Vinland Saga (2019) s02e20 Episode Script


I've killed 13 people up until now.
I consider myself stronger
than any random idiot off the street.
Killing is fun.
Talk about the look on that face
of the bratty little jarl.
That's why I know
This row of enemies
in front of me
I'm scared! I'm scared!
Damn it! They are enjoying this!
Damn it!
My legs
Badger is going to be killed!
I can't believe it!
How can he get so close
to the Jomsvikings?
Fox! Take Badger and return to the fort!
I'm ordering the entire army to retreat!
You must be kidding! I can still fight!
That's enough, Badger.
Take a look around you.
Damn it! They need this many people to die
just to realize how unmatched they are.
- What? Retreat?
- Yes!
Don't stay together! Spread out and run!
Wait! My legs
Did you say, "retreat"?
I did not give that order! Shame on you!
How can you call yourselves Nordic men?
Wait for me!
I told you not to run away!
Do you expect me to write off your debt
with this level of service?
Who cares about the debt.
You are done for, Ketil.
Does this give you a little taste
of what it's like to be poor like us?
No matter how unfair it is,
you shouldn't have disobeyed the king.
Just as we obeyed you.
Power is justice, Ketil.
This world exists for people
who are more powerful than you.
They're here!
- What's wrong, Wulf?
- Your Majesty.
A subordinate of mine
just killed a man whom I think was Ketil.
That was a poor decision.
Did I not order them to capture him?
Yes, I am terribly sorry.
I will go check on that.
The Jomsvikings are killing those who
escape, which is also against my orders.
- Tell Floki to stop going after them.
- Yes.
For some reason,
the captain is walking away.
It's my chance!
Be careful with the bodies.
We will return them to their families
Off with your head!
Thorgil! Where did you come from!
From the underworld.
What a surprise.
Who knew you could withstand my attack.
You've improved, Your Majesty.
My right hand is limp.
Did I sprain it just now?
That's the spirit!
That's how a commander should be!
I'd love to play with you,
but I'm sorry. I don't have much time.
Let's start over. Off with your head!
You bastard!
How dare you treat His Majesty that way!
Your Majesty, please hand the sword to me
and stay back!
Damn it!
Royal guards, head back! Protect the king!
Damn it!
Wait, Thorgil!
Don't go after him, Wulf.
You are heavily injured.
It was partly due to my carelessness,
but more than that, he is a bold man.
I want him as my subordinate again.
Royal guards, return to your places!
King Canute was attacked.
All of you, go back!
Run! Hurry up!
- Your Majesty!
- Your Majesty!
Who would do? Was it Thorgil?
That was close.
Master! Are you alive?
Those soldiers
didn't know what the master
looked like, I guess.
You are lucky.
Damn, you're heavy.
Don't even think about
taking the easy way out by dying.
You will take responsibility
as the commander of a defeated army,
Iron Fist Ketil.
I hear those sounds
The sounds I heard
when my village was burned down.
The sound of the world falling apart.
They are fighting a war, aren't they?
It's okay. Don't worry.
We're not slaves anymore.
We will leave this farm.
That battle has nothing to do with us.
After we leave this place,
where will we go?
Let's go to my village.
It's a bit cold, but it's a nice place.
Are there
slaves there?
Is there
There was fighting in the past,
and I would be lying if I told you
that there will be none in the future.
I will not go.
I am going somewhere else.
Gardar and the children
I had them wait for me
because I wanted to say thank you.
Thank you, Einar and Thorfinn.
Thank you.
The whole time,
it felt as though
I was lost inside a nightmare.
I was all alone.
our morning chats
No! Arnheid!
Stay strong! Arnheid!
Remember you said that you were going to
protect your unborn child? Arnheid!
This child already went ahead of me.
All of them died.
All of the people who were dear to me.
What is the point of living
any more than this?
There is nothing here anymore.
Why do I have to live?
Because to me you are
- Arnheid!
- Move, Einar!
My father once taught me this method
to bring the dead back to life.
Einar, talk to her! In a loud voice!
Arnheid! Don't go!
I really like you.
I need you!
I want you to laugh at my stories again.
Stay alive and once again
Please live with me!
Please live!
Einar, that's enough.
Far to the west
beyond the vast sea,
there is a land called Vinland.
The land is warm and bountiful.
It is so far that neither
slave traders nor the flames of war
can reach.
There, I am sure you will be able to live
without feeling any pain.
come with us to that land.
Let's create a land of peace in Vinland.
You guys
Why are you still here?
Stop, Einar!
Because of you, Arnheid
I will kill you! I will kill you!
Stop it, Einar!
Killing the master will do nothing.
I see So Arnheid
Wake up, Einar!
your anger
will not subside
even if you kill the master.
Anger will manifest anger
and people will keep dying. That's all.
I was living
that nightmare this whole time.
Please, Einar.
Please don't put yourself
under the same curse as me.
I know. Get ready to set sail for me.
must be watching us even as we speak.
As we lose our friends,
as parents and children kill each other,
He is looking down upon
all of that from high above.
Wait. Where are you going?
Wait! What are you planning to do?
I am going to meet with Canute.
The master was still alive.
He's not even captured.
It's not settled yet.
I might be able to
prevent any more deaths.
That's ridiculous!
Let's get away from here right now.
Why do you have to go that far?
This time This time
Let me finally take you back to Iceland.
Remember you told me a long time ago?
That our ancestors
ran away
to escape from the fighting
and ended up in Iceland.
At that time,
I thought
that was so uncool.
But now, I feel so proud of them.
When I took a quick glance,
Canute only had about 100 soldiers.
Even if worse comes to worst,
I will be able to at least
come back alive.
I'll be on the ship
and ready to set sail at any time.
Don't push yourself.
We will return to Iceland no matter what!
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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