Vinland Saga (2019) s02e23 Episode Script

Two Paths

Do you have what it takes
to stop me?
Just as
Askeladd did back then?
Please leave, Thorfinn.
You're a strange guy,
but I don't want to kill you.
This is how the world works.
In the end, whoever has more power
always gets their way.
Damn Vikings
How foolish of you, my son.
You're still hesitant of becoming
a full-fledged king?
Why did you reveal your honest feelings
to such lowly people?
I hope you didn't think that
you could possibly understand each other.
They are a pitiful flock of sheep.
You are a lone shepherd.
You raise them, cull them, and skin them.
The work of a shepherd
cannot be understood by the sheep.
You rule over them,
that's all there is to it.
That is the best thing
you can do for the sheep.
If you intend to use your authority
to forcefully get your way
Kill him.
That man is a threat.
One sheep can confuse the flock
and send them running off a precipice.
I will
Kill him.
Fulfill your duty as the king.
I will
That's it?
That's all?
What else can I do?
Do you want us to kill
each other here or what?
The paradise you speak of
saves the majority
and oppresses a few.
That's the way it is, right?
I can't say if that is good or bad.
And I have no right to condemn
your recklessness.
So I have no choice but to run away.
- Einar, let's go.
- You are excellent.
As a warrior.
You must have other options.
Did you
appear before the emperor
just to admonish me?
You got your face swollen for that?
And it was all a waste.
Your Majesty.
So many
So many people want to bargain with me.
Some even try to set me up.
What is up with you?
You are such an idiot!
You have nothing up your sleeve?
You came here completely unarmed
and you got beaten to a pulp
just to tell me to stop seizing this farm?
Is it that funny?
It is.
This is the stupidest peace negotiation
I've ever experienced.
You're going to run, huh?
Someone like him
can come from Vikings, huh?
What a beautiful man.
You will turn your back on conflict.
Then run to where?
Somewhere other than here.
I can't tell you about it.
My territory is constantly expanding.
In time,
my authority may reach there too.
I'll keep running as long as I can.
As long as there is a place to run to,
I will not fight.
I will build a land of peace
in a place out of the king's reach,
using an approach different from you.
For the people who cannot
live in the world you create.
For your sake, and my sake as well.
Are you saying
that you will fill in the gaps
that my project can't fill?
Are you capable of that?
My power
is much smaller compared to yours.
I can't handle a gap that is too big.
If you continue
to persecute people like this,
nobody will be able to help you anymore.
So you better try your best too.
Don't give me more work to do.
My goodness
You really learned how to use your words.
I wonder who you got that from.
This is the most difficult
peace negotiation I've ever experienced.
What in the world?
Even the ships are gone?
Where did you go, King Canute?
This is ridiculous!
We still haven't settled this!
Floki was grumbling.
He can't comprehend why
we're withdrawing from the farm.
Are you also unhappy about it, Wulf?
Not at all.
I will call off our plans
of requisitioning other farms as well.
I'd feel bad if I gave
Thorfinn more work to do.
Up until now,
I thought you were the only one
who was fighting alongside me.
But today,
I found a new comrade.
After this, Canute
disbanded the Danish troops that were
stationed in England and proving to be
a financial burden.
Canute's personal force of Danish troops
was reduced to one fleet of just 16 ships.
However, they did not face
any rebellions within England
like they anticipated.
Because Canute relinquished
military power,
the peers of England
came to see Canute's trust.
The relationship between
the conqueror and the conquered
was starting to change.
It feels good.
As long as you're alive
you can start again
Why do I have to live?
- You're all better now?
- Yeah.
I'm still a little wobbly,
but I'm okay.
Stop being so reckless.
Are you going, Thorfinn?
To a land on the other side of the sea?
It's Vinland.
At that moment,
when Arnheid
took her last breath,
I couldn't give an answer right away.
do they have to live?
These souls
live through hell and seek peace in death.
What can you possibly say to them?
I want a world where we can
tell them to live.
A place where we can confidently
say that to people who don't have
any escape other than death.
A place that overshadows
the appeal of death.
I want that in our world.
That is all
That is all we ever wanted.
I can't back down.
If it doesn't exist
If it's not there, I'll make it.
Come with me, my brother.
We're going to make
a land of peace in Vinland.
Somewhere we can proudly
tell Arnheid about.
Let's do it, my brother.
Let's go to the other side of the sea
and create a land
where there are no slaves or war.
For Arnheid.
Are you sure
you're okay with this?
It wasn't my place to do that anyway.
I'll tell the master and everyone else
that the young master
was the one who persuaded the king.
That'll be great.
You can leave Arnheid's grave to me.
I will protect it.
Thank you so much.
It's nothing.
Thorfinn, I want to become like you.
I want to become
a real man who is
strong and kind, like you.
Olmar, I heard
that you made the decision to
stop fighting.
That is a wonderful thing.
It took me 15 years.
I finally know what I am supposed to do.
This is a wonderful farm.
Please get it back on its feet
and protect it.
Old master,
thank you very much.
You always helped us out.
I told you,
it was just part of our contract.
There is nothing for you to thank me for.
I wish they took at least one silver mark.
Thorfinn! Einar!
My name is Roald! I am Roald, son of Grim!
Thank you, Roald!
I wish you all the best!
Come here.
Good boy.
Hey, when are you going to
start working, Boss?
- Come on!
- Oh, quit yapping.
I was just taking a break.
I'll show you how to really work a field.
Oh, then why don't you show us?
I'll finish this before you know it.
My life
has always been about enduring,
I thought the countless hardships
were part of living in this world.
Would you have guessed that
we would meet people
like those two, Arnheid?
They're on their way
to a world that we can't even imagine.
To a place other than here.
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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