Four More Shots Please (2019) s03e02 Episode Script


On Holi,
there's something special in the air.
Cannabis, fun, freedom, colors, and boom!
There go your inhibitions.
Good thing or a bad thing?
Whatever it is, do not fuss,
for it's Holi after all!
Ms. Umang, investing in fitness studios
and gyms usually ends in a loss.
-See, rent, electricity bills, salaries,
equipment, equipment maintenance
I know there are overheads
but I also know that I can make it work.
And I'll break even in three years.
-I have experience
-But as a personal trainer.
Not as an entrepreneur.
Thank you.
Sorry, Ms. Singh,
but you don't have any collateral.
You should open a franchise
with a superstar.
Everyone's doing it.
I mean, I'm sure
Ms. Samara has some friends.
Hrithik? Tiger? Salman?
Sure. I'll head to Bandra
and talk to Salman.
You know him?
Anjana, 'Happy Holi!'
Tomorrow 11am at my place
Iron these clothes, please!
Arya, baby, please get ready quickly.
That's enough. No more tantrums.
-Darling, please, we're getting late.
-Get ready. They'll be here soon.
If you don't wear your dress now,
then no more Holi party, okay?
No water balloons, no water guns,
no colors, and no dessert!
-No, no, no!
Arya, stop!
I want to go to Dada.
I wanna play Holi with Arav.
We have a Holi party here with aunties.
-Please come out.
-No aunties.
-Only Arav.
-Arya, you need to stop.
You need to stop this.
-Arya, stop right now!
We're not going there
and that's final, okay?
Filmy, are we?
It's the dress code.
Well, I love it.
And I can't wait for you
to get wet and wild.
I don't know about wet, but I'm wild.
Rather feral.
You know what the trolls call me.
A wild cat.
Make that a wild feral sexy cat.
I'm addicted to your touch
I need it all the time
The things I wanna do to you
I can't keep them inside
It's getting late.
Anj must be waiting.
I'm waiting too.
I'm addicted to your touch
I need it all the time
To be continued, I promise.
-Hi, Sneha.
It's so good to see you, Sneha.
I must say, you look great!
Almost glowing.
How are you holding up, darling?
I'm okay.
Seeing you, one wouldn't know
it's only been six months.
I mean, I wouldn't be
up and about so quickly.
But then again,
when were you ever conventional, Sneha?
I'll see you.
Poor thing.
So young.
Morning walks feel weird without Viju.
Gosh, I miss him so much.
I know.
It's tough to get by alone.
You know, if you need anything,
anything at all,
let me know.
I'll be there.
All right?
See you around.
Do they know sati got abolished
in the early 1800s?
Fuck it, let's get out of here.
Watch your language, Siddhi.
I'm sorry, Mummy,
but given what mood I'm in,
it could be a lot worse. Come on.
You're overdue two months' rent.
I never had to remind you till now.
Can you please give me some more time?
How much more time?
One month?
All right.
Thank you, Uncle.
ANJANA: Arya drama!
Party shifted to Varun's.
Alexa, play Varun's
supersonic Holi party playlist!
Chug, chug, chug.
Pooky Auntie.
Yes, darling?
Where are you going?
I'm just going inside.
I also want to come.
Arya is obsessed with the Khannas.
Who are the Khannas?
Some new TV show?
Cut off TV privileges like my Mom used to.
Girls, the Khannas? Varun, Kavya, Arav?
Oh, shit!
She wants to spend all her time with them.
Why do you think we are here?
She threw a mega fucking tantrum.
"I wanna play Holi with Arav.
"We're a family."
Blah, blah, blah.
Making fun of your own kid! Love it!
Love it!
It's not about the family.
it's about Arav.
She just likes being a big sister
and have a baby to play with.
And she knows that hanging out
too much with Varun is bad for her.
Mangs, Varun happens to be her father.
I know, poor baby.
Everyone makes mistakes,
so you are forgiven.
If you want to make babies, there's Arjun.
Still the baby joke? Really?
We're not calling him a baby,
we're calling him to make babies!
-You should've spawned his babies.
So lean, so fit, bro!
Such a hunk!
He must have good swimmers also.
One shot and boom! Congratulations!
All right, time up!
Will you shut up?
-Uncle, you get a glass.
-Thank you.
Auntie, you definitely need a glass.
Come back in five years. Nice try.
You look so hot right now.
Baby, you should try me in bed.
Worst pick-up line ever!
Hey, my pick-up lines
got you hook, line, and sinker.
But seriously, you should try me in bed.
So cute!
So coy!
So lovely!
All they need
is a strong glass of chutzpah!
I'll take that. Thank you.
Oh, my God, Sneha Auntie, I
Oh, my God!
-And that's how it's done.
-Oh, my God!
Hey, Jeh,
Siddhi's mom is really hot.
-Bro, you okay?
Never felt better.
Later, mate.
In a while, crocodile.
-Down the hatch, girls!
I see a genuine smile
on Sneha's face after a long time.
Not everyone's happy about it.
Like who?
These pervy uncles
who just want to bring joy to her vagina.
And these bitchy aunties who want
her vagina to grow mold and fall off.
You should've seen them.
All these horny uncles
were hovering around her.
And these angry, insecure aunties
were charging towards her
with horns on their heads.
And to think she wasn't even wearing red.
But I saw red everywhere.
Just doing stand-up here
or do you plan to get on stage too?
Yeah, you must miss it, Sids.
And you also need it, right?
For your own sanity?
It can be therapeutic.
Really? Can it bring my dad back?
It's okay.
But seriously, how is Sneha?
Beneath it all?
I hear her crying.
Sometimes locked in her bedroom
or in the bathroom or
-And you?
I cry everywhere.
Have you ever talked
to each other about it?
Let it be!
Come on! Let's get high.
Where's the bhang?
Is it out? I'll get some.
Okay, Arya. Come here!
You have to drink water.
Some more.
Wanna get high?
-It's vodka golgappa!
-Come here!
-I'm not doing this!
Holi is the time for all things unholy!
Open your mouth. I'll tickle you!
Raising a daughter with you was enough.
I thought I'd gotten away.
Never! No one can escape Varun!
Remember that time
we were in Delhi for Holi?
Bhatia's party!
At that gigantic Chhatarpur farm.
We couldn't find the place. We were lost.
And we shouldn't have.
You were trashed! You slept!
In the bushes!
And then Bhatia Uncle sent the cops
to try and find me.
Remember that time in Hampi?
Don't remind me of that.
I was hallucinating for two fucking days!
Remember that time
you were in the water tank?
I was trying to pull you out.
-I was like
Okay, Varun, stop. Stop doing this.
Doing what?
Stop being nostalgic.
We messed it up once.
I don't want to get into it again.
Vodka golgappa!
God, I love them!
But I'm still feeding Arav.
I guess next year?
What were you guys
discussing so animatedly?
What were you guys giggling about?
Oh, that.
I think just remembering old stuff.
We messed up once and kissed. I
I don't know what he wants.
Sex closure.
Sex plus closure.
-Sex closure.
-Not in a million years.
I see that life was
less complicated when I wasn't doing it.
Someone should get some
because I ain't getting any.
Neither am I!
But there's Jeh and Dee.
Resident bunnies.
They'll do it for all of us.
Why so red?
-The gulaal?
Jeh and I
We haven't been
haven't been able to do it
since the miscarriage.
Does he pressure you? I'll whoop his ass.
No, he's actually very patient
and understanding.
And not that he doesn't try
once in a while, but
you know, no pressure.
I don't know what's wrong!
You know, every time we get going
I get these flashes, okay, of
of the pregnancy,
of the confusion.
You know, that hospital smell, that
And I just go cold.
It'll take time, Dee.
But it's been so long already, right?
Has it?
Papa died the same day.
Am I over it?
And you'll hurt, Sids.
Both you and Dee.
And with time,
it's not going to be more or less,
it's just gonna be different.
Dee, can I say something?
I just feel that, after that trauma,
you and Jeh
jumped too quickly into this whole thing.
She might have a point.
Hey, what's wrong?
I mean
Oh, gosh, I love your smell.
"Perspire by Jeh."
I should bottle and sell it.
"Home by Jeh."
You're my softest pillow.
My cocoon.
My safe spot.
You mean nuclear bunker?
I mean it.
Are you drunk or emotional?
Or emotional from drunkenness?
Maybe both?
Why so sad?
I'm broke.
We're all broke, dude.
Broke like ceramic vases.
But then, we get glued back together.
Like kintsugi.
Imperfectly beautiful.
Wow. That was deep.
Broke, not broken.
I don't have rent money.
I'll be homeless by end of the month.
Listen, move in with me!
Then, we'll be like sisters forever.
Banks won't give me a loan.
Can you get a loan for rent?
-For my studio.
-Where's your studio?
I don't have one, but I will one day.
Umami Fitness.
A little sweet, a little sour,
a little bitter, all Umang.
-All me.
-Wow, Mang!
That's such a cool name! Umami.
Do you know any investors?
I do.
And she's awesome.
Papa's left me shitloads of money.
Just take some.
That's not what I meant.
I can't take money.
Listen, you won't be taking it.
It's gonna be an investment.
Plus, what's the point
of my privileged existence
if I can't help my BFF?
Anyway, Mangs, we'll all die one day.
It's pointless. Just take it, take it all.
You know,
you can call it something else also.
Wasabi Fitness. Ask why.
Because you make people
cry with pain in your classes.
We should
We should move in together.
Drunk Damini had better not take
drunk decisions.
Now open your mouth.
We make so many plans in life.
And then suddenly,
one day we realize
there's no fucking meaning to anything!
Chill, dude, everything will be okay.
You could be walking on the street,
and get hit by a bus.
And then, suddenly, boom! That's it. Over!
Okay. Papa time joke. Papa joke time.
What do you call Batman
if he got hit by a bus?
Sids, you're clearly not okay.
Dude, I'm fucking awesome!
I understand everything now.
I know the eternal truth of life.
Put me down.
-Listen carefully, okay?
Life is shit and shit always falls apart.
Not if you have enough fiber, but
Dude, where's Anj and Dee?
They're probably dead, too. Just my luck.
Arya, take a bite quickly. Come.
Chew, chew.
I love curry rice
more than millet pancakes.
-God, finally!
You doing okay, Anj?
Yeah. It's
nice to see her with her baby brother.
I know.
She makes such a good big sister.
You know Varun
will always be Arya's dad first.
Arya, come, curry rice.
Mama, I got a boo-boo.
Oh, my God!
Let me kiss your boo-boo
and it's gonna be okay.
Pooky Auntie, you also kiss my boo-boo.
Okay, come.
-Dada will also kiss your boo-boo.
And one kissy-kissy for my
-baby mama.
Do kissy-kissy with Mama also.
Of course.
No, not like that.
Like you did with Pooky Auntie.
Darling. Mama and Dada are divorced.
I explained it to you.
We can't do that, okay?
You can. I saw you doing
kissy-kissy on the lips.
Arya, stop making up things, okay?
You're watching a lot of nonsense on TV!
Let's go.
No TV. In the kitchen,
I saw you doing kissy-kissy on the lips.
I love you, Mummy! I love you!
When you were little, right?
When you were little.
No, when Dada used to sleep on the sofa.
That night when you were
too drunk to come home?
When I was six months pregnant
and you were partying with you ex-wife
and her friends? That night?
Thanks, Anj.
Thanks a lot.
Kavya, there's
nothing going on between us.
Did you and Varun kiss or not?
Did you?
-Did you?
Get out.
-No, get the hell out!
-Baby, it's a bit of an overreaction.
I knew something happened,
but I kept saying Varun can't do this,
and more than that,
Anj can't do this to me!
Kav, no.
But I was wrong. I was so goddamn wrong.
Do kissy-kissy with me, Mangs.
Open the door, dude.
This okay?
There you go.
I'm really worried about Siddhi.
After Viju,
Siddhi isn't herself anymore.
You aren't yourself either.
We can all see that.
We're both drowning, dear.
We're just clinging to each other
and trying to stay afloat.
But we're both drowning.
Have you talked?
Don't protect each other from the pain.
I can't do that.
I'll end up needing her
to take care of me.
I can't do that to Siddhi.
We should have told Kavya that very day.
We agreed not to because
she was pregnant and it'd hurt her.
Yeah, but now it's worse.
So, it's my fault now?
As usual, it's my fault.
Good night.
Move in with me?
It's safe here.
Jeh, wait.
This is the only key I have on me.
The spare is inside.
Does that mean I have to come
and open the door?
And then?
And then you stay.
Creative Supervisor: Dinesh Shakul
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