The Unit s02e23 Episode Script

Paradise Lost

Previously on The Unit Mack thinks you're having an affair? Yes.
And are you? I never even kissed the man, I swear.
You can stay here till Mack comes home.
then you'll talk to him, face to face.
CIA could use a man inside the unit.
Forget it.
You can't jump out of airplanes forever.
I think I got a few years left.
As you recall, Art Spey here wanted to induct you into a little secret of the Unit.
A man has to walk away and can't come back.
How's it paid for? A unit member has to disappear.
Once in, never out.
Head wounds bleed a lot.
Yeah, I'm ok.
Just your scalp.
There's no way out of here.
No? Not alive.
You're bulletproof? You don't know what this is! If you take me back, CIA's gonna kill me.
They will kill me.
Pleasures of a double agent.
It's a lie.
It's a lie.
Landslide! Landslide! Let's get the hell out of here.
How's your mama, miss Molly? She's doing fine, thanks.
That's a blessing.
How did you come to know my mother? I remember her from she lives in here.
My mother hasn't been in Fort Griffith in 15 years.
You've been here that long? Now you've gone and caught me.
What do you know about prison? Leavenworth, 'cause that's where your husband and his buds are about to shuffle off to.
What is it that you want? To educate you.
Your Jonas has done some things that's in his best interest when he comes home, you tell him it's right he comes forward and confesses.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
You're about to.
Mommy, mommy! Stop! Baby you have got to pay attention! I was just trying to help.
They drive like crazy through here.
Thank you so much.
Just wish we could have gotten that maniac's license number.
You're like my daddy.
Is that right? Well, I'm sure that's quite a compliment.
He's brave, too.
Well, I know he is, Serena.
How do you know my daughter's name? I want to help your husband, Mrs.
Actually, I want to help your whole family.
If you call that number when you get home, they will verify that I am what I say I am.
If you doubt the number then you can get to the yellow pages and ask for CIA.
Ask to be put through to the CIA main switchboard, tell them agent Katz.
What is this? When you've made the call I'll come to your house and explain it.
Good-bye, Mrs.
It's about your husband.
Renegade agent.
Federal marshall takes him into custody, starts crying.
Last one to wrap up buys the beer? You men Drop your bags and take 2 steps back.
This is a restricted area.
Who the hell are you? What do you think you're doing? I said drop the bags and take 2 steps back.
I'm not gonna say it again.
Does your momma know you're out? You should take your hands off your weapon unless you're ready to use it.
All right, everybody stop.
Everyone, take your hands away from your weapons.
Sergeant Strickland, I am sergeant major Blane.
This is my compound.
You want to tell me what this is all about? - My orders state - Sergeant Strickland, you may return to your patrol.
Yes, sir.
Let's go.
Colonel Bazemore, 30 minutes, I'll meet you at your office.
Sergeant major This entire organization is on stand-down pending an article 32 investigation for massive criminal action and war crimes by members of this command.
- Sir, that's - Thank you, sergeant.
And it seems that this team, your team sergeant major, have set up to every aspect of those activities.
Colonel, I'm sure there's In fact, at the present time, your men are the sole subjects of these potential criminal charges.
Therefore, pending further notification, you will hold yourselves ready for interview by investigators from the CID.
And I warn you now, that if you speak about this matter amongst yourselves, under law, such action is considered conspiracy.
And on the military law, conspiracy against command constitutes mutiny.
And men, know you well that I will not hesitate to bring those charges against you myself.
This team, you five men, by your actions, may have destroyed a unit Now, you will walk away and you will leave this compound, and you will walk away in 5 different directions.
And you'll have no further communications with each other.
You're dismissed.
Colonel, that was some show.
You want to tell me who's behind the curtain? I got hit with it first thing this morning.
All operations cease, unit close down.
Senior team leader and his men under investigation, burn before reading.
That Bazemore character? Washington hatchet man, bearer of bad news.
He brought the orders.
He's overseeing the shutdown.
What's this all about? I don't really know, but I do know that we're persona non grata.
Nobody's taking my calls in Washington DC, nobody returns them.
All info comes to Bazemore.
Colonel, do you believe for one second that I or my men are guilty of some crime? I do believe that we're in the deep batter, and somebody wants us there.
I don't know yet who, and I don't know why.
And I believe that they can bring us all down.
The men, you and me, everything that we've created is at risk.
I'm at a loss.
I'll let you as best I can what I know when I know it.
And I'll try to give you as much warning as I can, because when your army brings us four-way to berg it's gonna be coming with a big crash.
Watch your six.
It's what I have to ask of you now.
No grocery store, emails, phone calls, messages, picking up mail.
Garbage? We have to live our lives.
Well, different lives, now.
Assume you're being followed, phones are tapped, eyes and ears are on us all the time.
You've given years of service.
Yeah, well I'm the red-headed stepchild now.
Why? When the torturer comes, the last thing in the world you want to be is innocent, because you got nothing to confess.
And know, baby, anything they accuse us of beyond what we had to do, or what we were charged to do we did not do.
In case.
You think I need that? I sincerely hope not.
A good soldier always has "plan B".
Because today is that rainy day.
Who are you? I'm from the Agency, Bob.
What are you doing in my house? He says the team's going to prison.
But it doesn't have to go that way.
The charges could focus solely on the misdeeds committed before you joined the unit.
Who the hell do you think you are? I'm a man who's bringing you a choice.
I think I'm your friend.
Your worm your way into my house, scare my wife with ghost stories, and you're my friend? Bob, you've got a big decision to make here.
Your wife plays a huge part in that.
- I think you should - Get the hell out my house! - Bob, he wants - Get out now! Don't let a misplaced sense of loyalty bend your thinking.
A misplaced sense of loyalty? The rest of your friends are gonna go to jain.
Do you understand? You've gotta separate yourself from that.
We need you.
Just get out of my house, all right? Company needs men like you.
Bob, I'm scared.
Get me out of this party I can't take much more of this You're such a sucker for their kiss Oh, but I feel like a soldier All dressed to kill I feel like a soldier With blood to spill No rhyme or reason In this war we build Everyone is talking Filling all my head with dirt It's time to dig in And get to work Oh, well I feel like a soldier All dressed to kill I feel like a soldier With blood to spill No rhyme or reason PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Tiffy No rhyme or reason In this war we build No rhyme or reason Give me something to help Target has switched vehicles.
Back trail's clear.
Monitors are set.
Anybody approaches we'll have plenty warning Where's Greg? We might have had a tail.
Carlito couldn't shake him.
Wouldn't meet him here.
I'll fill him in later.
Well, then, let's proceed.
We may not have much time.
So what to do? What the hell is this all about, anyway? Iran? Missing diamonds, our mission in Honduras? It could be any one of a dozen things.
Those were legitimate missions.
We were following orders.
What orders are those? You have copies of those orders? There are no written orders.
We're at war.
Has the whole world forgotten that? Why would anybody want to shut us down? Well, that's the question.
Gentlemen, in the army, to be charged is to be convicted.
Oh, yes, and they will manufacture all the proof they need.
But there are records.
Memorandums of record.
Transcripts of the verbal mission order come down from headquarters black ops.
I've never heard of that.
First commander colonel Bartlett instituted it back in the seventies.
He was afraid some day something like this would happen.
He'd get left twistin' in the wind.
And so? He kept a log of every conversation with HQ.
Every commander since has done the same.
Is that so? Hand-written notes? Under military law, such a record stands as evidence.
Yeah, if it exists.
But where is it? The intel shop? The skiff? No.
Too many eyes.
It's in a safe in the commander's office.
I've been all over Ryan's office.
I've never seen a safe.
It's behind a plaque on the wall beside the old man's desk, and we plugged it in when we rebuilt the building.
I guess I'm the only one who goes back that far.
Miss Molly Anne? You know, I can't stand the thought of a free ride, so I decided to pay some of the toll.
I dropped the girls off at that birthday party Bonnie's having for Andrew.
You might want to go get 'em.
I just dropped them off.
There's trouble.
No, it's not Mack he's not hurt.
I thought I know.
This is a different problem, and it's a bigger one than the troubles with your husband.
Does Mack know where Wilson is? I need your attention.
Is he trying to find him? Put that aside and listen to me.
I don't Listen to me.
Put your and Mack's troubles into your pocket, and belly up to the bar.
And you ain't gonna like it.
Tell me.
Nice day! I know you? I'm an interested party.
Is that right? How'd you get on base? A man can drive, you could walk.
Let's see some ID, funny man.
Now, see, the thing is, sergeant major Blane, I don't need any ID.
If that's your position your skin into your black heart.
Now who's behind this? God! Jonas, that's the guy.
You threatened my wife? You got a question, you do not ask my wife.
You make a polite inquiry of me.
You've got 10 seconds.
Where have you been? I'm restricted to the base, not my house.
- Where's the rest of your team? - Got strict orders not to be with them, so I couldn't tell ya.
Tick-tock, time's up.
I only answer to two things, fool My conscience and the army.
And my conscience says you and your posse are barking up the wrong military man.
And if you ever speak to my wife again, buy a bugle, and find a guy who can play taps.
You ain't taking my kids.
Are we supposed to leave without them? You goin' to be with your boyfriend? This Wilson fella, you can go without the kids, without your clothes.
Molly told me what's going on with the unit.
I thought we were gonna have to get out of here.
Is that what you thought? I was packing the girls and us to leave! And go to him! Don't lie to me! You're gonna divorce a man, you tell him! Is this where you did it? Or did he take you to his place? This wasn't about Wilson! Our divorce isn't about your boyfriend? It about us! You made it about him when you slept with him! Look at the date, you bully! I never filed it! A year ago? You were with him a year ago?! I never slept with Wilson! I saw you with him! I didn't sleep with him! Who was it? Did you have a go with anyone to humiliate me? Who was it, Tiffy? Was it one of my buddies? Was it a stranger, somebody you picked up? You self-important, self-righteous punk! You want to know what's going on with I already know! He talks to me and I like it! He listens to me and I like that.
He could frightened me and I know end of the day I won't get a call he's dead.
Did I sleep with him? No.
Did I want to? Absolutely.
Where is he? I sent him away because I knew you wouldn't understand no matter of what I said.
No, you sent your joker away.
That's right.
No! You gonna hit me, Mack? You gonna hit me? Is that all you know how to do? You can't charm it, you kill it! Tell me what happened! Tell me the truth! Get out of my way.
I'm more familiar with a gun than I am with your body.
I will shoot you.
And I won't give you one second to put that down before I take it from you.
Ha ha, you're the big man now.
I'm leaving.
You are not leaving! We're gonna work this out.
And i'll tell anyone who will listen why my husband's a proud soldier but he's a poor excuse for a man! He beats his wife! People know me, Tiffy, no one's gonna believe you.
You're a history man who kills for a living.
A man who struck your wife, everyone knows of you.
You tell people whatever you want.
You explain this.
What did you do?! No, leave me alone! Leave me alone! Get out of my way! Where do you think you're going? This is my unit.
Gotta get something out of my locker.
Place is off limits, buddy.
Come on, guys.
Only take a minute.
You can come with me.
Ain't gonna happen, partner.
We got orders.
Come on.
Give a soldier a break, will you? It's just us.
I'll tell you what, partner.
I'll call a patrol car and take you back to the barracks.
You won't need to be drivin' after drinkin' a few.
I could do that for you.
Come on, man.
Hey, jack, you had your chance.
And so did you.
Post one needs assistance.
You better call 'em all.
Come on, come on, come on.
We don't want to make a career of this.
No numbers.
That's not helpful.
How 'bout that? God help us all.
What'd you find out? I found out this, it may go back to something that happened in Portugal, Some mission in Portugal.
My friend of a friend at the senator's office What are you doing? Thomas R.
Ryan, PO Box Hallandale, Florida.
These are eyes-only orders.
Why haven't you handed these over? You're not cooperating with them.
Why aren't you cooperating? Because they're about to send my men to prison for serving their country.
You have a federal subpoena to hand over That's immaterial.
- You'd break a federal law? - That's right.
For your crew? That's right.
And what about our life? - Colin Selvin - Who is he? He's my friend at the senator's office.
Colin Selvin, all right.
He says you can save yourself if you just I won't betray my men.
But you will give up all of the years you spent getting to where you are.
Tom, you can end up prosecuted with your men, perhaps jailed, humiliated, dishonorably discharged, can't get a job.
"What have you been doing for the past You think I don't know that? Or, you can cooperate with whomever they direct you to in whatever way they ask you to, under the law, and then you are in a position to help your men, legally and correctly.
And what if legally won't work? Then I won't give up my men.
It's my fault.
I did this to myself.
- I was so mad, I just - Stop protecting him.
I said I did this to myself.
You cut yourself? That's right.
What the hell is going on in this place? You see this? What is happening to all of us? Leave him! Maybe she should.
But what do you advise she do afterward? Leave him now.
And get as far away from this place as humanly possible.
It's easy for you to tell, Tiffy, to just toss away your husband.
Maybe she won't have to.
Army looks like it's gonna do it for her.
Ain't that right? Enter.
Colonel Ryan reporting as ordered.
Colonel Ryan, I've asked colonel Bazemore to be here as a witness.
Yes, sir.
Allegations of severe misconduct, criminal conduct, have been brought against members of this command.
And either you knew of these activities and looked the other way, or you didn't know, either which is culpable on a commander.
Sir, may I speak? Go ahead.
- What are the charges? - Classified.
Sir, 30 days, whatever the charges, Share them with me sufficiently, do allow me to refute them.
Give me just 30 days, and I will do so to your satisfaction.
The first duty of a commander is to command.
Colonel Ryan, it is my considered belief that you have failed in that primary duty.
Sir, this unit is the principle weapon in the terror fight, a unit which takes years to prepare, train and field.
If you want to bench me, fine.
But if you take those men out of the fight, you'll be handing a victory to our enemies.
It will be a mistake of the great consequences for this nation.
That's a decision that's been made in another place.
Colonel Ryan, I do, as of this instant, relieve you of the command of this organization.
You will consider yourself confined to quarters and under arrest.
That's all.
The league is ready to help any of you who need it.
We're still missing a couple of boys from roll call, Ron.
Well, the desk sergeant said they're gonna haul Mr.
Williams till Ryan comes to sign for him.
Plainly our Hector did a number on a couple of thos boys Mm-hmm, providing cover for a failed mission.
What if they haul him off for interrogation? No.
He's in the drunk tank.
When I was at the station, I heard him singing hymns back there.
At least we know where he is.
It's Grey I'm worried about.
Still no word from him? What the hell happened to him? If he's laying low there's a reason for it.
And if he's been grabbed? Then he'll buy us some time.
If he's free, he'll lead them on a merry chase.
Either-or, clock is runnin' down.
Ryan's secret diary wasn't in the safe.
So where is it? He must have moved it.
Why? Needs his own insurance.
And now what? We have to decide.
Do we go, or do we stay and fight? Whatever you choose, whichever way you go, the protective league will help you.
Pay for lawyers, or if you go underground support you and your families with cover and cash.
That's a rotten option for doing your job.
Feeling sorry for ourselves ain't gonna make the donuts.
Do we go? Do we stay? Each man has to decide for himself.
'cause if you go to Leavenworth, can't nobody do the time except you.
All right, boys.
If this is good-bye, it's been a hell of a ride.
And I thank you.
Number 24.
- Sergeant major.
- Yes.
Sorry to keep you waiting, sir.
That's quite all right.
I'd like to make a change in my pay status.
I'd like you to place everything except for $50 a month into an allotment for my wife.
Sergeant major, it says here that your account's been frozen.
Frozen? Flagged.
There's an order placing a flag on your entire unit.
It says no favorable personnel action may be undertaken for any member of your command.
Flagged, I can't believe it.
I got my kid going to college.
What do I do now? Look, sergeant major, what does "favovable personal action" mean, anyway? In my book, it means getting promoted, going to an army school, PCSing, things like that.
But moving your own money around? What's so favorable about that? Look, I don't want you to violate any rules Molly Blane Address, account number.
It's done, sergeant major.
Sergeant Rosas, that was As long a soldier stays on duty status, the army can't touch an allotment, for any reason.
Your wife will receive your pay no matter what.
One of the rare ones, sergeant Rosas.
Have a good afternoon.
You, too.
Thank you.
You didn't see Tiffy.
No, I didn't see that bastard either.
But Tiffy left.
With the kids.
She's gone.
Now Grey'w missing, too? Mack's out chasing shadows, what's next? Don't touch that dial.
So? What do we do? What do you wanna do? Feel safe.
What? Don't we have to consider what the CIA is offering here? For the kids' safety? For us? Look, we stay, the pressure's gonna be a bitch, all right? A lot of scrutiny.
Hearings If they bring charges, that could mean prison.
If we stay, the unit might not ever be restored.
What happens If I don't go to prison, another job here, a posting somewhere else Another move.
If we go with the CIA, we're gonna be relocated anyway.
CIA's holding out a hand.
What are they offering? Safety.
Are they? We, it sure as hell doesn't feel safe here.
All right.
I'll put Teddy to bed.
Ok, big boy.
I got you.
Sergeant Gerhardt.
And you are to be held in pre-trial confinement in the post stockade until such time as you stand general court marshall for charges brought against you and your team.
But I could be convinced to mitigate the circumstances of your confinement under condition you tell me the whereabouts of sergeant major Blane and sergeant Grey.
Have you nothing to say? No, sir.
Then you are dismissed.
Do you no longer salute your superiors? I surely do.
But in this room, I have no superiors.
And your teammates Blane and gray, you can certainly improve your own position, sergeant.
Just tell me where they can be found.
I've been wondering that myself, colonel.
What have you done with them? Stand at ease, sergeant.
Do you too offer to this mechanism that I'm not sure that I understand You've been afforded the possibility of escaping the fate of your comrades.
You've been given a choice.
Do you wish to tell me your decision? Sir, I'd like some more time Your decision, sergeant, before we leave this room.
Sir, I can assure you, with the utmost sincerity, that I do not wish to go to prison.
Did you give them what they wanted? No.
I didn't give up everything I had in Washington to watch some general step all over you.
And I didn't work my ass off all these years, hand on my heart, doin' the right thing, just to let anyone make me a traitor to my men.
All you got, Charlotte All you got, at the end of the day in this army is your word.
So you aren't gonna fight for your career? No.
You also have a marriage.
That's right.
I'm asking you, as your wife, simply to obey the law and to obey your superiors.
I can't do that.
If you can't fight for your career, then why should I fight for our marriage? Hang up that phone.
I will not.
I will make this call, and I will put out the fire.
I did what I needed to do, and it cost me my job.
And it cost you your wife.
Jonas? Jonas! You've reached Tom and Charlotte Ryan.
Please leave a message.
Tom, this is Molly.
There's blood on the I can't find Jonas is missing Taken! Where the hell is my husband? This? This isn't over.
It's over for you.
Now you leave this woman alone.
You got anything else to take up with her, you go for me.
I'll go where I need to, when I need to, and I don't believe there's anything I got I can't solve with the unit first.
It's a new rule.
It's a rule I just made.
I'll get some people in here to help you clean this up.
Forget about the maids.
Where's my husband? Molly One good thing about disappearing as opposed to being an AWOL is they can't bring charges.
Missing is still a duty status.
Until they find out who took him, Jonas's pay continues.
They can't charge him in absentia.
I'm so sorry for your trouble.
ARRIVED - SAFE BE - STRONG - LOVE - J Buenas tardes, senor.
Buenas tardes, senora.
Something to dring, or perhaps something to play with? A rum, please.
Hey, little chick, come here.
It's on the house, sir.
Muchas gracias.
De nada, papacito.
Now Jonas is gone.
Maybe killed.
What are we still doing here? We don't know for sure what happened to Jonas.
You've been with the unit 2 years.
You gonna let yourself be punished for something the unit did before you signed on? Well, it happened a month ago, it happened 5 years ago.
You sign on to the unit, you're the unit.
You picked it up, you carry it.
It's a high price to pay for somebody else's crimes.
Look, somebody in some conference room calls it a crime, don't make it a crime.
I can't betray my friends.
I can't.
What would that teach our children? You know a better question, tell it to me.
Gracias, Marisol.
- Old friend.
- Doyle.
The army's looking for your kidnappers.
They're already accusing the CIA for your disappearance The CIA says the army has hidden you.
Tell the others in the league I appreciate their help.
Well, here's who you are.
Alcibiades McDonald, Panamanian of West-Indian descent.
Mother, father, family? Brother in prison, over in Trinidad, gonna be there a couple more decades.
No wife, no other surviving family.
And the real Alcibiades? What's he up to these days? Went missing a few years ago.
Anybody know what happened to him? Only me.
You'll pick up your brother left off Trader along the Caribbean coast.
From Colon to Bocas del Toro.
Where am I based out of? Village of Belem.
It's remote, but the alcalde there helps me in some other matters.
My boat? Yeah, it's waiting for you in Porto Bello.
Couple of reliable boys, my boys, onboard as first mate and deckhand.
Certificate of incorporation, bank accounts The league paid the initial set-up costs for this, but it's a real business, Jonas.
We expect it to make a profit.
Communications plans? Single-sideband radio in the boat, one-time pads.
Never use the phone for contact.
The gringos listen to everything in Panama.
If it's routine, use one of the dead drops.
If it's pressing, send one of the boys.
If it's an emergency, point the boat towards Brazil and get underway.
Cover your nakedness.
Much appreciated.
And Jonas Yeah? They find you, they'll kill you.
That ain't exactly news.
Now that it's time when can I get my wife and my children off base? ++++++++++ Why that sad face? It ain't one of my better days.
Well, smile, soldier, 'cause you ain't a soldier anymore.
You're in the majors now.
Look, when can my family leave and where are we being sent? You want to know the color of your new kitchen, too? I should've known.
You'd think so, wouldn't you? Mr.
Brown, your first assignment.
No, first, my family needs to get settled.
You get relocated, you get my daughter a new new school you get my wife a job and then You're on the clock now, mr.
You're on the inside, and your troubles are ours.
You give my man a list of your requirements and watch them performed.
What do you want from me? We've misplaced someone.
We want you to find him ASAP.
Get someone else.
No, this one's perfect for you.
We need you and you're going out.
Find the man.
What's his name? Jonas Blane.
And what if I can't find him? Then it's off to prison with your friends.
Thanks to JbLane
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