Vinland Saga (2019) s02e24 Episode Script


This is definitely beyond
my expectations.
Iceland sure is a harsh terrain.
There are no trees at all.
The sun is so low.
I see now.
A country with no fields, huh?
I guess you can't grow crops
when the day is so short.
Because it's winter.
During the summer,
the days are actually very long.
In areas with the right conditions,
some people grow wheat
in the summer.
it's not enough to feed
everyone on the island.
Does everyone on the island
herd sheep or cattle?
No, there are craftsmen and fishermen too.
There aren't enough pastures
for everyone on the island
to raise livestock.
That's why some people
live in communities and fish.
That's what Thorfinn's village does.
What do you mean, "interesting"?
You were living here, weren't you?
Well, it was when I was still a child.
I ran away from home when I was about six.
From there I spent
Um, I spent
Wait, how old am I?
Thorfinn, Einar! The village is in sight.
Oh man
I'm suddenly really scared.
How am I supposed to greet
my mother and sister?
Accept your fate, you prodigal son.
You're finally coming home.
Okay, good.
- Ouch.
- All right.
Everyone in the village
is waiting for you.
- Who's this? Ylva had a little brother?
- I have no clue.
- Tell me what my name is.
- Huh?
If you lived here, you should know.
F Faxi?
- He got it wrong.
- How suspicious. We should tie him up.
Come on, go easy on me!
It's been so long!
Oh well. Maybe we should show him to Ylva?
That's true.
Ylva was fighting with a merchant
from Norway over there.
Didn't I tell you, Berge?
Don't you dare try to do
shady business in this village.
I'm sorry, Ylva.
- I'll never do it again.
- Huh?
What was that? I can't hear you!
It's fine, Ylva.
I already got my money back.
Hey, Ylva!
I finally brought him back.
It's Thorfinn.
I don't know anyone by that name!
Come on, Ylva!
He's Thorfinn, your little brother!
Little brother?
Oh yeah, that was his name.
My brother died when he was a kid.
But he was alive!
Remember I told you
about how I met him in York?
Then why didn't you bring him home then?
Well, a lot of things happened.
It was a story you made up
to cheer me and my mother up, right?
Thank you, Leif.
No, that's not it.
More than that
You little midget! What is your
motive for tricking Leif, huh?
- No, no!
- You have an excuse?
Try telling me!
This is going to be tricky.
It's surprisingly difficult
to prove that you are yourself.
Let's go home, Thorfinn.
If you meet Helga, she'll recognize you.
- Who is that?
- That really did a number on him.
It can't be helped, can it?
Even I almost
forgot what my sister
and mother looked like.
It's only natural that
they'd forget about me.
Who cares if they forgot about you?
You're alive to see your parent
after wandering for over a decade.
You have to consider it a blessing.
I was separated from my parents
when I was a child,
and I don't even know where they are.
I'm envious of you.
Want me to act like
a dutiful son in your place?
No Sorry, Bug-Eyes.
Thank you.
Grandma, who is Thorfinn?
- Mom!
- What!
Idiot! Stop making things more confusing!
What's the harm?
No, Helga. This one is
You are
all grown up.
You look just like him.
You two are father and son after all.
I'm sorry
for everything!
Welcome home,
Mother! I heard Thorfinn came back!
Welcome home, Dad.
Welcome home.
I'm sorry, Thorfinn.
It's our fault
that Thors
Ari, I was the one who was an idiot.
All right, then.
Where are you off to, Einar?
It's about time I leave for the night.
Leif and the crew are staying
at Gothi's house,
so I'll stay there too.
Why don't you stay here?
It's a bit small, but we'll manage.
Oh, but
- If you are Thorfinn's brother
- He's my oldest son.
- then
- Nice to meet you.
- you are my son.
- Hello.
This is your house.
Make yourself at home.
You wouldn't believe, Mother.
That stingy little merchant
changed the price of salt again
You're that guy from earlier!
How dare you come into my house!
Sorry for the intrusion?
You haven't heard, Ylva?
Is this an inheritance fraud?
- Go and target someone who's rich!
- So strong!
Ylva, wait.
He's real.
Thorfinn actually came back.
No way That can't be.
It's not a story Leif made up?
What? It's true?
You're the real Thorfinn?
I'm home, Sister.
- Thorfinn!
- Sister!
Where have you been all this time,
you fool!
Hey, are you all right, Thorfinn?
I'm fine, Einar.
I am used to being punched
One One punch?
Mom, you're so strong!
- Mom, you're amazing!
- So cool!
Nobody can beat Mom!
Come on!
Give it momentum!
That night,
Thorfinn told
his family about
what he experienced during
the 16 years he was away.
Everything from Thors' death
to his departure from Ketil's farm.
He spoke calmly
and summarized the important events,
but his history of hatred and strife,
death and destruction,
despair and regret,
and sadness and rebirth
left those who were listening speechless.
The people I killed
and the slaves who died in despair
They may have
had warm families like this themselves.
My sins are unmeasurable.
I have to go
and build a land of peace in Vinland.
Do just that.
There are many people
who wish to run away from this world.
Thors and I
ran away from Jomsborg,
the land of warriors,
and came to this island.
People will run away as far as they can
from war and slavery.
They will run away until
they reach a place beyond the horizon.
There, you will be waiting for them
in a land of peace you built,
and you will welcome those people.
To do that, you must go.
Thorfinn, son of Thors.
Thank you, Mother.
Building a nation in Vinland, huh?
That will be a huge project.
That's right.
I get that you are determined.
But you'll need manpower,
livestock, materials,
and new ships as well.
First of all, you need funds.
You won't be able to
raise such a large sum that easily.
Unless you have my help, that is.
Thank you, Leif.
- You're still not going to retire?
- You're amazing, Leif.
- Will it really work out like that?
- It'll be fine.
No worries.
There are many ways to go about it.
Don't overwork yourself, Dad.
I'm not overworking.
You still don't know what I'm capable of.
My goodness
I can't believe you
actually went after him.
I'm sorry.
Father really was an amazing person.
He was strong and kind
and always looking far ahead
at something I can't perceive.
After all, he was an "oddball."
Whose grave is this?
A person Father tried to protect
a long time ago.
Was it someone important to him?
He was a slave.
He ran away from his master
and had collapsed outside,
so Father helped him.
He negotiated with the master
and traded eight sheep for the slave.
Eight sheep?
I guess you got
your soft heart from your dad.
It's freezing!
The cold is on another level at night.
I'm heading back, Thorfinn.
if people want to run away from here,
where can they go?
You know
the answer, don't you?
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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