Invincible (2021) s03e01 Episode Script
You're Not Laughing Now
[Angstrom Levy] There's
an infinite number of dimensions.
I was born with the ability
to access all of them.
I won't build my utopia
with blood.
I need to make him pay!
[Mark] Darkwing was at
my 12th birthday party,
so I'm pretty sure
he doesn't kill people.
[Allen] Mark isn't like other Viltrumites.
He just wants to protect his world.
[Thaedus] Bring Invincible here.
He is the key.
[Debbie] This child is Mark's brother.
Which makes him family to me too.
[Nolan] Viltrum knows I've left my post.
They'll see your brother
as inferior and kill him.
[Kregg] Your father will be executed.
You will assume his mission
and prepare the planet for our rule.
I'm sorry I gambled with your life.
Shit! You're a Viltrumite?!
I think everything in these books is real.
Stuff that can hurt Viltrumites.
You shot me in the fucking head!
[Donald] I've died 39 times even though
there was less of me to save each time.
[Anissa] Come with me now,
or this woman dies.
[Cecil] How many of my new Reanimen
are ready for the field right now?
Answer the goddamn question.
[Anissa] Killing you is not my task.
Soon another will come.
[Amber] How does this work, Mark?
- I don't know.
- Maybe that's an answer.
- You think you're innocent in all this?
- [screaming]
[Mark] I'll never let anyone
ever hurt my family!
I have to learn how to control myself.
- [Allen] Remember me?
- [Nolan] Why are you here?
I'm here for you.
- Eve, is that you?
- Not the me you know.
Tell her you love her,
or tell her you don't love her,
just tell her something.
I think I miss my wife.
You can do better than that.
I'm gonna hurt you so bad.
I did it.
[gasps] I did it!
I win! I win! I
That's the second time
you celebrated too soon.
- [exhales] You okay?
- No! You're mean!
[Cecil] Okay.
All right, let's give the kid a break.
He's been a champ,
but his parents are getting worried.
He's only eight, after all.
The GDA thanks you and your son
for your assistance.
And we assure you, we're still
searching for a cure for his condition.
Then what's next?
[The Chemical Brothers: "Go"]
Whew! Ah, geez!
Seven minutes, 42 seconds.
A new record.
Nice work.
[Mark] Hey, can somebody call Art?
I'm gonna need like 20 new costumes
if we're gonna keep doing this.
[Mark grunts]
Can't eat ♪
Can't sleep ♪
Can't breathe, ah
Can't ♪
I could have
I could have done it faster, but I got
lost on the way back again. [exhales]
Well, it was still plenty fast, Mark.
To the Jacques Cousteau to the depths ♪
And you're wet,
so your tank explodes, so get it out ♪
Send your body to flight,
everybody got a target tonight ♪
Everybody come along for the ride,
all you studs and you duds ♪
And you ladies, let's fly, grip
the moment like you grippin' the earth ♪
Feel the weight
and you feelin' the girth ♪
Hold it.
You used to make
when everything used to hurt ♪
So that was
the heaviest thing we could find
for Mark to lift, and he just lifted it.
Come on, Donald, since when
do we let a little thing like that
stop us from saving the world?
- When we're through with him
- Go ♪
he'll finally live up to the name
[Mark grunting]
[Donald] Over the last 90 days,
Mark's speed has increased 65%,
his endurance 70%,
and his strength
and we checked this
wasn't a mistake 138%.
[Mark grunting]
[Donald] The science team is
already working on a heavier version.
So the billion-dollar question, then:
Could he beat that Viltrumite woman
who made us all shit our pants
three months ago?
We think so. But she implied
someone much worse was coming.
Which is why we're not stopping here.
With Mark or any of our other plans.
[Rex] Fuck me!
Way to make
a fellow superhero feel inadequate.
Glad it's not leg day.
Hey, Rex.
Yeah, Cecil's got me on a training plan.
Uh, yeah. I can see that.
So, um, how much did all this cost, Cecil?
Is this why the coffeemaker's
still broken at Guardians HQ?
We bought you a new hand, Rex.
- That wasn't cheap.
- Yeah.
And this is the third time I've
been back trying to get it adjusted.
Eh, look, I'm trying to give you
the finger right now and I can't.
- Oh, man, that's your favorite finger.
- It's my favorite finger!
It's his favorite finger, Cecil.
- Can't we do something about that?
- Uh-huh.
[groans] The customer service
in this place is terrible.
Sir, believe it or not,
but somebody appears to be stealing
the Declaration of Independence
from the National Archives building.
- One guess who's behind that.
- Nah, can't be Doc Seismic.
He's still under lock and key.
You feel like trying out
those new muscles of yours?
- Sure.
- Wow. I am standing right here.
You guys could at least pretend
like you'd like my help.
Maybe I should take Rex.
Who knows how tough this could be?
And there might be stuff
that needs to be exploded.
- Fine, take Rex.
- You both suck.
[dramatic music playing]
National Archives building. Washington.
[alarm ringing]
[Dropkick] No problem, you said.
I can disarm the lasers, you said.
- Now we're messing up the past.
- Technology this old is tricky.
It's practically made of wood.
- Hey!
- But it's not made out of wood.
It's made out of circuits and electricity
and stuff you're supposed to be good at.
We've got at least three minutes
- until the police show up.
- [Rex] Hey, dickheads!
Boy, did you pick the wrong day to steal
a timeless piece of America's history.
Well, not that there's a right day.
But you know what I mean.
Uh, we're gonna kick your ass now.
They're not the police.
- [grunting]
- So Eve says she hasn't seen you
in months and that you're avoiding her?
I'm not avoiding her, it's just with
Oliver and my new training routine,
- I've been busy.
- Uh-huh.
- Whoa, this guy's fast.
- [Rex] Come on.
You're single. She's single.
Obviously, you two have had
the hots for each other
- since, like, forever.
- [grunts]
Just stop being weird about it.
Ask her out.
It's more complicated than that.
[car alarm wailing]
Oh, it's really not.
It's six words.
Hey, want to go out sometime,
uh, uh, please?
Actually, no, no, no.
Don't say please. Sounds desperate.
Why do you care so much?
You used to date Eve.
Well, uh, you're both my friends.
I want you to be happy.
And if it works, you'll owe me forever.
Okay, mine's down, by the way,
in case you hadn't noticed.
Hey, I'm trying to hold back.
I don't want to hurt him too much.
- I think he's just a normal dude.
- Normal this!
- Yeah, totally normal.
- I'd give up, buddy.
I just witnessed
this guy bench-pressing the moon.
[Rex groans]
- Multi-Paul?
- You! You killed my sister!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
I didn't kill Kate, man!
The Lizard League did!
You let her die!
I'll kill you!
[wind whistling]
[alarm ringing]
Get dressed.
Come on! [grunting]
I'm sorry.
I'm coming!
Fightmaster, you okay?
- That guy is really strong.
- Come on.
I didn't [grunting]
fucking kill Kate.
I tried to save her.
Get off him!
Not until he's dead.
Last warning. I don't want to hurt you.
[Multi-Pauls echoing]
You can't hurt us no matter
no matter how strong you are,
because you're all alone.
[Mark] Shit.
[female voice] Stop!
Holy shit.
It's [grunting]
You guys
You guys can see her, too, right?
It's not just me?
[Multi-Pauls] Kate?
- They said you were dead.
- You, out of everyone,
- should know how hard we are to kill.
- [grunts]
Kate! You're alive.
But [sighs]
[stammers] Why didn't you
You let me and Rae think you were dead.
- What the hell, man?
- It was her decision.
- She wanted to disappear for a while.
- Yeah, well [coughs]
it almost got me disappeared, too.
[sighs] Wait
You knew!
Aw, fuck you, Immortal.
And you, you fucking psycho.
You almost murdered me for nothing.
- I've killed people for less.
- Yeah, like me!
Just now, you frigging idiot.
- Paul, just go before you make this worse.
- [Rex] Oh, that's rich.
What's worse than this?
No, Kate. Paul almost killed Rex,
and because of him,
those guys got away with
the Declaration of Independence.
- [Immortal] What?
- I don't care if he's your brother.
He's going to prison. Now.
[April] Go on.
[Oliver] John Witherspoon,
Oliver Wolcott, and
- George Wythe.
- [chuckles] Bravo.
Your memory, Oliver
it's quite astounding.
Now can I go play? 'Cause that
was the deal if I got them all right.
Did I say that? I don't know.
- You promised. I remember.
- [chuckles] Of course.
- We're done for the day. [door opens]
- Yes!
Hi, Mom. Going outside to play.
See you later.
They say they grow up fast
Mm, but Oliver puts
every other child to shame.
His growth and development
are off the charts,
but they should start to level off
once he reaches puberty.
Oh. So, tomorrow.
Not quite that soon, but soon.
Hi, April.
Um, you know stuff.
How important is
the Declaration of Independence again?
Ask your brother.
See you both tomorrow!
[door opens, closes]
Well if you hadn't dropped out
of college, you'd know, too.
- Mom.
- I'm kidding.
I'm glad to have you home.
Especially with Oliver
growing up so quickly.
He really looks up to you, you know.
And then what happened? [grunts]
I had to save Rex from, like,
a hundred Multi-Pauls.
But the real bad guys got away.
Yeah. Sometimes that happens.
If I was there, I would've
made sure we got them. [grunts]
[chuckles] I bet you would.
I made drawings of my costume,
and I'm practicing my moves.
We'll be a team, right? You'll teach me,
and we'll go fight bad guys?
- Sure. Once you get your powers.
- Promise.
I promise, but remember,
I didn't get my powers
until I was way older than
- [grunts]
- you.
Too late. You promised.
What happened to you?
I volunteered for an ass-kicking,
which I will never do again.
But that's only the second
weirdest thing that happened today.
Check it out.
Uh hey. [weak chuckle]
Holy shit.
Kate? Kate!
- [laughs] Aw.
- I missed you guys.
But not enough to tell us she
was alive, so figure that one out.
I needed some time, on my own.
- Or so I thought.
- [Bulletproof] Kate. How did you survive?
I always keep a copy for safekeeping.
We're both rejoining the Guardians,
effective immediately.
Shut up.
Kate, are you guys engaged?
I forged the ring myself
using metals I mined from
[laughs] Yeah. Let me see.
Oh, my gosh, it's perfect.
Oh, my God.
[Rex groaning]
[Black Samson] I'm glad
you're sitting down, Rex,
'cause it's a full-on
family reunion today.
- Hey, Rex.
- Rae!
Oh [grunts]
Oh, this hurts so much,
but I don't even care.
Doc says she's all healed up
and ready to get back to saving the world.
- I heard you came to the hospital a lot.
- Of course I did.
We almost got killed together,
so that makes us, like, uh
- Losers?
- Uh, I was gonna say too hot to live,
too cool to die,
but sure.
[Black Samson] Ain't nothing
gonna stand up to us now.
The family's back, baby,
and unbreakable.
[Cecil sighs]
Enlighten me.
It's nothing specific sir, but
the residents of this town reported
that their groundwater's
- recently become sulfurous and undrinkable.
- [Cecil] We're not the EPA, Donald.
[Donald] There's been a chain of small
earthquakes throughout this region.
- Well, they frack there, don't they?
- Children here have reported
hearing strange sounds
from a local cave system.
Well, children hear a lot of things.
There's been three subway derailments
in the last month in New York,
all traced back to small shifts
in the tunnel foundations.
And the connection between all of this?
I Uh, I-I don't have one yet.
But we've categorized over 300
unusual geological events, sir.
Well, map them out.
[sighs] So, the country's got measles.
They do seem to be centered
around major cities,
but there's no other pattern
we can find yet.
And our resident earthquaker?
Well, when it graduates to more
than a giant coincidence, call me.
Uh, there's one other thing
you should see, sir.
- [Oliver] Too late. You promised!
- [sighs]
This, Donald.
You should have led with this.
You were 17 when you got your powers.
Which, honestly, was still too early.
And the fact that Oliver kept them
a secret I mean, that worries me.
- He just wanted to surprise me.
- [sighs] He's too young.
He might get hurt,
or hurt someone else by accident.
I made him promise not to use his powers
until we all had time to talk about it.
And to not keep any more secrets.
He's a kid.
You think he's not gonna try them out?
- You would have.
- He promised. [kisses]
[William] Stree-rike!
[grunts] Ha!
I just want to point out that here I am,
the only guy without superpowers
or a banging cyborg body,
and I just beat both your butts
for the third time in a row. Boom.
- Maybe bowling's his superpower.
- I think so.
So, Mark, we've been here two hours,
and you still haven't brought it up.
- Brought up what?
- Oh, come on. I know that look.
There's something you
desperately want to talk about
but you're too scared
to just say whatever it is.
[sighs] It's that obvious?
- Even I see it.
- [Mark] Okay.
Remember when I was trapped
in that dimension with Angstrom?
And that other Eve showed up to save me?
I didn't tell you guys
everything she said.
[electronic melody plays]
So, the other Eve said
she always loved you
and that you needed to either
love her back or let her go
- because you were ruining her life?
- [Mark] Pretty much.
- [Rick] Do you have feelings for Eve?
- Yeah. I do.
And I've had them for a while, but
should I tell her about the other her?
Hard no.
That's super weird and awkward.
Do not go there.
[Rick] William's right.
This other her isn't her.
Just ask this Eve out.
See where it goes.
Maybe? I-I don't know.
If I ask Eve out, I want to be honest
with her from the start.
Not like I was with Amber.
There's a big difference
between being honest
and being too honest,
- and this is definitely the latter.
- I agre [groans]
- Rick?
- [panting]
It's his heart.
He's still having pain from
what Sinclair did.
Ah, it's okay. I'm getting used to it.
But you should talk to Eve.
If there's one thing I've learned,
it's that
life can change in an instant.
So don't wait.
Thanks, Rick.
That's good advice.
But leave the other her out of it.
[engine sputtering]
Um how are we gonna get back to campus?
Say, Mark
[laughs] Ho, ho! Do a loop!
Just tell her how you feel. Easy.
Oh, God, how am I more nervous
about this than fighting aliens?
[Eve] Are you gonna hover out there
all day talking to yourself or come in?
[Debbie] If you want
to go to the zoo,
- then stop squirming.
- [whimpers]
But you and April always say
I should be myself.
Yes, yes, and that's true,
but you want to be a superhero, right?
And you know that many superheroes
have secret identities.
- Even your brother.
- Yeah
- Well
- [groans]
- this is your secret identity.
- Cool!
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
about my powers.
[sighs] That's okay, Oliver.
But no more secrets.
[doorbell rings]
- Huh? I'll get it!
- Wait, wait. I'm not finished.
Think you missed a spot there, kiddo.
- I'm Cecil Stedman.
- I've heard of you.
You tell superheroes what to do and
if they don't listen, you get super mad.
Hm. That's about right.
And I've also heard of you.
Good, because I'm almost a superhero, too.
That's why I'm here. [sighs]
[Eve] Uh, yeah, they're both good.
My dad got another furniture job, so
he's not working at Burger Mart anymore,
and, well, my mom's helping out
at a preschool near our house.
How's your mom?
Uh, her arm's totally healed,
so she's doing okay.
I think she likes having
me and Oliver around.
- Except, guess who can fly now.
- Oliver?! Wait, already?
Oh oh, man.
I feel for your mom.
- How are you gonna keep him in the house?
- I don't know yet.
- Are you going to college?
- Yeah.
I realized my dad was right.
I am not an architect or an engineer.
I mean, look at this place.
It's barely staying up here.
So, I signed up for part-time classes.
I start next week.
- That's amazing.
- Thanks.
It's weird, though.
Why is going to school more nerve-racking
than fighting aliens?
[chuckles] I know the feeling.
why are you really here, Mark?
[sighs] Okay.
I've been thinking
about this a lot, and
I want to see if we
meaning you and me
if-if we could, um,
you know, work together,
but, l-like, as people,
not-not work-work.
- Are you asking me out?
- Uh yeah.
[chuckles] I mean,
I'm just doing a terrible job at it.
April doesn't know, so don't blame her.
Even I only found out yesterday.
- I would've appreciated a call.
- You found out anyway.
And I don't work for you.
I thought we agreed
to trust each other, Debbie.
[chuckles] I'm sorry, but Cecil, please.
Mark, and now Oliver,
are players in a game
that involves the entire Earth and beyond.
And like it or not, Debbie,
you're a part of this, too.
Cecil, how many times do we
have to have this conversation?
My responsibilities
will always be to my family first.
And that's never going to change.
No matter what.
[ominous music playing]
[low humming]
[inhales deeply]
[Rex whistling a tune]
What the hell?
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Are you serious?
Cecil spends ten gajillion dollars
on Mark's fitness classes,
but can't fix our goddamn Oh!
What the fuck is this?!
Lost contact completely.
- No response from the team.
- Over 100 earthquakes reported.
- [agent] I can't get anyone on the line.
- I need you to go in there
- and check it out.
- Sorry, it's all I know.
Sir, we have intense geological
events all over the country.
But, worse, we can't reach a single hero.
Even the Guardians have gone silent.
Most heroes carry a GDA tracker.
Th-Throw them up on the screen.
[agents gasping]
[indistinct chatter]
Show me Seismic.
Oh, no.
- [male agent] Report, report.
- [female agent] Code red, right now.
[overlapping chatter]
[Debbie] I'm sorry,
but I can't agree to that.
[Cecil] It would only
be for a few hours a day.
We can monitor his superpowers
more closely,
help him understand and control them.
- There's that word again.
- You know what I mean.
There's no way I'm letting you
take Oliver to your
The only reason I even let April in here
is because I trust her.
- Ouch.
- Cecil, I understand you have a job to do.
But I also know that everything else
is secondary to that job.
And that's why I can never trust you
with either Mark or Oliver's lives.
Other people have sons and daughters, too.
Sons and daughters
who aren't as lucky as your boys.
- That is not fair.
- What?
What are you talking about?
- What, every single one?
- What's going on?
Every superhero in America
has been abducted.
Except for two.
- [Mark] Uh Eve?
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Sure. Let's try.
- [chuckles] Really?
- I mean, it makes sense, right?
We're both superheroes,
we know what comes with the territory.
I-I We've already
been through a bunch
of life or death situations together.
let's try and see what happens.
[chuckles] T-That's great.
Oh, man, I-I
I just didn't want to leave you
hanging anymore.
Leave me hanging? Uh, you asked me out.
No, I meant
- Remember that other you I told you about?
- Yeah.
She just [chuckles]
She said she always loved me
and not knowing if I loved her back
was killing her,
so she told me I should
either ask you out or
shut it down forever.
Wait, I-I'm sorry
So you're only asking me out now
because the other me, who is not me,
told you how miserably she was?
Wait, uh, no, that that's not it.
Did you have feelings for me
before you met her?
Eve, I mean Of course.
Or are you only here
because you feel sorry for me?
Oh, God, no. I
That's not what I meant. I
Cecil, please, not now!
What do you mean?
Just Eve and I?
[shaky inhale]
Eve, there's, uh, a problem.
This better be fucking cataclysmic.
[intriguing music playing]
[Debbie clears throat]
[Doc Seismic] Patience is a virtue.
It took months for me and my friends
to learn all of your
particular vibrations.
How you move,
how you breathe.
The pitter-patter
of your black, little hearts.
I think you'll agree
it was worth
every minute of my incarceration.
[all grunting]
[both grunting, straining]
I tried to change your corrupt system.
Tear down your false idols.
Take back what you stole from the earth.
But every time I was stopped
by you superpowered fascists,
fighting to keep
your capitalistic slave machine running,
- until now.
- You haven't stopped a thing!
- You're crushing us.
- Aw, shit! Stop!
See? You're toxic,
even to your own compatriots.
- Any luck?
- [Robot] I've diverted all power to my transmitter.
It should just reach
the GDA surveillance network
from this far underground.
- Oh, what do you want, Seismic?
- Oh, didn't I make that clear?
Soon, you'll all feel the full weight
of the evil you've done
to support your failing human race.
For you are all dust.
And to dust you shall return!
[distant whirring]
Huh? What?
What is that sound?
[whirring approaches]
[triumphant music playing]
[Eve] Ah. Someone upped their game.
- I know. I'm impressed.
- Well, well, well.
It's my old friends Token Diversity
and Gender Stereotype.
Um, I wouldn't talk,
Generic Mad Scientist.
Now set everyone free
before this turns ugly.
It turned ugly the day Homo sapiens
took their first step onto land.
- Hmm.
- [sighs]
I take it back.
I'm not impressed anymore.
Oh, that wasn't an attack.
That's how we talk.
[Eve gasps]
[chittering, screeching]
[tense, sinister music playing]
[Doc Seismic laughs]
[Mark and Eve grunting]
[Robot] Cecil, our situation
is rapidly becoming dire.
How does a nobody like Doc Seismic
pull shit like this?
He seems to have found allies
from somewhere deep inside the earth.
I can see that, Donald.
[Mark grunts, screams]
Who do we have if Mark and Eve go down?
No one close, sir.
He's cleaned us out.
[sighs] Open up the darkroom
and ready drop-pods
- one through three.
- Yes, sir.
I didn't mean anything.
But Cecil said
all the superheroes were gone.
So I wanted to go out
and help until they got back.
And I'm glad you wanted to help,
- but why didn't you talk to me first?
- I don't know.
Because you knew I'd say no?
Hmm. Maybe that's a clue that you
shouldn't be trying to sneak out.
I guess.
- I'm sorry, Mom.
- It's okay. I understand.
You just want
to be like Invincible, right?
- Yeah!
- Well you know who's Invincible's mom?
Mm-hmm. That's right.
And since he always listens to his mom,
I'll ask him to start training you
so someday you can be
a hero just like him.
As long as there's
no more secrets between us.
[delighted cry]
I promise, I promise, I promise!
[pulsing, sinister music playing]
[chittering, hissing]
[creature screams]
[Doc Seismic laughs]
You think you're strong?
These creatures were born deep in the fire
and pressure of the earth's womb!
Mark, he's not lying.
Free the others! I'll cover you.
[groans] Stop her!
Whoa! Whoa!
[Mark grunting]
Eve! [grunts]
Are you okay?
Eve. [grunts]
[woozy] You're not supposed
to be this tough.
You're not supposed to win.
[Doc Seismic] Things change.
[Black Samson] Invincible!
Invincible, wake up!
Wake Eve up!
She can get us out of these things.
Eve! Eve, wake up.
Aw, fuck!
Don't feel bad you're being
returned to Mother Earth.
- Your remains will help feed a new,
- Eve, please.
- We're in big trouble.
- Mark?
better kind of life,
free of your oppressive violence.
We're running out of time, man!
- Five
- What happened?
You got to get us out of here.
[Donald] four
No final quips before your deaths?
- [Rex] Eat your own dick!
- three
Then, with that final display
of wit and intelligence
- two
- goodbye forever.
- I don't think so.
- one.
What the fuck?
You haven't stopped anything!
[Eve] Mark!
[Mark shouts]
[dramatic music playing]
If I'm going down,
so is everyone!
Yes! Yes!
[whoops] Fuck yes!
[laughs] Up top!
Yeah! Down low?
Oh, ho, no?
You know what? That's okay.
We won, my dick's out and I don't care.
Guardians of the Globe, baby!
- Where's Doc Seismic?
- He was in the Shadowverse.
- Soon, he'll be back in prison.
- Darkwing?
Darkwing Two, technically.
But, yes.
Why the hell is he here?
And why the fuck are those things here?
He's a murderer.
And those things the guy
who made those things killed people.
- They almost killed my best friend.
- [Darkwing] He's right.
I did terrible things.
But that was before.
I'm better now, thanks to Cecil.
Better? You should be in prison.
- Are you okay?
- No, I'm not okay.
Cecil said he put Sinclair away,
and Darkwing, too,
- and now they're both working for him?
- We don't know everything yet.
I don't need to know everything
to know this is wrong.
Jesus. I was an idiot to believe Cecil.
- Even my mom warned me about trusting him.
- Stand down, Invincible.
They saved us. They saved everyone here.
We can get to the bottom of this together.
Oh, I'm gonna get
to the bottom of this right now.
Mark, wait.
I can't, Eve.
I'm sorry.
And I'm sorry about before, too.
I messed it all up.
He's coming.
[door whooshes open]
- Are you working with D.A. Sinclair?
- Calm down.
He turned people into monsters.
He almost killed William.
He should be in prison.
He can't fix his mistakes in prison, Mark.
- Neither can Darkwing.
- What are you even talking about?
D.A. Sinclair's a genius.
Darkwing cracked from fighting
endless crime in Midnight City.
You don't waste people like that,
you reform them.
Repair them. Let them make
restitution for their mistakes.
They murdered people!
Rick still isn't right
after what Sinclair did to him.
Sinclair's new Reanimen
are made with donated corpses.
Darkwing will never kill again.
They both went through severe
psychological reprogramming.
They save lives now, Mark.
And repaying the very
substantial debt they owe us all.
That is bullshit and you know it!
Is it? You killed Angstrom Levy.
Should I lock you up, too?
- Throw away the key?
- You-you know that was different.
A man's still dead because of you.
And I think about it every single day.
- But he almost killed my mom and brother.
- Exactly.
You were trying to save lives,
which is what I'm trying to do, so
how about you extend me
the same privilege
- and go home.
- No.
No way. I'm not going anywhere
until Sinclair and Darkwing
are both back in prison.
Did you hear me?
Go home, Mark,
before you do something you'll regret.
I told you, I'm not leaving unt
- Wait, why are we in here again?
- Please go.
[Mark] What are you hiding in here?
Who else is working for you?
- The white room is for my protection.
- Protection from what?
From you, Mark.
From you.
[Allen] Viltrumites have conquered
thousands of planets.
[ominous music playing]
Waged war across hundreds of light years.
They rule over the largest empire
the universe has ever seen.
But, man, their prison food sucks.
I really thought it would be better.
I mean, I-I know, it's prison food,
but still, if I'm being honest,
I was expecting more.
[Nolan] We usually kill our enemies,
not feed them.
[Allen] Yeah, well it shows.
I don't know
how much more of this I can take.
- This is not good.
- [Nolan] If you don't like it, you should go.
[Allen] What are you talking about?
I'm in prison.
It is the one place
you can't just go from.
[Nolan] You're stronger
than when we first met.
Strong enough to break out of here,
if you tried.
[Allen] First, I'm very flattered
you noticed that. Thank you.
Second, like I've said
a hundred times before,
I am not leaving here without you.
[Nolan] And I'm never leaving.
So go.
Before they laser you open
to figure out how you're so strong.
[Allen] Hmm.
Why do you care so much?
[Nolan] I don't. Live, die.
It's your choice.
[Allen] Then, in that case,
you are not getting rid of me that easy.
Besides, like you said,
I am incredibly ripped now,
so it would take a pretty big laser
[sighs] to do me in.
Guys. Uh, okay.
One second.
Can we just talk about this
before we, uh
[energy crackling]
So, that sucked.
- But I was right.
- [Nolan] You're alive?
[Allen] Of course, how else
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait. Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait.
- Were you worried I was gonna die?
- [Nolan] Wha I-I-I
[Allen] This is great. This is progress.
You care about me.
I feel like you're halfway
to joining the cause.
Hello, Nolan? Hello?
Oh, I get it. You're ignoring me.
Very mature.
Also, not how new best friends
should treat each other.
Nolan. Come on.
Come on, seriously. Stop.
[theme music playing]
[Angstrom Levy] There's
an infinite number of dimensions.
I was born with the ability
to access all of them.
I won't build my utopia
with blood.
I need to make him pay!
[Mark] Darkwing was at
my 12th birthday party,
so I'm pretty sure
he doesn't kill people.
[Allen] Mark isn't like other Viltrumites.
He just wants to protect his world.
[Thaedus] Bring Invincible here.
He is the key.
[Debbie] This child is Mark's brother.
Which makes him family to me too.
[Nolan] Viltrum knows I've left my post.
They'll see your brother
as inferior and kill him.
[Kregg] Your father will be executed.
You will assume his mission
and prepare the planet for our rule.
I'm sorry I gambled with your life.
Shit! You're a Viltrumite?!
I think everything in these books is real.
Stuff that can hurt Viltrumites.
You shot me in the fucking head!
[Donald] I've died 39 times even though
there was less of me to save each time.
[Anissa] Come with me now,
or this woman dies.
[Cecil] How many of my new Reanimen
are ready for the field right now?
Answer the goddamn question.
[Anissa] Killing you is not my task.
Soon another will come.
[Amber] How does this work, Mark?
- I don't know.
- Maybe that's an answer.
- You think you're innocent in all this?
- [screaming]
[Mark] I'll never let anyone
ever hurt my family!
I have to learn how to control myself.
- [Allen] Remember me?
- [Nolan] Why are you here?
I'm here for you.
- Eve, is that you?
- Not the me you know.
Tell her you love her,
or tell her you don't love her,
just tell her something.
I think I miss my wife.
You can do better than that.
I'm gonna hurt you so bad.
I did it.
[gasps] I did it!
I win! I win! I
That's the second time
you celebrated too soon.
- [exhales] You okay?
- No! You're mean!
[Cecil] Okay.
All right, let's give the kid a break.
He's been a champ,
but his parents are getting worried.
He's only eight, after all.
The GDA thanks you and your son
for your assistance.
And we assure you, we're still
searching for a cure for his condition.
Then what's next?
[The Chemical Brothers: "Go"]
Whew! Ah, geez!
Seven minutes, 42 seconds.
A new record.
Nice work.
[Mark] Hey, can somebody call Art?
I'm gonna need like 20 new costumes
if we're gonna keep doing this.
[Mark grunts]
Can't eat ♪
Can't sleep ♪
Can't breathe, ah
Can't ♪
I could have
I could have done it faster, but I got
lost on the way back again. [exhales]
Well, it was still plenty fast, Mark.
To the Jacques Cousteau to the depths ♪
And you're wet,
so your tank explodes, so get it out ♪
Send your body to flight,
everybody got a target tonight ♪
Everybody come along for the ride,
all you studs and you duds ♪
And you ladies, let's fly, grip
the moment like you grippin' the earth ♪
Feel the weight
and you feelin' the girth ♪
Hold it.
You used to make
when everything used to hurt ♪
So that was
the heaviest thing we could find
for Mark to lift, and he just lifted it.
Come on, Donald, since when
do we let a little thing like that
stop us from saving the world?
- When we're through with him
- Go ♪
he'll finally live up to the name
[Mark grunting]
[Donald] Over the last 90 days,
Mark's speed has increased 65%,
his endurance 70%,
and his strength
and we checked this
wasn't a mistake 138%.
[Mark grunting]
[Donald] The science team is
already working on a heavier version.
So the billion-dollar question, then:
Could he beat that Viltrumite woman
who made us all shit our pants
three months ago?
We think so. But she implied
someone much worse was coming.
Which is why we're not stopping here.
With Mark or any of our other plans.
[Rex] Fuck me!
Way to make
a fellow superhero feel inadequate.
Glad it's not leg day.
Hey, Rex.
Yeah, Cecil's got me on a training plan.
Uh, yeah. I can see that.
So, um, how much did all this cost, Cecil?
Is this why the coffeemaker's
still broken at Guardians HQ?
We bought you a new hand, Rex.
- That wasn't cheap.
- Yeah.
And this is the third time I've
been back trying to get it adjusted.
Eh, look, I'm trying to give you
the finger right now and I can't.
- Oh, man, that's your favorite finger.
- It's my favorite finger!
It's his favorite finger, Cecil.
- Can't we do something about that?
- Uh-huh.
[groans] The customer service
in this place is terrible.
Sir, believe it or not,
but somebody appears to be stealing
the Declaration of Independence
from the National Archives building.
- One guess who's behind that.
- Nah, can't be Doc Seismic.
He's still under lock and key.
You feel like trying out
those new muscles of yours?
- Sure.
- Wow. I am standing right here.
You guys could at least pretend
like you'd like my help.
Maybe I should take Rex.
Who knows how tough this could be?
And there might be stuff
that needs to be exploded.
- Fine, take Rex.
- You both suck.
[dramatic music playing]
National Archives building. Washington.
[alarm ringing]
[Dropkick] No problem, you said.
I can disarm the lasers, you said.
- Now we're messing up the past.
- Technology this old is tricky.
It's practically made of wood.
- Hey!
- But it's not made out of wood.
It's made out of circuits and electricity
and stuff you're supposed to be good at.
We've got at least three minutes
- until the police show up.
- [Rex] Hey, dickheads!
Boy, did you pick the wrong day to steal
a timeless piece of America's history.
Well, not that there's a right day.
But you know what I mean.
Uh, we're gonna kick your ass now.
They're not the police.
- [grunting]
- So Eve says she hasn't seen you
in months and that you're avoiding her?
I'm not avoiding her, it's just with
Oliver and my new training routine,
- I've been busy.
- Uh-huh.
- Whoa, this guy's fast.
- [Rex] Come on.
You're single. She's single.
Obviously, you two have had
the hots for each other
- since, like, forever.
- [grunts]
Just stop being weird about it.
Ask her out.
It's more complicated than that.
[car alarm wailing]
Oh, it's really not.
It's six words.
Hey, want to go out sometime,
uh, uh, please?
Actually, no, no, no.
Don't say please. Sounds desperate.
Why do you care so much?
You used to date Eve.
Well, uh, you're both my friends.
I want you to be happy.
And if it works, you'll owe me forever.
Okay, mine's down, by the way,
in case you hadn't noticed.
Hey, I'm trying to hold back.
I don't want to hurt him too much.
- I think he's just a normal dude.
- Normal this!
- Yeah, totally normal.
- I'd give up, buddy.
I just witnessed
this guy bench-pressing the moon.
[Rex groans]
- Multi-Paul?
- You! You killed my sister!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
I didn't kill Kate, man!
The Lizard League did!
You let her die!
I'll kill you!
[wind whistling]
[alarm ringing]
Get dressed.
Come on! [grunting]
I'm sorry.
I'm coming!
Fightmaster, you okay?
- That guy is really strong.
- Come on.
I didn't [grunting]
fucking kill Kate.
I tried to save her.
Get off him!
Not until he's dead.
Last warning. I don't want to hurt you.
[Multi-Pauls echoing]
You can't hurt us no matter
no matter how strong you are,
because you're all alone.
[Mark] Shit.
[female voice] Stop!
Holy shit.
It's [grunting]
You guys
You guys can see her, too, right?
It's not just me?
[Multi-Pauls] Kate?
- They said you were dead.
- You, out of everyone,
- should know how hard we are to kill.
- [grunts]
Kate! You're alive.
But [sighs]
[stammers] Why didn't you
You let me and Rae think you were dead.
- What the hell, man?
- It was her decision.
- She wanted to disappear for a while.
- Yeah, well [coughs]
it almost got me disappeared, too.
[sighs] Wait
You knew!
Aw, fuck you, Immortal.
And you, you fucking psycho.
You almost murdered me for nothing.
- I've killed people for less.
- Yeah, like me!
Just now, you frigging idiot.
- Paul, just go before you make this worse.
- [Rex] Oh, that's rich.
What's worse than this?
No, Kate. Paul almost killed Rex,
and because of him,
those guys got away with
the Declaration of Independence.
- [Immortal] What?
- I don't care if he's your brother.
He's going to prison. Now.
[April] Go on.
[Oliver] John Witherspoon,
Oliver Wolcott, and
- George Wythe.
- [chuckles] Bravo.
Your memory, Oliver
it's quite astounding.
Now can I go play? 'Cause that
was the deal if I got them all right.
Did I say that? I don't know.
- You promised. I remember.
- [chuckles] Of course.
- We're done for the day. [door opens]
- Yes!
Hi, Mom. Going outside to play.
See you later.
They say they grow up fast
Mm, but Oliver puts
every other child to shame.
His growth and development
are off the charts,
but they should start to level off
once he reaches puberty.
Oh. So, tomorrow.
Not quite that soon, but soon.
Hi, April.
Um, you know stuff.
How important is
the Declaration of Independence again?
Ask your brother.
See you both tomorrow!
[door opens, closes]
Well if you hadn't dropped out
of college, you'd know, too.
- Mom.
- I'm kidding.
I'm glad to have you home.
Especially with Oliver
growing up so quickly.
He really looks up to you, you know.
And then what happened? [grunts]
I had to save Rex from, like,
a hundred Multi-Pauls.
But the real bad guys got away.
Yeah. Sometimes that happens.
If I was there, I would've
made sure we got them. [grunts]
[chuckles] I bet you would.
I made drawings of my costume,
and I'm practicing my moves.
We'll be a team, right? You'll teach me,
and we'll go fight bad guys?
- Sure. Once you get your powers.
- Promise.
I promise, but remember,
I didn't get my powers
until I was way older than
- [grunts]
- you.
Too late. You promised.
What happened to you?
I volunteered for an ass-kicking,
which I will never do again.
But that's only the second
weirdest thing that happened today.
Check it out.
Uh hey. [weak chuckle]
Holy shit.
Kate? Kate!
- [laughs] Aw.
- I missed you guys.
But not enough to tell us she
was alive, so figure that one out.
I needed some time, on my own.
- Or so I thought.
- [Bulletproof] Kate. How did you survive?
I always keep a copy for safekeeping.
We're both rejoining the Guardians,
effective immediately.
Shut up.
Kate, are you guys engaged?
I forged the ring myself
using metals I mined from
[laughs] Yeah. Let me see.
Oh, my gosh, it's perfect.
Oh, my God.
[Rex groaning]
[Black Samson] I'm glad
you're sitting down, Rex,
'cause it's a full-on
family reunion today.
- Hey, Rex.
- Rae!
Oh [grunts]
Oh, this hurts so much,
but I don't even care.
Doc says she's all healed up
and ready to get back to saving the world.
- I heard you came to the hospital a lot.
- Of course I did.
We almost got killed together,
so that makes us, like, uh
- Losers?
- Uh, I was gonna say too hot to live,
too cool to die,
but sure.
[Black Samson] Ain't nothing
gonna stand up to us now.
The family's back, baby,
and unbreakable.
[Cecil sighs]
Enlighten me.
It's nothing specific sir, but
the residents of this town reported
that their groundwater's
- recently become sulfurous and undrinkable.
- [Cecil] We're not the EPA, Donald.
[Donald] There's been a chain of small
earthquakes throughout this region.
- Well, they frack there, don't they?
- Children here have reported
hearing strange sounds
from a local cave system.
Well, children hear a lot of things.
There's been three subway derailments
in the last month in New York,
all traced back to small shifts
in the tunnel foundations.
And the connection between all of this?
I Uh, I-I don't have one yet.
But we've categorized over 300
unusual geological events, sir.
Well, map them out.
[sighs] So, the country's got measles.
They do seem to be centered
around major cities,
but there's no other pattern
we can find yet.
And our resident earthquaker?
Well, when it graduates to more
than a giant coincidence, call me.
Uh, there's one other thing
you should see, sir.
- [Oliver] Too late. You promised!
- [sighs]
This, Donald.
You should have led with this.
You were 17 when you got your powers.
Which, honestly, was still too early.
And the fact that Oliver kept them
a secret I mean, that worries me.
- He just wanted to surprise me.
- [sighs] He's too young.
He might get hurt,
or hurt someone else by accident.
I made him promise not to use his powers
until we all had time to talk about it.
And to not keep any more secrets.
He's a kid.
You think he's not gonna try them out?
- You would have.
- He promised. [kisses]
[William] Stree-rike!
[grunts] Ha!
I just want to point out that here I am,
the only guy without superpowers
or a banging cyborg body,
and I just beat both your butts
for the third time in a row. Boom.
- Maybe bowling's his superpower.
- I think so.
So, Mark, we've been here two hours,
and you still haven't brought it up.
- Brought up what?
- Oh, come on. I know that look.
There's something you
desperately want to talk about
but you're too scared
to just say whatever it is.
[sighs] It's that obvious?
- Even I see it.
- [Mark] Okay.
Remember when I was trapped
in that dimension with Angstrom?
And that other Eve showed up to save me?
I didn't tell you guys
everything she said.
[electronic melody plays]
So, the other Eve said
she always loved you
and that you needed to either
love her back or let her go
- because you were ruining her life?
- [Mark] Pretty much.
- [Rick] Do you have feelings for Eve?
- Yeah. I do.
And I've had them for a while, but
should I tell her about the other her?
Hard no.
That's super weird and awkward.
Do not go there.
[Rick] William's right.
This other her isn't her.
Just ask this Eve out.
See where it goes.
Maybe? I-I don't know.
If I ask Eve out, I want to be honest
with her from the start.
Not like I was with Amber.
There's a big difference
between being honest
and being too honest,
- and this is definitely the latter.
- I agre [groans]
- Rick?
- [panting]
It's his heart.
He's still having pain from
what Sinclair did.
Ah, it's okay. I'm getting used to it.
But you should talk to Eve.
If there's one thing I've learned,
it's that
life can change in an instant.
So don't wait.
Thanks, Rick.
That's good advice.
But leave the other her out of it.
[engine sputtering]
Um how are we gonna get back to campus?
Say, Mark
[laughs] Ho, ho! Do a loop!
Just tell her how you feel. Easy.
Oh, God, how am I more nervous
about this than fighting aliens?
[Eve] Are you gonna hover out there
all day talking to yourself or come in?
[Debbie] If you want
to go to the zoo,
- then stop squirming.
- [whimpers]
But you and April always say
I should be myself.
Yes, yes, and that's true,
but you want to be a superhero, right?
And you know that many superheroes
have secret identities.
- Even your brother.
- Yeah
- Well
- [groans]
- this is your secret identity.
- Cool!
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
about my powers.
[sighs] That's okay, Oliver.
But no more secrets.
[doorbell rings]
- Huh? I'll get it!
- Wait, wait. I'm not finished.
Think you missed a spot there, kiddo.
- I'm Cecil Stedman.
- I've heard of you.
You tell superheroes what to do and
if they don't listen, you get super mad.
Hm. That's about right.
And I've also heard of you.
Good, because I'm almost a superhero, too.
That's why I'm here. [sighs]
[Eve] Uh, yeah, they're both good.
My dad got another furniture job, so
he's not working at Burger Mart anymore,
and, well, my mom's helping out
at a preschool near our house.
How's your mom?
Uh, her arm's totally healed,
so she's doing okay.
I think she likes having
me and Oliver around.
- Except, guess who can fly now.
- Oliver?! Wait, already?
Oh oh, man.
I feel for your mom.
- How are you gonna keep him in the house?
- I don't know yet.
- Are you going to college?
- Yeah.
I realized my dad was right.
I am not an architect or an engineer.
I mean, look at this place.
It's barely staying up here.
So, I signed up for part-time classes.
I start next week.
- That's amazing.
- Thanks.
It's weird, though.
Why is going to school more nerve-racking
than fighting aliens?
[chuckles] I know the feeling.
why are you really here, Mark?
[sighs] Okay.
I've been thinking
about this a lot, and
I want to see if we
meaning you and me
if-if we could, um,
you know, work together,
but, l-like, as people,
not-not work-work.
- Are you asking me out?
- Uh yeah.
[chuckles] I mean,
I'm just doing a terrible job at it.
April doesn't know, so don't blame her.
Even I only found out yesterday.
- I would've appreciated a call.
- You found out anyway.
And I don't work for you.
I thought we agreed
to trust each other, Debbie.
[chuckles] I'm sorry, but Cecil, please.
Mark, and now Oliver,
are players in a game
that involves the entire Earth and beyond.
And like it or not, Debbie,
you're a part of this, too.
Cecil, how many times do we
have to have this conversation?
My responsibilities
will always be to my family first.
And that's never going to change.
No matter what.
[ominous music playing]
[low humming]
[inhales deeply]
[Rex whistling a tune]
What the hell?
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Are you serious?
Cecil spends ten gajillion dollars
on Mark's fitness classes,
but can't fix our goddamn Oh!
What the fuck is this?!
Lost contact completely.
- No response from the team.
- Over 100 earthquakes reported.
- [agent] I can't get anyone on the line.
- I need you to go in there
- and check it out.
- Sorry, it's all I know.
Sir, we have intense geological
events all over the country.
But, worse, we can't reach a single hero.
Even the Guardians have gone silent.
Most heroes carry a GDA tracker.
Th-Throw them up on the screen.
[agents gasping]
[indistinct chatter]
Show me Seismic.
Oh, no.
- [male agent] Report, report.
- [female agent] Code red, right now.
[overlapping chatter]
[Debbie] I'm sorry,
but I can't agree to that.
[Cecil] It would only
be for a few hours a day.
We can monitor his superpowers
more closely,
help him understand and control them.
- There's that word again.
- You know what I mean.
There's no way I'm letting you
take Oliver to your
The only reason I even let April in here
is because I trust her.
- Ouch.
- Cecil, I understand you have a job to do.
But I also know that everything else
is secondary to that job.
And that's why I can never trust you
with either Mark or Oliver's lives.
Other people have sons and daughters, too.
Sons and daughters
who aren't as lucky as your boys.
- That is not fair.
- What?
What are you talking about?
- What, every single one?
- What's going on?
Every superhero in America
has been abducted.
Except for two.
- [Mark] Uh Eve?
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Sure. Let's try.
- [chuckles] Really?
- I mean, it makes sense, right?
We're both superheroes,
we know what comes with the territory.
I-I We've already
been through a bunch
of life or death situations together.
let's try and see what happens.
[chuckles] T-That's great.
Oh, man, I-I
I just didn't want to leave you
hanging anymore.
Leave me hanging? Uh, you asked me out.
No, I meant
- Remember that other you I told you about?
- Yeah.
She just [chuckles]
She said she always loved me
and not knowing if I loved her back
was killing her,
so she told me I should
either ask you out or
shut it down forever.
Wait, I-I'm sorry
So you're only asking me out now
because the other me, who is not me,
told you how miserably she was?
Wait, uh, no, that that's not it.
Did you have feelings for me
before you met her?
Eve, I mean Of course.
Or are you only here
because you feel sorry for me?
Oh, God, no. I
That's not what I meant. I
Cecil, please, not now!
What do you mean?
Just Eve and I?
[shaky inhale]
Eve, there's, uh, a problem.
This better be fucking cataclysmic.
[intriguing music playing]
[Debbie clears throat]
[Doc Seismic] Patience is a virtue.
It took months for me and my friends
to learn all of your
particular vibrations.
How you move,
how you breathe.
The pitter-patter
of your black, little hearts.
I think you'll agree
it was worth
every minute of my incarceration.
[all grunting]
[both grunting, straining]
I tried to change your corrupt system.
Tear down your false idols.
Take back what you stole from the earth.
But every time I was stopped
by you superpowered fascists,
fighting to keep
your capitalistic slave machine running,
- until now.
- You haven't stopped a thing!
- You're crushing us.
- Aw, shit! Stop!
See? You're toxic,
even to your own compatriots.
- Any luck?
- [Robot] I've diverted all power to my transmitter.
It should just reach
the GDA surveillance network
from this far underground.
- Oh, what do you want, Seismic?
- Oh, didn't I make that clear?
Soon, you'll all feel the full weight
of the evil you've done
to support your failing human race.
For you are all dust.
And to dust you shall return!
[distant whirring]
Huh? What?
What is that sound?
[whirring approaches]
[triumphant music playing]
[Eve] Ah. Someone upped their game.
- I know. I'm impressed.
- Well, well, well.
It's my old friends Token Diversity
and Gender Stereotype.
Um, I wouldn't talk,
Generic Mad Scientist.
Now set everyone free
before this turns ugly.
It turned ugly the day Homo sapiens
took their first step onto land.
- Hmm.
- [sighs]
I take it back.
I'm not impressed anymore.
Oh, that wasn't an attack.
That's how we talk.
[Eve gasps]
[chittering, screeching]
[tense, sinister music playing]
[Doc Seismic laughs]
[Mark and Eve grunting]
[Robot] Cecil, our situation
is rapidly becoming dire.
How does a nobody like Doc Seismic
pull shit like this?
He seems to have found allies
from somewhere deep inside the earth.
I can see that, Donald.
[Mark grunts, screams]
Who do we have if Mark and Eve go down?
No one close, sir.
He's cleaned us out.
[sighs] Open up the darkroom
and ready drop-pods
- one through three.
- Yes, sir.
I didn't mean anything.
But Cecil said
all the superheroes were gone.
So I wanted to go out
and help until they got back.
And I'm glad you wanted to help,
- but why didn't you talk to me first?
- I don't know.
Because you knew I'd say no?
Hmm. Maybe that's a clue that you
shouldn't be trying to sneak out.
I guess.
- I'm sorry, Mom.
- It's okay. I understand.
You just want
to be like Invincible, right?
- Yeah!
- Well you know who's Invincible's mom?
Mm-hmm. That's right.
And since he always listens to his mom,
I'll ask him to start training you
so someday you can be
a hero just like him.
As long as there's
no more secrets between us.
[delighted cry]
I promise, I promise, I promise!
[pulsing, sinister music playing]
[chittering, hissing]
[creature screams]
[Doc Seismic laughs]
You think you're strong?
These creatures were born deep in the fire
and pressure of the earth's womb!
Mark, he's not lying.
Free the others! I'll cover you.
[groans] Stop her!
Whoa! Whoa!
[Mark grunting]
Eve! [grunts]
Are you okay?
Eve. [grunts]
[woozy] You're not supposed
to be this tough.
You're not supposed to win.
[Doc Seismic] Things change.
[Black Samson] Invincible!
Invincible, wake up!
Wake Eve up!
She can get us out of these things.
Eve! Eve, wake up.
Aw, fuck!
Don't feel bad you're being
returned to Mother Earth.
- Your remains will help feed a new,
- Eve, please.
- We're in big trouble.
- Mark?
better kind of life,
free of your oppressive violence.
We're running out of time, man!
- Five
- What happened?
You got to get us out of here.
[Donald] four
No final quips before your deaths?
- [Rex] Eat your own dick!
- three
Then, with that final display
of wit and intelligence
- two
- goodbye forever.
- I don't think so.
- one.
What the fuck?
You haven't stopped anything!
[Eve] Mark!
[Mark shouts]
[dramatic music playing]
If I'm going down,
so is everyone!
Yes! Yes!
[whoops] Fuck yes!
[laughs] Up top!
Yeah! Down low?
Oh, ho, no?
You know what? That's okay.
We won, my dick's out and I don't care.
Guardians of the Globe, baby!
- Where's Doc Seismic?
- He was in the Shadowverse.
- Soon, he'll be back in prison.
- Darkwing?
Darkwing Two, technically.
But, yes.
Why the hell is he here?
And why the fuck are those things here?
He's a murderer.
And those things the guy
who made those things killed people.
- They almost killed my best friend.
- [Darkwing] He's right.
I did terrible things.
But that was before.
I'm better now, thanks to Cecil.
Better? You should be in prison.
- Are you okay?
- No, I'm not okay.
Cecil said he put Sinclair away,
and Darkwing, too,
- and now they're both working for him?
- We don't know everything yet.
I don't need to know everything
to know this is wrong.
Jesus. I was an idiot to believe Cecil.
- Even my mom warned me about trusting him.
- Stand down, Invincible.
They saved us. They saved everyone here.
We can get to the bottom of this together.
Oh, I'm gonna get
to the bottom of this right now.
Mark, wait.
I can't, Eve.
I'm sorry.
And I'm sorry about before, too.
I messed it all up.
He's coming.
[door whooshes open]
- Are you working with D.A. Sinclair?
- Calm down.
He turned people into monsters.
He almost killed William.
He should be in prison.
He can't fix his mistakes in prison, Mark.
- Neither can Darkwing.
- What are you even talking about?
D.A. Sinclair's a genius.
Darkwing cracked from fighting
endless crime in Midnight City.
You don't waste people like that,
you reform them.
Repair them. Let them make
restitution for their mistakes.
They murdered people!
Rick still isn't right
after what Sinclair did to him.
Sinclair's new Reanimen
are made with donated corpses.
Darkwing will never kill again.
They both went through severe
psychological reprogramming.
They save lives now, Mark.
And repaying the very
substantial debt they owe us all.
That is bullshit and you know it!
Is it? You killed Angstrom Levy.
Should I lock you up, too?
- Throw away the key?
- You-you know that was different.
A man's still dead because of you.
And I think about it every single day.
- But he almost killed my mom and brother.
- Exactly.
You were trying to save lives,
which is what I'm trying to do, so
how about you extend me
the same privilege
- and go home.
- No.
No way. I'm not going anywhere
until Sinclair and Darkwing
are both back in prison.
Did you hear me?
Go home, Mark,
before you do something you'll regret.
I told you, I'm not leaving unt
- Wait, why are we in here again?
- Please go.
[Mark] What are you hiding in here?
Who else is working for you?
- The white room is for my protection.
- Protection from what?
From you, Mark.
From you.
[Allen] Viltrumites have conquered
thousands of planets.
[ominous music playing]
Waged war across hundreds of light years.
They rule over the largest empire
the universe has ever seen.
But, man, their prison food sucks.
I really thought it would be better.
I mean, I-I know, it's prison food,
but still, if I'm being honest,
I was expecting more.
[Nolan] We usually kill our enemies,
not feed them.
[Allen] Yeah, well it shows.
I don't know
how much more of this I can take.
- This is not good.
- [Nolan] If you don't like it, you should go.
[Allen] What are you talking about?
I'm in prison.
It is the one place
you can't just go from.
[Nolan] You're stronger
than when we first met.
Strong enough to break out of here,
if you tried.
[Allen] First, I'm very flattered
you noticed that. Thank you.
Second, like I've said
a hundred times before,
I am not leaving here without you.
[Nolan] And I'm never leaving.
So go.
Before they laser you open
to figure out how you're so strong.
[Allen] Hmm.
Why do you care so much?
[Nolan] I don't. Live, die.
It's your choice.
[Allen] Then, in that case,
you are not getting rid of me that easy.
Besides, like you said,
I am incredibly ripped now,
so it would take a pretty big laser
[sighs] to do me in.
Guys. Uh, okay.
One second.
Can we just talk about this
before we, uh
[energy crackling]
So, that sucked.
- But I was right.
- [Nolan] You're alive?
[Allen] Of course, how else
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait. Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait.
- Were you worried I was gonna die?
- [Nolan] Wha I-I-I
[Allen] This is great. This is progress.
You care about me.
I feel like you're halfway
to joining the cause.
Hello, Nolan? Hello?
Oh, I get it. You're ignoring me.
Very mature.
Also, not how new best friends
should treat each other.
Nolan. Come on.
Come on, seriously. Stop.
[theme music playing]