Vinland Saga (2019) s02e22 Episode Script

Emperor of Rebellion

Hey! He's still standing!
I lost!
He's amazing even though he's so tiny!
He's still standing!
That's impressive!
I lost big money because of you, Drott!
What are you doing!
Hurry up and crack his head open!
Keep your eyes on him!
Damn it!
Something is not right.
My punches feel light for some reason.
Damn it!
That messenger is indeed
used to being punched.
Right before he's hit by the fist,
he twists his neck and hips
to distribute the impact
throughout his body.
But it's so subtle that nobody
realizes that he is dodging the attack.
However, Drott is also a skilled fighter.
He won't last very long at this rate.
Even still
violence should be the last resort.
I wish
I wish I knew how to choose
the first course of action that's best.
Is this it?
This is the "first course of action"?
Not punching back
and just enduring it all?
Is that how
you are going to live from now on?
What are you going to do?
All right!
What's that? Are they fighting?
Come on, Drott!
Stop it!
What's going on?
He has nothing to do with this farm!
Oh no!
All right! I felt that one!
That made a crazy sound!
Did he die?
What's going on?
I thought you guys left the farm already.
How did it turn into this?
If he endures 100 strikes from them,
they will let him speak
directly with the king.
That's what they promised.
No way
He did it for the farm?
That's enough. Stop this.
The farm is surrendering.
They've decided already.
You idiot.
You're too nice for your own good.
If a conversation could've solved this,
we would've done that already.
Are you sure about that?
Did you really,
put in the effort to solve this
over a conversation?
Just because they took up their swords,
you retaliated with your sword
without even thinking about it.
That was 32 punches.
- Let's divide the money.
- He got up!
Hey, wait a second.
You must be kidding!
No way!
He stood up!
What are you relaxing for,
you middle-parted jerk!
Your punches are nothing more
than a bug bite to me.
You have 68 more punches.
Hurry up and get it over with.
I don't have all day.
I have people waiting for me!
Stop it! This battle is
Einar, he'll die if he continues.
A Hundred.
Thorfinn, son of Thors.
I'm sorry I doubted you.
You are
You are a real warrior.
this man once served the king
as a royal guard, just like us.
Please grant Thorfinn
a meeting with the king.
You're small, but it seems
you are well trained, Thorfinn.
But why didn't you punch back?
If you defeated Drott,
that would have proved
your skill as a former royal guard.
What kind of question is that?
There's no point in a peace negotiation
if you go around punching people.
I met you guys for the first time today.
We don't know anything about each other.
We hold no grudges.
So why do we have to fight each other?
It's ridiculous.
Canute and Ketil
are the ones who want to fight.
The two leaders should just
play a game of hnefatafl
and settle their issues.
There is absolutely no reason
for all these people to gather
and shed blood.
We met for the first time today.
You guys are not my enemies.
No one is my enemy.
You sure have guts
to boldly deny war in front of
this many professional warriors.
But to think
Ketil and His Majesty
playing hnefatafl, huh?
What's so funny?
Pardon me.
Try proposing that idea
to the king himself.
His Majesty
is not fighting wars because he wants to.
If you are allowed to speak with him,
you will come to see his intentions.
Make way.
I will take this messenger to the king.
Come on, Einar.
We're going to meet
the very person who starts wars.
I'm sure you have something to say.
I have a whole lot to say.
All of them
were killed in this battle?
Don't look, Einar.
Don't look.
If you find Pater among them,
you'll become too emotional.
All right, let him through.
I'll respect your decision.
Thank you very much.
You may come forward!
So you were alive?
It's been a while,
After I
turned you into a slave
Or rather,
after what I did to Askeladd,
you must really hate me.
I took up a weapon against
the royal family of Denmark
and yet my life was spared.
I am grateful for your consideration.
I am sorry
about the cut on your face.
The man who left a scar
on the king's face
Thorfinn Karlsefni.
He was said to have fought
on par with Thorkell.
Who knew he was so small and young.
You cut the king?
I can't recognize you
with your face looking like that,
but it seems you really are
the Thorfinn I know.
I must say,
you really learned
how to give a model answer.
Four years, huh?
It has already been four years since then.
That is enough time
to change a person.
Canute, please leave this farm alone.
I can't.
This all started because of Ketil.
Ketil's son Olmar held a grudge
because he couldn't become a thegn
and murdered ten of my men.
I heard about that.
But you've done enough.
More than 100 people
from the farm's side died.
With this many workers dead,
this area may not be able
to get back on its feet.
I summoned them to surrender beforehand.
It is Ketil's fault for misjudging
the difference in our strength.
And that is why
this battle will not end
until the Ketil family is dealt with.
More like,
until you make this farm your own.
Your pretense isn't fooling anyone.
You call yourself a king,
but you're nothing but a robber.
What makes you different from
any other Viking gang lord out there?
If you want a field that bad,
try making it yourself.
Plow the soil, watch over it,
and cultivate it yourself!
you will really understand
how horrible it is
to take it away.
remember you told me back in Gainsborough,
that you will make a paradise on earth,
a utopia for those who are suffering?
Is that still your wish?
A gang lord, huh?
I am the Viking gang lord
of all Viking gang lords.
I am the emperor.
The strongest Viking of the North Sea.
The ruler of the largest territory
in the Nordic region.
The commander
of thousands of ships
and tens of thousands of soldiers.
My power exceeds human understanding
and makes the impossible possible.
I will calm those waves with my power.
In the name of Canute, the emperor,
I order the waves to calm down!
Did you see my power?
I cannot even stop the rippling waves.
Do you know who is making
those waves?
It's God.
Creating a paradise on earth
means going against the rules he has set.
It's a rebellion against God.
As long as we abide by his rules,
humans cannot find happiness.
Look at us, Thorfinn.
Look at us, Vikings.
We are the bearers
of chaos and destruction,
the plunderers of terror.
Do you think we have the right
to live in paradise?
But that is exactly what humans are.
We encompass
the very essence of sinning,
wandering humans.
I must save these people
who were abandoned by God,
or else building a paradise
will be impossible.
Saving the Vikings?
That's right.
Subjugating them, controlling them,
unifying their power,
and leading them to paradise is something
only I can do.
I need power.
I will unify the power of humans
and fight against God.
You're an incredible man, Canute.
I've never even thought about
saving the Vikings.
I am going to smack you.
I don't give a damn about whatever
big plans you have in mind.
But if you are going to kill
people today just for that,
who is going to save them?
You save Vikings
because they give you power,
but you kill and rob from people
who are useless to you?
Building paradise? Don't make me laugh!
I had
my village burned down by King Ethelred
and my family killed by King Sweyn.
I don't care what kind of ideals they had.
I've had enough!
I will not be a victim
to you people anymore.
Hate me if you want.
I don't need your forgiveness.
What did you say?
Stop it, Einar.
Canute, let me ask you again.
Do you have any intention
of leaving this farm?
No. I need Ketil's wealth for my project.
So what will you do, Thorfinn?
Will you kill me right here, right now?
If you don't kill me,
there is no way to stop me.
"Two paths."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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