The Baxters (2024) s03e01 Episode Script

New Beginnings

[Elizabeth] Previously on
The Baxters
I came to say goodbye.
I've been so busy trying
to make sense of everything
and keep it together
for Jessie.
But God gave me
a new purpose
and I have to grab onto it.
How come you're
back in town
and not off being
a famous painter somewhere?
The same reason you stopped
asking me out.
The sting of rejection.
You've been running away
from Landon since fifth grade.
When are you gonna you open
your eyes and realize
your happily ever after
is right in front of you?
[Elizabeth] There's been
an accident, sweetheart.
It's Landon.
Ashley, I know you care
about Landon and you need
to tell him that.
I'm moving to California, Ash.
[Luke] I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.
-[Reagan] Really?
-[Luke] Yeah, of course.
Call him back. Tell him
to meet you at church.
I don't like lying to my dad.
-[people screaming]
[news reporter] Police have
confirmed that the shooter
took own his life
shortly after opening fire
inside New Grace
Community Church.
[Reagan tearfully]
My father is dead, Luke,
because of what we did
last night
and the lie that I told him
this morning.
Erin, we thought you were
in a flight to Dallas.
I need to be here
with you guys.
[Elizabeth] Oh, honey.
I'm not moving
to Texas with Sam.
I don't love you anymore.
It's over between us.
[Luke] Faith isn't enough
for me right now.
[Lori] People started asking,
"Why did God do this?"
when the question
we should be asking
is, "Why did we do this?"
I never met somebody so
[Lori] Assertive?
[Luke] Complex.
You know, you could just
move in here, permanently.
I showed my work to anyone
that would give me
the time of day.
And they all looked at me like
I was handing them trash.
Then there was Adrien
and he was married.
[Landon] It gave you Cole
and nothing that led you to him
should ever make
you feel ashamed.
I don't want to spend one more
day apart from you.
if that means staying here
with you and Jessie,
then that's what I want to do.
Kari Baxter, will you marry me?
What are you doing?
Walking away from two houses.
Oh, Is this your first,
Miss Peters?
-[Reagan] Yes.
-[doctor] Well,
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
[Elizabeth] Okay, so that's
the glass system.
Next, the pots and pans and
everything left in this room.
What happened to the kids?
I thought they were
gonna come over and help out.
Yeah, well, they said
they'd be over
at some point today, but
[chuckles ruefully]
I know that look.
What's going on?
I just don't think
they're comfortable
moving from this house.
Is that our wedding china?
You remember the day
we got married?
You made me promise
that if the house
your father built
ever went back on the market,
we'd buy it without giving it
a second thought.
I know, but
I'm worried
that that's just about me.
You know, my family history.
Our children were raised
in this house.
And I don't want to take that
away from them or from you.
Our family
lives here.
-You always know
the right thing to say.
And going forward,
we'll live in a house
with the dining room you have
always dreamed
of hosting Thanksgiving in
and just in time
for Thanksgiving.
I take that as a sign.
-That is a sign.
I'm so glad
you guys are here today.
-Of course.
This house deserves
a proper send off.
-I'm gonna miss it.
-[John] We all will.
But the next chapter
is gonna be even better.
Come on, bring it in.
Let's have a group squeeze.
Come on. Oh, I love you guys.
-Love you.
-Love you.
Give him some space.
-It's been six months already.
Do you know if he's still
living with that girl, Lori?
Yeah. Lori Callahan.
I had Ryan do some digging
at the university.
I'm worried about
our baby brother.
-Me too.
-How can we get through to him?
-Guys, I think he needs space.
I just wish he knew his faith
could hold him up at this time.
Mom, look, I know
this is probably hard to hear,
but with everything
that Luke went through
with Reagan's father
and then Reagan,
I mean, it makes sense that
he's questioning everything.
He's been shaken.
Well, she's right.
He'll come home again.
I can feel it in my soul.
[people screaming]
[sobs] You know how God works.
[Lori] Luke.
What are you looking for?
Uh, nothing.
We're out of food. Again.
Well, just get takeout
for dinner tonight.
I'm sick of takeout, Lori.
-Luke, what's wrong?
You've been saying that
for months
while you get moodier,
angrier and, quite frankly,
meaner to me by the day.
I'm sorry.
Hey, talk to me.
We're in a relationship.
We're supposed
to support each other.
-There's nothing to say.
-I don't think that's true.
Luke, you've been through
so much and that pain
doesn't just go away.
I mean, maybe you should
talk to someone.
Well, now you sound
exactly like my parents.
At least the last time
I talked to them.
I'm just trying to help.
I know.
I'm sorry. Look, I'll go
to the grocery store today
after class and I'll cook us up
a real meal.
-It sounds really nice.
-What do you want?
-Surprise me.
-I can't read your mind, Lori.
[Ashley] Okay. First we make
the bunny ears.
Ear one, ear two.
Excellent. And then what?
Then we loop the ears together.
Oh, when did you get so smart?
Okay. And I'll help you
with the finishing touches
and voila!
-Now I'm going to get you!
[both panting]
[Ashley exhales deeply]
[Cole] Mom.
When will I see Landon again?
Truth is, I don't know.
But he's doing
really important work
helping with the fires
in California, remember?
I miss him.
[Ashley] Me too, buddy.
[cell phone ringing]
I'm so glad you came back
to see me.
It's a brave decision
to get help.
So tell me about the nightmares
that you've been experiencing.
Um, well, sometimes
they're nightmares.
Sometimes they pop up
during the day.
It's always about that day.
How do you feel
about Dirk's trial ending?
I feel good about it.
Relieved that I don't have
to go back to that courtroom.
Safer now that Dirk is in jail.
But something is still weighing
on you.
The one year anniversary
of Tim's death is coming up.
It's also the exact same day
as Jessie's birthday.
-I remember.
-It just makes me feel like
I don't know. Maybe things
are happening too fast.
What kinds of things?
The wedding.
I should be grateful to have
that light in my life
during all this darkness,
but I don't know.
I don't know.
You know, it's hard
to hold grief
and joy in your heart.
Sometimes we have to focus
on one thing at a time.
Have you given any thought
to how you will spend the day?
Something to honor Tim
and to celebrate Jessie.
Okay. Well,
why don't you try to imagine
what would give you comfort
on that day?
Maybe it's a small gathering
or a visit to the gravesite.
Look, I know that your mind
is taking you
to some scary places
with these nightmares, Kari,
but maybe you can redirect it.
Well, ladies, another
successful afternoon tea
with Herbal and the books.
She's the hostess
with the mostest.
Oh. To my best girls.
And to my first six months
on the job.
[all chuckle]
Come on, Herbal.
Let's take this to the kitchen
so we're not late
for the chess tournament
this afternoon.
You know,
Bird might upset George today.
-Not gonna happen.
Hey, we still have more
cleaning to do
before dinner service.
Cole was up really early today.
You know, he told me
he misses Landon.
Maybe, possibly,
you miss Landon.
-I do.
-I knew it.
Ash, then why aren't
you two together?
Plenty of people make
relationships work.
Because we agreed
to live our lives separately
while he's in California.
You don't know how long
he's gonna be there.
What if he gets comfortable
and decides he wants
to stay forever?
Well, that is
not a helpful thought.
All I'm saying is, if you want
to be together in the future,
you should make that clear now.
[Luke] Hey, Mom.
It's your favorite son.
Sorry for blocking
your garage again this morning.
So to make it up to you,
I'm picking up an
an Italian feast from
Restaurant Angelini,
your favoriito.
I know you and Dad
had long days.
This way we can all relax
with the world's best lasagna.
[chuckles] All right.
I'll see you soon.
I love you. Bye.
[inhales shakily]
-Oh. Hi, hon.
You hung up Ashley's portrait
of you in just
the right spot.
Well, we
have officially moved in.
Well, not fully.
Yeah, I'll just throw these
in the garage.
No, I want to make a room
for him upstairs.
[scoffs] Elizabeth.
John, he doesn't have a home
of his own.
And if
When he comes back to this one,
I want him to have a place.
I do miss
having him around.
We should ask him
to Thanksgiving.
-Well, he's not gonna come.
-We should ask him.
But, look, I'm afraid
if we push too hard,
we're just gonna make it worse.
[voice falters]
And if we don't push at all,
we're gonna lose him.
You make me look fantastic.
No, I just painted you
exactly as you are.
Oh, I can't wait
for Hank to get home
-to see my official portrait.
Well, now that you've captured
us all,
what's next,
my young Rembrandt?
Oh, I don't know.
This was the only project
I really wanted to finish.
My Hank is a master craftsman.
He can turn a pile of lumber
into actually anything.
That's something
that brings him great joy.
Does this bring you
great joy, dear?
So much.
Then there's absolutely
no reason to stop.
Did I ever tell you, you have
the most beautiful hair.
Luke. If that's you, it's Mom.
Everyone's telling me
I should give you space.
But I've been so worried
about you.
I came to tell you
that we moved.
It happened so quickly.
Granny and Pops' house
went out on the market
and you know how
I've always dreamed
of bringing it back
into the family.
So we're gonna have
Thanksgiving there.
Our first meal at the house.
And I came down
to invite you because
I can't imagine sitting around
the table without you there.
[voice breaks]
But if that's too much
too soon,
then you could come alone
another time
for a meal or
you could just come
to talk.
I miss you.
[sighs deeply]
I love you, Luke.
I'll always be here for you.
Oh, that's a beauty,
Mrs. Baxter.
-[Brooke] We're here.
-In here.
-Happy Thanksgiving.
-Happy Thanksgiving.
-Hi, honey.
Hey, Doctor.
-How are you?
-I'm very well, thank you.
-Aw. Thank you. Lilies?
So where are my two
little sweet girls?
-Ran right through the front
door up to the playroom.
Ah, I knew the dollhouses
would come in handy.
-Happy Thanksgiving.
-Hey, guys.
-Happy Thanksgiving.
-Thanks. I like it.
Mom, the house looks beautiful.
-It's great, right?
[Erin] So what can we do
to help?
Ah. [laughs]
-You can
-Oh, boy.
-suit up.
-Baxter Ball is on!
-Looks so good.
-Yeah. Yeah.
[knock on door]
That would be our guests.
Smile, Luke,
this is gonna be nice.
Yeah, sorry.
Mom. I got to say
the apple pie from this kitchen
tastes better than ever before.
Thank you, Erin.
I think it's always perfect.
And it can't possibly get
any better.
I think we should toast
the new Baxter homestead.
Oh, that's a great idea.
[all] Cheers.
-[John chuckles]
So, you two, how are
the big day plans
coming together?
We only just finished
premarital counseling
with Pastor Mariana.
And she's on board
to do the ceremony, so
-She will do a beautiful job.
About as far as the planning
has gotten.
Well, okay, I'm just trying
to focus on
what's right in front of me.
Hey, why don't we go
dress shopping?
-All of us.
-All of us?
-I mean us girls.
-I'm serious. I'll set it up.
-That could be really helpful.
Okay, Good. Sam and I finally
set the move date,
so I want to be as helpful
as I possibly can before we go.
And when's the big day?
Mmm, three months
from tomorrow.
Oh. Can we book this restaurant
for going away dinner?
[laughs] Absolutely.
We won't let you get away
without throwing a big party.
Everybody in the whole family
will be there.
Well, not everybody.
Hey, I, um, I hope it's okay
to say this, but
I was thinking
about asking Luke
to be one of my groomsmen.
Oh, that is
a beautiful gesture. Thank you.
[Ryan] But I don't know how
to get through to him.
I mean, I've been
calling, texting.
I even went by
to his apartment.
I can relate.
[Ryan] So what do we do?
The only thing we can do.
Let's pray for him.
Generous, loving Father.
We come to you in this moment
because of Luke, our son
and brother, our friend.
And we pray that you will
help us get through
these difficult times.
And that you will extend
your gentle, loving hand
to Luke and let him know
that you are ever present,
and unconditional,
and give him the strength
that he needs
in what may be a long journey
back to himself
and to this family.
And Lord, give us strength
to be patient with this child
we love so much.
And show us how to guide
by example,
so that he might remember that
Your Grace is what makes
this family whole.
In Jesus' name, amen.
[all] Amen.
Can we get some of that pie
for my wife?
-There's more?
[indistinct conversation]
There you are.
I thought you were taking
a turkey nap somewhere.
Sorry, I just needed a minute.
Mind if I join you?
-All right.
[both chuckle]
Do you ever feel like
you're doing everything
well, at least
most things, right,
but something still off?
Give me a category.
Oh, yeah.
Junior year in college.
I was pre-law.
-You were going to be a lawyer?
Grandpa Joe was a lawyer.
His dad was a lawyer.
I was acing all my classes.
Nothing was gonna stand
in the way of me and my future
as John Baxter Esquire.
that nagging feeling that
I was supposed to be a doctor.
-You just changed your major?
Not the most convenient thing
to do at the time.
But I listened to my gut.
I'm really proud
with all the changes I've made
in the last few months.
You should be.
And I feel really great at work
-and home.
nothing makes me feel like I do
when I'm painting.
The gift God blessed you with.
But if God really wanted me
to use that gift,
why do I hit brick walls
every time I try?
I mean, Paris just proved that.
Maybe it's his unique form
of motivation.
I know you.
I know you, Ashley Baxter.
You're not gonna let
a little fear get in the way
of your dreams.
But last time
The last time,
you weren't as strong,
confident and faithful
as you are right now.
I rest my case.
[cell phone buzzing]
Hi. Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Can you hear me?
All the guys are still
eating dessert,
but I didn't want
to call you too late.
Glad you called.
You sound happy.
I'm doing some painting.
Ooh, good for you, Ash.
How was your family today?
Really good. How are you?
How's everything there?
Tough. The wildfires out here
are the worst I've ever seen.
Makes me really glad
I came out here to help.
How's Cole?
He's good.
I think he misses you.
-[fire alarm ringing]
Landon, let's roll.
Landon, are you okay?
Yeah, but I've got to go, Ash.
I'll call you soon.
I miss you too.
[siren blaring]
Hurry. Hurry, please.
-Go, go, go, go.
-[woman] Doctor, here.
-[woman sobs]
-Go. Check vitals.
Ma'am, tell me what happened?
My daughter just collapsed and
at first, I thought she fainted
but I saw blood. Please tell me
there's nothing wrong
with the baby.
The baby?
-[Landon] Reagan?
[Elizabeth] Next time on
The Baxters
You're going to be okay.
You're going to be okay.
[doctor] Let's get her
to the OR. The faster
she delivers, the better.
I didn't realize planning
a wedding would bring back
so many memories of Tim.
But of course it does.
I've done this all before.
[Ashley] I've been submitting
to some art galleries,
hoping they'll showcase
some of my new pieces.
Ash, that's great.
Yeah, but they haven't
responded yet.
Maybe I missed my moment,
and it's too late.
Luke, you're always zoned out.
Your mind is anywhere but here.
-[Ryan] Have you heard
from Reagan?
-[Luke] No.
Have you thought about
being the one to reconnect
with her? Luke.
[theme music playing]
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