The Convict (2021) s03e01 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 1

What don't you get?
Hepner and his people
are organizing an auction of girls.
If you go out, they will sell you.
If you behave, you'll learn about Hanka
at the right time.
Hepner is behind all this.
Hepner got Hanka Mazur out of jail.
I need to know where she is.
What are these numbers?
Some bidding, I guess, I don't know.
Fuck, it's Lusia.
They released them and sold them.
Where is Hanka? Have you seen her?
There are the goods, there's the cash.
You're safe, Hania.
You are not in danger anymore.
It's me.
- Let me out!
- Lock her up!
Do you agree to be recorded?
Zabrze Penitentiary,
the person questioned is Alicja Mazur,
daughter of Jan and Hanna.
Do you know
who caused the rebellion at the ward?
You're asking the wrong question.
What should I ask you then?
Why does the warden make money
by trading attractive female prisoners
who are intentionally released on parole?
Why did he kidnap my daughter,
Hanna Mazur?
Why did he photograph and stalk her first?
Then he tried to sell her
in an online auction,
I saw it on his computer during the riot.
Do you realize that
these are very serious accusations?
I saw it myself,
and three co-inmates can confirm it.
Will you do something about it,
or will we pretend nothing happened?
Nowak, Cieślak, and Bobrowska
are to be interviewed.
Shut your mouths!
Or you'll all end up
in solitary confinement!
The inmate will be able to testify.
- Easy.
- She's faking it.
Faking it?
She has bruised ribs.
Maybe she hit a wall.
- Accidents happen.
- Insertion.
All right, enough of this petting.
I'm leaving you painkillers.
Your turn, inmate.
- But I didn't do anything.
- Upstairs, now!
But I am innocent.
Tell it to the committee. Get the fuck up!
It's still fucking dirty.
Who has such beautiful eyes?
Who? Miki.
And who has such nice feet? Mikuś.
- Has someone here ordered a limousine?
- Is this for us?
And hop to the limousine. Yes.
- We'll take a ride in the limo.
- Yes.
Few advantages of living in prison.
Deal with it, suckers at large.
- Why is he crying?
- I don't really know.
Maybe it's colic,
maybe he shit himself again,
or he's crushed by existential pain.
It's okay.
You should get some sleep while you can.
Don't cry, Mikuś. Mom is here.
- Bye, bye!
- Bye!
I'll miss you.
- Thanks.
- You have fifteen minutes, enjoy.
Hi, Bubble, what's the matter?
You're so big.
My baby.
Everything will be fine.
Everything will be fine, you will see.
Yeah, I know. I saw her.
What did you tell them?
Truth, just like Campina and Franca.
I need specifics to know
what charges they can bring against him.
I told them about the auction
and the inmate who came across it.
The fucker won't get away with it.
Be more specific!
Fuck! I need a fag. Fucking hell.
- Easy, Shiba.
- Three packs of cigarettes, please.
- We're out.
- What do you mean? I can see them.
- Well, we're out.
- What's this?
Director Hepner's order.
The ban on the purchase
of tobacco products
is in effect for three months.
As well as limited correspondence
and visitation time.
In return, dear ladies,
because you're bursting with energy,
you will get mandatory time
for increased physical activity.
You shouldn't have been playing
"Fast and Furious".
Great, just fucking great.
You are under arrest for questioning.
But, boss
During my absence,
you take over my full powers.
Chin up, everything will be fine.
Girls want to thank you.
- From cell 308.
- Okay, enough of these pilgrimages.
- Thanks for getting rid of the weed.
- I said enough!
From now on, anyone who gives
anything to Mazur is screwed.
- Respect.
- Penalty Receipt.
Penalty Receipt.
Penalty Receipt.
One more.
Is this what you've been waiting for?
Take it easy, safety requirements first,
fun second.
Alice in Wonderland.
In Dutch.
- I'm studying languages.
- Don't four flush. Who is it from?
I have some friends still.
We both know
that you are up to something.
No, I'm really not.
- I'm keeping an eye on you.
- I know.
I'm finally free!
Okay, that's the end of the tour.
Come with us.
- Relax, I'm smoking a cigarette.
- Please come with us.
But let me finish first.
Throw away that cigarette and come inside.
Okay, I'm coming.
- Let's go.
- Watch out, bro, I'm burnt.
I'm throwing it away.
The doctor said you should salve
these scars three times a day.
What the fuck, cream is trendy again.
Did you know?
I mean, no offence, but looking
at your outfit, probably not, but
A follow-up visit is in three days.
Fuck, I would kill for one.
I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
I called this church guy from the prison,
but the number is temporarily unavailable,
so he can temporarily screw himself.
Thank you all the more
for letting me stay with you.
Alicja's friends are my friends.
Apartment eight, second floor.
Go, make yourself at home.
Well, have you banged him up?
- Investigation is underway.
- Cut that bullshit, will you?
Restraining order against Hepner.
You must have pissed him off hard.
He must have something on his conscience.
I told you to stay away. Leave it to me.
Do you want me to sit on my hands?
You need to catch up.
Go to hell.
Thirtieth lap.
There's no rest for the wicked.
Biba, if you don't move
your fat ass right away,
everyone will run ten more laps
because of you.
- I can't do it.
- Yes, you can.
They gonna fuck me up in the shower.
They won't touch you
because you can do it, come on!
Inmate Mazur!
You come with me.
Follow me.
How many times have I said
that there will be no interview?
Can I go back to running?
You made a terrible mess in our facility,
and now you have to clean it up.
If you don't, I'll give you three months
of no visits and no phone calls.
- Go ahead.
- And zero packages.
- You can't do this.
- Why?
Who's gonna stop me? So?
Who's the most beautiful in the world?
And what are these, some new bruises?
Oh my, oh my, oh my.
It's nothing, it's nothing.
It will heal in no time.
- Hop, hop, hop.
- I'm taking him to the infirmary.
No one told me about any additional tests.
Could it be that the doc misses my Mikuś?
I don't know. Not my business. Come here.
Let's go and let Mommy get some sleep.
I want to see the referral.
I have it in the guardroom,
it's an ultrasound or something like that.
Something important. Yeah.
Get some sleep, mommy.
Come on.
Let's go. Bye, mommy.
- I'll go with you.
- As you wish.
What is it? What? What's going on?
Do you want to steal my baby?
- We want to protect him.
- Against what?
Against you. You're abusing him.
- I didn't hurt him.
- Where did the bruises come from?
I don't know! I have no idea!
Give me back my child!
Miki! Give him back to me!
When can we go home with our son?
After the pediatrician's examination,
we'll apply to the family court
to terminate the mother's parental rights.
Unofficially, for the sake of your son,
the child can go home with you right away.
- That's great, Miki.
- Did you hear that, Miki?
We're going home.
I was scared. Some inmates were
under the influence of drugs,
- and they were aggressive.
- Where did the inmates get the drugs?
You know what?
There is a loophole in every system
and they have managed to find it.
Despite, of course, rigorous control
exercised by the prison authorities
in Zabrze.
Could you repeat the last sentence?
I can hardly hear you.
Despite the rigorous
- Are you on speaker?
- Yes.
Hello? Hello?
Can you hear me now?
- Hello?
- Mom?
controls, addicts
will always find the way.
- I hope you got the books.
- Yes.
The revolt was a nightmare.
I wanted to let you know
that I'm alive and safe.
I was terribly afraid.
For safety reasons,
we don't stay anywhere for long.
We move from place to place.
He he is good to me.
- I understand.
- He's all I got now.
- I have to go.
- Thank you.
I love you.
Very good, Mazur.
No, they haven't yet.
Hi, I know it's been a long time
since I've been here, but
Hanka made contact.
- Did she send you another book?
- Better. She called.
Some guy called, a journalist,
asking for an interview,
it turned out that he was substituted
by our daughter.
- Did she say where is she hiding?
- No.
Just that they're not staying
in one place for too long,
- so no one can track them.
- Bloody hell.
She lives in constant fear.
She has to hide,
yet she has done nothing wrong.
- This prick
- Wait, they took Hepner.
He'll go to jail, and it will all be over.
Hanka will return.
Take this.
If something goes wrong
What's going on?
You'll find the answer there.
To what?
- What answer?
- Hepner can't get away a second time.
Serafin, what is it?
We need to get rid of him.
For us.
And for Hanka.
So she can come back.
We're not gonna talk
I got you, you scum.
I will go see Aluta,
and then I have to catch a train.
I'll go to the seaside, run some errands,
breathe in some iodine and come back.
Don't worry, I won't overstay my welcome.
I talked to the chicks on the outside,
so I can pay the rent
Where's my hat?
It's Hepner?
You were in jail, and this bastard
has even more on his conscience
and thinks he's untouchable.
I'll prepare the way of the cross
for you, dickhead. You will suffer.
Someone makes fucking sense, finally.
- Aluta!
- Pati!
No running, no running.
Hey, hey. No physical contact.
Okay, calm down. What's the problem, man?
Does your back still hurt?
You know how it is:
out of sight, out of mind. Don't sweat it.
What's going on with Serafin?
I have no idea.
Your place is such a mess.
I have to pad out the toilet
with toilet paper to sit on it.
He's mumbling, he's pacing
around the apartment. And he is sober.
Well, you are brave.
Who, if not me, right?
- And how are you doing?
- I'm fine. It's getting better, for sure.
You can get used to it.
Serafin gave me a key,
but didn't say what for.
Okay, I'll try to find that out.
Did you know he keeps a rod at home?
I mean like a gun.
- What for?
- How would I know? He didn't tell me.
- Tell me, how's the food?
- It's so delicious now.
For someone who broke my fingers
last time we met,
you're not trying enough.
You should maybe offer me
a trip around the world.
As an apology, of course.
- My dear
- Or a better coffee, at least.
Pleasures should be earned.
You know you can get a lower sentence?
Just tell me who is above you.
Only God is above me.
Give me the name of the almighty, please.
Do you like it here?
I can stop by more often.
You have a choice:
either you're gonna cooperate,
and when they let you out,
you will still be
Well, still pretty doable.
But if you continue to stick to your guns,
you'll leave here as an old hag.
I will make sure of it.
I don't think covering Hepner
is really worth it.
Give it a thought.
Be glad and rejoice, krasávice,
for the light is about to come.
You are no longer banned from watching TV.
You are about to witness
an extraordinary event
and you'll see how stupid you all are.
So shut your mouths,
and let's watch, alright?
No information on injured persons.
Firefighters are clearing away
the remains after the storm.
And now, let's move on
to the Ministry of Justice,
where the Director General of Prisons,
Andrzej Rabczuk,
- has awarded the order.
- Fuck me, this is Hepner.
- No.
- Shut up, Biba.
It's "prison warden" for you.
In particular, for his swift and bloodless
suppression of a mutiny
in the women's ward
at Zabrze Penitentiary,
Colonel Sylvester Hepner receives
the Prison Service's Cross of Merit.
- Fuck me.
- Are you kidding me?
Did you tell the truth?
an extremely important day
for attendees
I did what I had to do.
What did he promise you?
Fuck me, they searched the computer,
found nothing.
All cloud files are gone.
There's no evidence, nothing,
and our word doesn't mean a fucking shit.
You fucking idiot, you were only supposed
to tell the truth, you moron.
Just the truth. Fucking hell!
Take her to solitary.
Hey, it's okay now. Easy, easy.
What are you banging for?
- Campina?
- Mazur!
You have won a luxury spa stay
for headfucks.
Why didn't you tell me, huh?
About your cellmates
that Hepner sold at auction?
He promised to take care of me,
and he did.
I could have ended up like Amfisa
in a looney bin, but I'm still here.
- He will pay for everything.
- Fuck.
The last woman standing in the sappy-land.
It is what it is, Mazur,
and you have to accept it.
Life is beautiful.
We are on vacation
Having no frustration
In these mountain forests
Life goes nice and slow
Everybody's dancing
But you caught me glancing
It is not your fault, girl
That I like you so
First and foremost,
I see them as human beings,
not as convicts.
And that's how
I try to look on them, Minister.
We need more people like you
in the prison system
with a big heart and an open mind.
I am very sorry that you have suffered
so much humiliation, Colonel.
As they say, what doesn't kill us
makes us stronger.
But because of all this, I feel stronger.
Like Goliath.
That's good, Sylvek, because we need
real warriors in these times.
Andrzej, your decision
of an early retirement, is it final?
As they say, "You must know
when to leave the stage, undefeated."
If you've made up your mind,
I won't urge you to change your decision,
but we need to think together
about a worthy successor.
Many incompetent goats have an itch
for the position of the prison chief.
That's why I recommend the candidacy
of my friend over here,
- Sylvester Hepner.
- Stop it.
- A man of honor, a patriot.
- Andrzej
Wounded on a mission in Afghanistan.
Minister, I am just
a humble public servant.
- But why not?
- This is a great idea.
We just need to make sure
that you have a spotless reputation
and that you are crystal clear.
There's no other way.
Of course, I understand that.
- I have nothing to hide.
- That's what I'm talking about!
Gentlemen, I'll leave you to it.
Told you.
We had to clean up your image
for you to go up.
It will be better for all of us,
if I get this promotion.
Got it.
One vodka, please.
Round of applause for the Colonel,
our hero!
There are gonna be dump patches,
I tell you.
- Because you're breathing down my neck!
- Get to work.
Don't worry too much.
Wiesiuta likes to niggle a little,
but you're gonna get
a piece of cake for the road.
- Pati?
- Who else?
You are back. Pati.
Just for a while.
Okay, let me see you. Let me see.
- You've grown up.
- Yeah.
But you're still beautiful.
Jesus, what do you have on your neck?
- Just a bugaboo.
- Well
Well, give Wiesiuta a hug!
Pati, my Pati.
Wait a minute.
Alright, you can go.
Are you turned on by young girls, counselor?
No, I'm wondering what the fuck
is going on here.
Stockholm syndrome?
Victim's love for executioner?
Everyone sees what they want to see.
To me, this is just a beautiful young girl
who takes a liking for a mature
and very respectful man.
And you doused her with acid
out of respect?
You don't know what you are saying.
Yes, she was hurt, badly,
but not by me.
- I think we're done here.
- How is it?
How does a former military officer,
sent to retirement early,
make a career in the prison system?
You have one minute.
You have one minute,
and then I will call the police.
I found something.
- What did he want?
- Nothing.
Fucking rockhead.
What do we do with him?
I will now go upstairs to think,
while you walk the dog.
Let me tell you, Wiesiutka,
with two, it's the fucking worst.
The toilet is inside the cell, no door,
not even a curtain, nothing.
To be honest, the first six months
are a nightmare.
Then I started to adjust,
I figured, you know,
I have a roof over my head,
a bowl full of food every day.
It's a house like any other.
Only more luxurious,
because you have doorkeepers
who always open and close
the door for you.
Pati, Pati!
And what about the children?
Have you contacted them?
Well, Natalka is probably
already a teenager, right?
They probably didn't even know.
Maybe that's for the better.
You were like a mother to them.
Maybe, but that was a long time ago.
- And what about Krystian?
- Oh no, don't even get me started.
He's gone, dead, I don't care.
So you haven't heard?
They accused him of killing this dealer,
what's his name, this Sony.
- Is that true?
- Yeah.
- But after so many years?
- Yes.
Do you know where he is?
- What time is it?
- What's the difference?
None, actually.
If it were up to me, you would still
be rotting in solitary confinement.
You left because Colonel Hepner
decided so, and do you know why?
Because he's a good man.
And you believe this?
I have an intuition for people.
Not this time.
Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Dorota.
- What?
- That's your new cellmate.
I hope we become friends.
I'm not looking for friends.
Certainly not here.
Of course.
Be nice, Mazur. Don't spoil my mood.
I wanted to thank you
sincerely for this furlough.
You don't even know
how much it means to my mom.
If you could see how happy my mom was.
I'm glad to hear that.
And how is mom feeling, better?
She will be fine.
- She has great doctors.
- I'm sure she'll be fine.
I understand everything.
I will try not to disturb you.
My Sexy Mister, say something, it's me!
- Kryś!
- Pati!
Babe, you could have told me
that you want to protect me
not run away from the fucking altar.
The thing is, I couldn't.
Will you forgive me?
I have already forgiven you, you moron!
Kris, talk to me!
Pati, I love you.
I love you, do you hear? Wait for me.
I love you, too.
And I'm waiting.
I love you!
Wait for me!
It's sad, but in my experience,
it seems that you come here bad
and leave even worse.
This has also proven to be true
in your case, unfortunately.
So rehabilitation doesn't work?
But I'm going to take
an in-depth look at you.
I believe that although
you have gone astray,
there is still some good in you.
And I intend to dig for it.
Day by day, laboriously.
- Finally, we have something in common.
- Yes?
You are also highly inspiring to me,
and I will also dig in.
Should I be scared?
I would shit my pants.
- Old scars never stop hurting.
- Jesus
Counselor Serafin, please leave
the message after the tone.
Serafin, hello from Hel!
No, just kidding. Listen.
I'll be heading back soon,
but I don't want to.
It's so fucking beautiful here.
And when you see Aluta, tell her
I'm so happy, like, I cannot even.
She'll drop dead.
She'll drop dead when
she hears everything.
Tell her that, homie. And don't lose hope.
Life is, well, unpredictable, I know,
but it can be so beautiful,
Serafin, really.
It is fucking beautiful.
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