One Piece s02e24 Episode Script

Dream of the Outcasts! The Quack Doctor Hiruluk

The dream of excluded! Hiluluk the charlatan! Third day.
Progression:the colony of bacteria decreased by 30%.
Be rather gifted for you! It is for that I adore the monsters! But what will occur if… Do Qu- what you make? It is too funny! CLOSE it! RELEASE! You want to be my companion? Be really brilliant for you! C- Companion? You will be a pirate! I do not want to be a pirate! And I do not need companion! If you become my companion, my friends will be super content! Wait! I will not be your companion! Te insane step of my mouth! How I said, are really brilliant for you! You will be my companion! Nami-San, to help you to find forces.
I prepared you a special meal.
Thank you, Sanji-Kun.
But look at, even exhausted, Nami-San is always splendid… Incredible.
Who said to you that you could use the kitchen? Madam, this roast is filled with proteins, that will give him forces! Do not call me “Madam”.
I am an unmarried flower.
Still so young person, always so young person.
Doctorine, help me! Remain here! Eh, wait, wait! I hold you, the horned one! What you made? Really… This guy will be our companion.
Oh, really? I am not agreement! If! Not! If! You are giving me a headache.
Wait! Wait, wait! Companion, hein? You do not have any idea of what this word represents… … for him.
He lived alone.
But one day, it bound friendship with a man.
Its name was Dr.
It was a charlatan who gave to Chopper his name.
He regarded it as his son.
Wait!!! You saw it? Not, I did not see it nowhere.
Hiluluk… This bastard of charlatan! We must capture it costs whom costs! It is an order of Wapol-Sama! Yes! Shit… You cannot remain like that longer! We must call a doctor! It is without hope.
There is no more doctor in this country.
There remain only those of Wapol, Isshi-20.
I will prosternerai myself in front of Wapol and I will beg it so that Isshi-20 look after you! I will go there! It will not be necessary! I will deal with you.
Hiluluk! I do not need you! Leave me quiet! All those which you looked after were even more badly afterwards! Would not be so timid.
I have just finished my new miracle treatment.
You are lucky.
Hein? Not, it is not what you believe.
It is my anesthetic gun.
I use it only when my patients suffer enormously.
I call the guards! Please, leave! I will give you all the money which you want! I will be able to never accept the money of a sick man.
I want only to help you.
Not! Stop! I have a family…! It is strange.
Would I have used the bad ingredients? I however thought that my Kaeru X would have functioned.
I hate when that does not go.
I I excuse myself, I did not want… Hiluluk! Are you there?! Wait! Ca boume, greenhorn? Hunting for the doctors touches at his end.
You and me sums the last two doctors of this country.
Wapol despairs to capture us one day.
Even without that, you would remain always the pet peeve of this country.
You are a charlatan of the worst species, after all.
This cursed hunting for the doctors will not be right of me.
I will look after this country with my medicine.
You do not want rather to say “to destroy it”? There is somebody on the bridge! We will be re-examined, Charlatan.
I hope well that not, robber salts.
They will never have me.
Even if I am alone, I continue my combat against the diseases! You above were drawn? If I do not stop the hemorrhage quickly, you will die! All is well, I will help you.
The Abominable snowman.
Kill it! Three days ago, I developed a pomade which can even look after the broken bones.
You have chance.
Do not let it escape! Kill it! Fire! What are you? You do not have the air of human being.
Ah yes, you are undoubtedly the Abominable snowman that everyone drives out… We had it! Not yet, it is always in life! You are mistaken on me… Who… Who do you believe that I am? Eh, wait! I WILL NOT KILL YOU! MY NAME EAST DR.
HILULUK! A DOCTOR! And it is like that Chopper and Hiluluk met.
And what did it occur afterwards? After Hiluluk accommodated the reindeer… What? You can speak? Why did you remain dumb during the last three days? I thought that if I had spoken, you would have rejected me.
When I tried to speak with human before… … they drew me above.
The reindeers do not speak, normally.
You can speak, and then? Me also I speak.
And well better than you.
Another failure! Do Eh, that go, Chopper? Eh well, you do not seem to be well.
Why did you call me “Chopper”? You are Tony Tony Chopper.
“Tony” is a word game with “Tonakai”, which wants to say “reindeer”.
Because you are a reindeer which has fabulous wood which seems to be able to slice a tree.
Pretty name, isn't this? It is as that which I will call you.
Chopper… Listen, Chopper.
The patient always should be observed attentively to give him the good drug.
It is like that one saves a life.
My patients wait.
LEAVE FROM HERE, CHARLATAN! I was however sure that the eye of triton would go! Do not threaten me! Wait! Let us flee! They are the guards! Chopper! One uses the “soft food plan”! What is it? Good luck, my friend! YOU FAILED TO KILL ME! You had almost died when I found you! The result would have been the same one, blue truffle! Do not call me Blue Truffe! Doctor? I… was never yet beaten to me with somebody.
Ouais, it is true.
You need an adversary for that.
Well, I think that… it will be your first time for that too.
It is a gift.
It will be the symbol of our friendship.
A gift? Friendship? You and me close sums, hein? We are exclude.
But you know… do not hate the human ones.
This country is sick.
The heart of the King and that of people are suffering.
They say that there is no remedy for this sick country… … but they are wrong.
As soon as my drug is at the point, this country will be cured! Years ago, in the West, in a remote country, a large robber lived.
He suffered from a serious cardiac disease.
He accepted care of the largest doctors of the country, but none could cure it.
Filled up rage after having realized that it was going to die, the man passed by chance in front of a mountain.
And there… He saw something that he had never seen before! Cherry trees in flower! The mountain was entirely covered with cherry trees in flower as he had never seen some! And,… when the man turned over to see the doctor, it had the surprise of its life.
He says this to him: “You seem to be in perfect health!” He was cured! It was a miracle! You of agreement, isn't this is? It was simply a brilliant treatment! It if was chamboulé that a transformation took place in him! That wants to say that… All the diseases of this world can be cured.
It does not matter what people say in connection with me, I will save this country, because I am a doctor! And I put this flag at tête de mort to make it float in front of all these diseases! Tête de mort? You see! It is a symbol of my will… … which will defy the impossible one! I will save this country… because I am a doctor! By raising this flag, I will fight like a pirate! Eh, the reindeer! Would be my companion! Wow, that with the delicious air! It is brilliant to be a pirate! Is doctor, what it, a pirate? A pirate? The pirates are the Masters of the seas.
They have a hard body like the rock, the piercing eyes of an eagle, and a voice able to slice the sky into two! Es you really a pirate? Yes, I am one.
This is why you should be my companion.
They is super to be a pirate! One sings.
To sing? Yes, and the pirates dance too.
Do the pirates do that!? Yes, and we live full with venture! Adventures? Do the pirates live really adventures? You want to bet? The pirates risk their life and live extraordinary adventures! One meets heaps of incredible people! It is brilliant to be a pirate! There are thousands of incredible people in the world! Chopper, take the sea one of these days.
You will realize how much your fears and your concerns are actually nothing.
This island where you were born, compared with the rest of the world… is as large as that.
Really? Not, smaller still! Only large like that! I am serious! Your future extends well beyond this sea! Happiness is transitory.
And… The time of the good-byes always arrives.
Who who you are.
Ca makes one year.
You are completely restored, now.
Your wounds all are cured, Chopper.
Yes! Thank you, Doctor! Eh well, goes well.
Now, go away.
Take your life in hand, I am occupied with my research.
I do not have any more any reason to deal with you, now! Doctor, I will obstruct you never again! Let enter to me! I will mass you the every day! I will serve your tea to you! I will clean the laboratory! Please, let remain to me! I do not have a friend! I do not have nowhere where to go! Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Chopper! Look at, Doctor.
I have badly.
Look at, Doctor! Look at… Why… Doctor? Release! On the sea or elsewhere, I don't care! Give the feet never again here! Forgive me, Chopper! I… will die, hein? Yes, you will die.
Say to me, it remains to me how much days? Oya, if you requests a diagnosis, I will not do it.
You do not have money to pay my fees.
Say to me! As if you could kill somebody with this anesthetic gun.
Well, I you will say it.
There remain to you 10 days, as from now, with 5:00 precise.
Rest in peace.
I will have finished in 2 days.
After 30 years of research, I will make flower the cherry trees of this island! Cherry trees in flowers? You want to say that research which you have make during these 30 last years… … were to make flower cherry trees here? As this “miracle of the flowered cherry trees” which would have cured you when you were a large robber? Ouais! Cretin.
It is a covered with snow island, it freezes all the year.
Never no cherry tree will flower here.
They will flower! Me the worst of the good-for-nothings, I came very close to death… I was transformed until deepest of my heart and that gave me the force to live.
That wants to say that any person in this world can be cured! I want to prove that with my country, Drum! Stop a little.
What you try to do is not medicine, it is completely absurd.
To make flower cherry trees in this country will not awake anything among these people.
Hiluluk? Chopper, we are similar! However, I will show you before dying… … that there is nothing impossible! One can do everything! But this history did not have a happy end… I will show you with all! The miracle of the cherry trees in flowers!
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