3% (2016) s03e02 Episode Script

Chapter 02: Scalpel

1 Call it what you like, but what you're doing is treason.
You're betraying the Cause.
The Shell is our shelter.
Michele assured me that we'll be welcome there.
You met Michele? In person? And you still believed her? Michele tells you what you want to hear, Natália.
Playing naive doesn't suit you.
The Shell is a sham.
Everyone is abandoning our fight for minimal comfort in those Offshore slums.
But the Division is breathing down our necks here.
If we stay, we'll die.
We can survive and keep fighting there.
Everybody has left.
But we came back to pick you up.
You coming? No.
You may go.
Off to Michele's magical world.
But know you're destroying the Cause.
The Cause is done.
What about you, Joana? What are you doing for this fight? What's your plan, huh? I hope you change your mind.
I'll never go to that shithole.
Don't use water for that.
We're running out of it.
I'm glad you stayed.
I thought you were I don't know.
You won't get rid of me that easily.
Who said I wanted to? Gather all those who were with the Cause, and anyone reliable.
Take it easy, Joana.
Why? Because now I have a plan.
A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIES CHAPTER 02: SCALPEL There are many people to select.
Can you do it all by yourself? I mean, how are you going to remove those who are eliminated? [MICHELE.]
The selected ones are going to help me, I guess.
The eliminated ones will see I was fair.
At least, I hope so.
Are you sure, Marco? [ANDRÉ.]
What's happening? The implants Do you think they died? [MARCELA.]
Or they're simply removing them.
The question is, why? [ANDRÉ.]
Do you know them? Are they your family? I live in the Offshore, André.
I have no family.
Why are you tidying that up? I have to.
"Have to," Artur? Forget that, kid.
Use this time to rest before the Selection.
Just a tip.
What's up? Why are you looking at me like that? That thing Otávio said.
Is it true you stole stuff? I can't believe it.
Look, I didn't steal anything.
The place was swiped clean by the time I got there.
I only grabbed a few things.
Here, Artur.
That's yours.
Come on.
Do you want to pass the Selection? Okay, then.
It's an advantage.
Where's the rest? I don't know if anyone else is coming.
Why are we hiding here? Is it a Revolutionaries Anonymous meeting? It's been 300 days since I last took part in a Cause mission.
Yay, congrats.
That's why we're here.
Why isn't the generator fixed yet? The storm damaged the system.
We're gradually gathering parts.
The Shell could make new parts, but the power needed for that should be produced by the generator, so We'll need to do it slowly.
It'll take us days, at least.
Mm, uh Why do you care about the generator? It'll be used for what really matters.
We're going to destroy the Offshore.
We couldn't even end the Process.
- Michele's fault.
- You want us to destroy the Offshore? I do.
Why wouldn't I? Let's pay them back, just like the Founding Couple.
Let's blow the electromagnetic pulse in the Offshore.
It isn't as simple as you think.
It's more complex than that.
The Shell and the Offshore work with the same tech, right? You know how it works.
And since we'll need to wait until it gets fixed, we'll try Michele's Process.
We'll play her game.
We'll lie, we'll pass and explode it.
Then they won't have technology, just like the Inland.
So, we're going to sap the Shell of its power? The Shell only exists because of our plan.
This is ours, too.
The Shell is an alternative, Joana.
If my sister had just been eliminated, maybe she wouldn't have killed herself.
She would've come here.
What about the people down there? Getting fucked over? Did you forget about them, or just pretend they don't exist? The world outside is way worse than before.
And staying in here won't change a thing.
We should bring people here.
The Shell can't even feed those already here.
Say we can pull off that miracle.
We wreck the Offshore.
Then what? [JOANA.]
Then the Inland will develop.
We can't build a better society with everyone wishing for a dumb island.
With the Offshore up, the Inland will always be a shithole.
I'm too old for this.
What? Rafael, you're 22.
Well, 23.
I have tried to destroy the Process and the Offshore more than once.
And you know what I got? I ruined my life.
And the lives of those close to me.
I'm not repeating that mistake.
I'll help you fix the generator.
But then you'll see that it belongs here in the Shell.
Once this Process begins you'll see who Michele really is.
Is he nervous? I think he's hungry.
Why is it taking so long? What is Michele up to? She's figuring out a way to get rid of the worst of us.
Tiago I think they want us out.
Help! Open! Open it! Come on! It's urgent.
Open it! - Who's there? - [PAULO.]
It's Paulo! Open it! You guys gave up.
You can't get back in.
I brought Simão! He's injured! What happened? - Let me in, Glória.
Let me in.
- [MAN.]
Close the door.
- Don't let them in.
- [PAULO.]
Come on, Glória.
Simão's family beat him up.
They didn't forgive him for coming here.
- Where is he? - What do we do? He gave the Shell up.
I know Simão.
He may be fabricating all this, just to come back in.
Too many people hate the Shell.
It may be true.
True or not, are you going to let him die? Excuse me.
Is that fair? - You leave, you lose your right.
- That's right.
I want him to be treated.
Just yesterday you shared rooms.
It's the least we can do.
In the meantime, we'll carry out the test.
I know it's hard.
I know you're all nervous.
No one wants to leave the Shell, much less face what awaits us in the Inland.
But we must think about the long run.
Right now we're fighting so that the Shell can live on.
For this test, I'll split you into trios.
First group: Joana, Marco, and Rafael.
Nothing personal, Joana.
I grouped you by age.
It's perfect.
You're not doing it with me? Don't worry.
Remember, most get eliminated in the first tests for being nervous, so, calm down, breathe.
Everything will be fine.
Okay? Do you trust me? Don't come close.
I'm not that person anymore.
Just don't talk to me.
Here's how the test works.
Your only goal is escaping the room.
You may not remove your restraints: blindfolds, earplugs, or ropes.
You have six minutes.
Is anyone here? Joana? Marco? Are you here? [GRUNTING.]
Is anyone here? Shit.
Joana, are you there? My hands are tied, and I have a blindfold on.
Joana? I can see that, but my arms and legs are tied up.
I'll guide you to the door, you'll open it, and we'll leave.
Is Marco here? He's dead, remember? - Rafael? Joana? - Marco.
He's here, Joana.
- Has the test started? - What do you mean? The bastard is deaf and blind.
We don't have much time.
Turn right.
Not so much.
Walk back, now straight.
- Come.
- Fuck, Joana.
That's the chair I'm tied to.
- Cool.
- Now turn right.
That's the door.
Now left, until you find the knob.
Got it.
- Locked.
- Shit.
We're fucked.
The key could be anywhere.
In the sand, on the carpet, behind the table.
Let's search the room, then.
We don't have time.
We need to think like Michele.
Where would she hide the key? With Marco? I can see him well from here.
He's useless.
Is anyone here? Think, Joana.
Where would Michele hide the key? In my blind spot.
Good one.
Come on.
What was that? Shit.
The key fell off.
- You moron.
Get it.
- It fell off.
We have no time.
- Go.
- I can't.
I can't get down.
Of course.
Michele's test is all about teamwork.
- Guide me to Marco.
- Turn right.
- To the right.
- Now go straight ahead.
Straight ahead.
Straight ahead.
- Here.
- Rafael, I can't see or hear anything.
What's going on? Get the key.
What a dummy! Come on.
Is this the test? Are you restrained, too? [JOANA.]
Over here.
Follow my voice.
- [JOANA.]
- How to explain about the key? - Any free finger? - Ten.
- Then write on his hand.
- Nice one.
- Is this a message? - Write it here.
- He's not as dumb as I thought.
Hurry up.
K-E I didn't get that.
Y We're almost out of time.
" Yes.
That's it.
Move on.
Less than a minute.
- F-L "Flower," for fuck's sake.
- No, no, no.
- Hurry.
- No, you idiot.
The key's on the floor.
Where's the key? [JOANA.]
Help him out.
- Where is it? - To the right.
- He's almost there.
- Found it.
Now what? - [JOANA.]
The door is behind you.
Found it.
We're almost out of time.
Go, go.
Do it.
Did it work? - Yes.
Help me.
You've passed.
You may advance.
Great test.
Elisa, do you think I've passed? Hmm.
I don't know.
It's so hard to read your expression.
I've left you alone in the Process.
I wouldn't do that again.
I won't mix up the past and the present.
- That - I get it.
You see me that way because I didn't pass.
Look, I'm I'm going to prove myself in this Selection.
I won't let you down.
All you know about the Offshore is being wasted.
No, it isn't.
I made this drink with the best knowledge the Offshore has to offer.
I need you for the plan to work.
Really? Wasn't I the one who fucked your plan back then, leader? Now all of a sudden, I'm important? We lost I lost my temper.
- But you were - An asshole.
I know.
I've lost Fernando.
It wouldn't be bad to have you Michele's test really got to you.
Now you're all about teamwork.
So, did you pass? Yes.
I'm much calmer.
Hey there.
Where's Maurício's mother? She passed in the Process.
I take care of him by myself.
Go ahead.
No, no.
I'm not good with kids.
I didn't have a good role model.
My mom was everything you should not be.
No one here had good role models, including me.
You know Marcela, the leader of the Process you did? Yes.
She was my mother.
Anyway, just forget about it.
Unfortunately, we can't choose our mothers.
It's just like you said.
Our emotions get out of control.
A guy in the group in front of us even peed his pants.
How long until lunch is ready? Actually, this is for dinner, after the test.
No lunch today.
See how good it was to eat that bar? to do that.
- Let me stay.
- Easy, Felipe.
This isn't fair, you cow.
You can come back when we rebuild the Shell.
They'll kill me out there.
Let me stay.
Let me stay.
Let me This isn't fair.
Fuck, that guy went crazy.
Like he has a screw loose.
No jokes, Xavier.
You don't know what being eliminated is.
When it happened to me in the Process, I was so I don't even remember.
I blacked out.
When I came to, I was out of the building.
Did you have siblings? [JOANA.]
Where did you live in the Inland? So many places, it's not even worth talking about.
Did you have someone? As I said, no family.
I didn't mean that.
I mean, someone.
I can't stand that stuff.
Why not? People won't stop asking me questions, and I hate being interrogated.
Fuck, Joana.
You don't say a thing.
Where I'm from too much talking means trouble.
The less they know, the better.
Just like a friend of mine.
We lived on the same street.
A bunch of outcasts.
There was a game the kids used to play.
Depending on where the knife landed, they had to reveal their greatest wish, or their greatest fear.
FEAR WISH Most would say their greatest wish was to pass the Process, and their greatest fear was to fail it.
It was a shitty game.
Real shitty.
One day, my friend decided to tell the truth, and the knife landed on the wish side.
She said her greatest wish was to meet her mom.
It was incredible, because after a few days, a woman showed up, saying she was her mother.
Called her "daughter" and everything.
When she went to hug the woman, she realized the other kids were laughing.
The woman was just a drunk lady who lived one street down.
The kids had paid her to pretend.
That must've been hard on you.
It wasn't me.
It was a friend.
Only 23 more parts to go.
Until then, I can convince you to stay.
Let's go.
The next test is about to start.
Stand around the table, please.
This test is very simple.
Each one of you, one at a time, says, "I believe in the Shell.
" That's it? This is a polygraph, and it will tell me if you're telling the truth.
After you all speak up, a green or a red light will flash.
If it's the green light, good.
Everybody told the truth, and you all pass.
But if it's the red light, then at least one of you wasn't being honest.
Three red lights, and the whole group is eliminated.
Any questions? Good luck.
- Who goes first? - How about you, Otávio? I have no honesty issues, Rafael.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
Someone's lying, right? Maybe someone has doubts about the Shell.
Then who's the liar? - I have a suspicion.
- Really? You know what, Otávio? Just shove it.
I want to stay here, more than anything.
I have a huge reason to stay.
We just don't know if your "huge reason" wants you to stay.
You wanna go there? Enough, you two.
Let's try it again.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
One more strike and we're out.
No one is faking on purpose here.
We need to do this together.
I guess it's my fault.
I'm not being honest enough.
First of all, this a group test.
- That's not a coincidence.
- Yeah.
Maybe you have to convince me.
I don't know.
Why do you like this fucking place so much? [OTÁVIO.]
Joana people get a second chance here.
They can have a family here.
And not be sterilized.
I want to fill this Shell with little Xaviers one day.
If that's you trying to make me laugh, bad timing.
The Division can't get in here.
Think of how hard it was sleeping in the Inland.
You can sleep at ease here.
And if you leave the past behind, you'll see.
The Shell is worth it.
Are you blind? There's no way I got it already, Otávio.
Just let me focus.
I believe in this Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
I believe in the Shell.
No way.
No, no, no.
No! I'm not letting you do that to me.
- I didn't do anything.
Didn't you? Everyone's screwed, and it's your fault.
What about you guys? Aren't you doing anything? She screwed us all over.
Could've been anyone here.
Even you.
Otávio, calm down.
- Are you insane? - Stop it.
- Only one of you is out.
- Of course.
Joana is out.
The test was impossible.
There's no polygraph in the Shell.
This machine can only flash the red light.
I made this test to see how you deal with failure.
The Shell will have many defeats, and you'll need to unite.
That's why you're out, Otávio.
All the others have passed.
Rafael, Artur, Xavier, Joana, Natália, you've passed.
I told you we were going to pass.
All right, Michele.
Nice one.
See, Otávio? And there you were, blaming me.
You must understand, it's always Michele's fault.
Joana, let's talk.
Why are you against me? We're on the same side.
Why? You betrayed the Cause.
You stole our victory.
To build a better place for everybody.
I can see that, Ezequiele.
I'm not your enemy.
We came from the same place.
I'm an Inlander, like you.
You can't say that.
I'm not like you.
You had your brother.
You had somebody to love.
He took care of you.
You were registered.
You were given a name.
My reality was different.
I had other fears, other wishes.
Now you tell me this isn't the same as the Offshore? Just look at this place.
Look at this.
I'm against the Offshore.
I want you to see that.
I only stayed there a year.
If I was working with them, I'd have taken Marcela's offer.
After the storm, she came here, and said she'd solve things, give us food, and fix the collector, so she could control us.
That's why I created this shitty Selection, to avoid that.
The fact in itself that she made you that offer shows us how you're closer to them than you think.
I wanted to build a different place, a third place.
You know what, Joana? You're right.
It's all Michele's fault.
It's all her fault.
Joana, go get Elisa.
- I'm not leaving you alone with her.
Yes, you are! Go get Elisa.
Otávio, calm down.
Shut up.
Where's Elisa? In the lookout? Elisa.
What? What happened? - [JOANA.]
- Lock the door.
Lock it.
Michele tricked me, Elisa.
Okay, she's here.
Drop the blade.
She tricked us all with that test.
Drop that.
Just drop that, please.
Tell her, Michele.
Tell her you were unfair.
It wasn't my fault I was eliminated.
Tell her I passed.
Tell her! [ELISA.]
Drop that, Otávio.
Otávio, what do you want? She knows what I want.
To stay in the Shell? We can reconsider that.
I wanna be with you, Elisa.
It's my fault, isn't it? Because I didn't pass the Process.
I left you alone.
I thought we'd finally be together.
Now that we're a couple.
We were a couple, Otávio, when I was 19.
And now? Do you hate me now? No.
I don't hate you.
I'm not better than you.
You passed the Process.
That doesn't mean a thing.
She's right.
It doesn't mean a thing.
Listen to her.
Trust me.
We need to do something.
Everything will be fine.
You don't want to do this.
You don't have to.
You're not a murderer.
I've killed before.
And you don't want to live with the guilt.
Drop that, please.
Trust me, Otávio.
- Yes.
- [JOANA.]
Drop it and everything will be fine.
Everything will be fine.
It will, Otávio.
Give me the blade.
Everything will be fine.
You get out of here, and we forget what happened, okay? - We can start over.
- Yes.
Everything will be fine.
Everything will be fine.
Right, Elisa? - Elisa.
- Everything will be fine.
Otávio! - Otávio! - [DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING.]
What are you doing? Are you crazy? Stop it! [MICHELE.]
Please let me go.
Let go.
Ah, Elisa.
Don't do that, Otávio.
There's no turning back now.
Elisa, please - [MAN.]
Careful with him.
- Where is he? Calm down.
Are you crazy, Otávio? [MARCO.]
Hold him.
Get him.
Out of my way, Xavier! - [XAVIER.]
What is that, Otávio? - [MARCO.]
Hold him.
- Don't let him escape.
- Xavier.
Be careful.
Careful, Xavier.
Drop it, Otávio.
Calm down, Otávio.
Drop that.
No! [THUD.]
Elisa, help me.
I need you here now.
Press it.
Yes, like that.
Don't let her move.
I'll be right back.
- No.
Don't go.
- Be right back.
If I die, you'll be free to rule the Shell.
I know that's what you want.
You deserve that.
But I'm not you.
My sister didn't pass the Process either.
I got back home one day, and found her dead.
It had been recent.
Her body was still warm.
At times, it feels like you'll never forget it.
You close your eyes, and it's all you can see.
The echoes of that will always be there.
But there are two things I learned with time: It's normal to feel the way you feel now and it's not your fault.
You were right.
The Process always destroys people.
All this is a sham.
You can count on my help for your plan.
Are you okay, Artur? Hmm.
Some pretty messed-up stuff happened today.
It's not always like this.
I don't know It won't happen again, okay? That stuff doesn't get to me.
Artur you can tell me whatever you feel, okay? You can trust me.
It's okay.

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