The Legacy (2014) s03e01 Episode Script

Afsnit 1

I would just like to have the farm up and running.
Yes. Then this here. You bring the tray down here.
The fish is fantastic. You are damn clever.
It's nice when we are all here. It feels like home.
-What have you told him?
-That we two must be separated.
and that they are going to stay with me.
He will neither let us examine or treat him
and it is risky in his condition.
We will all look after her, Thomas.
What about the Tinderbox? You forgot the tinderbox, sweetheart.
Will you help me find it?
Try looking on the table next to my bed.
Is it there?
Nice done.
You called Grønnegården. Leave a message.
Hi, Emil. It is me. You will never guess where I am.
I'm on my way home. You must not say anything to the others.
It should be a surprise. I miss you guys. See you soon, bye.
-It is here somewhere. Are you with me?
-Yes, Yes.
-Have the technicians been here?
-Everything's cool.
So much press is coming.
It is a young person's space. That's it.
Hi, Emil. It is me. You can never guess where I am.
I'm on my way home. You must not say anything to the others.
-I miss you. See you soon, bye.
Hold it longer, so there are more bubbles.
It is bold.
-You are wet.
-You found it.
-Yes. It should be keep you warm.
Minus 18. Perfect.
-Have you spoken to Frederik recently?
So you have not invited him to the exhibition?
-The two of us should not be in the same room.
-Emil, sorry to bother you, can you help me pull this out here?
-I want it down here.
See, the last one was good.
-How long until it dries?
-Ten minutes.
-Almost ready?
-Yes, slowly.
-it must stay in place.
-How cool does this look, man.
I'm on my way, Signe.
Coming now
-How is she?
-The placenta has not come yet.
It is stuck.
Get some gloves on.
So. Well, little buddy.
Are you ready?
So. Let's take it easy.
-Gently. Can you feel it?
-Grab it.
-No, it slipped
Grab the hind legs.
Take it easy.
I'll count to three.
One, two three and then pull.
Pull, pull. Come on. Come on.
Yes, like that.
Like that.
So, little friend.
No, it's alright. Well done.
No, I'm tired.
We were just about to lose it.
So you can put it on.
What's up with Signe?
She was just a little bit shook up.
Oh. All is good, it didn't die.
We have just been notified that we probably can't have children.
And in fact, we have not talked about it.
I've not yet had a chance to talk about it myself.
I'm ready again.
-Should it be a small one?
Thanks. What a morning, hey?
Cheers. Thanks. Well done.
Is it mine?
Aksel says that can not have children.
-That's what the doctors say.
-Not without help, at least.
It's all the damn poison!
When will they stop? They end up eradicating everything.
No one knows why we can't get pregnant.
No. Nor is there any who knows -
- why millions of eggs die in spawning areas -
- or why children are born with small brains.
Karin? Karin?
That is the reality.
Yes. I slip.
That's the way it is.
- Hello. What is going on?
-But it is true.
Well dammit! Thank you, dammit.
-So you told Karin.
-She was out of line.
We should not talk about it if she is around.
But she is always around. I live here.
-Fuck! The documents for the presentation.
Hi. Sorry. Okay?
-It's fine. She's just out of control.
-She is completely crazy.
-But she has the right.
Hi. You are razor sharp.
It's going to go well. And we will see each other later.
They should just say yes.
-See you. -Good luck.
You don't to take these to Hannah?
-Very important, she said.
-Yep, see you later.
They haven't gotten any. Can you give them some?
Signe is here.
So Melody? Are you feeding the chickens?
-Are they here?
-They are getting ready?
I'll go straight over and say goodbye. You finish feeding them?
Hannah? Hi.
I just want to say good luck. I'm sorry that I can't come.
It is from Aksel. I'll come to all of your future exhibitions.
-Ready to go?
-I hope so.
-See you tonight?
-Yes, we will.
-See you. -Drive carefully.
-Could you not get the meeting cancelled?
-No. It has been agreed on for a long time.
-Something was delivered for me?
-Yes. it is inside.
-You've made the drainpipe.
-Yes. I have also cleaned the gutters.
It is so awesome that you go and take care of so much.
It is good.. I'm just glad I am able to help.
-Oh yeah.
Yes, we made it again. It is bold, no?
It is insanely easy to take down, if we need to.
-It's Thomas' mountain?
-It is his troll mountain.
Melody still believes that Thomas moved to be with the trolls -
-When he went into the ground.
Emil, bloody hell.
It's damn important not just to say her father is away.
She has a story.
Yes, yes.
You are sure you don't want me to take Melody tonight?
It is fine. She has been looking forward to Hannah's Party-
-and to see Gro.
We had little pigs arrive this morning.
She can see them on Tuesday? You are taking her still, right?
-What are they?
-It's Thomas' gongs.
Hannah is using them tonight. I promised to bring them.
See you. Have a good show.
Did you have them at your place?
Lone? You cannot go on taking his things.
The caravan could collapse at any minute. It is so damp and rusty.
I just painted it in summer. It is in tiptop condition.
-I just borrowed them, Okay?
Put it out in the car. We'll go in a bit.
So. This is the last. Delicious.
Yes, it's good, no?
Sweetheart, this is the beef tartare-
and roast pork sandwich.
I think I'm about ready to start up with pigs now.
Oh. So it is not going well with the hemp?
I'm keeping some hemp.
The price of organic pigs is absolutely wild right now.
Is it not an enormous amount of work to keep animals?
If I get up on 40 pigs, it will give me more return than hemp.
It doesn't matter what I say.
No, it would be nice if you said, "no, you are so tough."
You are so tough and brave.
-Where are you idiot.
Hi, Lise. I just need to say that we will have one less tonight.
-Okay. -Will it be good?
-It is always good.
-What do we have?
We must beef tartare, your favorite.
If anything happens to John, you have to move into my home.
-Thanks for the offer.
-So you noticed how he ignored me?
-No, sweetie. Stop it .
Why is he mad after so many years.
He has had it in for me, since I gave up the lease.
But today i am insanely prepared.
And I have made a detailed plan.
-Can I test it out on you beforehand?
Hi. There were roadworks.
-It took such a long time.
-Now just enjoy.
We must check whether there is a connection to the camera.
-Well, there's Solveig.
-Aren't you early?
-Can I get to show you something?
-We are crazy busy.
-It'll only take two minutes.
-Okay. Then we do it afterwards.
-See you when it starts.
-Will do, Darling. I am very proud.
-They are busy.
Fine. I just wanted to show her something.
-You can then show me.
-Sure. It's this way.
I'm so glad that Hannah and I have started to see each other again.
And so we are talking a lot about nature and about the arts.
She is very critical of my lifestyle.
I get so consumed with my work at the bank.
But she has the right. I can do more.
-So, I have an Electric car.
-Electric car?
Yes, that's right.
So bold. When you need to drive far, how does it work?
It's fine. There are chargers in most places.
I have a quick charger in the boot.
Well I never.
I am so happy for all that you have done for Hannah.
That you have taken her here.
It means a great deal.
It's a huge pleasure. She is simply so talented.
It will be so exciting. I'm about to die.
You want to go in and wait?
No, I might go and window-shop for a bit, before I pick up Irwin and Klaus.
Good for you. See you later.
-Can we not
-Yes, have them out?
-So they hang a little more loosely.
-How does that look.
-Okay. Just came back.
Stop. I think that does it.
-We should not just try to turn on?
Solveig has gone window-shopping.
Okay. How long until they come?
Can you remember what Veronika always said before an exhibition?
If an exhibition is finished, then bury the works.
But she also worked around the clock to get everything done.
And drank three bottles of wine a day to cope with the nerves.
She would be so proud.
-I am proud.
-Thank you.
-Hannah, can you give me a hand?
We must see if she is down here? Hello? Is there anyone home?
-Hi, come here?
-Yes, we miss you.
-We need to party?
-Go in and draw?
-You know where the pencils are.
-Ready? -They are nervous on down there.
All ready.
Can you help me with this?
-What is it?
-I think Frederick is coming.
Why do you think that?
Hi, Emil. It is me. You will never guess where I am.
I think he sounds happy.
-Tell him he can't come.
-I can't.
Hannah has slaved to get here. Solveig is coming with Klaus.
-I can't have his drama here.
-There will be no drama.
It is a year ago since he smashed a greenhouse, no-one was hurt.
We can do dinner tomorrow?
He wants to see Hannah's exhibition.
-Shennen has come. He is down there.
You see, I told you he would, completely blinding out. Hold up, what now? Fantastic.
-Hi. -New tie. Nice.
-Let's do it. -Yes. Let's do it.
Gro. You must call him.
It is you who have a problem with the fact that he is coming, so you must call.
I'm at work.
Here we go. There is no turning back.
-Is the back door open? -Yes, they can get in.
Ready? I am very pleased.
Now remember that it is their reactions, we go after.
Hi, Irwin.
-Hi, Klaus.
-How you going?
Exciting, what?
It's not much, you've heard about what needs to be done.
It looks so fine.
Hi, Melody. You have come to the party?
Can you just keep an eye on her for a second?
Frederik, call me back when you get this. It is important. Bye.
Gro? Gro? Came here.
I can not get hold of him. He's not picking up.
Maybe it will be cozy.
This evening isn't about him. It is about Hannah.
Stop him when he comes.
Should I stop him? Should I put him in chains?
-We can have dinner tomorrow.
-It is not why he's come.
-Hi, Lone.
-Gro, you look great
It is what is expected.
-Hi, brother.
So what?
-See what I have for you. -
You can give them to me later?
-Ready to get everyone?
-It is nice.
Welcome, gather round.
Thank you, for coming.
Also welcome to our friends from the Arctic Nordic Fund.
Today we have customers from New York, so I keep my speech in English.
-Hi, brother.
-You look great.
-You look great.
-So do you.
So what?
Frederik, Gro doesn't think it is a good idea you being here today.
She would rather have have dinner together tomorrow.
I'm flying out tomorrow. I have been pushing my meetings back in order to be here today.
It's just Solveig and Klaus is here.
I want to prove to my children that I can be here.
I miss you guys. I miss you and Gro.
We miss you too, damn.
You must write what you think. Just a second.
Well, this is a surprise.
When one is not invited, you have to just show up.
-It is no good idea that you are here.
-Now he's here, so let's enjoy ourselves.
-You are getting so stupid.
-Yes, but so
I can not get away today.
-It is good to see you.
-Same to you. It is great. Congratulations.
-I'd better
-Yes, of course. We can speak later.
-It's cool, not?
-Yes. Now I have not
-It is Solveig. -Can we just talk together?
What are you doing here?
Can we not good try to make peace, Solveig?
You know I can't throw you out.
I miss my family. That's why I come.
-Hi, Klaus. -Hello, Frederick.
-Your married?
-Well congratulations.
-Thank you.
I did not know.
Yes. Congratulations. I better go back in.
You thought it was a robot?
Hello, boy. It's been too long.
You well?
Going well with handball?
-Just fine.
-You look great.
Hi, Melody. Hi. So.
It's been a long time ago, no?
I went to Greenland. It's very nice.
Well, Solveig and Klaus are married.
You know.
Yes, I knew it.
I was also at the wedding.
I am sorry that I didn't tell you.
-Who else was with?
-Mostly Klaus' friends and family.
And so Gro and Signe and me.
-Signe went?
She wanted to, to be there for Irwin and Hannah.
Is this the reason, I have no idea what is going on in the family?
Now hold up, dammit. You could, of course, but you didn't.
Malik? Try just to see.
They must also learn a hell of it down here.
Try just to see. It is my nephew who has created it.
I must just find Malik. Malik, where are you at?
Malik, dammit! Where are you good. Get a drink more to your brother.
The House, I do not have beat me to death.
Was it something with table plans and speeches and songs?
Meanwhile I virtual;y wading across the ice cap
Do you know what? You should be proud of your family.
Couldn't you just try just to quieten down a bit?
-If you just dampen you a bit.
-What does he do?
-Malik, keep it there.
With the Arctic Fox's face woven on the chest.
-It's so damn awesome.
It is such a little haiku-like, no?
So I will talk about the two farms, where the vegetables come from.
Signe? It may not be true-
-that ordinary families cannot afford to eat here.
My financial plan ensures that the prices are not going to increase.
-Where should the money come from?
-It is at the back.
We have spent more than half an hour, and we have another five points.
It tastes really good. It is better than what we usually get.
-People can't afford to buy it.
Signe has brought two sponsors who believe in ecology.
So I think we should consider very carefully-
-whether it is now, we want to change the main sponsors-
-When we need to buy new players.
-We still have the same money.
-We have not.
Our sponsors are local farmers or people who make a living from agriculture.
We send a signal that what they produce is not good enough.
-This is probably not what we say.
-Miki, Andersen, they jump.
We cannot be sure, if we have explained them
It is people who work hard the ass out of their pants every day-
-for not going from house to house.
Now we read the papers, and then progresses through Signe we put to the vote.
I cannot be a part of it here.
To opt-out of those who have helped to build the Hall-
-as our entire economy stops. I cannot let it damn it?!
I can well understand that in being seduced by a Meatball sandwich-
-but it is out of all proportion.
You've got your 25% of the canteen, and it is already far more-
-than purely representative going on out there, so now we'll stop.
Are we in agreement?
Thank you very much.
-There is still your 25%, no?
-Yes, it is nice.
If Jensen had not sat and threatened in that way-
-then it was gone through. I am sure.
It was a vote. You can't be angry that people disagree.
He threatened to withdraw as a sponsor.
He talked as if the whole Hall is starting to disappear.
It takes time to win these kinds of matches.
-I'll probably clean up the last.-thanks.
See you, Darling. Say hi to Aksel. Take care.
-It is reminiscent of Thomas, it's his sound.
-It is his gongs.
Well Yes.
It is really progressive, what ye have gotten up and stand here.
We should just have a hold on it. The Arctic layer is wildly exciting.
We've had a great collaboration, Kim.
-What happens?
-How the hell are they come in?
Who are all the people? They are invited or what?
You can't hear a damn thing of what's going on.
What happened?
This is a private showing, so try to relax.
-Stop it now.
-It is a hell of a show, it's now.
-No, now stop it.
-You people are stuck up.
-I'll talk to him.
-I better try and help?
Hi, what's your name?
It is not so smart that you stand and push through the buttons.
Do you not just want to hear music instead? Okay, put me down.
He needs to fucking stop now!
-Where's Melody?
-I don't know.
Move! Get out of the way!
-What are you doing?
-Get the dog to shut up!
-Release me, dammit!
Drop me!
-Get the dog away now.
We need to get the dogs out, and their owners.
Can you just come with me?
-Are you okay?
-Yes, I'm fine.
Let me have a look? We should find something.
-I just slipped.
-There are some napkins.
It is not over yet. We are only just started.
You should just take it quite calmly.
We'll carry on with the exhibition.
Drop me, says I! Drop me, says I!
Out with the dog!
Out with it.
Get now the dog away.
-Out with you.
-Calm, man.
Out with you, you.
Get the dog away from here. In must be cute to go out of here.
You must leave it there when I say it to you.
What is it, in doing? How can you shoot people while
-The reactions are a part of the work.
-I don't think so, surely?
The dogs attack. It was a dangerous situation.
-We just shows things as they are.
-Can anyone dry up over here?
If we had not invited them, so of course we lied.
-What are you doing here?
-It is, after all, his exhibition.
-He is a part of the group. -It was your friends?
It was my uncle and cousin and then their friends.
You exhibit your family's misfortune as an entertainment show.
You will have to tell me when you do such a thing.
-It is a part of the work.
-It is about safety.
I really hope that you have a good accident insurance.
-Tell us what you have been thinking.
-You have to trust us.
Thank you very much. You have really got her on an even keel.
What have you said to Hannah?
I'll tell her when she is on the wrong track.
At least she has not so busy only taking care of herself.
It's our mess.
You do not understand it?
It is our task to accommodate everything that comes from her.
Whether it is black or destructively. What the hell is this.
Could you not just have kept you away?
Are you okay?
Who is the fool, Hannah running around with?
-He is a poet from southern Greenland.
-Do you know him?
Yes, it is, of course, Hannah's boyfriend.
And you are okay with it?
I am Hannah's uncle. I do not determine who she becomes lovers with.
You are so non-confrontational. You must ask Gro for permission to do anything?
- How did it go?
-They were very positive
There was just one that was against. That Jabbour.
They said yes to make the scheme with 25% permanent.
I'll get them eventually.
It just takes a little more time.
So? It went well today?
You smile.
-I've just talked with Karin.
What did she say?
We should have pigs together.
Okay. How together?
We use my fields, and she puts some capital in.
And what have you done to her? You took the vehicle over there too?
Karin doesn't collaborate with just anybody.
Listen We start with 40 sows -
and during the summer, we can get up to 80.
-What about the hemp?
-I'll wrap it up.
But I can run it the next year, if it goes well with the pigs.
Working with Karin. Will everything run smoothly?
She knows everything and has connections.
She knows all about livestock, organic farming and feed.
Do you think i am crazy?
No, it's just I was thinking we should try for a child.
I can't be thinking about pregnancy and hormones right now.
We can in the future, but not now.
I can't think of anything else at the moment.
Yeah, sure.
Have I bitten off too much? We get pretty busy.
No, I don't travel too much.
We have promised that we will not stop each other in what we want.
Are you sure about this?
Then you should do it.
Get going.
The only thing he is trying, to make you happy.
He's just a klutz.
He can't think of anyone other than himself.
It's not.
Mother does it, it's all about my bad, bad childhood.
It's common, you get stuck in a rut.
Can you do me a favour?
But it is secret. Okay?
We need someone to drive us to the airport.
Do you know where Hannah is?
I think she is at the back door with Emil.
Kim and the backers are very shocked.
Damn you gave me a shock.
But the more I think about it, all I can say is wow!
It was absolutely fantastic.
Of course, you get free rein. So we solve it afterwards.
And I trust you. You should not be in doubt.
-We must celebrate?
-Not today.
Come on now. We must celebrate. You must get out and mingle a bit.
Hello, Darling. Let's go home.
Irwin is playing tomorrow.
-Thanks for coming.
-Thanks, we had to.
-Is your nose alright?
-It's fine. I'm not bleeding any more.
-I'm coming, mum.
-Yes. What's up? Are you going?
Hannah is very talented. Unbelievable, what they have done.
Now the party can start.
23 years old. Will you have some?
-Can we talk
Yes, of course.
So The Board is not happy.
The dog running around and pissing on the floor.
It could have bitten someone.
The people from Greenland Cultural Centre, what do they think?
Everything possible I imagine. But it was good.
-Was it?
-Yes, it was.
It was wild, it was good.
Cheers to an excellent show.
-How was it?
-It was tough.
-I think it was fucking awesome.
-I heard that
-Should we go on a day-trip tomorrow?
-I can't unfortunately.
Why can't you?
We have to go out and research for our next show-
-so we are out of town. I'm sorry that you got hit.
No, don't worry. It does not hurt anymore.
-I'm freezing, mum.
-Get into the car, so we can go.
See you.
-Thank you for tonight, Hannah.
-Thank you for tonight.
Damn you are awesome. It was cool.
You kicked arse from my view. Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Thanks for tonight.
-I'll call, and we can go out.
-Yes, so we can go out.
See you.
It's good for Hannah? A good place to purse her art?
It is in any case, she is passionate about it.
I hope she soon gets tired of the fool.
-She can do better.
When she comes to the University. There must be lots of choices.
-Malik goes to University.
-He must be there by quota.
-No, Frederick.
Thank you very much
Thanks for tonight. I'm so proud of you.
-Thank you very much.
-See you soon.
See you, Hannah. I better get home.
Goodbye. Have you been good today?
They are still in shock. They won't be partying.
I think next time will be quiet.
-I was too harsh on her.
-Let them be themselves, Frederick.
Talk to her tomorrow, yes?
We better go too. It is late. She is dead tired.
-We are going home to sleep.
-Are you bored?
Signe isn't here yet. She could have looked after Melody.
She was going to while at the show. Thanks for tonight.
See you brother.
When I get home again, let's spend a weekend together.
Well I may for Gro.
-Hi. Are you ready?
I'll get the car, okay?
I am concerned that he is isolating himself in that huge house.
He takes care of the Melody, they are so cute together.
It was hard on him about Thailand and when Thomas died.
It was hard on all of us.
But he has to move on.
He just sit there-
- I'll cancel my flight.
Stay for a few days and hang out with him.
That is a good idea.
Glad that's sorted.
-How are you?
-I miss Thomas so much.
He was a real gentleman.
Let's dance.
We must be careful. See you soon.
And sends only encrypted and only through Pitus ' setups.
-See you.
-Yes, we will.
-Safe trip.
-Bye. Take care
-You ready?
Let's go.
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