One Piece s02e23 Episode Script

The Blue-Nosed Reindeer! Chopper's Secret

The Reindeer with the blue nose! The secrecy of Chopper Who is this.
? Ca would not be… … in the other direction? It is a little late, now.
I can still see you.
Who are you? THE FARM, SALTS HUMAN! Is Ca better, your fever? IT HAS SPEAKS! Make less noise, Chopper! It would seem that your fever fell, young girl.
Content? And you are? It is acceptable.
I am doctor.
But me Doctorine calls.
A doctor? But then, that must be… The secrecy of my youth? Not… I did not ask anything.
It is nothing more than one castle at the top of a mountain.
Then there was to be two other people with me, not? Ouais, they sleep like babies in the part of at side.
They are strapping men, these deux-là.
Look at.
It is what returned to you sick.
What… is it? You were bitten by an insect, Kestia.
It is a variety of poisonous tick which lives in the tropical forests.
The infection starts when the insect bites you and the bacterium enters through its mouth.
Once inside, the incubation, which lasts five days, causes an immense pain with the victim.
The symptoms are a fever of 40°C, infections, an ignition of the myocardium and arteries, and lead to a coma.
According to the state of your wound, you had to be contaminated three days ago.
I suppose that you must have your amount of pain until now… … but if you had not touched there during two more days, that would have hurt you more.
Two days more? Two days more and you would have died.
Ca is called the five days Disease.
Although I had believed to understand that Kestia had died out hundreds of years ago.
You have chance that I still have antibiotic.
But where you caught that? You did not walk the belly to the air on a prehistoric island, nevertheless? Of course that not.
You know something on this subject? Which surprising young girl.
You are not yet completely restored.
Thank you very much, but I for of do not require if the fever dropped.
I will go back from there all alone, not? Which naive young girl.
Normally, for the beginning of the treatment, it is necessary to count at least 10 days before curing this disease.
But if you hold to fall down in these sufferings and to die, it is another history.
Even with my drugs, you will have to remain quiet during at least three days more.
I cannot remain three days here! We must hurry and bring back Vivi to Arabasta! Two only cases where my patients leave this place… … it is when they are cured or that they died.
There is no other loophole.
It climbed the mountain with naked hands? But Drum Rock is with 5000 meters of altitude! This one is covered with engelures.
With what did think he, equipped like that? Make heat water and plunges it inside immediately.
This one has a serious hemorrhage, six broken coasts, and the fissured vertebral column.
Do I can operate it? This girl seems to be most badly in point.
She is at the borders of death.
Chopper, prepares phénicol, cardiotonics, and also of the tialcilline.
It has an infection? Yes, it seems that in fact bacteria do not exist on this island.
Do not worry you, I will take care of this kid in blood and of this girl, I promise it to you.
They are my companions.
I know.
One will help them.
Chopper, one begins the treatment! They are my companions.
To eat… Meat? Ragout of reindeer.
If you it leashes Mariner in a pot during three hours, it become delicious and tender.
Meat… Reindeer… WITH THE ASSISTANCE! COME, BEEFSTEAK! Wait, Luffy! I must initially cook it.
Nami! Nami-San! You are better! Thanks to you, the guy.
Well, Nami-San! I go you concocter a small feast containing flesh of reindeer to accelerate your cure! WAIT!!! I am surprised.
They can already run like that.
Who is this reindeer with the blue nose which speaks? You would like the knowledge? RETURN HERE, BEEFSTEAK! Wait, Luffy.
Does not eat it yet! Stop, human! It is called Chopper.
And it is only one simple reindeer with the blue nose.
But the reindeers do not speak.
Stop! There is only one difference between him and the other reindeers.
A difference? I AM NOT EDIBLE! Hito = Human He ate the fruit Hito Hito.
The fruit Hito Hito… One of the fruits of the demon… Yes.
It is a reindeer which inherited of human capacities.
Human person who is damned! Human person who is damned! And I taught all to him that I knew in the medical field.
Wapol-Sama, Straw hat is at the top.
Just at the moment when I have a small hollow.
I will eat this kid to taste it.
Dalton-San! Dalton-San! Dalton-San! Dalton-San! Dalton-San! Dalton-San! Do not die, please! One will find it in time! Please, be alive, Dalton-San! Who it is? HELPS US INSTEAD OF REMAINING PLANT! Hello… YOU DID NOT HEAR Me!? DO NOT REMAIN PLANT IT AND HELPS US! What occurs? It is there! One found Dalton-San! What? They found it! Thank you my God! Dalton-San! Dalton-San! But which it is this Dalton? It is not… Its heart stopped! Join my crew, please! Please, Grandmother! We need a doctor on our boat! Luffy! It is your name, not true? Ouais.
Have you just called me “Grandmother”? Ouais, Grandmother.
YOU SHOULD SUPERVISE YOUR WORDS! I is still in the flower of the age, so young, it is young, 130 years, you know.
Wow, it pète the form, the old woman.
You want that I become a pirate, hein? Do not tell silly things.
You waste your saliva.
I am not interested by the ocean.
It is not serious! Let us leave to the adventure, granny! He He.
I have just said to you to supervise your language, not? It is a pirate.
WAIT, BEEFSTEAK! Return here, the kids! RETURN! Wait still a little, Nami-San! I will make you a good dish with the reindeer so that you are better.
Before you do not succeed in doing that… I WILL HAVE PUFF OUT YOU! THE WITCH! By does all the devils, where it leave!? IT HAS KNIVES! I make fun of the kitchen, leave me just quiet.
Snow? I believed that one was inside a castle.
The weather is cold.
I would make better close it.
Not, remains with the bed! You still have fever.
Not, I do not have any more.
It is as if it had left.
I sowed them… But you still cannot! The drugs of Doctorine have a fast effect, therefore your fever will have fallen soon.
But the bacteria of Kestia are still in your body.
You must take your drugs and remain lying, included/understood? Thank you.
It is you who ace taken care of me, not? THE FARM! I AI NOT NEED FOR the RECOGNITION Of HUMAN! DO NOT TEST to Me EMBOBINER! Moron.
I do not have anything of it to make.
Ca will not go… I say it to you… You are the kind which cannot hide its feelings… There is a trick which bell in this castle.
It made so cold there, and all this snow everywhere.
Cold fact! You A LITTLE SLOW ES WITH the RELAXATION! Look at.
All the castle is filled with snow.
All the doors of the unutilised parts are cold on their hinges.
Return here! Eh, eh, Luffy! Stop asking this witch to join us.
It is not a doctor.
SHE TRIES TO KILL US! You are pirates? Yes.
Truths of truths? Exactly.
You have a flag with a tête de mort? Yes on our boat.
Interested by the pirates? NOT! AT ALL! NEVER! IDIOT! Of agreement, agreement.
I am sorry.
However… If it were the case… You would not like to join to you to us? To traverse the oceans! You want to come with us? That would help me much.
If we had a doctor on board, I would not need to remain three days more here.
Moreover, on our boat we do not have… WOULD NOT BE STUPID! I AM A REINDEER, YOU KNOW? I AI NOTHING TO MAKE WITH the HUMAN ones!! I want to say, you are not afraid of me? I am a reindeer, but I hold upright… … and I can speak.
What, do you want to frighten me? And I have blue truffle too.
Then it is there that you hid… REINDEER! RETURN HERE! What they are fast, these deux-là.
I am very disappointed, young girl.
Who gave you the authorization to make charm with Chopper when I am not there? Oh.
You want to say that I need your permission? Not, you do not need any.
If you want it, go ahead and take it along.
In any event, somebody as him will not leave so easily.
Its heart carries deep scars, broad wounds that even me I cannot cure.
You see, since the day of his birth, it was given up by his parents and his clan.
All that because it had the blue nose.
It always went only to the variation of the herd.
We speak about a young fawn at this time.
Then one day, he ate one of the fruits of the demon and was treated like a monster.
He was rejected by the remainder of his herd.
He had completely ceased being a normal reindeer.
All that it wished, it was to have of the friends.
Under its human form, he moved towards a village.
What is it that this trick? But it did not resemble for as much human.
Its truffle in particular remained blue.
It arrives! The abominable snowman! It is dangerous! Make return the children in the houses, quickly! With the weapons! Take your weapons! Kill it! Salt monster! Leave! Fire! Fire! Do not let it escape! It takes refuge in the mountains! It did not include/understand what it had done of evil.
It did not even know with which to be caught some.
SALT MONSTER! All that he wanted, they was friends, but instead of that, he was made treat monster.
He was not any more one reindeer… but not human either.
Then he lived alone, delivered to itself.
Will you be able to fill this vacuum in his heart? Eh Luffy, looks at this door.
It is the main entrance.
And it is large open.
Not astonishing that it is so cold.
Finally at all events, let us close it.
There is no difference between the interior and outside with this open large door.
HE! Stop! Do not touch with this door! Be unaware of it, close it! One will finish cold.
Ouais, you ace reason.
HE YOU! YOU DO NOT INCLUDE/UNDERSTAND… … WHAT I WANT TO SAY BY “STOP”!? Waaaaaaaah!! Why he is irritated like that!? Hey, Luffy.
Come to see by here.
Look at up there.
Snowbirds babies.
The nest would have fallen if we had closed the door.
It is for that it left it open.
Cold fact! Cold! Wait one minute.
What? It has just spoken there, not? Yes… And it went upright… It IS a MONSTER! Q - What is it!? If it holds upright… … and that it resembles a reindeer… … and it has a fur… … and it is small… … and then it becomes large… … It IS a MONSTER! I adore it! Too much cool! Sanji! Let us take it in our crew!
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