Invincible (2021) s03e02 Episode Script
A Deal With the Devil
[dramatic music playing]
[Donald] Mark's speed has increased 65%.
Endurance, 70%.
Strength, 138%.
Get off him! [grunting]
[Immortal] We're both
rejoining the Guardians.
[Monster Girl] Are you guys engaged?
You're only asking me out now because
the other me told you
how miserable she was?
[Rick] D.A. Sinclair
took so much of me away.
I don't think they found it all.
[Doc Seismic] It was worth
every minute of my incarceration.
- If I'm going down, so is everyone!
- I don't think so.
[Mark] Are you working with D.A. Sinclair?
[Cecil] He can't fix his mistakes
in prison, Mark. Neither can Darkwing.
- The white room is for my protection.
- Protection from what?
- From you. [growling]
- Oh.
[buoy bell ringing]
Hey, I got fresh fish here.
Come and get your fresh fish.
[indistinct chatter]
Huh? [gasps]
[gull squawking]
[boy screams]
[indistinct conversations]
- Hey.
- [Cecil] Mm.
[mysterious music playing]
[entry bell rings]
[indistinct conversations]
Namaste, friend.
How can I help you find
inner peace today?
Thanks for asking,
but I think it's a little late for that.
[woman gasps]
Get out. All of you.
[gasping, whimpering]
Please. Whatever
you want, just-just take it!
This is Stedman.
Nothing here. Tip was a bust.
Repeat. Tip was a bust.
[tense music playing]
[Cecil panting]
You found us.
But you found us too late.
This place will be
swarming with agents in minutes.
You gave the all-clear.
No one's coming.
And they never will.
[grunts, groans]
[Knuckle Buster chuckles softly]
[both grunting]
[moaning, panting]
[whining, crackling]
You forget the simple power
of the human body.
[groans] I don't get it.
You're gonna set that thing off?
And kill thousands? What for?
Someone like you
could never see the beauty in it.
Yes, most of the city will die.
But the survivors
will inherit a new world.
And learn that life is a gift
- not to be wasted.
- Aah!
Revolutions will begin around the world,
casting off the shackles
of industrial society.
- [groans]
- We shall return to the natural,
- the divine.
- Lady, you don't know people.
Seems I returned just in time.
[Knuckle Buster] Well done, Force Fist.
You've lost.
You and your nightmare state
will never stop
the Order of the Freeing Fist
[sirens wailing]
[wheels screeching]
[Cecil groans]
[chuckling hoarsely]
[helicopter whirring]
I knew who you were
the minute I walked in.
"Tip was a bust" my ass.
It was code
for "come stop these nutjobs."
[Force Fist] Life on this plane
is only a distraction.
What the hell are you doing?
And fear of death
will never keep us from our destiny.
Wait! Don't! No!
[device whirring]
[haunting music playing]
[both screaming]
[pained groaning]
Oh, shit! Help him, quick!
[moaning, wheezing]
[Cecil sighs]
How many did we lose?
We would've lost thousands
if it wasn't for you.
Then answer my question.
Some of the gas drifted into the market
before we could get it contained.
A fraction of what it would have been.
- We won, Cecil.
- Ask the families of the 17 if they agree.
Take a little R & R,
then come back and collect your medal.
Glad to see the artificial skin took,
by the way.
Except I'm gonna need my money back.
They missed a spot.
It was all that was left of my real skin.
They wanted to replace it,
but I wouldn't let them.
Why not?
It's a reminder that I messed up.
And to never let it happen again.
[alarms ringing]
[automatic gunfire]
[Radcliffe groaning, grunting]
Leave me, Stedman.
That's an order.
But we're almost to the safe room.
[Komodo Dragon laughs, hisses]
Not leaving the party early, are we?
- Huh?
- It's okay. They work for us now.
- They're insane.
- They were.
But they were also too good to waste.
So, I fixed them.
They should be in prison. Or dead.
- They're making up for their mistakes.
- Mistakes? That's what you call it?
Get your head out of your ass.
They just saved our lives.
Then let me express my gratitude.
[intense music playing]
I don't work with criminals.
Not even if they're
[prisoners shouting]
- [female] Hey, is that my new roommate?
- [female 2] Hey, fuck you!
- [female] Hey, fuck you!
- [female 2] Oh, okay, fine!
[male grunting]
[Spoon: "I Ain't the One"]
When the moon is rising ♪
Fresh meat. [snickers]
When the night comes ♪
[female] Hey, sexy.
You're looking fine, baby.
Knocking on me ♪
No law inside here, pig.
I say, I ain't the one ♪
I ain't the one
that you're looking for now ♪
When the man comes ♪
Good luck.
His last cellmate left in a bucket.
When the law comes ♪
Knocking, knocking on me ♪
I ain't the one ♪
Ah, ah ♪
No, I ain't the one ♪
Hi. What's your name?
Boss. You got a visitor.
[labored breaths]
Why are you here, Radcliffe?
Do you mind?
I'm stepping down as GDA director,
moving over
to a new special projects group.
- I don't care.
- I want you to replace me.
No wonder they want you out.
There were three deaths a week
in this place before you got here.
- Three years later
- You have no idea
what I've had to do
to make it this way.
You did exactly what you had to do.
You brought
order to chaos.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Sure, a few people
had to pay the price, but
the math works out.
You think I wasn't watching?
I told you before.
I don't waste talent. I fix it.
This place was your rehabilitation.
- It was supposed to be my punishment.
- It was both.
And now it's over.
If you take the job.
I can't force you to see things
how they really are.
But here's
what you still don't understand.
You can be the good guy.
Or the guy who saves the world.
You can't be both.
[dramatic music playing]
Protection from what?
Protection from me?
What are you even talking about?
[Cecil] It's my job to defend
the planet from threats.
Don't make me put you
in that category, Mark.
Do you use these things
to keep Darkwing in line?
- Or Sinclair?
- Darkwing and Sinclair
don't have your abilities.
Abilities I only use to help people.
Who are you helping right now?
You see things one way and you won't
make room for any other viewpoint.
You threaten people who disagree with you.
- I don't threaten.
- No?
Because you're scaring
the shit out of me right now.
I'm not even doing anything!
What is this?
- You think you can shut me up?
- Mark
You're afraid I'll blow the whistle, huh?
Tell everyone
how you really run this place.
You think people here
don't know what we do?
Just stand down
and we can talk this over.
[exhales] Is that all you got?
Why did you have to ask that, kid?
[intense music playing]
You happy?
Now stop.
Not until you admit to everyone
what you've done.
Mark, I don't want to hurt you.
I'm not the one who's gonna get hurt.
- You said you don't do threats.
- Yeah.
[all snarling]
Well, people change.
Don't, Mark. I'm warning you.
[high-pitched shrieking tone]
[Mark shouting]
Remember that giant lobster
you tangled with in Atlantis?
I had the lab boys
recreate the sound it made.
Turns out we can transmit it
to your earpiece.
Not that earpiece.
The one we implanted
when you were in our hospital.
The one too deep to reach.
[shrieking tone stops]
So be reasonable, Mark.
Go home.
We are so far past reasonable.
[shrieking tone]
[Cecil] Apart from causing you pain,
the sound also messes up your inner ear.
Which you need for things like flying.
Or walking.
You put a weapon inside me?
With what you can do,
and after what your dad put us through,
you're goddamn right I did.
- I hoped I'd never have to use it, but
- You said I wasn't my dad.
- Did you even believe that?
- Yes, Mark, and I still do.
So stop being stupid and just
come back here.
Track him.
The kid's off leash.
I don't want to bring him down
if I don't know where he's going to hit.
We can't have them involved.
[shrieking tone]
That sucked.
I still can't believe
we got our asses kicked by Doc Seismic.
- At least it wasn't just us.
- [Rae] Could be worse.
We could be stuck
mopping up with the others.
[Rex sighs]
I think we all need a drink after that.
You gonna add a shirt to those pants?
Uh, I don't know. Are you gonna
Oh, you know, wait.
That's the old me.
The new me takes your feedback.
And thanks you
for your constructive criticism.
Before ignoring it complete
Aah! Holy shit!
- Mark?
- Rudy, there's a thing in my head.
You got to get it out
before Cecil finds me.
Cecil? I-I don't understand.
Everyone step back.
This has nothing to do with you.
He's trying to kill me.
For fuck's sake,
I'm not trying to kill the kid.
But he needs to come with me.
D.A. Sinclair slaughtered students.
Darkwing killed people in cold blood.
Cecil's working with murderers.
You all saw it.
We're not having this argument here.
I'd like to hear
what Invincible has to say.
This isn't a democracy, Bulletproof.
You're coming back to the GDA with me.
- Now.
- [Mark] No. I'd never come out again.
Don't be so goddamn dramatic.
- I'm not going.
- I wasn't asking.
[shrieking tone]
- Jesus Christ!
- Oh, my God!
- What the hell?
- This makes me feel
very uncomfortable.
What are you Stop it!
[all snarling]
- What the actual fuck?
- Stand down.
All of you.
I said this doesn't concern you.
The hell it doesn't.
[Mark whimpering]
All of you, sit the fuck down.
Grab him. We're leaving.
Fuck this.
[Robot] Rex, no.
Goddamn it, Rex!
[shrieking intensifies]
Why didn't that work?
[Robot] It had a dead man's switch.
With the control destroyed,
it can't be turned off.
I'm attempting to block the frequency.
[groaning, screaming]
Shut 'em down.
Yes, the Reanimen!
All of them. Now!
[shrieking stops]
[Robot] Frequency blocked.
- Huh?
- Huh?
You arrogant
little asshole.
Look at this goddamn mess.
Everywhere you go, destruction follows
because of your ego.
You're a hypocrite, waltzing off
to help your mass-murdering dad.
But God forbid anyone else screws up
and then tries to make good.
Don't you ever
ever threaten me again.
As for the rest of you
[both grunting]
I will never work for you again.
We are done.
And if you ever come near
- my family again
- [groaning]
I will kill you.
[groaning, gasping]
- [Cecil coughing]
- Rudy.
Get this fucking thing out of my head.
[Robot] Yes.
Of course.
[Rex] Oh, fuck.
[insets chirping]
[dog barks in distance]
He promised me he'd protect you.
After everything that happened with Nolan,
he looked me in the eye
and he promised.
It's not your fault, Mom.
We all trusted Cecil
more than we should have.
These always do the trick for me.
- Thanks.
- We fight monsters every day,
but I didn't think
Cecil was one of them, too.
[Debbie] He's lost it.
If he went this far,
who knows what he'll do next?
I can fight him. I'd kick his ass.
I told Cecil if he goes near you
or Oliver or
anyone else I care about,
I'd kill him.
- Oh, Mark.
- But why didn't you kill him already?
Then you wouldn't have to worry.
- Oliver!
- We don't kill.
But you just said you'd kill Cecil if he
I had to make sure he took
me seriously. That's all.
We don't kill people.
- Not in this family. Never.
- Okay, okay.
But you need help now, right?
I mean, you don't have
all those GDA guys
if you get in trouble.
Now I have powers and everything.
I can come help you instead.
Mom said you'd train me!
[Debbie] Training and helping
are two different things.
Mark didn't get his powers
until he was 17.
He got to be a normal kid first.
You deserve that, too.
And get down from there.
[somber music playing]
Don't be in a rush, Oliver.
Trust me.
[sighs] It doesn't even make sense.
I've known Cecil since I was 14.
The first GDA guy who wasn't a total dick.
Or so I thought.
Why the hell would he do this?
He's scared of me.
Of what I could become, I guess.
That's such bullshit.
I know you.
You don't hurt people if you can help it.
I mean, Rex has been
asking for it for years,
and you still haven't
thrown him into space.
That's me, Mr. Self-Control.
Cecil was right about Angstrom, though.
I didn't mean to kill him, but
I did.
Cecil was trying to get under your skin.
- You are better off without him.
- Thanks.
I know things are weird between us
right now,
but it means everything that you're here.
Nah, I-I just thought
Debbie might need my help
if things went bad with Cecil,
especially now that
she has your brother.
I was worried about you.
What we were talking about earlier,
before Doc Seismic
What I said, I
It came out all wrong.
Oh, God. We don't have to
talk about that right now.
If you really think I'd ask you out
just because some future version
of you told me to, I
No, it's not just that. It
It was humiliating.
She was from
how many years in the future 20?
So, the future me is almost 40 years old
and she's still heartbroken
over something that never happened
two decades earlier.
That's who I end up becoming?
She was a different version of you.
Who knows what went on in her life?
Still doesn't feel great.
Eve, when I met you,
I thought you were amazing.
Like, right away. [chuckles]
But you were with Rex,
so I pushed those feelings down.
Then I started dating Amber
and it was great,
and I fell in love with her, but
what I felt for you
never totally went away.
[Eve] A high school crush
isn't enough, Mark.
That's not fair.
You know it's more than that.
I don't know. That's the problem.
Uh, I need to think about this.
We both do.
I'll always have your back, Mark.
And maybe that has to be enough for now.
Shouldn't there be
a clean-up crew for this?
They're not here. We are.
- Grab a mop.
- [Bulletproof scoffs]
[Rae] It's just like
back at the missile base.
You don't have to do this, you know.
Cecil spent millions
to put me back together.
Then his dead monsters
tried to rip us apart.
- What even are we to him?
- We're weapons.
Like his tanks and guns
and all that stuff.
Useful until we're not.
- No kidding.
- Cry me a river.
You'll feel better after some honest work.
Hang on, man.
You weren't even here.
Cecil almost killed Mark.
Sure. Sounds like Cecil went too far.
But Invincible made him do it
when he broke into the Pentagon
and started tearing shit up.
The kid needs to learn what happens
when you don't think things through.
When exactly was he supposed
to think it through?
When Cecil was frying his brain
or when the Franken-bots were killing him?
Mark faced consequences for once.
Cecil's always gone soft on him,
just like his father.
Mark's dad almost killed him, you dick.
All he had to do was follow orders,
like we all do.
But I've seen most of you
not follow orders.
Many times, in fact.
We should've never quit Teen Team.
Do you even remember how badly
you wanted to be a Guardian?
How hard we all worked to be here?
- I died for this.
- [Rae] And you'll die again.
And again and again,
and Cecil will never even care.
Don't lecture me, Rae.
I went through just as much
as you and Rex.
- More, even.
- No, you didn't. Not anywhere close.
There's only one of me.
I can't go hide a backup copy
of myself away like you can.
Yeah, my powers are different. So?
I also didn't fall apart
the minute I got hurt.
- That's too far, Kate.
- How dare you?
Just stop acting like you're
the only one who almost died.
I had just as close a call as you did.
This isn't about you, Kate.
It's about Cecil.
Cecil only does what's necessary.
So, I suppose it was necessary
to put a bomb in Mark's head?
He just proved it was.
Now get back to work.
- That's an order.
- No!
This is bullshit and we don't
have to put up with it anymore.
Cecil doesn't own us.
We can just leave.
Where would we go?
- What was wrong with Teen Team?
- Everything.
[Rex] At least we didn't try and
assassinate each other. [inhales deeply]
- [groans]
- [Rudy] But I don't believe that's exactly what happened.
Oh, for the love of God!
The Guardians
are the best superheroes in the world!
It's a privilege and an honor
to work here!
Yes, there's hardship!
Yes, there's sacrifice!
If you children don't like that, get out!
Ooh, that's a great idea,
because I'd rather quit
than work one more day
with a sanctimonious, bootlicking,
hypocritical prick like you!
[tense music playing]
The door is over there.
You heard him.
- Who's coming?
- You know I am.
- Me too.
- [Black Samson] Wait! Everybody calm down.
[Monster Girl] If Cecil did that to Mark,
who's to say that
he wouldn't do that to all of us?
That's a little extreme.
- Fuck it. I'm out, too.
- [gasps]
I can't work for a man I don't trust.
I'm staying.
[Rudy sighs]
[sighs heavily]
I'm sorry, Immortal.
Shapesmith? Samson?
Cecil let me live
after what I did on Mars,
and m-my bed is a race car,
so, I think Cecil.
[quietly] I'm gonna go with Cecil.
What Cecil did was messed-up,
but I can't fix that from the outside.
[sighs] You have two hours to leave
before I throw you out myself.
Are you sure
you want to leave it like that?
They'll be back.
I don't think so.
Sinclair's not in prison?
- I just assumed
- [Mark] He should be.
But Cecil gave him a job instead.
That is the most messed-up thing
I've ever heard.
So he just does whatever he wants?
Makes more of those things?
Yeah, I thought we stopped him,
but they just gave him a bigger lab.
Uh, maybe I shouldn't have brought it up,
but I thought you deserved to know.
No. It's it's better to know.
Should I have done more to stop Sinclair?
[somber music playing]
This isn't your fault.
- I could have stopped him forever.
- Mark.
He killed a dozen people.
Hurt way more, you two included.
He would have deserved it.
I've known you
since we were five years old
and that's it's just not who you are.
You couldn't have known what would happen.
I should have.
[Rick] If you killed him,
you'd be just like him.
The world doesn't
need more people like that.
It needs more people like Invincible.
What was that for?
When I tried out for the Guardians,
I didn't really think I'd get in.
For the first few weeks I was here,
it didn't feel real.
I guess I was mostly right.
The only real part was the people.
- I don't understand.
- I'm trying to say
I'm glad you're coming with us.
It-it just made logical sense,
given the reality of the situation.
Just tell the girl you're leaving for her.
Good advice. I'll consider it.
But as much as you like her,
there's something else.
- [Rudy] I don't know what you mean.
- Sure you do.
Invincible is the most powerful superhero
- on the planet.
- Hey, now.
It's a simple fact. And someday,
I might need him on my side.
You always were a cold fish, man.
But I'll miss you.
I know, it doesn't
compare to Italy, right?
But this place does make their own pasta.
It's delicious. Really.
I actually wasn't sure
this would ever happen.
When you never called me back,
I figured maybe you weren't interested
Paul, that's not it.
Uh, after the gas explosion
It's embarrassing, but I was
scared to go out for a while.
I'd be scared to stay in.
Um, so, uh, how is Mark doing?
- He's what, 18?
- Nineteen.
God, the time flies by.
He's at Upstate U., right?
Actually, he's, uh,
trying some other things.
Well, he's young.
He's got lots of time
to figure things out.
It's just been a rough few months.
I get it. Ugh.
My sister's kid seems
like he gets a ride home
from the cops more often than not.
Oh, oh, no,
it's not like that.
He and Oliver are good kids.
They just have their
Are they special needs?
You never mentioned.
Yes. Well, no.
Uh, not in the conventional sense,
but they're, um
[chuckles] I'm sorry.
I am screwing this up.
Can you tell I haven't
been out on a date in 20 years?
If it's all too soon
No, of course not.
God, maybe it is. I don't know.
It's okay.
[professor] Welcome.
This is Introduction
to Architectural Form.
If that's not what you're here for,
you're in the wrong room.
Here, you will learn
the fundamentals of construction.
How we make the houses we live in,
the walls we use to protect ourselves,
the roofs over our head.
It's not as easy as it looks.
Now, let's get started.
[Cecil sighs]
So this is it, then.
It's better this way.
We have the Reanimen
on standby if you need backup,
and you can hold
try-outs for new members soon.
But I also have another suggestion.
Invincible wasn't willing
to give him another chance.
I'm hoping that you'll
be more open-minded.
I made mistakes, I won't lie.
But I'm trying to make up for them.
If you'll have me,
I'd be honored to serve.
[pensive music playing]
It will be good to have Darkwing
on the Guardians again.
[door opens]
- Everything all right, sir?
- We'll soldier on.
We always do.
- And Darkwing?
- What about him?
I'm tired, Donald. Just spit it out.
He did murder people in Midnight City.
It was one thing calling him in
when we had no other choice.
It's another
putting him on the Guardians.
People change, Donald.
Bad guys reform, good guys
forget what they're fighting for.
It's just
It's just how it works.
[contemplative music playing]
[neck cracks]
[indistinct chatter]
[door opens]
Director Stedman?
Welcome to the GDA.
My name is Donald Ferguson.
I'll be your number one.
May I introduce you to the team?
Knock yourself out.
Good morning, everyone.
This is Director Stedman.
As you all know,
he was handpicked by Director Radcliffe,
and I trust you'll show him
the same energy
- and respect.
- I'm looking forward to working with you.
[indistinct whispering]
Wording's all the same.
They're using old reports, Donald.
Swapping in a few new
sentences, taking the easy way.
They think because I was in prison
I'm a fuck-up,
and that means they can
get away with shit like this.
Uh, they don't know you yet.
Yeah, well, if this doesn't
change soon, they're gonna learn
pretty quickly who I really am.
[door opens]
[woman] Excuse me, sirs?
There's a situation.
[Nolan grunting]
No match on our system, sir.
We don't know who this is or
if they're friendly or not.
[Nolan grunts]
Jesus, we better hope he is.
- Prep a chopper.
- Sir? Someone this powerful,
protocol says we send in
the Immortal first.
- Ask questions later.
- We don't know his intentions yet, Donald,
and the Immortal
tends to communicate with his fists.
And, sir, what if he's hostile?
Then Christmas comes early
and you all get that new director
you wanted.
[chitters, roars]
[Nolan shouts]
Who are you?
Cecil Stedman, director
of the Global Defense Agency.
We run teams of superheroes
to protect our planet from
whatever dangers might arise.
You don't look like
you're from around here.
I'm from the planet Viltrum.
My government sent me here to help
protect the people of your world.
Huh. They did, did they?
What's your name?
[Donald] Pupils dilated.
Heart rate elevated.
He's an alien, so we don't know his norms,
but if he were a human,
he'd be lying.
Yeah, no shit.
All that crap he said about
the World Betterment Committee?
Talk about a fairy tale.
You don't get something
for nothing in this universe.
What do we do, sir?
Well, he says he wants to help,
so we'll let him help.
- For now.
- Are you sure?
You saw how strong he is.
As long as he saves lives, I don't
give a damn about his motivations.
But track his movements, start a file,
and get the eggheads
working on countermeasures.
- We'll figure out why he's really here.
- Right away, sir.
[Donald] Sir?
Sir, you were saying?
Darkwing will be fine, Donald.
Just leave it be.
And Invincible?
We can be the good guys
or we can be the guys that save the world.
We can't be both.
[contemplative music playing]
- Hey.
- Hey.
Uh, can we talk?
- Uh, sure.
- Okay, um
I-I'm just gonna come
out and say it. Uh
I know you think being friends
or having my back
or whatever is enough for now,
but it's not.
Not for me.
- Mark
- Just hear me out.
When Cecil attacked me
I I thought I was gonna die.
Oh, my God. That's awful.
That-that's not what
I'm trying to say. Um
[exhales sharply]
When I was lying on the ground
with that sound drilling into my head
the only thing I could think about
was you.
[gentle music playing]
About how if I died,
I'd never get to see you again.
That's how I know, Eve.
That what I feel for you
isn't some stupid crush.
It's real.
It's always been real.
- I need you to be sure.
- I am. I-I mean it.
I'm an idiot for not realizing it sooner.
If you don't want to date me
or you're not interested,
I-I can't change that.
But if you feel half as much for me
as I do for you, then
let's give it a try.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- So are we dating, or what?
- [short chuckle] Yes!
I mean, if you want to.
I-I definitely want to.
- D I Uh okay.
- [Eve laughs]
[dramatic music playing]
[Donald] Mark's speed has increased 65%.
Endurance, 70%.
Strength, 138%.
Get off him! [grunting]
[Immortal] We're both
rejoining the Guardians.
[Monster Girl] Are you guys engaged?
You're only asking me out now because
the other me told you
how miserable she was?
[Rick] D.A. Sinclair
took so much of me away.
I don't think they found it all.
[Doc Seismic] It was worth
every minute of my incarceration.
- If I'm going down, so is everyone!
- I don't think so.
[Mark] Are you working with D.A. Sinclair?
[Cecil] He can't fix his mistakes
in prison, Mark. Neither can Darkwing.
- The white room is for my protection.
- Protection from what?
- From you. [growling]
- Oh.
[buoy bell ringing]
Hey, I got fresh fish here.
Come and get your fresh fish.
[indistinct chatter]
Huh? [gasps]
[gull squawking]
[boy screams]
[indistinct conversations]
- Hey.
- [Cecil] Mm.
[mysterious music playing]
[entry bell rings]
[indistinct conversations]
Namaste, friend.
How can I help you find
inner peace today?
Thanks for asking,
but I think it's a little late for that.
[woman gasps]
Get out. All of you.
[gasping, whimpering]
Please. Whatever
you want, just-just take it!
This is Stedman.
Nothing here. Tip was a bust.
Repeat. Tip was a bust.
[tense music playing]
[Cecil panting]
You found us.
But you found us too late.
This place will be
swarming with agents in minutes.
You gave the all-clear.
No one's coming.
And they never will.
[grunts, groans]
[Knuckle Buster chuckles softly]
[both grunting]
[moaning, panting]
[whining, crackling]
You forget the simple power
of the human body.
[groans] I don't get it.
You're gonna set that thing off?
And kill thousands? What for?
Someone like you
could never see the beauty in it.
Yes, most of the city will die.
But the survivors
will inherit a new world.
And learn that life is a gift
- not to be wasted.
- Aah!
Revolutions will begin around the world,
casting off the shackles
of industrial society.
- [groans]
- We shall return to the natural,
- the divine.
- Lady, you don't know people.
Seems I returned just in time.
[Knuckle Buster] Well done, Force Fist.
You've lost.
You and your nightmare state
will never stop
the Order of the Freeing Fist
[sirens wailing]
[wheels screeching]
[Cecil groans]
[chuckling hoarsely]
[helicopter whirring]
I knew who you were
the minute I walked in.
"Tip was a bust" my ass.
It was code
for "come stop these nutjobs."
[Force Fist] Life on this plane
is only a distraction.
What the hell are you doing?
And fear of death
will never keep us from our destiny.
Wait! Don't! No!
[device whirring]
[haunting music playing]
[both screaming]
[pained groaning]
Oh, shit! Help him, quick!
[moaning, wheezing]
[Cecil sighs]
How many did we lose?
We would've lost thousands
if it wasn't for you.
Then answer my question.
Some of the gas drifted into the market
before we could get it contained.
A fraction of what it would have been.
- We won, Cecil.
- Ask the families of the 17 if they agree.
Take a little R & R,
then come back and collect your medal.
Glad to see the artificial skin took,
by the way.
Except I'm gonna need my money back.
They missed a spot.
It was all that was left of my real skin.
They wanted to replace it,
but I wouldn't let them.
Why not?
It's a reminder that I messed up.
And to never let it happen again.
[alarms ringing]
[automatic gunfire]
[Radcliffe groaning, grunting]
Leave me, Stedman.
That's an order.
But we're almost to the safe room.
[Komodo Dragon laughs, hisses]
Not leaving the party early, are we?
- Huh?
- It's okay. They work for us now.
- They're insane.
- They were.
But they were also too good to waste.
So, I fixed them.
They should be in prison. Or dead.
- They're making up for their mistakes.
- Mistakes? That's what you call it?
Get your head out of your ass.
They just saved our lives.
Then let me express my gratitude.
[intense music playing]
I don't work with criminals.
Not even if they're
[prisoners shouting]
- [female] Hey, is that my new roommate?
- [female 2] Hey, fuck you!
- [female] Hey, fuck you!
- [female 2] Oh, okay, fine!
[male grunting]
[Spoon: "I Ain't the One"]
When the moon is rising ♪
Fresh meat. [snickers]
When the night comes ♪
[female] Hey, sexy.
You're looking fine, baby.
Knocking on me ♪
No law inside here, pig.
I say, I ain't the one ♪
I ain't the one
that you're looking for now ♪
When the man comes ♪
Good luck.
His last cellmate left in a bucket.
When the law comes ♪
Knocking, knocking on me ♪
I ain't the one ♪
Ah, ah ♪
No, I ain't the one ♪
Hi. What's your name?
Boss. You got a visitor.
[labored breaths]
Why are you here, Radcliffe?
Do you mind?
I'm stepping down as GDA director,
moving over
to a new special projects group.
- I don't care.
- I want you to replace me.
No wonder they want you out.
There were three deaths a week
in this place before you got here.
- Three years later
- You have no idea
what I've had to do
to make it this way.
You did exactly what you had to do.
You brought
order to chaos.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Sure, a few people
had to pay the price, but
the math works out.
You think I wasn't watching?
I told you before.
I don't waste talent. I fix it.
This place was your rehabilitation.
- It was supposed to be my punishment.
- It was both.
And now it's over.
If you take the job.
I can't force you to see things
how they really are.
But here's
what you still don't understand.
You can be the good guy.
Or the guy who saves the world.
You can't be both.
[dramatic music playing]
Protection from what?
Protection from me?
What are you even talking about?
[Cecil] It's my job to defend
the planet from threats.
Don't make me put you
in that category, Mark.
Do you use these things
to keep Darkwing in line?
- Or Sinclair?
- Darkwing and Sinclair
don't have your abilities.
Abilities I only use to help people.
Who are you helping right now?
You see things one way and you won't
make room for any other viewpoint.
You threaten people who disagree with you.
- I don't threaten.
- No?
Because you're scaring
the shit out of me right now.
I'm not even doing anything!
What is this?
- You think you can shut me up?
- Mark
You're afraid I'll blow the whistle, huh?
Tell everyone
how you really run this place.
You think people here
don't know what we do?
Just stand down
and we can talk this over.
[exhales] Is that all you got?
Why did you have to ask that, kid?
[intense music playing]
You happy?
Now stop.
Not until you admit to everyone
what you've done.
Mark, I don't want to hurt you.
I'm not the one who's gonna get hurt.
- You said you don't do threats.
- Yeah.
[all snarling]
Well, people change.
Don't, Mark. I'm warning you.
[high-pitched shrieking tone]
[Mark shouting]
Remember that giant lobster
you tangled with in Atlantis?
I had the lab boys
recreate the sound it made.
Turns out we can transmit it
to your earpiece.
Not that earpiece.
The one we implanted
when you were in our hospital.
The one too deep to reach.
[shrieking tone stops]
So be reasonable, Mark.
Go home.
We are so far past reasonable.
[shrieking tone]
[Cecil] Apart from causing you pain,
the sound also messes up your inner ear.
Which you need for things like flying.
Or walking.
You put a weapon inside me?
With what you can do,
and after what your dad put us through,
you're goddamn right I did.
- I hoped I'd never have to use it, but
- You said I wasn't my dad.
- Did you even believe that?
- Yes, Mark, and I still do.
So stop being stupid and just
come back here.
Track him.
The kid's off leash.
I don't want to bring him down
if I don't know where he's going to hit.
We can't have them involved.
[shrieking tone]
That sucked.
I still can't believe
we got our asses kicked by Doc Seismic.
- At least it wasn't just us.
- [Rae] Could be worse.
We could be stuck
mopping up with the others.
[Rex sighs]
I think we all need a drink after that.
You gonna add a shirt to those pants?
Uh, I don't know. Are you gonna
Oh, you know, wait.
That's the old me.
The new me takes your feedback.
And thanks you
for your constructive criticism.
Before ignoring it complete
Aah! Holy shit!
- Mark?
- Rudy, there's a thing in my head.
You got to get it out
before Cecil finds me.
Cecil? I-I don't understand.
Everyone step back.
This has nothing to do with you.
He's trying to kill me.
For fuck's sake,
I'm not trying to kill the kid.
But he needs to come with me.
D.A. Sinclair slaughtered students.
Darkwing killed people in cold blood.
Cecil's working with murderers.
You all saw it.
We're not having this argument here.
I'd like to hear
what Invincible has to say.
This isn't a democracy, Bulletproof.
You're coming back to the GDA with me.
- Now.
- [Mark] No. I'd never come out again.
Don't be so goddamn dramatic.
- I'm not going.
- I wasn't asking.
[shrieking tone]
- Jesus Christ!
- Oh, my God!
- What the hell?
- This makes me feel
very uncomfortable.
What are you Stop it!
[all snarling]
- What the actual fuck?
- Stand down.
All of you.
I said this doesn't concern you.
The hell it doesn't.
[Mark whimpering]
All of you, sit the fuck down.
Grab him. We're leaving.
Fuck this.
[Robot] Rex, no.
Goddamn it, Rex!
[shrieking intensifies]
Why didn't that work?
[Robot] It had a dead man's switch.
With the control destroyed,
it can't be turned off.
I'm attempting to block the frequency.
[groaning, screaming]
Shut 'em down.
Yes, the Reanimen!
All of them. Now!
[shrieking stops]
[Robot] Frequency blocked.
- Huh?
- Huh?
You arrogant
little asshole.
Look at this goddamn mess.
Everywhere you go, destruction follows
because of your ego.
You're a hypocrite, waltzing off
to help your mass-murdering dad.
But God forbid anyone else screws up
and then tries to make good.
Don't you ever
ever threaten me again.
As for the rest of you
[both grunting]
I will never work for you again.
We are done.
And if you ever come near
- my family again
- [groaning]
I will kill you.
[groaning, gasping]
- [Cecil coughing]
- Rudy.
Get this fucking thing out of my head.
[Robot] Yes.
Of course.
[Rex] Oh, fuck.
[insets chirping]
[dog barks in distance]
He promised me he'd protect you.
After everything that happened with Nolan,
he looked me in the eye
and he promised.
It's not your fault, Mom.
We all trusted Cecil
more than we should have.
These always do the trick for me.
- Thanks.
- We fight monsters every day,
but I didn't think
Cecil was one of them, too.
[Debbie] He's lost it.
If he went this far,
who knows what he'll do next?
I can fight him. I'd kick his ass.
I told Cecil if he goes near you
or Oliver or
anyone else I care about,
I'd kill him.
- Oh, Mark.
- But why didn't you kill him already?
Then you wouldn't have to worry.
- Oliver!
- We don't kill.
But you just said you'd kill Cecil if he
I had to make sure he took
me seriously. That's all.
We don't kill people.
- Not in this family. Never.
- Okay, okay.
But you need help now, right?
I mean, you don't have
all those GDA guys
if you get in trouble.
Now I have powers and everything.
I can come help you instead.
Mom said you'd train me!
[Debbie] Training and helping
are two different things.
Mark didn't get his powers
until he was 17.
He got to be a normal kid first.
You deserve that, too.
And get down from there.
[somber music playing]
Don't be in a rush, Oliver.
Trust me.
[sighs] It doesn't even make sense.
I've known Cecil since I was 14.
The first GDA guy who wasn't a total dick.
Or so I thought.
Why the hell would he do this?
He's scared of me.
Of what I could become, I guess.
That's such bullshit.
I know you.
You don't hurt people if you can help it.
I mean, Rex has been
asking for it for years,
and you still haven't
thrown him into space.
That's me, Mr. Self-Control.
Cecil was right about Angstrom, though.
I didn't mean to kill him, but
I did.
Cecil was trying to get under your skin.
- You are better off without him.
- Thanks.
I know things are weird between us
right now,
but it means everything that you're here.
Nah, I-I just thought
Debbie might need my help
if things went bad with Cecil,
especially now that
she has your brother.
I was worried about you.
What we were talking about earlier,
before Doc Seismic
What I said, I
It came out all wrong.
Oh, God. We don't have to
talk about that right now.
If you really think I'd ask you out
just because some future version
of you told me to, I
No, it's not just that. It
It was humiliating.
She was from
how many years in the future 20?
So, the future me is almost 40 years old
and she's still heartbroken
over something that never happened
two decades earlier.
That's who I end up becoming?
She was a different version of you.
Who knows what went on in her life?
Still doesn't feel great.
Eve, when I met you,
I thought you were amazing.
Like, right away. [chuckles]
But you were with Rex,
so I pushed those feelings down.
Then I started dating Amber
and it was great,
and I fell in love with her, but
what I felt for you
never totally went away.
[Eve] A high school crush
isn't enough, Mark.
That's not fair.
You know it's more than that.
I don't know. That's the problem.
Uh, I need to think about this.
We both do.
I'll always have your back, Mark.
And maybe that has to be enough for now.
Shouldn't there be
a clean-up crew for this?
They're not here. We are.
- Grab a mop.
- [Bulletproof scoffs]
[Rae] It's just like
back at the missile base.
You don't have to do this, you know.
Cecil spent millions
to put me back together.
Then his dead monsters
tried to rip us apart.
- What even are we to him?
- We're weapons.
Like his tanks and guns
and all that stuff.
Useful until we're not.
- No kidding.
- Cry me a river.
You'll feel better after some honest work.
Hang on, man.
You weren't even here.
Cecil almost killed Mark.
Sure. Sounds like Cecil went too far.
But Invincible made him do it
when he broke into the Pentagon
and started tearing shit up.
The kid needs to learn what happens
when you don't think things through.
When exactly was he supposed
to think it through?
When Cecil was frying his brain
or when the Franken-bots were killing him?
Mark faced consequences for once.
Cecil's always gone soft on him,
just like his father.
Mark's dad almost killed him, you dick.
All he had to do was follow orders,
like we all do.
But I've seen most of you
not follow orders.
Many times, in fact.
We should've never quit Teen Team.
Do you even remember how badly
you wanted to be a Guardian?
How hard we all worked to be here?
- I died for this.
- [Rae] And you'll die again.
And again and again,
and Cecil will never even care.
Don't lecture me, Rae.
I went through just as much
as you and Rex.
- More, even.
- No, you didn't. Not anywhere close.
There's only one of me.
I can't go hide a backup copy
of myself away like you can.
Yeah, my powers are different. So?
I also didn't fall apart
the minute I got hurt.
- That's too far, Kate.
- How dare you?
Just stop acting like you're
the only one who almost died.
I had just as close a call as you did.
This isn't about you, Kate.
It's about Cecil.
Cecil only does what's necessary.
So, I suppose it was necessary
to put a bomb in Mark's head?
He just proved it was.
Now get back to work.
- That's an order.
- No!
This is bullshit and we don't
have to put up with it anymore.
Cecil doesn't own us.
We can just leave.
Where would we go?
- What was wrong with Teen Team?
- Everything.
[Rex] At least we didn't try and
assassinate each other. [inhales deeply]
- [groans]
- [Rudy] But I don't believe that's exactly what happened.
Oh, for the love of God!
The Guardians
are the best superheroes in the world!
It's a privilege and an honor
to work here!
Yes, there's hardship!
Yes, there's sacrifice!
If you children don't like that, get out!
Ooh, that's a great idea,
because I'd rather quit
than work one more day
with a sanctimonious, bootlicking,
hypocritical prick like you!
[tense music playing]
The door is over there.
You heard him.
- Who's coming?
- You know I am.
- Me too.
- [Black Samson] Wait! Everybody calm down.
[Monster Girl] If Cecil did that to Mark,
who's to say that
he wouldn't do that to all of us?
That's a little extreme.
- Fuck it. I'm out, too.
- [gasps]
I can't work for a man I don't trust.
I'm staying.
[Rudy sighs]
[sighs heavily]
I'm sorry, Immortal.
Shapesmith? Samson?
Cecil let me live
after what I did on Mars,
and m-my bed is a race car,
so, I think Cecil.
[quietly] I'm gonna go with Cecil.
What Cecil did was messed-up,
but I can't fix that from the outside.
[sighs] You have two hours to leave
before I throw you out myself.
Are you sure
you want to leave it like that?
They'll be back.
I don't think so.
Sinclair's not in prison?
- I just assumed
- [Mark] He should be.
But Cecil gave him a job instead.
That is the most messed-up thing
I've ever heard.
So he just does whatever he wants?
Makes more of those things?
Yeah, I thought we stopped him,
but they just gave him a bigger lab.
Uh, maybe I shouldn't have brought it up,
but I thought you deserved to know.
No. It's it's better to know.
Should I have done more to stop Sinclair?
[somber music playing]
This isn't your fault.
- I could have stopped him forever.
- Mark.
He killed a dozen people.
Hurt way more, you two included.
He would have deserved it.
I've known you
since we were five years old
and that's it's just not who you are.
You couldn't have known what would happen.
I should have.
[Rick] If you killed him,
you'd be just like him.
The world doesn't
need more people like that.
It needs more people like Invincible.
What was that for?
When I tried out for the Guardians,
I didn't really think I'd get in.
For the first few weeks I was here,
it didn't feel real.
I guess I was mostly right.
The only real part was the people.
- I don't understand.
- I'm trying to say
I'm glad you're coming with us.
It-it just made logical sense,
given the reality of the situation.
Just tell the girl you're leaving for her.
Good advice. I'll consider it.
But as much as you like her,
there's something else.
- [Rudy] I don't know what you mean.
- Sure you do.
Invincible is the most powerful superhero
- on the planet.
- Hey, now.
It's a simple fact. And someday,
I might need him on my side.
You always were a cold fish, man.
But I'll miss you.
I know, it doesn't
compare to Italy, right?
But this place does make their own pasta.
It's delicious. Really.
I actually wasn't sure
this would ever happen.
When you never called me back,
I figured maybe you weren't interested
Paul, that's not it.
Uh, after the gas explosion
It's embarrassing, but I was
scared to go out for a while.
I'd be scared to stay in.
Um, so, uh, how is Mark doing?
- He's what, 18?
- Nineteen.
God, the time flies by.
He's at Upstate U., right?
Actually, he's, uh,
trying some other things.
Well, he's young.
He's got lots of time
to figure things out.
It's just been a rough few months.
I get it. Ugh.
My sister's kid seems
like he gets a ride home
from the cops more often than not.
Oh, oh, no,
it's not like that.
He and Oliver are good kids.
They just have their
Are they special needs?
You never mentioned.
Yes. Well, no.
Uh, not in the conventional sense,
but they're, um
[chuckles] I'm sorry.
I am screwing this up.
Can you tell I haven't
been out on a date in 20 years?
If it's all too soon
No, of course not.
God, maybe it is. I don't know.
It's okay.
[professor] Welcome.
This is Introduction
to Architectural Form.
If that's not what you're here for,
you're in the wrong room.
Here, you will learn
the fundamentals of construction.
How we make the houses we live in,
the walls we use to protect ourselves,
the roofs over our head.
It's not as easy as it looks.
Now, let's get started.
[Cecil sighs]
So this is it, then.
It's better this way.
We have the Reanimen
on standby if you need backup,
and you can hold
try-outs for new members soon.
But I also have another suggestion.
Invincible wasn't willing
to give him another chance.
I'm hoping that you'll
be more open-minded.
I made mistakes, I won't lie.
But I'm trying to make up for them.
If you'll have me,
I'd be honored to serve.
[pensive music playing]
It will be good to have Darkwing
on the Guardians again.
[door opens]
- Everything all right, sir?
- We'll soldier on.
We always do.
- And Darkwing?
- What about him?
I'm tired, Donald. Just spit it out.
He did murder people in Midnight City.
It was one thing calling him in
when we had no other choice.
It's another
putting him on the Guardians.
People change, Donald.
Bad guys reform, good guys
forget what they're fighting for.
It's just
It's just how it works.
[contemplative music playing]
[neck cracks]
[indistinct chatter]
[door opens]
Director Stedman?
Welcome to the GDA.
My name is Donald Ferguson.
I'll be your number one.
May I introduce you to the team?
Knock yourself out.
Good morning, everyone.
This is Director Stedman.
As you all know,
he was handpicked by Director Radcliffe,
and I trust you'll show him
the same energy
- and respect.
- I'm looking forward to working with you.
[indistinct whispering]
Wording's all the same.
They're using old reports, Donald.
Swapping in a few new
sentences, taking the easy way.
They think because I was in prison
I'm a fuck-up,
and that means they can
get away with shit like this.
Uh, they don't know you yet.
Yeah, well, if this doesn't
change soon, they're gonna learn
pretty quickly who I really am.
[door opens]
[woman] Excuse me, sirs?
There's a situation.
[Nolan grunting]
No match on our system, sir.
We don't know who this is or
if they're friendly or not.
[Nolan grunts]
Jesus, we better hope he is.
- Prep a chopper.
- Sir? Someone this powerful,
protocol says we send in
the Immortal first.
- Ask questions later.
- We don't know his intentions yet, Donald,
and the Immortal
tends to communicate with his fists.
And, sir, what if he's hostile?
Then Christmas comes early
and you all get that new director
you wanted.
[chitters, roars]
[Nolan shouts]
Who are you?
Cecil Stedman, director
of the Global Defense Agency.
We run teams of superheroes
to protect our planet from
whatever dangers might arise.
You don't look like
you're from around here.
I'm from the planet Viltrum.
My government sent me here to help
protect the people of your world.
Huh. They did, did they?
What's your name?
[Donald] Pupils dilated.
Heart rate elevated.
He's an alien, so we don't know his norms,
but if he were a human,
he'd be lying.
Yeah, no shit.
All that crap he said about
the World Betterment Committee?
Talk about a fairy tale.
You don't get something
for nothing in this universe.
What do we do, sir?
Well, he says he wants to help,
so we'll let him help.
- For now.
- Are you sure?
You saw how strong he is.
As long as he saves lives, I don't
give a damn about his motivations.
But track his movements, start a file,
and get the eggheads
working on countermeasures.
- We'll figure out why he's really here.
- Right away, sir.
[Donald] Sir?
Sir, you were saying?
Darkwing will be fine, Donald.
Just leave it be.
And Invincible?
We can be the good guys
or we can be the guys that save the world.
We can't be both.
[contemplative music playing]
- Hey.
- Hey.
Uh, can we talk?
- Uh, sure.
- Okay, um
I-I'm just gonna come
out and say it. Uh
I know you think being friends
or having my back
or whatever is enough for now,
but it's not.
Not for me.
- Mark
- Just hear me out.
When Cecil attacked me
I I thought I was gonna die.
Oh, my God. That's awful.
That-that's not what
I'm trying to say. Um
[exhales sharply]
When I was lying on the ground
with that sound drilling into my head
the only thing I could think about
was you.
[gentle music playing]
About how if I died,
I'd never get to see you again.
That's how I know, Eve.
That what I feel for you
isn't some stupid crush.
It's real.
It's always been real.
- I need you to be sure.
- I am. I-I mean it.
I'm an idiot for not realizing it sooner.
If you don't want to date me
or you're not interested,
I-I can't change that.
But if you feel half as much for me
as I do for you, then
let's give it a try.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- So are we dating, or what?
- [short chuckle] Yes!
I mean, if you want to.
I-I definitely want to.
- D I Uh okay.
- [Eve laughs]