Vinland Saga (2019) s02e21 Episode Script


- Is that the last one?
- Yes.
I doubt Ketil's side has any will
to continue fighting.
I will send another messenger
to urge them to surrender.
Your Majesty.
May we seize the houses on the farm?
My soldiers do not like
camping out in tents.
You may not.
I forbid anyone from stepping foot
on the farm.
Once the soldiers get in,
they will begin pillaging.
Pillaging is a right given to the victors.
The purpose of this battle
is the requisition of the entire farm.
Not pillaging.
I will give the Jomsvikings
a generous reward myself.
As you wish.
Isn't it a little too late
to show mercy, Canute?
You are doing the right thing.
This is the job of a king.
For the sake of the bigger purpose,
you must save those you must save
and kill those you must kill.
Common people cannot shoulder this burden.
I am still in hell,
far away from paradise.
Hell has its own laws.
you killed your father,
you killed your brother,
and you will have to
continue killing until
the trail of corpses reaches paradise.
Thank you, Einar
and Thorfinn.
Thank you.
Hold him down.
Hold him down tightly!
- He's already dead!
- Pass me the hot water!
Just kill me!
Young master
Young master
Dad's hands
are gone.
Young master
My daughter and my family
You can't
even slice a pig!
Young master?
Young master!
Are you okay, young master?
Are you hurt somewhere too?
Your stomach?
Does your stomach hurt?
You should lie down.
We just received
a second summons to surrender.
We can call a truce only if
the entire Ketil family surrenders.
The punishment of outlawry
has not changed.
Choose whether to continue fighting
or to surrender.
That's ridiculous!
I am not going to be
banished from this country!
Do you expect me to leave this land
and become a beggar?
Snake, all of this is happening
because you were incompetent.
You freeloader!
- Boss! You old hag
- Stop, Fox.
If we say that we'll continue fighting,
what will you do, Snake?
I'll stick around.
That's what I want to hear!
Don't worry, Mother. Leave it up to me.
Twenty people is enough to kill the king.
When you beat a larger army
with a small force,
that's when a man really shines!
Calm down, Thorgil.
You are not the one
who gets to make that decision.
Of course it's me.
Dad is unconscious.
Or did you want to make the decision?
It's not me either.
As the head of the family,
Ketil has chosen an heir.
What are you saying, child?
You should be ashamed as a Nordic man!
I'm ashamed.
I'm ashamed but
I'm scared.
I'm scared.
I'm scared of seeing others die
and scared of dying myself.
I don't care if we're banished.
I just want
to end all of this.
Don't be ridiculous, Olmar.
You wanted to go to war.
You started this battle
in the first place.
That's right. It's my fault.
I messed up and was ridiculed
and lost my temper and was full of myself.
I'm sorry I did this to all of you.
But because I started this,
I want to be the one to end this.
Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.
They had their eyes on this farm
from the beginning.
But I gave them the opportunity
to start a war.
They can find any reason
to start a war regardless.
If it hadn't been you,
they would've used me or Dad.
You protected your honor back there.
Right, Olmar? You did good.
Honor is more important than life.
Show your courage
as a Nordic warrior once more.
That wasn't courage at all!
I messed up in front of the king.
I'm a stupid, useless man
who deserves to be laughed at.
And yet
And yet
I didn't have the courage
to let people laugh at me.
I can't become like you.
I don't care about the honor
of a Nordic warrior.
I will surrender.
Laugh if you want to.
The acting family head
has made a decision.
Olmar, go and tell King Canute
your decision.
I will go with you.
I won't laugh, young master.
I'm over this.
Move out of my way.
- Wait! Where are you going, Thorgil?
- Shut up.
Bye, you cowards.
It may be true that your power
has supported many people.
But I'm sure you have seen
with your own eyes,
what happens to those who become
obsessed with wealth and power.
But it's not like you are
losing everything for nothing.
In exchange for the farm,
your son has become a real man.
Why did you let him go?
You have been searching for Thorfinn
this whole time, right?
You came all the way here to take
Thorfinn back to your homeland, right?
That is true. That vow I made
has been my reason to live up until now.
No matter how many times I lost
sight of it, I kept searching.
I cannot break my vow to my friend.
But right now, something much bigger
is moving Thorfinn to take action.
And he told me that he will return.
I will trust that look in his eyes.
So you're not a member
of the Ketil family?
My name is Thorfinn, son of Thors.
I work as a hand on this farm.
I am here on behalf of Ketil.
Please let me speak with the king.
A hand? You're a slave, aren't you?
I can tell who's a slave right away.
Because they smell like livestock.
You're out of the question.
If the Ketil family doesn't surrender,
we'll just continue the battle.
I am acquainted with the king.
If you tell him my name, he should know.
Please tell him that Thorfinn,
son of Thors, is here.
You and King Canute are acquaintances?
About four years ago,
although it was for a short time,
I served as the king's royal guard.
Did that wake you up, midget?
As if someone as smelly and tiny as you
could be a royal guard!
I apologize if I offended you.
But it is true.
Please tell the king my name.
What happened, Drott?
That didn't wake him up at all!
Seems like your punch was too weak.
You're not a morning person, huh?
So you want me to wake you up
like your kind little mommy?
Do it!
Come on!
Did you figure out what the fuss is about?
Yes, Ketil has sent over a messenger.
But it is not Ketil himself,
so my men are trying to send him back,
but it seems he is very resilient.
- Did you get his name and status?
- Yes.
He works as a hand on the farm
and is named Thorfinn, son of Thors.
Is he a young
and small man?
Yes, exactly.
Do you know him?
Do it!
What shall we do, Your Majesty?
Would you like to meet him?
No, there is no need for that.
Son of Thors
There's no way
- Get him!
- Fight back, midget!
Aim for his eyes!
Wait a second! I don't want to fight you.
Wow, he's pretty agile!
What's wrong, Drott?
- You're not hitting him at all!
- Get it together!
Damn it! I was too naïve.
Anyway, I have to get out of
this situation.
Hurry up and get a punch in, Drott!
The bet is going nowhere.
- Yeah!
- One down!
- Go!
- He's still perfectly fine!
- Kill him!
- Damn it!
- Thorfinn! Are you okay?
- Einar
Why are you here?
Idiot! Obviously, I'm here to stop you!
I'm sorry.
Just get up already.
Let's hurry up and run.
There's no point in talking to these guys.
All right, pay up.
Thank you.
What kind of bet is that?
Huh? Oh
We're betting on how many punches
it'll take until you run off crying.
Including whether you die
or get knocked out.
The most popular bet is under ten punches.
A few have put their bet on
more than 20 punches.
Come on, you can do it.
- Just one more punch.
- Endure ten more!
That bet
I will join too.
I'll bet on myself.
Even if I win, I don't need the money.
In return,
you will let me speak with the king.
Did you hear that?
That midget just said something
really interesting.
All right, why not? You've got guts.
But I won't let you bet
on under ten punches.
What has nobody bet on yet?
Let's see
There are bets all the way up to 90.
Then 100 punches it is.
If you endure 100 punches, you win.
If you lose, we will take your life.
- Very well.
- Hey!
Thorfinn! Why would you go
that far just for Ketil?
This is war.
A single person can't do
anything about it.
If they want to fight,
just let them fight amongst themselves.
am glad that
I ended up on this farm.
I didn't know anything other than war,
but the master, Pater,
and the old master
didn't give up on me.
They were good to me.
I even got to meet you.
I know you agree with me, deep down.
Are you okay with never
being able to pay back the kindness
you were shown?
- Thorfinn
- It's fine, Einar.
There's a trick to being punched.
I am used to being punched.
- Are you serious?
- Way to go!
Take down that blockhead!
He's making a fool out of you, Drott!
Are you all show?
Just squash him already!
I, Drott the Bear Killer,
have never been humiliated
like this before!
I will kill you.
Is he stupid? He's going to die!
Try to last until 20 punches!
Get him!
"Emperor of Rebellion."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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