Sweet Home (2020) s03e02 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 2

[theme music playing]
[somber guitar music playing]
[ethereal humming]
- [blood squelching]
- [sobs]
[Yi-kyung] I'm all healed.
[Eun-yu] Stop it.
You're not able to heal quickly.
What do you remember?
I had
a strange dream.
That was real.
[deep breath]
You became a monster.
You don't have to worry, though.
Hyun-su found a way to bring you back.
[heavy breathing]
You're still human.
[deep breath]
[brooding music playing]
You're human, okay?
Where's Hyun-su?
[paper peeling]
He's been like that
since he brought you back.
We decided to keep an eye on him.
We can't force him awake.
He might do something dangerous.
[sentimental orchestral music playing]
Hyun-su said
he can see into
the human minds of monsters.
About your strange dream,
was he there with you?
I could hear his voice.
[Yi-kyung] I think he was trying
to get a hold of me.
I kept pushing him away
and trying to escape.
He said none of it was real
[angelic choral music playing]
and we needed to go.
That sounds like him.
Hey, cutie.
How's it coming, going well?
- [kicking]
- You'll have no worries
getting back on the road.
Did you find anything to eat?
[Ha-ni] Uh
[objects clattering]
Wait, this can't be
Maybe here.
Found it! Secret stash. [chuckles]
Are you sure it's okay
to leave him like that?
Don't worry. He won't die.
Even poisonous mushrooms
only upset his stomach.
Don't trust me still?
What's your story?
You don't seem like family.
A story of killing each other.
If we'd become monsters,
we agreed to kill each other.
[blood squelching]
[gun cocking]
[menacing music playing]
Please, no Mom
[flames roaring]
[footsteps approaching]
I'm going to kill you
the moment you become a monster!
That's great.
I don't want to live as a monster anyway.
You can kill me when the time comes.
I definitely will.
Promise it.
And don't go back on your word.
[breathing shakily]
Mornin', boss. You up now?
The hell are you doing?
Are you crazy?
I thought you liked it a little crazy.
You really want to be around those idiots
who hang out with monsters?
You're doing this because
I didn't let you do that one thing?
Yeah, because that one thing
is what I want to do most.
I don't even know why I'm doing this.
Don't get blinded by your desires.
You'll end up like your parents.
[heavy breathing]
[tense music playing]
[Ho-sang groans]
[Ho-sang] Hey.
[Ha-ni groans]
They can come back from becoming monsters.
They can turn back into humans.
We've just been killing everyone
all along!
- Cut the crap and unlock this.
- I wasn't the only one who saw it.
That one you wanted to kill
actually saved her.
You monster piece of shit,
what are you doin' here?
[Ho-sang] Get gone.
[Ha-ni] Isn't it incredible?
That woman became a monster.
[yells] He turned her back!
He turned her back into a human again!
[heavy breathing]
The keys.
[Ho-sang sighs]
You should think about what you've done.
Give me the keys!
[footsteps approaching]
Are you okay?
What do you think?
You know how the man always is.
He may be stubborn and stuck-up
but he's soft at heart, so it's okay.
Why are you in a rush
while he's still in that state?
Tell him I said thank you.
Tell him yourself.
Don't keep asking me to tell him things.
I don't have time.
That child
will turn other people into monsters
like she did to me.
Why would she?
Because she doesn't trust anyone.
She thinks they're always out to hurt her.
Do you know where she is?
We can look for her together
when Hyun-su wakes up.
She would've gone back to the stadium.
It's the only place she knows.
This is all my fault.
I need to make it right
before it's too late.
Take it.
It'll make it easier for you
to get around.
[Eun-yu] Yi-kyung really
just left us like that.
[somber piano music playing]
I could walk away without a second glance
if I really wanted.
You know me.
I'm a rude bitch.
My family is the same way.
Even Eun-hyeok too.
He's one cold bastard.
[inhales deeply]
Do you think he's holding on
like you?
Don't give up, Cha Hyun-su.
[breathing shakily]
[engine stops]
[Chi-seong] We're all out of gas.
I'll fill it up soon.
Did you finish up?
[sighs] I can't just
take your word for it,
given your history.
Stop that.
- [Jae-jin sighs]
- [metallic clunking]
[Dr. Lim] So what on earth
is that fruit you mentioned?
I saw Seo Yi-kyung.
- [Yi-kyung wailing]
- [ECG beeping]
[eerie music playing]
[Sang-won] She was crying
because she thought I was dead.
[Yi-kyung whining]
And she was carrying my child.
[breathing heavily]
[eerie music intensifies]
So I gave her a small gift.
It was to make sure
I'd recognize my child.
[rumbling in the body]
[eerie music intensifies]
[heart beating]
I need that brat.
[Dr. Lim] I don't know about the kid,
but you won't find Seo Yi-kyung
at the stadium anymore.
She isn't there.
You don't think so?
[menacing choral music playing]
I can feel we're getting closer.
I'll be seeing those two soon.
[flesh squelching]
[menacing music crescendos]
[leaves rustling]
[menacing music continues]
[monster rumbling]
[music stops]
My child is a perfect creature,
far above these things.
[cocoon squelching]
- What are you doing?
- It's annoying me.
[monster roaring]
[yelling] What the hell?
What are you doing?
Do you have a death wish?
[Cheol-jong whimpering]
[monsters growling]
[Cheol-jong] I don't want to die!
[monsters growling]
[monster roaring]
[monster screeching]
[door shuts]
Can we kill him?
No, not just yet.
[engine starting]
[menacing music intensifies]
What was that egg-like thing back there?
Ah, it's a cocoon.
Well, you can't exactly call it a monster.
To be precise, they were monsters,
but they're becoming something new.
Monsters don't attack the cocoons.
Therefore, you must use
the cocoons to stay alive.
It's a good survival tactic.
How do you know the cocoon was a monster?
[Sang-won] It comes out
if you cut it open.
Have you done that?
What do you think?
[Dr. Lim] I think you have.
It looked like you knew
exactly what you were doing.
[eerie music playing]
[breathing shakily]
It's best that I leave you all here
for now. [chuckles nervously]
Could you let me out?
[heavy breathing]
[monster bellowing]
[flesh rumbling]
[footsteps approaching]
[In-hwan] How long have you been
hiding that monster?
I just want to gather the facts.
People have died,
and someone needs to be held accountable.
[Chief Ji] "Held accountable"?
What's the difference
between me and you guys?
They're all gonna die
when they set foot outside.
So how is it a crime to get there sooner?
If you want me to be held responsible,
you will have to do it first.
[exhales deeply]
Why don't you start
by explaining that thing?
[Chief Ji] At first, we made our way
to the shelter like everyone else.
I really thought it'd be safe.
[people screaming]
Then my Hyeon-u started showing symptoms.
And the soldiers were killing
everyone who showed any.
I couldn't let my son be burned alive.
So I hid him here.
[doors slamming]
[Chief Ji sobbing]
- Hyeon-u. Hyeon-u.
- [vomiting]
All right, Hyeon-u.
It's all right, Hyeon-u.
Hyeon-u, it's okay, it's okay.
You're okay. You're okay.
- You're all right.
- [weeping]
O-Our Father
wh-who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy name
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us.
- [panting]
- [loud footsteps]
[Hyeon-u] Mom, I'm hungry!
- [slam]
- [grunts]
- [screaming]
- Mom.
[grunts] Mom, I'm hungry.
Don't leave me! Don't leave me! [groans]
[screaming] Mom!
[pounding on door]
Mom, don't leave me!
Let me out! [yells]
- [banging]
- [Hyeon-u] Mom!
I will
[Hyeon-u] Mom! Don't leave me!
I'll come back
[Hyeon-u screaming]
I'll be back soon, okay?
[Hyeon-u screaming]
[monster whistling, roaring]
Jin-uk, it's this way.
[Chief Ji] Each time you kicked
someone out for showing symptoms,
I brought them back in
through a secret passage.
[door slams]
[Jin-uk] Thank you.
Thank you so much.
[gentle guitar music playing]
If they were to become monsters anyway
[monster growling]
they were better off
dying a meaningful death.
You were waiting for a cure, weren't you?
Bamseom has fallen,
and the government has failed us.
Once you become a monster,
there's no turning back.
Well, how foolish of you, Chief Ji.
You've been raising a monster.
So arrogant.
- [screaming] Arrogant!
- [banging]
You think that you're any different?
No parent on earth
would give up so easily on their child.
Not one.
I killed mine with my own hands.
At the start of the outbreak,
the first monster I executed
was my son.
We've never encountered
something like this.
He hasn't shown
signs of aggression so far,
but we can't just leave him here.
Your child's removal has been decided.
You have until then
to decide whether you'll leave here
or if you're going to stay.
[choked gasp]
Let go! Let go!
You wanna take the coward's way, huh?
Who said you could?
You really think
I'd just let you go like that?
You think you protected him, don't you?
You didn't.
You turned your son
into a murderous monster.
He was eating people at will
without even realizing what he was doing.
[rope thuds]
[Jin-ho] Are we just leaving it like that?
[Dong-jun] Master Sergeant Tak's orders.
So shut the guys up.
I've never seen one like that before.
Do you think, last time the sensors
went off, it was the monster?
I guess so.
It's probably a Type Green.
It showed no signs
of response or aggression.
[Jin-ho] Then who killed all those people?
There were at least a dozen corpses there.
[inhales deeply]
What about Sergeant Kim? Any word?
No, no response yet.
What should we do?
We'll ask Sergeant Tak for a search
if we don't hear from them by tomorrow.
[electricity crackling]
Reduce the supply to the lowest setting,
just until the power stabilizes.
[generators winding down]
[lamp tingling]
[motor whirring down]
[tense music playing]
[blade squeaking]
- [boy] Come on.
- [Yeong-su] Let go of me!
- Hey.
- Damn it!
[boy] You'll probably get kicked out
like your murderer friend.
So hand that over and piss off!
There are plenty of other baseballs.
Why do you want mine?
[boy] My little brother says he wants it.
He likes this one,
not any of the others.
[Yeong-su grunts]
Just you wait.
I'll get you back for this!
[scoffs] How will you do that?
You don't have a mom or a dad.
I'll become a monster.
I'll become a monster and kill you all.
I will kill you all!
[snickers] You think we're scared?
I'm gonna kill you.
[breathing heavily]
[mellow music playing]
[body pulsating]
[Ye-seul] Hey, what are you doing there?
[music fades]
Ugh, jeez.
Hey, that hurts! You're hurting me.
Let's go.
Why do you even care?
[sighs] Honestly, I don't.
Then go! Leave me alone and go.
I guess
I feel like
I should probably do something.
[loud pat]
Just put up with it for today, hmm?
[shouts] Oh, God! Who is that?
Ugh, I nearly had a heart attack.
You kids don't know
how scary the world is.
You think you're invincible.
Come on.
[Ye-seul] Hey.
Are you coming?
Don't bother!
[Ye-seul] Jeez, you nasty brat.
And like you said, I'm not your mom.
You clearly don't like
me taking care of you.
I'll let you leave.
When you turn 20,
I'll kick you out no matter what.
But you're here until then.
What about you?
Are you alone?
Stay with us for now.
And tomorrow morning, we'll find your mom.
[ominous music playing]
Come back safely.
There isn't much time.
[radio beeping]
[Jin-ho on radio]
Sergeant, the search party's back.
[nasal exhale]
But there's only one vehicle.
[ominous music crescendos]
[engine revving]
[ominous music intensifies]
[guns cocking]
[gun cocking]
[Dr. Lim grunting]
[relieved exhale]
Why are you back alone?
I'm not alone.
My men
are they still alive?
[Dr. Lim sighs]
[heavy footsteps]
[Sang-won] Open up.
We should talk one-on-one.
[ominous music intensifies]
[loud crash]
[tentacles trilling]
[menacing percussive music playing]
[people clamoring]
[Yeong-su] Hey.
Are you okay?
[ethereal pulsation]
I can hear
a sound.
[pulsation continues]
Someone keeps calling me.
[soldiers groaning]
[music fades]
[inhales deeply]
Are you special infectees?
What is this?
[Sang-won] A little greeting.
[In-hwan] "Greeting"?
[tense rock music playing]
What do you want?
[people murmuring]
[tense music builds]
If you need someone to talk to,
talk to me.
The reason you're here
- [grunts]
- [crashing]
[people screaming]
What the
[In-hwan choking]
[Dr. Lim] Sang-won.
That's not why you're here,
even though it's exciting, yeah?
Gather them all.
All the children.
My child
I know they're here.
[people murmuring]
[panting] Come on.
[music fades]
[bag locking]
Not the worst
you could've imagined, right?
Tell me where Sergeant Kim is.
You should take good care of him.
If you do anything stupid,
it'll be way worse next time.
[shouts] You went with him!
If you move before your bones have healed,
you'll end up crippled,
and don't blame me for that.
Where's Sergeant Kim and our men?
Why are you the only one here?
All these questions
If no one else got here
before those freaks did,
what do you think happened?
Are they really all dead?
Spare yourselves, hmm?
Lay low.
Don't try to be a hero.
It'll do you no good.
[gloomy music playing]
[labored breathing]
Hey, wake up.
[breathing shakily]
Hey, Seok-chan.
Seok-chan, hey.
[Seok-chan] Sarge.
[breathing heavily]
Please, stay awake, sir.
[Dr. Lim] You're really not in a place
to be worried about others.
Please save him.
[breathing shakily]
Dr. Lim, please do it.
[Dr. Lim] You're in luck.
[zipper opens]
What are you going to do?
I'm investing in the one
with slightly better odds.
- [sniffling]
- [sighs]
It's too late for him.
No, it's not.
Not yet, it's not.
I can't save you both.
Doctor, I think
I'm the one who won't make it.
[grunting in pain]
[Yeong-hu groaning]
[Seok-chan] Sarge.
[Yeong-hu gagging]
Don't lose your mind.
Get back on your feet.
[Yeong-hu grunting]
There are more survivors
like Yong-seok here, Sergeant.
It's ridiculous to ask,
given the circumstances.
[Yeong-hu breathing shakily]
Please, just help them.
I should be helping you too.
So I'm sorry
for what happened.
[breathing shakily, choking]
[sniffling, choking]
[somber music playing]
[tablets clattering]
[Yeong-hu exhales] Hey.
Kang Seok-chan!
[shouting] Seok-chan!
[PA chiming]
[Chi-seong] Good evening,
stadium survivors.
Allow me to share some new policies
for a safer and more comfortable
living environment.
I hope that you will all cooperate
so we may all have a happy ending.
Crow Platoon
will all be treated equally
to the other survivors.
The current policy prohibiting survivors
from leaving the premises
remains unchanged,
with no additional restrictions.
However, better conditions will be made
for symptomatic individuals.
The aforementioned rules
will not apply to individuals
who are symptomatic.
You may all move around freely
and live your lives
however you may please.
You no longer need to hide your symptoms.
is a blessing and the first step
in your evolution
into becoming neohumans.
[exhales deeply]
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[Dr. Lim] How long do you have left?
[In-hwan] Five more days.
It's hard to resist giving in to it,
but you're doing well.
[In-hwan] Are those freaks
your test subjects from Bamseom?
[Dr. Lim] That's right.
I made them all.
That's why I said you'd need my help.
[tense music playing]
You have the wrong idea.
I'm not saying
I'm going to treat monsterization.
I'm saying I'll help you resist it.
You know of the special infectees, right?
I can turn you into one.
If you go down, it won't be long
before this place follows suit.
[Dr. Lim] You said you wanted
to protect this place.
Did you find it?
[Dr. Lim] I brought it.
The incredibly special medication
that can make special infectees.
But it's
hidden away in a place
where it's tough to retrieve.
[dire music playing]
[footsteps approaching]
[door opens hard]
[Ha-ni panting]
[objects clanking]
[Ha-ni breathing shakily]
[box opens]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing shakily]
Undo these now.
I understand what you want.
[Ha-ni breathing deeply]
So I'll just go alone.
[inhales deeply]
Haven't you made up your mind
to join those guys?
[Ha-ni] I have.
But you need to join us too.
Without you,
I won't have anyone to whine to.
[inhales deeply]
You're gonna die.
I'm not saying that they're evil.
[eerie music playing]
You know what to expect.
That's how monsterization works.
[Ha-ni] Stubborn old man.
[eerie music swells]
They were human, I told you.
[eerie music swells]
Are you still dizzy?
Should I find an antidote?
[Ho-sang] Yes.
[sighs] You usually recover fast.
You must be getting old, boss.
[Ho-sang] Ha-ni.
Don't go today. Get it tomorrow.
- When the sun is up.
- Why?
[Ho-sang] Because it's late.
Do it tomorrow.
[door opens]
[door slams]
[eerie music crescendos]
[blood squelching]
[breathing shakily]
[demonic voice laughing]
[deep echoing voice] Kill them all.
[female voice] Kill them all.
[male voice] Every last one.
It's what you've wanted.
[deeper voice] Kill them all.
- Kill them.
- Fuck me.
[metal scraping]
- [banging]
- [grunting]
[breathing heavily]
- [metal clanging]
- [blood gushing]
[blood squelching]
[demonic laugh]
[Ho-sang] Are you sure
you only killed monsters?
You despise humans too.
You may as well die.
[somber choral music playing]
[heavy footsteps]
[music stops]
You need to eat.
What will you do when he wakes up?
He said he wasn't
who you were looking for.
Stay out of it.
It's a given for me,
but he won't be allowed
into the stadium either.
They'll drive him away.
Mister, I brought the antidote.
[ominous music playing]
[objects clattering]
[metal jangling]
[Ha-ni panting]
[door opens]
- [loud thrashing]
- [Ha-ni screaming]
[Ha-ni groaning]
[Eun-yu] Get out.
Don't you see what's happening?
[loud thrashing]
Wake him up for me. Quickly.
Why, you little
[Eun-yu] Hey, get a grip!
[Ha-ni] He can do it again, right?
Tell me that he can, come on!
Can he turn a monster back?
Answer me, please!
He did it last time. Please
- [wailing]
- What do you mean? Did someone
[vehicle horn honking]
[loud flapping]
[vehicle horn honking]
- [short honk]
- [Ho-sang groaning]
[breathing heavily]
[blood squelching]
[door slams open]
[both grunting, panting]
[Chan-yeong] Monsters might come.
We need to move now!
I can wake him up. I'll bring him out.
[Chan-yeong] Lee Eun-yu!
[loud rumbling]
[loud whoosh]
[metal dragging]
[suspenseful music playing]
[loud whoosh]
[Ho-sang straining]
[horn honks]
Stop it.
- [short honk]
- [sobbing]
- [bumping on horn]
- [Ho-sang gagging, screaming]
Snap out of it.
[muffled groan]
[Ha-ni] Snap out of it, Mister!
[shouting] Wang Ho-sang!
[music stops]
Can you hear me?
I know you can hear my my voice, right?
[blood trickling]
hold on for me a little longer.
Just hold on for a little longer.
[somber music playing]
Shoot me.
I'm going to kill you
the moment you become a monster!
I don't want to live as a monster anyway.
You can kill me when the time comes.
[breathing shakily]
[Ho-sang] Promise it.
[gun cocking]
You will shoot me.
[Ha-ni grunts]
[Ha-ni] Why keep me around
if you hate people so much?
I liked how you didn't shine at all.
I couldn't care less
if you're just a shell of a human being.
What matters is that
you're still alive.
[somber music swells]
[gun clattering]
[music fades]
[slow footsteps]
[Ho-sang growling]
[vomiting] Kill me.
[shaking inside vehicle]
[muffled scream]
[vehicle rocking]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[somber music playing]
[metal clattering]
[Ha-ni weeping]
What are you doing?
[Ha-ni] Let go!
Let go! Let go!
- Don't!
- Mister!
Why are you doing this?
I should've done it.
I should've ended it and killed you.
Why are you doing this?
Hey, Mister!
[grunts] Mister!
Why? Why are you doing this?
No, Mister!
Why? Why?
No! No! No!
[flames roaring]
[loud banging]
[glass smashing]
[loud banging]
[Ha-ni whimpering]
- [explosive banging]
- [smashing]
[loud whoosh]
[breathing shakily]
[Eun-yu] Hyun-su
Hyun-su. Cha Hyun-su.
Hey, wake up.
We need to get out of here.
Hey, come on. Cha Hyun-su, please!
Just try to wake up for me!
Hyun-su, come on.
Open your eyes, please.
[shouting] Cha Hyun-su, open your eyes!
[monster retching]
[vehicle smashing]
[monster growling]
[Eun-yu sniffling]
[somber music playing]
[monster squelching]
Hey, hey!
Bring it on!
[Chan-yeong] Come at me, you damn monster!
Bring it on!
[monster slurping]
[Chan-yeong] Bring it! Hey!
[monster bellowing]
[Eun-yu panting]
[Chan-yeong] Come and get me!
[Chan-yeong] Come at me!
[scraping on floor]
[Chan-yeong] Bring it, you damn monster!
[Eun-yu] Where are you going?
[shouting] Cha Hyun-su, wait!
[Chan-yeong] Come here!
[Eun-yu gasps]
[dire music playing]
[monster growling, retching]
[monster licking]
- [monster rumbling]
- [metal clicking]
[monster slurping]
[monster growling]
Please don't leave me.
Please don't.
It's so damn noisy.
[loud thumping]
[monster screaming]
I said that you're being too noisy.
[menacing music playing]
[breathing shakily]
Cha Hyun-su.
[menacing music swells]
[closing theme music playing]
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