Xiaolin Showdown (2003) s02e26 Episode Script

Saving Omi

Man: Xiaolin Showdown.
All: Aah! All: Aah!
Aah! Aah!
Aah! Aah!
Man: Xiaolin Showdown.
Omi: Previously on
Xiaolin Showdown
Master Fung: The Ying
Yo-Yo acts as a portal
to the ying Yang world,
a parallel universe
with laws of its own.
Its powers are not
fully understood.
One day Omi will
grow strong enough
to defeat me.
If not delivered to the
side of darkness soon,
I will have no choice
but to destroy him.
Where is Master Fung?
He's gone!
You are here about Master Fung.
He's missing, and
you must travel
to the ying Yang world
and I will help you.
I believe this is what
you've been looking for.
Ying Yo-Yo!
Chase: Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Only one person stood by me,
believed in me, and trusted me.
That is where I choose to go.
The prophecy has been realized.
Now that you have
chosen the Heylin way,
I will rule the world
with you at my side.
Clay: Sure is funny
how much the world
can change in a day.
How is this possible?
Omi of all people turning
to the dark side?
Yeah, the smart money
would have been
on Raimundo again. No offense.
None taken.
Even I would have
taken that bet.
The little cheese
ball has always been
straight as an arrow.
There! He looks
10 years younger.
Maybe the answer's hidden in
one of those ancient scrolls.
Ok, we'll check it
out right after
I finish flossing
Master Fung's teeth.
You might want to stand back.
This can get pretty messy.
Very interesting.
It says here that
Alexander the great
had 7 toes on one foot
and 3 on the other.
What about Omi?
Oh, I'm pretty sure
he has five on each,
but I've never taken
a close look.
This is getting us nowhere.
I can't make out half the stuff
in these dang scrolls.
Never a strong suit
of the great masters.
Well, we can't quit.
There's got to be
something we can do.
Well, I know what I got to do.
Time for Master
Fung's scalp massage.
Omi: Uhh!
Hyah! Hyah!
Shadow of mine,
you are no match!
Hyah! Hyah!
Wuya, will you fight me?
Even if I had a body, no.
Perhaps you would like a rest?
I have no time to rest.
I must fight.
Hyah! Hyah!
I promise you, Omi,
you will have plenty
of time to fight.
If only I did not have to sleep.
I could fight 7-24.
Hyah! Hyah!
While I admire your
dedication, Omi,
you will need to start choosing
your battles more wisely.
As long as I get to
fight, fight, fight!
From now on, you will
remain at my side
fighting only for
the dark forces.
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
We are destined to take evil
to an entirely new level,
but first you must swear
to me your loyalty.
I do swear my loyalty to you.
Now can we fight?
Hyah! Hyah!
Harness your skills wisely.
And use them to
defeat the enemy,
not just your shadow.
What's wrong with him?
He was less annoying when he was
on the side of good.
For a fallen warrior, his
dark side isn't so dark.
I will have to accustom
our new friend
to the ways of evil.
Look what Vlad find
hiding in bushes like rodent.
Here, cyclops! You want new toy?
Hey, put me down!
This is no way to treat a
super evil boy genius!
Oh, that's nice.
Cyclops cooties.
Why are you here?
My friends are gone. I've
got nobody to play with.
I guess I'm kind of lonely.
Cyclops, put him down now.
To what depths of humiliation
are you willing to sink
in order to stay?
Just name it and I'm there.
I'll even eat a bug.
What is this, the wayward
home for evil wannabes?
Rise, worm. You can stay.
Really? Thank you.
In your own idiotic way,
you helped make all
this possible.
That's the nicest thing
anyone has ever said to me.
Let go or I'll let cyclops
chew on you for a while.
Now, make yourself useful
and change cyclops.
He's soiled himself again.
And when you're done,
be sure to bury the
treasure deep.
Ohh! Hyah!
Hey, guys, there's something
you really should see!
When the temple was attacked,
dojobot recorded everything.
Master Fung always did
enjoy movie night.
Chase Young, what
are you doing here?
Just taking care of business.
Evil business.
Ying Yo-Yo!
Look, I insist.
I'll give back all
of the cool gifts
you ever gave me.
Hyah! Uhh!
Hey, that's me getting
my butt handed to me.
How come I don't
remember any of this?
Funny you should ask.
Wushan geyser!
Here it is. The wushan geyser.
It erases your enemy's memory
and it's good for quick escapes
like when you accidentally
spill hot chocolate
on Master Fung's lap.
Ok, I get the wushan geyser
but how did Chase
corral the Ying Yo-Yo?
Jack had that Wu.
I'm not so sure.
I'll bet that Chase
Young grabbed it
when we were all fighting.
And later, he switched it back
to make it look like
Jack had it all along.
I believe this is what
you've been looking for.
That Chase Young is not
only a sneaky outlaw,
but a busy one.
Now what?
I am ready to fight.
Let us fight.
Fight, fight, fight! Hyah! Hyah!
Omi! Omi!
This is all Chase Young's doing.
Raimundo: He lied to you.
He's the one who
snatched Master Fung.
You haven't been yourself
since you went into
the ying Yang world.
Something's happened to you!
Do you reckon he
understands anything
we're telling him?
Yes, I understand everything.
Enough of your
mindless chitter chat.
Bring it off!
Bring it on.
Off, on, just bring it.
I do not have all day.
Hyah! Hyah!
Whoo! Little fella
seems scrappier
than a two-headed
cat at a dog show.
Have at it, Omi.
You've earned it.
I've got a notion this is
gonna hurt me more than you.
Lasso Boa Boa!
Floozy shooter!
You know, if I wasn't me,
I could be someone else.
Like cyclops.
Ha ha ha!
Web spitter!
Oops! Sorry, guys.
See, Omi, just as I taught you.
The Shen gon Wu are
merely a crutch
for true power.
Maybe we should
get you a helmet.
At least they didn't take much.
More than you think.
Is it bad?
You know how bad things are now?
You ain't seen nothing yet.
The Serpent's Tail
is also missing.
That can only mean one thing.
Chase: Serpent's Tail activate!
Excellent work, Chase.
It's good to be
all-powerful again.
Rise, my rock creatures.
I said rise, my rock creatures!
What's going on?
You don't think
I'd be so foolish
as to restore you to
your full powers?
You don't trust me?
The very qualities that make you
a worthy partner in
evil make you, well
Highly untrustworthy.
I guess I would have
done the same thing.
There, all cleaned up
fresh as a newborn Baby.
Now for the hard part.
You really should
appreciate me more.
What's this?
Kids, look what I found
in Master Fung's feet!
Just tell me it's not moving.
It's the missing
piece of the scroll.
I must've used it
to patch that hole
in Master Fung's sandal.
And you just found it?
There are some places
I try to avoid.
So what does it say?
It turns out that the Ying Yo-Yo
is actually one of
two Shen Gong Wu:
The Ying Yo-Yo and
the Yang Yo-Yo.
When leaving the
ying Yang world,
you must have both Wu
or the good part of you
will be left behind.
In a bottle so big with a
personalized chi label.
What about Master Fung?
He must have put himself
in a meditative state
to keep his evil side locked up.
Only his chi can awaken him.
Well, then we'll just have to go
into the ying Yang world
and find both Omi and
Master Fung's chi.
Hold on there, little lady.
If we do that, won't
we Wind up like Omi?
Not if you have the Yang Yo-Yo.
Last I remember,
it's somewhere in the
ying Yang world.
Uh, maybe.
All you have to do is find it
if it's there.
But not to worry, I'm
certain it's there.
Just not 100% certain.
Good enough for me. Let's go.
But first we've got to get
the Ying Yo-Yo back from Chase.
It may be time to use
our secret weapon,
the sweet Baby among us.
But we've never used
that Shen Gong Wu.
What does it do?
Guess we'll find out.
Sweet Baby among us!
Go, Baby!
That Baby sure packs a wallop.
Chase: We've been expecting you.
And right on time.
Check it and weep, Baby.
No place to run.
Orb of Tornami!
Sword of the Storm!
Rely on your martial art skills.
Tornado strike!
Thorn of thunderbolt!
Reversing Mirror!
Uhh! Huh?
Ying Yo-Yo!
Hey! Something's got me!
It feels slimy!
It is. It's Jack Spicer.
Look, Chase, I got 'em!
I got 'em!
Ha ha ha! Now let's finish them.
Chase? Uh, Chase?
I surrender! Don't hit me!
Relax, no one's gonna touch you
as long as you stop
slobbering all over my boots.
Omi: Hello, my
wonderful friends.
Omi! Whoa.
Your head's even
bigger than before.
Yes, but it is not bigger
than the joy I feel
towards all of you.
If I had arms, I would
give you all a hug.
If I had legs, I
would leap for joy.
Well, you don't, partner.
You're just one big
floating head.
The ying Yang world is
a most wondrous place.
It is only limited by
one's imagination.
Maybe you can just
point the way.
Then I suggest we go up.
None of the bottles are marked.
How are we supposed to
know whose chi is who's?
In the ying Yang world,
the right chi will
reveal itself.
I'm guessing it's
not a coincidence.
Master Fung, I'll
take care of your chi
like it was very own.
What was that?
I didn't see anything.
Yeah, me neither.
Now all we got to do is
find the Yang Yo-Yo.
We could look forever
and never find it.
Man, this place may be
even bigger than Texas.
Though not likely.
Well, since Dojo hid the Wu,
we should look in the last place
that we would expect to find it.
Uh, how about second
to last place?
Even Dojo wouldn't hide
it in the last place.
That's why everything
sounded so muffled.
Ying Yang Yo-Yo!
Hey, watch where you're--
I see you have come to fight.
Fight, fight, fight!
I've got an idea. Keep Omi busy.
Manchurian musca!
Uhh! Uhh!
Changing Chopsticks!
Seismic kick!
Aah! Uhh!
Heylin power!
Tsunami strike! Water!
Lasso Boa Boa!
Uhh! Uhh!
Give it back!
Hyah! Hyah! Whoo!
Reversing Mirror!
Reversing Mirror!
Uhh! Aah!
Uhh! Huh?
Heylin power.
Tsunami Water blade, ice!
Kimiko: Manchurian musca.
Jack: Changing chopsticks.
Kimiko, Raimundo, Clay,
I was ready to humiliate
you in battle,
but I have no idea why.
It's ok, Omi.
It's just good to have you back.
Omi, I missed you so.
Ok, now I am most confused.
Jack brought the
Reversing Mirror
into the ying Yang world.
Instead of coming out whole,
he must have left
behind all of his evil.
I hate to interrupt such
a nauseating moment,
but we have some serious
evil left on the agenda.
You have got no hold on Omi.
He's got his chi back,
and you ain't getting
your grubby hands on it.
Omi swore his loyalty to me.
He wasn't himself back then.
Omi is going nowhere
except back home with us.
One-eyed Wind!
Uhh! Uhh!
Monsoon Sandals.
Heylin memory recall!
I do swear my loyalty to you.
Chase Young is right.
As a Xiaolin monk, I
am bound by my word.
I have no choice but to stay.
As you can see, Omi
belongs to me.
Now and forever.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Chase: Ha ha ha!
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