One Piece s02e45 Episode Script

Trap in a Desperate Situation! Breaking Into Rain Dinners

The trap of the absolute end! Rush in Rain Dinners With the kingdom of the Oases.
Three years were passed since the last drop of rain.
In a howl of sadness, this desiccated ground sinks from now on in an enormous wave of agitation.
Luffy and its crew arrived at the base of the operations of Crocodile, Rainbase.
However, by an extraordinary blow dealt by fate, a battalion of the Navy, under the orders of Colonel Smoker, waited there.
After having started the combat against the Marines and the Million Works Baroque, Luffy and its crew sink in the casino of Crocodile, Rain Dinners.
It is inside, hein? CROCODILE! Wait, dumbs! You will not leave yourselves there! Bandage large mouths… One will have finally peace.
CROCODILE! BRING BACK YOUR BOTTOM! I WILL DISPATCH You UNTIL ALUBARNA! I GO TE… You believe that will make it leave?! This type is the hero of this country! You will put the customers to us at back! understood.
Good, one does what then? At-await one minute.
Without Vivi, one cannot recognize Crocodile! And besides, where did it pass? VIVI! CROCODILE! OR SUMMERS YOU? Mr.
the Director-Assistant, of the equivocal people entered our establishment… Said to safety to deal with them.
One should not let them cause the least nuisance.
They are not shown.
Neither Vivi, nor Crocodile.
I caught up with you… Straw hat! Smoker! You made me run up to now… The enfumor!! Fi- Seams! And shit! How the enfumor did track us until Rainbase? Is enough that Luffy passes by there so that all becomes out of control.
The casino is surrounded by a lake.
You cannot you flee nowhere! Excuse us, Mister! Dear Sir, the governmental officers are not authorized inside.
Please leave the casino immédia… It is obstinate! Wait! It is the only type which I cannot fight.
One moment, Mister.
Would like you to have the kindness of fate… I did not knock something? Mrs.
the Director, it is a true disaster.
Mysterious individuals ransack the casino.
Bring them to District VIP.
On order of the owner, Crocodile.
Wait! He, look in front! Welcome! By here, please.
Please move by here.
Welcome with District VIP.
District VIP? Does he say to us to enter here? Hein? Here is somebody who speaks my language! Go, one goes there! VIP? But is good blood, which their relation with Crocodile? Once this finished little game, I will see them, him and the pirates of straw hat on the scaffold! But… It is what a VIP? Hey, the corridor separates into two! Ca says VIP… go on the left! Ca says pirate other side! Which direction one takes?? Hurry to choose! One takes VIP, of course! VIP! But, one is pirates! And the pirates… go by here! Ouais, you ace reason there.
At wait! Straw hat! It is what this brothel? How can one be enough stupid to fall into a similar trick!? One falls into darkness! Swim!! It IS a TROUUUUU!! I wonder where they left… Colonel Smoker? I wonder where Colonel Smoker passed… It is probably with the continuation of straw hat.
The CEC woman… She is Navy… O- oh not… My glasses… My glasses… My glasses… What do I have to make? Without my glasses, I… You are well? You… You… You disappeared? Hold good! Tashigi sergeant! You are there! I am very well.
Ah! Heu… They are with you… Ah! You found them to me! It is very nice with you.
Thank you infinitely.
Goodbye! By here! Well! It is stamped… She said that I was nice! But to compliment me, that does not return to me happy! It is serious content.
Species of idiot! A very clever trap! Yes, there was no means of avoiding it.
One could easily avoid it! It is exactly what he wanted that one makes! How you can be also stunned, both? Most important it is that… I have the impression that my force is aspired… A problem? You do aces hunger or you want something? Luffy! Luffy! In dumb!! If you seek the brawl, bring back yourself… the enfumor! I helped it to beat Man-Bends as… a man… What… I feel my force which from goes away… It is as if I were in the ocean… What did you make in Luffy? The end of my jutte is made of an ore called Kairouseki.
Kairouseki:Agalmatolite (kind of jade) marine.
It is a mysterious ore which one finds only in certain areas of the sea.
The ore itself still contains some secrecies, but we know that it emits the same kind of energy as the sea.
See it like a kind of solidified sea.
Then it is that which drains the force of Luffy.
All the prisons of the HQ of the Navy are made with this stone.
It prevents the criminals having eaten fruits of the demon to escape.
Then the bars of this cage must be made with also… If such were not the case, I would have already left.
But not before to have crushed all to you until you can flee never again.
Wait, wait! How can you think of beating you in one similar moment? Moreover, it is a man-smoke, your sabers will not be able to cut it! It rightly.
Give up.
You all will die the ones with the others.
Then try to hear you.
Crocodile! What? Then it is one of Shichibukai… Our so much awaited host shows himself finally.
Oh oh, then the rumors saying that you were an insane dog are true, Smoker-Kun.
You never took to me for an ally.
Although, obviously, you were right.
Smoker, I will make you die in an unhappy accident.
I will inform the government that you fought valiantly against the pirates of straw hat.
I am unaware of why you came in this country, but… it obvious that you is acted of your own boss.
Never the government would have sent to you here.
They make confidence in Shichibukai, see you.
Then it is you, Crocodile? Hey! You! Fight against me! You cannot return yourself in the head not to touch the cage?? Luffy with the straw hat.
I congratulate you to be arrived up to now.
I will suitably kill you in some time, then would be patient.
Our guest of honor did not arrive yet.
Guest of honor? My partner went to seek it.
I cannot allow myself to be retained here longer.
I must… You are rather violent kind, Princesse.
One did not expect from it less than one Frontier Agent.
But, you do not think that lasted enough and that you should come with us? I must quickly join the others… Ahead.
The Boss awaits us.
Do not touch me! Qu… What? A bird? A falcon! What makes a sparrow with a machine-gun? It is enormous! Cut down it!! Shit! The Princess! Pell! You came to save me! That made well a long time, Vivi-Sama.
How is my Father? He is well.
Its Majesty and me let us have both read your letter, Vivi-Sama.
Then… Did Karu arrive healthy and except at Alubarna? Yes.
It is a very brave mallard.
God thank you! We know our enemy, now.
Thanks to you and Igaram-San, all became perfectly clearly.
Vivi-Sama, wait here a moment, I request from you.
Pell? Is it… Pell the Falcon? … The warrior most extremely of Arabasta? Fruit Tori Tori.
Model Falcon.
Tori = Bird It is one of the 5 fruits making it possible to fly.
Appreciate what you will see with his right value! You Kill it! Cut down it! It disappeared! Tobizume = Air Greenhouse We are saved! Now, I must quickly join the others… Well.
All that facilitates the things to me.
Which splendid spectacle.
Miss All Sunday! Now, they are not to me any more any utility.
My invaluable employees.
… Vice-president… Who are you? Which extraordinary spectacle.
I had never seen any human able to fly.
But I wonder whether you are stronger than me.
Is Vivi-Sama, it one of the people who threaten our country? If that does not get out of order, I would wish to invite the Princess in our establishment.
Does that pose a problem? Do not formulate a request also absurd.
It is out of the question.
Ah yes? STOP TO YOU FOUTRE OF US! A Princess should not employ such a coarse language, Miss Wednesday.
Salt witch! You killed Igaram… Igaram? Ah, Mr.
Then, it is you who killed Igaram-San? Why are you both if opposed? Do you think that it is different from what you made with my employees? Which ridiculous point of view.
BITCH!! I will transform you into sand for Arabasta! Pell… Vivi-Sama! Summers you wounded? One that I had impaled it, isn't this would have said? What did you make him? Pas la pains to arrive from there there.
I nothing but do have fun a little bit.
Then you also, you have a capacity of a fruit of the demon.
I ate the Fruit Hana Hana.
Hana = Fleur I can make flower any part of my body like a flower.
It is my capacity.
And since I am able to make push my body on any surface, you cannot escape to me.
To escape to me? Would not be ridiculous! I will avenge Igaram-San at once! I am sorry.
I would adore to still divert you, but I miss really time.
THEN DO NOT MAKE any You! YOU DO NOT NEED any MORE! You do not want to understand.
Tender… Power.
Vis-a-vis me… They are not used for nothing.
PELL!! Was this love the most powerful warrior of the kingdom? Impossible Im-… Well.
Can we go there? I cannot believe it… The Boss and your friends await you in a cage with Rain Dinners.
Imitation of Sanji.
“Which puffed out all the meat, brothel?” You do not want to be a little more… I was how? Look at that! “Oni…” SERIOUS?! How you can make the idiots in a desperate plight like that?? But one cannot leave! I am bored me! It is desperate because one cannot leave! If that is, one will be made kill! And you, why you roupilles? Oh, already the morning? It is the semi-day! You, isn't this is an authoritative young woman? And then? Benefit well from your small strolls as much as you can! Once this type will have left this cage, it will send to you valser until in the clouds! Isn't this, Luffy? YOU ASTONISH Me! BRING BACK YOURSELF!! Your crew has a faith inébranlable in you as a captain, Luffy with the straw hat.
Psss, it is the most useless thing in the world.
It is what its problem with this puffiness? It fout of us… The calm one! You will become nutcase! CROCODILE! VIVI! Be the welcome, Princesse of Arabasta, Vivi.
Or rather should I say, Miss Wednesday.
You managed formidably well to escape the claws from your assassins.
I would have come.
It was useless to hide you! I would have come to see you dying! Mr.
O! If you had never posed the foot in my country… Wait, Vivi! Make leave to us from there.
… Arabasta would be always in peace! Make leave to us! Vivi! Useless.
You are satisfied? Being originating in this country, should be well-informed to you already… … that I have the capacity of the Fruit Suna Suna.
Suna = Sand Will I transform you into mummy? A sand man! HEY YOU! Leave Vivi! I will explode you the mouth! You sit.
It that the festival starts, isn't it is time, Miss All Sunday? Yes.
A festival? It is last midday.
The Utopia operation officially started.
“The Utopia operation”? Utopia operation… It is what that? It is the death of this pathetic kingdom, Miss Wednesday.
The blind love for Arabasta will be the only thing which will lead it to its loss! The people of this country will be wrapped eternal darkness, fighting and struggling constantly between the life and death.
The Utopia operation… … started!
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