Yellowjackets (2021) s03e01 Episode Script

It Girl

Previously on Yellowjackets
- [CALLIE] Oh, my fucking God.
- Did you kill that guy?
- Yeah.
- Fuck. Are we going to jail?
- Course not.
- We're here to rescue you.
- [NATALIE] I'm doing a fucking thing here, Misty.
I don't need you getting in my way.
[MISTY] Finally. Please,
I want to join.
Taissa, you are very sick.
[TAISSA] Things are tense with
Simone's family right now.
Remember what I told you
about my, um, problem?
It's getting worse.
- Tai?
- Hey, Van.
[YOUNG TAISSA] We need to
find a way to stay alive.
There's a place. The
others don't know about it.
- I can take you there.
- Javi!
The wilderness chose.
[BEN] I figured out
where Javi was hiding.
You're not like
the rest of these girls.
I let him die in my place.
You really don't belong in this place.
- Shauna's phone.
- Lottie
is running a wellness center.
I'm on my way there right now.
I think you should go.
[MAN] Sorry to interrupt.
Uh, there's an urgent call
for one of your guests.
[JEFF] Shauna, hey!
Do you recall that missing man?
The authorities believe
they found his remains
buried in Hacklebarney State Park.
This place seems fun.
- [JEFF] Go find your mother.
- [CALLIE] What?
- What are you gonna do?
- I'm going to take care of this.
- What does that mean?
- It means I have a plan, Callie. So just go.
You followed us here.
Only 'cause you wouldn't
tell us where your wife was.
- I killed Adam Martin.
- Jeff, what the fuck you doing?
I did it to protect our family.
[WALTER] Jeff Sadecki, I presume?
Do you want to help me move this body?
[LOTTIE] It won't stop
until it gets what it wants.
[SHAUNA] You know there's no "it."
It was just us.
[LOTTIE] You can submit or you can run.
- Don't move!
[LOTTIE] We tried to kill you
and it wouldn't let us.
The wilderness chose who fed us,
it's already chosen who should lead us.
[LISA] You killed people? Tell me!
[MISTY] I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Fire! Get up, get up, get up!


[GEN] I know I saw her.
[AKILAH] Maybe it was
one of us. Come on.
- Oh!
What the fuck, Shipman?
[SHAUNA] Give it to me!
- Fuck you!
Get off me, gaywad!
Let go of it!
Oh, what is even happening right now?
- Hey, Shauna!
- [MARI] She bit me!
- [TAISSA] Hey!
Right? You all saw that, right?
Yeah, yeah. You know the rules, Mari.
You get tagged, you give it up.
I don't have it.
- [SHAUNA] It's fucking Quigley!
- You knew.
Same old game that he's playing ♪
His rules are never fair ♪
Nobody want to look
back, everybody want to ♪
Get high tonight before
they run out of time ♪
Where's the felon, yeah
the chargeable felon ♪
The name of the crook
who committed the crime ♪
999 if you really want the truth ♪
Dial 999 if you can't see it through ♪
He ain't Jack the Ripper,
he's your ordinary crook ♪
Calling Maxwell Murder for you ♪
Maxwell got a hand in this plan ♪
He knows who you are in this plan ♪
Chop the rock before you bought it ♪
Sickness Maxwell knows
you caught it, 999 ♪
We did it! We did it!
Olly olly oxen free! We won! We won!
I was just decoy, biyatch.
That's backwards, moron.
Buzz, buzz, buzz!
buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Calling Maxwell Murder for you ♪
It was cool, nothing fire ♪
Nothing broke ♪
Keep simple ♪
Nothing tired, nothing old ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
Oh, so cute, so revival ♪
So alone ♪
Birthday suit, just a smile ♪
No one home ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪

Morning has broken ♪
Like the first morning ♪
Blackbird has spoken
Like the first bird ♪
Praise for the singing ♪
Praise for the morning ♪
Praise for them springing ♪
Fresh from the world ♪
Sweet the rains new fall ♪
Sunlit from Heaven ♪
Like the first dewfall ♪
On the first grass ♪
Praise for the sweetness ♪
Of the wet garden ♪
Sprung in completeness ♪
Where His feet ♪
Loser says what?
- Knock it off, Mar.
- How's your hand?
Hey, aren't you coming?
I'm good.
Wait. It's just
Van's been working so hard and
So, are you asking me if I want to go
or telling me I have to?
Y-You don't have to do anything, Shauna.
I was just checking in.
And I deeply appreciate it, my queen.
[VAN] Welcome to the first annual
Summer Solstice Festival!
Before we get started,
congratulations to the
winners of Capture the Bone,
a name I still think we should consider
workshopping further.
Spread that V, dot that I
[GIRLS] Roll that C-T-O-R-Y.
[VAN] Per our wager, I hope
the rest of you enjoy being
our servants for the day.
[MARI] Yeah!
[VAN] Now, let's get started, shall we?
Previously, on The Yellowjackets
[VAN] On the verge of making history
by sweeping nationals without giving up
a single goal, thanks mostly
to the raddest goalkeeper
in the history of the sport
- Ooh! Boo!
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Let's go!
Our heroes
no, our she-roes
were robbed of fame and fortune
by the cruel hand of fate
and by mechanical failure
or possibly pilot error. Unclear.
But no mere plane crash
could keep our intrepid girls
and a few dudes down.
No, they rose to this new challenge
like the champions they
were always meant to be.
[SHAUNA] God, I fucking hate them.
Like, sorry I'm not psyched
to hear some bullshit story
about our adventures in the woods.
My best friend is dead. My baby is dead.
I held his body when it
was covered in my blood
and then I had to put his
corpse out in the cold
while everyone else talked about
fucking sacrifices and miracles.
But with their sacrifices
came miracles.
They survived hunger.
They survived blizzards.
They survived
the shit bucket.
Now, could they survive
an unthinkable attack
by a raging psychopath?
A homicidal monster
masquerading as a hot
if you're into that kind of thing
high school soccer coach?
You bet your ass they could.
Now, thanks to their
unlikely new leader
- Mm-hmm.
- they worked
for 12 days and nights to feed
the very fire that destroyed their home.
And seeing their courage
and their faith
the wilderness then provided
the greatest miracle yet.
Spring came.
And with it, a new beginning.
[SHAUNA] How's this story for you?
Once upon a time,
a bunch of teenage girls got
stranded in the wilderness
and they went completely fucking nuts.
Thanks to Nat's training,
Gen provided game to eat.
Thanks to Tai, they were
able to build new shelters.
Handy lesbians for the win.
They worshipped evil spirits
and they hunted their friends
and they feasted on their flesh
and they fucking liked it.
So they told themselves
stupid fairy tales
and pretended they
were brave and strong.
Thanks to the fact that they're a team,
they never gave up hope
that their story does not end here.
[SHAUNA] Because the reality was
that even if rescue came,
they could never go home again.
Go, go, go!
[SHAUNA] Because of what they'd done.
Because of what they'd
become. That's the truth.
And hearing anything else makes
me want to just fucking

Oh, fucking shit.
[SHAUNA] Cals, are you still here?
I'm getting dressed.
Oh, my God, you're running so late.
That's very helpful.
Oh, I made oatmeal.
- Which I hate.
- I know it's disgusting
but I think we should
start eating more of it.
I'll keep that in mind.
It's Natalie's funeral today.
- I'm sorry.
- She already been cremated.
But today is, like,
the whole service and
I, uh I really have to go.
You left the dinner dishes
in the sink last night.
I had a ton of homework.
I'll do them when I get home.
How hard is it to just do them?
All you have to do is
just rinse off the dishes
and just put them in the dishwasher.
After everything that's happened,
you're worried about the dishes?
Is that
Callie, have you been smoking chronic?
- Did you just say chronic?
- I did.
And I regret it, deeply.
It's your dad, it's Doesn't matter.
It is 7:30 in the morning.
I don't even know what
you're talking about.
But as you pointed
out, I'm already late.
We see the wizard of tones
preparing to start the exercise.
- We know that
- when the bell rings,
- [MUFFLED] Misty?
we should be in a comfortable position.
And ready for meditation.
Sorry to interrupt.
I just wanted to let you know
that there was an alert on
the "Meetings Are Murder,
Unless They're About Murder" board.
Now, I know you don't go there anymore
'cause of your creative
differences with Eric.
But it-it seemed like
a pretty tasty one.
"Tasty" was a weird word choice.
Anything else?
Well, um actually, yes.
I just wanted to see what
time you wanted to leave
for Natalie's memorial.
Memorials and funerals are
time-honored grieving
technologies, Misty.
Are we done here?
Yes. Of course.
I'm sorry. It's not my place.
What's that?
Oh, that? [CHUCKLES]
I wasn't even sure I
should tell you about it,
or just handle it myself.
It's just, with Natalie's
Myers-Briggs type
and her lifelong nomadic tendencies,
I figured there was a
high probability of her
keeping a storage unit in the area.
I did some digging, and
that's the key.
Somebody should probably
make sure there isn't anything
incriminating in there.
Or sentimental, I-I guess.
I'm happy to handle it if-if
you're not feeling up to it.
I'll take care of it.


Holy fucking Christ.
Shh. Church, Shauna.
Natalie liked her swings, all right.
I had to push her till it got dark.
She'd throw a fit if I didn't.
So, I pushed her.
I'm her mother.
Anyhow, it's over now.
That's it.
[SHAUNA] To Nat.
- Nat.
- Nat.

Fuck, she's really gone.
Her dad, that whole horror show.
Yeah, it's a miracle she survived
before, you know, we survived.
You can just say, "Ate
each other." I mean
[LAUGHS] Nat was never one for bullshit.
I feel like she'd appreciate
us just going right at it.
What does any of it mean, anyway?
Nat's life.
Our lives.
I mean, if you're lucky,
it's smoke and mirrors,
and you can't even remember half of it.
Well, you're a laugh
riot today, aren't you?
If I died tomorrow,
what would people say at my funeral?
We'd lie and say nice things.
I mean normal people.
- Here lies Shauna Sadecki.
Besides whatever the
hell she did "out there,"
she was the worst wife
and mother on the planet.
- Hey, come on.
- Stop.
She's survived by a messed-up daughter
and a husband who
blossomed after her death.
Here lies Taissa Turner,
the first state senator
to impeach herself
before taking office.
Knock it off, both of you. Just
No one's dying tomorrow.
So, I feel like we still have
time to workshop our eulogies
before we all reconvene in hell.
Speaking of hell, where is Misty?
You told her about the funeral, right?
You said you would.
Lottie's not here either.
Because she's in a facility for the
differently sane.
Yeah, uh, whatever. It's fine.
I'm sure Citizen Detective
Quigley could have
found out some other way.
She's probably bugged the table
and she's listening right now.
- Yeah.
Hey, you good?
What is it?
Oh, um nothing.
[LAUGHS] Testing.
Testing, one, two, three.
Quigley, are you there
or are you making love to your parrot?
[CHUCKLES] Those things aren't
mutually exclusive, you know.
- Oh, come on.
- [SHAUNA] Mm.
You go, Misty.

Can you help me with this?
[SHAUNA] Here.
[MARI] Hey, watch it.
That's our dinner.
- [GEN LAUGHS] Okay.
- [MARI] Oh, Jeeves
- Could one of you bottle us
some berry wine over here?
Can't believe we didn't
eat that bitch first.
Mari's so dumb I heard she
chipped a tooth on her vibrator.
Wait. Do you, like,
actually have a personality?
Hey, Shauna, can you, uh, try this on?
I hope I didn't make it too heavy,
but Lottie asked me
to make you something really special
for the ceremony tonight.
Well, because you're his mother.
I'm not wearing that.
Are you sure?
'Cause I really think that
- it will make you feel better
- Get the fuck off of me.
Oops. My bad.

Are you guys meeting now?
Do you want me to, um, to take minutes?
[NATALIE] Thanks, uh, Misty,
but, uh, we're good.
Um, you were the MVP today.
You should just relax. Enjoy it.
Okay. [LAUGHS]
Bye, Misty.
[EXHALES] Who's up first?
Okay, then.
How's the hunting lately?
Good. The deer are running
like crazy in the north valley.
Have you seen anything
while you're out there?
- Like murderous pyro tracks?
- [NATALIE] Stop.
You guys, we've talked about this.
There's no way that he's alive.
- Nat.
- [NATALIE] I've scouted
every inch of this place for miles.
There's no sign of him.
Either he starved or he froze to death.
I'm telling you, Coach is dead.

[NATALIE] Well, I guess that's it.
[TAISSA] Hey, Nat.
Can we talk?
This thing between Shauna and Mari
Uh, Shauna's in a mood and Mari's Mari.
It'll blow over.
It's not like this
morning was the first time.
I really think you need to talk to them.
And what? Tell them to start
liking each other or else?
Maybe I should make
them say one nice thing
- about each other.
[CHUCKLES] Come on.
Tai, it's dumb girl shit.
We have, you know, we
have actual life or death
- to deal with here.
- That's my point, Nat.
Maybe out here, it's all life or death.
Don't forget what happened to Jackie.


[AVA] She OD'd on fentanyl.
My mom says it's true.
They were doing weird
cult shit in the woods.
That one there, she was, like, the guru.
Callie's mom was there, you know.
They killed pigs and ate them raw,
then smeared their
guts all over themselves
and had this totally drugged-out orgy.
We should so get Kyle drunk,
then ask if Callie's
into freaky shit, too.
- Definitely.
- Oh, my God, yeah.

[TAISSA] He's my son, too.
I know he doesn't want to talk to me,
but if you could just
put him on for one second.
No, no You know what?
Maybe you don't want me to talk to him.
What are you telling him, Simone? I
You all right?
You don't look too hot, either.
[EXHALES] Yeah. Well, turns out
doing shots in the middle
of the day is not great
when you're dying of cancer.
You're terminal. What are
you scared of, a fatty liver?
You didn't sign a single one? Van.
I signed the DNR.
Happy? That way, when I flatline,
everyone will know they can go to lunch.
Don't shut me out.
Please, come stay in my room.
It's been weeks.
Why can't we be together?
Why? Are you fucking kidding me?
What did you ditch me for
the veneer of respectability?
Your high-powered law degree?
The irony, the tragic joke,
is that you ended up gay
anyway and married to a woman,
a woman you're still fucking married to.
So, instead of asking me
why, at the end of my life,
I'm not leaping at the opportunity
to sleep with you, how about
you just go fuck yourself?
Can I at least take you to dinner?
If you're up for it? I
feel like we could both
stand to get out of this house.
I literally just told
you to go fuck yourself,
- and you're asking me out?
- Did I mention
it'll be stupidly
expensive and I'm paying?
Oh, fuck.
- Hey! Callie!
- Jesus, hi.
Why are you delivering SwiftEATS?
Mm, Tammy took me back,
said I had to get a job.
And this is what you chose?
My application is pending at NASA.
Give me the bag, Randy.
[SIGHS] I took a peek inside.
- That is one weird order.
- [LAUGHS] Yeah, uh
- Hurry up and give it to me.
- [GRUNTS] Be careful.
- It's heavy.
- Bye.

Oh, shit.
Hey, Principal Benic.
Everything okay with Callie?
[COUGHS] I'm sorry.
She did what?

[LOTTIE] Are they kicking in yet?
Can you feel anything?
I feel everything.
And nothing.
Did you ever notice that
everything and nothing
are both filled with things?
[LOTTIE] Why don't you sit with me?
Dude, you're so high.
[LAUGHS] I am so high.
You know, it's okay to be angry
about what happened to Javi.
And to your dad.
Well, what about Shauna?
Grieving's not a competition, Travis.
I did try to talk to her, but we
She kind of shut me out.
"Needing a shrink doesn't
make you a shrink,"
quote unquote.
You had a shrink?
Shrinks. Plural.
And the pills they gave
me made it so I stopped
mm, you know
seeing things.
Anyway, um
whose therapy session is this, anyway?
And then you got out here
and you started seeing things again.
Until I didn't.
Do you hear something?
- Why, do you?
- It
- It's
It's the trees.
T-They're crying.
No, they're they're screaming.
Travis, it's not-it's not real.
It's not real. It's not real!
You really can't hear that?
You will.

That's pretty good.
Come and get it, Bambi.
Our daughter was suspended
for assaulting girls with guts?
I mean, come on, "assault."
It's not like she had a gun and a mask.
She had, like, some
intestines and a liver.
You just said, Shauna,
you just said that
their parents are calling it assault.
"Calling it."
And we're sure, uh Aw, Jesus.
We're sure that they weren't human?
- The girls?
- The guts.
Like, the the guts, Shauna.
- Oh.
- Shauna.
Oh, no. Of course they weren't.
You can't you can't just
DoorDash human entrails.
I mean, like, have you talked to her?
Where is she? Where is she? Cal?
She's gonna be home in, like, an hour.
She wanted to get a boba.
Why would she do that?
Why would she do such a thing?
Oh, I don't know, honey. It's
[SIGHS] She's talked
about going vegan, right?
Maybe it was some kind of statement?
Do you think? Or, like, I don't know,
Gen Z TikTok bullshit.
You're hungry?
Oh, my God.
I'm just not gonna freak out.
Okay? It's only gonna make things worse.
Than what, Shauna?
Because six weeks ago, our
daughter saw your friends,
wearing animal masks,
chasing you through
the woods with knives.
She shot one of 'em
who's in the loony bin now
and then she watched Natalie die.
And we told her that I'm a blackmailer.
And you're a murderer.
That's not typical trauma.
That's not a typical childhood,
and I think it's real possible
our daughter's not okay.
We're just leaving these open now?
We don't close these anymore?
Did you smoke some chronic?
No. Mm-mmm.
By the way, nobody
calls it chronic anymore.
You have to stop that.
Foie gras with our
house-made cotton candy.
Chef recommends one bite.
Thank you for making that clear.
This is the hot ticket, huh?
You kidding?
I had to call a guy to call
a guy just to get us in.
We doing this?
I'm sorry, don't you want to take
a flamethrower to this place?
Why do people come here?
Don't they see how stupid it is?
What a waste of their fucking life?
[SCOFFS] Jesus.
Fuck it. You want to just get a pizza
and a quart of fudge ripple?
We can eat it on the roof.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Deal.
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
You remember the night
of Amber Nutting's party?
We went to that diner
off of, uh, Route 9.
[LAUGHS] What, are you serious?
You're a senator.
And I'm disgraced. Hm.
Shit, in New Jersey, that
means you can do anything.
I'll go first. You meet me out back.
Excuse me, darling.
I just need to use the ladies' room.
Do be quick. Every minute away from you
- is a torture.
- Mm.

It's okay.
- It's okay.
- Excuse me. Ma'ams.
- Shit, Tai, it's our waiter.
- Think you forgot to pay.
- What?
- Excuse me.
- Yes, he's, like, in pursuit.
- Just be be cool.
- Hello.
- Fuck. Just run.
Fuckers. Hey!
Children behave ♪
That's what they say
when we're together ♪
And watch how you play ♪
They don't understand, and so ♪
We're running just
as fast as we can ♪
This way.
Holding on to one another's hand ♪
- Whoa!
Trying to get away into the night ♪
And then you put your
arms around me ♪
Whoa, whoa. Whoa.
Hey, man, you okay?
Hey. Hey, somebody help!
Sir? Sir, sir?
Hey. Hey, man, it's gonna be okay.
Just stay with me. One. Two. Three.
[VOICE FADING] Hey, stay with me, man.
It must be your skin ♪
I'm sinking in ♪
It must be for real ♪
'Cause now I can feel ♪
I don't want this ♪
Remember that ♪
I'll never forget where you're at ♪
Don't let the days ♪
Go by ♪
Glycerine ♪
Glycerine ♪

God, the service here is slow.
[GEN] Oh, garçon.
So, for your solstice
dining pleasure or whatever,
we have deer soup.
[TAISSA] Also known as
braised venison stew,
served with our finest
vintage of berry wine.
[ALL] Ooh.
Bon appétit.
What? Aren't you hungry?
Go ahead.
Just give me a reason.
What the fuck? Shauna
just spit in my food.
[GROANS] Here we go.
- [GEN] Come on.
Are you gonna do something
about this or what?
Jesus Christ. Shauna,
did you spit in her soup?
No. The fact that you even
think I would is insulting.

You should eat.
I worked hard to make it.
I should fucking kick your ass.
I told you to eat, bitch!
That's it! That's it!
I've fucking had it with this shit!
If everyone wants me to be
the camp counselor, then fine.
Starting tomorrow, you're
both on house arrest.
Stay in your shelters.
I don't want to see your
faces for a week, okay? Got it?
[MARI] What?
Uh, this is bullshit. She attacked me.
Keep going, Mar, I'll make it two weeks.
Oh. You know what?
Fuck this.
You know, screw all of you.
I'm out of here!
Let her go. Don't let her
ruin the rest of the night.
Can't stay at home,
can't stay in school ♪
Old folks say, "You
poor little fool " ♪
Can I get you something?
[SCOFFS] Well, I'm not
here to do my taxes.
Hello, Daddy ♪
It's not even tax season.
I need a drink.
What kind?
Espresso mart Wait. [CHUCKLES]
Scratch that, um
I'll have a whiskey.
Straight up.
Come on, baby, let me get to you ♪
I mean, you can do your
taxes early, but, uh
- [LAUGHS] not this early, right?
Hello, Daddy, hello, Mom ♪
I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch ♪
Cherry bomb ♪
Hello, world, I'm your wild girl ♪
I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch ♪
- Nice jacket.
I'll have another.
[CLEARS THROAT] Keep 'em coming.
Hello, Mom, I'm your
ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch ♪
Cherry bomb ♪
Hello, world, I'm your wild girl ♪
I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch ♪
Cherry bomb ♪
Hey, street boy, want some style ♪
Your dead-end dreams don't ♪
Make you smile ♪
I'll give you something to live for ♪
Have you and grab
you until you're sore ♪
Hello, Daddy, hello, Mom ♪
Ma'am, that's seven
shots of rail whisky.
Think you've had enough.
[NATALIE] You shouldn't take
shit from dirtbags like that.
Cherry bomb ♪
You don't have to take shit from anyone.
Cherry bomb, cherry bomb ♪
Cherry bomb ♪
You got a problem with my jacket?
My jacket.
Look, we're kind of in
the middle of a game here.
Oh, well [CHUCKLES]
Life's a game, you know?
And we're all in the middle of it.
Look, I didn't mean anything by it.
It's a cool jacket, that's all.
I don't have to take
your shit, you know.
I-I know I don't look like someone
that you need to be
worried about, but
I'm trouble.
I've lit dicks on fire.
You don't believe me?
- What the hell?
- Whoa!
Hey, hey, hey!
Ugh. Who's got a lighter?
I know someone smokes in
here. Who's got a lighter?
Do not touch the jacket, okay?
[SIGHS] Okay, next,
the Teapot Dome scandal.
This is insane. We're
not doing this anymore.
Okay, if you ever want
to use the car again,
you will stay where you are.
You don't like homeschooling?
[SCOFFS] Don't get suspended next time.
Teapot Dome.
- Fuck it, I don't know.
- No swearing in my class.
Fine, fu
[SIGHS] Teapot Dome.
A teapot fell from the dome
of the Capitol when some
workers were having tea up there,
and it almost killed the president.
- Which president?
- I don't know. Trump?
I'm afraid the answer is Warren Harding.
That is not the answer.
Where's Dad?
Oh, he's at the gym.
He's mad, huh?
But, you know, mostly, he's concerned.
And confused.
We both are.
Can you talk to me, Cals? I
All the stuff that you saw at Lottie's.
Nat dying.
- I mean, if you're having dark thoughts
- I didn't do the guts thing
because I'm damaged or a psycho,
I-I did it because Chloe
and her dumbass friends
were talking shit behind my back.
What kind of shit?
They said that when Natalie OD'd,
- you were doing weird sex stuff.
- Wow, cool.
I just
wanted to teach them a lesson.
That's all it was?
- Yes.
- Oh
Do you
want to see the whole thing?
Do you have it on video?
Yeah. Ilana took it.
- Are you recording?
- [ILANA] Hell yeah.
Did you guys see her the
other day with her boyfriend?
- Oh, sad.
- Someone caught her looking sad
- like t-that, beside her.
[CHLOE] Brown bagging it today, huh?
[CALLIE] My mom packed my lunch.
I have way too much.
- Oh, my God.
You freak!
[CHLOE] Oh, my God.
- [BOY] Oh, my God.
See? I'm not a serial killer.
Yeah. I mean, that's
just fucking hilarious.
Oh, my God, it's so
good. Just play it again.
- Really?
- Yeah, yeah. [LAUGHS]
- Okay.
- Okay.

I know I don't look dangerous,
but don't fuck with me.
Fuckin' crotch your burn.
Misty, it's me, Walter.
I'm not in need of your
assistance right now, Walter.
Misty, come on. Just
let me take you home.
I-I don't understand. Why
are you pushing me away?
That's exactly why
because you don't understand.
And the only people who understand
are my friends, my teammates.
So Ugh. Where's my phone?
I'll just call them.
Shauna will come get me or Tai or
Probably not Van, but
They're not coming, Misty.
How do you know?
Because you left your phone at the bar.
That's how I found you.
And apparently the bartender
of the establishment
you just besmirched
was a Good Samaritan,
and instead of calling
the cops for what sounds
pretty clearly like felony assault,
he started calling your saved contacts.
No one answered until he got to W.
God, I miss her so much.
And it's all my fault.
And she's gone and it's my fault.
[SOBS] No!
Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
I love her. [SOBS]
- I know. It's not your fault.
- I miss her so much.

She was my best friend.
I got you.


- [JEFF] Hey.
- Oh, my God!
- Oh, geez!
- Dad.
- What?
- What?
- Oh, my God.
[SIGHS] All right.
It's a suspension, Cal,
it's not a vacation.
Go to bed.

On this
shortest night of the
year, we gather to honor
three souls that have
slipped into the darkness
that lasts forever.
We celebrate their sacrifice.
We grieve their loss.
And rejoice at the knowledge
that they're still here with us.
We know that they are because
we can still hear them.
Because we can still feel them.
Because they haven't gone.
They've just returned to a
place that waits for all of us.
We call to Javi,
now with the wilderness,
to watch over us.
[ALL] Watch over us.
We call to Jackie,
now with the wilderness, guide us.
[ALL] Guide us.
We call to the child,
now with the wilderness, deliver us.
- Deliver us.
- [ALL] Deliver us.
Do you hear that?
Hear what?
[TAISSA] Jesus Christ, what
- Oh, my God.
Travis, is that what you heard?

At first I was afraid ♪
I was petrified ♪
I kept thinking I could never ♪
Live without you by my side ♪
But then I spent so many nights ♪
Just thinking how you done me wrong ♪
I grew strong ♪
[MARI] Help! Help!
And so you're back ♪
From outer space ♪
I just walked in to find you here ♪
With that-that look upon your face ♪
I should have changed
my fucking lock ♪
I would have made you leave your key ♪
If I'd have known
for just one second ♪
You'd be back to bother me ♪
Oh, now go ♪
Walk out the door ♪
Just turn around now ♪
You're not welcome anymore ♪
Weren't you the one who tried
to break me with desire? ♪
Did you think I'd crumble? ♪
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