Spartacus: Blood and Sand s03e02 Episode Script

Wolves At The Gate

Our numbers have grown beyond wildest expectation.
And winter will soon be upon us.
Resources of the Senate are drained by these conflicts.
There is one among us who could fund endeavor from his own purse.
It would take considerable coin and effort to raise such a force.
And in return you will be offered a command, under Cossinius and Furius, of course.
I begin to question turning from the calm of the ocean breeze, and the safety of my city's walls in Sinuessa en Valle.
Their terms are agreeable.
Spartacus, this one carried a message.
You planned this.
It speaks of hope that word finds them safe within the villa.
Sole command and charge to bring Spartacus to deserved end is now yours.
There isn't a villa in all the land that could hold such numbers.
No, there is not.
Only a city could hold us now.
Come on, keep it up! Not as easy as butchering a horse, is it? Their kick is considerably more gentle.
Spartacus summons you.
The southern coast? It will force Crassus' army to march much greater distance to meet us, sapping strength and supplies.
But will we not stand as drained at journey's end? The comfort of city walls will see us revived.
A thing denied Crassus.
I would have your counsel.
Apologies I am absent knowledge concerning strategies of war.
Yet you are well versed in other needs.
You spoke of a city protected by walls and caressed by ocean's breeze.
AhSinuessa en Valle.
Uh, home to me for many years Then you know of its defenses.
You would take the city? Mmm, that path rests upon your words.
There are two gates.
The main one faces the hills to the west.
Open for trade during light of day, secured as sun retires.
And the other? Set against cliffs, running up to the canyons of Melia Ridge.
Impassable during winter months, which are already upon its peak.
I would not find ourselves trapped there.
Nor I.
How stands the main gate? Formidable, once sealed.
Could a few men from within see it opened, beneath cover of night? It is well defended, and you would be absent means.
The Aedile feared weapons could be turned upon the guards, ordered all of note locked within a storeroom near the gate.
We must give up sword upon entering? Let us turn toward more favorable prospect.
Hold a moment I had dealings with a man during my travels, who claimed the city his own.
Attius, a blacksmith by trade.
I know of him.
My dominus often spoke of his distaste for the man.
Can we lay trust in the Roman? He stands Roman only by name.
Weigh his purse with enough coin and he would call Thrace or Gaul his mother.
I would have you with me to break word.
I would join you.
Break camp and follow.
Remain unseen until called to purpose.
What of your brands? If you are searched at the gate, effort will be short lived.
A point well made.
My fucking dominus holds sway with the Aedile.
Speak the name of Laurus towards meeting of trade, stand chance of avoiding entanglement.
The next you greet him, it will be Laurus who kneels and calls you master.
Step forward! That will do.
Give up weapons.
Any weapons? Step forward! State business within Sinuessa en Valle.
We come for grain.
And all the pleasures your city has to offer Ahyou insult me.
By so light a palm.
Wellallow weighted apology I would have your brace, and the jewels upon it.
It is most treasured possession at this time.
I would not part with it.
Then turn from fucking gate.
Guards! As you wish.
Oh, please inform Laurus that his guests will not be able to keep intended meeting, hmmm.
Ah, give over weapons.
And grace ear of the man that Decimus saw you well treated.
I shall see you well rewarded this day.
I understand your plight, Ulpianus, but you must understand my husband's.
The Cilicians yet plague our waters and Spartacus now assaults transport upon land.
The cost of grain -- -- soars beyond reason.
If I raise the price of my bread any further to cover loss, I-I fear the crowd will turn upon me.
A matter to be taken up with my husband.
I would not ask if profit were my only concern, Laeta.
My wife is with child.
I will broach subject with him.
Hold sentiment until it is deserved.
I do not expect him to be moved.
Three denarii! Yeah, fresh this morning! This is the one you spoke of? It is, Aedile.
I warned you shackle would not stand warning enough after Diotimus slipped from grasp.
Words now heeded.
See it done.
And in grim wake, post notice to quell further unpleasantness.
This way! Stand up! Come on.
Why are you not at the horreum? I was delayed by young Ulpianus.
He has implored me to broach -- Now is place nor time.
Come on, get on with it! By permission of honored Aedile, I present yet another beloved slave fallen to treacherous thought and whisper of rebellion.
And who would not fall to such beneath heel of a toad? He was discovered secreting scraps of food intended for journey far from these walls.
Laurus cannot be faulted for a dog turned to madness.
Show an animal kindness and it will give loyalty until the heavens fall.
A journey that would lead to kinship Show it nothing but the lash with like mind of untold mischief towards the Republic and wonder not why it bears teeth.
Shackles alone no longer offer fair deterrent.
Let us add to them with warning of weighted stone and the promise of death for any who dare follow in such regard.
Stop, and listen! Make him suffer! Finish that fucker! Must make attempt to end this.
It would but pair our fate with his.
I will not stand idle while the man's life holds in the balance-- Spartacus! Spartacus! Spartacus! He will see your fucking Republic to blood and shit! Spartacus! Spartacus! Spartacus! Spartacus -- See rebellious tongue forever stilled! Spartacus! Die! With Spartacus that you will all gonna have to lie! Come on! Throw! Throw! This is your time for retribution! Die! Throw more! Yeah! Die! Yeah! Come on, throw! You draw attention.
I but end suffering.
As I would for all so afflicted by festering disease of Rome.
Procure a cornicen for each centuria.
I would not have command obscured during battle.
And see tesserarius tripled in number.
Watch must be alert should Spartacus attack under cover of darkness.
I will not be caught unawares as Cossinius and Furius.
Another message from Senator Metellus.
The man threatens to bury us beneath a storm of parchment.
The Senate grows anxious for our troops to move from Field of Mars in pursuit of Spartacus.
They are not alone in such thought.
Mmm, there are yet needs to be attended.
How stand we on account of arma? Sabinus and I have procured what was requested.
You will be well pleased.
Let us weigh the worth of your labor, set achievement to scale.
You have exceeded expectation.
He will recognize value of all your efforts.
And who most deserves highest command beneath him.
Vulcan himself could not have forged more glorious arma towards noble cause.
It's a rare thing for such blasphemy to be proven in execution of skill.
I stand humbled by the praise of Crassus.
A straighten back, and see words follow towards honest price.
Ninety denarii.
My-my finest offering.
And cost of less divine spectacle? One hundred and twenty denarii per soldier, fully equipped.
As agreed upon by your noble son.
A fair price.
Apologies, Dominus.
He has arrived.
Your terms are agreeable.
Tiberius will conclude our business.
Yes, of course, gratitude -- Did I not tell you? There now stands nothing between you and deserved title.
Am I to be kept waiting entire fucking day? If that is my husband's wish.
Well, one he shall not see granted.
Caesar! Your men forget themselves.
You are the one that has lost mind.
Leave us.
She never did care for me.
Have you ever given her reason? My apologies for not worshipping her as Juno upon cloud.
I would fall to my own wife, too long from my arms.
Cornelia has been sent word of your delay.
Delay? Is that what you term setting upon me as I return through city gate, in advance of bath or fresh robe to erase hard it necessity.
Your victories abroad are well known.
As is your insolence in waging battle against the allies of Mithridates absent proconsuls' permission.
The province would have been lost if I had waited on word from those sodden fools.
Ah, as I would've lost advantage of lone voice upon ear, if I had waited to break word with you.
Speak plainly.
I grow tired of mystery.
Ah, then let us part veil.
You hold revered name of the Julian clan.
Sired from the bloodline of Venus.
Divine mother of Aeneas, forbearer of Romulus, exalted founder of Rome -- I require no lesson in my fucking heritage.
Then perhaps one in mine.
I am descendant from no god.
Nor man of lofty note.
I'm tolerated within the Senate solely for the wealth I have amassed through labor and dealings those with "proper" lineage deem beneath them.
And you believe this singular cause why they hate you, hmm? Your campaign against Mithridates and um other adventures.
Costly, were they not? I know you stand in considerable debt.
A dangerous place for a man to find himself, when he's made enemies of the "sodden fools" who would see him to ruin.
Ah, I shall see it repaid.
By what means? You possess name absent wealth.
And you possess wealth absent name.
Imagine what could be wrested from highest perch, were Crassus and Caesar to align themselves.
My name has remained constant since falling from my mother's womb.
You have been heavy with gold for equal years.
Why now suggest the pairing? Opportunity to seize laurels and the gratitude of the Republic presents itself.
And with it, first stone upon the road to greater glories.
What would you have me aid you in, to see such a day hastened? Bring end to slave rebellion.
And death of Spartacus.
I would have words, you fucking goat.
Jupiter fuck me! Have you lost wit coming here, you mad shit? You are branded an enemy of Rome.
I was told you hold no love for the Republic.
Tell me you have not brought the Bringer of Fucking Piss and Shit to my very door? Your legend precedes you.
I bring but opportunity.
One that you may profit greatly from, if you are of a mind.
It would have to be very considerable, to outweigh risk of association dragging me to depths.
A river shall flow in its wake, if we find ourselves lighted upon favorable shore.
What would such a journey require? Your skill, towards the fashioning of swords.
Swords? Hmm.
The fucking Aedile denies me the crafting of weapons, blame laid on fear of your rebellion.
All that is struck now are fucking tools and shackles, to keep the slaves of those privileged fucks in hand.
The Aedile will not be of concern.
How many would you need? Two will see our needs met.
You give coin enough for many times what you ask.
The balance towards your discretion.
And what purpose will silent tongue not speak of? Do we have agreement? Two swords, and an end to involvement.
Return as sun falls.
I would linger, and recall joyous times with trusted friend.
I hold concern for the Roman.
Let us hope the weight of coin anchors him to purpose.
Rejoin Agron.
Make preparations.
When moon is at its highest, we shall see gate raised.
And fucking city fall to deserved fate.
My appetite swells.
Where would I find holdings of grain within Sinuessa's walls? The finest quality.
From the fields of Sicilia.
I have mind towards large acquisition.
Ah, I'll seal that for you.
My husband concludes business No pressing concern until moon greets night.
You stand well supplied.
Shipment received this day from Sicilia, with another to arrive upon the kalends.
Although most of that has already been purchased by Crassus.
Marcus Crassus? He favors our stores above all others.
And one of the few that can yet afford cost, ever rising in light of events concerning the rebel Spartacus.
Have heard of the distress he has caused the Republic, in my travels.
What brings you to Sinuessa en Valle? Slaves.
I find myself with ever expanding family of them, and would ensure they are well provided for.
You have thought toward housing them in the city? It has crossed mind.
If you wish to see them any form of comfort, I would strike from such.
Pleasure doing business with you.
I witnessed a slave stoned in the marketplace.
A common occurrence? No.
Yet I fear it will become so, if this matter of rebellion is not soon concluded.
Let us pray, then.
For the proper end to it.
He at last frees himself.
You were at the stoning this morning, were you not? I was present at unfortunate spectacle.
And ended it prematurely.
The crowd pressed towards frenzy.
I would not see more blood spilled absent cause.
Nor I.
Absent cause.
Bring knife to bear upon beard.
Why do you pause in the face of command? She but obeys a higher one.
The dominus orders you to remain unshorn.
Toward what purpose? His thoughts are his own in such regard.
And what are yours? I do not understand.
It is a simple question.
What are your thoughts? Towards what subject? The one that stands before you.
How do you gauge Caesar? I do not know him, and can form no opinion of worth.
Demand any question, and he shall break answer to aid you.
You are taken with wife? Your eyes stand as my wife's.
As does taste upon lips.
I would be reminded of her in shadow's touch.
Eyes shut towards difference and warmed by longing remembrance Kore.
Remove yourself.
Yes, Dominus.
You send gift of wine and warm embrace, only to snatch away -- She was not sent for your fucking pleasure.
I did not know the girl held meaning.
You've been away too long from civilized company.
See yourself to robe, and thoughts towards more pressing matters.
You present yourself with breasts and ass formed with morning dew.
Is it wonder that a man strong of desire would not be tempted to taste such ripe offering? Take lesson and remove yourself from fucking sight.
Yes, Domina.
We have not yet procured enough horses.
I will not have cavalry found lacking in moment of need.
What has happened? Nothing of concern, apologies.
Break words, and find comfort in how they are received.
I was attending Caesar as commanded Caesar? Gaius Julius Caesar? He laid hands upon me.
If your father had not appeared, I Where is he? The man we hunt was a champion at the arena, to rival any in the Republic.
Yet only a gladiator, regardless of skill.
How has he bested our legions? Spartacus knows of war, and the waging of it from his days in Thrace.
If rumor is true, he fought among the auxiliary beneath the fool Glaber before his fall of Vesuvius.
Then he's familiar with our tactics.
And has used such knowledge to the regret of those that have pressed him.
He believes he knows what a "proper" Roman soldier will do.
A thing that could be turned toward advantage.
Would that my own blood stood now so sharp of mind.
Ah, years and the taste of battle will hone your pup's teeth.
Of that I have little doubt.
Yet to bring Spartacus to ground I must have a wolf at my side.
And let us turn gleaming fang towards moon of full purpose, and see blood and gore matted upon fur.
Curfew! Inside please.
Make your way indoors! Curfew! Move, move.
Move along! Off the streets! You move along! Clear these streets! Messalina! She has a habit of running wild.
You stay close to your mother.
You inside.
You there.
I laid eyes upon you in the square this morning, did I not? As I upon you.
Word has reached ear you spoke my name upon entering gate, claiming business.
I fear you have been misled.
You have nothing I find of worth.
Then why are you within these walls? Remove hand.
What is your purpose here? Put question to honored husband, and have reply.
He trades with the Aedile? He does.
The mistake is mine, then.
See yourself from the streets before nightfall, to avoid further misunderstanding.
Come along! Apologies.
I assure you, not all in the city stand as him.
What he spoke of, removing myself from the streets? Is it not troublesome? I made attempt to dissuade my husband, but he thought it best to have streets cleared of all but city guard, until the rebellion has been quelled.
You have a place to call your own this night? Yes.
I have my eye towards such.
Move inside! All streets are to be cleared! Curfew is in affect! A little more securer this time! The streets cleared by guards? By command of the Aedile.
Did you know of this? Fuck yourself.
News greets me with shared ear.
Trust these will service need.
They will.
Yet there is more we must ask of you now.
I thought as much.
Two hundred denarii a piece, and you may lay hidden here until sun crests and curfew is lifted.
It is not sleep we seek.
What deformity of mind do you think I suffer from, that I would give further aid to enemies of Rome? We find ourselves heavy with Roman coin.
What cost would sober intent? Five thousand denarii would see me far from this city, and shores of fucking Republic.
A bargain well struck.
Call me Roman no more, then! How many more swords do you need? Those that join us are well armed.
Join you? You move to take the fucking city?! We move to liberate it.
The gate stands only in our path.
We would to slit throats in the night and see it raised.
Unexpected curfew presents difficulty in reaching it unnoticed.
City guard would raise clamor well in advance -- I cannot aid you in this.
It would mean my life.
You have forged weapons for Spartacus himself.
If we are discovered with your craft clutched in hand, then they will send you to the afterlife all the same.
Fuck the gods.
What would you have of me? Gently.
I should not have content fall to ruin by rough use.
Go fetch the rest.
See that they are careful.
You would see me weighted with unnecessary comforts.
Have I grown that heavy? These are yours? I would not be found wanting, if campaign stretches beyond expectation.
You wish to join me, in pursuit of Spartacus? I wish no such thing.
Yet I will not be removed from your arms for months threatening years.
Publius and I shall travel with you and Tiberius.
You know women are forbidden within encampment.
Yet they are not banned from followers' camp, unless rules have shifted absent knowledge.
I would not have my family bedded among slaves and whores.
Is it not better solution than having them stricken from embrace? Desire much appreciated.
Yet I could not stay mind from thought of your safety, placed so near the enemy.
I would have you remain here, far from the threat of death war so often promises.
Is that sole reason? Father.
All has been attended.
Your army stands ready to march upon first light.
News well received.
I would have word.
There yet lingers issue of what title I shall hold.
I am possessed of leanings towards the matter.
Morning sun shall see them fall to place.
Have these returned from where they sprang.
I would have house in order before we take leave from it.
I thought honored position all but mine.
Now I fear he favors another.
Then you stand as your mother, bound by blood and inconsiderate worth.
It is a thing of rare beauty.
Is it not? Yes, Dominus.
You will carry it when you face Spartacus? I shall carry my father's sword.
It is not as well bred or considered as this yet it holds deeper meaning.
Caesar will carry it then? As your word and will? I should not have placed you within his reach.
He is a man of base needs.
Then why honor him with title, that above your son? Apologies, I overstep.
You speak your heart.
I know your concern for the boy.
He no longer stands as such.
But in the eyes of his father.
Would my wife could voice such simple wisdom.
I saw the gathering of trunks.
She goes with you? It was her intent.
Yet I would find no comfort in her presence.
As I would in yours Is such a thing possible? I will be forced to place you within followers' camp.
But yes, it is possible.
If you so desire it.
Yes, Dominus.
I do not pose question as master, but as a man.
And would have answer as one.
It is something I desire, Marcus.
Fuck my ass Quickly! We must gather more men and swords! Spartacus is here! The moon nears its peak.
Yet fucking gate stands firmly rooted.
They will see it raised.
Or fall in attempt.
Ready the others.
When gate trembles, death follows upon heel.
Spartacus is within our walls! Move, come with me.
See gate protected! You, open the storeroom! Quickly! Reward will surely find hands for this.
Of that I have no fucking doubt.
Attius! Raise the alarm -- Call for more men! Hide yourself, I will find you when it is over! See gate opened! Clear the way! Move! Arm yourselves! Forward towards the front gate! Diotimus.
Where is Laurus? I am here, slave.
You would turn against your dominus and join rebellion? Fucking animals Diotimus.
The villa is taken.
See yourselves free.
My dominus He is dead? Then I shall follow him to the afterlife and piss upon his shadow Ulpianus! We flee to Melia Ridge, if they have not already sealed escape.
Have you seen my husband? I have not, we must go.
I will follow once I find him.
May the gods protect you.
The Aedile.
Have you seen the Aedile? You.
You aid Spartacus? No.
I stand the man himself.
I had thought to find Crassus himself, the tone so matching.
I am proud reflection of my father.
Tiberius? Jupiter's fucking cock, you were but a child since I last laid eyes.
I am for my own home before we march, I did not wish to stain it with such business.
Years abroad led you to strange pleasures, worthy of the beast you appear.
And your father he's not spoken to you of this? He finds himself preoccupied with more pressing concerns.
Well, I'm certain he will share confidence.
When he deems you deserving.
You think I am not? Sleep well, young master.
And dream of future glories.
Under my command.
Please, let my wife live! The city is taken.
See the Romans that yet live to chains.
Chains? You let them live? They pose no threat.
Nor fucking use.
Would they show mercy if we were beneath heel? Still, cunt! Spartacus! The Aedile bars himself in the horreum, spilling pitch and threatens to put light to bear.
I will not lend aid to you and your animals.
If grain is put to fire, even I will not have voice to calm my "animals.
" You will do this, or see your people that yet live fall from this world.
Stay still! You will not have my city's heart! Kill them! Kill them! Fuck the Roman man! Make attempt on gate and I will for all to torch, you fucking cunts! I can take him Agron! Lower spear.
Laeta Kill them all! Go to him.
And pray your words hold meaning.
Don't listen to his words! He's the reason we suffered! I thought you dead.
You would place our fate in her fucking hands.
I place it in what I believe in.
I yet live, among a clutch of others.
How many? Too few.
And we will be fewer still, if you do not stop this.
You would give them all we have worked for? I would see no more death this night.
Open gate, let us see sun crest upon another day.
I will not bow to fucking slaves! Turn thought from them, and towards your people.
If you do this, you will condemn them all to the afterlife.
Your wife among them Oh, no! He would have opened the gate! I know he would of.
He would have opened the gate for me.
I could not place faith in it.
We have had our fill of blood and vengeance this night.
No Roman that yet draws breath shall suffer further harm.
The city is ours! The city is free! Once again the Romans fall! Victory! To see one loved robbed of life is a heavy thing.
One done lightly by Romans many times to me.
It is no balm, but know that I carry the full weight of your loss.
Place her in chains.
War often carries with it great sacrifice.
None more keenly felt than threat of those one holds closest to heart struck from this world.
I would not have my son fall to such a fate because he was not ready for command.
Nor would I deny him opportunity, to prove himself a man in his father's eyes.
You stand as my word and my will.
You honor me, father.
As I shall honor the name of Crassus.
Ride with Caesar and men of your choosing.
Seek out Mummius and what remains of Cossinius' legion.
Find Spartacus and send word of his movement, but do not tempt engagement until I have arrived with proper force.
You fill the air with lofty promise, only to command I bow to a fucking boy?! He is my son! And shall be treated with mirrored respect! I have spread coin towards your election as Military Tribune.
Formal title Tiberius is yet too young to hold.
Wear my token to pass unmolested through encampment, until appearance is shorn to Roman likeness.
I would prefer fancy sword and expected position.
Stay upon path I have set, and see greater glories bestowed at journey's end.
Hmm? Sound horn! We advance south on Spartacus and those who follow him in rebellion! Let our shadow fall upon them and every man, woman, and child so touched by it struck from this world by the might and glory of Rome!
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