SkyMed (2022) s03e02 Episode Script
The Fire
So you must be my new first officer, TJ.
- Reporting for duty, Cap.
- Are you Marianne,
- the new chief nurse?
- (CHOPPER): I know that we didn't
exactly plan to run
into each other again.
None of this has to be awkward.
(MARIANNE): As far as
anyone here needs to know,
we're just two colleagues
meeting for the first time.
(NOWAK): I've been stalling Birch
Wing while I've been recovering.
I won't let you hurt yourself
for me. Take the job, Nowak.
(CRYSTAL): It is possible that
I still have feelings for Jeremy.
(HAYLEY): Well, why don't
you tell him? How do you know
he still doesn't feel the same way?
(WHEEZER): It's Jeremy.
I'm so sorry, Crystal.
(CRYSTAL): The sacred
fire in North House
will send Jeremy on his
journey back to the Creator.
For four days and four nights,
we'll sit up with him in the fire.
We'll never let it go out.
We'll grieve.
We'll share stories.
And on the fourth day,
we'll say goodbye.
But until then,
this fire is for us,
his SkyMed family.
That kid, he never stopped moving.
Fidgeting, laughing, singing.
You know, uh, when I
first moved to North House,
I was a skinny, white kid.
I was just trying to be a
new father, a new husband,
a new part of Lynn's community.
Jeremy, he was just a kid.
You both were.
We were teenagers. Barely.
This one day, I got home at 4 A.M.
I'd been working 24 hours straight.
6 A.M., we wake up
to the smell of coffee
and someone singing in the kitchen.
And there's Jeremy, big smile.
He was waiting for me to
wake up so I could help him
fix his dirt bike.
But as soon as you get your tools out,
everyone who needs anything
fixed starts coming around.
So, suddenly I'm getting
dragged from house to house.
I'm fixing wobbly chairs,
leaky taps, a clogged stovepipe.
And you know, if you fix
something for someone,
then you gotta stick around
for fry bread and soup, right?
The whole deal.
And there's Jeremy. He's just
Following me around, handing me tools,
lining up the next person.
I can't remember now. Um
What did we help your kookoo with?
Isabelle's front step.
Right. Yes.
We all kinda thought you were a weenuk
until you came around to help out.
Yeah, I figured that
out when I got home,
took a look at Jeremy's
bike and realized
that it wasn't broken.
He just wanted me to
get out and meet people.
Man, he got a kick out of Caleb, too.
Playing with him.
Taking him canoeing,
teaching him about the bush.
He was like a big brother.
Jeremy, he, um
He was my brother, too.
(CHOPPER): Doesn't feel real.
I keep thinking that I'll
look up and see Jeremy
with his bag of marshmallows
while he distracts me
with his joke and he steals my beer.
He pulled that one on
me a couple times, too.
It all feels so pointless, you know?
Such a senseless and dumb thing.
(MARIANNE): No, I understand.
We're all short-staffed up
here right now. Okay. Thank you.
(SIGHS) I can't find a medic
to cover Jeremy's shifts.
TCH doesn't have anyone to spare.
I'll do it. I'm
registered in Manitoba now.
I can do Jeremy's shifts and mine.
You just got off. You need to rest.
No, I'm fine. I'm good to go.
Anything you got, just send it my way.
Well, that's one covered.
SkyMed doesn't have
enough nurses as it is.
Now I've lost Jeremy and Crystal,
so now I'm two bodies down.
Is that all we are to you?
Crystal's grieving. We
just lost one of our own.
That's not what I meant. It
was a poor choice of words.
Nice move, Feriera.
(HAL): You ever barf so hard
it feels like your whole stomach
is gonna come out?
Can that happen? Can your
stomach just fall out?
Organs can prolapse,
but not usually with food poisoning.
This isn't food poisoning.
Leprosy, rabies, typhus.
I drank the whole bag. There I was,
putting it in coffee, in my cereal.
Drinking entire glasses.
(GASPING) I didn't see it until the bag
was almost empty. And then
You'd think these things would float.
It was just lurking at the bottom.
And the whole time, I was drinking it!
Oh, God. (GAGGING)
There you go.
All right, nausea, vomiting.
Do you have any other symptoms?
You were in Thompson a few times
in the last couple of
months for uh, rashes?
That first time I'm sure was shingles.
But last December, I thought
that could've been a lupus rash.
And uh, the headaches
that you were having
a couple of months ago, those went away?
I was worried that it was an aneurysm,
but they cleared up. Until
last night, of course.
When I started feeling awful,
headache, chills, vomiting.
I read online those are all symptoms
of the bubonic plague.
And rats carry the plague!
Rats don't carry the plague.
Fleas on rats carry it.
That, that is a mouse.
Mice have fleas too, don't they?
- What's this?
- Oh uh,
I got new orthotics.
They're supposed to
help with my sciatica,
but all they did was give
me that stupid blister.
I've never seen the plague, Hal,
but I don't think this is it.
We'll take you to Thompson.
Get you a full workup.
You sure about this guy?
We're already down two crews.
What if something more, I
don't know, serious, happens
and then we're stuck here
medevac-ing a hypochondriac
who drank cheap milk? I don't know.
I'm gonna get an iv started,
get you some dimenhydrinate
for the nausea,
and then we'll get on the plane, okay?
I brought my flight bag.
My inhalers, CPAP, an inflatable vest.
I like to be prepared.
I guess this makes
this a mouse evac, huh?
This kinda thing never
bothered me before.
But today, it all just kinda
feels like a waste of time,
you know?
Like we should be out
there helping real patients
with real emergencies.
Our friend died helping
someone in a car accident
and we're just, we're
here flying somebody
with a tummy ache and
some some neuroses?
I feel hot. I think it's my sinuses.
Could you get my
Dristan? It's in my bag.
You can have the
Dristan, but I also wanna
give you some aspirin.
Oh, shoot! I'm sorry.
Do you have anything breakable in there?
- Oh, God! Ah!
Hey, what's that noise back there?
Is something leaking?
Bear spray. Bear
spray! Mask! Mask! Mask!
locked it in the cooler!
(CHOPPER): No! No, no,
no! That won't hold it!
This stuff's like tear gas. It's an oil.
It's already on our
skin, even with the masks.
Get some water. Flush
your eyes. I'll fly.
Hey, what do we have
back there that can help?
(MARIANNE): I have some
wipes in here somewhere!
- (CHOPPER): Dumping the cabin.
(TJ): It's already on
our skin, our clothes.
All over everything.
- I have control.
- Here, use these.
Cap, we can't fly like this.
We're blind, we can barely breathe.
(CHOPPER): We'll land at Prospect River.
It's the closest strip.
That's still a few minutes out.
My eyes are on fire.
We can make it. We'll take shifts.
I have control.
Ha! Woo!
Burning and freezing.
- That's being alive, Cap.
- Hey, call Dispatch.
Tell them to get a
medevac for the patient.
- Yeah.
- Some rampies for 922 as well.
It's gonna need a deep
clean before anybody's
- ready to fly in it.
- Copy that.
What, what about the mouse?
Will it be too contaminated for testing?
Hal, buddy, right now I care
a lot less about the mouse
than about what the hell you
were doing bringing bear spray
on an airplane? Do you have any idea
how lucky we are to be so
close to a safe airstrip, huh?
And what, you just
forgot to mention to me
- that you had noxious gas on you?
- I like to be prepared.
Hal, you are not running
into a bear at 20,000 feet.
Just like you don't have the plague,
or, or, or an aneurysm,
or the shingles. All right?
And now we have a whole plane here
that is out of service
when there are actual hurt
people out there who need us!
(MARIANNE): Captain Chopra!
A minute?
- Hey.
I understand that you are grieving,
but that is never an excuse
to talk to a patient that way.
You're right, the bear spray
could have been a catastrophe.
That's on me. Next time,
I'll make sure to check
my patients' bags.
But however ridiculous
you might think this man is,
he has a high fever, a
badly infected blister,
and he's vomiting. It
might not have anything
to do with that mouse, but he is sick
and he does need to see a doctor.
He has a pretty serious infection.
He needs antibiotics.
I do care, you know.
About your friend.
And I am so sorry for your loss.
But SkyMed still has a job to do.
There are still people out
there that are counting on us.
Did you use any of
your wipes on yourself?
We only had a few. I
wanted to prioritize
- the patient and pilots.
- Here.
- Let me.
I uh, I thought a spy like Lady Jaguar
would have carried an
antidote for poison.
Well, maybe she did. But (SNIFFLES)
Marianne just keeps making mistakes
like letting a patient bear spray us.
It's not your fault. Well,
not all of it, at least.
I should have checked his bag, too.
The north is full of characters,
which is why I'm wondering
why you're up here.
What made you leave
a fancy job in Toronto
to come fly in mouse-evacs with us?
I got it now. Thanks.
I keep thinking about this
story that Jeremy told me.
About a fox he accidentally
caught in a trap.
And it made him realize he
wanted to be a paramedic.
That's what Kookoo called
him when he was a little kid.
"Little fox."
(LEXI): You know there are
something like 60 species
of animals that have
some version of laughter?
But foxes, they actually
sound like they're laughing.
They even giggle
It suits him.
(CALEB): Yo, yo, yo, Tansi.
Text like a normal person.
- Hey, bud. It's um, it's Dad.
Listen, I know you don't like
talking on the phone, but I just
I just, I really wanna
hear your voice, okay?
So, call me back.
You and I,
we don't always like
to show our emotions.
That doesn't mean we're not feeling.
Sometimes it just means that
We're feeling too much to show.
It's late. You're on call.
You should get some sleep.
We are not gonna leave
Jeremy alone tonight.
We take care of our own.
Wait, what? Jeremy built a trebuchet?
How do I not know this story?
It was before I moved to North House,
but Jer's dad said he was
eight or nine years old
and the entire community lived in fear
of accidentally getting
hit by a water balloon
or a rotten squash from
this giant catapult.
You remember that story, right, Cryssy?
You were there. You should tell it.
No? Okay.
- Hi.
- (WHEEZER): Hi.
I didn't know if
If it was okay to, um
You all knew him a lot longer, so
I don't think this type
of thing has a time limit.
- This feels wrong.
- Feels hella wrong.
I mean
I am excited for you
to be Chief Pilot Nowak.
And you're gonna get to fly
with Reese again at Birch Wing.
Feels like the wrong time.
Feels like I'm leaving
things unfinished.
Come here, man. Bring it in.
- You already packed.
- Cadet training dies hard.
I'm gonna go find Stef.
See if I can get her to sit at the fire.
My flight to Saskatoon
leaves tomorrow night.
Will you come say goodbye?
No more flight suits for you, huh?
Well, if you're gonna be a chief pilot,
you're gonna need a tie.
That, uh That's a sandwich?
Yeah, it's a ham and cheese sandwich.
I know you have a hard
time making friends
and we both know you can get hangry.
I just figured if you
ever got lonely, or grumpy,
or were just having a hard time,
this would help you remind you
to just eat a damn sandwich.
I, uh
I have a sched evac, so
Wow, what's all this?
What are you goin' for, a
flavors of the world theme
or just cookin' to feed the world?
I wanna make sure Crystal is eating.
But I know she doesn't feel like it.
I just, I don't know, I
keep thinking if I can find
the right thing to tempt
her, maybe she will.
I don't know.
So, what was Jeremy really like?
I mean, from the stories,
it just seems like
he was larger than life.
He kinda was. Honestly.
Jeremy was Jeremy.
He had this big, huge
heart, and he was funny.
For a while, we all kinda
thought he was a screw up,
but we were wrong.
He grew up, he changed his life,
and he was proof of what a second chance
can do to someone, you know?
And for a while, I
thought he was gonna have
a second chance at love, too.
I thought him and Crystal both would.
I thought, uh, I thought
Rosie was the girlfriend?
Rosie was the girlfriend.
But Crystal is his widow.
(ROSIE): Been trying to learn
a lot about Jeremy's culture.
He told me one time how powerful
eagles are in Cree culture.
Acting as messengers between
the Nehiyawak and the Creator.
Helping to carry prayers.
Just thought that was so beautiful.
I was talking to an elder
the other day at the fair
and she mentioned how powerful it was
to see an eagle at a funeral.
Some people think it
means the person that
died will have a good journey.
She said some people
think it means the eagle's
accompanying that
person on their journey.
Yeah, I like that.
The idea that they're not going alone.
You know, when I first met
him, I was feeling really alone.
But he made me feel like
somebody cared about me.
That no matter how I
felt, I wasn't alone.
He connected so many people.
He brought so many people together.
So, um
I don't know, I guess
I'm just really hoping
that I see an eagle.
So I know he's not alone.
One large coffee, black.
Couple shots of whatever
you've got back there
that counts as Espresso.
You want your uzhe?
- No.
- Okay.
Maybe we should go home.
Wait for the next call there.
You've been working nonstop.
You could take a break, get some sleep.
Or maybe sit by the
fire with everyone else.
Nah, I gotta caffeinate.
Head back to the hangar.
I volunteered to restock
all the flight bags.
Is there a reason you
don't wanna be at the fire?
I mean, I'm not
judging, I just feel like
you've been avoiding it.
- Is there something going on?
- Something you wanna talk about?
- Hey, are you okay?
Hey, are you choking? I'm a paramedic.
He's allergic to nuts.
I was supposed to check
about the barbecue sauce,
but my friend called me
and I forgot. Oh, my God.
(STEF): Hang on, hang on.
I gotcha. Hang in there.
(GASPING) Hang on.
Okay, 0.3 milligrams epi I.M.
Breathe. There you go.
Is he gonna be okay? I, I am so sorry.
What the hell is wrong with
you? He could have died.
It is your job to watch
out for things like this.
And what, you were too
busy doing something else
- to save his life?
- Stef, she's just a kid.
It was an accident.
Call, call an ambulance.
Are we ever gonna talk
about what all that was?
Because whatever that was, was not you.
I know you've been working
a lot, and you're tired,
and we're all upset about
what happened to Jeremy,
- but that was
- Jeremy was my fault.
Look, I was
I was supposed to do a
ride-along with Jeremy.
I was supposed to be there with him.
But instead,
I let myself get
distracted by a patient.
The, the snowboarder, the one
we found buried in the snow.
I, I got her to the hospital,
but she had to go for
imaging, and she was upset.
I broke my own rule. I got attached.
And because of that, I
wasn't there for Jeremy.
How am I supposed to face Crystal
knowing that I'm the
reason that he's dead?
Hey. Hey.
This is not your fault.
What happened to Jeremy
wasn't anybody's fault, okay?
It was, it was bad timing.
Bad roads, bad bad luck.
And you will make yourself
crazy thinking about all the ifs.
I love you, Stef.
And this was not your fault.
Jeremy did EMS with his whole heart.
He didn't hold back.
I told him on one of his first days
not to get so attached.
That was a lesson I had
to learn the hard way.
Because with the kinda
stuff that we see,
if you get attached, if you
open that door just a little bit,
it feels like your whole
chest will just crack open
from having to care so much.
All the time. About all of it.
Like you could just lose yourself
in this giant hole of your
own cracked open chest.
Jeremy didn't listen to me.
That's Jeremy.
He's always gonna do things his own way.
I lost someone important once.
And I never understood
why people kept saying,
"I'm sorry."
Like, how does you being sorry
help with all of this pain?
But I, I get it now.
It's because they can see
how much you're hurting.
And they know there's
nothing they can do.
But they want to.
I would do anything to make
this awful hurting go away.
To take away your grief.
That's why (SNIFFLES)
I am so sorry, Crystal.
Hey, do me a favor. Check the
runway lights for me, will ya?
Prism lake, it's a seasonal
strip for a cottage community.
They pretty much just lock up
the terminal and abandon the
airstrip in the off season.
Uh I don't see them comin' up.
If it's off season, how
are there patients up here?
Well, this is the north.
There's always people
where they shouldn't be.
It sounds like a pretty
bad fall, Wheezer.
- We have to go get him.
- All right, we got a couple
hours of daylight left. If we move fast,
we can collect the
patient and we can take off
before it gets dark.
Will you check the lights
while we're gone? See if there's a fix?
- Copy that.
- All right, my man.
So, this was you guys movin' fast, huh?
The patient fell off his roof.
We have to move slow and be
careful with spinal injuries.
How'd you make out with the lights?
Well, the good news, it's
just some broken bulbs.
Looks like some kids
or something went on
a little vandalism streak.
Bad news, I radioed Dispatch.
Airfield maintenance won't
have replacement bulbs
until tomorrow, so
And the sun is already setting.
By the time we get the patient loaded up
and the plane fired up.
How is he? Is he stable?
He's stable for now. Why?
Well, unfortunately, there wasn't
much in the terminal trailer.
But I did see a propane
heater in the shed out back.
Looked like the tank was full.
- I can grab it.
- Yeah, there's food and water
in the commissary bucket on the plane.
- Okay.
- Why do we need food and water?
We're not gonna be able to
see the runway in the dark.
Without lights, we can't take off.
But what about the patient?
Can't they just send
another plane for us?
Well, if we can't see to take off,
then they can't see to
land. And if he's stable,
then it's safest if we just wait.
But we can take off as
soon as the sun comes up.
No, I told Crystal that
I would be back for her.
I told her that she wouldn't be alone.
We have to get back. We
have to keep the fire going.
Hayley, I don't like it
either but I'll radio Dispatch.
I'll let 'em know the plan, okay?
TJ's bringing a heater soon, okay?
This is all my fault.
We have to be extra careful
moving spinal injuries
and that just takes time, so
What about this uh, fire?
I heard you talking to the pilots
and something about a fire
that you all are supposed to be at?
One of our coworkers passed away.
There's a fire tonight
for people to talk
and share stories about him.
Any luck?
There's no signal here.
Nowak's leaving tonight
and I told him I'd be there.
Now I can't even let him know.
I'm gonna go see if there's extra
sleeping bags in the plane.
Hey. Hey, Russ.
I'm sorry, man. I'm
sorry I'm putting you
through all this. My luck and my timing,
I've always been the frigging worst.
You know that cabin
that I was working at?
That cabin's been in
my family for decades.
Or it had been in my family for decades.
Until my parents died
about 10 years ago.
Three generations of
memories in that place,
and I'm the one who
blew it for everyone.
- Okay, just, just relax, Russ.
- Take it easy, okay?
- So, when, when it came back
up on the market, I had to get it.
It just needed so much goddamn work.
I just wanted so badly to get it ready
for Christmas for the family.
But I screwed that up, too.
I missed my window.
I've been thinking about that a lot.
Lately I've been wondering
How many chances do we have?
Our uh, friend who died, he
left some things unresolved
with someone who
mattered the most to him.
And yeah, like, you could see it.
All the fights they couldn't get over,
all the reasons they couldn't make up.
Every single time they had
a chance to let things go
and be together.
But I, I can't help but wonder
how things might have changed
for them if they just
used that one chance
that they had to fix things.
But I guess
We never know when our last
chance might be, you know?
Air Flight 616 to Saskatoon
is now boarding.
(DISPATCH): Keep us posted, Cap.
We'll expect an update
first thing tomorrow.
Affirmed, thanks.
Hayley? Hey. Are you okay?
Where are all the extra sleeping bags?
I know it sucks not being
able to get back for Crystal.
Did someone take them
out of here? Ouch! Dammit.
- Where, let me help
- No, it's fine.
There's not enough room
back here for both us.
And why is it so freaking cold?
Because we're in a metal tube
at night in the middle of winter?
(HAYLEY SIGHS) Crystal will understand.
Look, I'm not saying that it's okay
being stuck out here when we
both wanna be there for her,
but she will understand.
Nights are the hardest.
You have too much time to think, alone.
Crystal's been there for
me through everything.
And I just really
wanna be there for her.
That night that you came
home with the news, um
When Crystal finally fell asleep
I thought about using.
It was just too much.
What I was feeling,
what Crystal was feeling.
And just seeing her in
pain and feeling so
Like there was nothing that I could do
but just watch her hurt.
But I didn't, I didn't use.
And I still haven't.
I'm just trying to take
it one day at a time.
I'm just trying to put one
foot in front of the other.
I think that's what sobriety might be.
I think it's
It's not counting the days,
but knowing that, that
Things like this are gonna happen
and I'm not gonna take an easy way out.
I'm not gonna be able
to avoid feeling it.
If Crystal has to feel all of this,
then the least I can do
is feel all of it with her.
Are you sure?
I just wanna feel all of this, too.
(HAYLEY): We made it, Russ.
Let's get you to the hospital.
(TRISTAN): Nowak's gone?
I thought
I mean, it was stupid
and selfish, but
I thought he'd be here.
I, I really thought
he would wait for me.
He left.
He's really gone.
Nowak. I was wrong.
I told you to go and I was wrong.
I know we have a lot to figure out
and I know we both screwed up.
And I need to let the past go,
but I still cold ham
cheese you, Milosz and
Shhh ut up.
Okay, thank you. I will let her know.
That was the funeral home.
They said that Jeremy
will be ready tomorrow.
Are you okay?
That's, uh
So soon.
Has anyone seen Tristan?
Just got a call for a patient
missing in North House with dementia.
She does speak English,
but her first language
is Nêhiyawêwin and I know
that Tristan's been learning.
- I'll go.
- Are you sure?
Jeremy would want me to.
Barb loves to hike.
She knows this bush.
But these days, it's so hard to know
what she'll remember
if she got lost or hurt.
She grew up speaking
Nêhiyawêwin as a kid.
The more her dementia progresses,
she's forgotten most of her adult life.
She hardly speaks English anymore.
But in case you find
her, this is my Barb.
(HAYLEY): You've taken
really good care of her, Glen.
(GLEN): It's been hard for both of us.
We'll go this way.
(HAYLEY): Hey, you remember
the first time we came
to North House together?
Jeremy was the volunteer
who picked us up,
and I was already terrified
of you. I was convinced
that I had made a huge
mistake coming up here.
But that whole drive,
Jeremy kept saying shit
to piss you off, and you
kept letting him have it.
And then, when you went
inside to get the patient,
Jeremy helped me get gear
from the back of the truck.
And he gives me this look, this wink,
like he knew exactly what
he was doing the whole time.
And he says, "see? Ah,
her bark's way worse than her bite."
You never told me that.
Well, we weren't friends back then.
Everyone else has shared
stories about Jer, Crys,
but you haven't.
I'm not trying to rush you.
You take as much time as you need.
But if you wanna talk about him
or if you just need
anything at all, I'm here.
(CRYSTAL): Barb?
60-year-old woman with a
history of dementia. Hypothermic.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, my love.
It's okay, my love.
Me and you, right? That was the deal.
Keeps telling their
Jeremy stories, but
I can't.
I don't have just one Jeremy story.
I have hundreds.
I have thousands.
All of my stories are about Jeremy.
He was my story.
We were supposed to be
together. I knew that.
I've always known that.
Even if we weren't together now, it
But I was wrong.
I don't get any more stories with him.
And all the things
I just knew were gonna happen.
What if
What if Jeremy died not
knowing that I love him?
I understand that you're
supposed to be starting
a semester of classwork in Winnipeg,
and medical school
doesn't allow grief leave
for anyone who isn't
a parent or a spouse.
An official spouse, anyway.
But I understand, from
what everyone's told me
about you and Jeremy that
if med school
won't give you the time,
SkyMed will, for as long as you need.
We will be here when you're ready.
Thank you.
911 is loaded.
He's ready to go.
I wanted to bring his stuff
up to North House, but um
The chief paramedic said there
wasn't much in his locker either.
But the patient that he was with
when the accident happened sent this.
And he said that Jeremy was wearing it
and Jeremy told him that
it brought him good luck
and kept him safe, so he
let the patient borrow it
when he was scared.
(SNIFFLES) Uh, this is my stethoscope.
I gave it to him when he graduated.
Crystal, he knew.
He knew how you felt about him
and I think he felt the same.
Let's take him home, Crys.
So you must be my new first officer, TJ.
- Reporting for duty, Cap.
- Are you Marianne,
- the new chief nurse?
- (CHOPPER): I know that we didn't
exactly plan to run
into each other again.
None of this has to be awkward.
(MARIANNE): As far as
anyone here needs to know,
we're just two colleagues
meeting for the first time.
(NOWAK): I've been stalling Birch
Wing while I've been recovering.
I won't let you hurt yourself
for me. Take the job, Nowak.
(CRYSTAL): It is possible that
I still have feelings for Jeremy.
(HAYLEY): Well, why don't
you tell him? How do you know
he still doesn't feel the same way?
(WHEEZER): It's Jeremy.
I'm so sorry, Crystal.
(CRYSTAL): The sacred
fire in North House
will send Jeremy on his
journey back to the Creator.
For four days and four nights,
we'll sit up with him in the fire.
We'll never let it go out.
We'll grieve.
We'll share stories.
And on the fourth day,
we'll say goodbye.
But until then,
this fire is for us,
his SkyMed family.
That kid, he never stopped moving.
Fidgeting, laughing, singing.
You know, uh, when I
first moved to North House,
I was a skinny, white kid.
I was just trying to be a
new father, a new husband,
a new part of Lynn's community.
Jeremy, he was just a kid.
You both were.
We were teenagers. Barely.
This one day, I got home at 4 A.M.
I'd been working 24 hours straight.
6 A.M., we wake up
to the smell of coffee
and someone singing in the kitchen.
And there's Jeremy, big smile.
He was waiting for me to
wake up so I could help him
fix his dirt bike.
But as soon as you get your tools out,
everyone who needs anything
fixed starts coming around.
So, suddenly I'm getting
dragged from house to house.
I'm fixing wobbly chairs,
leaky taps, a clogged stovepipe.
And you know, if you fix
something for someone,
then you gotta stick around
for fry bread and soup, right?
The whole deal.
And there's Jeremy. He's just
Following me around, handing me tools,
lining up the next person.
I can't remember now. Um
What did we help your kookoo with?
Isabelle's front step.
Right. Yes.
We all kinda thought you were a weenuk
until you came around to help out.
Yeah, I figured that
out when I got home,
took a look at Jeremy's
bike and realized
that it wasn't broken.
He just wanted me to
get out and meet people.
Man, he got a kick out of Caleb, too.
Playing with him.
Taking him canoeing,
teaching him about the bush.
He was like a big brother.
Jeremy, he, um
He was my brother, too.
(CHOPPER): Doesn't feel real.
I keep thinking that I'll
look up and see Jeremy
with his bag of marshmallows
while he distracts me
with his joke and he steals my beer.
He pulled that one on
me a couple times, too.
It all feels so pointless, you know?
Such a senseless and dumb thing.
(MARIANNE): No, I understand.
We're all short-staffed up
here right now. Okay. Thank you.
(SIGHS) I can't find a medic
to cover Jeremy's shifts.
TCH doesn't have anyone to spare.
I'll do it. I'm
registered in Manitoba now.
I can do Jeremy's shifts and mine.
You just got off. You need to rest.
No, I'm fine. I'm good to go.
Anything you got, just send it my way.
Well, that's one covered.
SkyMed doesn't have
enough nurses as it is.
Now I've lost Jeremy and Crystal,
so now I'm two bodies down.
Is that all we are to you?
Crystal's grieving. We
just lost one of our own.
That's not what I meant. It
was a poor choice of words.
Nice move, Feriera.
(HAL): You ever barf so hard
it feels like your whole stomach
is gonna come out?
Can that happen? Can your
stomach just fall out?
Organs can prolapse,
but not usually with food poisoning.
This isn't food poisoning.
Leprosy, rabies, typhus.
I drank the whole bag. There I was,
putting it in coffee, in my cereal.
Drinking entire glasses.
(GASPING) I didn't see it until the bag
was almost empty. And then
You'd think these things would float.
It was just lurking at the bottom.
And the whole time, I was drinking it!
Oh, God. (GAGGING)
There you go.
All right, nausea, vomiting.
Do you have any other symptoms?
You were in Thompson a few times
in the last couple of
months for uh, rashes?
That first time I'm sure was shingles.
But last December, I thought
that could've been a lupus rash.
And uh, the headaches
that you were having
a couple of months ago, those went away?
I was worried that it was an aneurysm,
but they cleared up. Until
last night, of course.
When I started feeling awful,
headache, chills, vomiting.
I read online those are all symptoms
of the bubonic plague.
And rats carry the plague!
Rats don't carry the plague.
Fleas on rats carry it.
That, that is a mouse.
Mice have fleas too, don't they?
- What's this?
- Oh uh,
I got new orthotics.
They're supposed to
help with my sciatica,
but all they did was give
me that stupid blister.
I've never seen the plague, Hal,
but I don't think this is it.
We'll take you to Thompson.
Get you a full workup.
You sure about this guy?
We're already down two crews.
What if something more, I
don't know, serious, happens
and then we're stuck here
medevac-ing a hypochondriac
who drank cheap milk? I don't know.
I'm gonna get an iv started,
get you some dimenhydrinate
for the nausea,
and then we'll get on the plane, okay?
I brought my flight bag.
My inhalers, CPAP, an inflatable vest.
I like to be prepared.
I guess this makes
this a mouse evac, huh?
This kinda thing never
bothered me before.
But today, it all just kinda
feels like a waste of time,
you know?
Like we should be out
there helping real patients
with real emergencies.
Our friend died helping
someone in a car accident
and we're just, we're
here flying somebody
with a tummy ache and
some some neuroses?
I feel hot. I think it's my sinuses.
Could you get my
Dristan? It's in my bag.
You can have the
Dristan, but I also wanna
give you some aspirin.
Oh, shoot! I'm sorry.
Do you have anything breakable in there?
- Oh, God! Ah!
Hey, what's that noise back there?
Is something leaking?
Bear spray. Bear
spray! Mask! Mask! Mask!
locked it in the cooler!
(CHOPPER): No! No, no,
no! That won't hold it!
This stuff's like tear gas. It's an oil.
It's already on our
skin, even with the masks.
Get some water. Flush
your eyes. I'll fly.
Hey, what do we have
back there that can help?
(MARIANNE): I have some
wipes in here somewhere!
- (CHOPPER): Dumping the cabin.
(TJ): It's already on
our skin, our clothes.
All over everything.
- I have control.
- Here, use these.
Cap, we can't fly like this.
We're blind, we can barely breathe.
(CHOPPER): We'll land at Prospect River.
It's the closest strip.
That's still a few minutes out.
My eyes are on fire.
We can make it. We'll take shifts.
I have control.
Ha! Woo!
Burning and freezing.
- That's being alive, Cap.
- Hey, call Dispatch.
Tell them to get a
medevac for the patient.
- Yeah.
- Some rampies for 922 as well.
It's gonna need a deep
clean before anybody's
- ready to fly in it.
- Copy that.
What, what about the mouse?
Will it be too contaminated for testing?
Hal, buddy, right now I care
a lot less about the mouse
than about what the hell you
were doing bringing bear spray
on an airplane? Do you have any idea
how lucky we are to be so
close to a safe airstrip, huh?
And what, you just
forgot to mention to me
- that you had noxious gas on you?
- I like to be prepared.
Hal, you are not running
into a bear at 20,000 feet.
Just like you don't have the plague,
or, or, or an aneurysm,
or the shingles. All right?
And now we have a whole plane here
that is out of service
when there are actual hurt
people out there who need us!
(MARIANNE): Captain Chopra!
A minute?
- Hey.
I understand that you are grieving,
but that is never an excuse
to talk to a patient that way.
You're right, the bear spray
could have been a catastrophe.
That's on me. Next time,
I'll make sure to check
my patients' bags.
But however ridiculous
you might think this man is,
he has a high fever, a
badly infected blister,
and he's vomiting. It
might not have anything
to do with that mouse, but he is sick
and he does need to see a doctor.
He has a pretty serious infection.
He needs antibiotics.
I do care, you know.
About your friend.
And I am so sorry for your loss.
But SkyMed still has a job to do.
There are still people out
there that are counting on us.
Did you use any of
your wipes on yourself?
We only had a few. I
wanted to prioritize
- the patient and pilots.
- Here.
- Let me.
I uh, I thought a spy like Lady Jaguar
would have carried an
antidote for poison.
Well, maybe she did. But (SNIFFLES)
Marianne just keeps making mistakes
like letting a patient bear spray us.
It's not your fault. Well,
not all of it, at least.
I should have checked his bag, too.
The north is full of characters,
which is why I'm wondering
why you're up here.
What made you leave
a fancy job in Toronto
to come fly in mouse-evacs with us?
I got it now. Thanks.
I keep thinking about this
story that Jeremy told me.
About a fox he accidentally
caught in a trap.
And it made him realize he
wanted to be a paramedic.
That's what Kookoo called
him when he was a little kid.
"Little fox."
(LEXI): You know there are
something like 60 species
of animals that have
some version of laughter?
But foxes, they actually
sound like they're laughing.
They even giggle
It suits him.
(CALEB): Yo, yo, yo, Tansi.
Text like a normal person.
- Hey, bud. It's um, it's Dad.
Listen, I know you don't like
talking on the phone, but I just
I just, I really wanna
hear your voice, okay?
So, call me back.
You and I,
we don't always like
to show our emotions.
That doesn't mean we're not feeling.
Sometimes it just means that
We're feeling too much to show.
It's late. You're on call.
You should get some sleep.
We are not gonna leave
Jeremy alone tonight.
We take care of our own.
Wait, what? Jeremy built a trebuchet?
How do I not know this story?
It was before I moved to North House,
but Jer's dad said he was
eight or nine years old
and the entire community lived in fear
of accidentally getting
hit by a water balloon
or a rotten squash from
this giant catapult.
You remember that story, right, Cryssy?
You were there. You should tell it.
No? Okay.
- Hi.
- (WHEEZER): Hi.
I didn't know if
If it was okay to, um
You all knew him a lot longer, so
I don't think this type
of thing has a time limit.
- This feels wrong.
- Feels hella wrong.
I mean
I am excited for you
to be Chief Pilot Nowak.
And you're gonna get to fly
with Reese again at Birch Wing.
Feels like the wrong time.
Feels like I'm leaving
things unfinished.
Come here, man. Bring it in.
- You already packed.
- Cadet training dies hard.
I'm gonna go find Stef.
See if I can get her to sit at the fire.
My flight to Saskatoon
leaves tomorrow night.
Will you come say goodbye?
No more flight suits for you, huh?
Well, if you're gonna be a chief pilot,
you're gonna need a tie.
That, uh That's a sandwich?
Yeah, it's a ham and cheese sandwich.
I know you have a hard
time making friends
and we both know you can get hangry.
I just figured if you
ever got lonely, or grumpy,
or were just having a hard time,
this would help you remind you
to just eat a damn sandwich.
I, uh
I have a sched evac, so
Wow, what's all this?
What are you goin' for, a
flavors of the world theme
or just cookin' to feed the world?
I wanna make sure Crystal is eating.
But I know she doesn't feel like it.
I just, I don't know, I
keep thinking if I can find
the right thing to tempt
her, maybe she will.
I don't know.
So, what was Jeremy really like?
I mean, from the stories,
it just seems like
he was larger than life.
He kinda was. Honestly.
Jeremy was Jeremy.
He had this big, huge
heart, and he was funny.
For a while, we all kinda
thought he was a screw up,
but we were wrong.
He grew up, he changed his life,
and he was proof of what a second chance
can do to someone, you know?
And for a while, I
thought he was gonna have
a second chance at love, too.
I thought him and Crystal both would.
I thought, uh, I thought
Rosie was the girlfriend?
Rosie was the girlfriend.
But Crystal is his widow.
(ROSIE): Been trying to learn
a lot about Jeremy's culture.
He told me one time how powerful
eagles are in Cree culture.
Acting as messengers between
the Nehiyawak and the Creator.
Helping to carry prayers.
Just thought that was so beautiful.
I was talking to an elder
the other day at the fair
and she mentioned how powerful it was
to see an eagle at a funeral.
Some people think it
means the person that
died will have a good journey.
She said some people
think it means the eagle's
accompanying that
person on their journey.
Yeah, I like that.
The idea that they're not going alone.
You know, when I first met
him, I was feeling really alone.
But he made me feel like
somebody cared about me.
That no matter how I
felt, I wasn't alone.
He connected so many people.
He brought so many people together.
So, um
I don't know, I guess
I'm just really hoping
that I see an eagle.
So I know he's not alone.
One large coffee, black.
Couple shots of whatever
you've got back there
that counts as Espresso.
You want your uzhe?
- No.
- Okay.
Maybe we should go home.
Wait for the next call there.
You've been working nonstop.
You could take a break, get some sleep.
Or maybe sit by the
fire with everyone else.
Nah, I gotta caffeinate.
Head back to the hangar.
I volunteered to restock
all the flight bags.
Is there a reason you
don't wanna be at the fire?
I mean, I'm not
judging, I just feel like
you've been avoiding it.
- Is there something going on?
- Something you wanna talk about?
- Hey, are you okay?
Hey, are you choking? I'm a paramedic.
He's allergic to nuts.
I was supposed to check
about the barbecue sauce,
but my friend called me
and I forgot. Oh, my God.
(STEF): Hang on, hang on.
I gotcha. Hang in there.
(GASPING) Hang on.
Okay, 0.3 milligrams epi I.M.
Breathe. There you go.
Is he gonna be okay? I, I am so sorry.
What the hell is wrong with
you? He could have died.
It is your job to watch
out for things like this.
And what, you were too
busy doing something else
- to save his life?
- Stef, she's just a kid.
It was an accident.
Call, call an ambulance.
Are we ever gonna talk
about what all that was?
Because whatever that was, was not you.
I know you've been working
a lot, and you're tired,
and we're all upset about
what happened to Jeremy,
- but that was
- Jeremy was my fault.
Look, I was
I was supposed to do a
ride-along with Jeremy.
I was supposed to be there with him.
But instead,
I let myself get
distracted by a patient.
The, the snowboarder, the one
we found buried in the snow.
I, I got her to the hospital,
but she had to go for
imaging, and she was upset.
I broke my own rule. I got attached.
And because of that, I
wasn't there for Jeremy.
How am I supposed to face Crystal
knowing that I'm the
reason that he's dead?
Hey. Hey.
This is not your fault.
What happened to Jeremy
wasn't anybody's fault, okay?
It was, it was bad timing.
Bad roads, bad bad luck.
And you will make yourself
crazy thinking about all the ifs.
I love you, Stef.
And this was not your fault.
Jeremy did EMS with his whole heart.
He didn't hold back.
I told him on one of his first days
not to get so attached.
That was a lesson I had
to learn the hard way.
Because with the kinda
stuff that we see,
if you get attached, if you
open that door just a little bit,
it feels like your whole
chest will just crack open
from having to care so much.
All the time. About all of it.
Like you could just lose yourself
in this giant hole of your
own cracked open chest.
Jeremy didn't listen to me.
That's Jeremy.
He's always gonna do things his own way.
I lost someone important once.
And I never understood
why people kept saying,
"I'm sorry."
Like, how does you being sorry
help with all of this pain?
But I, I get it now.
It's because they can see
how much you're hurting.
And they know there's
nothing they can do.
But they want to.
I would do anything to make
this awful hurting go away.
To take away your grief.
That's why (SNIFFLES)
I am so sorry, Crystal.
Hey, do me a favor. Check the
runway lights for me, will ya?
Prism lake, it's a seasonal
strip for a cottage community.
They pretty much just lock up
the terminal and abandon the
airstrip in the off season.
Uh I don't see them comin' up.
If it's off season, how
are there patients up here?
Well, this is the north.
There's always people
where they shouldn't be.
It sounds like a pretty
bad fall, Wheezer.
- We have to go get him.
- All right, we got a couple
hours of daylight left. If we move fast,
we can collect the
patient and we can take off
before it gets dark.
Will you check the lights
while we're gone? See if there's a fix?
- Copy that.
- All right, my man.
So, this was you guys movin' fast, huh?
The patient fell off his roof.
We have to move slow and be
careful with spinal injuries.
How'd you make out with the lights?
Well, the good news, it's
just some broken bulbs.
Looks like some kids
or something went on
a little vandalism streak.
Bad news, I radioed Dispatch.
Airfield maintenance won't
have replacement bulbs
until tomorrow, so
And the sun is already setting.
By the time we get the patient loaded up
and the plane fired up.
How is he? Is he stable?
He's stable for now. Why?
Well, unfortunately, there wasn't
much in the terminal trailer.
But I did see a propane
heater in the shed out back.
Looked like the tank was full.
- I can grab it.
- Yeah, there's food and water
in the commissary bucket on the plane.
- Okay.
- Why do we need food and water?
We're not gonna be able to
see the runway in the dark.
Without lights, we can't take off.
But what about the patient?
Can't they just send
another plane for us?
Well, if we can't see to take off,
then they can't see to
land. And if he's stable,
then it's safest if we just wait.
But we can take off as
soon as the sun comes up.
No, I told Crystal that
I would be back for her.
I told her that she wouldn't be alone.
We have to get back. We
have to keep the fire going.
Hayley, I don't like it
either but I'll radio Dispatch.
I'll let 'em know the plan, okay?
TJ's bringing a heater soon, okay?
This is all my fault.
We have to be extra careful
moving spinal injuries
and that just takes time, so
What about this uh, fire?
I heard you talking to the pilots
and something about a fire
that you all are supposed to be at?
One of our coworkers passed away.
There's a fire tonight
for people to talk
and share stories about him.
Any luck?
There's no signal here.
Nowak's leaving tonight
and I told him I'd be there.
Now I can't even let him know.
I'm gonna go see if there's extra
sleeping bags in the plane.
Hey. Hey, Russ.
I'm sorry, man. I'm
sorry I'm putting you
through all this. My luck and my timing,
I've always been the frigging worst.
You know that cabin
that I was working at?
That cabin's been in
my family for decades.
Or it had been in my family for decades.
Until my parents died
about 10 years ago.
Three generations of
memories in that place,
and I'm the one who
blew it for everyone.
- Okay, just, just relax, Russ.
- Take it easy, okay?
- So, when, when it came back
up on the market, I had to get it.
It just needed so much goddamn work.
I just wanted so badly to get it ready
for Christmas for the family.
But I screwed that up, too.
I missed my window.
I've been thinking about that a lot.
Lately I've been wondering
How many chances do we have?
Our uh, friend who died, he
left some things unresolved
with someone who
mattered the most to him.
And yeah, like, you could see it.
All the fights they couldn't get over,
all the reasons they couldn't make up.
Every single time they had
a chance to let things go
and be together.
But I, I can't help but wonder
how things might have changed
for them if they just
used that one chance
that they had to fix things.
But I guess
We never know when our last
chance might be, you know?
Air Flight 616 to Saskatoon
is now boarding.
(DISPATCH): Keep us posted, Cap.
We'll expect an update
first thing tomorrow.
Affirmed, thanks.
Hayley? Hey. Are you okay?
Where are all the extra sleeping bags?
I know it sucks not being
able to get back for Crystal.
Did someone take them
out of here? Ouch! Dammit.
- Where, let me help
- No, it's fine.
There's not enough room
back here for both us.
And why is it so freaking cold?
Because we're in a metal tube
at night in the middle of winter?
(HAYLEY SIGHS) Crystal will understand.
Look, I'm not saying that it's okay
being stuck out here when we
both wanna be there for her,
but she will understand.
Nights are the hardest.
You have too much time to think, alone.
Crystal's been there for
me through everything.
And I just really
wanna be there for her.
That night that you came
home with the news, um
When Crystal finally fell asleep
I thought about using.
It was just too much.
What I was feeling,
what Crystal was feeling.
And just seeing her in
pain and feeling so
Like there was nothing that I could do
but just watch her hurt.
But I didn't, I didn't use.
And I still haven't.
I'm just trying to take
it one day at a time.
I'm just trying to put one
foot in front of the other.
I think that's what sobriety might be.
I think it's
It's not counting the days,
but knowing that, that
Things like this are gonna happen
and I'm not gonna take an easy way out.
I'm not gonna be able
to avoid feeling it.
If Crystal has to feel all of this,
then the least I can do
is feel all of it with her.
Are you sure?
I just wanna feel all of this, too.
(HAYLEY): We made it, Russ.
Let's get you to the hospital.
(TRISTAN): Nowak's gone?
I thought
I mean, it was stupid
and selfish, but
I thought he'd be here.
I, I really thought
he would wait for me.
He left.
He's really gone.
Nowak. I was wrong.
I told you to go and I was wrong.
I know we have a lot to figure out
and I know we both screwed up.
And I need to let the past go,
but I still cold ham
cheese you, Milosz and
Shhh ut up.
Okay, thank you. I will let her know.
That was the funeral home.
They said that Jeremy
will be ready tomorrow.
Are you okay?
That's, uh
So soon.
Has anyone seen Tristan?
Just got a call for a patient
missing in North House with dementia.
She does speak English,
but her first language
is Nêhiyawêwin and I know
that Tristan's been learning.
- I'll go.
- Are you sure?
Jeremy would want me to.
Barb loves to hike.
She knows this bush.
But these days, it's so hard to know
what she'll remember
if she got lost or hurt.
She grew up speaking
Nêhiyawêwin as a kid.
The more her dementia progresses,
she's forgotten most of her adult life.
She hardly speaks English anymore.
But in case you find
her, this is my Barb.
(HAYLEY): You've taken
really good care of her, Glen.
(GLEN): It's been hard for both of us.
We'll go this way.
(HAYLEY): Hey, you remember
the first time we came
to North House together?
Jeremy was the volunteer
who picked us up,
and I was already terrified
of you. I was convinced
that I had made a huge
mistake coming up here.
But that whole drive,
Jeremy kept saying shit
to piss you off, and you
kept letting him have it.
And then, when you went
inside to get the patient,
Jeremy helped me get gear
from the back of the truck.
And he gives me this look, this wink,
like he knew exactly what
he was doing the whole time.
And he says, "see? Ah,
her bark's way worse than her bite."
You never told me that.
Well, we weren't friends back then.
Everyone else has shared
stories about Jer, Crys,
but you haven't.
I'm not trying to rush you.
You take as much time as you need.
But if you wanna talk about him
or if you just need
anything at all, I'm here.
(CRYSTAL): Barb?
60-year-old woman with a
history of dementia. Hypothermic.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, my love.
It's okay, my love.
Me and you, right? That was the deal.
Keeps telling their
Jeremy stories, but
I can't.
I don't have just one Jeremy story.
I have hundreds.
I have thousands.
All of my stories are about Jeremy.
He was my story.
We were supposed to be
together. I knew that.
I've always known that.
Even if we weren't together now, it
But I was wrong.
I don't get any more stories with him.
And all the things
I just knew were gonna happen.
What if
What if Jeremy died not
knowing that I love him?
I understand that you're
supposed to be starting
a semester of classwork in Winnipeg,
and medical school
doesn't allow grief leave
for anyone who isn't
a parent or a spouse.
An official spouse, anyway.
But I understand, from
what everyone's told me
about you and Jeremy that
if med school
won't give you the time,
SkyMed will, for as long as you need.
We will be here when you're ready.
Thank you.
911 is loaded.
He's ready to go.
I wanted to bring his stuff
up to North House, but um
The chief paramedic said there
wasn't much in his locker either.
But the patient that he was with
when the accident happened sent this.
And he said that Jeremy was wearing it
and Jeremy told him that
it brought him good luck
and kept him safe, so he
let the patient borrow it
when he was scared.
(SNIFFLES) Uh, this is my stethoscope.
I gave it to him when he graduated.
Crystal, he knew.
He knew how you felt about him
and I think he felt the same.
Let's take him home, Crys.