Power Book II: Ghost (2020) s03e01 Episode Script

Your Perception, Your Reality

Previously on Ghost
It'll be run through an
app called CourseCorrect.
All Mr. Weston has to do is sign here,
and you'll have a president
and a legitimate paycheck.
Well, if it's soldiers you
need, I got you covered.
I hired that attorney we talked about.
I'm getting you out.
You ain't dying in here.
It's Tariq's girlfriend.
She got you on tape with Brayden.
Tariq's chick wore a wire.
She got us both on tape.
I gave you a gun, rich kid. Use it.
I don't think I'm the man for the job.
She talks, we both go down.
You ever have to do something
you really don't want to do?
All the time.
Brayden, let's just talk about this.
You have to go completely off the grid.
Everyone around me either ends up dead
or has to go away because of my shit,
and that's exactly
why I'm all on my own.
You have me, Brayden. You're not alone.
I was the one that was dealing drugs
at Choate and Stansfield.
My dad's pulling me out of school.
Lauren Baldwin is dead.
It's all my fault.
If it means getting justice
for Lauren and Carrie,
I'll help you.
Monet, did you have
something to do with Carrie's death?
I'd never hurt you like that, Zeke.
Jesus Christ, Zeke, that
ain't your fucking auntie!
That's your mother!
Wait, Zeke!
I'ma fucking kill you.
There's an open seat
on that plane when we dip out.
Only you choose if you're on it.
If you do this to Zeke,
he's gonna hate you.
Fuck you. Zeke'll get over it.
You kept your word to me,
so now I'ma keep my word to you.
If you want out the
game, I won't stop you.
I think we in this together for now.
I am sorry to inform you that your son,
Ezekiel Cross, is dead.
What the fuck is this?
Conflict diamond or some shit?
I need you fence that.
The lady this was made
for sure gonna be upset.
She'll be a'ight.
I need the provenance to be impeccable.
No shit.
This ain't amateur night at
The Apollo, motherfucker.
And sold to Jackie on the phone
for $850,000.
Now on to our signature
piece this evening
Lot number 75,
the four-point-five-carat
blue-diamond ring.
I can open the bidding
at three million dollars.
I see three million.
Three-point-two million.
Three-point-eight million.
I have four million now.
Four-point-five million.
Four million, eight hundred thousand.
Five-point-two million.
Five-point-five million dollars.
All through.
One more?
And selling.
Gentleman's bid, paddle 208,
at $5,500,000.
And sold. Thank you very much.
What's up?
What are you doing?
Is this happening?
Will you?
Yes, yes, yes.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Hell of an engagement ring.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Unfortunately, that ring belongs to me.
Baby, what's she talking about?
The hell if I know.
Lady, please, we're
trying to enjoy our night.
Get the fuck out of here.
Why must these pale
Americans be so crass?
Trust us.
You will enjoy your evening much better
if you simply hand the lady her ring.
Did you not hear what I said?
Leave us the fuck alone.
All right, that's it,
I'm calling the cops.
All right, all right,
all right, all right.
Stop, stop!
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Stop.
All right, whoa.
Hey, okay. Please.
Hey, wait! Wait, wait, wait, no, no, no!
Oh, my God!
Help, help!
- Please.
- Stop!
Please, please stop!
What's up?
You okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
Can I talk to you for a second?
About what? We got to go soon.
Yeah, it'll only take a minute.
Um, I know that we agreed
I would transfer here
so that we could spend
more time together,
but now that school's started,
things might be a little different.
What you mean?
We've been kicking it all summer.
I just don't want to be
known around Stansfield
as just Tariq's girl.
- What's wrong with being my girl?
- It's not like that.
I just want to be my own woman
and have my own identity.
I want you to be your
own woman, too, Effie.
I ain't trying to change you.
Look, look, ever since
my family been gone
and Brayden been on lockdown,
you you've literally been
the only person here for me.
And I trust you. I know who you are.
I'm never gonna try to change you, okay?
Okay, but they need to change that.
- I mean, come on, you can't just
- Oh.
Hey, Becca. Um, Mrs. Weston.
I am 100% certain
you were supposed to
vacate this room yesterday.
Yeah, I'm I'm sorry.
I just been little slow on packing
'cause they haven't sent
my new room assignment yet.
And that became my problem how?
My son was expelled
indefinitely because of you.
Mom, Brayden made his own choices, okay?
You can't blame Tariq.
this room is dedicated
to the Weston family.
Maybe you saw our name
on the plaque in front of the building?
Well, if not,
catch it on your way out, please.
Mother, you're fucking embarrassing me.
Take your time. We can come back.
It's all good. I'm just about done.
Even if it's you and your kids
going through this life by yourself,
guess what. You got to do it.
You have a daughter?
- She's not doing really well.
- You have a daughter?
Hey, Mo.
You got company.
What the fuck are you doing here?
A pleasure as always, Mrs. Tejada.
Great news
Dante Spears' penthouse
is officially yours.
How the fuck is that possible?
Well, Spears left his estate to Zeke,
and since Zeke had no will,
as his biological mother,
it's hers.
That nigga had cars, a jet, hella cash.
- All that mine, too?
- Technically, yes.
But since Spears was a federal informant
and high-level arms and drug dealer,
the Feds have frozen most of his assets.
The penthouse is the one thing he owned
without dubious title,
and I wouldn't advise
going after the rest.
It puts a target on your back.
While the police is
freezing assets and shit,
they need to be finding the motherfucker
who shot my son at Dante's hangar.
Mo, I'm sure they're doing everything
I'm not fucking talking to you.
Uh, there are currently no leads,
but my associates and I have
our eyes and ears on the NYPD.
When they have something,
I'll let you know.
You do that.
Hey. I know you're grieving.
But you ain't gonna
talk to me like that.
I'll talk to you any way
I fucking feel like it.
And the last time I checked,
you're supposed to be
getting me some answers.
I'm working as hard as I can
to get the motherfucker
that got Zeke, all right?
You just need to fucking
chill and cut me some slack.
I'll cut you some fucking slack
when I put a bullet in whoever
took Zeke away from me.
And what are we gonna
do about this penthouse?
I can't live in that nigga's house.
I'ma sell the shit.
Until then boys!
Cane, Dru!
Dante left Zeke his penthouse.
It's yours. Y'all live
there till I find a buyer.
Mm, yes.
I'm missing my show.
Y'all get out of here.
With their lives,
but that doesn't mean you have to pay
Well, son, this isn't
the way we want it to be,
but working at Weston Holdings
is what we've been preparing
you for your whole life.
You shit on the Weston name.
So now you work to help restore it
till Stansfield will have you back.
Dad, I'm here. What more
do you want from me?
How about a little bit of
fucking gratitude, dude?
You're lucky to be here
after the shit you pulled.
Shit I pulled? I saved your
fucking life is what I pulled.
You're so full of shit, dude.
Shut up, both of you.
I will disown you, cut
you off completely,
if you don't take this
opportunity seriously.
I'm sure he will, Bobby.
Cut him some slack.
Brayden needs to learn
the family business,
and he needs to learn responsibility.
And he needs to stay out of trouble.
Well, no worries. I got this.
I'll teach him the ropes, just
like I tried to do with Trace.
Uncle Lucas, go fuck yourself.
Fucking Trace, charming as ever.
It's in the genes.
I got a client meeting downtown.
Give me a call if you need anything.
Of course. Follow me.
Your dad's my brother, and I love him,
but, holy shit, is he uptight.
Uh, sure.
If you ever tell him I told you this,
I will cut your balls off.
CourseCorrect was genius.
If I was still at Stansfield,
something I would have thought of.
Thank you. Finally.
Taking the stand
and telling the whole world
you created it, eh,
is less than genius.
That was downright stupid.
I had no choice.
You're a Weston. We always have choices.
I see potential in you.
Your priorities need polishing.
But your app shows
you're a true salesman.
It's in my blood.
Our blood.
And here you can use your talents
to make ten times the money
without having to worry
about getting shot or going to prison.
Real talk, Uncle Lucas?
It wasn't about the money.
I got a rush from doing
something that I was good at,
that I chose, that I owned.
That's how I feel at this place.
And you can, too. I promise you.
Send in Keke.
You're gonna be working
with Keke Travis.
She's brilliant. You're
gonna learn a lot from her.
Come in.
Cintravance is bottoming out.
We need to get our clients in now
before the stock shoots up.
Thank you, Keke.
This is my nephew Brayden.
My pleasure.
Yeah, I've heard a lot about you.
Yeah, well, uh, the real
thing beats the hype.
Yeah, well, honestly, that
won't be too difficult.
Tough crowd here at Weston Holdings.
Keke, take care of him.
Both of you, get out of here.
Of course.
I'm just telling you,
- I'm just telling you
- Here you go.
I don't know why you
bringing that shit in here.
- Ma, you need to eat something.
- Please.
Don't say nothing to me.
It's not about the girl.
I don't care
I could care less who he's with.
I'm just telling you what it is about,
and it's completely retalia
Mami's going through a
difficult time, obviously.
Yeah, but I didn't kill Zeke.
Why is she acting like
this is all my fault?
Papi, all I did was tell the truth.
She's Zeke's mother.
She's the one who's lied about
it all these years, not me.
- That's what pushed him away.
- I know.
She just needs a little time and space.
I know you got into
Stansfield when you applied.
That was before you
sent me to St. John's.
Well, St. John's was the
plan, and plans change.
how would you like to go
to Stansfield full-time
and live on campus?
Is that even possible?
I'll make some calls.
They'll still take you.
Papi, that's been my dream, but
now it just
I don't know. It doesn't feel right.
Honestly, Diana, there's
no better time than now.
I mean, things are
gonna be a little tight.
Stansfield is expensive as fuck,
but I got you
Full room and board and tuition.
You're just gonna have
to hustle a little bit
for the rest, though.
I could do that.
I'm proud of you.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
I know your congressional
campaign will keep you busy,
but we're hoping
you'll maintain your
adjunct status here, Rashad.
You're an important role model.
I'm flattered, Dean Wong,
but I must say that
Hey, Tariq.
I'm so sorry to
interrupt, but, Dean Wong,
uh, seems to be an issue with housing.
I've been unassigned.
Uh, set an appointment with my office.
Uh, with all due respect, sir,
I have literally nowhere to
go, and classes start tomorrow.
Mm, maybe I could help. What's going on?
We're hearing from some of
our students and faculty
that they feel unsafe
with Tariq on campus.
I haven't been found guilty of anything.
That is not the same thing
as innocent, now, is it?
Over a thousand alumni
are calling for your
removal from campus.
May I interject here?
- By all means.
- Cut the shit, Dean.
You have a duty to
protect your students,
especially a young Black man
in today's climate of
overzealous law enforcement.
Now, our justice system
doesn't find people innocent,
and you know that.
The way I see it, either you
find this young man housing,
or at my next campaign rally,
I'll be sure to tell my
thousands of supporters
how Stansfield mistreats
its young Black men.
Oh, yeah.
That's the kind of role model I am.
I'll see what I can do.
But one more mishap, and
my hands will be tied
as it relates to you, Mr. St. Patrick.
Wow, it's almost like you care.
Hate when people act like
Black lives matter until it matters.
Hmm. So let me guess.
I now owe you, since you
don't do shit for free, right?
You know me so well, young brother.
Hey, listen.
My campaign, um
the race is tighter than I expected,
and your particular
skillset may come in handy,
so I'll be in contact.
But listen, Tariq.
This ain't over for you.
You need to change the campus narrative,
or they will find a way to get you out.
Unh, unh ♪
Bust it down ♪
Bust it down to the ground ♪
Runnin' round ♪
Let me see you bust it down ♪
Bust it down ♪
Bust it down to the ground ♪
I thought we were christening
the new place privately.
What's with all this?
Yo, s-s-shit, I don't I don't know.
Why should this stop us?
I'm trying to get signed by an NBA team,
and your brother and his
friends are super sus.
Okay, Relax.
Look, go get a drink, okay?
Gonna be a good time. I promise.
Dru. About time you showed up.
Why the fuck is there a
party happening right now?
This ain't a party.
It's show-and-tell time.
The new connect is here, and
we need to talk business.
Now, bro?
Yes, now, unless you got a connect
or a supply somewhere
and didn't tell nobody.
Listen, we're almost out
of what's left from Mecca's shipment.
We need to re-up.
my guy.
It's simple.
We got the soldiers.
We know the game.
Now, the only remaining
issue is the supply.
That's right. Nobody
runs shit like we do.
Nothing about you Tejada niggas
living in a dead man's penthouse
make me want to work with you.
So here are my terms.
I want cash up front for the product
and 60% of the profit.
Hey, Jenae.
Bust it down ♪
Bust it down to the ground ♪
Do we look stupid to you?
Nigga, we ain't rookies in this shit.
Cash up front cool,
but you're not getting 60% of shit.
Take it or leave it.
So that's how you want to do?
Nigga, my father raised
you in this life,
and that's how you want to treat us?
I don't owe Lorenzo shit.
How's your fine-ass mama, though?
How about 30%?
Way I see it,
60% is better than zero product.
I don't see any other
connects in this bitch.
Nice crib, though.
Let me know when it hits the market.
We're fucked.
- Hey.
- What the fuck is he doing here?
He's here 'cause I invited him.
I'm gonna get out of here.
You want to stay at my place tonight?
- Yeah, I do.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Nigga, you just leaving?
We got fucking business to discuss.
It'll be here tomorrow.
To the ground ♪
Runnin' round ♪
Let me see you bust it down ♪
Bust it down ♪
Bust it down to the ground ♪
Bash, what the fuck are you doing here?
I am here to see you, my old friend.
What do you want?
Remember how your friend Brayden
told everyone in open court
that he created CourseCorrect
and it was a way to
help students buy drugs?
That was a lie, but
you know that already,
because we both know that
you created CourseCorrect.
Tariq, when you began tutoring the dumb,
you never told me the true
nature of that business,
and therefore you put me in a situation
where my name and my
reputation could be tarnished.
Now you have to make it up to me.
What the fuck do you want from me?
Cash. Lots of it, of course.
Things didn't work out
with Daddy Sternbucks,
and our prenup was a bitch,
so I am very much in
need of a cash infusion.
Mm. That's tough, bro.
I'm sorry to hear that.
But I'm broke right now, a'ight?
Dead broke with limited options,
so I need some time, okay?
- Seriously.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm a very reasonable man.
You have seven days before
I chat with the NYPD.
What the fuck? You
live in this bitch now?
Yeah, and you had a party and
you didn't invite a brother?
Shut up, Tom Brady.
Y'all use the back entrance?
Yeah, we came in through the
garage, just like you said.
And what the fuck y'all want?
'Cause I got shit to do.
B, what the fuck? You told
me Cane needed to talk to us
about the business and
it had to be in person.
Me talk to you?
Y'all hot as fuck right
now, Bonnie and Clyde,
and I don't need the fucking police
running up in my new crib.
Okay, well, I may have
exaggerated a little,
but, you know,
I wanted to talk about
keeping the operation going.
I don't just want to
get out the business.
Now that everybody knows that
CourseCorrect is a drug app,
I'd be the dumbest
motherfucker in Queens
to do business with you two.
I ain't gonna lie. Shit is pretty hot.
Deans is on my on ass,
but to be honest, I
feel kind of a relief
not having to worry about
this shit for a while.
Y'all some weak motherfuckers.
And if I do business with
anybody in your little crew,
it'd be Effie.
Where she at?
She still game?
Yo, keep her name out your
mouth, all right, son?
What the fuck is going on?
Get on your knees.
- Is you stupid?
- Knees!
Next time, I won't be so polite.
Mecca is dead,
and you all are here
partying in his penthouse.
Would anyone like to tell
me how that happened?
Somebody better tell me
something before I lose my patience.
Pardon me, but who the fuck are you?
You see what I'm saying? So crass.
Mecca was my first lieutenant.
His drugs belong to me.
And, more importantly, he was my fiancé.
He promised me this
beautiful blue-diamond ring
but died before he had the
chance to grace me with it.
Now, as you can imagine,
I'm more than a little out of sorts.
So, again, I ask, what
happened to Mecca?
you're much more quiet
than Mecca described.
I don't know what happened to him.
I seen that shit on the
news, just like you.
Now, there are zero circumstances
that Mecca would have sold this ring.
you don't know what happened to Mecca?
Where's my product or my profit?
Do you know that?
I'm sorry.
Please, Noma.
Should have kept my name
out your mouth, you cunt.
I pray you're more articulate than she.
Look, I don't know what
the fuck happened to Mecca,
but his product, we moved it, all right?
We worked with Mecca.
We were his soldiers.
- You three?
- Yes, us three.
Mecca needed people that knew
how to move around the city
when he came to New York.
And that's where we came in.
I personally worked with Mecca,
introduced him to people who
can move the fucking weight.
That included these two.
We could do the same for you.
Okay, we can't bring Mecca back,
but we can keep the cash flow going.
You think you can replace Mecca?
He had federal protection.
He informed on my rivals
and ensured the Feds stayed out
of my business. Can you do that?
Of course we can.
We got people in law enforcement,
people in the government,
people in the courts.
We're not just up here being
regular fucking civilians.
We could be your New York City distro.
We can be just as good as Mecca.
I'm intrigued.
You're not buying this, are you?
They're obviously lying.
Let's give them a chance.
They're like eager little puppies.
You are too generous.
As is my right.
Of course.
you've bought yourself exactly
30 days to prove your point.
Now, if I don't see a profit,
you'll end up
like this sad soul.
And anyone who can provide information
about what happened to Mecca
will find it worth their while.
She's looking for Mecca's killer.
But we held that down. Nobody said shit.
Ah, we need to take this Noma out.
It's not gonna happen,
based on what I saw.
Well, I ain't fucking with
anyone connected to Mecca.
Pops, listen, okay?
I negotiated for us
to get enough product
to take over the entire fucking city.
We pick up right where Mecca left off.
You betrayed this family with Mecca.
Why the fuck would I
make that mistake twice?
Look, I wanted out, and
we still fucking here.
Y'all figure this shit out.
I ain't gonna jump just
'cause you say jump.
What the fuck is wrong with everybody
in this entire fucking family?
She will kill us.
I don't know what to do about Monet,
but I will talk to Papi.
He will come around.
Who else is gonna be working with us?
Another sucker gets got
in Central Park. So?
Yeah, that sucker got got
because he had that blue-diamond ring,
which you fenced.
Look, the same woman
that killed those people,
I think she held a gun to my head
in Dante Spears' apartment last night.
Yeah, from now on, I'ma
be working for her
Me, Cane, and Brayden
Or else she gonna kill all three of us.
Who is this bitch?
All I got is a name Noma.
I'ma need you to be on standby.
I love working with you, Tariq.
Cash always clears.
Plus, got to pay for
this new office somehow.
You know Noma has concerns
about why the fuck her ring
landed in a auction house, right?
I haven't given her your name yet.
My discretion is your payment.
Now, I need you to see who's
watching the apartment,
because Cane had us go up in
the garage on some sus shit.
I don't know what that's about.
- Think it's Noma's people?
- Well, I don't know.
Cane didn't know about Noma at the time,
and I don't think she'll let
us know that she's coming,
so I don't know.
There's some weird
shit going on, though.
- I'll check it out.
- All right. I got to get to school.
So your family, like, owns this room?
And, like, half the campus.
I know. It's so obnoxious.
Well, thanks for letting the
housing office place me here.
It's only temporary
till something opens up.
It's totally cool.
I just won't tell my parents
that my roommate is a Tejada.
Excuse me?
- You're Zeke Cross' cousin.
- Yeah?
I'm sorry for your loss.
That's really fucked up
what happened to him.
And Lorenzo Tejada,
the convicted drug boss, is your dad.
I Googled you.
I mean, I'm totally cool with it,
but my parents are more
than a little uptight.
You good. I get it.
But I won't tell my parents
that I'm sharing the room
with the sister of Brayden Weston,
you know, the campus dealer who
snitched on himself in court.
Google goes both ways, sis.
What the fuck, you go here now?
- Yep.
- Monet know?
Do you think I have to
get permission from Monet
for every move I make?
Okay, yeah, Monet knows.
We good?
Yeah, as long as you
don't book my shit again.
That shit was fucked up.
I know.
- Hello, hello.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good Morning.
- Hello, class, hello.
- Hi.
- She's supposed to be dope.
- Good morning. So
welcome to American Psyche.
I am Professor Bennet,
and I want y'all to know
I had over 300 students sign up
for the 25 seats that you now occupy.
But I picked this group specifically,
because you represent different aspects
of this great American experiment.
And those different perspectives
are gonna be critical this semester,
as we discuss what
makes America America.
All right?
So what are some characteristics
that are inherently American?
It's all about the dolla,
dolla bills, y'all.
Greed. That's good.
That's American.
America's all about the American Dream.
I mean, this is the land of opportunity.
Maybe for you.
America is the land of opportunity,
but it's also the land where
privilege is paramount.
Well, when I think of
America, I think of freedom.
Mm, isn't how free you
are in this country
determined by the color of your skin
and your economic status?
See, I-I knew Salim could
not resist that one.
Let me introduce everybody to my TA,
Salim Ashe Freeman.
Now, the point he raises
is where I'd like to start.
In America,
is the way you're
perceived your reality?
Hell fucking yeah.
Just based on my name, I'm
ghetto or unintelligent,
so I have to work twice as hard
for people to recognize that
I'm more than just a bad bitch.
I'm a smart one, too.
I have the opposite problem.
People think I'm smart,
but they don't recognize
I'm a bad bitch, too.
What about Zeke Cross?
You know, he went from
beloved basketball player
to jealous killer to murder victim.
Yeah, he'll never be able
to clear up those rumors from his name.
What's your name?
I'm Tariq St. Patrick.
what do you do when your perception
is at odds with your truth?
Well, I mean, doesn't the
truth always beat perception?
Gustave Flaubert said.
"There is no truth.
There is only perception."
So, despite having not hurt anyone,
Zeke will always be remembered
as an accused killer?
Unless someone changes the narrative.
Okay, greed, opportunity,
privilege, and
Looking fucking hot, as always.
Trace, to what do I owe the pleasure?
You know, I'm just
stopping by to make sure
that little brother here's
on his best behavior.
- Wow, thanks.
- Yo, Brayden, right?
Yeah, man.
- Nice to meet you guys.
- Likewise.
Wyatt, clean your fucking nose
before Lucas gets in here, please.
You know how it goes around here, Keke.
Stop bugging.
Yo, you want some?
Uh, no, man, I'm good. Thanks.
Ah, don't let Keke fuck with you.
Coke is the only way
to maintain this job.
The hours mixed with the pressure
drives everyone insane.
Nah, bro. I said I'm good, though.
No way you're Trace's brother.
Or Lucas' nephew, for that matter.
I guess when you sell,
you don't partake.
What the fuck did you just say?
Hey, hey. Watch your
fucking mouth, Liam!
Look, I don't care what you've heard,
but my brother here is still a Weston,
and last I looked,
that's whose name's on
your fucking checks, right?
I don't need you standing up for me.
Okay, you know what? Both
of you, shut the fuck up.
And please stop doing
that shit before meetings.
It makes you all bigger
assholes than you already are.
Brayden, did you get those
numbers I asked you to run?
- Shit.
- Oh, dude, you're fucking up already?
Shut the fuck up, Trace.
Just I forgot them on my desk.
I'm gonna just grab 'em quick.
- Yeah, sure.
- And hurry up, dude.
Bro, I told you this was gonna happen.
Hello, Brayden. It's
great to see you again.
Bash, what the fuck are you doing here?
At the end of the day ♪
Yeah, I'm gettin' paid ♪
It feels major ♪
You just a hater ♪
- What?
- Hop in.
It's not happening. What's up?
Listen, you did me a
solid with that tip.
Shorty who wore the wire?
I just want to repay the favor,
let you know your mans
is trying to keep you
out of our drug game.
We back in business.
You don't need to tell me about Tariq.
That's my man. We're
both on the same page.
Oh, word?
He know that you came to me
behind his back about Lauren?
Listen, I'm just trying to let
you know we back in business,
and your mans ain't invite you.
- Bye, Cane.
- Wait.
Don't do that. Effie.
I'ma catch you later.
And I'm goin' crazy ♪
You haven't returned my calls
about my brother, Theo Rollins.
I haven't returned your calls
because there's nothing
new to say, Mr. Davis.
His latest labs confirm
what I've been telling you.
His hepatitis B and D is
causing liver failure.
Ambushing me isn't gonna change things.
Okay, so we'll get him a
new liver I'll donate.
We've been through this.
His hep B makes him
ineligible for donation.
Like I said before,
he has anywhere from
six months to one year.
Okay, what the fuck are
you talking about, man?
We ain't giving up, okay?
Now, look, there's got to
be something we can do,
some some trial drug or some shit.
my colleague is running a drug trial
that's showing some promising
results at Columbia.
Your brother fits the criteria,
but he can't participate
while he's in custody.
Well, I told him I'm getting him out.
Just get whatever fucking
paperwork you need
to get my brother into that trial.
Cooper Saxe.
Where the hell are we
with Theo Rollins' appeal?
Yes, you are interrupting my lunch.
I don't remember giving
you permission to eat.
I got a copy of
the case file from the DA's office,
but you're not gonna believe this.
Half of it's redacted.
It makes no sense for a
run-of-the-mill manslaughter case.
Okay, well, un-redact that shit
and find out what they're
trying to cover up.
That's how we get Theo out.
- I'm working on it.
- Fuck working on it.
Get it the fuck done, Saxe.
Oh, one more thing
Find out who the fuck's
surveilling Dante Spears' penthouse.
Federal informant Dante Spears?
He was murdered three months ago.
I doubt the cops are still
sitting on the crime scene.
Well, someone is. Find out who.
Is this a case?
- Who's the client?
- Charge it to miscellaneous.
Why is this Rollins case
so important to Davis?
- I'm not sure.
- Well, find out.
Maybe it'll give us something,
something more than this.
I told you.
He's too smart to leave a
smoking gun in his files.
At least I have ideas.
You haven't come up with anything
to prove that Davis has crossed the line
and working for Tariq and the Tejadas.
I thought you were committed
to nailing Lauren Baldwin's killers.
Obviously I'm committed to this.
I'm risking my law license to help you.
Well, it's not much of a risk
if you don't find anything, is it?
Hey, hey
I'll get something.
Davis is actively
working with Tariq again.
- They met in the office.
- Okay.
Well, what was said?
I don't know. I-I was
kept out of the meeting.
I thought he trusted you.
Just get me something
I can work with, okay?
- Please.
- What, you're you're leaving?
I thought you might stick around.
We haven't, uh, you know, in a while.
Yeah, well, I haven't
really been in the mood.
You know what gets me in the mood?
Evidence. Turns me into a freak.
So maybe find me some evidence,
and I'll stick around.
- Uh, wait.
- What?
- What?
- You, uh
you have anyone surveilling
Dante Spears' penthouse?
No. Why?
Well, Davis mentioned it.
Ask around. See what you can find out.
Because I work for you now?
The more I give him,
the more he trusts me,
- the more access I get.
- Mm.
Are you playing me, Saxe?
Come on.
You better not be.
What you fuck you want, white Urkel?
- This is serious, Cane.
- Better be.
You got me out here in the
middle of the fucking night.
There's this guy Bash.
He helped me and Tariq
set up CourseCorrect.
His name is on your corporate filings,
partners with Simon Stern.
What? You don't think the
Tejadas do they due diligence?
Get on with it, white boy.
He knows I lied in court.
He's threatening to snitch
unless I pay him off.
And he's still breathing?
Nah, you got to put his bitch ass down
- with the quickness.
- Yeah, I know.
But that could get back to me.
So I was thinking maybe, you know
- You
- What? Me?
Nigga, that's why you got me out here?
I-I fucking I killed Lauren for you.
For me? Last I recall,
your dumb ass was on that wire, too.
Okay, well, then I-I did her for us.
Doesn't fucking matter.
If Bash snitches, we're both fucked.
So I got to take care of this
because you got into business
with some disloyal motherfucker?
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
Listen, I do this, you coming with me.
Yeah, no, I don't think that's such a
"Yeah, no, I don't think
that's a great fucking idea,"
Silver fucking spoon.
You know I could very easily
come up with nicknames
for you, too, right?
I wasn't gonna call you any names!
Tariq. This is a pleasant surprise.
Good to see that Papa Stern
kicking you to the curb
didn't stop you from living well.
No. If it wasn't
already apparent to you,
I am very resourceful.
But that's not what
you're here to discuss.
In a way, I am.
I have a solution for both of us.
Ooh, I'm very curious.
I was just sitting down for dinner.
Can I get you something?
Nah, I'm good. Uh, I'll take some water.
Not very festive, but okay.
So I'm forming a new business startup.
Funded by?
All I can tell you is that
it's an investor from overseas
with very, very deep pockets,
and I think that you have a role.
You're offering me a job?
Nah, more like a-a
sweat-equity interest.
You know, we're gonna be
generating a lot of cash,
and I'm gonna need to
clean it the right way.
With your business
skills, you could help,
and on top of that, you know,
earn a little more than
what you been asking.
Sweat equity, huh?
Do I look like someone
who likes to sweat?
Here it is five stars on Yelp.
Nigga, we ain't staying the night.
Yeah, I know, but what I'm saying is
a lot of staff and security.
A lot of eyes, so you got to be careful.
Bash is in room 1158.
I'll wait down here.
Whoa. Wait, wait, time-out, time-out.
I got to be careful while you wait here?
I'll be one block over with the car.
Okay, guess what. Change of plans.
I'm not killing this motherfucker.
- You are.
- Cane, I don't think that's a good idea.
Why are you so shook, huh?
This ain't your first.
You already killed Blondie.
Yeah, I know, but this is different.
Exactly. She was your friend,
and this motherfucker's your enemy.
It's simple.
- All right, fine, I'll do it.
- Good.
And I'll be right here
holding your fucking hand.
Listen, we go through this door,
take the service elevator up,
grab a keycard from
the maid carts, got it?
You're making this generous offer
because I'm your friend?
Tariq, I know how your friends end up.
Why would I be interested in that?
I'm trying to help the both of us.
No, the only person you're
thinking about is yourself,
as usual.
That's a lie, Bash. I'm not that guy.
You can't hustle a hustler, Tariq.
You're out of your league.
You can pretend to be
someone you're not,
just like your father.
Listen, I ain't my
fucking father, all right?
Simon told me that your father
was a drug-dealing killer
disguised in a Tom Ford suit.
You're the same, but
instead of a tailored suit,
you're in some college hoodie.
You can pretend to be some
legit Ivy League student, Tariq,
but you are a criminal and a thug,
and they can smell that on you.
You can pretend to be innocent, Tariq,
but I know who you really are,
and I can ruin your life anytime I want,
so I suggest you pay
me and you continue
- Shut the fuck up!
- I own you, Tariq.
- 'Riq?
- The fuck y'all doing here?
- What the fuck?
- Shit, nigga.
- You good, 'Riq?
- Yeah. I'm good.
- What the hell happened?
- Ain't it obvious?
Original Urkel solved your problem.
We got to get rid of this
motherfucker's body ASAP.
Yeah, we got to clean this place up.
Nah, this ain't no corner boy.
We got to make sure people ain't looking
- for this motherfucker.
- Nah, he stole from Stern.
Motherfuckers think he took
off overseas or some shit.
Good. Let's hurry the fuck up
before somebody come up here.
Why the hell you calling my boss
about Dante Spears' penthouse?
Excuse me. Who are you?
Blanca Rodriguez, DEA.
He's in every picture
outside the penthouse.
He one of yours?
That's Detective Kevin Whitman, NYPD.
I-I don't know why he's there.
- Um, Dante Spears was your CI?
- Yeah.
And you allowed for his penthouse
to be inherited so you could
see who it might attract?
You had your ass handed to you
in that Tariq St. Patrick murder trial.
Blanca Rodriguez.
You investigated James
St. Patrick, right?
And Tasha and Tariq himself.
That whole family is a menace.
I see you haven't given up on Tariq.
Have you?
Tariq was in Dante Spears' penthouse
the night he was killed.
What? Why don't I know this?
Because I haven't made it public.
I don't want to spook him.
What do you have on him?
My theory is that Tariq,
Brayden Weston, the Tejada family,
and Davis Maclean are
all co-conspirators
- in a criminal network.
- Evidence?
Nothing that I'm ready to act on.
Oh. Well, if you don't want to share,
then I should just get going.
I have a CI embedded with them.
Just a matter of time.
Is it possible that Dante
was Tariq's connect?
I don't have hard evidence of that.
You went after Tariq for murder,
but the driving force here
is the drug enterprise.
You thinking that you can nail Tariq
and his whole group under RICO?
If we can get the evidence.
You seek authorization?
As you said,
I just had my ass handed to me in court,
so I need to be rock solid
before moving forward.
You have enough clout
to get authorization
for a joint federal
and local task force?
You really have a CI embedded
in their organization?
Then, yeah, I could try.
Got to do something
to get these fucking
killers off the street.
You really think speaking
at Zeke's jersey dedication
will change the way people see you?
I mean, it's a captive audience.
They got to listen.
On top of that, I can't let
this fucking dean kick me out.
If he does, then I lose my trust fund,
and I need that to get
back with my mom and Yas.
Yeah. I get you.
Thank you.
It's, um, pretty impressive
how Diana was able to
pull this memorial off.
Were you with her this
afternoon working on it?
You kind of went MIA.
Mm-mm. I was with Brayden.
Okay, I thought you said he was
working at his father's firm.
He is. But, you know,
we just had some business.
What kind of business?
You get a new connect?
More like a new connect found us.
What do you mean?
A'ight, Effie, look, I'm
I'm trying to keep
you out of this, okay?
This this new
connect, she's dangerous.
- Tariq, I can handle myself.
- You know how I feel, though.
Everyone that gets involved
with me ends up just
I'm not Lauren.
Effie, just listen to me, please!
I'm sorry, but I'm not! And
her death wasn't about you.
It was an accident.
She wouldn't have been
running if it wasn't for me.
Stop. You're not cursed.
There's nothing you
could have done for her.
That's the fucking issue.
I couldn't do a thing.
So accept that and stop
torturing yourself.
And it's cute and all, but
I don't need protecting.
What I do need is money.
So, if this new connect has some
product, let me help you move it.
Jesus Christ.
I mean, does anyone ever get the chance
to say no to you, Effie?
Why would you want to do
something stupid like that?
You're good.
Numbers on the latest
polls are really tight.
They'll rise. You just
have to give it time.
Yeah, we'll see.
- Excuse me.
- Sorry.
A true leader
keeps his eyes on the prize.
- Harper?
- Rashad.
Oh, I-I thought you
were teaching at Howard.
Well, I-I just joined the
poli-sci department here.
Uh, someone told me you're an adjunct.
You've been asking about me.
Would that brighten your
day after all these years?
But isn't Stansfield a little
too conservative for you?
Oh, by conservative, you mean white?
I mean, obviously.
Well, they made me an
offer I couldn't resist.
Oh, I'm sorry. Hi, I'm Harper.
R-Rashad and I
We're just old friends.
Yeah, this is, um, Angela Daves.
That dress looks gorgeous on you.
- Thank you.
- Yes, indeed.
We should catch up sometime.
We should.
How's school?
Oh, mm, it's different.
And you organized all of this?
That's amazing.
Yeah, I-I was hoping
Ma would appreciate it.
She does. We all do.
I know you got a lot of shit to do.
I'll let you get to it. Go ahead.
Yeah, uh, you're right.
Actually, I do have a lot to do.
I just wanted to say hi.
Go ahead. Good job.
Hey. Want to sit?
Doing okay?
You know, most people cry
after these things, not before.
Uh, Zeke was her cousin/brother,
so you're kind of being a dick.
Look, I'm sorry, queen.
It's a long story.
You looking for a seat or something?
Uh, yeah. Thank you.
I'm sorry for your loss.
But a face as beautiful as yours
should always be smiling.
Okay, um,
if you're gonna to sit here,
you're gonna have to work on your game.
And now family friend and
recording artist Lil' Mo
would like to pay a tribute to Zeke.
How do I ♪
Say goodbye ♪
To what we had? ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
The good times ♪
That made us laugh ♪
Outweigh the bad ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
I thought we'd get ♪
To see forever ♪
Forever's gone ♪
Away ♪
It's so hard ♪
To say goodbye ♪
To yesterday ♪
Ay-ay-ay ♪
And if we get ♪
To see tomorrow ♪
I hope it's worth ♪
All the wait ♪
It's so hard ♪
To say goodbye ♪
To yester ♪
To yesterda-ay-ay ♪
And I'll take ♪
With me the memories ♪
Oh, God, I'm so sorry, Zeke.
To yesterday ♪
Zeke was
Zeke was a brother
a son
a cousin
a rising basketball star.
And to me, just like he
was to so many of you here,
he was an amazing friend.
And all that Zeke was
and all that Zeke was gonna be
was taken away from him
from a bullet to the back
from the gun of a coward.
And even before that bullet,
Zeke was robbed of something.
Zeke was robbed of his good name.
With false accusations from the NYPD,
Zeke nearly lost his NBA career.
He lost the ability to
walk across this campus
without people whispering
lies behind his back.
He even lost
people he thought were his real friends.
And even when the DA declared
Zeke innocent of those charges,
people still didn't want to believe it.
But I'm here to set the record straight.
Zeke is no killer.
I won't let him go out like that.
I want people to remember
Zeke by who he really,
really was
A great friend,
a real brother with a big heart.
Don't let a lie strip him
of who he actually was.
I know how that feels.
I know exactly how much that shit hurts.
Yeah, but you did it.
That's exactly what I'm talking about.
I'm innocent.
You can pretend to be innocent, Tariq,
but I know who you really are,
- and I can ruin your life.
- Shut the fuck up!
Tell 'em, 'Riq.
Show 'em what a real killer look like.
You deserve to die for what you did.
This is me.
I'm you, Dad.
And I'm gonna work every single day
to show you guys that I
belong on this campus.
And hopefully maybe you
guys will give me a chance,
because I know for sure, if
my friend Zeke was still here,
he'd definitely give me a chance.
Give me a minute. I'll be right there.
You all right?
Do I look like I'm all right?
I'm the reason why Zeke is dead.
I should have just left
him in North Carolina.
Nah, look, you don't got
to think of it that way.
Is there another way?
What could I do for you?
Well, you was with me when
Zeke was killed, so in a way
you're like the only person I can trust.
You can always trust me. Of course.
Lorenzo said he was
looking for Zeke's killer,
but he ain't come back with shit.
Look, I need to find out
who killed Zeke and make him pay.
It's the only way this
is ever gonna go away.
You know something, Tariq?
You always seem to know something.
If I knew something, you
would have already knew.
If you find out anything,
let me know first.
Promise. I got you.
Thank you, baby.
What the hell are you doing
outside Dante Spears' penthouse?
Here's a better question.
- Who the fuck took that photo?
- Doesn't matter.
You just got back from
a compulsory leave.
You're supposed to be riding a desk.
You do realize there is
a link between the murder
- of Carrie Milgram and
- Carrie's suicide.
Do you honestly believe
that she killed herself?
Look, I get that you feel
partially responsible
I fucking do! And so should you!
If I would have spent half the time
listening to her that
I spent accusing her,
- she might be alive right now.
- I know.
Then let's fucking do
something about it.
Monet Tejada is the one
pulling all the strings.
She's behind Carrie's
murder, Zeke's murder,
and fucking Lauren Baldwin's murder.
Lauren Baldwin died in a
car accident, end of story.
Do you honestly believe that, too?
I believe it because it's true.
- Fuck off.
- Listen to what I need you to do.
Go back to your desk.
You are not authorized to
investigate Monet Tejada.
Is that understood?
Please close the door on your way out.
You said you could move Mecca's product.
Well, this is Mecca's product.
- God damn.
- Holy shit.
I'm going to keep an eye on you
to make sure you assholes
are hitting your marks.
You know what happens if I come back
and it turns out you were bullshitting.
Yeah. We got this.
Another American trait I hate
Tariq, what the fuck?
What's up?
Just do you think that
we should be bringing
the Tejadas and Cane in on this?
I mean, with all this
fucking product, Effie,
how could we move it without them?
Yeah, but can you trust them?
I trust them enough, okay? Trust me.
How we gonna move all this?
Hey, yo.
We need to figure this shit out quick.
Yeah, or we fucked.
Got any ideas?
Hi. How you holding up?
How much longer do I have
to pretend that I'm dead?
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