Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2001) s03e02 Episode Script


In New York City's war on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.
These are their stories.
I can't believe what I'm seeing.
It looks like I was born with it.
Arnie, is this as blue as they come? Any bluer, you'd look like you escaped from the Marilyn Manson tour.
So how do you like the new you? Finally.
Wait! Come on.
My only obligation is to give you that.
I don't actually have to talk to you.
Well, I have something for you.
What's this? Hold on to it.
You'll know when to open it.
Excuse me, sir.
Please don't mark up the library books.
I'm sorry.
I Just don't do it again.
We're closing now.
Well, at least with you, people know where they stand.
Really, and why is that? With your dark skin, your full lips, your natural hair.
You're from the other side of the ring.
I just wanna get rid of the bump.
It's been broken a couple of times, and I'm tired of looking at it.
Excuse me.
There's so many people.
All of a sudden, there's so many people.
The market's just closed.
Okay, angel, I have appointments.
This looks like too much.
That might be it for a while.
Don't let 'em change you.
Promise me.
Why fix what's not broken? Mrs.
Paulsen said she'd be in early this morning to pick up her glasses.
Make sure that prescription's right this time.
Whatever you say, Arnie.
Stupid lab.
Arnie, those idiots did it again.
Mother of God.
Arnie? Help.
! Help.
! Call the police.
! They shot him.
! Law & Order CI Eyeglass store.
Clerk shot in the face with a nine-mil.
Everything's the same as in Sunset Park.
Sunset Park was written up as a robbery attempt.
Anything taken here? No.
Well, maybe they saw him in the back and got spooked.
It's a theory.
Uh, he was cleaning frames over here.
For some reason, he stopped and came over here.
Uh, the entrance wound is just below his eye.
The exit wound is at the base of the skull.
The killer shot down.
Arnie was looking up.
Maybe he was looking through this drawer.
Travel cases, cleaning solution, contact lenses.
Excuse me.
In the mornings, he straightens up out here, you went in the back? Every morning for two years.
Killer must have had front-row seats.
Couple of doorways there.
Pay phone.
Not too many coops for a stakeout.
Another eyeglass store there.
This one here, you can see right in.
Anybody walking by.
That one over there, you can't even see in the store.
It's a better candidate for a holdup.
Then why didn't they hold it up? I heard it was Arnie.
It's awful, two stores in a week.
Who's doing this? We're not sure.
You work here alone? In the mornings.
My wife comes in after12:00.
Expensive frames.
Same as across the street.
Well, maybe the same price range, but our selection's entirely different.
No contacts.
You don't carry contact lenses.
Profit margin's too small.
Excuse me.
You could throw a disco party in this place, and no one passing by would even notice.
This is the better target.
Well, it depends on what the killer's after.
We need to take another look at the killer's first target in Sunset Park.
Thursdays I'm in business school, so Dad was in the store alone.
Fifteen years in the same location, wiped out like that.
Um, was this ad always there? Yeah.
Dad didn't like shoving ads in the customers' faces.
The day he was shot, it was on the counter here next to his body.
I must've moved it back after we cleaned up.
There's no blood spatter on it.
The way he was shot, there should've been blood.
Or the ad was moved to the counter after he was killed Where we wouldn't miss it.
The same as the other store.
He's trying to make a point.
"Make your brown eyes blue, VisionStyle.
" Visionstyle Corporation Yonkeyrs, New York Monday, April 7 Those are all the letters we've received since we launched our ad campaign.
Well, someone's curious if you made blue contacts for Marilyn Monroe.
We didn't.
But it goes to show we enjoy a good reputation.
That's why it's premature to link these murders to VisionStyle.
It's just a theory.
But if our retailers buy into your theory that carrying our products can get them killed We get it.
You sank a lot of money into your campaign.
Your company's struggling.
You had layoffs.
Anybody do exit interviews with these employees before you put 'em out on the street? No.
But they know the layoffs are temporary.
Uh, here's one citizen who hopes to make your problems permanent.
"Any company that promotes the belief that blue eyes are superior to other eye colors "deserves to join the slave trader and shackle maker on the junk heap of racist profiteers.
" This is the slow time now, but later, I get very busy.
I'm always the last one here in the evenings.
It's terrible what they make you do.
These chemicals, they're not good for you.
That's why I always wear gloves.
Now, let's take a look.
So, you like it? It's a new you.
A new me.
Douglass High School Bronx, New York Wendesday, April 9 Do you think VisionStyle's turning them all into Barbies and Kens? I'm not paranoid, Detective.
But you know as a biologist of certain traits like blue eyes become perceived as socially advantageous, then most Then those are the traits that become dominant.
Especially when parents can choose their unborn child's eye color.
We see your point, Mr.
And this message you're taking it to people in your community? Yes.
To my students and local business groups.
Right here is the battleground.
Right, not the Upper East Side or Sunset Park.
Excuse me.
You know, I find animal behavior it's fascinating.
I was reading about these bees who disguise themselves as other bees.
Like the Cape honeybee takes on the physical characteristics of the African bee and sneaks into the African hive, lays eggs, and then eventually destroys that hive.
It's called aggressive mimicry.
It's enough to make a bee paranoid.
We've got another one.
The cleaning staff found him this morning.
The M.
's the same as your other two, so we thought you'd wanna pile on.
One shot to the face with a nine-mil.
Frederick Mishra, plastic surgeon.
Looks like he's gonna need a little reconstructive surgery himself.
Facial reconstruction.
Chin tucks.
Face lifts.
The killer pulled all these down, but only left the rhinoplasties.
Nose jobs.
I'm seeing a theme.
Mishra always stayed late, but I always lock the doors to the waiting room when I leave.
Oh, it's this way.
Patients are always getting lost.
What's that door for? The outside hallway and the elevators.
It's the staff exit.
It's always locked from the outside.
The doctor advertises a lot.
He ever get any unusual calls or threats? No.
Nothing I ever heard of.
That's a slow-closing door.
So this is the stairwell.
He was in here.
He waited and he watched until the last person, uh, left to catch the elevator.
He got here before the door closed.
Went in, found the doctor didn't get lost.
He knew his way around.
Excuse me.
We need a list of your patients for the last two months.
The first eyewear store was in a predominately Hispanic neighborhood.
The second one was two blocks from the synagogue.
And many of Dr.
Mishra's patients are Jewish teenage girls.
So our shooter's a racist who's worried people are changing their looks.
Why? So they can infiltrate the Klan? Or he might feel threatened by people he thinks are masking their true identity.
Besides women and young girls, what are our pickings? Uh, mostly middle-aged guys getting chin tucks and eye lifts.
This one here had his credit card declined.
John Webb.
Broke his nose in a bar fight 20 years ago.
Twenty years is a long time to wait to fix a broken nose.
Unless he developed breathing problems.
Then he would have seen an E.
Which he didn't.
There's no referral.
He just walked in off the street.
He used a bum credit card.
Check with the card company.
Maybe somebody at the doctor's office can help you with a sketch.
New York Public Library Friday, April 11 I've had five men in here yesterday who looked like him.
Is this the only sketch you have? Sorry.
He used a credit card that was reported stolen from a knapsack here two weeks ago.
Uh, he would've been reading about racial theories, animal behavior.
Oh, yes.
The ring man.
I caught him marking up a book last week.
Can you show us the book? Yeah.
You called him the "ring man.
" He said because I'm black I'm from the other side of the ring.
I thought I was being insulted until I looked at the book he was reading.
It was a biology text.
It mentioned ring species? It's like birds of the same species who evolve differently because they migrate in opposite directions around the world.
What he's saying is that racial differences are, uh, evolutionary adaptations for different environments.
What else did he tell you? He said at least with me people knew where they stood.
Just point to them, please.
Survival Strategies and Endless Struggle.
Mm, this is nice.
Charles Darwin as a serial killer.
Yeah, his comment about knowing where he stood He feels like he's surrounded by surrounded by fakes.
That the world is out of order.
That's paranoid delusion.
Here, near the paragraph on aggressive mimicry.
Is first.
" N.
There was a letter to VisionStyle about her.
"Please confirm that your company supplied blue contact lenses to Norma Jean Baker.
"You should take credit for helping turn her into the icon of female beauty named Marilyn Monroe "and inspiring millions of women the world over to alter their appearance.
Please post your reply on your Web site.
" He considers Marilyn Monroe a prototype.
An average brunette turned by cosmeticians and plastic surgeons into the first fake, blue-eyed blonde.
She's the vanguard of the master plan to pollute the gene pool of the pure white race.
Well, that's the thing.
There's nothing overtly racist in the notes he made in the books.
No return address.
No fingerprints.
How about the books? No usable prints, but the librarian improved our sketch.
If this guy's just getting warmed up, we need to go public.
I'll need a check for Natalia's karate lesson.
I already wrote it out.
It's on the counter.
You're always one step ahead of me, sweetie.
Did Charlie talk to you about Mom? It's all taken care of.
Police now have new information about the possible suspect in recent killings which they've described as a "mini spree.
" The murders include the shooting deaths of a plastic surgeon and two eyeglass store clerks.
He is described as in his '30s, medium height, with graying hair.
Police say he may have a history of psychiatric problems and an obsession with actress Marilyn Monroe.
Anyone with information is asked to contact police at the number on your screen.
In international news, Israeli Is that it? It came in this morning.
Mail overnight, from uptown.
No prints.
"Marilyn Monroe: Fake Aryan Cosmetics Conspiracy.
" Yeah, he's establishing his bona fides, so we know that it's him.
Oh, terrific.
"It will soon be time to take my campaign to the heart of the dirtyJew conspiracy.
To the home of fake Aryans, to Hollywood.
" There's your overtly racist rhetoric.
The important part is the last paragraph.
"Before I leave, I will make one more strike against the conspiracy.
I will kill the bitch who Aryanized the mayor's girlfriend.
" So he's done the blue eyes.
He's got the surgical enhancement.
There's only one thing left.
Blonde hair.
The mayor's girlfriend wasn't born a blonde.
He's going after her hair colorist.
When the staff came in this morning, this is what they found.
I would've been here last night working, but I had to stay in Washington an extra day.
It might've been the man we told you about on the phone.
Do you recognize him? Yes.
He was here last Tuesday.
He had me dye his hair blond.
He knew you worked late? Yes.
We talked about my schedule.
What else did you talk about? The coloring process.
He was worried for me because of the chemicals.
He was very nice.
There was something sweet about him, like a child.
How did he get the appointment with you? I only take new clients on referral.
We'll need the name of the person who referred him.
So he mailed the letter yesterday, warning us about his next move.
Makes his move last night before we even got the letter.
Why bother warning us? The letter was angry and hateful, racist.
She describes him as being considerate, pleasant Sweet.
Our shooter didn't write that letter.
Great, another nut in the mix.
Miss, if you could just look at our little drawing here? Do-Do you know him? One of my male friends needed a hair colorist, and I referred him to Parveen.
So what'd this guy do? He shot three peoplepoint-blank in the face, and then he broke into a hair salon to shoot Parveen.
This isn't the guy.
Well, this guy, did he ever talk about people changing their appearance? Changing their hair, their eyes.
Trying to look like Marilyn Monroe.
Yeah, he said everybody was starting to look alike.
He said people were starting to lose the beauty God gave 'em.
That's why he likes you.
You're natural.
I guess.
All we ever did was talk and hold hands.
That's what he paid for.
These killings, they don't sound like him.
He wrote us a letter.
"It will soon be time to make my campaign to the heart of the dirtyJew conspiracy.
To the home of the fake Aryans, to Hollywood.
" Uh, I didn't know that he thought things like this.
He was always so decent with me.
We need to find him.
What's his name? Brent.
I don't know the rest.
The last time I saw him was a couple of weeks ago.
And when he gave you the money, where did he get it? From a Bankers Trust building.
We went up to an accounting office.
I'm really terrible with faces.
Well, your receptionist, on the other hand, is terrific.
She remembers him.
She remembers the young lady he came in with and that he asked for you by name.
Think hard, Mr.
Now I remember.
It was an I.
He was a messenger.
He came for some documents.
What kind of I.
Matter? Our firm's been contracted by the I.
To, uh, investigate individuals hiding foreign income.
Is that why you have these books here? Tax codes for Belize, the Caymans? Anyway, I don't know what messenger service the I.
I'll have someone call you.
You don't have an extra manilla folder, do you? We got a letter from the man in that sketch, from Brent.
It was filled with sick, anti-Semitic stuff.
The world's filled with bad people.
If you could just put the sketch in the folder for me, it'd be great.
Do you mind my asking? Why do you need a manilla folder? To preserve your fingerprints.
You see, we don't think Brent wrote that letter, so we're looking to match a fingerprint we found on the envelope the letter came in.
We think the person that wrote the letter was trying to throw us off the killer's trail.
Didn't wanna hurt him.
Didn't want anybody else to get hurt.
So he sent us a hint about the next victim.
Saved a life.
You know, people who write letters like that are usually family members fathers, brothers.
Brent has problems.
He, uh, took a lot of drugs when he was young.
I, uh, I try We know how it is with brothers, Mr.
You wanna tell us about the money you give him? Uh, it's a trust set up by our parents.
I give him a check every month to deposit.
He can only withdraw $200 a day.
How can we find him? I don't know.
He, uh, calls me when he needs something.
So do you have his last bank statement? It's gonna be bad when you catch him.
It's gonna be a lot of publicity.
Reporters crawling all over me.
I'd count on it.
He uses A.
S all over the city.
We can't cover every base.
And if we turn off the tap, he'll run.
Well, maybe we only need to turn it halfway.
How do you think your brother would react to being shortchanged? He'd make a stink.
He's a screwup.
He's always been a screwup.
Bank Of New York Tuesday, April 15 I have an account here, but I tried to get $200 from an A.
In Brooklyn, but it-it only gave me a hundred dollars.
And when I called, they said I had to come in and talk to you Oh, I know all about the problem.
Have a seat.
I'll need your card and some I.
Could you take off your sunglasses? This says you have brown eyes.
I'm wearing contacts, and this isn't my hair.
I'm conducting an experiment.
Oh, you're a scientist.
Well, I'll need you to fill out this form.
You're under arrest, Brent.
Your nurse and your librarian pooched the lineup.
You have no murder weapon.
Not one crumb of physical evidence tying him to the crime scene.
Even his brother thinks he's good for it.
Spencer loves me.
He wouldn't say that.
- Brent, let me do the talking.
- Right, right.
Let's talk about this letter to VisionStyle about Marilyn Monroe.
You did write this, right? He's not answering that.
Come on.
You're no fun.
Look at him.
He's peeing himself to tell us about this fake Aryan cosmetic conspiracy.
I mean, aren't you, Brent? Don't answer him.
Soon they're gonna be able to transplant faces.
They'll be able to do plastic surgery to babies that are still in the womb.
Wh-What do you think about that? Don't answer.
The interview's over.
He's right.
Don't answer.
You talk about this fake Aryan conspiracy, but you're the only one that's hair's dyed and you're wearing tinted lenses.
You've become what you dread.
Maybe you're being used? Maybe your murders are servicing the conspiracy, and you don't even know it.
You-You should think about that.
The lawyer said they have no evidence against you, and you don't have to worry about that notebook.
Spence, I can't stop thinking about what that cop said.
I think I need to tell the truth.
You're not doing anything except for what your lawyer tells you.
Betty is beside herself.
We got reporters camping outside.
You have no idea what this has done to me.
- After all the years I've been there for you.
- I know.
I know.
You always had my back.
Your lawyer thinks we can get you out of this.
But I need your help.
How? There's something you left out there.
You know what I mean.
I'm gonna take care of everything, Brent.
Just like always.
You said so yourself.
You have no physical evidence this person is the shooter.
We have his statements and the Marilyn Monroe letter you received.
That supports our theory he was targeting your product.
We're not going to let you parade your cockamamy theory before the public.
Look, if you're worried that your retailers are going to be afraid to carry your contact lenses, we have your shooter in custody.
According to you.
We need someone to testify they actually opened this letter, or we can't use it as evidence.
And you can't connect VisionStyle to the shootings.
We'll make a good faith effort to find the person.
Carver here.
Yes, hold on.
Your partner.
Eyeporium Friday, April 18 The owner was closing up.
Two shots to the head from behind.
We have two shell casings, nine-millimeter.
And there's that.
The M.
's not quite right, but it's in the ballpark.
The twisted tango of brotherly love.
How can you think he's hiding evidence when he's the one who helped you catch Brent? Well, maybe it was that phony letter he wrote to put us off Brent's trail.
The last time Brent was here was six years ago.
You're not gonna find anything of his here.
Six years is a long time not to have Uncle Brent over for dinner.
Spencer doesn't want him around the kids.
Spencer still takes care of his brother though, doesn't he? He made a promise to his parents.
Spencer's very conscientious about his obligations.
Sounds like there's more obligation than love between those two.
Brent's caused Spencer a lot of grief over the years.
He spends a lot of time in here, huh? He's got all this reading material, tax and accounting related.
So what's this problem that Brent caused? Spencer's had to bail him out of jail at all hours.
Brent's even kept him from getting promoted.
How'd he managed that? I don't know.
But for the longest time, Spencer blamed him.
You have any idea what this stuff is for? Cotton, chamomile tea, food coloring, earplugs.
I don't know who put that there.
Maybe one of the kids for a science project.
We're done.
I'd sure like to see that science project.
Thank you.
You're talking about an accountant.
Who had a sealed juvie record in Jersey.
He got it expunged a few years ago, but it gave him problems at work.
He couldn't get bonded.
We're working on getting the details.
So he finds out from Brent where he hid the gun.
Then he commits a copycat murder to clear him? This is some brother.
We're not so sure Spencer loves Brent all that much.
We might not be the ones he's trying to fool.
He used the same gun, but he botched the M.
The other victims were shot point-blank in the face inside their place of business.
This one, was shot twice from the back outside.
So if he's not trying to clear his brother, what's his point? It's a travel kit.
Um, money.
His point is money.
Office of A.
Ron Carver One Hogan Place Wednesday, April 23 My colleagues at the S.
Tell me you just refiled your quarterly earnings to show an additional loss of $5 million? Where'd that money go? You're chasing moonbeams, Mr.
You doubted that Brent Anderson was the killer even before the last victim was shot.
What are we supposed to think? I'm ordering an examination of your books.
I'll find the $5 million.
Then I'm charging you with criminally negligent homicide.
We did receive an extortion demand after the sketch of the suspect was released to the press.
They asked for $5 million or they'd send a manifesto to the media saying they were targeting retailers of our products.
The effect on the company would have been devastating.
We had to think of our employees.
Yes, I'm sure they were foremost in your thoughts.
What happened then? When you arrested Brent Anderson, we received another communication, saying the police had the wrong man.
We weren't sure what to do, and then another retailer was killed.
Then you paid.
We had a security firm track the money to the Caribbean.
It was dispersed among several accounts in the Caymans and Belize, and then we ran into a brick wall.
The brick wall was probably the I.
Investigation that Spencer was working on.
He must've sprinkled the five million among the accounts frozen by the I.
And only he knows which account the money's in and how to retrieve it.
Can't do it from here, you gotta go there.
Guys, can you get off the walk, please? Please.
We're late.
I thought I told you people to stay off my property.
Didn't you people hear me? Did you hear us? You're under arrest.
- What are you doing? - Don't think you're gonna make that flight to Houston.
Or the nice drive across the Mexican border.
Spencer Anderson covered his tracks like a pro.
We can't connect him to anything.
Brent told him where the gun was.
Brent can put him in jail.
Brent, who's convinced his brother loves him.
I just received his psych evaluation.
Paranoid schizophrenia exacerbated by drug abuse.
The juvenile records came in from New Jersey.
Two of them.
One for Spencer Anderson, and one for Brent Anderson.
You know I find paranoid schizophrenics make excellent witnesses.
You're conferring transactional immunity to my client? For anything he agrees to testify to.
In return, I'd offer him a plea of not guilty by reason of mental disease.
Whatever happens, he's covered.
Uh, I don't have a disease.
It's all good, Brent.
Don't worry.
But we're still not conceding he had anything to do with the shootings.
That's fine.
We just want his testimony.
By the way, his immunity starts now.
Why's my brother here? What crazy stuff has he been saying to them? Oh, it's all good, Spence.
I didn't let you down.
Carver, if this is one of those dog and pony shows, we're not interested.
We were about to review our evidence against your client.
See what insights his brother has to offer.
You never know what kind of crazy stuff might come out of Brent's mouth.
I wanna stay.
I wanna hear this.
All right.
Come on.
First thing you should know, Brent, when we picked up your brother, he was on his way to the airport to catch a plane to Houston.
For business.
It was only for the day.
It's true.
He was traveling light.
You a big chamomile tea drinker, Spence? I drink it on the plane.
It relaxes me.
The earplugs help me sleep.
And the food coloring, is that to make the airplane food more appetizing? What do you think, Brent? Here, we found this stuff.
Could you guess what he was really doing with it? I don't think many people could.
The chamomile tea, I mean, I hear you can lighten your hair with it, and the earplugs, well, you stuff'em in your nose, it would make your nose wider, same with the cotton.
Or pack your cheeks with it, change your jawline.
And there's the cold cream and the food coloring.
Well, look at that.
It did.
It made my hands darker.
I know Spence.
My brother's not a fake.
He wouldn't change his looks.
He did it to blend in.
He was running away to the Caribbean.
Do you know why? To collect the money that VisionStyle was paying him.
Five million dollars, Mr.
Here's the bank documents showing the wire transfers from VisionStyle's accounts.
VisionStyle was trying to make it look like an extortion attempt.
But we know what was really going on.
He was being paid to betray you.
Brent, they're messing with your head.
See for yourself.
Here's a letter he wrote.
He wanted us to believe you wrote it.
This isn't me.
I like Jewish people.
I like all kinds of people.
He wrote the letter to twist your message.
For God's sake, Brent.
I wrote that to protect you.
To protect him? How do you think we found outabout your bank and your A.
? He sold you out.
Everything you ever told him in confidence.
All your secrets, he used against you.
Even the gun.
You told him where the gun was, didn't you? - Brent.
- You're going to let your client incriminate himself? His client has immunity.
Oh, geez.
Spencer, we need to talk.
You told him where you hid the gun, right, Brent? Brent.
You're my brother.
I've never done anything to hurt you.
He's not one of them.
He takes care of me.
Has he? What about 23 years ago? What night was that? Oh, February 17a convenience store in Trenton? One of you knocked out the clerk with a tire iron.
You made off with three cases of beer and a carton of smokes.
How'd you get mixed up in that, Spencer? I mean, Brent I understand.
He already well, had priors for drugs and vandalism.
He was 15.
You were 17? You hadn't been in any trouble.
I don't see what this has to do with anything.
You know, I have a big brother.
My brother was a straight arrow.
I was always trying to get him to loosen up, always bugging him about it.
Drove him crazy, because he couldn't loosen up.
Because my father never gave him any slack.
Same situation with you and Spence? You were always trying to stop him from being so afraid all the time.
I think he got sick of hearing it.
So that night, he decided to show you that he wasn't afraid.
Decided to stop for beer and before you knew what was going on, he was hitting that clerk with the tire iron.
Isn't that right, Brent? It's what you told the police.
It's right here in your juvenile record.
Yeah, I had to tell them the truth.
We both told the truth.
Then why did Spencer only get probation, and you got three years in juvenile detention? They didn't believe us.
They thought it was all my idea and that Spencer was protecting me.
Well, I have Spencer's juvenile file right here.
You wanna hear what he told the police? My file was expunged.
Expunged doesn't mean vaporized.
This is how your brother took care of you.
"I was looking at the magazines when I heard a noise.
"I looked up.
I saw Brent standing over the clerk with the tire iron, hitting him.
"He had that crazy look he gets when he's stoned, just like a rabid dog.
Brent's just a bad kid who just wants to get high and make trouble for my parents.
" You told the truth, he didn't.
He put it all on you.
Brent, now, you remember I was going to college; my life was on track.
And you, you weren't going anywhere.
Oh, Spence.
Come on.
Don't say that.
He means every word of it.
You You did the time for a crime that he committed three years.
You never recovered.
Did ya? Just got sicker and sicker.
That's his own fault.
He made himself that way.
Yeah, he made himself a paranoid schizophrenic.
He's not.
Would you like to read the doctor's report? No, he doesn't wanna see that because he never really cared, did you, Spence? Because if he was sick, well, then, you might have actually had to do something about it.
But if it was drugs, well, that was easy.
You wouldn't have to lift a finger.
Not if it was drugs.
Spencer helps me.
He takes care of me.
Yeah, he helps you.
Pays you once a month to stay away from him and his family.
Until everything changed when he saw the sketch on TV.
Because you knew that the press would be crawling all over you and Brent.
That they would see what a terrible brother that you'd been.
They would see the blood on your hands, as much as it is on Brent's.
You saw the weight falling on you, and you had to run.
That's your brother, man.
He's sick.
You should've helped him, but you used him.
Used him to get five million bucks to get out of Dodge.
That's why he needed your gun.
After we arrested you, it was only a matter of time before we found out about his extortion.
You had to play out your hand, didn't you? You had to do one more murder.
Do you see where you stand with him now? He ran out on you.
He left you in your own mess.
Oh, Spence.
That's not what you told me.
You do this to me He said I had to tell him where I hid the gun.
He'd get rid of it before the police found it.
Shut up.
None of this is true.
You said so yourself, he's crazy.
Yeah, he may be crazy.
But you're evil.
Come on, Spence.
Don't be angry.
Will you just shut up! Mom and Dad should have left you in Spofford.
And that other place? That rehab? They should have left you there too.
Why didn't you crawl away and die? Why did you have to ruin my life? I never wanted you.
I didn't It'll be okay, Spence.
I'm still your brother.
The tango just goes on.

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