The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s03e02 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 2

Friar Jeremías.
We need wine for the consecration.
Brother Jeremías always brings it on time.
This is very strange.
He must be busy with his penance.
The days get shorter as we grow older
Mother of God, it's Brother Jeremías.
Brother Jeremías
is dead!
Someone's killed him.
Someone's killed him!
Help! Please!
Come on!
Something's wrong!
Let's go!
Are you alright? Dear God!
Let's go! Quickly!
Why all the commotion, Salvador?
What's going on?
Friar Jeremías died this evening.
The Lord has taken him.
- I'm so sorry.
- Thank you, Mara.
He had a long and pious life.
He died peacefully in his sleep.
"God makes use of the Devil
to punish those who disobey."
"God makes use of the Devil
to punish those who disobey."
What are you doing here?
Wake up!
What's the rush, man?
Are you nuts? You can't be here.
OK, yeah, I know.
But I couldn't sleep. I was shit scared.
Get out of here.
Every time I closed my eyes,
I saw that dead friar.
I don't care. Go!
Hey, I don't fancy you or anything, OK?
- I just don't know anyone else.
- Can you just go?
I don't want to do a month in the cooler!
OK, fine.
We remind students
that morning exercise
is the best way to start the day.
"Mens sana in corpore sano".
Punctuality is a sign of respect
to yourself and to others.
If you don't want to be punished,
you should hurry.
But where are we going so early?
Where's everybody else?
The headmistress said
we can choose between sport or mass.
Line up!
Still no news about Amaia?
Paul, I've got a phone.
I spoke to Mum last night.
You're kidding!
She's fine.
She'll call again tonight.
How did you get
the extra money for the phone?
Martina gave it to me.
Martina, huh?
The one-armed monk lied
right to the headmistress's face.
Then they tell us it's a sin!
Zoe, why don't you shut up?
Why didn't they call the police?
Those monks are proper dodgy.
Hello, my love.
Have we really done it?
In ten days, we'll be dead.
Better ten good days than 50 bad years.
Better ten days with you
than 100 years without you.
Do you remember?
I remember everything.
And this too.
Adèle, this is your third zero this term.
Yes, I should be expelled
from the boarding school immediately.
Nice try.
But you're going about it all wrong.
Going somewhere?
Where are our pills?
You'll get them. Be patient.
I've never had much patience.
Give me two days.
We want our money back.
- Get off or I'll scream.
- Where is it?
Let go!
Look what we have here
That's mine! Give it back!
Let's go.
Let go of me!
Students are reminded that study period
is necessary for revision and learning.
Tell your friend Amaia Torres
that I have the book she wanted.
- I can give it to her.
- You can? OK.
OK, thanks.
Excuse me, do you know if
What's that book?
Amaia ordered it from the library.
She was interested
in the history of the monastery.
The Inquisition tried
and tortured witches and heretics
right here in the monastery.
No wonder this place has such bad vibes.
What was Amaia looking for?
I don't know, but the librarian said
she would spend hours here.
- Writing stuff down.
- Hours, you say?
- And where the hell were you?
- Me? Maybe I was in the heated pool
- or getting a massage.
- Hey!
Dial down the testosterone, guys.
OK, and she sat here, right?
Gregorian chants.
Your friend is a bit behind the times.
Hasn't anyone told her about Trap?
- It's been recorded over.
- What?
Someone stuck tape over this part here.
You do this to record over the original.
My dad used to record songs
for my mum like this.
How romantic.
My dad used to bring my mum
breakfast every day.
If the power of the Devil is coming,
then we don't have much time
- No, no
- Switch it off!
Shit! Look at this.
Did she say "the power of the Devil"?
Since when do we have daily mass?
What's next?
Squat jumps with rosary beads?
Over 30 students
missed morning exercise, Mara.
Nurturing the body is important.
But nurturing the spirit is essential.
You won't even answer me anymore.
What do you need?
A real man to speak for you?
I don't like your tone.
I agree with Mario.
You can't change the routine
in the middle of a term
without consulting us first.
While we're doing complaints
Whose idea was it
to fill the school with screens?
I'm sure they provoke epileptic fits.
- I think so, at least.
- We're not "doing complaints".
I make the decisions here,
with the deputy head.
Hypocritical, isn't it?
What does your religion say
about evicting a family
that has worked here for years?
Mario, do us all a favour and leave now.
Don't embarrass yourself.
I can't stand seeing the cloister
turned into a Gregorian choir.
Since Darío left,
Mara has got so sanctimonious.
It's incredible.
Yes, I heard he went to Argentina.
Any idea if he'll come back?
I don't know. That man has a lot to hide.
Oh really? Such as?
Ask Mara.
Nothing happens here without her knowing.
"My love, don't be angry.
I won't be gone long.
You were right.
Now that I remember everything,
I can't resign myself to this fate.
I don't want to die, Léon.
I know we can save ourselves.
I remember now
that before I got lost in Lisbon,
the last time we saw each other,
I met a man who was willing to help us.
He's an elderly friar
at the Las Cumbres monastery.
He's in charge of making the wine.
But he is also a wise man
who has studied the Lodge.
My love, he knows where
the lost books of the Draco Musca are.
They contain
the science of the Crow's Nest
which will save our lives.
I want to cling to that hope.
Because with you,
I want everything, Léon."
Will it work?
I don't know, it's damaged.
We'll see now.
Take a hike, kid.
The Devil has lived in this monastery
for centuries.
Where can I find him?
It's Jeremías.
Do not approach him.
The Devil feeds on
innocent souls like yours
This guy's crazy.
Is the place you're talking about here?
Or in the monastery?
There is a cursed place called
"The Sacrificial Chapel".
Beneath the grace of God
- We have to go there.
- No!
You'll burn in hell.
We are all condemned.
Why is Amaia talking to this whacko?
What are you listening to?
Gregorian chants?
Yes, we love it.
It's so mysterious.
"Mystical" is the word I would use.
Amaia was looking for that place.
The actual place.
The cursed place?
The Sacrificial Chapel.
Are you sure the pills are in here?
Yes, keep banging.
Are you OK?
I can't go back like this.
I'll be sent to the cooler.
I'm going to change before they notice.
What are you doing?
Get out, you pervert!
Martina, are you OK?
It's all right.
Why didn't you scream?
That man really scares me.
Then you pretend he doesn't.
Martina, this place sucks.
Nobody gives a shit about us.
But you're not alone, OK?
Promise me you won't show it,
if you get scared again.
Will you do that for me?
I would do anything for you.
Sorry, I
I think Paul should talk to someone.
Get some stuff of his chest.
Why don't you do it?
It must be tough,
having to pretend all the time
that you're still into your ex.
And you're worried about your best friend.
You want to talk about that?
Paul is leaving.
Which way did he go?
Why are you two following me?
Manuel is worried about you.
Jeremías had a load of books in his cell.
They might tell us where that place is,
the one he mentioned to Amaia.
Maybe he took her there.
The Devil?
What is it with you?
Didn't take them long to pack his stuff.
Who did this? Come, quick!
This is an atrocity!
Dear Lord!
Not a day goes by here
without more dead bodies.
Someone desecrated the graves.
Don't scream.
It's the symbol of the Crow's Nest.
This is their mark.
Mother of God!
I'm telling you,
they've risen from the underworld.
That satanic lodge
is going to be the end of us all.
First they took Friar Jeremías
Sit, Friar Basiano.
The Devil has penetrated
the sacred walls of the monastery.
Here they go again with the Devil
Lord, give me the patience of Job.
I give up.
Chalk! Chalk has never let me down.
You write, you rub it out. Simple.
- Can you fetch me some chalk?
- Yes, sir.
While this kind young lady
is fetching the chalk,
let's look at the history of mathematics.
Young lady,
running in the corridors is forbidden.
Especially during classes.
What's the matter?
Why didn't you apologise?
What happened, Ismael?
- You're sacked.
- Mara, let me explain.
No, I will not have stalkers
or peeping Toms on these premises.
Your brother is gone.
If you want to go with him,
I'll find another housekeeper.
This will be our secret, OK?
Promise you won't tell anybody.
Are you ashamed?
Do you know why I'm at this school?
My parents caught me
making out with my cousin.
They said, "That's disgusting."
"That's not what normal girls do."
Who wants to be normal?
Excuse me, are you Martina?
I've come to apologise
for what happened earlier in the showers.
My brother is totally harmless.
No, he stood there watching me.
I know.
He's never seen a naked woman in his life.
I don't care.
I never want to see him again.
Has he been sacked?
I can make Mara change her mind.
Really? How?
Just give me the key
to the medicine cabinet.
Something diabolical is happening here.
Weird stuff's been happening
ever since I got here.
Stuff's happened to me too
since you got here.
And all of it bad.
The only diabolical thing here
is the Crow's Nest.
Has been for centuries.
Amaia and Jeremías spoke about
a place within the monastery.
Yeah, and the Devil,
as if he actually knew him.
This is such bullshit.
I'm not so sure.
- I believe in God and the Devil.
- Yeah, right!
If you're good, you go to heaven.
If you're bad,
you go to the guy with the horns and tail.
I'm not saying it's exactly like that
What if it is exactly like that?
The world
The underworld.
Say that again.
That man really scares me.
But he didn't do anything.
- I made it up.
- I don't believe this.
Do you know what you've done?
Because of you,
I just sacked someone for nothing
- I'm sorry.
- I'm sure you are.
And you'll be even sorrier
after a good spell in the cooler.
Come on, let's go!
Thank you.
I bet you've forgotten to eat again.
I didn't think it would still be alive.
It's a different mouse.
You'll make yourself ill.
I'm about to discover something important.
No, like I said, this book
sends everyone who reads it crazy.
This book is full
of fascinating discoveries.
- Right, I'm taking it away
- No!
Look, Fran
Elvira, this is crazy.
It's science.
Friar Jeremías?
I'm Alicia Bernal. Remember?
It took me three years to come,
but I'm here now.
You said you could help me to find
the lost volumes of the Draco Musca.
Alicia Bernal
Of course.
It is an honour
to meet the last descendant
in the Crow's Nest's bloodline.
Of course I can help you.
Come with me.
Have a seat.
You've had a long journey.
Can I offer you a sample
of our latest vintage?
Just tell me where the books are.
I don't have much time.
Pass me one of those glasses.
Behind you.
I've read some of your books.
Your description of the history
of the Crow's Nest is very beautiful.
And accurate.
Yes, yes, I know.
Drink, my dear.
Is it good? Tell me.
What do you think?
I think it is a wine of great intensity
with hints of dark fruits.
Redcurrants, plums
Mineral undertones
And enough arsenic
to kill several people.
It's here! The Crow's Nest is here!
It's here!
Students are reminded
that personal hygiene is obligatory.
The lights will be switched off
in 15 minutes.
- My phone.
- I'm afraid not.
Why not?
I've changed my mind.
I need to make a few calls.
Fuck that. Give it back.
Or what?
Please, it's important.
Leave me alone, brat.
The lights will be switched off
in five minutes.
I still don't know what we're doing here.
The grace of God is on the altar, right?
- That's what Jeremías said.
- Yeah, the loony.
This altar matches the one in the book.
It could be where they held
black masses and satanic rituals.
Let's go.
Naturally, the students are upset.
I'll speak to them.
In the meantime, find the scoundrel
who murdered Friar Jeremías.
The killer lives among us, Salvador.
It's someone we see every day.
The Crow's Nest has entered the monastery.
Let us pray.
- Shit, we have to get out now.
- We can't stay here.
Well, unless we can fly
Zoe, what's wrong?
It's the altar from the book.
- How did you do that?
- I don't know.
I told you,
weird stuff keeps happening to me.
Come on, guys. There's a passage.
Any news on Darío Mendoza?
A student has escaped
and we can't find her.
- Anything to do with the case?
- I don't think so.
Then what can you tell me?
How is your arm?
Did you hear that?
There's someone here. Let's go.
Where did you come from?
- Where's Amaia?
- What's happened to Amaia?
The symbol of the Holy Inquisition.
What's all this blood?
What if it's Amaia's?
It can't be
Adaptation: Daniel Murray
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