Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s03e01 Episode Script

La verdad no peca pero incomoda

I think I'm a little confused here.
So you two really are lesbians?
Lesbians and partners.
We know it was a desperate decision.
The truth is that we just didn't want
to be separated from our own daughters.
So, we had no other choice.
Ana and Mariana said they were a couple,
and kissed in front of everyone. Really?
You were the one who suggested it
the last time I saw you.
Pretending to be a couple
so it would look like Juan Carlos
and Pablo were homophobic.
And plus, they were doing everything
to prove that we're morally unfit
to even take care of our daughters.
Yes, thank you. I am fully aware
of what they were trying to do.
And plus, Juan Carlos
is refusing to leave my house.
Don't even think
I'm going to leave my house.
I'm done giving in
to whatever Mariana wants.
It's so obvious this whole thing is a lie.
Ana is not a lesbian.
Mariana's more fluid,
but I don't think she's in love with Ana.
This new development
is going to be a serious problem for us.
Because we've tried to build
the whole case on these arguments
that will now seem like prejudiced
and homophobic accusations.
Laura did the same thing to me
in our divorce, then she
even took the dog.
I never told you to pretend
to be homosexual.
I only said that if you were homosexual,
you'd be making things easier on me.
Well, regardless,
I saw a window of opportunity
and I couldn't just let it go to waste.
Anyway, listen. I mean,
what's done is done at this point, right?
All we want now
is to figure out our next moves.
This is all in your favor,
but you have a lot to lose.
You cannot be caught lying.
We have to expose them.
And meanwhile, they will be trying
to expose you by any means necessary.
But how, though?
You should start
by gathering all the evidence
to prove to the court
that those two are lying.
And if they can prove
that the two of you are lying,
the consequences
could be extremely serious.
Evidence of Mariana's
relationship with Ferrán,
testimonies, legal or illegal recordings,
in which they themselves admit
that they are lying.
[Laura] You two would lose custody
of the children,
Ana would lose the marital home,
and I would lose
my reputation as a lawyer.
About how long do you think it will take
before we get a ruling
so we can go back to normal
and stop pretending we're together?
Once your relationship has been proven,
I'll take care of the paperwork.
I'll get it done as soon as possible.
We are not letting them catch us.
They're just a couple of scammers,
and we are going to catch them.
[music crescendos]
[opening theme music playing]
[baby cooing]
[baby crying]
[bird tweeting]
[baby giggling]
- [jingles]
- [chimes]
I'm very sorry that you all
had to find out in that way.
So if anyone has something to say,
you should say it right now
because this will be your only chance.
Are you really coming out of the closet?
I still don't have the answers
to many of your questions.
- That's because it's a lie!
- No, it's not!
Of course it is.
You made it all up to win the lawsuit.
- What lawsuit?
- What's this about a lawsuit?
Oh, this is getting really ugly.
Well, your father's lawyer suggested
that he sue me for moral misconduct
so I would be forced
to move out of the house.
Uh, hang on.
That was because
your mother's lawyer told her
to kick me out of the house
in order to accuse me of abandonment.
That doesn't really matter anymore.
Mariana and I
have decided to be together,
and if you don't like that,
then you can leave.
What I don't like,
or rather really don't believe,
- is this youthful crush.
- [Ana] Mmm.
And I will go,
but just for a chilaquiles sandwich.
To be honest, Mom,
I don't believe you either.
I'm gonna go stay with Dad.
I have lost my appetite,
and I have nothing else to say.
[Ceci] Mmm.
I'm on your side, Mom.
And I think it's amazing
you and Mariana are a couple.
It's like now I have two moms.
One normal and one cool.
[Ana] Mmm.
Obviously, I mean,
you're the one that's cool. [chuckles]
Thanks, honey.
It's gonna be all right, Mommy.
- Yeah.
- Mmm.
Ms. Ana, is everything gonna be all right?
[Ana] Mmm
[Lucía sighs] Now I understand everything.
Everything here
is very clear here now, Tere.
Oh, Mom, it's just none of this
was really planned.
- I didn't even think
- It's the devil.
The devil is the one who's been making her
act so strangely lately.
- [Tere clears throat]
- What are you talking about, Grandma?
- [Tere] Mmm
- Huh?
- [sighs] I'm the same as I've always been.
- Uh-huh.
It's just that kissing Ana
the way you did,
I mean, completely out of nowhere,
was really weird, Mariana.
Last I heard,
weren't you happy with Ferrán?
Yeah. Yeah, I was happy with Ferrán.
I mean, look,
I wasn't sure about my feelings for Ana
until things started to change,
and then we decided
to be a couple, okay?
[Tere sighs]
No doubt about that.
- She inherited my instability.
- Mmm. [chuckles]
Well, you did.
[mobile chimes]
Oh! We were calling him with our energy.
[phone whooshes]
I don't think that's it.
He's been calling since yesterday.
And you've been avoiding the man
since yesterday.
'Cause she doesn't know what to say.
You know we taught you it's wrong
to play with someone's feelings, Mariana.
But that's not what I did!
- Really?
- Everything just happened, okay?
Oh really?
Okay, then why are you being
so defensive about it?
'Cause I'm not made of stone, okay?
And yes, I do feel bad for him,
but there's nothing I can do about it.
No, I'm sorry, baby girl.
But you can do something.
And that's to talk to Ferrán
and explain what's going on with you.
[Tere] Mm-hmm.
It's not okay to just use people, Mariana.
It's bad karma.
And with that, you have to know
that even I won't be able to help.
Yep, that's right. Mm-hmm.
[whimsical music playing]
[Ana] How do we do this?
How much affection
are we supposed to show in the office?
How do lesbians do it?
[chuckles] They do it
like everyone else does it.
It's just you and Ferrán
were always all over each other.
Every relationship is different.
For example, when I was with Elena,
we weren't like that.
[Ana] Mmm.
And what will we be like?
- [chuckles]
- [Ana] Please, tell me.
You have more experience
with this than I do.
[Ana whispers] Mariana, control yourself.
We cannot be caught lying about this.
I know,
but I felt that I owe him an explanation.
The less you tell him, the better.
Don't make it a big deal.
All right, sure.
But what's the deal with his new haircut?
I think he's taking it pretty hard.
Okay, okay.
[Tere] I couldn't tell them.
Neither Mariana or my mother.
Ugh! I don't know what's gotten into me!
- Okay, well, just don't take too long.
- [Tere sighs]
You just can't keep thinking
about it forever.
- [Tere groans]
- Did you talk to Víctor?
Of course not.
He's obsessed with Paris.
And I'm not even sure
I want to keep this kid.
[man scoffs]
Psst! What? You got a problem?
Calm down, Tere!
- What? I'm okay.
- What happened?
I thought you were happy
about the pregnancy.
No. But I'm sure of one thing.
That I'm not going to do this alone.
I did that with Mariana.
I won't do it again.
You aren't alone.
You have someone. Víctor.
[Tere sucks teeth, sighs]
It's just that I don't know
if he wants to be a father or not.
And I can't just tell him directly,
or he'll feel like I'm pressuring him.
[Lorena] Wait.
This magazine is great. Check it out.
Where is it, where is it?
Here it is.
"How to find out
if your partner's ready to be a dad."
- [Tere gasps]
- Just don't let him catch you reading it.
[Tere] Uh
- I'm sorry.
- That's okay.
[whimsical music playing]
[phone ringing]
Are you busy right now?
as long as you came here to give me
an explanation about what's going on.
I've called you so many times, Mariana.
You won't answer.
I'm just confused.
I really thought
that I was in love with you,
but that was before I actually realized
my true feelings for Ana.
What, so that was right after we kissed
and you walked to the stage,
which is maybe fifteen steps?
It's more complicated than that
because what I have with Ana
Mariana, I was looking for you.
Well, you found her.
Can you leave us alone?
We need to clear up a few things.
[Mariana inhales]
[sighs] Ferrán.
The truth is that
[sighs] it makes me uncomfortable
that you keep contacting her.
Why don't you just move on?
You know,
we should try to keep the peace
in the workplace, no?
I think Mariana owes me an explanation.
And that's what she was doing
before you interrupted us.
Well, I think everything's
been cleared up now.
Unless there's something you want to say.
I am so sorry, Ferrán.
Yes, I'm sorry too.
Let's go.
[Dario] You going to tell me
about your mom?
Well, there's not much to tell.
She and Mariana are dating.
- Wanna see pictures? They look cute. Look.
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, it's cool that you're not prejudiced.
You know, a lot of my fans are LGBT+.
[scoffs] I wish my family
thought the same way.
My dad and my brother totally flipped out.
They don't understand how powerful it is
that my mom's with Mariana now.
It's like someone I already loved
is now becoming my step-mother?
Can you even have a mom
and a step-mom at the same time?
- Mmm
- Something like a mother-stepmom?
Hey! I have an idea.
Wait, no. I don't think
it's a very good idea to be posting
about my mom's relationship online.
I'm afraid people will discriminate.
Love shouldn't have to be hidden.
- [recorder chimes]
- Hey, what's up guys?
I wanted to let everyone know
that my mother-in-law
just came out of the closet.
And she even has a girlfriend.
- Look. They look cute, don't they?
- [phone chimes]
Now my girlfriend has a mother-stepmom.
What do you think?
[Mariana] You have to trust me.
I had to give Ferrán an explanation.
I couldn't just keep avoiding him.
Shh! They're gonna hear you.
[sighs] That's why I came in!
Because I saw you hesitating
in the hallway not knowing what to do.
Wait, what?
You mean you were spying on us?
No! I just wanted to make sure
that you were all right.
Of course I'm not all right.
This was the first time, in a long time,
that I actually felt truly happy
with someone.
And then I had to break up with him
by lying shamelessly straight to his face.
Well, that's exactly why I got involved.
[groans] We can't doubt ourselves.
Laura Villa said so, Mariana.
Any mistake, no matter how small,
could cost us dearly.
Don't you think I know that?
[sighs] But I also know
you can't control everything.
They're watching us.
Look, Ana.
I understand perfectly well
exactly what's at stake here,
but sometimes I feel like
you don't care what I think.
That's not true.
If you can't trust the way
that I want to do things,
then this isn't going to work, okay?
[woman gasps] Eh
Let's let's keep
[somber music playing]
[knocks on door]
- Hello.
- [Mariana] Hey!
Can I talk to you?
Yes, but how come you didn't just call me
instead of showing up out of the blue?
If I'd called, you wouldn't have answered.
So, can I come in?
Yes, come inside.
[Pablo] I need an explanation, Mariana.
Because I don't believe you.
Somehow, you and Ana
suddenly just fell in love?
[Mariana sighs]
Honestly, I don't think
I owe you an explanation.
And Ferrán?
- You already forgot about him?
- Seriously?
It's not that I don't care
about Ferrán, okay?
It's just that what I have with Ana
is so much stronger than that.
We're raising our children together.
You and I also have a child together.
And you've never cared about that.
Pablo, of course I care.
Sit down.
[Pablo mumbles] Yeah, right. [sighs]
[Mariana sighs]
I would never do anything to hurt you.
You mean unless it was just about
taking advantage of a custody agreement.
I didn't accuse you of being immoral
just so I could win a vacation.
No, instead,
you pretend to be in love with Ana
just to make me look homophobic.
You know what? Just think what you want.
I'm only trying to be happy
with my family, and that is all.
It's also my family.
[Mariana] Mm-hmm.
[tender music playing]
I'm sorry, but I don't believe you.
And I really don't think this
is what's best for our family either.
[Pablo sighs]
I'm just gonna say one thing, Mariana.
I'm gonna fight to be in Regina's life
as much as I can, okay?
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[Víctor] Boy or girl?
But who?
What do you mean, "who"?
- The baby this shower's for.
- Huh?
- Ah!
- It's important to know.
Uh, sure, but, I mean, I don't know.
It doesn't really matter.
Come on. Any color is good. Yeah.
Ah, look! Like this one. Mm-hmm.
Hmm? What do you think about it?
Uh, I don't know.
I have a little bit of a bug phobia.
And crickets are for boys,
bee's for girls.
I mean Look, what about this one?
It's a robot.
It doesn't have a gender.
It works for a boy or a girl.
The other thing is that
you have to buy a bigger size
because babies outgrow things quickly.
Super fast.
- Do you like it?
- Mm-hmm.
[in robot voice] Hi, Tere. I'm baby robot.
- What a pretty smile. Pretty Godmother.
- [chuckles] Yeah.
It's good. Let's go pay.
- Come on.
- No, are you serious?
We can't buy the first thing we see.
- But why?
- We should enjoy the moment.
- Come on, it'll be fun.
- No, we don't need to do this.
- [Víctor] Let's explore over here.
- Seriously?
[Víctor] Look, how pretty!
[Ferrán] So what's the plan?
You must be as confused as I am.
Yeah, and that's why I called you,
to see if you would know anything else.
I thought you two were happy together, no?
Yeah, that's why I'm confused.
But Mariana refuses
to give me an explanation.
Because it's all a lie.
To make us look homophobic.
So Ana could win
her lawsuit against Juan Carlos,
and Mariana could possibly
be granted custody of Regina.
You think Mariana's capable of all that?
Unfortunately, yes.
This might sound weird, but
I'd like to ask you for your help
with exposing her.
Wait, no.
No, I can't do that to Mariana.
Yeah, I get it.
Even though it's hard for me to say,
I know Mariana very well.
And I know she's in love with you.
So am I.
Then you can't sit here and do nothing.
At least go talk to her!
And if you do,
tell her what she's doing is wrong.
Maybe you two have a chance
to get back what you had.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Pablo sips]
Why're you posting stuff
about Mom on Twitch?
Can't you see that she's making this up?
You're older than me, so you're not
supposed to fall for this kind of crap.
Ro, you wouldn't understand
because you've never fallen in love.
You should support Mom.
Imagine if you were gay
and she didn't accept it.
Ceci, I'm not homophobic,
I just don't believe Mom's
really in love with Mariana.
If you post that,
there'll be consequences.
I'm just starting high school,
and I'm already dead socially.
[Rodrigo sighs]
[Ana] Looking for something?
I I was just checking to see
if my underwear was in here.
I think Altagracia must have put them
in one of these boxes by mistake.
You think Altagracia
would put your underwear in that box?
[chuckles nervously]
Besides, Mom, I don't think your panties
and mine look alike, to be honest.
[chuckles nervously]
Well, to be completely honest,
I was looking for one of those,
you know, those kinds of toys,
that, you know, lesbians use to to play.
Uh, a "doldi."
A dildo.
[Romelia chuckles] Right.
[chuckles sarcastically]
And what do you want that for?
Well, just, you know, out of curiosity.
I've I've never seen a real one.
Do you have one?
[Ana sighs deeply]
I don't think I need
to answer that question, Mom.
You're right.
I'm sorry. [exhales]
To be completely honest with you,
this whole thing is really bothering me.
[inhales] But I want you to know that,
as your mother,
I am always here to support you
in whatever you decide.
You are my daughter. [sighs]
You are the only thing
that gives meaning to my life,
and I don't ever want to lose you.
I know this hasn't been easy for you.
[inhales] And so when did you
start fantasizing about women?
I don't know.
So you never enjoyed sex with men?
I don't feel comfortable
talking about this with you.
Did something happen to you as a child
that turned you into a lesbian?
Mom, stop! Please.
- You don't turn into a lesbian.
- [phone chimes]
[Romelia] Well
- [recorder chimes]
- [Romelia] Oh.
[whimsical music playing]
Are you recording me?
Well, Juan Carlos asked me
to record our conversation
so that he and Rodrigo
could put your answers
into a lie detector app.
I can't believe this!
- My own mother spying on me!
- [Romelia pants]
And what about everything you just said?
It's the truth!
You're the only thing
that gives my life meaning,
and and that's why
I can't stand such a huge lie.
You have to understand
that you're destroying your life, Ana.
Your reputation, as well as mine.
My life and reputation are fine
and will stay that way, Mom.
If you are ashamed
of having a daughter who is gay,
then get out of my house
because I'm not going to change
just to save your reputation
or anyone else's.
All right, then.
[somber music playing]
I'm leaving.
All I can do is to hope
that you know what you're doing, Ana.
Ana doesn't want us to talk,
but given what we once had,
I think we should talk.
To clear all of this up.
Ferrán, it's all very clear now, right?
cut the bullshit, and
just tell me the truth.
If all this is just a strategy to win
against Juan Carlos and Pablo in court,
I would still support you.
[sighs, sucks teeth]
Pablo told you about that?
Does it really matter who told me?
Come on, look me in the eyes.
Look at me. Say you don't love me.
I'm very sorry if I hurt you, okay?
I'm sure Ana and Mariana
are pretending to be a couple
so they can beat us in court.
Do you know anything?
I tried talking to Ferrán about it,
but he's even more confused than I am.
And there's no one else
I can ask right now.
Pablo, open your eyes.
Your life will always revolve around
what Mariana says, does, or decides.
Get over her.
And leave me alone.
[whimsical music playing]
I can't believe it.
Sending my mother
to spy on me was a new low.
Ah, all right, wait.
She offered to help us.
Because like us, she doesn't buy it.
Yeah, I got that.
But not only is it true,
I'm going to prove it to you, okay?
- [whimsical music plays]
- [Juan Carlos sighs]
Looks like Grandma's a dead-end.
What do we do now?
[Ana] Juan Carlos
doesn't believe we're a couple.
I know. Pablo doesn't believe it either.
That's why I think
you should come and live with me.
They would have no choice
but to believe us.
[baby coos]
Forgive me.
I know I was insensitive earlier.
I know you were very excited about Ferrán,
and it was hard for you to let him go.
But we have two
very important reasons for this.
We can't separate them.
We're family.
No matter what they think.
I know it's been very difficult
for both of us
to lie to the people we love the most.
Remember when we had
no other option but to
separate for a year?
[Mariana sighs]
You're right, I know. I'm sorry too.
And I'm willing to follow the plan
you made for our family.
Thank you.
I promise to be less controlling
and to trust you.
[Tere] You should've seen him.
We went to four baby stores
looking for rompers.
What a nightmare it was!
You can take out your card.
- Thank you.
- [Lorena] Thanks.
Oh wow, poor Víctor.
Don't feel bad for Víctor,
feel bad for me!
He made me go into
every single baby store in the area.
[chuckles] Yeah, okay.
- But he passed the test.
- [Tere] Mm-hmm.
All right, so next
"It feels good
to be surrounded by children."
I mean, where do I even start
planning something like that out?
There's a kids' party venue
two blocks away from my house.
You have a present?
[Elena] I'm really going to miss you. Mmm.
[Mariana] Hey,
thank you for letting us stay here.
[Elena sucks teeth]
No, seriously. I appreciate it so much.
I'm going to wake Regina up.
You're not going anywhere
until you explain to me what happened.
It's either that,
or I'm just gonna call a psychiatrist.
Your call.
Elena, not you too!
Why is it so hard for people to understand
my relationship with Ana?
- What?
- [Elena scoffs]
Well, you know, life changes.
And people can change as well.
Not even 72 hours ago,
you were madly in love with Ferrán.
And Ana is straight.
She's a straight divorced woman
just trying to pretend she's interesting.
Trying to act cool.
Don't you see it?
You're just a check on her resume.
You'd have to be an idiot
not to notice that.
Dude, what?
I mean, you were the first to know
I was falling in love with Ana.
And now you're going to judge me about it?
Have you forgotten all about the time
you fell in love with
What was that girl's name? You know,
that Italian girl you met in Mazunte.
And you two moved in together
just two days after you met.
- That was it.
- Yeah, I remember.
That's right.
But I was just young.
I didn't know what I was doing.
You, on the other hand, are not a kid.
From what I remember, I never judged you.
I supported you all the way.
And you know why, Elena?
'Cause that's what friends do.
And that's what I expect
from you right now.
I have to admit you have a point.
All right.
Just be careful, okay?
And if everything goes wrong,
and you fail miserably,
and you get your heart broken
into a million pieces once again,
this is always gonna be your home.
Thank you so much.
- Mmm.
- [Elena sighs]
[Ferrán exhales] I feel terrible.
Whenever I'm depressed,
I start craving these things.
I'm so confused.
According to Pablo,
Mariana and Ana are faking a relationship
to win a lawsuit
against him and Juan Carlos.
Well, I mean, if that's true,
then why are you so sad?
I'm hurt because if it's a lie
made up to win a lawsuit,
Mariana shut me out.
She doesn't consider me her accomplice.
In fact, she doesn't even talk to me.
Listen, there is something
that can make any woman
confront and react.
[sighs] I don't know if I should tell you
because it's super cliché.
But then again,
picking the marshmallows out of a bowl
of cereal when you're depressed
is also super cliché.
I'm willing to try absolutely anything
if it could potentially help
clear things up with Mariana.
[Ceci] So is no one gonna say anything?
[whimsical music playing]
Okay, with or without a gay mom,
we're still a family, aren't we?
My thoughts exactly.
Ro, are you excited
about starting high school?
[Mariana] Good morning.
[Ana] Good morning.
Well, since we're all here,
I should take the opportunity to say
I invited Mariana to move in with us.
Are you serious?
This is sort of like the first time
I moved in here with Regina.
But, as you all know,
this time it's a little different.
Yeah, 'cause last time you moved in,
you were wearing Ceci's pajamas.
This time you're wearing Dad's.
I'm sorry, Juan Carlos.
I totally forgot to bring mine.
Yeah, well, it was also different,
because that time
- you weren't making up a big fat lie.
- [Rodrigo] Mmm.
If Mariana wearing your pajamas
bothers you,
maybe you should get your stuff
out of the bedroom
to make room for her things.
[Víctor] What's the plan?
The plan is to spend the whole afternoon
right here at Lorena's nephew's party.
How many nephews does she have?
The birthday boy
and the one they're expecting.
Who's Luisito?
Luisito, the birthday boy.
Ah! Oh, Luisito, the birthday boy!
He's right over
See? The one with the curly hair.
- Is that him?
- Mm-hmm.
- Ah, can you give him our present?
- Sure!
- Yeah!
- Wait, what are you doing?
[gasps] No!
[Víctor chuckling]
It was so easy!
Look, I found this microphone system
that seems like
it would be easy to install.
We could plant them in Mom's room
when she's not here
and expose her that way.
That's a little intrusive, isn't it?
[whimsical music playing]
[sighs] Dad, I need to prove
that Mom's not gay.
Imagine what's going to happen
when everyone at school finds out.
I'd rather her be a liar
than her end up with another woman.
No, hang on. Ro, no.
What you're saying now is not right, Ro.
There's nothing wrong with a woman
being with another woman.
What's wrong here is your mother's lying
in order to win a divorce suit.
I know, Dad. I'm not homophobic.
But my group of friends
isn't really that open-minded,
and I don't want to get bullied
when this comes out.
[Juan Carlos] Mmm.
- It sucks we can't get into the bedroom.
- [Rodrigo] Mm-hmm.
After what your grandmother did,
your mother keeps it locked.
She gave the keys to Altagracia.
And Altagracia guards them like St. Peter
guarding the keys to paradise.
- [Rodrigo chuckles]
- You're right,
we will have to take extreme measures.
[Rodrigo] Mm-hmm.
Uh, can I help you with something, sir?
Uh, Ms. Ana told me
that I should get my things out
so that she could move Mariana in.
That's not going to be possible, sir.
I have very strict instructions
not to let you inside her bedroom,
but if you like, I can get your things.
Uh, that's going to be weird.
It's my it's my underwear in there,
and I don't want my leopard thong
just hanging out all over the house.
Well, if you want, I can go in with you
and watch you take out your things.
- Okay.
- [Altagracia] Good. Thank you.
[keys jingling]
[door lock jiggling]
Alta, do you know where
my purple plaid socks are?
I can't find them.
I put them in your sock drawer.
The same place I always put them, Ro.
I already looked,
and they're not in there.
Can you help me find them?
I'll be back in just a minute, sir.
Don't touch anything
that isn't yours, all right?
Let's go.
[Rodrigo chuckles]
[Lorena] No one will notice.
[doorbell chimes]
[Tere] Girl.
You won't believe it!
Víctor actually had a blast at the party!
But why?
Wha [scoffs]
But but what's going on?
What? What? [scoffs]
Okay, that settles it.
Now you can tell Víctor you're pregnant.
I don't know.
[whimsical music playing]
[Juan Carlos] This is too far!
What does Tere think about this?
- [Víctor] I don't
- [Ramón] Excuse me. I have news.
- Oh yeah?
- What happened? Is it about Mariana?
Oh, no, nothing about that.
But I have big news.
Mr. Víctor, congratulations.
You're going to be a dad!
[uplifting music playing]
I forgot to pick up my pajamas
from Elena's house.
You can use mine.
That's great, thanks.
[Ana sighs]
[whimsical music playing]
[whispers] Is it a microphone?
[Mariana scoffs]
[Ana] Wear these pajamas.
They'll look super sexy on you.
[Mariana] Thank you, Ana.
[sighs] I know it hasn't been easy
for your family.
they have to accept
that I just want to be happy.
And you make me happy.
[Mariana] That's all I want, Ana.
For you to be happy.
And you always know exactly what I need.
[Mariana chuckles]
Even when it comes to sex, Mariana.
And you know,
for all those years, Juan Carlos
never knew how to satisfy me.
But you do.
And you know
I don't even think he knows
where my clitoris is.
[both chuckle]
Whoa, hey!
[Ana] I love being with you.
[both moaning]
- [moans]
- [Mariana chuckles]
[Ana] Oh, you smell so good!
I love the way you smell.
[both moaning]
[Juan Carlos sighs]
[sighs deeply]
I can take over if you want, Dad.
No, no, no, no, no!
Wait, wait, you can't!
- Just Just
- [both continue moaning]
- [Juan Carlos stammers]
- [moaning intensifies]
[Juan Carlos groans]
It's not what it looks like. Mm-mm.
[Conrado] Mariana bangs Ana. So what?
It's not like you two
are still together, right?
- [Pablo] You're an asshole, man.
- [phone vibrates]
[video game chiming]
No way. No way.
No way, man!
Let me see.
[scoffs] That's my cousin, dude!
Whatever, keep going.
[video game continues chiming]
[Víctor] Honey, I can't believe it!
Why didn't you tell me
that you were pregnant?
I mean, honestly,
it's because I wasn't sure if you would be
really ready to be a father right now.
Of course I'm ready, my love.
Look at you! Why are you crying now?
It's not like it's the end of the world.
What can I say?
They're tears of happiness.
For you.
Thank you. I love you.
[Tere] Mm-hmm.
What's wrong?
I just don't like looking
for baby clothes,
and I really hate going
to children's parties.
What are you saying, Tere?
[Tere sighs]
[somber music playing]
I don't think I want a baby, Víctor.
[Víctor sighs]
[Víctor sniffles]
[Pablo] I didn't expect this.
So did you know there was something
between Ferrán and Cynthia?
Is that why you broke up?
[Mariana] No, I didn't.
But I guess it's fine.
I mean, they're both adults,
and they're both single,
so they can do what they want
with their lives.
Pablo, you know, you really shouldn't
have shown this to me anyway.
Mariana, I'm willing
to negotiate this lawsuit with you.
You really don't have to keep up this lie.
- Ana and I are now girlfriends, okay?
- [Pablo sighs]
We're in a relationship
which makes me very happy.
I can't believe you're giving up on love
for one of Ana's whims.
You can still sort things out with Ferrán.
- [tender music playing]
- [Mariana exhales]
Okay, I have to go.
[Igor] You missed your chance.
This is a lawsuit.
Classic case of privacy invasion.
And now you will have to leave the house
if you don't want to be hit
with a restraining order,
a precautionary measure
for spousal harassment,
which is punishable by the law.
But the fact that Ana
discovered the microphone
only proves that what I heard
was a scene they put on
that they wanted me to hear!
Scene or not, the evidence is there!
You were the one who asked me
to find evidence,
whether it was legal or illegal!
I didn't tell you to get caught.
What about the divorce suit?
That's still in progress, okay?
But now, more than ever,
we really need conclusive evidence
that Ana is lying.
[knocks on door]
I didn't say you can come in.
[Ana sighs]
[groans softly]
[tender music playing]
I know everything that's happening
isn't easy to accept.
And believe me,
I wish things were different too.
But it really hurts
to know that you're mad at me.
Look, Mom.
I'm sorry that this is painful for you,
but you're going to have to live
with the consequences of your actions.
I will live with them, I can assure you.
I just want you to understand me.
[Rodrigo scoffs]
The microphone was my idea.
To help Dad
because he doesn't believe you either.
And to be honest,
I don't think I ever will.
[tender music continues]
[Ana sighs]
[Marcela] Ana, we have a problem.
The most conservative investors
have decided to drop the app.
That is unless you take down
the photos you posted with Mariana,
issue a retraction,
and tell everyone it was fake.
No, Marcela. I just can't do that.
In that case, we will need to reconsider
the future of this business, Ana.
Why don't I call Mariana,
and I'll see you in your office
in a little while?
[phone clicks]
[phone chimes]
[doorbell rings]
Why are you here?
I came here to tell you the truth.
[tender music playing]
[music fades]
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