7th Heaven s02e21 Episode Script
Boyfriends (1)
Hey, switch places with me.
- Why? - Because I wanna sit next to Ruthie.
Don't you wanna sit next to Matt? She's just expressing what everyone else is feeling.
And that would be? She's angry that you're abandoning us.
I'm not abandoning anyone, I'm going to college.
Just the same.
In 90 days, you're leaving your family just like that.
Eighteen years for nothing.
Everyone's gonna leave sooner or later.
- Mom and Dad aren't leaving.
- They're not supposed to.
And besides, I'm leaving for a very good reason.
It doesn't matter, because in the end, you'll be gone.
You want my help training Happy or not? You know, all I need to do to win that contest is have one really good trick.
But it has to be something special.
Something special, huh? I think I've got just the thing you need.
- Great.
- I'll help you if you'll work on Ruthie.
I'll try.
But training a dog is a lot easier than training a kid.
- Where's Wilson and Mary? - They're coming.
They're just finishing up some pre-church tonsil hockey.
So when are you gonna tell Mom and Dad about your summer job? Will you keep it down? I'll tell them when the time is right.
Quit being such a chicken and hurry up and tell them already.
Good morning and welcome.
Everyone, nice to have you with us.
Look, it's Lucy's old boyfriends.
Sit anywhere you like, guys.
Here we go again.
Wanna give Billy something to eat now, and then put him down for his nap? I don't know if he's hungry yet.
Besides, he should eat with the family.
I don't think he can last that long.
He's doing that thing with the bunny that he only does when he's tired.
Is he squishing it or putting it in his mouth? I think he's hungry.
He's squishing.
It's nap time.
If I put him down for a nap now, he might not sleep because he's gonna get hungry.
- Where is Billy? - Living room.
- With? Lucy.
You two are relying on Lucy a lot lately.
She wants to help.
She feels included and it gives her something to do.
Maybe she'd like to do something else, like have a boyfriend of her own.
Hey, maybe something will happen with Jimmy or Rod.
Oh, it's nap time.
Are you sure? He looks hungry.
Well, it's time for something.
Is Dad home yet? No, but the second he does get home, I'll let you know.
I can't believe Rod and Jimmy are stalking me now.
Maybe Rod and Jimmy just wanna talk to your father like they said.
Don't be so naive, Mom.
Trust me, I know those two a little bit better than that.
They're plotting something.
I just wish I knew what.
I'm very flattered that you two have chosen me to be your class project, but I have to ask you, why me? You only work an hour a week.
So we figured we wouldn't have to put in a lot of time.
Because it's not like you have a real job.
You know what I mean.
Oh, I know what you mean.
And I hate to disappoint you, but my job is really more like a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week, always-on-call kind of job.
Whoa, who knew? So given my rather busy schedule and the personal nature of my work, maybe you should follow one of your own fathers around for your work-study project.
No nepotism allowed.
Although, believe me, my dad could screw this up just as much as you could.
Well, thank you.
That's quite an incentive to help you out.
Then you'll do it? Great.
You know, since this is a 24-hour-a-day job, I think we're gonna have to camp out at the Camdens.
- Prepared to do that? - Anything it takes to ace that class, I'm there.
Have pyjamas, will travel.
No, no, no, you, uh You can't camp out at the house.
No, you can't.
The inn is full.
Well, what if we set up a tent in the backyard? You know, what if I just call you when something comes up? - Okay, we'll accept your terms.
- Good.
And here are our pager numbers.
- Yeah, page us.
Day or night.
- Okay.
- Kindly give our regards to Lucy? - Sure.
Just a sec, just a sec.
Um, maybe you'd like to get started by doing a little research into the book that my work is based on.
I don't suppose you have some CliffsNotes to go with these babies? Hey, Ruthie, why don't you come over here and help us out? Okay, the key to the trick is to teach Happy to play dead on the command "dead dog.
" Once you do that, you can say any before "dead dog," Happy will fall over.
What do you mean "say anything"? Example, would you rather be a cat or a dead dog? Or would you rather have Ruthie mad at you or be a dead dog? Tell him that's not very funny.
If Happy can learn the trick, you can take her in front of those dog food company officials and ask: "Would you have your Pow Chow taken away or be a dead dog?" - You are brilliant.
- Thank you.
Happy is gonna be the spokesdog for Pow Chow dog food.
It's a cinch.
Dead dog.
Let me give you advice dealing with Ruthie when she's like this.
After all, who knows her better than her ex-roommate? - Okay, I'm listening.
- Silent treatment gets silent treatment.
She'll crack, but you have to ignore her completely.
Happy, rise.
Hey, what's for lunch? I'm starving.
Oh, oh, no, I'm not gonna feed you anything until you tell me what Lucy's old boyfriends are up to.
Oh, Jimmy and Rod? They're studying me for a school project.
- Oh.
- It's for career day.
Social sciences.
- Really? - Yeah, really.
- Is that funny? - No.
Yeah, no, then why did you laugh? No reason.
I was just surprised, that's all.
Aren't we being a little sensitive? Yes, I am, I'm sorry, I'm tired.
Why am I so tired? Because we're raising five kids, and with Billy, it's more like six.
And then there's Wilson and that makes seven.
I love Billy, but The whole family loves Billy, but I think we're all a little Billyed out.
And Mary and Wilson are like a married couple with a kid.
I just don't like the way that feels.
- What are we gonna do about it? - I have a plan.
I love your plans.
Well, my dad is gonna give Matt some money for graduation, and just to even things out, he wants to send a little something for the other kids.
And I was thinking that since Matt is using his money to pay for his way to summer orientation, that we should put grandpa's money towards something educational for the kids, like camp.
Uh, camp is educational? Oh, work with me.
Work with me.
Yes, camp can be educational if we choose wisely and quickly.
I think I can get Mary, Lucy, Simon and Ruthie out of the house out of the house the same week that Matt is at his orientation.
That will be our reward for getting him through 12 years of school.
This is a good plan.
This is a very good plan.
What was that? Is there something going on with Matt? What makes you think anything's going on? Aha.
A question answered with a question.
- Spill it.
- It's not my information to spill.
And it would be nice if instead of grilling me, you told me what Jimmy and Rod are up to.
Oh, they've teamed up to write a career-day project on me.
- Why you? - Why not? No, you know that your father's work is very important.
I mean, it affects the quality of life for hundreds of people.
I also think they find your father's work interesting, at least in part, because, um, he's your father and neither of them is over you.
You're mocking me.
Luce, you don't really want either of them as a boyfriend, now, do you? No, I just want them to want me.
But when both of them wanted you, you turned both of them down.
Uh, don't confuse me with the details.
I'm just saying it's nice to be wanted.
When it's the right guy.
Maybe you should get your mind off finding a boyfriend and just be friends with Jimmy and Rod.
You told them you wanted to be friends when you broke up, didn't you? Oh, yeah.
And that worked out swell, didn't it? The two of them paired up like Martin and Lewis and used me to get to Dad.
- You know who Martin and Lewis are? - Explorers.
Those are the two guys who went down that river.
Or up that river.
The Mississippi or Missouri or Mason-Dixon.
Why are you quizzing me? You do go to school during the day, don't you? - Lewis and Clark? - Thank you.
It won't work.
Hey, kid, no falling down stairs when you're at other people's houses.
Stay out of this.
- Stay out of what? You two lost your minds? We weren't doing anything, we just put Billy down for a nap.
And I guess we fell asleep.
I don't ever wanna see you in bed with my sister again, even under the guise of taking a nap.
I mean haven't you learned anything from your mistake? You have no right to talk to my boyfriend like that.
Boyfriend? You're acting more like he's your husband.
- I better go.
- You don't have to.
I think I do.
- You wanna talk to me again? - Yes, we do.
I told you, Wilson and I weren't doing anything.
You should be talking to Matt.
We did talk to him and we know you weren't doing anything.
Then if you believe me, what's the problem? Well, you and Wilson have been spending a lot of time together.
And? And it must be difficult trying to be a mother to a 2-year-old when it's not really your responsibility.
Are you enjoying the role? Sometimes and sometimes not.
Why? - Okay, let's talk about something else.
- Fine.
Your grandfather is giving us a little money to share with you kids so we were wondering If you'd still be interested in that basketball camp you wanted? Are you kidding? I'd be totally interested.
That'd be great.
I was looking at the application.
If you wanna go, we need to mail the form right away.
Yes, yes, mail it.
I wanna go, I really do.
We also have to submit a doctor's statement, so you're gonna need a physical.
That is fine.
Anything you want, I'll do it.
Wow, I thought you guys were gonna punish me.
I can't wait to tell Wilson the good news.
We'd prefer you just do your homework tonight.
Yeah, you can talk to Wilson tomorrow.
I only have a couple of days of school left I don't have any homework.
The idea here is to spend one evening away from Wilson.
- It'll be good for you.
- You mean it'll be good for you.
Yes, it'll be good for us to see that our daughter still has some independence and her own life with her own priorities.
- Good.
- Yeah, yeah.
Look, I know I may have overreacted.
- May have? - Well, somebody has to do something.
Mary and Wilson are acting like they're married, she's not even 16 yet.
Come on, what's this really about? Okay, I'm getting a little nervous about leaving you two.
Have you told Mom and Dad that you're leaving a few months earlier than expected? No, I just don't know how to break the news to them.
Can't we talk about this? You slapped me.
Don't even say it.
I'm not talking to him.
I know, I just can't stand to see the two of you fighting like this.
He's only upset because he's worried about what's gonna happen to us when he goes away.
Because he doesn't think either of us has sense to take care of ourselves.
No, he just doesn't wanna see anything bad happen to us.
I'm not talking about this.
- Call Wilson.
- Why? Because I can't, I wanna tell him I'm going to basketball camp.
How are you gonna do that? Mom and Dad said they didn't have the money.
Well, now they do.
Grandpa gave them some.
- Dial.
- Well, what am I getting? Dial, please.
- Hello? - Hi, Wilson, it's Lucy.
I'm calling for Mary, she's not supposed to call you.
We're supposed to take a break from each other.
You're supposed to take a break.
How's Mary doing? She's okay, she's still really mad at Matt.
Yeah, yeah, I've gotta talk to him.
I feel terrible about what happened this afternoon.
It was irresponsible for Mary and me to be together like that.
Wilson says he's gotta talk to Matt.
He feels bad about how you guys were together like you were today.
He says it was irresponsible.
- No, it wasn't.
- Mary says, "No, it wasn't.
" Yeah, tell her we'll talk about this tomorrow.
He says you'll talk about this tomorrow.
Tell him I'm going to basketball camp the week after school is out.
Mary's going to basketball camp the week after school is out.
That's great.
Tell her I'll miss her, but it's still great.
He says that's great.
Well, hey, you know if you're lonely, you can always come over and hang out with me.
- I won't be doing anything.
- You might be doing something.
- What do you mean? - I think I found a guy for you.
- No way.
- No way, what? You've been so great helping out with Billy lately that I wanted to do something for you.
So I came home and I tried to think of a guy I could set you up with.
I remembered there was this new kid across the street who seems nice and I think he's your age.
So I'm gonna go over there and ask him if he'd like to meet a nice, good-looking girl.
Your timing couldn't be better.
With Jimmy and Rod hanging around, this is perfect.
What's perfect? So, what's his name? How old is he? Where is he from? Don't hold anything back.
I wouldn't hold anything back on you.
And remember, I'm new at the whole matchmaking thing.
Would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away from you or be a dead dog? Yes! Happy.
Yes, all right! Good girl.
Good girl.
Yes, I'm so proud of you, Happy.
- Did Happy do the trick? - Yeah, yeah, she did the trick.
Would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away from you or be a dead dog? Um, its It's okay.
She did it once, she can do it again.
Would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away from you or be a dead dog? Keep trying.
It's working, keep it up.
Would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away or be a dead dog? That's great.
The questions you told me to ask Lucy's on the phone with Wilson.
Why would Lucy be on the phone with Wilson? Because her sister's not allowed to.
Mary got us on a technicality.
Brains and beauty.
Huh, good for us.
Oh, yeah.
You know, I like that we're non-judgemental enough to let Mary date a teenage father A very responsible teenage father.
Yes, very responsible.
But I hope that in trying not to judge Wilson by his past, we're not creating a situation where he and Mary are too comfortable.
Didn't Matt take care of their comfort level this afternoon? Yeah.
It's Hey, I gotta use the phone.
Yeah, it's Reverend Camden, did you beep me? Hey, it's us.
And who exactly is "us"? It's Rod and Jimmy, your M.
s? Your ministers in training.
- Rod and Jimmy.
- Oh.
Uh, what's going on? Actually, that's what we'd like to know.
We've been trying to call you for an hour.
We were hoping that it was some church emergency.
One of the kids was using the phone.
No emergency, one of the kids was on the phone.
Actually, Lucy was talking to some guy.
Okay, we're a little disappointed, but we'll stay in touch.
You do that.
Lucy was talking to some guy, nice touch.
- We'll get right down to business.
- Yeah, business.
We hear you have a boyfriend.
And where did you hear that? - Your dad.
- And he cannot tell a lie.
We were trying to get through to him strictly for the project and we couldn't.
When we beeped him, he said you were on the phone with a guy.
- So what? - So Congratulations.
- Yeah, what's he like? - Why do you wanna know? We both wanna know.
We're all friends, aren't we? No, the two of you are friends.
But neither one of you has spoken to me in months.
I apologise for that oversight.
Yeah, sorry.
We need a ride to casa Camden after school, If you wouldn't mind mentioning that.
No, I can't mention that to Matt and there's no more room in the car anyway.
And if you can kindly keep your school project confined to the church I don't want the two of you hanging out around the house.
Oh, right, the new boyfriend.
Oh, yeah, that may be a problem.
Then why don't you get some other old girlfriend's dad to help you out? Saucy lady.
We've gotta check out this boyfriend.
Hey, Matt, how about a lift to your homestead this afternoon? No.
Maybe we should just call up the Rev, get him to pick us up.
Yeah, yeah, we'll beep him later.
It'll give him something to do, huh.
Are you sure? I can't believe this.
Do you wanna make the call or should I give your parents the news? No, no, I'll tell them.
- You told them about the job yet? - No.
Get on it, Matt.
This is something you can't hide.
By tomorrow night, it'll be in the local paper.
The counsellor's office, I wonder what that was about.
If I'd have to bet, I'd say our big brother is in trouble again.
- Hey, Mom.
Hey, hi, girls.
Yes, food.
You know, you have a doctor's appointment in a half an hour.
I guess we all can't be lucky enough to go away to basketball camp.
You wanna go away to camp? I don't play basketball.
No, but there are other camps.
Camp Catchurpride? No way.
What do you mean? Why not? Because it's a bunch of ugly girls with backpacks and no self-esteem.
I think it'd be good for you.
Oh, that's not what I meant.
I meant that it sounds like it could be fun and challenging.
You can't be serious.
Yes, I'm serious.
Look, just give it some thought.
So, what's Lucy giving some thought to? Camp.
You see, your father and I are thinking about letting all you kids go off to camp this summer.
- What camp? - What do you say, Space Camp? Well, I'd only say it's the best camp in the whole world.
- Yes.
- If I had any interest at all in space.
Dead dog.
Everyone gets to go to camp? Uh, we thought since Matt has to go off and look at his new school, that we'd let the rest of you kids go off that week and do something that you really like to do.
Good idea.
Me and you could use a little break around here.
Well, actually, your grandpa was saying that he'd love to have you come and visit for couple of days in Phoenix.
Yeah, but then you and Daddy would be home all alone.
That's right.
You'll never pull it off.
Hey, Mom, when's Dad coming home? Oh, he's out with Jimmy and Rod.
They should be back, oh, around 6 Nice chatting.
Hey, Ruthie, come here a sec.
- What? Just stand there a second.
Okay, Happy, dead dog.
This is crazy.
She does the trick every time if nobody's in the room but me.
- Obviously, she has stage fright.
- How do you know that? Because I get it every year when we have to do that Christmas pageant at church.
I can play the shepherd's boy like nobody's business in my room, but once I get out in front of the whole church, my stomach gets dinosaurs in it.
This is no good.
Happy has to do this trick in front of a whole bunch of people from the Pow Chow dog food company tomorrow.
Bye-bye, Pow Chow.
I just feel so pressured right now, I'm crazy.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Mary wants you to get off the phone.
She's gotta call Wilson before she goes to the doctor.
Just hang on a sec.
It's not easy being her big brother.
I know it didn't look good.
And more than that, I was irresponsible for not watching after my son.
I'm exhausted from finals and dating and being a dad and I guess I just literally fell asleep on the job.
I can understand that.
I didn't mean to overreact, it's just the image of you and Mary together in bed.
I mean I know you're not having sex, but still, it just threw me for a loop.
Matt's talking to Wilson.
Why are you talking to Matt? - Well, he called to apologise.
- Apology unaccepted.
If you and I are gonna be in a relationship and I'm not speaking to my brother, then you're not speaking to him either.
Why don't you speak to him so we all can just speak to each other? Because Matt doesn't deserve to be spoken to.
- You slapped me.
- He asked for it.
But who cares? He's not even gonna be living here anymore, anyway.
And would you rather be on speaking terms with someone who's living Mary, doctor's appointment.
With you, but Mary, let's go.
You're not going along with her on that, are you? I guess for the time being, I have to.
- Hello, Wilson? - Luce? Did you talk to that guy yet? Yeah, I did, but could I tell you about that after I talk to Mary? Mary's left, she had to go to a doctor's appointment for basketball camp.
Oh, okay, well, I'll catch her later.
But I did talk to that guy.
Um, his name is Kenny and he is interested.
- When can I meet him? - How does tomorrow sound? I'll bring him by after school.
If that's as soon as you can get him over here, great.
- Great, I'll see you then.
- Thanks, Wilson.
Look, guys, I know it's been kind of a depressing afternoon with the soup kitchen, and the hospital, and now this, but it's all part of a routine day in the life of a minister.
No problem.
That soup kitchen had better gravy on the potatoes than my mom makes.
Yeah, and those rolls were nothing to sneeze at either.
Ha, ha.
- You ate? - What, we weren't supposed to? No, that's okay, it's okay.
I just try to leave whatever food is there for the hungry.
Anyway, I I can never eat and then go to the hospital.
How come? It's kind of depressing, and the smells While you were visiting that woman, we saw this guy with a coat hanger in his eye.
Big-time gross.
- Yeah, way better than a movie.
When Closets Attack.
Ha-ha, all right.
Hello, Reverend, are you here to take me for a spin? Ready when you are, Mrs.
Okay, guys, I'm gonna take Mrs.
Arnold out for a little fresh air.
Feel free to make yourselves useful.
Mary, you do have to talk to Matt.
I can't.
I'm too mad at him.
You know what I think, I think you're mad at him about yesterday, but more than that, I think you're mad at him for leaving.
Yeah, we're all gonna miss him a lot sooner than you think.
What do you mean by that? Mom, Matt's leaving for the summer.
He got a job, but he's not adult enough to tell you or Dad about it, yet he thinks he's adult enough to start acting like my father.
Wait, I don't think I'm hearing this right.
Matt's leaving for the summer? Yup, next week.
That looks like fun.
Sorry I missed dinner.
I got caught up with Jimmy and Rod.
I was trying to impress upon them the everyday difficulties of my job.
How'd you do? - They enjoyed every minute of it.
I'm exhausted.
Hey, Mom, Dad, I wanna show you something Happy can do.
Not now, Simon.
Whoops, sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry, Simon, just give us a minute, okay? I promise we'll watch Happy's trick.
- Are you okay? - Yeah, just a little tired.
The doctor roped me into taking a physical while I was there so I'm feeling a little icky.
And there is something else.
- Who told? - Who told us what? - I know it was Mary.
- What did Mary tell? What's going on? The good news is I'm valedictorian.
Uh, the bad news is is that I need to leave before I have a chance to make my speech.
Leave? Leave for where? I got a job in Washington D.
, a summer work programme.
A government gig.
I don't have my assignment yet, I probably won't until I get there.
So no graduation? You'd be leaving in just a couple of days? - Anybody home? I'm up here.
Is that to keep Billy from falling down the stairs or Wilson from coming up? Both.
I was hoping never to see one of those things again.
Me too.
I remember the first one I put up for Matt.
Remember, we couldn't get it unlatched, so we had to keep jumping over it to get in and out of the kitchen.
Yeah, it's hard to believe Matt could be jumping on a plane to Washington D.
in a couple of days.
Did you come by just to depress me? No, I came by to pick up Happy and then I'm off with her and Simon to the Pow Chow contest.
Oh, well, she was here just a second ago.
Hap, come here.
Feel like going for a ride, Happy? Here she is.
Are Jimmy and Rod tagging along? Absolutely, I picked them up at 6 this morning for hospital visits, then dragged them to a budget meeting before dropping them off at school.
Couldn't you have done that this afternoon? They're out early.
No, this afternoon I'm gonna show them how I also have to balance my work with family obligations.
You might not wanna bring them home because Wilson's bringing over this Kenny guy for Lucy.
I know, I'm going to call first.
If Kenny's good, I'm supposed to come by with Rod and Jimmy so she can show off her boyfriend.
If Kenny's a dud, I dispose of them.
- You actually agreed to that? - Oh, yeah.
As Lucy pointed out, Matt would do it and Matt's gonna be gone so this is the perfect opportunity for me to start filling in on some of the things a big brother would do for her.
You see, I owe her because Matt's leaving, at least in part because he can't take living under our rules anymore.
And in return, she'll consider going to camp.
Mmm! Come on, Hap.
Hey, knock them dead.
I should have gone in to get Ruthie.
Mary's got no motivation to get back to the car.
Relax, you don't want this guy to think you're anxious.
No, but I want him to think I'm clean.
I wanna take a shower, change my clothes, maybe put some makeup on, or think of something interesting to say in conversation.
You're putting too much pressure on yourself.
See if you wanna go to any trouble after you meet him.
- You might not like him.
- Why wouldn't I? It's a blind date.
Blind dates hardly ever work out.
Why would Wilson fix me up with some guy who's not gonna work out? It's hard for someone to pick out the same person you'd pick for yourself.
So basically, what you're saying is you don't think that Wilson thinks as much of me as I think of myself, so he's gonna bring over some guy who's not that great because he doesn't think that I'm that great? - Knock it off, that's not what I said.
- Yes, it is.
And you know what, you only have a couple of days left here and you're ruining it for everyone.
Who's gonna drive us to school next year? Mom and Dad.
Who's gonna drive us to get ice cream when we're supposed to just go home? Dad.
Who's gonna drive us to go get breakfast burritos when we're already late for church? Mom.
And hey, don't worry about it, okay? I'm gonna get my licence soon and then I can drive you anywhere you wanna go.
When Matt let you drive, didn't you run over that guy's mailbox? Let's go.
- Get back in the front.
- I'm not sitting next to him.
- What, is he being mean to you too? - I'm not being mean to anyone.
Good girl.
- You nervous? It doesn't matter if I'm nervous, she's nervous.
Happy will calm down if you calm down, promise.
How am I supposed to do that? Well, every year at Christmas when Ruthie's in the pageant at church? - Yeah? - I know how nervous she gets and so what we do is, we try to just take a deep breath and then exhale very slowly every time we feel any anxiety at all.
And pretty soon, without even thinking about it, we're relaxed and Ruthie's relaxed.
No, she's not, she has dinosaurs in her stomach.
Simon Camden and Happy.
You can do it, girl.
Good luck, son.
These other mutts suck, man.
Yeah, and take a look at the owners.
Simon? Come on, Happy.
Simon, please stand on the spot marked X, and don't allow Happy to step outside the circle okay? Okay, here we go.
Okay, Happy, would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away or be a dead dog? How cute.
Oh, so clever.
Oh, really nice job.
Very good.
Time's up.
They're here.
- And? I have no idea what you're gonna think of him, he looks okay to me.
- Just okay? - I'm not doing this, let's go.
Turn on the TV.
Turn on the TV.
Turn it on.
I thought you were supposed to call first.
- I forgot, come on, come on, come on.
- What's going on? Hey, nice to meet you.
Yeah, welcome to the family.
Mom, you're not gonna believe this.
We're gonna be on the news.
Hey, everyone, um, this is Kenny.
- Kenny, this is everyone.
Hi, Kenny.
In particular, this is Lucy.
- Kenny, Lucy.
- Hi.
- Lucy, Kenny.
- Hi.
Hey, turn it up, Simon.
And today, the local winner of the Pow Chow dog food contest is none other than this happy dog named Happy, trained by her master, Simon Camden.
Okay, Happy, would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away or be dead dog? I owe you big time, bro.
I owe you.
What is it, sweetie pie? That blond creep stole my dog.
Great trick.
I've gotta see that one again, folks.
Okay, Happy, would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away or be a dead dog? See, that's Whitey.
Are you sure, honey? Whitey's been gone almost two years.
Yes, I'm sure, that's her.
And I want her back.
Well, then, we'll get her back for you, sweetie pie, we'll get her back.
I think this calls for a celebration.
Ice cream, anyone? Yeah! - Come on, I'll help you.
That's okay, guys.
I'd better take Happy for a walk, do you wanna come? Well, I'm certainly not welcome here.
Why not? So this is a pretty exciting day, huh? Yeah, it's not every day that the family dog's on TV.
No, I meant it's pretty exciting meeting someone you're instantly attracted to.
For me, at least.
It's very nice to meet you.
Thank you.
- Got anyone for me? I thought they already met.
You don't think the Reverend would lie, do you? For his daughter? The man's a minister, not a saint.
You're such a great mom.
Who else would just drop what they're doing and throw a party? I look at it this way.
I'm not gonna get them out without feeding them and I don't want them all sticking around for hours waiting for dinner.
Hello? Yes.
I'll hold.
It's Dr.
Peterson's office.
They want me to hold for him.
Hi, Dr.
Yeah, I'm fine, or at least I was until now.
Is everything okay? No, I don't I don't wanna come down.
You can tell me on the phone.
Thank you for letting us know.
Mary's Mary's pregnant.
- Why? - Because I wanna sit next to Ruthie.
Don't you wanna sit next to Matt? She's just expressing what everyone else is feeling.
And that would be? She's angry that you're abandoning us.
I'm not abandoning anyone, I'm going to college.
Just the same.
In 90 days, you're leaving your family just like that.
Eighteen years for nothing.
Everyone's gonna leave sooner or later.
- Mom and Dad aren't leaving.
- They're not supposed to.
And besides, I'm leaving for a very good reason.
It doesn't matter, because in the end, you'll be gone.
You want my help training Happy or not? You know, all I need to do to win that contest is have one really good trick.
But it has to be something special.
Something special, huh? I think I've got just the thing you need.
- Great.
- I'll help you if you'll work on Ruthie.
I'll try.
But training a dog is a lot easier than training a kid.
- Where's Wilson and Mary? - They're coming.
They're just finishing up some pre-church tonsil hockey.
So when are you gonna tell Mom and Dad about your summer job? Will you keep it down? I'll tell them when the time is right.
Quit being such a chicken and hurry up and tell them already.
Good morning and welcome.
Everyone, nice to have you with us.
Look, it's Lucy's old boyfriends.
Sit anywhere you like, guys.
Here we go again.
Wanna give Billy something to eat now, and then put him down for his nap? I don't know if he's hungry yet.
Besides, he should eat with the family.
I don't think he can last that long.
He's doing that thing with the bunny that he only does when he's tired.
Is he squishing it or putting it in his mouth? I think he's hungry.
He's squishing.
It's nap time.
If I put him down for a nap now, he might not sleep because he's gonna get hungry.
- Where is Billy? - Living room.
- With? Lucy.
You two are relying on Lucy a lot lately.
She wants to help.
She feels included and it gives her something to do.
Maybe she'd like to do something else, like have a boyfriend of her own.
Hey, maybe something will happen with Jimmy or Rod.
Oh, it's nap time.
Are you sure? He looks hungry.
Well, it's time for something.
Is Dad home yet? No, but the second he does get home, I'll let you know.
I can't believe Rod and Jimmy are stalking me now.
Maybe Rod and Jimmy just wanna talk to your father like they said.
Don't be so naive, Mom.
Trust me, I know those two a little bit better than that.
They're plotting something.
I just wish I knew what.
I'm very flattered that you two have chosen me to be your class project, but I have to ask you, why me? You only work an hour a week.
So we figured we wouldn't have to put in a lot of time.
Because it's not like you have a real job.
You know what I mean.
Oh, I know what you mean.
And I hate to disappoint you, but my job is really more like a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week, always-on-call kind of job.
Whoa, who knew? So given my rather busy schedule and the personal nature of my work, maybe you should follow one of your own fathers around for your work-study project.
No nepotism allowed.
Although, believe me, my dad could screw this up just as much as you could.
Well, thank you.
That's quite an incentive to help you out.
Then you'll do it? Great.
You know, since this is a 24-hour-a-day job, I think we're gonna have to camp out at the Camdens.
- Prepared to do that? - Anything it takes to ace that class, I'm there.
Have pyjamas, will travel.
No, no, no, you, uh You can't camp out at the house.
No, you can't.
The inn is full.
Well, what if we set up a tent in the backyard? You know, what if I just call you when something comes up? - Okay, we'll accept your terms.
- Good.
And here are our pager numbers.
- Yeah, page us.
Day or night.
- Okay.
- Kindly give our regards to Lucy? - Sure.
Just a sec, just a sec.
Um, maybe you'd like to get started by doing a little research into the book that my work is based on.
I don't suppose you have some CliffsNotes to go with these babies? Hey, Ruthie, why don't you come over here and help us out? Okay, the key to the trick is to teach Happy to play dead on the command "dead dog.
" Once you do that, you can say any before "dead dog," Happy will fall over.
What do you mean "say anything"? Example, would you rather be a cat or a dead dog? Or would you rather have Ruthie mad at you or be a dead dog? Tell him that's not very funny.
If Happy can learn the trick, you can take her in front of those dog food company officials and ask: "Would you have your Pow Chow taken away or be a dead dog?" - You are brilliant.
- Thank you.
Happy is gonna be the spokesdog for Pow Chow dog food.
It's a cinch.
Dead dog.
Let me give you advice dealing with Ruthie when she's like this.
After all, who knows her better than her ex-roommate? - Okay, I'm listening.
- Silent treatment gets silent treatment.
She'll crack, but you have to ignore her completely.
Happy, rise.
Hey, what's for lunch? I'm starving.
Oh, oh, no, I'm not gonna feed you anything until you tell me what Lucy's old boyfriends are up to.
Oh, Jimmy and Rod? They're studying me for a school project.
- Oh.
- It's for career day.
Social sciences.
- Really? - Yeah, really.
- Is that funny? - No.
Yeah, no, then why did you laugh? No reason.
I was just surprised, that's all.
Aren't we being a little sensitive? Yes, I am, I'm sorry, I'm tired.
Why am I so tired? Because we're raising five kids, and with Billy, it's more like six.
And then there's Wilson and that makes seven.
I love Billy, but The whole family loves Billy, but I think we're all a little Billyed out.
And Mary and Wilson are like a married couple with a kid.
I just don't like the way that feels.
- What are we gonna do about it? - I have a plan.
I love your plans.
Well, my dad is gonna give Matt some money for graduation, and just to even things out, he wants to send a little something for the other kids.
And I was thinking that since Matt is using his money to pay for his way to summer orientation, that we should put grandpa's money towards something educational for the kids, like camp.
Uh, camp is educational? Oh, work with me.
Work with me.
Yes, camp can be educational if we choose wisely and quickly.
I think I can get Mary, Lucy, Simon and Ruthie out of the house out of the house the same week that Matt is at his orientation.
That will be our reward for getting him through 12 years of school.
This is a good plan.
This is a very good plan.
What was that? Is there something going on with Matt? What makes you think anything's going on? Aha.
A question answered with a question.
- Spill it.
- It's not my information to spill.
And it would be nice if instead of grilling me, you told me what Jimmy and Rod are up to.
Oh, they've teamed up to write a career-day project on me.
- Why you? - Why not? No, you know that your father's work is very important.
I mean, it affects the quality of life for hundreds of people.
I also think they find your father's work interesting, at least in part, because, um, he's your father and neither of them is over you.
You're mocking me.
Luce, you don't really want either of them as a boyfriend, now, do you? No, I just want them to want me.
But when both of them wanted you, you turned both of them down.
Uh, don't confuse me with the details.
I'm just saying it's nice to be wanted.
When it's the right guy.
Maybe you should get your mind off finding a boyfriend and just be friends with Jimmy and Rod.
You told them you wanted to be friends when you broke up, didn't you? Oh, yeah.
And that worked out swell, didn't it? The two of them paired up like Martin and Lewis and used me to get to Dad.
- You know who Martin and Lewis are? - Explorers.
Those are the two guys who went down that river.
Or up that river.
The Mississippi or Missouri or Mason-Dixon.
Why are you quizzing me? You do go to school during the day, don't you? - Lewis and Clark? - Thank you.
It won't work.
Hey, kid, no falling down stairs when you're at other people's houses.
Stay out of this.
- Stay out of what? You two lost your minds? We weren't doing anything, we just put Billy down for a nap.
And I guess we fell asleep.
I don't ever wanna see you in bed with my sister again, even under the guise of taking a nap.
I mean haven't you learned anything from your mistake? You have no right to talk to my boyfriend like that.
Boyfriend? You're acting more like he's your husband.
- I better go.
- You don't have to.
I think I do.
- You wanna talk to me again? - Yes, we do.
I told you, Wilson and I weren't doing anything.
You should be talking to Matt.
We did talk to him and we know you weren't doing anything.
Then if you believe me, what's the problem? Well, you and Wilson have been spending a lot of time together.
And? And it must be difficult trying to be a mother to a 2-year-old when it's not really your responsibility.
Are you enjoying the role? Sometimes and sometimes not.
Why? - Okay, let's talk about something else.
- Fine.
Your grandfather is giving us a little money to share with you kids so we were wondering If you'd still be interested in that basketball camp you wanted? Are you kidding? I'd be totally interested.
That'd be great.
I was looking at the application.
If you wanna go, we need to mail the form right away.
Yes, yes, mail it.
I wanna go, I really do.
We also have to submit a doctor's statement, so you're gonna need a physical.
That is fine.
Anything you want, I'll do it.
Wow, I thought you guys were gonna punish me.
I can't wait to tell Wilson the good news.
We'd prefer you just do your homework tonight.
Yeah, you can talk to Wilson tomorrow.
I only have a couple of days of school left I don't have any homework.
The idea here is to spend one evening away from Wilson.
- It'll be good for you.
- You mean it'll be good for you.
Yes, it'll be good for us to see that our daughter still has some independence and her own life with her own priorities.
- Good.
- Yeah, yeah.
Look, I know I may have overreacted.
- May have? - Well, somebody has to do something.
Mary and Wilson are acting like they're married, she's not even 16 yet.
Come on, what's this really about? Okay, I'm getting a little nervous about leaving you two.
Have you told Mom and Dad that you're leaving a few months earlier than expected? No, I just don't know how to break the news to them.
Can't we talk about this? You slapped me.
Don't even say it.
I'm not talking to him.
I know, I just can't stand to see the two of you fighting like this.
He's only upset because he's worried about what's gonna happen to us when he goes away.
Because he doesn't think either of us has sense to take care of ourselves.
No, he just doesn't wanna see anything bad happen to us.
I'm not talking about this.
- Call Wilson.
- Why? Because I can't, I wanna tell him I'm going to basketball camp.
How are you gonna do that? Mom and Dad said they didn't have the money.
Well, now they do.
Grandpa gave them some.
- Dial.
- Well, what am I getting? Dial, please.
- Hello? - Hi, Wilson, it's Lucy.
I'm calling for Mary, she's not supposed to call you.
We're supposed to take a break from each other.
You're supposed to take a break.
How's Mary doing? She's okay, she's still really mad at Matt.
Yeah, yeah, I've gotta talk to him.
I feel terrible about what happened this afternoon.
It was irresponsible for Mary and me to be together like that.
Wilson says he's gotta talk to Matt.
He feels bad about how you guys were together like you were today.
He says it was irresponsible.
- No, it wasn't.
- Mary says, "No, it wasn't.
" Yeah, tell her we'll talk about this tomorrow.
He says you'll talk about this tomorrow.
Tell him I'm going to basketball camp the week after school is out.
Mary's going to basketball camp the week after school is out.
That's great.
Tell her I'll miss her, but it's still great.
He says that's great.
Well, hey, you know if you're lonely, you can always come over and hang out with me.
- I won't be doing anything.
- You might be doing something.
- What do you mean? - I think I found a guy for you.
- No way.
- No way, what? You've been so great helping out with Billy lately that I wanted to do something for you.
So I came home and I tried to think of a guy I could set you up with.
I remembered there was this new kid across the street who seems nice and I think he's your age.
So I'm gonna go over there and ask him if he'd like to meet a nice, good-looking girl.
Your timing couldn't be better.
With Jimmy and Rod hanging around, this is perfect.
What's perfect? So, what's his name? How old is he? Where is he from? Don't hold anything back.
I wouldn't hold anything back on you.
And remember, I'm new at the whole matchmaking thing.
Would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away from you or be a dead dog? Yes! Happy.
Yes, all right! Good girl.
Good girl.
Yes, I'm so proud of you, Happy.
- Did Happy do the trick? - Yeah, yeah, she did the trick.
Would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away from you or be a dead dog? Um, its It's okay.
She did it once, she can do it again.
Would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away from you or be a dead dog? Keep trying.
It's working, keep it up.
Would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away or be a dead dog? That's great.
The questions you told me to ask Lucy's on the phone with Wilson.
Why would Lucy be on the phone with Wilson? Because her sister's not allowed to.
Mary got us on a technicality.
Brains and beauty.
Huh, good for us.
Oh, yeah.
You know, I like that we're non-judgemental enough to let Mary date a teenage father A very responsible teenage father.
Yes, very responsible.
But I hope that in trying not to judge Wilson by his past, we're not creating a situation where he and Mary are too comfortable.
Didn't Matt take care of their comfort level this afternoon? Yeah.
It's Hey, I gotta use the phone.
Yeah, it's Reverend Camden, did you beep me? Hey, it's us.
And who exactly is "us"? It's Rod and Jimmy, your M.
s? Your ministers in training.
- Rod and Jimmy.
- Oh.
Uh, what's going on? Actually, that's what we'd like to know.
We've been trying to call you for an hour.
We were hoping that it was some church emergency.
One of the kids was using the phone.
No emergency, one of the kids was on the phone.
Actually, Lucy was talking to some guy.
Okay, we're a little disappointed, but we'll stay in touch.
You do that.
Lucy was talking to some guy, nice touch.
- We'll get right down to business.
- Yeah, business.
We hear you have a boyfriend.
And where did you hear that? - Your dad.
- And he cannot tell a lie.
We were trying to get through to him strictly for the project and we couldn't.
When we beeped him, he said you were on the phone with a guy.
- So what? - So Congratulations.
- Yeah, what's he like? - Why do you wanna know? We both wanna know.
We're all friends, aren't we? No, the two of you are friends.
But neither one of you has spoken to me in months.
I apologise for that oversight.
Yeah, sorry.
We need a ride to casa Camden after school, If you wouldn't mind mentioning that.
No, I can't mention that to Matt and there's no more room in the car anyway.
And if you can kindly keep your school project confined to the church I don't want the two of you hanging out around the house.
Oh, right, the new boyfriend.
Oh, yeah, that may be a problem.
Then why don't you get some other old girlfriend's dad to help you out? Saucy lady.
We've gotta check out this boyfriend.
Hey, Matt, how about a lift to your homestead this afternoon? No.
Maybe we should just call up the Rev, get him to pick us up.
Yeah, yeah, we'll beep him later.
It'll give him something to do, huh.
Are you sure? I can't believe this.
Do you wanna make the call or should I give your parents the news? No, no, I'll tell them.
- You told them about the job yet? - No.
Get on it, Matt.
This is something you can't hide.
By tomorrow night, it'll be in the local paper.
The counsellor's office, I wonder what that was about.
If I'd have to bet, I'd say our big brother is in trouble again.
- Hey, Mom.
Hey, hi, girls.
Yes, food.
You know, you have a doctor's appointment in a half an hour.
I guess we all can't be lucky enough to go away to basketball camp.
You wanna go away to camp? I don't play basketball.
No, but there are other camps.
Camp Catchurpride? No way.
What do you mean? Why not? Because it's a bunch of ugly girls with backpacks and no self-esteem.
I think it'd be good for you.
Oh, that's not what I meant.
I meant that it sounds like it could be fun and challenging.
You can't be serious.
Yes, I'm serious.
Look, just give it some thought.
So, what's Lucy giving some thought to? Camp.
You see, your father and I are thinking about letting all you kids go off to camp this summer.
- What camp? - What do you say, Space Camp? Well, I'd only say it's the best camp in the whole world.
- Yes.
- If I had any interest at all in space.
Dead dog.
Everyone gets to go to camp? Uh, we thought since Matt has to go off and look at his new school, that we'd let the rest of you kids go off that week and do something that you really like to do.
Good idea.
Me and you could use a little break around here.
Well, actually, your grandpa was saying that he'd love to have you come and visit for couple of days in Phoenix.
Yeah, but then you and Daddy would be home all alone.
That's right.
You'll never pull it off.
Hey, Mom, when's Dad coming home? Oh, he's out with Jimmy and Rod.
They should be back, oh, around 6 Nice chatting.
Hey, Ruthie, come here a sec.
- What? Just stand there a second.
Okay, Happy, dead dog.
This is crazy.
She does the trick every time if nobody's in the room but me.
- Obviously, she has stage fright.
- How do you know that? Because I get it every year when we have to do that Christmas pageant at church.
I can play the shepherd's boy like nobody's business in my room, but once I get out in front of the whole church, my stomach gets dinosaurs in it.
This is no good.
Happy has to do this trick in front of a whole bunch of people from the Pow Chow dog food company tomorrow.
Bye-bye, Pow Chow.
I just feel so pressured right now, I'm crazy.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Mary wants you to get off the phone.
She's gotta call Wilson before she goes to the doctor.
Just hang on a sec.
It's not easy being her big brother.
I know it didn't look good.
And more than that, I was irresponsible for not watching after my son.
I'm exhausted from finals and dating and being a dad and I guess I just literally fell asleep on the job.
I can understand that.
I didn't mean to overreact, it's just the image of you and Mary together in bed.
I mean I know you're not having sex, but still, it just threw me for a loop.
Matt's talking to Wilson.
Why are you talking to Matt? - Well, he called to apologise.
- Apology unaccepted.
If you and I are gonna be in a relationship and I'm not speaking to my brother, then you're not speaking to him either.
Why don't you speak to him so we all can just speak to each other? Because Matt doesn't deserve to be spoken to.
- You slapped me.
- He asked for it.
But who cares? He's not even gonna be living here anymore, anyway.
And would you rather be on speaking terms with someone who's living Mary, doctor's appointment.
With you, but Mary, let's go.
You're not going along with her on that, are you? I guess for the time being, I have to.
- Hello, Wilson? - Luce? Did you talk to that guy yet? Yeah, I did, but could I tell you about that after I talk to Mary? Mary's left, she had to go to a doctor's appointment for basketball camp.
Oh, okay, well, I'll catch her later.
But I did talk to that guy.
Um, his name is Kenny and he is interested.
- When can I meet him? - How does tomorrow sound? I'll bring him by after school.
If that's as soon as you can get him over here, great.
- Great, I'll see you then.
- Thanks, Wilson.
Look, guys, I know it's been kind of a depressing afternoon with the soup kitchen, and the hospital, and now this, but it's all part of a routine day in the life of a minister.
No problem.
That soup kitchen had better gravy on the potatoes than my mom makes.
Yeah, and those rolls were nothing to sneeze at either.
Ha, ha.
- You ate? - What, we weren't supposed to? No, that's okay, it's okay.
I just try to leave whatever food is there for the hungry.
Anyway, I I can never eat and then go to the hospital.
How come? It's kind of depressing, and the smells While you were visiting that woman, we saw this guy with a coat hanger in his eye.
Big-time gross.
- Yeah, way better than a movie.
When Closets Attack.
Ha-ha, all right.
Hello, Reverend, are you here to take me for a spin? Ready when you are, Mrs.
Okay, guys, I'm gonna take Mrs.
Arnold out for a little fresh air.
Feel free to make yourselves useful.
Mary, you do have to talk to Matt.
I can't.
I'm too mad at him.
You know what I think, I think you're mad at him about yesterday, but more than that, I think you're mad at him for leaving.
Yeah, we're all gonna miss him a lot sooner than you think.
What do you mean by that? Mom, Matt's leaving for the summer.
He got a job, but he's not adult enough to tell you or Dad about it, yet he thinks he's adult enough to start acting like my father.
Wait, I don't think I'm hearing this right.
Matt's leaving for the summer? Yup, next week.
That looks like fun.
Sorry I missed dinner.
I got caught up with Jimmy and Rod.
I was trying to impress upon them the everyday difficulties of my job.
How'd you do? - They enjoyed every minute of it.
I'm exhausted.
Hey, Mom, Dad, I wanna show you something Happy can do.
Not now, Simon.
Whoops, sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry, Simon, just give us a minute, okay? I promise we'll watch Happy's trick.
- Are you okay? - Yeah, just a little tired.
The doctor roped me into taking a physical while I was there so I'm feeling a little icky.
And there is something else.
- Who told? - Who told us what? - I know it was Mary.
- What did Mary tell? What's going on? The good news is I'm valedictorian.
Uh, the bad news is is that I need to leave before I have a chance to make my speech.
Leave? Leave for where? I got a job in Washington D.
, a summer work programme.
A government gig.
I don't have my assignment yet, I probably won't until I get there.
So no graduation? You'd be leaving in just a couple of days? - Anybody home? I'm up here.
Is that to keep Billy from falling down the stairs or Wilson from coming up? Both.
I was hoping never to see one of those things again.
Me too.
I remember the first one I put up for Matt.
Remember, we couldn't get it unlatched, so we had to keep jumping over it to get in and out of the kitchen.
Yeah, it's hard to believe Matt could be jumping on a plane to Washington D.
in a couple of days.
Did you come by just to depress me? No, I came by to pick up Happy and then I'm off with her and Simon to the Pow Chow contest.
Oh, well, she was here just a second ago.
Hap, come here.
Feel like going for a ride, Happy? Here she is.
Are Jimmy and Rod tagging along? Absolutely, I picked them up at 6 this morning for hospital visits, then dragged them to a budget meeting before dropping them off at school.
Couldn't you have done that this afternoon? They're out early.
No, this afternoon I'm gonna show them how I also have to balance my work with family obligations.
You might not wanna bring them home because Wilson's bringing over this Kenny guy for Lucy.
I know, I'm going to call first.
If Kenny's good, I'm supposed to come by with Rod and Jimmy so she can show off her boyfriend.
If Kenny's a dud, I dispose of them.
- You actually agreed to that? - Oh, yeah.
As Lucy pointed out, Matt would do it and Matt's gonna be gone so this is the perfect opportunity for me to start filling in on some of the things a big brother would do for her.
You see, I owe her because Matt's leaving, at least in part because he can't take living under our rules anymore.
And in return, she'll consider going to camp.
Mmm! Come on, Hap.
Hey, knock them dead.
I should have gone in to get Ruthie.
Mary's got no motivation to get back to the car.
Relax, you don't want this guy to think you're anxious.
No, but I want him to think I'm clean.
I wanna take a shower, change my clothes, maybe put some makeup on, or think of something interesting to say in conversation.
You're putting too much pressure on yourself.
See if you wanna go to any trouble after you meet him.
- You might not like him.
- Why wouldn't I? It's a blind date.
Blind dates hardly ever work out.
Why would Wilson fix me up with some guy who's not gonna work out? It's hard for someone to pick out the same person you'd pick for yourself.
So basically, what you're saying is you don't think that Wilson thinks as much of me as I think of myself, so he's gonna bring over some guy who's not that great because he doesn't think that I'm that great? - Knock it off, that's not what I said.
- Yes, it is.
And you know what, you only have a couple of days left here and you're ruining it for everyone.
Who's gonna drive us to school next year? Mom and Dad.
Who's gonna drive us to get ice cream when we're supposed to just go home? Dad.
Who's gonna drive us to go get breakfast burritos when we're already late for church? Mom.
And hey, don't worry about it, okay? I'm gonna get my licence soon and then I can drive you anywhere you wanna go.
When Matt let you drive, didn't you run over that guy's mailbox? Let's go.
- Get back in the front.
- I'm not sitting next to him.
- What, is he being mean to you too? - I'm not being mean to anyone.
Good girl.
- You nervous? It doesn't matter if I'm nervous, she's nervous.
Happy will calm down if you calm down, promise.
How am I supposed to do that? Well, every year at Christmas when Ruthie's in the pageant at church? - Yeah? - I know how nervous she gets and so what we do is, we try to just take a deep breath and then exhale very slowly every time we feel any anxiety at all.
And pretty soon, without even thinking about it, we're relaxed and Ruthie's relaxed.
No, she's not, she has dinosaurs in her stomach.
Simon Camden and Happy.
You can do it, girl.
Good luck, son.
These other mutts suck, man.
Yeah, and take a look at the owners.
Simon? Come on, Happy.
Simon, please stand on the spot marked X, and don't allow Happy to step outside the circle okay? Okay, here we go.
Okay, Happy, would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away or be a dead dog? How cute.
Oh, so clever.
Oh, really nice job.
Very good.
Time's up.
They're here.
- And? I have no idea what you're gonna think of him, he looks okay to me.
- Just okay? - I'm not doing this, let's go.
Turn on the TV.
Turn on the TV.
Turn it on.
I thought you were supposed to call first.
- I forgot, come on, come on, come on.
- What's going on? Hey, nice to meet you.
Yeah, welcome to the family.
Mom, you're not gonna believe this.
We're gonna be on the news.
Hey, everyone, um, this is Kenny.
- Kenny, this is everyone.
Hi, Kenny.
In particular, this is Lucy.
- Kenny, Lucy.
- Hi.
- Lucy, Kenny.
- Hi.
Hey, turn it up, Simon.
And today, the local winner of the Pow Chow dog food contest is none other than this happy dog named Happy, trained by her master, Simon Camden.
Okay, Happy, would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away or be dead dog? I owe you big time, bro.
I owe you.
What is it, sweetie pie? That blond creep stole my dog.
Great trick.
I've gotta see that one again, folks.
Okay, Happy, would you rather have your Pow Chow taken away or be a dead dog? See, that's Whitey.
Are you sure, honey? Whitey's been gone almost two years.
Yes, I'm sure, that's her.
And I want her back.
Well, then, we'll get her back for you, sweetie pie, we'll get her back.
I think this calls for a celebration.
Ice cream, anyone? Yeah! - Come on, I'll help you.
That's okay, guys.
I'd better take Happy for a walk, do you wanna come? Well, I'm certainly not welcome here.
Why not? So this is a pretty exciting day, huh? Yeah, it's not every day that the family dog's on TV.
No, I meant it's pretty exciting meeting someone you're instantly attracted to.
For me, at least.
It's very nice to meet you.
Thank you.
- Got anyone for me? I thought they already met.
You don't think the Reverend would lie, do you? For his daughter? The man's a minister, not a saint.
You're such a great mom.
Who else would just drop what they're doing and throw a party? I look at it this way.
I'm not gonna get them out without feeding them and I don't want them all sticking around for hours waiting for dinner.
Hello? Yes.
I'll hold.
It's Dr.
Peterson's office.
They want me to hold for him.
Hi, Dr.
Yeah, I'm fine, or at least I was until now.
Is everything okay? No, I don't I don't wanna come down.
You can tell me on the phone.
Thank you for letting us know.
Mary's Mary's pregnant.