine, mom.
Don't make a federal case.
You know how it is, ma'am.
Men and boys.
"you want to see something that hurts?" hmm.
Get your jacket.
Out in the car.
I'm already late.
- Mrs.
- Captain.
David mentioned a girl at school.
All right.
You have something to say? You and I know this is not going to be a relationship.
You have my attention.
- Your husband is? - Master sergeant.
I'll speak to David.
You'll speak to him to explain the fraternization policy.
Are you saying that they can't be friends? I just, I know that Kim.
I understand, ma'am.
I'll speak to my daughter.
Just a fact of army life.
It's not fair.
Lissy! She'll learn.
Teddy's down, Serena's in her room.
I got a new DVD you can watch.
I should be home in about an hour or so.
Take the spare key, Serena locked a sitter out of the house once.
- Aunt Kim? - Yeah, darling.
My mom laid down the law about officers and enlisted families.
I'm sorry, pumpkin.
As lousy as it sounds, there are legitimate reasons.
No, I know.
"Officers give orders and they can't be influenced "by personal relationships with enlisted soldiers and their families.
" That's right.
But do you think it's fair? When you marry a soldier, like your mom and I did, you accept that restrictions come with the bargain.
But believe me, when you're born military, these things, well, no.
I don't think it's particularly fair.
But it's the way it is.
I'll count it for you.
Clear! Evac! Commit each hall to memory.
Stop! Turn around.
How many steps to the next wall? Know the number of steps to each corner.
Know it better than your own bedrooms.
- 3! - Hold it! New intel We have no fire doors here.
According to this, we have lost our cover in this hallway.
So we're totally exposed.
That's right.
There's an alcove that wasn't marked here before.
Ok, gentlemen.
Take it back to the top, let's do it again.
Let's go, let's go! Clear.
Shh! It's ok.
Are they still out there? That's right, but I'm going to get you out of here.
No, no no, they'll see us.
Where are they? Where are the others? - Library.
- Can you get us out? Yes, and I will, but right now, I need you to stay calm.
I can't do it anymore, it's been hours.
- If you'd just call my father - Shh! Honey, listen to me.
It's safe in here, ok? We have to stay in here.
Who are you? Did you see their weapons? Do they have automatic weapons? What are you talking about? Machine guns? Do they have machine guns? No.
On your knees! Now! Aw hell.
Top! Don't resist, Cool Breeze.
Ok, we're teachers, we're teachers, and she Shut up! Teachers? What they teach? English - What do you teach? - I have children, ok - What do you teach? - Please, don't hurt us, I teach mathematics.
Move, move! Come on! Come on! Come on! Stop there! Laser trip wire, kind from a kid's spy kit.
Must be rigged to an alarm.
Or bomb.
He's turning it off.
Time it.
Call it.
Go, go, go! Move.
Don't stop.
Go! Go! Woof.
Enough time to get through.
All right, Cool Breeze, give us the tour.
Go, go, go!.
Move! Move.
Sit down.
Right there.
I know that it is.
We've got them.
Time to go.
I've got some errands to run with the kids.
It was awesome to let us hang out here.
Very cool, indeed.
Well, you're both sweet, now scoot.
Uh, Mrs.
Brown? There's a dance coming up It's a huge deal at school.
It's chaperoned and sponsored by the PTA.
Gonna be a live band and everything.
Could you talk to mom? I know you understand, and coming from you I tried, and we just ended up in a yelling match.
Could you talk to her? As a favor? Ok, look.
I'm busy tonight with some things in town, but in the morning, I'll see what I can do.
You're the best! Execute! Keep it tight, boys.
Clear, clear! Wait, wait, it's not working.
We're already at the library, where are you? We're clearing all the rooms east.
Yeah, we got to hit the library together, from both sides.
The library kids only account for half the numbers.
Now what about the rest? If we engage before you do, they'll kill those hostages anyway.
So what are you saying, you sacrifice one for the other? It's Peter-Paul.
Either way, one group buys it.
What, you got a problem with that? It's a pretty high expectation, seeing as how we don't have a plan to get past those gates without being seen.
The idea is to keep everyone alive.
You included.
But he's already dead where he's standing.
Wanna know why? Look down.
See the tripwire? Look up.
Grenades overhead.
You guys have an eye out.
But you're looking for things you can see.
What you need to do is look for things you can't see.
One booby trap, boom.
It's over.
and nothing to watch.
What the hell's going on down there, sergeant major? We're working the assault-rescue, sir.
But we'd still like to draw them out.
and you're still arguing with a wooden indian? I say we need more intel.
Is that what you're telling me? That's right.
What aren't you telling me? One of those kids being held in the school just happens to be the daughter of the deputy national security advisor.
He'd sure as hell like to have her home for dinner.
All right, here we go.
directions, once you're out.
Give them a full 200 watts, long and loud.
You got it.
On my mark, and do not, under any circumstance, advance on that building.
Tell him.
Dirt Diver.
We're set here.
Put Cool Breeze on alert.
Roger that, Snake Doc.
If they panic, we move to the sound of the guns.
Roger that.
Assault teams on alert.
Cool Breeze, this is Dirt Diver.
We're gonna rattle the cage a little bit here, see which way they scatter.
You give me a full view, you got it? Ok, here we go.
In a few seconds, you're going to hear a false alarm.
I want you guys to stay as calm as you can, ok? Who are you? I teach math, remember? It's ok, it's ok.
Here you go, boy, show us your hands.
Sounds Eastern European.
You got a translator in here? Cool Breeze, what's that in the guy's hand? Hey, freeze that and tighten it on.
Get me closer.
Snake Doc, they've got some kind of RF transmitter in the library.
Lead guy has the remote.
See what it's rigged to.
There's more than meets the eye here.
Roger that.
Kill the sirens.
Everybody stand down.
That was some kind of rehearsal, wasn't it? Tell me the truth.
The longer they hold us here, the worse the outcome, right? I mean, statistically.
Are you the math teacher now? I won't say anything.
Just for myself.
I want to be prepared.
I have a family.
- Are we going - Shh.
Need to manage your expectations north.
You'll live longer.
This isn't going to end well.
You're a teacher.
You need to set an example.
Now where do you think they're keeping the others? What's through that door? A hallway.
More classrooms.
A bathroom.
What else? Steps leading down to the girl's locker room.
Girl's locker room.
They could be there.
It's been blocked off since the flood.
She's right, she's right.
The locker room's been closed since the rains last month.
Some problem with the storm drains.
Snake Doctor, storm drains.
Snake Doctor? What'd I miss? We're in a flood zone with storm drains.
Let's get a schematic of the county sewer system.
Where it dead-heads.
Access points.
Where it's wide enough for a man to climb through.
Make that 20 men.
Bob? You home already? Bob? - Serena, wait here.
- Ok.
You put your shirt on.
Go! Out the back.
And don't you ever come back here again.
Move through the main trunk line until this point where the sewers split off.
We should enter the building through here.
Split off, break into 2 teams.
Take the doors outside the library.
What about the rest of the missing kids? Don't know yet.
We get everyone or we get no one.
Run it with what you got and make your adjustments later.
Dinner's over.
Time to pay the check.
Can we get some help over here? Clean it up.
This girl is sick.
She has a fever.
Oh, bathroom.
Ok, we need to get her to the ladies room.
She's dehydrated.
She needs some water.
Only her.
She won't make it.
What are you, her mother and father? Look, you can keep the gun on us.
Just, please, let us go with.
Ok, you're going to make it.
Give me the key.
This To me, this meant I trusted you.
Are you going to tell my mom? How do I not? Please, it won't ever happen again.
Not here it won't.
You were really, really cool to give us space and we I completely dissed you.
I swear on a stack of bibles What you saw was it.
I let him take off my shirt.
No more.
And if I hadn't come home when I did No.
It was never going any further.
I told him.
That was it.
No, that wasn't it.
Because you violated my trust.
He is never coming over here again.
You are never to see that boy alone again.
Look me in the eye.
I'll never see him again.
I thought she might be here.
You plan on ever coming home? I didn't mean to yell.
I'm sorry.
Good, 'cause I've been talking to aunt Molly about your school dance.
Molly knows Captain Tate.
So she's going to talk to her and see if maybe we can't work something out.
How about a smile? No, that's great.
Well, I thought you'd be excited, too.
I'm very glad the two of you made up.
All right, come on, Lis It's late.
Thank you, aunt Kim.
Little steps, honey.
Nice and slow.
Oh, God.
Oh, God, no.
Oh, God, no, oh, I don't think I'm going to make it.
- Get her up! - Please.
We're trying.
- Move it! - Oh, no.
There's the other hostages.
Shut her up! Let's go! Freeze that.
Oh, lord, there they are.
And they ain't prom decorations.
Claymore mines.
Probably tied to the same transmitter.
Freeze that and tighten it up.
Half a dozen by my count.
Hell of a booby trap.
Those go off near our hostages, all we'll find is body parts in that school.
Ok, we're going.
Move! Execute.
Execute, execute.
Clear! Clear! All clear.
Well, you got the hair on your belly.
Let's see if you got the gravel in your guts.
All of you, gather 'round.
You, give me your weapon.
You two, stand next to the target.
Now shoot between them.
That's right, live rounds.
If he can't shoot through you here, how's he gonna do it in that school? All right.
Very good.
Ok, now DO-SI-DO.
Sir? Move back-and-forth in front of the target.
When you hit those doors, a hundred kids may be running in all directions.
You need to be able to find your target, right now.
Fire! Well, how about that? The bullets go where you aim the gun.
All right, let's run it again.
Move! Faster, come on! Move it! Go, go, go! Ready? Stop.
We're getting a consistent each time someone enters or exits that room.
You Go, go, go! Go, don't stop! Sit down! We're gonna need help with that chucklehead with the garage remote and get him away from the booby-trap.
Cool Breeze, a storm front's about to hit your area and we'd hate to leave that laundry on the clothesline.
If you can get to it, give us the nod, sir.
- Sit down! - Yes, yes, that's what I'm doing.
I said sit down! - That's what I'm doing! - No, sit down! Shut up! Sit down right now.
We lost him.
There's the truth.
Well, the truth ain't pretty.
That's how you can identify it.
We have any other options? Tell Tiffy.
I made a promise to Lissy.
And maybe I shouldn't have, but she's at a delicate age.
I remember that age, and she needs some understanding.
Sounds like she needs some supervision.
And why make things worse with her mom when all Lissy wanted was a little taste of romance in a place that's in currently damn short supply of it? This place already takes our husbands away.
Whose problems are we talking about here? And what did Captain Tate say? David's mother wouldn't budge.
I gave it my best shot, but Captain Tate was quite adamant.
No fraternizing between families of officers and NCOs.
There are rules.
We don't always like them, but we have to follow them.
I'm sorry, sweetie.
You can still see your friend in class at school.
It's ok.
You tried.
You all tried.
Officers are just gut-eaters anyways.
That's my girl.
Well, she took it pretty well, all things considered.
- No - What is it? - It's the frog from the science lab.
- Oh my God, no Look! Look, look The frog! - Get back now! - Look! Look! - Get down! - Turn around! Turn around! It's about to set it off.
Move! Back to your place.
Go! Go back! Get down and stay down! Boss.
Pot that up.
Glasses are back on-line.
A muslim prayer.
That's Arabic, right? Yes, but what he said before, The word "you-hker", "close" it's Chechen.
They're praying in arabic, but Chechen's their native tongue.
That raid on the russian school.
Can you pull that up? Gymnasium there was mined with IEDs, too.
"Beslan school massacre, "375 dead, including the terrorists.
Sir, if they are Chechen separatists, then we need immediate Sir, I am saying if they are The son of the Russian ambassador is in that school.
Children of our own policy makers.
It's our belief that they do not intend to negotiate.
We do have a man inside, but now Sergeant major, the President is asking you to confirm.
Tell him Same assault vectors as Beslan, same use of explosive ordnance.
President, I'm being informed that there is little question and little time left for No, sir.
Still no demands.
This is an anniversary death waltz.
Sergeant major, are your men up to running speed? Blindfolded.
President, the green light authority is yours.
Speak the words.
Take 'em, Snake Doctor.
Rehearsal's over.
Curtain's up.
Execute, execute, execute.
- Clear! - Clear! Clear! - Clear! - Clear! All clear! Thanks to my wonderful arrest record, I can't even risk a store run with a broken tail light.
Well, according to this, we gotta unscrew the whole piece thingy.
How does one little skater dude manage this? Imagine if he had his helmet on.
Hey, Lis.
Lissy, what's wrong? - Lissy - Leave me alone.
Lissy, what happened? What happened? What is it, baby? What's wrong? It's gonna be ok.
It's gonna be ok.
Just please tell me what's wrong.
Just tell your mom what's hurting you.
Shh Shh David He took a picture of me with his cell phone.
Took a picture of what? Of what honey? Of what? Of me In just my bra With his hand on my breast He showed it to all the kids in school, mom.
He showed it to everyone.
Get your son front and center right now! You do not give me orders.
I'd dress down the damn Secretary of Defense if his son did what yours did, Captain.
Get over here, you sick son of a bitch.
Gerhardt! David! Step up and tell me what this is about.
I have no idea.
- Give me your phone.
- I don't have it.
- Give it to me.
- He said he doesn't have it.
Ask him where it is.
Ask him where it is.
David, where's your phone? - I lost it.
- He's lying.
Hey, wait a minute! Give me your phone! Give me your phone! Give me your phone.
Gerhardt, You need to leave my house now.
Oh, God Aren't you so proud? I see you anywhere near my daughter and I'll give you a concussion.
Get him transferred to another school by the end of the week or you will find the police at his door and your son, young as he is, with a record as a sex offender.
I'll keep this.
Pull rank on me Try to hurt my husband's career I'll make sure not only that your son never gets into West Point, but that he spends the rest of his life wearing an ankle bracelet.
What can I say? I am so grateful.
Nina told me how you looked after her.
Actually, she was a She was a big help to us.
Without her, we might not have been able to rescue everyone that we did.
Really? Don't underestimate this one.
She'll fool you.
I didn't really do that much.
All I did was get sick.
Oh, yeah, but you did it on cue.
Am I missing something here? Can we just go home now? Thank you again.
You forgot these.
Hey, thanks.
You going to put those on or? No, I have no further use for them.
Well, they are a little too Um, Clark Kent for you.
I I'm very happy that you're safe.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
How, um, how'd they teach you not to get so scared? I was too busy doing my job to be scared.
It'd actually be worse for me if I was in his position.
Too many unknown factors, all those awful possibilities.
Now you're sounding like the math teacher.
Just a dad.
Uh, Lissy, go inside.
I'll be there in a minute.
That picture of Lissy You found it? I found it, yes.
That picture was taken in your house.
This boy was undressing my daughter and taking a picture of her inside your house.
Would you tell me what you know about that? I didn't know about the photo.
But you knew they were in there? You gave them a place to No.
- You didn't.
- No.
Ok, let's start again.
Did you allow the two of them together inside your house? Yes.
When I was there.
They came back later, when I wasn't there.
My key, they You gave them free reign without telling me.
I didn't tell you that That's right, you didn't tell me.
I didn't want to tell you that your daughter broke into my house.
To be with this boy she broke into my house.
So this David boy thinks she's a whore, but you just think she's a thief? No.
I just You get to be "cool aunt Kim," but I'm the one that needs to take her to a doctor now and get her tested for god-knows-what.
It didn't go that far.
Oh, since you're so informed, how far did it go? I came home and I interrupted them.
They were only as far as what was in the picture.
So you knew this boy had my daughter's shirt off inside your house, and you didn't consider that relevant information to share with me? No, I did not.
Say that again.
I did what I thought best.
You thought it was best to teach her to sneak around and let a boy violate her.
I, you may remember, discovered your daughter bawling last year.
Why? Because she'd found a picture of her mother, the concerned self-righteous mother, half-naked, cavorting with her father's boss.
And so where did she learn all of this sexual abandon do you think? Can you tell me that before you start accusing me? Because I'm fairly squared-away about what goes where and under what circumstances.
But maybe you need a little help at your house That be the case? Good-bye.

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