The Following s03e01 Episode Script

New Blood

Joe: Did you know that up to 300 serial killers are active on any given day? I like to think of them as my friends.
Woman on TV: Serial killer Joe Carroll's life came to an end early this morning.
Is it true? Resurrection! Joe Carroll lives.
Aah! Mendez: This new cult Drive, dear.
Yes, mother.
They will kill you.
Max: You have a family--me.
Ryan: If something happened to you, that would end me.
Mike: Joe faked his death, started again.
How does Lily Gray fit into all this? She's the female version of Joe.
Lily: You take from me, I take from you.
That's my dad's house.
Ryan: Mike! Don't do this.
They're all gonna pay.
Luke: You've become the man you hate.
Joe: Do it! Arrest him.
Ryan: After all this is over, you and me, we're gonna go have a life.
Ryan: Kiss her! [Applause.]
Yeah! ["Wedding March" playing.]
Gina looks so beautiful.
I mean, I usually hate weddings, but this one is-- No.
It's special.
Two o'clock.
There's a hottie by the bar, and she's checking you out.
Come on.
- Really? - Definitely.
Here goes nothing.
So friend of the bride or friend of the other bride? How long did you work on that line? Not good enough? It was a little underwhelming, to be honest.
Wow! This is not at all how I expected this this to go.
You want to try again? How about this? Better? Yeah.
That works.
Wow! You're beautiful.
[King Floyd's "Hard to Handle" playing.]
- Mmm.
- What? I love this song.
I don't dance.
- Yes, you do.
- Gwen, I don't.
You've been holding out on me.
- I don't.
- I know it.
King Floyd: A man on the scene I can give you what you want if you come go home with me I got some good old lovin' and I got more in store when I get through throwing it on you you got to come back for more boys will come a dime by the dozen that ain't nothing but 10-cent loving pretty little thing, let me light your candle 'cause, mama, I'm sure hard to handle now you know, hey yeah Otis Redding: They are lonely lonely and feeling blue these arms of mine Ryan: Hey come here.
Mike! Ryan: Hey.
Mike: Hey.
I didn't know if you were gonna make it.
I almost didn't I came right from the airport.
This is Gwen.
Mike, Gwen.
He talks about you all the time.
You're responsible for the big grin on this guy's face.
Max: Mike.
You look great.
Uh, this is-- this is Tom Reyes.
Mike Weston.
You're just back from the field? Yeah.
Uh, Tom works for our hostage rescue team in New York.
" So it's true.
You joined the bureau.
I've got about a month on the job.
You look thirsty.
Do you want a drink? - Yeah, yeah.
Let's go.
- Come on.
Lead the way.
Man: Up and down the highway - Hey.
- Ooh.
Oh, yeah.
That was definitely my fault.
Look at her.
She's been through hell.
She deserves a little joy, huh? Yeah.
I think we all deserve some peace.
Amen to that.
I know I'll feel a whole lot better when they finally put Joe Carroll out of his misery.
Less than a month, man.
Well, here's to all the questions and second guessing dying along with him.
Man: It would appear that the FBI allowed Mr.
Hardy to conduct his own lawless reign of terror to find Joe Carroll.
That couldn't be further from the truth, congressman.
You have anything you'd like add, Agent Hardy? Nope.
Well, while we're appreciative of the work you've done in apprehending Joe Carroll, I don't think we can in good conscience simply ignore your methods and the many lives lost.
That said, at this time, our investigation has found no substantive evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
[Bangs gavel.]
[Rock music playing.]
Sorry I can't stay late.
I have the early shift in the ER tomorrow.
Stay at my place.
It's close to the hospital.
Again? Yeah.
Why not? So you're saying you like having me around? Uh, yeah.
I think you know that.
Because my lease is up at the end of the month.
Oh! I see what you did there.
You said we'd talk about it.
And we will, but right now, cake! Must have cake.
Ryan, you coward.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to frighten you.
It's ok.
Was that Ryan Hardy you were talking to? Yeah.
Do you know him? Just from the news.
I should really get back inside.
He's the guy who caught Joe Carroll, right? Yeah, that's right.
People are calling him a hero.
The toasts are starting.
Excuse me.
Clarke: Make a toast.
Go ahead, Ryan.
Whenever you're ready.
Just fire away.
When you meet the right girl, you just know.
And may--maybe you're not even looking, and then suddenly, there she is, and she's such a perfect fit, you can't deny it, and you got to-- you got to give her a place in your heart, a place that you didn't even think existed anymore, and then everything changes, and where there was hurt, there's comfort.
Where there was dark, there's light.
If you find that kind of love, you got to hang on, man.
Clarke: Amen to that.
You don't let go.
You don't let go.
Liar! [People screaming.]
You killed my daughter! She was at the Korban compound! You shot her in cold blood! She did not deserve that! She was 19.
Man: Sir.
Sherry--Sherry was such a beautiful girl.
She just lost her way.
You're a murderer.
You and Joe Carroll should be sharing a cell on death row.
Let him go.
Clarke: Are you sure? It's all right.
Let him go.
Sleep ok? Yeah.
You? Your FBI buddies sure know how to throw a wedding.
I got to say I didn't see that coming.
Ryan, that man's grief was heartbreaking, but you can't blame yourself for his daughter's death.
You were doing your job.
I know.
How many more people would Joe Carroll have killed if you hadn't stopped him? But so many lost their lives, you know, and it's easy to see them as just an extension of Joe, but I don't even recognize that name--Sherry.
The more I really think about it, there's only a handful of names that I do remember.
Joe Carroll turned those people into killers.
But their lives, their families should still matter.
And they do.
Then why don't I remember their names? Hopkins, track down a file for me, will you? Deceased Korban member named Sherry, last name unknown.
I'll see what I can find.
All right.
How's Dawn holding up? Wasn't how we dreamed our wedding reception would end, but she's hanging in there.
Make it up to her on your honeymoon? Which I had to postpone till after Joe Carroll's execution.
So she's just loving being married to the FBI.
Pretty much.
Mike: For the past 9 months, I've been following up on rumors of Mark Gray sightings in Europe and South America.
I do believe I've isolated and frozen most of the considerable Gray fortune.
I feel confident that following through with this protocol will eventually force Gray into the open.
Thank you, Agent Weston.
Carroll's execution's set for the end of this month.
We all need to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity.
We believe we've eliminated his network of followers, but as you all know, we could never be absolutely sure.
Carroll himself is not a threat.
Since his recapture, he's been under 24-hour lockdown in an undisclosed federal facility.
Max: I've been monitoring the web.
There's a lot of chatter but no confirmed threats to public safety.
Stay on that.
I need you all to be vigilant.
A new threat could expose itself at any moment.
[Jazz playing.]
I'm Natalie, and, uh, that's my husband Kenny.
It's our second wedding anniversary.
The first year's the hardest.
Tell me about it.
Anyway, my husband thinks you're stunning.
That's sweet.
So would it be wrong if I asked if you were working? I'd be happy to make your anniversary something to remember just so long as you know couples cost a little bit more.
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on, Kenny.
This has to be fun for both of you.
No, no, no.
Stay where you are.
Enjoy the anticipation.
Make it nice and tight.
What the hell was that? [Thumping continues.]
Natalie: Kenny, I-I think it's coming from the closet.
No, no, no! Unh! [Door unlocks.]
You started without me, Daisy? Don't pout, Kyle.
I was just getting my engine started.
You know the best is yet to come.
They were on their second wedding anniversary.
Oh, sweet.
What do I call you? Natalie.
And what's my name? Kenny, and you're kind of aggro.
It's good to have you back, Mike.
Doesn't seem like I've been missed around here.
Well, you have.
I've missed you.
Gwen-- she seems great.
How long have you two been together? About 6 months.
Honestly, I haven't felt like this in a really long time.
And Joe? You been to see him? Nope.
I've moved on.
You will, too, as soon as we catch Mark.
Who knows? Maybe you'll take my job.
What, are you leaving us? When it's time.
Max: Don't go.
I have to go.
No, you don't.
We've talked about this.
Mark is still out there.
And every law enforcement agency in the world is hunting him.
That doesn't matter.
Catching him is my job.
You mean killing him.
If that's what it takes.
Like Lily.
I know I put you in a bad position.
A bad position? Mike, I covered up an execution.
They murdered my father in front of me.
I have no problem putting her down the way I did.
If you do, I'm sorry.
Mike, please.
Stay here with me.
I can't.
I'll call you when I land.
We should catch up sometime.
When things calm down around here.
Agent Hardy.
Sherry, last name Miller.
She died of a through-and-through gunshot wound to the neck during the raid on Korban.
No way to know who shot her.
Clarke: What are you doing, Ryan? Guy from the wedding.
It's his daughter.
She was one of Joe Carroll's followers, right? Yeah.
We put all of that stuff behind us.
Just let it go.
[Knock on door.]
I'm Ryan Hardy.
Yeah, I know who you are.
Sorry to bother you.
I was hoping I could talk to you about your daughter.
I just needed to say I'm sorry about what happened to Sherry.
No parent should have to bury a child.
I loved my daughter, but she was a troubled girl.
I don't blame you for what happened.
Is your husband here? I was hoping I could talk to him, too.
Can I help you? You're Sherry's father? Yes.
[Knock on door.]
You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago.
Knowing you two, I know what was going on in here 20 minutes ago.
I'd say right on time.
This is all wrong.
We have to make this perfect, or he'll kill us all.
Gina: Looks like the crazy is starting.
Natalie: No! Kenny: Unh! Mendez: They were killed this afternoon.
Man at wedding: Liar! Mike: Ryan.
They've told lies! Ryan? Ryan, voice-over: Why don't I remember their names? Mike: Ryan.
[Radio chatter.]
Get an I.
on our victims? Mendez: Kenny and Natalie Brooks, in town from Greenwich.
Bartender says he saw them talking to a prostitute at the bar, but all he remembers is that she was a brunette.
You think this was Joe's people? Uh, there's no mention of Joe here, just me.
This is the second time in 24 hours that I've been called a liar.
We'll, that can't be a coincidence.
Our fake dad from the wedding's got to be tied to us somehow.
Wedding photographer's already pulling photographs.
Hopefully we'll get a match in the system.
Hotel has the room listed as empty, so we think that our hooker used a maid's card key to get in.
The maid's body is in the closet.
Hotel security video? Disabled during the attack.
Our girl knew what she was doing.
She wasn't alone.
Definitely more than one attacker.
Most likely a male based on the strength required to stage this, and they're not done.
How do you know? They got some kind of an agenda or message, and they know that they haven't given us enough yet to figure it out.
Which means the killing is only beginning.
You two have a room, you know? Our love cannot be contained in a room.
Andrew, sweetie, do you have any more of those yogurts? You mean my yogurts.
I've clearly marked my food in the fridge, so if you two could just respect the labels.
Heh heh.
Are you kidding? Not even a little bit.
This little forced marriage between us is going to work much better if we have boundaries.
Whatever, bro.
Has he even come downstairs? Did he ask how it went? No.
He's in one of his moods.
Well, we have a job to do, all right? Let's just get it done, and we can get our lives back.
We're still adjusting to the time difference.
There is no time difference between here and Ohio.
Just give me a minute.
I'll rally.
You know what? Forget it.
I'll do this one myself.
We'll meet you later.
Maybe I should go with him? He's fine.
That guy is one seriously twisted individual.
She was, uh she was so beautiful.
I can't believe that she's really gone.
I can't believe I'll never get to hold her again or [Crying.]
I miss my little girl so much.
Your daughter sounds like she was really special.
I lost my sister a few weeks ago.
I'm so sorry.
Uh, how about I buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk about it? I got to say this guy's pain felt so real.
It's hard to believe he was faking it.
My guess is he probably gets some kind of perverse pleasure from it, grew up unable to access any kind of real emotion, so he started mimicking it, found out he had a true talent.
Now he's Laurence Olivier.
Hopkins: Ryan, security called.
Gwen's downstairs.
Be right back.
Figured you could use a decent cup of coffee.
I got cake pops, too.
Oh, wow.
You're really sweet.
This is really not a good day for this.
I understand.
Are you--you ok? Yeah, just busy.
Honestly, it looks like it's gonna be very busy for a while, so there's a pretty good chance that you're not gonna see that much of me if at all.
What are you doing? What? What do you mean? If feels like you're pushing me away.
No, I'm not.
It's happening again, isn't it? Is it Joe? No.
I--I--I, uh, I think it's something else, but there is a real possibility that it's gonna take over my life for a while, and I just-- I want to protect you from this stuff.
We've got something really special, Ryan.
I know you feel it, too.
Don't be so quick to throw us away.
Mike: Ryan, we got a hit on our grieving father.
Andrew Jacobs.
His driver's license was issued 10 months ago.
Before that, he didn't exist.
Address in Greenpoint.
It's ok.
I'll call you.
Thanks for the coffee.
Mike: Warm and inviting it's not.
Max: Don't tell me you got soft overseas.
Not a chance.
Wait, wait.
_ First, you're the liar, now me.
Why does this feel so familiar? Because it is.
You lived this moment, you both did.
It's a tableau of Max shooting Luke.
You're right.
I was standing in the doorway.
Mike, you were on the ground there.
Luke was about to kill you, and I fired.
Mark is behind this.
[The Shangri-Las' "It's Easier to Cry" playing.]
They say forget about him you're better off without him I used goat cheese this time.
Saw it on "Martha.
" Supposed to really elevate the dish.
Guy-yyy but I love him so I can't forget Just be honest with me, ok? I can take it.
No, no it's easier to cry easier to cry ahh, ahh ahh, ahh Well? Hmm.
Can't forget him no, no [As Luke.]
It's delish, little bro.
Martha's got nothing on you.
Cry easier to cry Thanks.
Well, there's plenty more, so eat up.
Ryan: Ok, ok, everybody.
Listen up.
Our boy Mark is punishing us for killing his family last year.
These murder scenes are re-creations of their deaths.
That's Max there with the gun when she killed Luke, Agent Weston on his knees, and that's me right after I killed Giselle, Mark's adopted sister.
Mike: The scenes that Luke and Mark staged last year were more rudimentary.
They used whatever was at hand to pose the bodies.
This is much more sophisticated.
Which means that Mark has his own followers now.
[Mark mumbling.]
We're getting ready to go do the next one.
You said you wanted to come.
I can't.
You sure? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Go ahead without me.
No problem.
[As Luke.]
What do you mean can't? Hey.
This is our revenge! You have to go! [As Mark.]
You don't understand.
It's too painful.
[As Luke.]
Painful? Try being shot in the friggin' head! [As Mark.]
I know.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
[As Luke.]
Well, don't be sorry, little bro.
Be angry.
They killed us, and they covered it up.
We've got to make them pay.
We have alerts out on Mark across the city.
Why is he writing you've lied at every scene? - Lied about what? - I don't know.
Ryan, I'm not buying-- He's delusional, Gina.
Him and his brother were psychotically close.
I can't imagine what losing Luke has done to his fractured mind.
But I do know who his next target's gonna look like-- Lily Gray.
Kyle: I don't get it.
Why would he sit this one out? I'd unleash hell on earth if you got killed.
I guess Mark's just a little more sensitive than you.
Why am I letting you guys have all the fun? Come on.
Let's go kill some people.
Ryan: Max, got anything? Pull it up.
CCTV camera at the Lincoln Center subway stop took this 20 minutes ago.
He's not dressed like that for fun.
Any catered events in the neighborhood? I mean, it's New York.
There's probably 50.
We got to think like Mark.
He's looking for a doppelganger for his mother.
Where would he go to find her? Hopkins: Got it.
Art fundraiser That's it! Have NYPD meet us there.
Code two, urgent! [Jazz playing, indistinct chatter.]
Luke, what about her? [As Luke.]
Mom was way prettier.
[As Mark.]
You're right.
Hi! Oh, she's perfect.
[Cell phone vibrates.]
We're on.
Excuse me.
Oh! Oh! I'm so sorry.
It's ok.
Um, I-I just need a bathroom.
There's a big line for the one up here, but the one downstairs is empty.
Let me show you.
You think Mark's gonna be here? It's his mother.
He won't leave this tableau to his followers.
Ryan: Ok.
Fan out.
FBI! Don't panic! Aah! Ugh! Agh! You ok? I'm good.
Where's Mark?! Sorry.
You're too late.
Woman, muffled: Let me out! Let me out, let me out! [Screaming, pounding on trunk.]
Let me out of here! [As Luke.]
Why you just sitting there? Come on.
Get out of the car.
Come on! Let me out! [As Mark.]
I don't think I can do this, Luke.
[As Luke.]
Well, you have to.
You have to kill her and finish what we started.
Will you shut up! [Woman stops shouting.]
Nobody's talking to you.
[As Mark.]
Will you come with me? [As Luke.]
Of course.
I'm always with you.
[As Mark.]
I know.
Please! Please! Don't do this.
No! Mom! Mom, I'm sorry.
Get up.
No, no, no.
Don't go.
Don't go.
Don't go.
Please don't go.
Don't leave me.
Please don't leave me.
I've been so lonely without you.
Mom, I'm sorry.
Please don't leave me.
Come back.
Knock it off.
Eh, you're no fun.
When's the last time you had a good cry? It can be incredibly cathartic.
Yeah, but it's gonna make you all the wrong kinds of friends in prison.
You know, you should have seen your face when I called you a murderer.
I mean, you were shocked, but there was a part of you that welcomed it because you know it's true.
Where's Mark Gray? Oh.
Such a sad story.
His whole family was killed by you and your friends.
What do you care, huh? What's Mark to you? Thank you for coming.
I didn't know who else to call.
I'm a sucker for a good revenge tale, but this-- heh heh heh-- this is gonna be so much more.
You have no idea what's coming.
So this moment may be new to you, but I've sat in this chair, and I've had this very conversation, and the guy I had it with is on death row, and I'm still here.
So you can spare me the scary proclamations.
Do you have the time? Got someplace you got to be? No, but you do.
Ben Howard: Go your way I'll take the long way round oh, I'll find my own way down oh, as I should hold your gates as croak in the midas touch a joke in the way that we rust Hey.
Stop it.
We have to go home, ok? The FBI got Andrew.
How long before they get us? Calm down, Daisy.
If we leave here before we finish, what do you think's gonna happen? Everything we have will be gone.
We'll spend the rest of our short lives on the run.
He'll make sure of it.
Mark has no idea what's really going on.
And we need to make sure it stays that way.
And you'll find loss and you'll fear what you found when weather comes, tear him down there will be oats in the water there will be birds on the ground there will be things you never asked her oh, they tear at you now and hold your gates as croak in the midas touch a joke in the way that we rust and breathe again [Doorbell buzzing.]
And you'll find loss and you'll fear what you found when weather comes, tear him down there will be oats in the water I'm so glad you called me.
Me, too.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have pressured you earlier.
You were right.
I was pushing you away.
It's my pattern, and, uh, I don't want to do it anymore.
I need you.
I need you, too.
[Song continues.]
Today was hard.
You really helped me get through it.
[As Luke.]
You did great.
I'm proud of you.
[As Mark.]
Tomorrow will be easier.
[As Luke.]
Are you kidding me? Tomorrow will be awesome because tomorrow one of them dies.
[As Mark.]
[Cutting food.]

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