The Circle (2020) s03e01 Episode Script

Circle, Did You Miss Me?

[theme music playing]
The ultimate social media game
of strategy is back,
where players can pretend to be
any identity they want to try to win.
With more twists and turns
than ever before,
can they survive to the end,
or will they be blocked and replaced
by someone new?
With $100,000 on the line,
honey, nothing is off-limits.
This is The Circle.
Yeah, you heard me.
Just like an ex sliding into your DMs
after you got your life together,
we've been gone for a while,
but now we're back.
And at the end,
The Circle will give away 100 grand
to one lucky person who lands at the top
in the ultimate popularity game.
Time to meet our first player.
Ooh-wee! Yittadee!
Circle, I'm here!
Let's go!
My fortress! My kitchen!
Oh, my mama would love this.
-Oh, my apple!
Very feng shui home. Oh!
Let's go!
We out here!
[phone ringing]
Guys, is everyone else's phone
on silent or
-[man laughs]
-You know?
My name is Calvin. I'm 30 years old,
and I'm a private chef.
I'm also a trainee firefighter.
So on my days off,
I will be saving cats from trees.
What's not to love?
When it comes to women?
Oh. My charm works 99.9% of the time.
The secret is eye contact and confidence.
If you're confident, ladies will love you.
So, going into The Circle,
I'm gonna be 100% genuine.
I'm very, very competitive.
There's 100 grand here.
It's a competition.
So if I have to manipulate a few people
to win the game, then so be it.
Befriend all the guys,
and flirt with all the women.
I have the looks, I have the brain,
and, being a chef,
I would be stirring the pot.
I will definitely crank up that heat.
I'm gonna sprinkle a little salt, bae.
And it's mine. The Circle is mine.
[Buteau] Before you crank the heat
or stir any pots,
you gotta set your Circle profile.
Circle, take me to my private albums.
Circle, if you go to the bottom right
This will be my profile picture.
This is my sister's wedding.
I look very clean.
I think people would warm to this photo.
Circle, set this as my profile photo.
I'm sure the ladies will like that.
Put my age as 30 years old.
I'm going in as me.
I'm gonna be a hundred percent honest.
Occupation, let's go as private chef,
'cause that's what I am.
I think that would be a great way
to flirt with the ladies,
'cause, I mean, who doesn't love food?
Let's call it. Who doesn't love food?
Hometown, we'll put Miami, Florida.
About Me. You know, if I'm just myself,
then I think people will warm to me
just off of my my energy,
and hopefully,
everyone respects me for who I am.
[Buteau] Now that Calvin is safely inside,
The Circle is letting
the next player enter the building,
'cause we can't have these people
ever see or hear one another.
[gasps, in southern accent]
Oh my gosh. Oh my God!
Honey, this is so southern!
Oh my God! [laughs]
How cute! [gasps]
How romantic!
Oh, honey, yes! Oh!
Now we talking business!
Oh! [sighs]
This is nice!
Everything's suede and velvet!
Honey, I feel like Elvis! [laughs]
Oh, Lord have mercy!
This is so exciting! Oh my God!
There's a little Circle thing! I love it!
-Country girl ♪
My name is Michelle,
and I am from Pacolet, South Carolina.
-Country girl ♪
-I am 52 years old.
Don't let the age fool you.
I have the mind of a 20-year-old. [laughs]
People from the south
are just generally wonderful people.
We can be sweet to your face
and say "Hey, how you doing, hun?"
And whenever they walk off, we're like,
"Did you see
how big her ass has done got?"
That's awful, isn't it?
I'm going into The Circle as myself,
'cause I don't believe
I could be anybody else but myself.
My strategy is
I'm going to be The Circle Mom.
I'm gonna win everybody over,
but if I don't like what I hear
and what I see, then they gotta go.
When Mom is mad, that's it. [laughs]
I'm gonna be in The Circle,
little old me from South Carolina.
They're gonna love me, I tell you.
How could they not?
Y'all do, right? [chuckles]
Circle, take me to Loving Life.
[gasps] Oh, my heart's just flyin'.
Let's open the photo on the left.
See, that looks like me.
I'm smiling and happy,
and everybody's a sucker
for cute little doggies, so
It shows that I'm a mom, you know?
I could've had a better hair day,
but that's okay. [laughs]
Circle, make this my profile picture.
I love it!
So, uh, About Me.
Okay, "I am a wife
and mother to four children."
"Crazy face emoji." [giggling]
Um, "I love doing open mic night comedy,
fishing, and enjoy outdoor life."
I definitely want to give them
that mother figure
and let them understand
that I am somebody they can talk to
and that they can trust.
I'm gonna be me.
[Buteau] We got a private chef
and a dog mom,
but if there's one thing we always need
to make a Circle party complete, it's
Hey! Ow!
Ow! Hey!
Ooh, this bed is comfortable! [grunts]
[Buteau] someone dancin' on the bed,
holdin' a bottle of champagne.
"Ain't nothing like the real thing."
And I am the real thing.
I am ready for my close-up.
My name is Keisha,
but you can call me Crazy Kai.
I'm from Nashville, Tennessee.
I am definitely a southern belle.
Yes, ma'am. No, sir.
Get ready now, ready now ♪
I would describe myself as honest,
super-smart, and a little devious.
I will throw somebody under the bus
and ask God for forgiveness afterwards.
My dad did used to be an FBI agent,
so, of course, he knows exactly
where we are right now.
Get ready now ♪
He told me, "Make sure
to always read between the lines."
I have a hell of a high bullshit radar.
My strategy in The Circle
is going to be CCCF,
and that stands for compliments,
comedy, and commonalities.
Let's find something in common.
"I noticed that I saw daisies in the back
of your profile. I love daisies."
With a sprinkle of fantasy on top
to get everybody on my side,
I'll be anything you want me to be.
Get ready ♪
So there is no one or nothing
that is gonna stop me
from getting that $100,000.
Okay. Whoo!
It's time to get down and dirty.
Circle, take me to my photo albums.
She cute on here. Ha!
Okay, we don't wanna seem intimidating.
That is not what I'm going for.
can you please open up my Selfies album?
You know what? Circle,
can you open up the picture at the top
with my two bun buns?
Yes. Okay.
She's cute.
She's got a smile, got the bun buns.
You can't be scared
of somebody with bun buns.
[Buteau] Especially not
when you call it bun buns.
Eyebrows on fleek.
Eyelashes gone, ooh, to the gods.
Circle, I want to make this
my profile picture.
Okay, it's here now. Okay.
[Buteau] So far, nothin' but the truth.
I hope this next player might not stick
to the straight and narrow though.
I never thought I could
wrap my personality into an apartment.
The only thing I would have different
is I would just have a man right there,
shirtless, sitting waiting on me.
His name would be Enrique.
Hi, my name is Matthew. I'm 29 years old.
I'm a health and fitness consultant.
I'm born and raised Long Island, baby.
'Cause I'm feelin' it ♪
My social media,
as a health and fitness consultant,
it's a lot of shirtless selfies.
People, for the most part,
think I am vain and shallow.
People are more likely to trust people
with a less intense look,
so that is the reason I'm catfishing
as my best friend Ashley.
'Cause I'm feelin' it ♪
When we were in chemistry class together,
she pulled out a box
of graham crackers and chocolate,
and she started making s'mores,
and from that moment on,
we have just been attached at the gay hip.
People's first impression of Ashley are,
"I can trust her."
She's delicate.
She's less intense. She is soft.
You see her, and wanna pick her up
and slap her with love. You just
[grunts] She's wonderful.
Being Ashley,
I'll be the guys' best friend
and the girls' confidants.
Confidence? Confidants?
Did I say that right?
Ashley, to me, is a soul mate,
because we know each other so well.
I'm gonna sell the package,
and they're gonna buy it.
I will probably miss
being able to flirt as me,
but we'll make up for it in other ways.
I'll make a little Play-Doh boyfriend
and pretend to flirt with him!
Winning is not only an option.
It is the option.
I want to win so badly, it eats me.
All right, let's work on this bio.
We gotta be really,
really smart here about this.
I wanna make sure people get
a full spectrum of Ashley,
AKA, obviously me,
and our personality right off the bat.
Circle, "Long Island Girl,
from the bagels to the pizza,
but truly believe
home is the company you keep."
"I have a fear of ostriches"
Totally true.
"and a love for the beach."
"Be bold. Be proud. Be you."
And do the gay heart.
So I think anybody reading that,
it's not trying too hard.
It's just, "Be you."
And although I'm not being myself
Listen, baby-baby,
play the players, not the game.
Circle, submit this as my profile.
Have faith.
Have faith in yourself, Ashley.
[Buteau] That's right,
Ashley girl, you got this.
Now that four of our eight are in,
let's mix it up.
Circle, can you wait
till Kai is just about to have a sip
of that tea?
-Circle Chat
is now open.
I am ready to finally see
Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
I have got to see who's in here.
[Michelle] Oh my God!
Calvin, Kai, and Ashley.
Okay, there's only four,
but for now,
we got some Calvin, Michelle and Kai.
We're gonna kiki with the four of us.
Hmm. [clicks tongue]
I don't know.
Because though Calvin looks
very distinguished and all,
he probably sneaky.
Gotta watch out for him.
Kai, she looks like she would be
so much fun to hang out with.
I like the Princess Fiona hair
she has going on there.
Very attractive woman. I can see that.
[Buteau] We've found
our firefighting chef's first weakness,
princess hair.
Pretty sure you mean Princess Leia, bro.
Circle, message,
"Hey, everybody,
I am so excited to meet you."
"How's your day going?"
Oh, Kai, that's sweet.
Circle, message,
"Hello, everyone,
it's wonderful to meet you."
"I can't wait
to spend this time with you."
Okay, she seems so friendly. Okay.
I don't wanna come on too strong,
but you know what? I'm gonna go for it.
Circle, message,
"Hi, guys! Heart face."
Um [clicks tongue]
"Cr Uh
Crazy to be here right now"
"and can't tell you guys
how excited I am to get to know you."
Well, thanks, Ash.
I wanna get to know you too.
Okay, so she seems open.
Everybody is giving me love vibes
right now.
Ooh, and now Calvin. So, let's see
what Mr. Sneaky got going on.
"'Sup everybody?
Hope you're all having a blessed day."
"Sun emoji."
"Can't wait to get to know you all.
Winky-face emoji. #Let'sDoThis."
Circle, send.
"#Let'sDoThis." Oh!
I like him. He's, like, a cool dude.
Like, "'Sup, everybody?"
You can tell
he's definitely a people person.
Circle, take me to Calvin's profile.
Let's see here.
"Occupation, private chef."
Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!
'Cause I am a foodie! [laughs]
And he's a private chef?
[sighs deeply]
Okay, so let me calm down.
Like, you see Kai? [laughs]
I wouldn't mind, you know,
puttin' a little barbecue sauce on her.
You know [blows raspberry]
let it marinate,
'cause Kai's looking good.
[Buteau] I actually prefer a dry rub,
but that's for another time.
Speaking of bringing all the sauce,
let's meet our next player.
And so it begins!
Oh my God. It's gorgeous.
It is gorgeous!
[sighs] I am here, Circle! I am here!
I gave you guys my Bollywood list.
I want
the most epic Bollywood song played.
[Bollywood music playing]
Hi. My name is Ruksana.
I am 35 years old, from Union, New Jersey.
I am four foot four, and I have
a condition called achondroplasia,
which is a form of dwarfism.
I mean,
it's not that big of a deal. I'm short.
Hey, I bet you can't hop up on a speaker
in a club and dance.
I can. So
[chuckles] I'm blessed.
I'm so happy to be Indian,
and I'm so proud to be American too.
If I could be the lead girl
in a Bollywood movie, I would die.
But then on the same token,
you catch me on the highway,
I'm, like, blasting Jay-Z.
My strategy for The Circle is
to go in as 100% authentic
and just be my genuine self.
Real recognize real at the end of the day.
I'm very family-oriented.
Before I left, my husband told me
he'll be totally fine.
And then all of a sudden,
he asked me how to boil eggs.
And I told him he needs to look that up
on YouTube, 'cause that's a shame.
Since my daughter made me a mom,
it has been
the most gratifying experience.
She's absolutely the best thing
that could ever happen to me.
I just wanna pave the way
and show my daughter
that you can do anything.
I cannot believe I'm here,
and this is real,
and it's about to go down.
Gotta pick the best picture
that's the best representation of me.
I am going to start with the headshot.
I do plan to drop the bomb,
per se, about my size
when I drop a full-body profile picture,
so I'm not gonna do that just yet.
There has to be some mystery,
and I don't think my size
determines this game at all.
Open up the middle photo, please.
I actually like that.
I think this captures me.
can you please make this my profile photo?
Yeah. This makes me happy.
[Buteau] It makes me happy too.
Let's meet our next player
whose vibe can be best described
as calorie burning.
[screaming] Oh, baby Oh!
Oh my Baby, put it down. Put it down!
Oh my God!
[screams, laughs] Oh my God! I can't
Okay, breathe!
Hello, y'all. My name is Daniel.
I'm 20 years old, and I'm a student.
I'm gonna rock this house
Like no one before ♪
I love my family.
I love screaming at them.
They love screaming at me.
Three words to describe my drive
in my life, I like to be that bitch.
Light it up, light it up ♪
I'm going into The Circle just as myself.
I want these contestants
to underestimate me
and think I don't have
what it takes to do anything.
Being young and looking dumb
is definitely my secret weapon.
Because I came here to play ♪
Daniel, the 20-year-old twink
that doesn't have a strategic
or manipulative bone
in his little own body, and then bang!
It don't matter if you are my mother.
It don't matter if you are my pastor.
It don't matter if you are my organ donor
who saved my damn life.
I am willing to stoop
as low as I need to go to get what I want.
I'm kinda kidding,
but I ain't really kidding.
Okay, okay! Open up my middle photo,
the one of me sitting down.
Oh my gosh. I'm liking this photo
because I think it makes me look young.
I think it makes me look cute,
very approachable.
Doesn't look like a big threat.
You can see my noodle arms.
They're literally twigs.
I love that.
Circle, set this as my profile photo.
So, About Me.
"Born and raised in Florida,
but still pasty."
"Going for my bachelor's,
but I have my doctorate in clownery."
"When I'm not being
a professional designated driver,
I love spending time
with my crazy-ass Italian family."
I feel like it's very family, very "aw,"
and I wanna pull on people's heartstrings.
Oh goodness. We got new people who joined!
Daniel, welcome!
Bless his heart. Is he not cute as pie?
Daniel looks like a happy dude.
He's got a nice smile.
I definitely think
I'm gonna make Daniel my little brother.
He just doesn't know it yet.
Oh my Lord! He needs some corn bread,
and biscuits, and some pinto beans.
He needs something to eat. He's so skinny.
Awesome name.
"I'm a South Indian American.
A wife, a mother, a makeup junkie"
"a foodie and an Aqua
an Aqua Aquarar
Aq Aquarian?"
Message, "Now it's really a party!"
"Welcome Daniel and Ruksana!
Exclamation point."
"Emoji with the party kazoo." And send.
[Buteau] Damn.
I didn't know it was called a kazoo.
Circle, message, "Hey, guys,
what's up from a Jersey girl here."
"So excited to get to know
each and every one of you." Send.
I have a lot of history in New Jersey.
I think I need to respond. Oh my God.
I can't I can't I need to respond. Okay.
"Legit screaming right now.
Cannot believe this is real."
"Hands-smiley-face emoji."
Circle, send my first message.
[chuckles] That's cute.
I like Daniel.
Circle, message,
"If you guys were a cocktail,
what would you be and why?"
Circle, message,
"I'd be a virgin piña colada,
because number one, I'm a virgin,
and number two, I don't drink."
[screams, laughs]
Bless his heart.
[laughs] I don't even
Daniel! You're so precious!
Circle, message,
"I would be a passion fruit mojito"
"because I'm sweet and hella refreshing."
Calvin, baby girl, you're gonna make this
hard for me, aren't you? I know you are.
Circle, message,
"Calvin, we have mojitos in common."
"I knew you had good taste
just by that bow tie. #SweetAndSuave."
Circle, send message.
Now Ashley wants a fucking relationship
with Calvin. Fuck Calvin!
Gotta give him the boot.
I hate him. He's gonna be a threat.
[Buteau] Wow!
Daniel does not like the look of Calvin,
but our next player
is liking the look of, um [clicks tongue]
Look at that guy, though. Whoa!
Just noticed.
We can work with that.
What's up? I'm Nick. I'm 27 years old.
I have a degree
in computer science from MIT,
and now I work at a big tech company.
Take your hand now ♪
Oh yeah, all the ladies are like,
"Oh my God, Nick, talk nerdy to me."
And I'm like, "I got you." [laughs]
I got that swag in my stance ♪
So my profile in The Circle
is not gonna be 100% myself.
I'm gonna de-emphasize everything
that relates to brains,
or being smart, or computers.
That would make them see me as a threat.
"Oh, this dude is an evil mastermind,"
which I am.
So instead, I'm gonna pose as a drummer,
completely harmless, innocent drummer,
who's just looking
for a good time and good laughs.
Take your hand now ♪
One thing that I definitely find
super attractive in chicks is eyebrows.
When a girl has good brows,
that's like the cherry on top,
I'm telling you.
Take your hand now, keep up ♪
I'd say a 95% chance I win,
with the 5% off chance
that there's some absolute dime
that throws me off my game,
and I like throw away the money
because I'm an idiot.
But I'm gonna stay focused
and [laughs]
try to stick to my strategy
as best as I can.
I'm ready to make my first impression.
All right, Circle,
please go to the Wingman album
featuring my French Bulldog Bruce,
the ultimate wingman. Look at him!
And Circle, can you open up the photo
of me with the baseball get-up,
and I'm holding Bruce?
Great photo.
And then look at that smile on him.
He got the tongue out!
Girls are gonna love it.
Girls love Frenchies.
It's a well-known fact.
you're gonna carry me to the end.
I want to use this
as my profile picture, please, Circle.
All right, About Me.
This is the part where I feel
like I want to have goofy vibes,
maybe a little flirty vibe,
but not too flirty,
'cause the guys will think I'm a douche.
[Buteau] Just tell them
you're moonwalking in green pants,
and I'll think
you'll cover all the bases, my dude.
Time for our last player,
and I guess day one is a good time
to test how soundproof
those walls are though. Am I right?
Oh my God! [squealing]
Hi, guys. My name is Ava.
I'm 25 years old,
and I'm going into The Circle, but
-She's bringing her sister.
My name is Chanel, and I am 42,
and we are going into The Circle
-To win!
-Oh. [snickers]
-Together. Ava!
Every time I walk in
I'm the best thing ♪
[Ava] I am a singer-songwriter
and an influencer.
And I'm always behind the scenes.
I manage it.
I really love that we have
this difference in age,
because you're older. You're wiser.
-[Chanel] I am very protective.
-[Ava] You're like my second mom.
-I'm like a sister-mom.
We are going in playing Ava.
The photos will be Ava.
The bios will be Ava.
I'm basically going to be Ava's filter.
And no one's gonna know.
That's the beauty of it.
[Ava] I'm definitely a bit of a flirt.
-Flirting is always part of the strategy.
Together we got this,
and I always get the last word in.
-I always get the last word.
-I always get the last word.
-What? No!
-Last word. Last word.
-[Ava] No. Me!
-Last word. Get it.
-Let's go!
-Okay, come on. It's really happening!
-[both squeal]
-[Chanel] Okay, the bathroom.
-Ooh! Oh, a nice-sized bathroom. Okay!
-I love this!
-This is a circle, sis!
-Everything has got, like, a circle theme.
-Everything's a circle.
-I love it!
-You get to talk to people right there!
[both squealing]
So we could be doing our makeup,
and then like talk,
but then like we could see
Oh, but they can't see us.
They can't, but that's the beauty of it.
-But Jesus can see us.
-But Jesus can see us!
So we gotta always look good!
Okay, there's more!
[Buteau] Any dolphins watching Netflix?
You need to tell me what they just said.
Oh, whoa! "Nick has joined the chat.
Ava has joined the chat."
-Well, Ava looks like a superhero.
-Oh, Nick looks cute.
Now the girls are gonna go crazy
'cause Nick has joined.
'Cause I tell you what,
he's a handsome guy.
is cute. Oh, my
I would definitely climb him like a tree.
[Buteau] Wait, as you or as Ashley?
ou know what? It doesn't matter.
Circle, open up Ava's profile, please.
Oh my Lord.
Yes! I'm a drummer.
[Buteau] If by "drummer,"
you mean "I'm not a drummer,"
then yeah, totally.
"God, family, and music make me who I am."
She has a great jawline, though,
good cheekbones,
nice voluptuous lips.
She's perfect! I don't buy it!
It's in my gut. It's all in my gut,
and my gut is telling me
you're too good to be true, ma'am.
Circle, please take me to Nick's profile.
"Nick, 27." He's a drummer.
"Living the single life,
but I'm killing it."
"Bummed I couldn't bring my pup with me,
but I'm super stoked to meet you all."
"First round is on me."
Bow! Ooh, I like it.
So my only thing here is
that punk rock bands
That guy is not a punk
He doesn't even have a tattoo.
I need to tell you this.
I'm into Linkin Park.
He's one of my favorite artists.
Okay, honey, you are not a drummer
of a punk rock band.
But do I look
like I listen to Linkin Park?
Just because you get a little angry,
or you get a little emo,
and you play one Linkin Park song
does not make you a drummer
of a punk rock band.
But see, right there,
don't judge his character
He doesn't even have an earring.
But this is his profile.
Maybe he wanted to choose
a happy-go-lucky, with the dog
You're totally falling for the dog.
Circle, take me back to The Circle Chat.
Circle, message,
"More newcomers to the chat."
"Love this! Exclamation point."
Circle, send!
-[gasps] Oh my God!
-Ooh. [giggles]
Calvin's already going off.
Calvin, can you slow the fuck down?
Shit. He's like the ringleader.
I gotta say something.
People are talking to me now.
Circle, message,
"Holy crap! Exclamation point."
"I'm so excited to be
in this Circle Chat."
"What's poppin'?"
And send it!
I like Nick! You know what?
I might have to go ahead
and let Calvin go. I like Nick.
Circle, message, "Welcome, Nick and Ava."
"We were just talking
about what cocktail we would be and why."
"Curious to know your answers.
Tongue emoji!" Circle, send.
Oh my gosh.
-You have to say spicy virgin margarita.
-Spicy virgin margarita.
"If I could be a cocktail,
I would totally be
a spicy virgin margarita."
Ah! [laughs]
A spicy virgin?
Do you think
they're gonna read into the virgin?
-They might.
-They might read into it.
-And you're spicy! I'm spicy!
-And I'm a spicy.
Girl, you are not gonna tell me
you a virgin. That's for sure.
You are too cute. I know
everybody's been knocking down your door.
"What about you, Nick?" Oh!
She's targeting me with a question.
She went for Nick.
All right, Circle, message,
"Damn, Ava! I wanna try that cocktail,"
with a winky-tongue-flirt face, and send.
Oh my God! He's flirting with you.
"My cocktail would be named
the Ri-Nick-ulous Rummy Rampage."
"That bad boy is served shrouded in smoke
with a barrel of monkeys
hanging off the rim."
We would get along, Nick.
You're a party boy.
You are a party boy, sir.
Okay, Circle, message,
"The Circle is now complete
with Nick and Ava!"
Um, "Exclamation mark."
Can I see the emojis?
Oh my gosh! Yo, that's avatars.
We have our own avatars!
"What are y'all's favorite avatars?"
"I am losing my mind
over how cool these things are!" [laughs]
Circle, message, "This is my favorite
because it's how I've constantly felt
through all of this! Exclamation mark."
[Kai laughing]
Daniel is in his own whole world.
Circle, can you put in
my smiling avatar, please?
[laughs] Circle, message,
"Wow, custom avatars!"
"I'm living my best life!
Exclamation point."
Okay, so I think we wanna do
the heart one. Nice and sweet.
-Yeah, send it. You gotta get quicker.
-Send message.
Nick and Ava could get it on.
I'm saying it here.
You heard it here first.
You heard it here first.
[Buteau] Thanks, TMZ.
As evening approaches
on the first night in The Circle,
our players are finding their feet.
Ruksana is slowly finding
her Circle gears,
and Calvin has found
the world's smallest barbell.
-[popcorn crunches]
-[bowl thuds]
Ooh, that popcorn's good.
And before Nick gets too excited
-"Ice Breaker!"
-[Nick] Let's do it!
Ava! I don't know what Ice Breaker is.
-I don't know either!
-Was Is it a game?
[Buteau] Girls,
everything in here is a game,
but yes, this is specifically a game.
So here's the rules.
[sighs] Let the games begin!
[Buteau] The Circle is giving
the players an old-fashioned way
of getting to know each other
in a, you guessed it, icebreaker game,
but not before another surprise.
-"You have a delivery at your door."
-[Daniel squeals]
-[Nick] Whoo-hoo!
-[Kai chuckles]
They gave us foam fingers!
-Thumbs up!
-Thumbs down, bitch!
Do you think Ava hates you?
Absolutely not.
[Buteau] The Circle throws up
a series of statements.
"If no one ever finds out"
"I would cheat in a game to win."
Wow! This feels like a loaded question.
[Buteau] which the players have to agree
or disagree with.
What dumb bitch
in this Circle's gonna say yes?
No one wants to have their thumbs up
to that question. Hell no!
[Buteau] When all answers are locked in
It's a no for me, dog.
Absolutely not.
Jesus would always find out!
[Buteau] everyone's answers are revealed.
Damn it. I wanted someone to say yes!
Aw, look at all these honest players.
Everybody wants to be perceived right now
as to be the Goody Two-shoes,
at least to some degree.
I know these bitches are lying. I'm lying.
All right. Next question.
"It is better to marry for looks"
"than to marry for money."
Basically, you want to marry a broke man
or an ugly man?
Neither of them.
Money can always be made.
Looks can't necessarily be changed.
Thumbs up on that.
I'm marrying for money, man,
because, listen,
looks don't pay the bills out here.
Marry for looks!
Lock it in.
-It's a thumbs down for either one.
-Yes, thumbs down.
Now I'm gonna find out
who cares about that money.
What the Ah, hell no!
Calvin! And Ava?
I'm so disappointed at you right now.
Now they think you're a superficial Sally.
Ava, it just makes sense.
You look like you would marry for money,
if you even are who you say you are.
Y'all entitled to your opinion,
but it's bullshit.
That is such a character flaw! [gasps]
-Next one.
-Next one.
"I have a signature dance move."
I do. Does Ashley?
-Thumbs up on it!
-Thumbs up.
Big, blue yes.
Thumbs down, because I do not have
a signature dance move,
because I have a plethora of dance moves.
-Mine is a little belly dance.
-And mine is a little
Back in the day, in the '90s,
when you just doin' this,
and then you give 'em one of these!
That's my my two-step boogie, you know?
It's a simple two-step,
but I add my own little flares to it.
You gotta pump it up.
Then you gotta pump it down.
I just groove, and I groove, and I groove.
Sometimes you gotta twerk it out.
Twerk It. Twerk it. Twerk it.
Oh! Oh!
Turn around. Hey! Get jiggy with it! Mm!
Ta-da, ta-da, ta. Ta!
Sometimes you might have to drop a split!
Throw it back!
Do the pony! Do the pony! Do the pony!
You see what I'm saying?
Ooh, can't wait to see
who has a signature dance Wow.
The person who said no is Kai?
You live in Nashville.
Like, isn't Nashville,
like, a music capital?
I will stand here loud and proud
and say that I have more moves
than everybody.
"It is fine
to let a pet kiss you on the mouth."
My dog has stanky breath,
but I'm not gonna say no. He's a good boy.
You licked your butt,
then you wanna kiss me?
Nah, man, pass.
-I can't imagine not kissing my dog.
-I can't imagine not kissing my cat.
Yeah, I love my dog, but yeah, no.
Circle, I'll tell you right now,
Michelle definitely kissing her dogs.
I've adopted a lot of dogs,
and I see what they lick. [laughs]
I'm giving a thumbs down.
Who said no? I'mma fight a bitch.
Here we go! It's a 50-50 split!
Literally, Michelle has
a profile picture of two dogs.
And you're gonna tell me
you don't let your dogs kiss you
on the mouth? Sketch, baby.
She looks like a stage-A dog kisser.
My gut is tellin' me
something's off with her.
Those two dogs,
you don't kiss them on the mouth?
How do you not do that?
Michelle said no?
You have two dogs,
like, inches away from your face.
It's not sanitary,
so I don't really care for it that much.
Are you actually a dog mother?
This isn't an icebreaker.
-This is a deal-breaker.
for completing the Ice Breaker game!"
You're welcome.
That was fun! I liked that.
I feel like
I got to know the players more.
Some of y'all are lying out your asses.
Thank you, Circle.
I would like to discuss
with my new acquaintances.
[Buteau] Nick,
you've seen the show before.
Y'all know what to say.
Circle please take us
to The Circle Chat.
[Buteau] There you go.
Who's gonna talk first?
If it's Calvin, I'm running.
Circle, message, "Hey, guys. What a game!"
Calvin is the one! How did I know?
"What are some of your thoughts
about the statements?"
"Laughing my ass off."
Circle, message,
"Honestly, the most shocking part
about that whole game was
that Michelle won't let
those two beautiful dogs"
"kiss her on the mouth." [laughs]
-That's great.
-Circle, message.
"Nick, LOL!
Bro, I was thinking the same thing
with regard to Michelle
and her two lovely dogs."
Oh no! I don't want Michelle to think
I'm, like, ganging up on her.
Are we also gonna talk
about how this Calvin
and Nick bromance is disgusting?
Circle, message,
"Ha, ha! My thoughts exactly, Nick."
"All love, Michelle, but I can't live
without canine kisses." Send.
Everybody's dogging me
'cause I don't let my dogs kiss me
in the mouth? You have no idea!
Those dogs lick their butts
and everything!
Poor Michelle!
Oh no! She could have been an ally!
Message, "I do love my fur babies.
Please don't get me wrong."
"But I do not desire for them
to lick their butt and then my face."
That's valid.
Nick's just a player.
He's arrogant,
and I hate arrogance. I hate it.
Circle, message,
"Michelle, I totally understand.
I would do anything for my dog."
"But after he's been out in the backyard
putting his mouth on anything,
we don't need to share a kiss
to define the love."
So, Circle, message,
"So happy to see mostly everyone
has some signature moves."
Was she throwing a shot at me?
"So happy to see
mostly everyone had signature moves?"
[Buteau] Another stroke of genius
from Ava's social media manager.
That sounds like shade.
I feel like I'm under a tree right now.
Circle, message,
"Kai, don't worry, girl."
"We'll cut it up on the dance floor.
I'll teach you a move or two."
"#GirlPower." [chuckles]
I knew it!
Me and Ruksana, we're gonna be besties!
"Circle Chat is closed!"
I wanted to say more!
Oh well!
Well, that was really interesting.
[Buteau] With the ice
well and truly broken,
our players are chilling,
getting to know their kitchens,
making snacks,
drinking out of a silver goblet
with two huge foam hands.
Okay. You know, all The Circle classics.
[Buteau] And as much
as I hate to put a stop
to what is bound to be a super sick flow,
I think The Circle has a little surprise.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-[Kai] Oh shoot!
Oh my God. My heart's pounding.
Please let it be good.
Please let it be good.
"Players, you must now rate each other
based on your first impressions."
What do you mean?
This is the game.
This is the game I signed up for!
I knew it. I knew this was coming.
"Rate your fellow players"
"from first"
"to seventh."
Like, it's so soon! I don't feel prepared.
I gotta figure this out!
Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Oh my God. Oh my God. What do I do?
"First place is your favorite."
"Seventh place is your least favorite."
I'm gonna piss my pants.
Circle, take me to my first ever ratings.
[Buteau] You heard him, Circle!
Let's get the ratings spirit popping
with a nighttime shot
and some super intense music.
-Come on now!
-[tense music plays]
Circle, my first ratings is for Nick.
That's my guy.
I believe that Nick would put me
as his number one.
I just think we just kinda got that vibe.
For first place,
I want this to be somebody
who would absolutely not block me
if they were an influencer.
That would be Ava.
She's playing the flirt game.
It hasn't been able
to develop very much yet,
but I know she's working that angle,
so she doesn't wanna
just get rid of me now.
Circle, please put Ashley in first place.
-She seemed humble, sweet, and kind.
And I feel like I'm attracted
to those kind of people.
-And she
-I did. I got good feelings from Ashley.
I'm putting Ruksana in first place.
She's honestly not a threat to me
because she's a wife and a mom.
I feel like
she could definitely be a good alliance.
Circle, please put Kai in first place.
She has a lot of similarities with me.
She seems honest,
and that's really how I am,
so I'd like her
to be in my first position.
In first, I'm gonna put Michelle.
I connected with her in the beginning.
If she is an influencer, she may save me.
I would like to put Kai in first place.
She is a lot like I am,
and bubbly, and friendly,
and would be personable.
She'd be a great ally. Definitely.
I have to give Kai first place.
I think she's nice. She's funny.
She's different, but witty,
and not afraid to say stuff,
and I I would feel safe with her.
I feel
like he and I got off on a great start,
so I think if he were an influencer,
he would not block me.
Circle, let's put Calvin as second.
I'm going to give third place to Nick.
I think he made a really good impression,
and I want to rate him higher.
Nick, you're in fourth place.
I think I can bond with Nick a little bit.
Plus, I'm not getting rid of that face.
I think if we can just get along
and have some private chats,
it'll be good for my game.
I would like to place Ashley
in fifth place.
Circle, put Ruksana in sixth place.
Michelle is gonna be in seventh place
with her lovely dogs.
I feel that these dogs
is a distraction from the truth.
The truth is you're not Michelle.
You're probably Michael.
I am putting Nick in the last position.
It seems like he's looking for a hookup
from the very first statement.
Your good looks and your arrogance
just doesn't cut it with me. Sorry.
I hope I'm wrong,
and I hope you're the nicest guy ever,
but probably not.
I feel like she slightly tried
to throw some shade at me
in the chat earlier, and so,
Circle, please put Ava in last place.
Circle, submit my ratings.
"Ratings complete."
[screams] Oh my God! I feel dirty.
I feel like
Did I just sign my own death warrant?
It's in God's hands. I feel good.
[Buteau] #HopesAndPrayers, right?
All right. [chuckles]
[Buteau] With the ratings done,
our players are turning The Circle
into a bit of a circus,
performing magic tricks
I don't even know if I remember
how to solve these things.
I could at one point.
[Buteau] balancing acts
That was pretty good!
See if I can knock it over.
[Buteau] and death-defying stunts.
Meanwhile, Kai is interested in cooking up
a little conversation with Chef Calvin.
Okay, so I really want to talk to Calvin.
I need to have some one-on-one time
with him.
I'm just trying to figure him out.
Of course he caught my eye.
I find him super attractive.
He is a hottie.
So, Circle, I would like
to start a chat with Calvin.
"Kai has invited you to a private chat."
Circle, take me
to a private chat with Kai!
I'm single. I'm hoping that she's single.
Shirt's off. I'm ready.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite chef!"
"Wink-tongue out emoji."
"How are you feeling
about today's ratings?"
Um, well, I'm the only chef,
so of course I'd be your favorite.
Circle, message, "Hey, sunshine."
"Girl, I'll cook for you
any day of the week."
"I'm feeling very excited to know
the outcome of the ratings, and yourself?"
Okay, I'm feeling
a little something something in the air.
Message, "I'm digging your energy."
"I'm a big ball of nerves
when it comes to the ratings."
I like that she's digging my my energy,
because it's all about vibes, you know?
So, she wants to flirt flirt,
then we'll flirt flirt!
[Buteau] Says the man with no shirt shirt.
Message, "I'm intrigued by your photo
and wondering why it's black and white
when I'm sure
you have a lovely complexion."
[gasps] Okay.
I just wanna know where her head's at,
because I think
If she's saying she wants to stand out,
then I'm thinking,
"Okay, well,
that's the type of girl that I look for."
I want people who stand out
and make bold statements,
and that's a bold statement.
Message, "I wanted
to stand out a little bit more
because I knew everyone else
would have pictures in color,
and I guess it worked,
because you noticed me."
"Emoji with the blushing cheeks
and the hand over the mouth."
I'm intrigued. I like that. Message,
"I get you with standing out
from the crowd. You definitely did that."
"I can't lie.
I've done it, too, with my bow tie."
"It's sad that I have a collection
of over 20 bow ties."
Wow, 20 bow ties.
We're starting to come together.
I'm ready to kind of edge
into this alliance.
Message, "Touché.
I feel like we have a lot in common,
and I would love to have your back
in The Circle."
"Do you think we can make this mutual?"
She wants to form an alliance, you know.
Ooh! I don't know what he's gonna say.
Did I say that too soon?
I mean, it is what it is.
I feel like
we should have each other's backs.
Why not? You know, there's no harm
in someone having your back in this place.
Message, "Hell yeah! Exclamation point.
We got a lot of things in common,
and I'll definitely have your back
in the future. Don't worry about it."
"Be great to get to know you more
and speak soon. #WeGotThis."
I'll definitely hold Kai close.
I think
me and him are gonna make a great team,
but I'm still very much focused.
[Buteau] Okay, Kai. You better get it.
You know who else is focused right now?
Nick, as he enters more Rubik's Cube hell.
Oh! Freaking finally!
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-"Alert!" Oh my gosh!
-[Ava] Oh my God! Get over here!
-I'm coming!
"The ratings results are in."
No squeezing my hand.
I can't help it.
-[Ava giggles]
-[mock cries]
My heart is beating so fast.
I think I can hear it.
Oh God! Here it is!
Eighth place!
Don't be me. Don't be me.
Oh my God! Oh my God!
Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Circle, don't play me.
It better not be me in eighth.
I don't even want to look.
Oh God!
Oh God! [chuckles]
It is
No! I knew it.
No! I knew it.
[clicks tongue]
They would not give me a chance.
No way!
No fucking Michelle is eighth place?
I'm not dead last!
Aw, Michelle!
Aw, Michelle, it's because of the dogs.
Because you wouldn't kiss the dogs.
Okay. Don't be me, baby.
You're really squeezing my hand so tight,
and I have rings on.
I'm breaking your hands.
[inhales deeply]
[exhales slowly]
Seventh is me?
Why am I at the bottom?
Daniel, high five! Yeah, bitch!
That stinks.
I mean, damn, I'm not eighth. But seventh?
I did not expect that.
How do y'all vote her seventh?
I don't understand.
Like, seriously?
Sixth place.
I still don't really want to be sixth.
Who is it?
-Oh no! You're sixth.
It's not great.
-[Ava] Okay.
-All right.
We really have to work on it.
So we got two running neck to neck
in fourth place.
So if I'm fourth, I'm I'm cool with it.
I'm That's
It's a cool place to be, third or fourth.
Take your time.
I'm not gonna hyperventilate or anything.
Okay. This this I feel.
This I'm happy about. Okay.
Totally fine fourth with Nick.
I like you, Nick.
I think The Circle's trying
to set us up, baby.
All right, I'll take it! Tied with Ashley!
Tied for fourth. Perfect.
What? How the hell
is my boy Nick tied for fourth?
'Cause that leaves me, Calvin, and Daniel.
Come on. What's it gonna be?
Third place.
Third place.
Who has the power?
'Cause if Kai has the power,
I'm all good.
Oh my God!
[whispering] How'd I get third?
Damn it. Can he swap with me?
'Cause my spot isn't great.
[sighs] I'm top two.
Daniel! Oh my goodness!
That means I have to be first or second.
[laughing, screaming]
Things are looking good for me.
First or second? I cannot believe this!
This is crazy, Circle.
Calvin's gonna be first.
How can you not like Calvin?
I'm praying that I get number two.
I don't wanna have
the the stigma of number one.
[screaming, laughing]
Come on!
Come on!
I'll take number two!
Give me that blue tick!
If y'all want to make me an influencer,
whatever you wanna do, I'm fine.
And there we have it, folks,
popularity at its finest.
I can't calm down. I can't calm down.
I feel the dance comin' on!
And I'm last.
I just want to
thank everyone who believed in me.
I made it to the top. I'm super pump
-[loud chiming]
-Oh, snap!
-[alarm blares]
Another alert?
What is it, Circle?
Oh gosh! Give me some good news!
-"As the highest
-"rated player"
"Kai is the"
"sole influencer."
-Awesome, girl.
-Wow. Lucky you, Kai.
I would love to be in her position.
By myself?
Oh my gosh! That's so much pressure!
I'm happy with this.
Let her have the influence. Um
She said she got my back.
I said I got her back,
so this works perfectly.
"Kai, you alone must now choose one player
to be blocked from The Circle."
Oh man!
That is crazy!
Oh my God! I'm gonna
I'm gonna have a hernia.
I'm literally gonna fucking have
a hernia! [gasps]
What are you thinking?
Come on, Kai.
So, let's see here.
Calvin, I could block him,
because of the fact
that he is one of the top competitors
that I have to worry about right now.
But we did just form an alliance,
so I really don't feel
like I would have to worry about him.
Ruksana, I could keep her around
because I genuinely feel
that we could form a good alliance.
I I don't even I I don't know her
well enough to know
what's gonna determine who she picks.
All right.
Why would Kai want to block Nick?
I don't know.
Nick, I could block him,
because right now, I feel like
he could be one of my biggest competitors.
And then Ava,
I just kinda feel she's catfishing.
It's something about her,
to me, that's just not real.
I'm not satisfied with sixth rating,
but then at the same time, I'm like,
"Oh, but that kinda doesn't really matter
right now, right?" Because
I know. Your numbers don't matter,
'cause she could block anyone.
[Kai] Mommy Michelle.
I really like how real she was
with her comment about her dogs,
and also I really don't see her
as to be a big threat to me right now.
Kai, feel that southern vibe with me.
Don't kick me off.
I definitely think I'm gonna keep Ashley.
Kai, make this okay
and do the right thing.
Don't block your girl.
And then with Daniel,
he has not had an opportunity yet
to even come and talk to me
or say anything to me.
She has to like me. There's no way!
How are you gonna look at someone,
and be like, "I think you're hilarious,"
and then block them?
I can't believe I'm doin' this right now.
It has to be done.
[suspenseful music playing]
"Sole influencer Kai
has made her decision."
I'm gonna throw up. [grunts]
I'll be really bummed if it's me.
Oh Lord. We're all in here with Kai.
This is like watching a bad horror movie.
Oh, I can't look.
[chuckles] Oh God.
"I think
I have finally come to a decision."
"It was really hard
because I have not gotten a chance
to know you all that well."
"I really believe that this player
is not who they say they are."
Whose hopes and dreams
are you going to crush today?
"The player I've decided to block is"
Come on! [grunts]
I'm gonna cry.
I'm not ready to go.
I I have to continue on.
Please, please, please!
I am who I say I am.
[suspenseful music intensifies]
-[gasps] Oh my God!
Ava! Yes! Whoo-hoo!
Holy shit!
Ava, sad to see you go.
We were gonna flirt up a storm.
I could feel it.
Thank you, God. Thank you!
Honestly, that was really hard
because of the fact
that I don't want to have to block anyone.
I felt like from her bio, to her picture,
to her interactions in the chat,
it just didn't add add up to me.
Well, Kai, she is who she is.
-I was not lying.
-She's just got a little company, so
I'll go pack. I'm gonna go pack.
[Buteau] Ava, who's actually Ava
and her sister Chanel,
has become the first player blocked.
But in true Circle fashion,
it's not quite the end of her journey.
-[loud chiming]
-[alarm blares]
-Ava, alert! Hurry up.
Circle, why are you doing this to me?
Oh, please, come on. What is it?
"Before Ava leaves"
"she can meet another player."
Oh, honey! I bet she's gonna go to Kai.
We could go see Kai
because we need to let Kai know
that you are who you are.
-"Ava is on her way to meet a player now."
Lock the door! Lock the door!
I'll sit here and be like [clears throat]
"Hey, Ava."
If she wants to come see me,
I'm just gonna be like, "Hey, girl."
I'd love to know
if she's a catfish or not,
and if she's not,
I'd love to see her in person,
'cause damn!
-[Ava] Hi, Kai!
-[Chanel] What's up, Kai?
-[Ava] What?
[Ava] This does not look
like Kai's apartment.
-This is not Kai's apartment.
-[Ava] Okay. Um
-Uh, what's going on?
-Okay, let's just sit.
-[Chanel] Let's sit.
What is going on?
"Ava, you are the first player
to have been blocked from The Circle."
Thank you. Yes.
-We know. We know about the blocking.
-Yes, we know about this.
As if it can't bother us any more.
The Circle is giving you a second chance."
What? Wh [chuckles]
[Ava] I don't know what to say.
What does that mean?
What does a second chance mean?
"To remain in the game, you must commit
the ultimate act of identity theft."
Oh, no, no, no!
[Ava] "You must clone
one of your fellow players."
I'm so confused.
Okay, "You must clone
one of your fellow players."
Do we have to catfish?
Okay, so we get to go back in.
Okay, we get to go back in.
[echoes] Oh my God!
[theme music playing]
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