The Unit s03e01 Episode Script

Pandemonium, Part 1

Previously on The Unit - Mariana.
- I'm sick of this country, and I'm sick of the Agency and you could help me.
you should have shot me when you had the chance.
Let's go! Run! This entire organization is on stand-down, pending on article 32 investigation for massive criminal actions and war crimes by members of this command.
This is good-bye.
It's been a hell of a ride.
These are eyes-only orders.
Why haven't you handed these over, why aren't you cooperating? 'cause they'll send my men to prison for serving their country.
What about our life? Rest of your friends are gonna go to jail.
You understand? You've gotta separate yourself from that.
You're C.
A? We've misplaced someone.
We want you to find him A.
What's his name? Jonas Blane.
It's Agent Kern.
Where are you? As discussed, I'm in Toronto.
Do you have him yet? Do you have Jonas Blane? Everyone at the Agency counts on you.
This is not Kern.
Who is this? How did you get this- Eighteen thousand dollars.
When you said you wanted to buy the plane I thought you were serious.
I am.
But I need something for long hauls.
I'm not sure she can handle it.
Are you kidding? Two weeks ago I flew ger to Panama.
I can show you the flight logs.
You are charged with commanding a group of rogue operators, men who are alleged to have betrayed this country, committed treason.
Sir, I fail to see how my men doing their job makes them rogue operators.
Your men were on an illegal mission - to assassinate a foreign dignitary.
- That mission was assigned.
By whom? Because I'm sure Minister Reale would like to know.
I'm sure his family would like to know, how you carried out his assassination, who assigned you the mission.
My direct superiors.
Congressman, if I may interject- I have no knowledge of this mission.
Colonel Ryan believes that he and his men are above the law.
Two weeks ago, a pair of his men went awol- - Blane is not awol, he's missing - Ryan, what he's doing here is breeding renegades, his whole damn- You sent an alpha team on a prisoner rendition to Malaysia last april.
you recall this mission? No, sir, I surely do not.
This mission never took place.
Those are the specifics right in front of yo- And they've been completely fabricated.
I am and have been a loyal member of the Army.
I have every mission order The Unit has ever received, and I can assure you that my men were not in Malaysia last april.
Do you have this proof available now to the committee? Not at this moment, but I can produce it.
Then you will have 24 hours to do so.
Reale, we'll hear your testimony tomorrow, then.
I'm happy to amend my schedule.
You sent a man to kill me in my home.
Colonel Ryan.
General Heath's in duck-and-cover mode.
Yes, sir.
Tomorrow, Reale will testify that Sergeant Jonas Blane tried to kill him.
As part of a direct order.
If you don't have proof of that mission order, Sergeant Blane's done.
You and your unit are done, too.
Things can't get any worse.
Things can always get worse.
But as long as you're healthy, you can live your life in leisure and let your wife support you.
My wife? Her assignment in London.
I meant to congratulate you and Charlotte.
Charlotte and I have separated.
Really? I'm sorry to hear that.
What assignment? What assignment? Who killed Minister? Damn it, where are you? Communication compromised RUN.
What're you doing down here, Bob? Lookin' for Jonas.
Well, it seems you found him.
Now, what are we gonna do about you? The Unit Team season 3 Enjoy your episode.
Welcome to Panama, Bob.
- Listen - No, you listen.
I know why you're free.
You cut some deal by selling the team down the river to save your own ass? Is that right, young Sergeant? - He had a rifle on you.
- I had a scope on you.
Scope attached to the rifle? Check the bag.
Any binoculars? Nothin'.
Know what they used to do, when they suspect a woman was a witch? What'd they do, top? Tied an anvil to her, threw her in a pond.
And If she sank, she was not guilty.
Put that in your mouth.
Just do it.
You come here to kill me? Spit it out.
- Top, I - No.
You pass.
It's good to see you.
How's Dirt Diver and Hammerhead? In the post stockade.
No word on when they'll be out.
You know Reale's dead? Blew up his car two miles from Capitol hill.
American media's all but buried the story.
Who has that kind of juice? Big oil, big politics, take your pick.
It's connected to why they shut us down.
- We've been trying to work it all out.
- Well, how can I help? We don't have a command, but we still got a mission.
What are these, P.
box addresses? List is from Ryan.
He mailed copies of our mission orders to these addresses.
It's The Unit's only defense now.
Go with Carlito.
Pick up the one in Santiago.
No, no, I'll take it on my own.
Then use him as your back-up.
Price for guessing wrong is high, top.
No, I ain't guessin'.
Ancient Chinese lie detector.
Man's lyin', ain't got any spit, Can't spit out the rice.
Off you go.
You shouldn't have come here.
I need Mariana's address.
You don't have time to play detective.
Take the boat.
Get the hell outta here.
Find some far corner of this Earth and hide in some cave, because the world is about to come crashing down.
Is that your plan? Soon as I wrap up some loose ends, I'm outta here.
One address.
I know you have it.
Don't do this.
You stick your head up, you're committing suicide.
You don't think I know that? She's my only contact to Reale, and whoever blew him up is also responsible for shutting down The Unit.
There you go.
I can't help you anymore.
Stay safe.
You, too, Brother.
Ain't a way to treat a man you took a shower with.
Some things don't wash off.
What do you want? Who blew up Reale in his car? I would've put money on you.
Hey, you tried to kill him, too.
What do you want? What's the C.
angle? All I know is I was your cover.
That's it.
If that were true, you wouldn't be packing now.
I can't help you, Rohan Oh, I mean Jonas.
But maybe your real wife can.
I don't have time to have a wife or a family right now, and I'd like to know why.
How should I know? Because you're absolutely terrified.
What're you scared of, And why the hell were you on that mission? Building maintenance There's a problem with you plumbing.
This way! - You've been hit.
- Is that what that is? Sergeant Grey, I have orders to take Hey.
Where the hell were you? You didn't see those guys? What guys? C.
, N.
, I don't care.
They were waiting for me.
No one went in, they've been waiting inside.
How'd they know I was there? You send'em? Ryan must've sent'em.
Orders weren't there? Just an empty box, all I found was - a gun on my face.
- How are we gonna warn the boss? What the hell did you give them? Did you come here to threaten me? Actually, I came here to see my lovely wife and to ask her, a) Who she slept with; b) What secrets she sold; or c) Which combination of the above led to her new highly coveted diplomatic post in London.
Who I've slept with? That's right.
Some of us actually take our vows seriously.
Here is for one question.
So the other question is what secret did you sell how long have you been - anglin' for this job? - Please, I was working in Washington four years before I met you.
Did it ever occur to you that I got this job because I have the right credentials? Sure, but then I'd ask why now? I was chosen for the job.
Why now? Because that's when I was chosen.
In the last year, as my wife, you've had access to information about The Unit.
The Unit's going down in flames, and your career is thriving.
The rooster crows.
The sun comes up.
He didn't cause it.
Did you sell The Unit out? Did you sell The Unit out? How many times did I warn those women not to trust anyone? Did I bring a spy into my own house? You wouldn't take the reins of your career, I had to.
you have no idea what you've done.
Oh, really, Tom.
I hardly think your unit holds a corner in decency and honor.
Then why is this happening? It's happening because somebody believes your people know too much.
About what? About what? All right, then.
I'll get those mission orders back off find out soon enough you had those mission orders intercepted, didn't you? They never left the main post office.
you're gonna get me court-martialed.
There was a different world you were so close to.
There's about 6 families who run this country, Tom.
From the very beginning, the same six families.
They intermarry, and occasionally they hire outsiders to look after their interests.
Occasionally they take an outsider Tom, who didn't go to yell or choate who don't summer at mount desert, but who show such great promise that they are invited in, as you were, Tom.
You can not imagine what was in store for you.
But you have to choose.
It's insufficient to say, "I don't get it.
" Yes, you do get it.
I loved you, and I love you but you have to choose.
They're kicking us off the base already? No.
Uh What? Bad joke.
What's goin' on? Oh, I'm just goin' home to Texas for a visit.
Well, looks more like you're moving camp.
Honey, if it's about being scared, I assure you the people on the base, The Unit, will understand your problems better than anyone.
I'm not scared.
I'm going to Texas.
No one would blame you if you were worried about Bob.
Thank you.
Have you heard from him? No.
I'm taking the kids to see their grandparents.
That's all.
I have to pick up Serena at day care.
Take off your shirt.
The bullet went through.
Is there a safe place we can spend the night? I'm going to the airport- You wanna get us caught? All public terminals are off-limits now.
Whoa! Hold on there.
I'd like a little skin over the bone.
Thank you.
Was that man after you or me? I have no idea.
Enough lies.
Someone's trying to kill us all off.
Tell me why.
Why should I know? This has something to do with Reale.
I know nothing about this.
Let go of me.
I didn't think we'd ever meet again.
You don't sound too disappointed.
Just stating a fact.
Fate has its own plans.
I suppose so.
But in another universe Not this one? This one has different rules.
Could I talk to my nephew in private? No private conversations with this prisoner, ma'am.
It's all right.
How's my uncle doing? Still on his trip.
We haven't spoken in a couple of days.
We were talking by radio, but the nice old man who was helping him was taken sick yesterday.
Did uncle James have any answers? No.
But next time they question you, see if you can find out if they know about this.
if they do, they're responsible.
I was wonderg if you'd come.
Yeah, well, I wanted to see how you are.
For the sake of the kids, I'm willing to put our differences on hold.
that's fine, but I don't care.
tell Molly that I'm good.
tell her that I'm strong and fit.
Tell Molly? Just tell her that I'm strong and fit.
Can you do that? Is that it? That's it.
Is that all you have to say to me? Don't you want to know how the girls are doing? I assume they're all right.
What's wrong with you? Have you lost your mind? If I had, how would I know? Did you sign the divorce petition yet? Would you do that, please? OK, I must be the one who's crazy, because I thought we could actually save our marriage.
I'll file it.
Message ends.
* Tiffy, Tiffy, Tiffy Lou * * Love my rifle more than you.
* * Used to be my beauty queen.
* * Now I love my M16 * Mack says he's strong and fit.
Means Mack wants me to tell Hector to be strong, don't give up anything.
Well, that's all he said.
He was cold? He was more than cold.
Honey, he's just trying to protect you.
You know he's being interrogated.
By pretending he doesn't care, - no one can use his family against him.
- No.
You didn't see the hatred in his eyes.
No, it's over.
- Don't be hasty, wait a while.
- Why? Because it's not just about you two.
I should stand by my man for the sake of The Unit? So now you don't care anything about The Unit? No, I don't give a damn about The Unit.
Excuse me.
Who was Jonas looking for? Look, whoever killed him knows by now.
You might as well tell me.
The C.
spook in San Tomas, Mariana.
All right, I'm gonna go check downstairs.
Agent Vorhees, this is Bob Brown.
I need to speak with Kern.
Agent Kern is not available, but I can help you.
Who else did you send after Sergeant Blane? Some folks were growing impatient, Bob.
- they thought we needed more resources.
- Double redundancy in case I fail? You know the drill.
I tried to tell you, but you seem to have lost your phone Where are you now? Vancouver.
look, I need- I need the address of one of your operatives, Mariana Ribera.
She's far from Vancouver, Bob.
I could give you her address, but our other man was just there.
He notified us as to her whereabouts, as well as Jonas'.
You're trying to kill Jonas.
Kern promised I could bring him back alive.
You had 2 weeks.
Give me one more day.
Call your men off.
Can't do it, Bob.
But I can forward Mariana's address to your location in Panama city.
Maybe you can pick up the trail and bring in your man before anyone else gets to him.
Tell me how many men you sent after Jo- There's a C.
safe house north of Bogota.
An old friend runs it.
? Can't trust him.
You can trust him.
He's in love with me.
But you don't want to surprise him.
He'll put a bullet through both of us before we knock on the door.
Red-7-2-4, this is Green-1-9-8.
The co word for the day is "Goldenrod".
George, hey.
I have some exciting information.
I'm headed your way.
Thank you.
He said stay off route 2.
There's a Police blockade.
I need to ask you a favor.
What? Things go badly for me, would you take my wedding ring and send it to my wife? Why? Well, I won't need it anymore.
The Agency sent me on that mission with you to steal something from Reale's safe.
Something? A document.
He was using it to blackmail the government.
What is it? I don't know, a map of some sort.
I couldn't make sense of it.
But they said that it was critical that I obtain it.
And did you? Yes, I did.
But I told the agency that I failed.
Why? An insurance polici in case they ever cut me loose.
Someone found out that I lied.
Where is the document? At a bank in Dallas, Texas, in a safe-deposit box.
But they think that you have it.
And why would they think that? Because I told them so.
No, Jonas would avoid public transportation.
You think? What about the C.
hit man? How do you know he's C.
? What? You just said the assassin's C.
I'm working for them.
I got a family.
a man can not serve two masters.
I got it under control.
Agent Vorhees, this is Bob Brown.
I had Sergeant Blane till one of your resources got in the way.
I know where he's headed next.
I understand.
where will he be? What do you understand? Stay out of your way.
Juanchito bus terminal.
The 8:00 for Medellín.
The 8:00 to Medellín? They'll tell their man Jonas is here.
All we have to do is sit and wait.
Time to get up.
Your team obviously had an exfil plan for when things went south.
Where would Sergeant Blane go to lay up? You know, you keep asking me that, and I just can't seem to find an answer.
Maybe it's because you haven't had a good night's sleep.
Ain't that the truth.
You'd think people would know better than to bring their crying babies into prison.
If I could fix that for you? Wouldn't matter.
On your mission last year in San Tomas, Did you meet a C.
Agent named, uh, Mariana Ribera? One meets so many people.
I'm gonna give you one last chance to cooperate.
At the conclusion of the mission, Mariana Ribera gave Jonas Blane something.
Where is it? Sir, my proof was stolen by the ringmasters of this circus.
You're trying my patience, Colonel.
Would you like to know what happened to Minister Reale yesterday? I know what happened.
You know who killed Minister Reale in broad daylight on the streets of our Capitol? Jonas Blane.
They're from building security cameras.
They were taken 35 minutes before the explosion.
That's not possible.
Why not? Your man's a trained killer, quite well versed in the use of explosives, isn't he? If he were free to move about, why would he stay in this country? These photos were doctored.
The Oil Minister was set to testify against Jonas Blane today.
I would say the person with the strongest motive for his murder is Jonas Blane.
Tell us where he is.
I swear I do not know.
Colonel, you have 2 options: a court-martial or the free pass that uncle Sam is offering you.
It has a sell-by date.
I never expected this to happen.
I thought that The Unit was impenetrable.
I thought if I told them that the document waswith you, that I'd be safe.
Nothing's impenetrable.
- Everything can be breached.
- I know, and I'm sorry.
I- I never meant to put you in harm's way.
George has a refrigeration truck with a hidden compartment.
He can get us across the border to Venezuela.
Then we'll go get this document.
Who has access to the safe-deposit box? Only me.
I have to be there in person with my I.
and the key.
When you get the document, you'll leave And they're gonna find me and kill me.
I won't let that happen.
I'm a lucky lady, then.
How's that? 'cause I believe in you.
George! Oh, my God.
Overton Global Services.
How may I help you? This is Red-7-2-4.
The code of the day is "Goldenrod".
Go ahead, 7-2-4.
Jonas Blane and Mariana Ribero, are dead.
I request transport instructions.
Hold one.
Use Flynn Air charter, Mariquita Airfield.
3 hours.
Thank you.
Anything? Not yet.
So if this C.
assassin was sent here to kill Jonas, why should I believe you're any different, Bob? I mean, I never bought the whole "good-looking, earnest boy scout" thing.
Guy like you, with all your advantages, wants to be out here with the shooters, out in the mud, deep down, you're seriously screwed up.
Deep down.
Or you have a hidden agenda.
Well, maybe I just like shootin' guns.
Well, then you'd go hunt on the weekends.
You like people shooting back.
Jonas Blane is dead.
He's been flown to Addison Airfield in Dallas.
- Go I.
the body.
- Will do.
Who was that? My handler.
Jonas is dead.
We'll hold the remains until notified.
Just flew into town.
Welcome home, Mr.
You know I wouldn't ask if there was any other choice.
How did you know I was in Texas? You're scared.
- People have patterns.
- Such as? Molly's been through some tough times.
She'd stay put and wait for me.
You, on the other hand What about me? You're a young wife with two small kids.
If something happened to Bob, you'd seek the comfort of home.
If something didn't happen to Bob, if, for example, he's being protected by the C.
, you'd be uncomfortable with prying questions and want to escape.
Either way and he's still alive? Last time I saw him.
We all thought you were kidnapped.
Well, let's keep it that way.
Nobody can know about this meeting, Kim, not even my wife.
All right.
Now, I'm not gonna pretend that the task I need you for is a walk in the park.
Just tell me what you need me to do.
I heard from your cousin.
He wants you to know he's doing just fine.
He's strong and fit, hopes that you are, too.
- In fact, - Stop.
Molly, they told me Jonas is dead.
Who did? My interrogators.
You can't believe them.
They'll tell you anything.
They had details, Molly.
He was hiding on a boat in Panama.
They caught up with him at a C.
safe house.
Guard! This woman isn't my aunt.
- She's been trying to pass me messages.
- He's confused.
- Just please take her away.
- It's from the stress.
- I wanna talk to supervisor March.
- Hector! - Ma'am, step back.
- I can't do this anymore.
I'm done.
Hector! I'm ready to cooperate fully.
Why the change of heart? I don't wanna die in prison or on the run like Jonas did.
Tell me about the mission in San Tomas.
Not here.
Take me to D.
Let me see the faces of the people who can guarantee my safety, and I'll tell them whatever you want.
Ma'am, who did you say you were here to see? My husband, Mack Gerhardt.
I'm sorry, but I have no prisoner listing under that name.
When was he transferred? Ma'am, no one under that name has ever been here.
That's ridiculous.
I just saw him yesterday.
It's G.
T - And your name is? - Tiffany Gerhardt.
And you say you were here yesterday? No, I was here yesterday.
I have no record of your visit or your husband ever being incarcerated here.
Now I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
What do I do when I get inside the bank? Stay calm and don't look around.
Act like you've been there a dozen times before.
Show them the key.
Ask for your safe-deposit box.
Get in and get out.
This is Mariana.
Very good.
Just relax.
Everything'll be fine.
'scuse me, sir.
You a local resident? No, sir, but I hope to be.
A jewelry store was robbed recently.
You mind if I see some I.
? Well, my face is gonna be just as black on my I.
Sir, the suspect is african-american.
well, I must look exactly like him.
Your I.
, sir.
Uh, don't have a license with me.
I just flew in on business.
Please don't move, sir.
Sir, stop where you are.
Turn around.
Scream for help.
Scream for help.
Help! Help! Help! Someone! Help! Tell Molly, "to lose thee were to lose myself.
" Are you all right, ma'am? No.
No, I'm hurt.
Come with me.
When did Agent Krutoff arrive? and left immediately.
Has anyone else been here to examine the cargo? No, sir.
GPS code location here near Honduras, about Between El Salvador and Nicaragua.
No man's land.
What are we lookin' at here? Patch of water.
It's about 150 feet deep.
Whatever it is, it shut down The Unit, put us on the run.
If we can get to San Salvador, make our way to the water by nightfall.
Once we get there, I can get us a boat.
Let's do it.
When you called, I was shocked to hear you were in D.
, but delighted.
I must admit I'm glad to have some company now Tom's at his meetings.
Is that where Tom is? Is he at a meeting? You just missed him.
Is he clearing things up for The Unit? I certainly hope so.
Now, you say you came to see Senator Webb? - We couldn't get in.
- We came about Mack.
He was in the base prison, and now he's gone, and they're saying he was never there.
And I've heard that my husband's dead, but I haven't been given notification.
Oh, Molly Can you get us some answers? Absolutely.
I'll need some information first, though.
Whatever you want.
Just please help us find our husbands.
Nothing yet? I searched everything west of the marker.
There's gotta be something down there.
You know, it'd be nice if we knew what we were looking for.
Well, whatever it is, according to the sonar map, We're sittin' right on top of it.

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