The Unit s02e22 Episode Script


Previously on the unit.
I have something for you.
Always here.
I can't possibly accept this.
Put it on.
- I'm married.
- Are you? Because I don't see a husband.
I'm falling in love with you.
Well, stop.
Hi, I'm Christine Ross.
I work with your wife.
It was her last day at the office, and she left some personal items behind.
I would never hurt you.
A lot of other people got hurt.
I can't do this.
I'm willing to take my chances.
Why don't you give us the rest of that money? I'll be needing this.
Thank you, and good night.
Chamber's pressurized at Ok, deal the cards.
Queen of clubs.
At 30,000 feet a mere metal can last 20 seconds without supplemental oxygen.
A unit operator, a man among men, should last 30.
Blood pressure and heart rate steady.
Brown's a rock star.
Ace of spades.
Queen of clubs.
Dadez? I'm a little squirrelly.
Well, that's normal.
You're going to be jumping from over 40,000 feet, that's 8 miles up.
Brown, how's your vision? Clear, I think.
I keep pulling the same card, the queen of clubs.
I'm the king of clubs.
All right, you've reached the threshold, hypoxic.
Put your masks back on.
What's the record? I could do one more, sir.
Dadez, put your mask back on, and switch to 100% O2.
He's spiking! Sergeant! Emergency shutdown.
Emergency shutdown.
Get those doors open.
I'm losing him, I got no pulse! C.
, now! Emergency vent, get that pressure safe.
We're going as fast as we can, sergeant major.
If I open the door before the pressure's level, their lungs will explode.
No soap! Get these doors open! He's dead.
I just spoke to Dadez's mother.
Listen, this has been a hard one for us all.
Jonas, you were supervising his test, was it equipment failure, or was it health failure? Neither, sir.
Because if that new RJ there is no mission.
I was on the same respirator.
We were getting good oxygen.
You sure? This mission requires us to jump higher than we've ever gone.
Dadez broke protocol, sir.
I need to be sure.
Do we have an equipment problem that's going to get us killed over enemy ground? That's not our only problem here, sir.
We're a man short on a mission that's 20 hours from wheels up.
Drop me in on my own.
I'll paint the target.
These guys go into hiding again, it'll be years before we get another crack.
This mission needs 2 men.
You don't jump solo, not into hostile territory.
Well, then that's that, then.
Second man's right here, sir.
We need you to run the ow from here.
Besides, you're not jumping from 40,000 feet without medical clearance.
Sir, I can do this solo.
Nobody's questioning your skills as a soldier.
But this is a Can you bring Kayla up to speed to liaison with me at the desk? - I'll cover him.
- I can do that, sir.
Jonas, you get the green light from the doc, we're mission on.
Shards from a 9 millimeter round, russian, 12 years old.
Doc, don't start with me.
Your legs shattered, here and here, And I'm still able to do the funky chicken.
one nicked spleen, a separated shoulder, a transverse fracture, lacerations on your chest, abdomen, andack.
Doc, just sign the form.
You know, with these injuries, you could retire right now with full disability and benefits.
Well, until one of those benefits is jumping out of an airplane at 40,000 feet, doc, I guess I'm just not interested.
Jonas, this goes beyond the usual slap and tickle.
I'm duty bound to report what I see to the colonel.
This is what concerns me.
sit next to your spine.
You jump from that high you take a risk.
Those fragments are years old.
I believe I detect movement.
The fragments have shifted, Jonas.
I need you to understand.
If they puncture your dura here at I-4, and that can happen from a jump, from a fall, you'll be paralyzed.
The Unit 2x22 Freefall bidouille: The Unit 2 Team I heard this place has a bowling alley.
And gold lined toilet seats.
Regular club med.
Maybe we can drag this out after we pack 'em up.
Squeeze in a little vacation.
Why don't we just focus on the here and now? We're taking over this detail.
Another day in the salt mines.
How do we put up with this job? Do you believe the death threats received by your state department are genuine? I believe all threats are genuine.
That's why I'm still here.
You do have enemies, sir, here and abroad, and your safety is important to my bosses.
So, you've been sent to ensure I sign these mining contracts? I've been sent to ensure the safety of you and your family.
- For the next 36 hours.
- Yes.
Which means you'll no longer be concerned for my safety once the contracts are signed.
That's correct.
Everyone has an agenda, agent Black.
If we didn't pretend otherwise, the world would be a less grievous place.
I'll take you to dynatech headquarters tomorrow, for your meeting.
What is this? Is this yours? Hammerhead! Hammerhead! Betty blue! Front gate.
Stop the truck! Get out of the truck! Who authorized this delivery? No name on the papers, just this address.
Who opened the damn gate? You were told no one enters without approval by me.
I approved it.
The car's mine.
Here's your payment.
Hold it, sir.
No one goes near the car until it's been cleared.
Who are you people? They're here to protect us.
Mommy, mommy, I want to ride in the car.
Please excuse my son.
He's very, high spirited.
Let's go.
Have I told you I hate babysitting? How did this happen? The breach, you were supposed to secure the front perimeter.
The posted guards were given Which they ignored.
So, your first mistake was trusting 'em.
Hey, we're just getting the lay of the land.
During which time a 2 ton bomb could've rolled in on that truck.
If you cannot control your subordinates, then I will post you at the front gate.
Is that what you want? I'll send you back to kindergarten.
No, mack, I got it.
You got it? What is that? I did it with my little hatchet? Everyone's entitled to one meltdown a year.
No, he's right.
Well, look at the happy homemaker.
Will wonders never cease? Ah, just a few little things.
How did your physical go today? As all physicals go.
What did the good army doctor report? That my lungs are good, and I can keep my tonsils.
And what about your back? Don't worry about my back.
Come here, baby.
These are specially trained hands.
How high, and when? As high as you want, and now.
How high will you be jumping? And when? You always do your own wash right before you do a jump, that's the only time you rub my back.
How high? That's classified.
Must be at least 30,000 feet if you're packing your woolies.
Were you assigned? Or did you volunteer? The young paratrooper who died today, Dadez, he died training for a jump.
Now, who told you such a thing? An embolism from lack of oxygen, and it stopped his heart.
Ain't going to happen to me.
And what about your back? Dr.
Farris is just going to let you jump and that's the army way, isn't it? They'll lie to keep you.
Nobody lied.
You have shrapnel so close to your spine they can't operate.
It's my duty.
It's why I'm here.
But will you be here for your grandchild someday? And what, exactly, is the timetable for your inevitable exit? I can't think about that right now.
For your proposed intact retirement? Mission first.
Then timetable.
Everything all right? I didn't mean to worry you.
Well, no, your message was mysterious.
The bracelet.
You changed your mind.
Did I change my mind about? Accepting my bracelet.
No, I didn't change my mind.
Why would you think that? You didn't take the bracelet? Because when I got in this morning, it was gone.
When would I When could I have done that? I can't accept a gift like that from you.
That's why I gave it back.
If it wasn't you When you put it in the drawer, we weren't alone.
What are you even talking about? Oh, come on.
I can handle this.
Christine, look, you've been a great clerk, but Wilson, I didn't steal it.
She's lying through her teeth.
You took the bracelet.
I didn't steal it.
I was happy to be of service.
How, exactly? You left a few things behind, I put them all in a box and dropped them at your home.
You were in my home? Your husband said you were at a law firm dinner.
Did he see the bracelet from Wilson? - I don't know.
- Christine.
You wanted her to have it, didn't you? Nothing is going on between Tiffy and me.
That's the truth.
Of course, why would you lie? You smug bitch.
I need you to pick up all of your belongings and leave this office right now.
- Because? - Right now.
Wait a second, you would kick me out and keep her? After everything I've done? You've no idea what you've done.
Betty Blue, is the malfunction fixed? It's not a malfunction.
I found a cut wire.
Someone wanted privacy.
Can you rewire the system? I can add picture in picture, surround sound, and a lovely walnut cabinet.
A simple roger will suffice.
You think having an affair with the bodyguard is motive for killing her husband? How virtuous are the works of man But the threats were clearly from thai extremists.
Or so it appears.
Say on.
A scheng wife would make it appear that they were from her husband's enemies.
And what would she gain by killing the prince, except for a loss of status? Her life if he knew about the affair.
I don't know.
It doesn't make sense.
If she wanted to kill him, all she needs is a lazy afternoon and a meat cleaver.
Good point, make sure that the princess isn't alone with her husband while we're here.
How? By keeping eyes on both of them at all times, intervene if necessary.
Standard part of the detail.
Keep'em bright eyed and bushy tailed.
Until the contract is signed.
Eyes on the prize.
Who the hell are these yahoos? Mohammed Shankar, masseur.
You're dismissed.
Sura Mali, astrologer.
Tak Aroon, chef.
Both of you, dig out.
Sukhot Niran, the princess' bodyguard.
You're dismissed.
Osnot Baidu, manicurist.
What's going on? Your highness, we have to evacuate all non essential personnel.
You don't understand.
They're all our friends.
Yes, ma'am.
Where's my bodyguard? He's been relieved of his duties.
They're sending away our staff.
We need to reduce the number of bodies in the compound.
Do you have a problem with that, sir? Dear, these men are just doing their jobs.
Can't risk it, Jonas.
Not based on this medical report.
A piece of paper doesn't get the mission done, sir.
Half your operators can't pass that physical.
Let's let the air force run with this one.
There are only 3 guys that know the details of this operation.
And one of them is now dead.
No, you're not jumping.
Sir, you don't send me on this mission, I walk.
From the whole farmer's market.
We cross deck this to the air force, and they drop their lovely 5 ton bomb, and they miss because we got nobody on the ground.
Or worse they miss, and you know what tomorrow's headline is? That's right, dead, and it comes back on us.
The mission is on, and I'm going.
Or you're putting ads in the personals seeking a team leader.
And remind me again, those grow on trees? And what if you burn in at 70 miles an hour? - I won't burn in.
- And what if you do? Then don't let my wife marry a lawyer.
I'm saying this as a friend, Jonas.
I got enough friends.
What are the only things that fall from the sky, Jonas? Manna from heaven and the airborne rangers.
Put me on that mission, Tom.
You know this! Look at me! I will make life miserable for you and your entire family What's going on here? Perhaps you should guard these.
It's the prince's express wish that his son not drive this car.
Aran takes my father too literally sometimes.
He just doesn't want me driving too fast.
But if you drive me, problem solved, right? I don't have my license.
Hold on, I have a date tonight, you understand, don't you? She's a model.
You'd really like her.
She has a gorgeous friend, too.
I don't doubt it.
So, you'll come! Save your breath, son.
Look, I need to get out tonight.
What do we do to make that happen? I understand, in your military, men like you are not adequately paid.
I'll give you $40,000 right now, for those car keys.
And I'll tell you what, after we leave, you keep the Lamborghini.
I'll buy another one back home.
Everyone up here, now! Let's go! Let's go, let's go, move it, move it.
You, no one in or out, do you understand? All curtains drawn, all shutters closed.
Sweep every room.
You and you, come with me.
You and you, take the top floor.
Sniper from outside perimeter.
The prince watches the news in that room, same time everyday, like clockwork.
The shooter knew that and mistook the kid for the father.
Inside job? Could be Wife or bodyguard.
Woman who cheats on her husband might be looking to shoot him in the head.
Whoever it is, someone knew the prince's schedule.
We gotta change the business meeting.
Gentlemen, we are on lockdown until this job is finished.
According to the N.
intercepts, this is the house they're to meet in.
It's at the end of the street.
Guy on the left, there's your host.
And coming to his party are of the terror network.
The school's right here.
Across the street.
That's why they chose the spot.
We need to paint the target from here.
No, no, I've got the place.
- You sure? - Yeah, we need get in close.
Our overwatch has to be right about there.
We're gonna get blow back.
Well, it's the only way to ensure that we avoid hitting the school.
And our transport? It's a Cassa 2-12.
We got it covered.
We've double checked everything.
Well, redundancy has its beauty.
You can say that again.
We've triple checked it, Kayla.
Standard rate orbit, here, 50,000 feet.
And who is controlling them? And if it's cloudy, do they have infrared? They've got I.
, it's the first thing I checked.
I've been coordinating the drones with the A.
for 2 months.
Well, last time we trusted the Air Force, they were 30 minutes late, 30 miles off target.
And they didn't have a colorful excuse.
You're fluffing the pillows.
I've already made the bed.
We've got this covered.
Special occasion? Yep, you.
You've seemed kind a stressed lately, And I thought, what relieves stress? Unless you want to do it standing up.
Just a sec.
Hey, that's my eyebrow pencil.
Vectors and windspeed.
You're going sailing? No, it's just an office thing.
Does this office thing have you worried, distracted, and/or upset? Because you haven't talked to me for days.
Do you know that? Haven't touched me.
I've been preoccupied.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Do you want to talk about it? Do it anyway.
This was a real shot for me.
And now Jonas is stepping all over me.
I mean, he's switching things that I've been nailing down for months.
Maybe he thinks he's helping.
Maybe he actually is helping.
Look, I just need the colonel to have confidence in me.
Jonas was in charge of testing, and that was all.
If he crosses the line, tell him.
Be direct.
Do it respectfully, but do it forcefully.
Isn't that a good answer? Yes, it is.
And aren't you glad you asked? You've got to get out of town now, before Mack gets back.
Tiffy, calm down.
I'll talk to him and I'll explain.
Explain that although you gave me a diamond bracelet with a romantic inscription on it, that there's nothing between us? Ok, but This is a problem we can solve.
Through what? Conflict resolution? You know what my husband's friends call that? A.
Maybe this is a chance for you to start over.
There is no starting over.
I married my husband, I married the army.
Once in, never out.
It doesn't have to be that way.
No, no, no.
You're not getting it.
Well, explain it to me.
You can't stay here where Mack can find you.
Well, I'm not running.
I'll get a restraining order.
He'll have to stay Wilson, in basic training, the army teaches every soldier how to shoot a man sized target from 1,000 yards.
He won't be the first soldier to get a divorce.
And no offense, but your husband is a clerk.
My husband's not a clerk.
He's not a clerk? What is he? What is he? When you read those news stories that so and so's been assassinated hundreds of miles behind enemy lines, who do you think does that? If my husband thinks we're having an affair, the only question is which one of us is he going to kill first? We have a threat of undetermined origin.
The rules just changed.
Right now, no one leaves this room without permission.
You cannot keep us prisoners here.
As soon as this meeting is over, you will all be on a plane back home.
The food and water supply could have been tampered with.
You'll all be drinking bottled water and eating army rations.
It's disgusting.
I won't eat these.
Well, that's your choice, bud.
A person can live for 6 weeks on water with no food.
We'll need everyone's cell phone right now.
This is too much.
We will do as agent Black and his men say.
That is all.
Let's see if we can bump up the timetable.
Excuse me, sir.
I have to talk with you in private.
It's important.
Those bullets were not meant for my husband.
They were meant for Kama.
My husband wants to kill my son.
The death threats were a ruse.
Your husband made those threats? Kama is his heir, but he has another son by his mistress.
Now that you have sent away Niran, my bodyguard, I have no protection.
You must let us leave.
I can't do that, ma'am.
You don't believe me.
He does not want Kama to succeed him.
My husband hired the hit man who shot at my son.
Well, then, I suggest that you stay here and let myself and my men ensure the safety of your entire family.
I want to reposition the drones to this vector.
Sure, I'll get the coordinates.
Could you hold that for a second, please Jonas? Jonas, look.
I was the senior member of a 2 man team.
Now you've replaced the junior member.
- Is that how it works? - Yes.
You've got your seat on the plane, but this is my mission.
And I'd like you to allow me to run it.
Now, if you know of a better way to run a railroad, I'm all ears.
I'll see you in the sky.
The meeting with dynatech will take place here, Arrangements have already been made.
Without consulting me? Sir, I have reason to believe that your enemies have an inside man.
We need to act quickly and with complete secrecy.
Who's aware of this new plan? Besides my men, only you.
Now, for your safety, I would suggest that you share this with no one.
Not even your wife.
Why do you mention her? I only assumed that she's your closest confidante.
Do you have any idea who the mole is? Any idea would be unfounded speculation.
You understand that someone in my household has committed treason, which is punishable by death.
I am well aware of that.
We're at 40,000 feet.
then we open.
You count.
We've been painted by radar.
- By who? - Don't know, but we're not sticking around to find out.
Let us out now.
We can do it.
I got nothing.
I got a main malfunction.
Pull your reserve! Bob! Pull your reserve! I got a reserve malfunction.
I think it's jammed.
Jonas! I'm coming to get you.
It's stuck! What the hell happened there? Your pins froze.
We're off course.
We need to get back in the wind cone.
We've lost a lot of altitude.
Straight approach.
Follow me down.
Hey, you ok? Just a scratch.
Let's see.
Ok, here.
Let's go see a man about a terrorist.
Betty Blue.
Our guests have arrived.
Hey, stand down! Stand down! Stand down! Stand down! You! They were invited.
Search the vehicle.
Dirt diver.
What's our status? So far, so good.
Open the gate.
What the hell? Princess is on the move.
Stop right there! What are you doing? We're getting out of here.
- Open the gate! - What's wrong with him? He's sick.
Can't you see that? He needs to go to hospital.
Kama! Dear one! Please We need asylum.
I'm begging you.
We need asylum.
Sir, your son is ill.
He's not ill.
He's an addict.
Send them to the airport.
Have my doctor waiting.
Please, no.
Please! No, no, no! Not that car.
This car! This is her car.
Let him vomit in her car.
My apologies.
I apologize, my son's a little ill.
Let's go in.
Dirt Diver.
Check this out.
One car phone, one radio, but 3 antennae.
What are we missing? Mack thinks you're having an affair? Yes.
- And are you? - No, I'm not.
I swear.
I said never again.
What? I'm not saying anything.
Tiffy, if you're dragging mud into my house No, I didn't do anything wrong.
I never even kissed the man.
I swear.
And now you think that mack is going to hurt this guy or worse? Or you.
Unless Jonas or Bob can tell me where he is so that I can explain it to him Like I said, Jonas is Molly, a man's life is at stake here.
Then you need a better plan.
The life you need to be concerned about is your own and your kids'.
Well, they're safe at camp.
You're not safe.
Mack is going to come home all wound up.
And thinking crazy.
You can stay here where you're safe, in betsy's room till Mack comes home.
Then you'll talk to him face to face.
With me and Jonas at your side.
And bob and me if you need us.
That'll be too late.
I mean, I don't know if Wilson's gonna leave town.
I've gotta stop Mack before he gets back.
Only one man on this base who knows when that'll be.
And I don't know where you stand with him.
I've got 6 missions and a funeral to tend to.
You have the floor.
What's your emergency? I need to find Mack.
The kids? They're all right? They're fine.
Is there a money problem? No, it's nothing like that.
- I need.
- I'm listening.
Please just tell me where he is.
Where he is is classified.
Then when's he coming back? I can't help you if I don't know what your problem is.
Tom, we're in trouble.
Mack thinks I had an affair.
He found something.
Something of whose? Not yours, if that's what you're worried about.
Then why is this my problem? Because he's your soldier, and he's a shooter.
And if we don't stop him, somebody's gonna get killed.
Somebody? Who is this man that's in danger? Tom, I've never lied to you.
I've lied for you, I lied for your wife, but I've never lied to you, and I'm not having an affair.
I didn't ask you.
This whole thing is a mistake.
What do you want me to do? Pull him aside when he gets back.
Detain him.
You've done it before.
When it was about us, you knew what to do.
It's too much.
You want me to go through official channels, I will.
Then we're done here.
And hell, while I'm at it, I might as well let all the facts out.
Then they'll know everything.
The whole history about me and you.
Is that what you want, Tom? Is that what your wife wants? Are you trying to blackmail me? Best I can.
Target alpha tagged.
Target painted, and here come our guests.
All inside.
Roaches are in the motel.
Stand by for go.
Red Yellow Green.
Missile release.
On its way.
There's a kid! Get out of here.
Well, gentlemen, that just about does it.
Gentlemen, a picture.
Agent Black, I want to thank you and your men for your dedication and professionalism.
You're most welcome.
My wife and son are being sent to the airport? No, sir.
But I gave specific instruc.
I sent them to the hospital.
Your son was in bad shape.
The airport would have been too far.
I see.
And we were fortunate enough to find this underneath your wife's car before they left.
This would be a bomb.
My god, you saved my son.
Save the theatrics.
I couldn't let your real agenda happen on american soil.
The princess and her son won't get U.
asylum, you know.
Family squabbles aren't just cause.
My guess, they'll be shipped back to Thailand before week's end.
Well, I guess that's someone else's shift.
Santa Fe? Yeah.
Always wanted to drive there.
That's beautiful country.
All right.
You know, I could use a navigator.
You just keep on trying.
Yeah, well, if I have to go, I'd love to take you with me.
You've gotta go.
I'm running from a fight.
You wouldn't win it.
Not from what you said.
About what I said No one can know.
People's lives depend on their cover.
If you care for me at all, you won't say a word.
I can't.
I'm gonna miss you.
Prince should be landing back home right about now.
For all we know, if they send his family back, someone will end up dead.
My guess is, the wife poisons the husband in his sleep 5 years from now.
I got a few ways she can kill me in my sleep.
I'd die a happy man.
And they signed contracts? Next time, warn us.
If we're going to babysit the world's most dysfunctional family.
Duly noted.
Nice job, gentlemen.
Mack! Hold back! Report to the bay for briefing.
Sir? Gonna throw you right back out.
Prep work on a mission just came up.
There's a couple of things that I'd like to take care of first.
It's gonna have to wait.
Wheels up at And my wife, sir? You got a message? You tell me.
I'll pass it on.
No message.
Have a good one.
Tell me Serena's at school.
Well, hello to you, too, soldier.
That's how I like it.
You wanna take off your duffel bag and boots? I'll do it afterwards.
Molly? I'm home, baby.
And now you can tell me your timetable for your exit from the Unit.

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