Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s03e02 Episode Script

Fiesta de amor

So, Ana and you are not a couple.
Yes, it was all a strategy we created
to win the lawsuit.
We had to make sure we wouldn't
be separated from our daughters.
Pablo was right.
He was.
Can you forgive me?
I understand.
And I forgive you.
And one more thing.
You know I'm dying
to be with you, but I
I want to wait until this lawsuit
is behind both of us.
After that,
we'll have all the time to be together
and to get right back to our plans.
Is that a promise?
It is.
By the way, Cynthia and you
No, no, that was nothing.
It was to make you jealous.
- Ah!
- Yeah.
Excuse me.
I have to go.
Please promise me
you won't speak to anyone
about anything I just told you, okay?
We have major problems.
Since you two came out of the closet,
we've lost our most powerful investors.
Do they live
in the 16th century, or what?
I don't wanna work
with those people anyway.
Okay, but "those people"
are the ones putting up
the money for your operation.
They are not the only investors.
We have to look for people
who are more aligned with our vision.
We have a great product.
That's exactly what I wanted
to talk to you about.
I have some friends
who are very interested.
Although, they have some concerns.
So set up a meeting for us,
and we'll address their concerns.
Let me get this straight.
I'm three times more at risk
- than my first pregnancy 'cause of my age?
- Yes.
I thought they said the forties
were the new thirties.
After a woman is 35,
she has an increased risk
of things like preeclampsia
and gestational diabetes.
In addition to the risk
of chromosomal abnormalities in your baby.
So then what options do I have now?
What happens if I want
to have an abortion, or Hmm?
An abortion is possible
in the first three months.
So there's still time.
It's really messed up
that you won't talk to Mom.
She sent you, didn't she?
I came to see
what's going on with the trip, okay?
You want to go to Tomorrowland, don't you?
Of course I do.
Mom really misses you, Ro.
She's been moping all day
'cause you won't talk to her.
I was taking a bath.
Yeah, right, liar.
- You barely take a shower once a week.
- You're a major pig.
But you're gonna have to talk to her.
For real.
And I miss you too.
Do all of the games in your program
have simple game mechanics like this?
So the first game is ping-pong.
And as you get as you get better at it,
it opens access to more games
like Cucara Crush.
Um, and yes, it is visually simple
so that it can be streamed
on all kinds of gaming devices.
The game may be real accessible,
but I don't really see any other value.
Not even the cockroach's theme song?
In any case, do you have
a business plan for the company?
Sure, sure, of course.
Um, where is it? Uh
Uh Uh
Let me explain it.
No, don't worry.
You can send it all over to us,
and we'll review it and get back to you.
Then we can discuss
an agreement, all right?
- Thank you for your time.
- Thank you.
And thank you for your time.
I can't believe it.
You seriously mixed up your babies?
- Mm-hmm.
- We did.
Thanks to a nurse who was new.
She removed the babies' ID bands
and then put the wrong ones back on.
Well, compared to your story,
Felix's and mine isn't interesting at all.
But what is interesting is the story
of how we adopted our children.
And believe me, it was not easy.
I know there aren't a lot of options.
I mean, there's so much discrimination
and misinformation
around adoption for same-sex parents.
I can understand why you
were interested in our app.
Most people can't even imagine
the prejudices we face.
Can you believe they even asked us which
of us is the mom and which is the dad?
We approach the app with a perspective
that is much more comprehensive
and diverse
because we know how urgent it is
to create visibility for all families.
The queer community
definitely needs increased visibility.
Especially when it comes
to the business world.
You two are doing some great work.
I know a few more friends
who'd be interested in investing in you.
Well we're thinking of throwing a party
to introduce newcomers to our project.
- Aren't we, honey?
- Uh-huh!
Come with Felix
and bring your friends.
Absolutely. It's a done deal.
Let's get this party started, gentleman
This is what a winner looks like.
Hey, were there any signs
before your wife was
Obviously. Ana always wore
the pants in the relationship.
You know, I think Juanqui
might've lost his drive.
It looks like your swing wasn't enough.
You guys are homophobes.
- Juanqui!
- Why get mad?
- Hey!
- Don't be angry.
- Wait, come on!
- It was a joke, man!
What's up, Ro?
- Is your mom coming?
- Both of his moms.
They coming in bikinis?
Sorry to hear.
Your old lady leaving you
for another motherfucker must hurt.
But for her to leave you
for another lady
What's your problem?
You have no idea what you're
- Break it up!
- Come on, get off!
Get off! Let go!
You have no idea
what you're talking about!
- He's fine. I'm fine.
- Yeah, yeah.
Why are you posting pictures
of Mom and Mariana?
You're a traitor to me and Dad.
Listen, Ro,
this has nothing to do with you, okay?
It's between Mariana and our mother.
Yeah, and our mom is a traitor too.
I'm never talking to her again.
Who are you hiding from?
- Uh, no one!
- Hi.
Hi, there.
I heard about Ana.
How terrible.
But you can tell me. What happened?
Ana just invented this story
that she's a lesbian
in order to win the divorce suit.
And now I'm the butt of the joke.
But I'm not gonna let her get away
with that this time.
You're handling it well.
Because, really, what she did
was low.
I feel like getting revenge.
Like I need to really make her
feel bad about herself, jealous!
Do you know what I'm talking about?
I understand perfectly.
But here isn't a good place to talk.
If you want, we should go to dinner.
I'm certain that I can help you.
- I'll text you.
- Okay.
Man there's truly nothing worse
than being called for a job when you know
they're never, never going to call you.
I know I fucked up.
You don't have to rub it in.
What sucks is I had everything planned,
but my anxiety got me.
We all know who's making you anxious.
You just gotta admit it.
Ever since you saw that photo
of her with the gorgeous Greek guy,
you've been completely lost.
Honestly, dude, you won't be able to relax
until you know what is up with them.
How am I supposed to do that?
I can't ask Cynthia.
You can't ask her.
If you do that, you'll fall into the trap
of the toxic ex, and we don't want that.
But what you can do
is get to the source of your problems.
No, no way. Not a chance.
I'm not gonna go to any therapy.
Listen, you asshole.
All you have to do
is follow the red string.
You gonna tell me why we're here,
or do I need to wait
till you finish your Coke?
It's because of the pictures you sent me.
Oh, Pablo, I didn't know
the nudes I sent you went through.
So what did you think?
That would be nice, but no, it's not that.
It's, uh, these pictures.
Oh right.
Um, I'm just gonna tell you the truth.
Ferrán made a plan
to make Mariana jealous.
So you ended up being collateral damage.
But, I mean,
we all know that Ferrán is super-hot.
So, well, they could fall in love.
Can you imagine their children?
Out of ten couples
that adopt children, only one is gay.
Omar is so right.
We should include more features in the app
that cater to all types of families.
You know what idea
I came up with for the party?
A drag show!
Ah! Wouldn't that be amazing?
Uh, Ana, no.
It's just a party. It isn't Gay Pride.
Next thing we know,
you'll wanna decorate the place
with rainbow colors and glitter balloons.
What's wrong with that? The gays love it.
That's exactly what the problem is.
Your ideas about the LGBTQ community
are a little bit outdated.
No, they're not.
I've actually read a lot on the subject.
Okay. Do you even know
what LGBTQIA stands for?
Lesbian, Gay
All right.
What're your ideas for the party then?
I mean, just to throw
a party that's cool, normal.
With tasty food and nice cocktails,
a place that's beautiful with a good DJ.
In other words, a normal party?
Your idea's a major cliché.
Okay, I get it.
How about we let other people vote
on the two ideas?
- That sounds good to me.
- All right.
This isn't up for debate.
It's my body, and it's my decision.
Fine then.
But why don't you want to have it?
Because at my age,
there are just too many risks.
And I don't know
if I want to go through that.
But we can go
to the best specialists.
And besides that, I'll be here,
and I'll take care of you always.
Excuse me, miss?
Whenever you get a chance,
can I get an Americano, please?
- Yeah.
- Wait, no.
That has too much caffeine.
It could be bad for the baby.
- A drip coffee, please.
- Sure.
- Thank you.
- Exactly that. Exactly that.
That is what I don't want!
I'm in my forties.
I've had a child and a grandchild already.
You think I'll give up
my freedom like that?
I promise I understand,
but I need to be honest with you.
- Look at me.
- Hmm?
When you first told me you were pregnant,
I was excited
because I realized I wanted to be a dad.
I was really excited to be a dad.
But I love you.
I will support you whatever you do.
What's going to happen to us?
Let's see.
We'll figure this out first,
and then we'll talk.
Well, okay. I've already been researching
some options for abortion.
This is what I would love to make happen.
And to make everyone happy,
we can hand out special props.
Ceci, put it on.
Okay, it's Mariana's turn to present.
Okay, um
I didn't put together a presentation,
but I'm just gonna tell you about my idea.
I'm thinking we could have photo booths,
uh, two bars,
and for the music,
we can try to hire, uh, DJ Pérez
or Mister Rabbit.
And, well, that's the idea.
Now it's time to vote.
Raise the side
that corresponds to your favorite idea.
And we have a winner.
Hey, you.
Ah, you look great.
- Thank you.
- Beautiful.
You don't even know how long
I've waited for this moment.
Ana has always competed with me.
And she always knew you were my crush.
I had my eye on you before her, cutie.
I'm so glad that today
we're finally able to undress this issue.
Oh, sorry. I mean, address it!
Check it out. I booked a great room.
The Tantric Fantasy Room.
I don't know if you'll like it,
or if you want something a little wilder
I'm sorry, Alma. I'm sorry.
- I think you misunderstood me.
- Huh?
When I said that I wanted
to get revenge on Ana,
I wasn't referring to that.
Your husband has been a friend
for many years.
He and I have an agreement
to let one another have fun separately.
I think we should
let things be as they are
so we can all stay friends.
I had no idea that you
were such a stupid idiot.
And guess what.
You just lost your best ally
because I have a list
with all of Ana's dirty laundry.
I've never told you this before,
but before you, I had an abortion.
And I don't regret it.
I was very young.
I couldn't have it.
Years later, I got pregnant again,
and I had you.
And by then,
it was the exact right time with you.
I could be happy as a mom.
You're the only one who knows
if it's the right time
or not the right time.
I've always loved this photo.
- Look at you. You both look so cute.
- Mmm.
Yeah, don't you remember?
It was the Mother's Day festival,
and I still couldn't make it.
Mariana didn't want
to take off her costume
until you came home.
And then she fell asleep
with her little antennas on her head.
It was cute.
I wasn't ready when I had her, Mom.
I feel like I missed everything,
that I didn't enjoy it.
It's not your fault. You were too young.
You had to work all the time, no?
Yes, true, but look at me now.
I'm not so young,
but I still feel like I'm not ready yet.
Have you considered
we are only the mothers that we can be?
Good morning.
Hey, gorgeous.
- What are you doing?
- Chai latte, no sugar, and coconut milk.
I remembered it, right?
Yeah, however, we agreed on something,
and you're not helping me with that.
You're right. I got carried away.
On second thought
I could use this.
What're you doing here?
I came to drop off
this penguin stuffed animal you forgot.
How are you? How's it going with Ferrán?
If you're so interested in him,
want to set up a playdate for you?
Nah, I don't care about my exes' boy-toys.
So what if he was my boyfriend?
It's not my business.
You can go out with whoever you want.
I'm gonna go see Regina.
Guess what.
I just uploaded a list of adoption centers
that accept applications
from queer couples,
and also from single parents.
It's all in the app.
Are you for real still mad at me?
Seriously, Ana, I didn't know
you could be such a sore loser.
Let me remind you
it was your idea to have people vote.
And you accepted the idea
in order to make a fool of me.
I mean, obviously, I might know
a little bit more about the theme
since I'm part of the Community.
You're just pretending to be part of it.
Mariana, what you call pretending
cost me my relationship with my son.
Okay, yes,
and I had to break up with Ferrán.
"I had to break up with Ferrán."
When you act like that,
there's really no point in talking to you.
So? That's a good idea, isn't it?
Yeah, it is.
- It's going to look great.
- Incredible.
- What do you think?
- Yes.
- A great idea.
- Yeah, totally.
- It'll be so fun.
- It sounds great.
Oh, but I won't be able
to help you with that today.
Why? Didn't you want to help me?
An hour earlier, I could've.
- Okay, perfect.
- All right, perfect.
- Perfect. Sure.
- Thank you.
Okay. Bye.
Uh, what?
Nothing. Nothing.
If you haven't
seen much of me lately,
it's because I've been helping
my girlfriend Ceci
to organize an amazing party
for some very cool LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs.
Say hey.
What's wrong?
Well, I'm just kind of worried
about my brother.
He's in a bad place with my mom,
and he's refusing to talk to her.
You could always set up
a chance encounter.
It was bullshit.
I was harassed in front of everyone.
I won't be a doormat anymore.
Hey, we got your back, man.
I missed my chance for revenge.
Hold on. Can you catch me up?
I don't know what happened.
A friend of Ana's, Alma Toca,
made a a sexual offer
in exchange for giving me
compromising information on Ana.
No shit, dude! Really?
And what'd you say to her?
Obviously, I said no.
I won't stoop that low.
Well, that depends.
What's the chick look like?
- Dude! She's a fucking milf!
- You gotta go for that!
I can't believe you didn't take her offer!
Come on, man!
Your ex-wife is organizing
a huge blow-out party,
- and you're here sitting around
- What blow-out party?
One with some super cool businessmen
from the gay community.
How do you know this?
'Cause I follow Dario,
your son-in-law influencer.
is killing what little reputation
I have left.
What your ex needs is for someone
to put her in her place, dude.
Hey, I have a question for you.
How was I as a mother?
You were good.
That is not true.
I was a disaster.
I have no idea what I would've done
without your grandmother.
You and Grandma
were the best moms in the world.
Is everything okay?
You're being weird.
What's up? Is it menopause?
I'm not going through menopause.
I'm pregnant.
I made the same face when I found out.
Exactly the same.
But I don't know if I want to have it.
And honestly, it's not just
'cause of my age and the risks.
It's more because I'm terrified I'll make
the same mistakes I made with you.
No one taught us to be moms.
Don't do this.
Stop judging yourself, please.
You did a great job.
And besides,
things are completely different now.
You're much more mature,
more stable,
you have time,
and you also have Víctor.
Whatever you decide, I'll support you.
I'm here for you, okay?
Thank you, sweetheart.
Thank you so much.
Hey, listen.
You were a great mom, for real.
Don't you lie to me.
Tell your mom
she doesn't need to butter me up.
Don't butter up your granny.
You hear me, Regina?
I can't believe they liked Mariana's
boring idea better than mine.
Don't you think my drag show idea
was way better?
It's a drag show!
Totally. I love drag shows.
- You know what?
- Hmm?
Call them and set up a meeting.
- What's wrong with you?
- Nothing. I was being discreet,
but you look so sexy when you get jealous.
The DJ Mariana wanted
is totally booked up.
But now look at this guy here.
He's amazing. Listen.
I like him, yeah!
- Hey, Elena.
- Hmm?
Before my mom gets here,
do you think you could do me a favor?
Call my brother. Tell him you're looking
for a flute player for your band.
That's funny, Ceci.
- It's not like he would believe me.
- It doesn't matter.
He has a huge crush on you.
You can say anything, and he'll buy it.
You for real?
Am I interrupting?
Did you lose something?
I wanted to ask you if the exchange
was still on the table.
Thanks to these, I have closed
a lot of deals over the years.
What we're looking for
has to be somewhere around here.
You recorded
all your bridge game conversations?
This alone is enough
to finish Ana forever.
I love it.
Oh yeah.
I like all the ideas you're proposing.
And the DJ. I love it.
Hey, come on in.
- No
- No. Listen. You need to talk to mom.
Why don't you answer the phone?
'Cause I'm upset about
what you're doing to fuck over Dad.
Honey, I'm not doing anything
to fuck over your dad.
And don't talk like that.
Some guys at the club
won't stop making fun of me.
Dad's having trouble too.
What do you say to them?
It doesn't matter.
What matters is that we're having
a really hard time 'cause of you.
And school hasn't even started yet.
I'm so sorry
you're having such a hard time.
I'm here for you however you need.
I'd like you to come back to the house.
That's not going to happen.
Ro, wait!
Come on, just wait, okay?
Look, all I wanted you to do
was have a talk with Mom, okay?
I get it.
You've already picked your side,
and so have I.
And just so you know,
I'm not gonna go on a trip with a traitor.
Oh no. What have we come to?
I saw on the news
that Kristen Stewart
started playing for the other team
and wants to marry a woman now.
Seriously? I don't understand
why gay people want to get married.
They have the same rights
as everyone else.
- Ana?
- Oh, no.
Girl, please don't tell me
you support that.
Of course I don't support it.
No, of course.
God created Adam and Eve,
man and woman.
- That's right.
- The gay thing is totally unnatural.
Alma Toca's a real asshole, man.
What we should do now is play this video
at the big party that they're throwing.
And then we just sit back
and watch the fallout
as the gay community
slowly turns on your ex. Oof!
- That's genius.
- Yes, dude.
Nah, I think that's going a step too far.
What the hell, man?
Whose side are you really on?
Yeah, fine. Never mind.
We are your bros.
Bros! Bros! Bros! Bros!
Bros! Bros! Bros! Bros! Bros!
Bros! Bros! Bros! Bros! Bros!
I want your opinion on something.
I've been working on a few new ideas
trying to make the app more inclusive.
Wait, don't you have a lunch meeting
with Felix and Omar?
Ana canceled the meeting with me
because she wanted to talk to them two
about ideas for the party.
Do you know
which restaurant they're at?
Mmm, El Rivoli.
- Okay, so we'll chat later, then?
- Sure.
Have you already left
for the restaurant with Ana?
Okay. She doesn't know,
but I have a surprise for her.
So would you mind taking
the long way around, please?
Cool, that's perfect. Thanks so much.
I need your help, please.
Yeah. Wait, wait, wait.
Now! It's turning around.
Now, now, now, now, now! Go for it!
Hey, Ramón!
- Hey! Hey!
- Hello.
What's up, Ana?
How are you?
What are you doing? Ramón?
Did you see that?
Take me to the restaurant now!
I'm not kidding.
Yeah, I know.
You wanted to play dirty with Mariana.
You wanted to go pitch them
your silly ideas about rainbow panties.
I don't understand how Mariana's with you.
You never play fairly.
If you don't take me to the restaurant,
I'm gonna jump out of the car.
I'll accuse you of of kidnapping me!
Hey, hey, hey! All right, all right.
Chill, crazy lady. I'll take you.
But I have something to say.
Don't you dare do anything
to break Mariana's heart again.
I'm not going to.
So what do you think?
We really want them
to feel super comfortable.
Wow, that's great.
Especially the photo booth idea.
I love it.
So many times, when people say they wanna
throw a party for the queer community,
the first thing they propose
is a drag show.
- Hi, Omar.
- Ana! We thought you wouldn't make it.
I'm sorry. I had something come up.
I'm glad to hear Mariana already told you
that we're not having
any drag queens at our party.
- Obviously not.
- Oh, thank god.
I'll order you something. Waiter!
Thanks for the ride, cuz.
- You wanna go upstairs for a beer?
- I'd better not.
Ah, well, if it's because of Pablo,
I'm sure he's already
jumped off the balcony.
He's depressed about his presentation.
The one for his video game?
If not that, then it could be
that he saw you in that photo
with Ferrán or Farfan
or whatever his name is.
- Hmm.
- He was pissed about that.
When I saw him at the office,
he seemed all right.
That's because he has
as much pride as you do.
I'm sorry.
I went with the stereotype
of the gay world.
There's still a lot I have to learn.
And I took it too far
by having Elena kidnap you. That's true.
Ana, you and I are a team,
and we complement each other perfectly.
You have taught me so many things
I didn't know about the world of business.
However, I also know
there are things I can teach you.
That's so sweet.
Really, so sweet.
Thanks, Ramón.
- Someone's here to see you.
- I'm coming.
I heard that you might've
screwed up your presentation.
What? She's my cousin.
I can't invite my cousin
into my own house?
Okay, man. Check ya' later.
I know you've never really
been into graphic design.
Give me a chance.
This really isn't necessary.
Why are you doing this?
I'm not going to be Ana's assistant
for the rest of my life.
Cucara Crush deserves
to be in the major leagues.
Besides, this could be the beginning
of something big.
However, I want to make
something very clear
from the very beginning.
I want to be your partner with 50 percent
of all profits we make together.
It's a deal.
You relax,
I'll take care of the rest.
- My date's gonna be thrilled, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
She'll say I have skin
as soft as a baby's butt.
Are you okay?
Mmm, yeah. It's it's just like
I'm fine. It's just a cramp. I'm fine.
Aw, fuck.
It's okay, it's
Tere. Tere, Tere, Tere.
- Come over here.
- Ah, it hurts so bad!
I don't feel very well. This is bad.
Let's go to the hospital then.
I'll take her.
Bring her purse.
No, I have another appointment
scheduled for today.
You know, it did hurt to see
that picture of you and Ferrán.
I just did it because he asked me to.
And to make you a little jealous.
But it was stupid 'cause you and I
don't even hang out anymore.
Yeah, it's kinda crazy
that I cared so much
whether you were with him or not.
Everything is crazy.
We better concentrate
so we can improve this presentation.
Nothing happened between you two, right?
Thank you, Ramón, for joining me.
- You don't have to thank me.
- Mm-hmm.
What happened?
We did not lose him, sir.
You can't imagine how terrified I was.
- It'll be all right. We're here.
- Mm-hmm. Thanks so much.
Víctor, I think I realized
I do want to have it.
It all happened so fast,
and I just
I didn't really have time
to process any of that.
But talking to Mariana
made me see that
being a mom is the best thing
that has ever happened to me.
So I
I would love
to be able to give
a wonderful life to our baby.
And to do that with you.
The three of us. Together.
I mean, if you still want it too.
Of course I want it too.
Thank you.
What's the dress code for the party?
Anything, as long as you can blend in
with the crowd, you know?
You can leave that whole part to me.
The real question
is how to project the video.
That's not a problem.
Pablo can get Cynthia to handle it.
Plus, she's my cousin, dude.
Of course she'll help.
Did Mom invite you, Dad?
I didn't want to go with her,
so I said I wasn't going if you weren't.
You don't have to pick one over the other.
Your mom's going to be your mom forever.
If you wanna go to the party with her,
I won't be mad.
But I don't wanna go with her.
Well, then, here we go.
Guard this with your life.
Wait for me!
Parking garage.
Uh, I I'm going down too.
You don't know how badly I wanted this.
- Ugh, I know. It sucks to have to pretend.
- It does.
But we can be secret lovers
as long as you want to.
What do you think?
Everything turned out incredible.
It did, didn't it?
I'm so glad you like it.
Cynthia already has the presentation ready
to project up there.
I really hope you enjoy
what we've prepared.
Shall we go now?
Let's go.
Good evening.
What's your last name, please?
Welcome to the party. Enjoy, all of you.
Didn't you say we'd blend into the crowd?
We're the only ones
dressed like this here!
It's way better to stand out
than to look exactly like everyone else.
Don't you think?
Fuck it, we're already here.
Let's get drunk.
That's an idea I like.
- Now we wait and see.
- It's gonna be great.
I am positive
that all of our work will pay off.
Oh, these cute cocktails are really
We didn't come here to drink cocktails.
Where did Pablo go?
He's over there with Cynthia.
What are you doing here?
I mean, Mariana invited me
at the last minute. No big deal.
I hope you enjoy yourself.
I have to go get the waiters
to bring out little sandwiches.
Then I have to go to the DJ
to set up the video presentation.
If you want, I'll help you.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Give me the flash drive.
I'll give it to the DJ.
Good evening.
May I have your attention, please?
Your hostesses would like
to share something with you.
Do you know what's going on?
What is this?
Who the hell changed the video?
Take it easy. We're having fun.
Give me that.
Is that Juan Carlos?
- Who switched the video? It was you.
- You're crazy. It wasn't me.
- What video?
- Uh
He made a deal with Alma Toca
for a video of you ranting
about gay people.
You made a deal with Alma Toca
to ostracize me?
After you left me no other options.
That video clearly shows
that you don't support the gay community
- because you're not gay!
- Shh!
It was me.
I changed the video
'cause I didn't want to ruin the party.
Fuck you, Pablo!
No, Juan Carlos, fuck you!
Get out of my party right now!
Honestly, I'm sick of all this.
Here's the video.
I'm not playing these games anymore.
Take them away.
Wait, I am impatient ♪
Who's that?
It's Conrado!
I am not dreaming ♪
You own me
This is a dream and I love you, love you ♪
I know you and I argue ♪
But I love you, love you ♪
I just love you ♪
Take me, leave me ♪
thanks for doing that.
I don't know what we would've done
if you weren't there.
This war we've found ourselves
in the middle of
has nothing to do with us.
I don't want to hurt you. All I want is
is for you to be happy with Ana
or with whoever.
But forget about the lawsuit.
I'm not gonna go through with it.
We're still friends?
We're friends.
God dammit.
Why are you dressed like that?
I love it!
The party was a total success.
Even the drag queen
who got up to sing was amazing.
I have to say Mariana really killed it.
She got all of our friends one by one
to get on board with her proposals.
They were blown away.
Mariana has such great ideas,
and she's always working
and coming up with new things.
Thank you again for everything.
I'm certain this is going to be
a great partnership.
You can relax.
I definitely will.
Thanks to you guys.
Talk to you later.
Are you gonna tell me when you developed
all those incredible proposals
that I didn't know anything about?
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