The Wild Wild West (1965) s02e27 Episode Script

The Night of the Wolf

Whoa, whoa.
Settle down there.
Just a wolf.
You've heard a wolf before.
Hello? Hello? Cat, you almost had eight lives.
BillyI want you to wait here.
I'm gonna ride on ahead.
Could be an ambush, sheriff.
Then we don't want all of us riding into it.
Now, if there's any trouble, use that thing.
Yes, sir.
What happened here, fella? I heard some shots.
Well, that was me.
I, uh, ran into an unfriendly wolf.
A wolf? I can't remember ever seeing a wolf around these parts.
Farther north, maybe.
Mind if I ask what you're doing here? Not at all.
I'm waiting for the stage.
Your name wouldn't happen to be West, would it? That's right.
James West.
I'm Sheriff Twilley.
How do you do, sheriff? Had to make sure, Mr.
This ain't something a man wants to take a chance on.
I guess you know what this is all about, Mr.
Security V.
to New Orleans.
? Very Distinguished Individual.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I guess you might call him that, all right.
Gordon says he's gonna be King Stefan IX if he makes it back to his own country in one piece.
Well, that ought to be no problem, sheriff.
We'll stay here tonight as planned, then we'll leave in the morning for the rail junction.
Yeah, well, I think there's been a change in plans, Mr.
It seems Stefan wants to visit a place called Luca.
Oh, why? I haven't been told.
Gordon has been running the show.
Is that him? No.
That's Dr.
Captain Dushan cavalry.
Look, if someone's out to assassinate him, I wish he wouldn't make himself so conspicuous.
Sir, I, uh Kneel, peasant.
As a decoy, you're a sitting duck.
I know.
Perfectly willing to abdicate, but nobody else wants a job.
Long live the king.
Thank you.
Hey, what did you-? Artie.
He's been a date farmer in Northern Arizona territory for the past 15 years.
Big brother the king, Kashmir III, kicked him out of the country.
Last month, he died without any heirs.
So he ended up on the throne, huh? That's right.
Come on, I'll present you.
What is this place? Uh, it's called Murdock's Corners, Your Highness.
Uh, we'll stay here for the night.
How much longer to Luca? Well, if we get an early start in the morning, we should be there before noon.
May I present my associate, Your Highness? Mr.
James West.
West, you have been hurt.
Uh, yes, sir.
Uh, but fortunately, it's not serious.
Uh, what happened? I was attacked by a wolf.
Is it all right if I get out too? Mr.
West my daughter, Leandra.
How do you do, miss, um? Novocovic.
But if you find that too difficult, then just Leandra.
Captain Dushan you will arrange accommodations for Princess Leandra.
I won't be a princess until you're a king, Father.
Since we will be in Luca tomorrow, it's not too soon to start preparing yourself.
Hello?! Artie, there's no one here.
I checked.
Well, Sam will be around here somewhere.
Until then, I want you to get all these people settled upstairs, sheriff.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Your Highness? Doctor? Hey, listen- Artie, why the change in plans? Oh, he wants to go to Luca.
What's in Luca? A bunch of his countrymen.
He's not a guy you can argue with.
He's having a local priest there perform the coronation rights.
Listen- Why doesn't he wait till he gets back to the old country? Arizona's my home, Mr.
I would be content to remain a date farmer for the rest of my life.
I'm sorry.
But I no longer have such freedom of choice.
I have an allegiance to the past an obligation to the future.
And my apologies, sir.
I am sure the demands of duty are not unknown to you.
Now, that incident with the wolf Uh, it, uh, came out of nowhere.
Went right for my throat, before I managed to get off a couple of shots.
But did you kill it? I hit it.
Didn't even slow it down.
It left when its mate howled.
Well, then it crawled off to die.
No, it didn't crawl, Artie.
It ran.
Well, how far can a wolf go with two.
45 slugs in him, Jim? We could settle the question by following the trail of blood.
Oh, well, to tell the truth, sir, I don't even care.
But I care! It may seem trivial to you, but I assure you, it is not.
It is imperative that we know that the wolf is dead.
Sir, anything that's lost this much blood, I'm willing to concede the animal's dead.
There must be no doubt.
I don't think there is, sir.
Look over there.
He hasn't been dead long.
Over here.
Another one? No.
It's a man.
That's got to be Sam Murdock, the storekeeper.
He must have met the wolf.
Look at his throat.
Wolves don't make marks like that.
Come to think of it, what does? You are wrong, Mr.
There is a breed of wolf that could do it.
So much for Murdock.
It's not exactly all sweetness and light around here, is it? I'd feel a lot better if I knew how a- A wolf could take two.
45 slugs and then run a hundred yards in the brush.
That's just it.
Wolves don't do that.
All right, Artie, what's on your mind? Uh, you know I'm not a superstitious man, Jim.
This whole thing smacks of Central European witchery.
Look at this, will you? Legends of Lycanthropy.
Where did you get it? Found it inside the stagecoach.
Somebody on that trip has an awful lot of interest in lycanthropy.
What's that? The study of werewolves.
"Whereupon on the fifth night with the full moon, "the body of the beast will be inhabited "by the mind and soul of man, "and he shall track as the beast tracks, devouring his prey in most unholy places.
" What is it? There.
It's some kind of animal.
It's my horse.
What did you run away for? Now, listen.
Why don't I have a look around anyway.
Will you excuse me, please? I'm sorry I screamed.
I don't usually, but this place is so eerie.
Don't you feel it? You shouldn't be out alone, princess.
I wish you wouldn't call me that.
Better get used to it after tomorrow.
After tomorrow, I'll be a prisoner.
It won't be so bad.
There'll be parties and balls and palace dances.
I like a square dance.
And there'll be, uh, handsome officers.
They wouldn't last a day in a western saddle.
And there's another thing.
When your Prince Charming comes along, he'll be a real prince.
Oh, he'll be real, all right.
Handpicked by the royal matchmaker.
He'll have blue blood, but not much of it.
No chin, but lots of stomach.
And besides, he'll be a foreigner.
We'll have to carry on our courtship through an interpreter.
Now, now.
Crying's not the way.
For a princess? For a beautiful woman.
Jim, what do you make of that? It's Morse code.
It keeps repeating one word over and over again.
The spelling is awful.
Look at that.
Those words are not in my vocabulary.
What does it say, James? "Vrkalak.
" I've heard my father use that word, but I don't know what it means.
Leandra, it is late.
We have a long trip ahead of us.
Go to your room, please.
Good night, James.
Good night.
Good night.
I wish to go up there, Mr.
Would you know what vrkalak means, Your Highness? It's an old Magyar-Croatian word.
West, please, saddle my horse.
Well, but what does it mean, Your Highness? It means someone is in great distress.
All right.
I'll ride up and have a look around.
I'm going with you, Mr.
Lookit could very well be a trap.
Stay here.
It'd be a lot safer that way, sir.
On a night like this, Mr.
Gordon, none of us are safe anywhere.
Captain Dushan! Your Highness? You will guard the Princess Leandra.
With my life.
I don't want her left unprotected for one single moment.
We've been assigned by the President of the United States to protect you.
I'm afraid you're not going anywhere tonight.
How are you going to prevent me, Mr.
West? Well that does create a problem.
You're going to use force? Oh, hardly.
I wouldn't dream of it.
I've never used force on a king in my life.
You may come along or stay here, whichever you choose.
Tough man to argue with, isn't he? Uh, Captain Dushan would you happen to know what the word vrkalak means? Vrkalak? Yeah.
No, Mr.
I've never heard the word before.
Can't be more than a half-mile now.
If I may make a suggestion for your royal approval we arrive unannounced.
Very well.
I wish we knew what we were gonna run into up there.
Another dead wolf, I hope.
A silver bullet.
I've carried it for 15 years.
For a werewolf? For a man named Talamantes.
Whatever else he is I'll leave that for you to decide.
He's from your country? Yes.
He wants to keep you from the throne.
No, Mr.
He wants me to have the throne provided he has my soul.
Whatever else Talamantes is He isn't here.
Wait for what? For the trap to close.
Well, if you knew it was a trap There was never any doubt of that.
Talamantes hardly bothered to conceal it.
You mean, you just obliged him by coming up here? Because it has to be settled.
If not now, some other time.
Why here? Why on his terms? He's welcome to any advantage he can find.
My only advantage, Your Majesty, is knowing how much you despise me.
I make use of that to petition for truce between us.
Why? So that we may consider a matter of far greater importance our beloved country.
You may have five minutes.
I thank you, Your Majesty.
It is strange, is it not, to confront each other again after so many years and so far from home? The last time- I remember the last time.
I put a bullet in you.
Then nothing has changed between us.
Did you think it had? I needed to be sure.
Now, I must urge you to renounce your claim to the throne.
In whose favor? Oh, there are several little princelings to choose from.
I mean, which one have you managed to control, as you controlled my brother Kashmir with your evil magic? Kashmir was an incompetent and a weakling.
Without my guidance, he would have reduced the country to chaos.
I shall try to be strong enough to manage without your guidance.
Your strength has never been doubted, Stefan.
Only your experience.
You are a foreigner in your own country.
You must renounce.
Very well.
Then I must tell you that as of five minutes ago, your daughter fell into my hands.
Do you change your mind now? Now, before you answer that, take this into consideration.
He has your daughter, but we have him.
I should have thought you would have learned your lesson, Mr.
Push him away! Can you make it back? Yeah.
Let us go back quickly, gentlemen.
I think he was bluffing, butI am concerned for my daughter.
Captain Dushan! Captain Dushan! Your Majesty I was overpowered.
Whoever it was took me by surprise.
When I came to, the princess was gone.
In the old emperor's army, in which I had the honor to serve if a soldier failed to protect his sovereign, he put the revolver to his head.
Sir, I request permission to withdraw.
Sir, we'll need Captain Dushan to help recover your daughter.
Captain Dushan would you accompany me? You may yet find a better use for your revolver.
Your Majesty.
I'm sorry, sir, but this time, you're not going.
You are being insubordinate.
Yes, sir, and it was a little late in coming.
If you hadn't gone up on that hill, your daughter wouldn't have been kidnapped.
I don't need you to tell me that, Mr.
Now, step aside.
Not a chance.
I thought you had more discretion than to try to use force on a king.
You're not a king until you get to Luca.
You're gonna stay here if I have to hog-tie you.
Very well, Mr.
I will not argue with you.
Good night.
What is it, doctor? A stroke, and not his first.
He suffered one two weeks ago when he was informed of his brother's death.
Can he make it to Luca? Jim, the man may be dying.
He's been dying for two weeks, Artie.
That's why he had to be crowned right away.
He didn't think he could make it to the old country.
I see.
If he could die a king His daughter could live queen.
He has to be crowned or it may not go to her.
There are other claimants to the throne.
Doctor, can he make it to Luca? He would never survive a journey.
I doubt he has more than a few hours at best.
Listen, I've got an idea, Jim.
If he can't make it to Luca, why can't I bring Luca to him? The priest.
Anyone else that's needed.
Take the stage.
I'll go after Leandra.
Pleasedo not scream again, princess.
It offends me.
What is that? This is simply one of my wondrous serums.
It will relieve you of the problems of ruling your country.
With this a man may rule rulers.
But my father's the ruler.
He's going to become the king.
To dominate a man like Stefan would require a lethal dose.
Thissimply weakens the will of those who are softer to begin with.
You're wasting your time.
I'm my father's daughter.
In a little while the serum will have done its work.
It will draw a curtain across your inner mind which can be penetrated in only one way.
Now, sleep.
When you awaken, no memory of this will remain.
You will function as you always have until I give the invocation.
Whenever you hear or read the word vrkalak.
You will obey my every command my every wish, my every whim.
Come on.
Oh, hello, James.
Are you all right? Wonderful.
Wait a minute.
Where are we? We're in a mine shaft.
Keep your voice down.
You were kidnapped last night by Talamantes.
Who? Oh, James, don't be ridiculous.
I couldn't sleep through that.
Ah, the sleeping princess has awakened.
Who are you? One of your loyal subjects, Highness.
What is your command? Raise your hands.
Highness? I command you to raise your hands.
Because if you don't, Mr.
West Will shoot you.
West, I have tried to discourage your intrusion in a matter that is no concern of yours.
I see now that more drastic measures will be needed.
What did you have in mind? You will soon discover that for yourself.
Not soon.
You're under arrest.
Under arrest? For what crime? Try kidnapping.
The princess? A ridiculous charge.
Ask her yourself.
Were you kidnapped, Highness? I don't know.
I don't know how I got here.
Well, don't worry about it, I'll figure out something.
I warn you, Mr.
I'm warning you.
Get moving and stay close.
Professor, keep it in mind that this gun is firmly against your spine.
Your friends make one move, you're gonna have a backache.
Should I warn them? I'd advise it.
Last night you had a small demonstration of my powers.
The serum makes my wolves almost impervious to pain or injury.
So you succeed in killing one of them I have many wolves.
How many bullets do you have? One bullet will shut off your power.
Tell me, Mr.
West have you ever heard of the word vrkalak? Well, what does it mean? Standoff? Not quite.
It is almost untranslatable.
But in this case it means you are alone, unguarded and you may expect a smashing blow on the head now.
How is he? He has never regained consciousness.
I brought the priest.
Try to rouse him, please.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, can you hear me? Mm.
My daughter Where-? Where-? Where is she? I No.
Please, sir.
Don't excite yourself.
My daughter's safe? Yes, sir.
She's fine.
West is bringing her back.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
You all right? Where's Jim? I don't know.
I haven't seen him since yesterday.
How did you get away? Don't ask me to explain now.
I'm so confused.
Your Majesty.
She's here.
Leandra has come.
Why does my father look that way? Your father's a very sick man.
Pardon me.
Of course.
Yes, Papa? You have escaped from Talamantes in time.
What do you mean, Papa? Who's Talamantes? It's too late.
It has happened just like your uncle Kashmir.
Your Majesty.
It is too late.
There must be no Don't let them crown me.
I must not become king.
He is dying, Hanska.
We must have a king.
He must be crowned now.
We can't let him be crowned, Artie.
Wait a minute.
I crown you king and emperor of the holy empire, Stefan IX.
I think they crowned a dead man.
The king is dead.
The king is dead.
Long live the queen.
My father tried to stop the coronation at the last moment.
Why? I don't understand.
Jim tried to stop it too.
Why? Well, you've been captured, mesmerized, hypnotized- I don't know the word.
Talamantes did it to your Uncle Kashmir, and he's done it to you.
Only you're not even aware of it.
Your Majesty the newspaper people are still waiting.
What shall I tell them? Tell them I shall receive them for five minutes.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Jamesif I am dominated, there is nothing I can do for myself.
I appeal to you for help.
You must break the spell here and now.
I can't, Leandra.
I don't know how.
Once I'm back home, I'm beyond hope.
Help me.
There is something we can try to do, Your Highness.
How does that look to you, Jim? But you're gonna have to do exactly as we say.
Her Majesty, Queen Leandra I has graciously consented to an audience.
She's very tired.
You will have exactly five minutes.
Members of the press "a few short hours ago, "I succeeded to the throne of my father, "the late King and Emperor Stefan IX.
"It was a position I neither sought nor wanted.
"I now find it impossible to carry this heavy burden "and to discharge my duties "without the help and support of the man I love.
" And now as I affix my signature to this letter of abdication I renounce my claims as herein specified.
Um, will you excuse me, Your Highness? Excuse me.
That will be all.
Thank you very much.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Excuse me, Your Highness.
Your Majesty words cannot express my feelings to have gained a queen, then lost her.
All in one day.
Thank you, Adam.
Jameswhat if Talamantes doesn't come? Well, your abdication means he's lost control of the throne.
He'll come to regain control over you.
To compel me to renounce my renunciation? He's not going to give up a kingdom.
Believe me, he'll come.
Just wait.
What is it? Leandra, what is it? Nothing.
A note from Adam.
If you must know it says I have to kill you.
Put it down.
I'm sorry, James but I must do it.
You don't have to do it.
I must.
My darling.
Leandrawhere is she? Not far away, I assure you.
What matters is that she obeyed my command.
Leandra will be of no use to you so long as I am alive.
Stefan! How-? You said he was dead.
He was.
I swear.
I helped bury him.
Now he will be.
Kill him! Artie.
I'm all right.
I'm all right.
So much for silver bullets.
And werewolves.
Talamantes had those animals so filled with serum, it took a bullet this size to kill them.
I'm sorry about the disguise, Your Highness.
It was cruel, I know, but necessary to shock you out of your spell.
You're forgiven, Mr.
Suddenlyeverything became very clear to me.
Who he was, what he was.
Well, he's out of your life now.
And so are his powers.
And now, it's time for you to get back on the throne.

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