The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s03e01 Episode Script

Thunder Misters

- Chunky! Hey, buddy!
Up for a rumble?
And no biting this time.
I promise to keep
my teeth to myself.
Ooh. Almost there
And they said the wheel
couldn't be reinvented.
- Little trick from
my wandering days, Douglas.
Gotta work smarter,
not harder. You're welcome.
Wolfspiders Hm.
- Step aside, Grug.
I built this farm, which is why
I've built the Betterman
Tresgasser to protect it.
It emits toxic gas that
makes intruders go away.
- I wish youwould go away
'cause this is
a punch problem, Phil,
and that means I'mthe guy.
- Did someone say "Guy?"
Good call.
I know how to take care
of wolfspiders.
Had to deal
with them all the time
when I was out there
on my own. Voilà.
Wolfspiders love scream fruit.
I will use it to lure them away.
Thunder Sisters!
- Or the Thunder Sisters
will take care of it. Again.
Where there is darkness,
there is also light.
A beacon of hope known as
the Thunder Sisters!
- Fireheart!
- Bloodhorn!
- Sister Sunset.
- Seeker.
- Bog Water!
Queen O'Wimmins.
And me! Thunk!
Drink up.
Fighting is thirsty work.
- You know why
we're not out there? You two.
- Me? It's not my fault.
It's Phil's fault!
- Oh, a-and your fault.
- That's true, if by my fault,
you mean
I'm totally blameless,
and you two are
to blame in every way.
- What are you
waiting for, hot shots?
Get in there!
Oh, wait. You can't
because you got yourselves
stuck in a web.
Gran, look out!
Gah! Nice save, Fireheart!
And other Thunder Sister!
- Oh yeah!
Well done, Thunder Sisters.
Another notch
on the victory belt!
You know what that means
- Yes! Wait, I actually
don't know what that means.
- It means it's time to celebrate
with a victory feast!
- Hey! What about us?
Well, I could've done that!
If I had a spear.
And I wasn't stuck in a web.
- It's not fair!
Victory feasts,
cool nicknames, face paint,
all the fighting
you could ever want!
Why aren't weThunder Sisters?
Everyone else
on the farm gets to be one.
- I'm no stranger to exclusion.
My whole life, I've been
excluded by my peers, my elders,
my youngers, my tribe,
my family, my pets.
And by excluded,
I mean Iexcluded them,
especiallythe pets.
- Have you guys ever just asked
if you could be Thunder Sisters?
- Are you suggesting we make
our deepest desires known?
- By saying them?
Out loud? With words?
- Yeah. Follow me.
- Here's to us winning again!
- Because we're awesome!
As usual.
- I've never seen
so many wolfspiders!
Except for every time
we fight wolfspiders!
- It was scary and dangerous,
and I loved it!
- You want scary and dangerous?
Lemme tell you about the time
I was attacked by a ramaconda,
the most dangerous beast
the Thunder Sisters ever faced.
I was all alone,
throwing fists like
my life depended on it.
The only reason
I'm not dead is because
my sisters showed up
and saved my--
Hey! Where'd you come from?
- Wha-- Wh-who? Us?
- Yeah!
This feast is
for Thunder Sisters only.
- Oh, uh-- I mean, we were--
I mean, we were --
we were thinking, uh
A-a-and you can say no,
and i-i-it's just an idea--
- Spit it out!
- We wanna be Thunder Sisters!
- The three of you
wanna be Thunder Sisters?
Oh, the three of you
wanna be Thunder Sisters.
Well, that's great.
- Thank you, dear. So,
that's one vote in favor.
What say you,
other Thunder Sisters?
- Grug, being
a Thunder Sister means
you have to listen
to other people.
Do you think you can do that?
- What? Look
The point is I'd make
a great Thunder Sister.
You know I can
handle myself in a fight.
- Well, that's true.
- Punching is his passion.
- And I think we can all agree
that this organization
could benefit
from my administrative acumen
and infinite inventiveness.
- That's also true.
Phil's very bossy,
and his inventions
are lifesavers.
One word. Outhouse.
- And I offer things, too.
Oh, right. Examples. Well,
my days of surviving in the wild
have taught me a thing or two.
Like the time I escaped from
a couple of hungry mahi-mahyenas
by stranding myself on an island
and befriending two coconuts
I named Stan and Gary.
- Do not get him started
on Stan and Gary.
- So, are we Thunder Sisters?
- Hm, lemme
think about it for a-- No!
- What? Why?
- Being a Thunder Sister
is about cooperating,
pitching in, and helping out.
You three rock-heads were
too busy bickering back there
to bust heads!
- Come on, Gran.
Give them a chance.
- That's two votes! Besides,
you gave Thunk a chance.
How could we be
less qualified than him?
- Sweet drink coming up, sisters.
- Just gotta grab this honey.
- Thunk may not
be brave or strong
or fast or clever,
but he's a team player,
and that's what being
a Thunder Sister is all about.
- And I keep everyone
fed and hydrated.
That means
I'm our secret weapon.
- No, you're not!
- I am though.
- Surely, there must be
some way to persuade you.
- You're gonna keep bugging
me about this, aren't you?
- Fine!
If you wanna be
Thunder Sisters so badly,
you'll have to prove
you can be part of the team
by surviving the team trials!
- Let the team trials begin!
- Wait! I think I hit honey.
- Sometimes, Thunder Sisters
get stuck in a jam.
- And we love it!
- Because we always work
together to get out.
So, for your first trial,
all you have to do
is get out of
this cave together.
- Good luck.
- So, you'll leave us
the vines or--
Fair enough.
Well, don't worry, fellas.
I've been trapped
in lots of caves before,
and the most important
thing is don't panic.
- Why would we panic? I'mhere.
I'll simply fashion a ladder
from sticks and vines,
and we'll be
out of here in no time.
- I've got a better idea.
We'll punch our way out.
- There are no bad ideas,
except for those.
So, let's just do what I do
every time I've escaped a cave,
which, again, is a lot,
and follow the feather.
If the air can get outta here,
- so can we.
Almost there!
- I don't know why you're
wasting your energy.
My ladder isthe way out.
- I just need 437 more sticks.
- Hey, guys!
So, following the feather
totally worked!
Just like it always does.
So, follow me,
- and we'll get
outta here together.
- No thanks, Guy.
We're 437 sticks
away from freedom.
Ooh! Make that 436!
- And this rock is getting
softer by the punch!
Or it might
just be my fist bones.
- And that might
be a bearacuda.
And by might be,
I mean definitely is.
- You were saying
something about an exit?
- 435.
- Come on, Phil! We're leaving!
- Where are those numb-necks?!
- Maybe we should've put
them in an easier cave.
One without walls.
- Yeah, we did it!
- Who's we?
- Where's Grug and Phil?
- Found a shortcut.
Just had to punch through
a bunch of rock to get to it.
- What about Phil?
- Victory.
I located a stick stash
on the way out,
and finished my ladder.
I told you
I'd get us out of there.
- So, what now? Are we in?
- No! I said you all had
to get out together,
but you all went solo.
Next trial!
- Well, I didn't know
I was going solo!
That's gotta count
for something! Right?
So, all we have
to do is get through
the obstacle course
and cross the finish vine?
I can do this
with my eyes closed!
- Funny you should say that.
- Cucumbeet slices?
Are my eyes puffy?
- Not yet.
- What Gran means
is sometimes when you fight,
you can't see
what you're fighting.
- Yeah, because it's dark
or there's smoke
or someone steals your eyeballs!
- Some of those are more
likely than others. So,
in this trial,
your eyes will be covered,
but you'll have each other.
- B-but none of us can see!
- No problem!
It's like the time
I got stung in the face
by a scorpulion.
Couldn't see
a thing for three days,
but I still found
my way back to camp.
I'll never go hiking
in Venom Valley again.
- See? Guy gets it.
- So, when does this start?
- Will you count down or--
- Go!
- Okay. Guys, all we have to do
is stick together.
If we hold hands,
we'll get through this
no problem.
You're both already gone,
aren't you?
- Okay. Um
They're so lucky they can't see
what we're seeing.
Who put a tree in the woods?!
- I think they can do it.
- Why? Thunder Sisters
work together,
and they don't.
Guy? Is that you?
Why do you feel like a log?
- What are you talking about?
I mean, that first trial
was a disaster,
and this one is even worse!
Oh, I see what you mean.
But, I still think
they're gonna make it.
- So?! Did we win?!
- Not exactly.
- Next trial!
Thunder Sisters
get hurt all the time.
We bleed, we pass out,
we lie on the ground for days,
screaming in pain!
But, we never cry.
- More importantly,
we never leave
a Thunder Sister behind. So,
in this final trial,
you three are going
to work together
to get some
wounded Thunder Sisters
- across this ravine.
- And will you two be playing
the roles of wounded
Thunder Sisters?
- I guess you are the smart one.
- Now, get to it!
Oh no. We are wounded.
And I'm dying. Get me home,
before I snap you like twigs!
- Here's the plan. I'm gonna
throw them across the ravine.
- Actually,
there's an easier way--
- Wrong.
I'm going to build an intricate
system of pulleys and vines
to transport them across in
a tastefully appointed basket.
- Guys--
- That'll take forever.
I'm throwing them.
- Grug, they were
wounded in battle,
- not turned into coconuts.
- Ah, that's too bad
'cause I can throw a coconut
way farther than a person.
- Guys! It's a teamworktrial!
So, maybe we should
work togetheras a team
and carry them
across on that log!
- Too easy.
- There's one thing
we can agree on.
- I-I don't agree!
- This may be a lost cause.
- It was a lost cause
before we started!
- I can't believe they didn't let
us into the Thunder Sisters.
- I can!
We failed every one
of their team trials.
There's literally
no reason to let us in.
- Well, I'm not
gonna let teamwork
stop me from being
a Thunder Sister.
- There has to be a way.
- There is.
We somehow show them
that we canwork together.
- Yes! And I know
precisely how to do that.
By teaming up to defeat
the greatest threat
the Thunder Sisters
have ever faced.
A ramaconda.
- A ramaconda?
Those things are ferocious
and nearly unstoppable!
I saw one eat a volcano once!
- Yeah. I mean, I-I wanna
be in the Thunder Sisters,
but not if I have to die.
- You're not going to die
because we're not fighting
a ramaconda.
- But you just said
we werefighting a ramaconda.
- Exactly.
- I hate it when he does that.
- Great form, sisters!
Looking good. Hope,
can I get you anything?
Water? Snack? Hot towel?
- I'm good.
- No, you're great.
- Dawn?
- Nice attack growl.
Now, who needs a spritz?
- I hope they're okay. Grug
doesn't handle rejection well.
I was really pulling for them,
but, in hindsight,
Dad, Guy, and Phil together
isa recipe for disaster.
- Wolfspiders?
They came back for seconds?
- Nah, that's not wolfspiders.
- Are you
gonna tell us what it is?
- Practice is over, sisters.
It's game time.
- Guess not!
- Uh, okay. Uh, I-I'll be right
behind you with some snacks
that will hopefully
take a while to make,
so I'll miss whatever's
making that sound.
- What is that?
I think it's supposed
to be a ramaconda
Did someone say ramaconda?
Don't worry, Thunder Sisters!
The Thunder Misters
will handle this!
Meet Fist Puncher! Pow!
- Intellectricity!
- And Guyphoon!
- Guy, why are you
making that noise?
- It's the wind!
Like a typhoon?
Because I'm Guyphoon?
- I thought a typhoon
was like a tidal wave.
- No,
you're thinking of a tsunami.
- The Thunder Misters?
- Yes!
We're a team, and
we're going to save the farm.
- So, your faces
What's happening?
Tell me the story.
- What do you mean?
It's face paint.
Just like you guys have.
Stan loves it.
Gary, not so much.
- Please! Do not get him
started on Stan and Gary.
- But,
my quads are burning.
When can we get
out of these poses?
- Right now! Because we're
going to save the farm!
Go, Thunder Misters!
You can beat that ramaconda!
- Dawn, that's not
a real ramaconda.
- I know, but I still
hope they beat it.
- You picked the wrong farm
to attack, ramaconda!
Punch! Ah!
Because you're facing
the Thunder Misters!
And the Thunder Misters
always work together!
How we doing?
You think they're buying it?
They're speechless with awe,
but go easy on the punches
or our ramaconda will crumble.
You keep at it, while
I prepare for the grand finale.
- Oh! I bet you didn't
seethat coming.
Because I am
covering your eyes,
which are real!
You're nailing it,
Belt and Sash.
Get ready for the big finish.
And you definitely won't
see the finishing blow
coming from Intelli
Intellec Intellli
- Phil!
That's right!
Because you're facing
the combined might
of the Thunder Misters!
And the punishing ballista of
That's how you say it.
Behold! I have slain
the great and slithering menace!
- You mean we
because we're a team that
does everything together!
- Isn't that right, Guyphoon?
- That's right!
And it's why we would make
great additions
to any other team,
should they invite us
to join them.
- Indeed!
We're open to all offers,
and now the mortally wounded
ramaconda will breathe fire
with its last breath.
I said it will breathe fire!
- Eh, close enough.
The ramaconda is no more!
- Thanks to the teamwork
of the Thunder Misters!
- You're welcome!
- Yes! That was awesome!
Great show!
- Great job.
You really pulled together
to beat that shamaconda.
- There's just one problem.
Your fake ramaconda attracted
a real ramaconda to the farm!
- That wasn't deliberate,
but it is a testament to
the craftsmanship of our--
- Thunder Sisters! Attack!
- Uh, Thunder Misters!
A-also attack!
- Okay. Eep and Dawn,
hit the head.
Hope and Ugga, body blows.
Sandy, take out the tail.
- Okay, Eep. Boost me.
Dawn one, ramaconda ouch.
Did someone say ouch?
Because I'mbringing the pain!
The ballista pain. Ah!
My beloved ballista!
- Okay, if you create
a diversion, I can sneak around
- and attack from the rear.
Got it?
- Got it.
- Grug! What are you doing?
You're supposed to distract it!
- Yeah, I wasn't listening
to anything you just said.
- I got the tail!
Clearly, you don't! But maybe,
we could grab it
together if we-- Ah!
- Alright.
Standard tail tackle, Sandy.
You lock on,
and I'll keep it guessing.
Woo! Yeah!
- Thanks, Thunk! Ah!
- Hang on!
- We're going for a ride.
- I wanna get off!
I wanna get back on!
- Got your back, Hope.
- And your back's all mine, Dawn.
- And the front of this
big-and-ugly is all mine!
Thunder uppercut!
- It's a symphony
of righteous violence.
- Because they're cooperating.
As a team.
- Hey, we should try doing that.
What can we do to help?
- Yes. It would appear that
we bear some responsibility
- for this debacle.
- Nothing gets by you, does it?
Fine. What's your plan?
- Uh punch it?
- Eh. What's your real plan?
I could build a giant cage!
It'll just take
a few thousand sticks
and three to four days.
- That's even worse!
- Here's an idea.
We lured that ramaconda
tothe farm
with our fake ramaconda.
That means we can lure it
awayfrom the farm.
- That's more like it. But,
can you pull it off as a team?
- Of course we can.
- Maybe?
- I sincerely doubt it.
Why did we
think we could do this?!
- I didn't! You two did!
- You're right!
We're all to blame,
and it's too late
to turn back now!
- Get ready to jump, Guy!
- Uh, yeah!
I've been ready
since we started!
Woo! Well, how about that?
We did it!
- Or I did it, for all of us.
- You?
I pushed. And I had you do
the most dangerous stuff.
- All because I lead the way.
Without my heroic brilliance,
you'd both be ramaconda snacks.
Time to go!
You asked
to become Thunder Sisters,
and you proved you could
work together as a team.
- So, my decision is--
- Wait!
The thing is we can
work together as a team,
- but we hatedit.
- It was insufferable.
- Yeah. We are nota good fit.
- So, I guess what I'm saying is
if being Thunder Sisters
means working together
no thanks.
Works for me.
Come on, Sisters!
It's feast time again!
- Wait, out of curiosity,
what was your decision
going to be?
Good question! Yah!
- Well, that's gonna haunt me
for the foreseeable future.
- Come on, guys.
Let's go wash this paint off.
- Yeah, I think
I'm gonna do that alone.
- Yes.
I believe it's best if we
part ways as soon as possible.
It's nothing personal.
I just can't take another
moment with either of you.
- I couldn't agree more.
- Me, too.
Look at us.
We're finally on the same page.
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