The Convict (2021) s03e02 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 2

What's the matter?
For the sake of your son's welfare,
the child can go home with you.
What's going on?
Do you want to steal my baby?
- We want to protect him.
- You abuse him.
- I haven't done anything to him.
- Where did the bruises come from?
I wanted to let you know
that I am alive and safe.
He He is good to me.
Wait a minute.
A former military officer,
sent into an early retirement,
is making a dynamic career
in the prison system.
You have one minute,
and then I call the police.
I've found something.
These are the kind of people
we need in the prison system.
That's why I recommend the candidacy
of my friend over here,
- Sylvester Hepner.
- Andrzej, please.
A man of honor, a patriot,
wounded on a mission in Afghanistan.
I will prepare the way of the cross
for this fucker. You will suffer.
Hepner can't get away a second time,
do you understand?
- What's going on?
- If something went wrong,
here you will find the answer.
Serafin gave me some kind of key,
he didn't say what for.
Life can be, as they say, unpredictable,
but it is fucking beautiful.
I didn't apply for a furlough,
where are you taking me?
Whose funeral is it?
I am not authorized.
Uncuff the inmate, please.
Let's not add to her stress on such a day.
Whose funeral is it?
Inmate Mazur, control yourself.
Let's not demand much from someone
who has lost someone so close to him.
It was a blow to me, too.
Please, follow me.
- Come on.
- Go on.
Almighty God
- Mazur!
- Let her.
Your Son on the cross,
you destroyed our death.
And through his rising again
You restored us to eternal life.
We beseech you, hear our prayers
for your servant Piotr,
who died in Christ
and awaits the resurrection.
What happened?
Officially, he hung himself at home.
I found him.
He will let you drink
from the fountain of the water of life.
For we are dust
and unto dust we shall return,
but the Lord will raise you
on the last day.
Dear Jesus
And our Lord
Grant him eternal rest
Eternal light
Shine upon him
Where all the saints reign
We're going back.
They reign with you, Lord
You are a murderer.
Now and forever, amen
- Praised be Jesus Christ.
- Mazur, we're going back.
Give her five minutes.
Everyone has the right to grieve, right?
I know it may not be the right time,
but it's the only time we have.
Do you have that key from Serafin?
- I do.
- On you?
Well, then you will have to
give it to me somehow.
I mean to the outside.
But how?
You'll figure something out.
- Mazur, let's go.
- You have to go now, you know?
Let's go. Come on.
Great party, huh?
Instead of hiding behind the bushes,
you should have walked right up to Hepner
and high-fived him.
Piotr Serafin committed suicide.
- Are you stupid, or do you think I am?
- The case is closed.
Please accept
my sincerest congratulations then.
I have the results of the children
in your ward.
I managed to do them earlier,
so I called you.
Great, thanks. How did they come out?
Most are within the norm.
Some deficiencies,
but that's to be expected.
Most of them?
Mikołaj Strzelecki
is a premature baby, right?
Yes, they have already discharged him.
Maybe too early, he didn't happen
to have bruises, minor wounds?
Maybe a couple of small ones.
- Very low iron.
- Poor blood clotting.
I also checked INR for you, just in case.
Vascular fragility?
Possibly, but consulting
with a hematologist
and expanded testing would be helpful.
Anyway, you know best what to do, right?
You already have everything?
Everything's fine?
Yes, it's just
we were supposed to
have a nice day off,
and I'm running between the hospitals.
I'm sorry.
Basia, take it easy. Don't worry.
We were doing great without you.
He didn't cry?
Cry? He's a tough guy,
just like his father.
There you go.
Are you happy?
Mr. Hepner's decision.
You don't want me to come back here.
It's gonna be fun.
We'll reminisce a bit.
We may even light a candle together
for the mouthpiece.
I hope you don't mind
that I borrowed your padawan.
Go on!
Drop it, Shiv.
- She's not done yet.
- She is. Move back.
And that's her bunk.
So now you're in charge, aren't you?
But you know what? I don't really like it
when someone is above me.
So, better get used to it.
You think you can tell me what to do
just because you dealt a little?
Yes, that's exactly what I think.
You must feel fucking terrible, huh?
So alone.
First your daughter left,
then Pati, now Serafin.
Where's your son?
Today, I'll ease up on you,
because you're mourning.
And I pity you.
But we'll see what happens tomorrow.
Get your stuff up there.
Mr Hepner, can I have a word?
Please let me go back to work.
I don't know if you remember Article 28?
Officers shall not have any contact
with persons deprived of their liberty
other than during their official duties.
Even if I wanted to,
- my hands are tied.
- I can make myself useful.
I will be your trusted man.
- I trust all of my guards.
- Okay, let me put it this way.
I'll do anything to come back.
Is it about Strzelecka?
Are you planning to seek revenge?
I don't want revenge.
I want to keep an eye on her.
You know how she is.
Do you want another mutiny in the ward?
I won't miss a single day.
Okay What do you have in this bag?
You can't bring things in.
It's not allowed.
Think about it, please.
I need to get something on the outside.
Won't be easy.
I had a guy from the warehouse,
but since his wife found out,
he suddenly plays hard to get.
But if it's a message,
then I know someone who can help you.
- What about a phone?
- Tricky one.
There is one in the ward,
but I don't know who has it.
Don't think she'll share.
Get it for me.
- Shiv, I've saved you a seat!
- Thanks.
How's your son?
Hold on, show me, let me see.
Who's next?
Do you still think something
has changed here, Alice in Wonderland?
Dorothy, from the Goatz
And now, ladies, move your fucking asses
and go do five extra laps.
Holy shit. I can't remember the last time
I smoked a fag,
but it's not getting any better,
sweat is pouring down between my buttocks.
Fuck, me too.
And that prick told us to take a shower
before this fucking marathon.
- Dear ladies
- Girls, we must end it.
To make this time more enjoyable,
I have a few tips and truths for you
about the sport you do.
The first one: anyone can run.
- How, by getting ourselves killed?
- We can write a complaint.
Yeah, right.
I can already see Baldy going soft.
But not to Baldy.
To the Helsinki Foundation
for Human Rights.
Second: you don't need special shoes
to run at all.
- You want us to write fucking letters?
- Do you have any other ideas?
But they're gonna throw them out.
Ten, twenty, but not three hundred.
Let each write as much as she can.
On everything, on paper, on cards.
Fantastic plan,
only half of them are illiterate.
I will write you a template.
Shiv! This applies to you too!
- I'm not in shape after childbirth.
- Shut the fuck up and run.
Do you want a roll?
Whales at the end of the line.
Apologize to her
or get the fuck out of here.
- Really?
- Really.
- I'm going to shit myself.
- Get the fuck out.
Mazur, Strzelecka,
you won't spoil my mood.
Shiv, at the end of the line, now!
Dear ladies
- You're fucking kidding me.
- You've received a gift
from Mister Hepner,
although I don't know for what.
You're going to work
in the laundry outside.
And here's a list of the lucky ones
who will go there first.
Who wants to know?
But this is not a vacation,
it's hard work.
Mazur, please, you're not on the list.
If you're good,
maybe you'll go in the second round.
I'm on the list for work.
You can go instead of me.
If you really want.
Is that all we have in the Serafin case?
Boss, we were just about to close it.
Let me decide about this.
And the autopsy results?
In the dissecting room.
They confirmed the suicide.
We'll attach it
when the papers are stamped.
- You're gonna attach it? When?
- After the case is closed?
Get out.
Get the fuck out.
And don't thank me for saving your ass.
Mariusz Piotrowski,
I want the results of Piotr Serafin's
autopsy on my desk tomorrow morning.
No, I'm not interested in any paperwork.
I want every inch of the deceased's body
described, every fucking bone.
Konopka. One notebook, please.
- There's only gridded?
- Grid is on brand in here.
Second one for free,
in case the paper runs out.
Zentura. Do you have postcards?
- From far away, or with good wishes?
- Both. I'll take eight.
- Ten, and three on the house.
- Fucking awesome.
If it goes on like this,
we'll run out of stock.
Then we're gonna write on toilet paper.
For Pati?
Can we really trust her?
Don't you worry, she'll get the list, too.
What? Gel?
Raspberry? Strawberry?
The crap of everyday life? Also good.
Bar soap.
Bathhouse, usual spot,
the phone is waiting.
How much?
- Thank you.
- Next one.
- Fuck, I don't believe it.
- Well, I'm glad to see you too.
You haven't found any security job?
I have, but I wanted
to leave something for you.
Thank you.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing, everything is fine.
Can you sleep after what happened?
They almost fucked us all.
No one would be able to.
You know there are support groups
after something like this?
No, I'm not going to join
any whack job group.
And between you and me, here is
a little advice from an older colleague.
Bartuś, you don't shit where you eat.
Inmate Wójcik, you're going to work
in the laundry.
- Are you ready?
- I am ready.
- I don't feel very well.
- And who does these days?
You want to go on furlough
to your mother tomorrow,
then you have to earn it.
I'm sorry, but I don't know.
I think it's some kind of virus.
Are you gonna throw up?
I have this weird sensation in my stomach.
I can't do it, officer.
Then maybe I'll go.
- Why not?
- Shiv, you go.
I have a sick leave.
Alright, I don't have time,
get ready, Mazur.
Take Wójcik over here to the doctor.
You really don't need to.
I am already a little better.
Hey, sorry to disturb you,
but can you help a damsel in distress?
With pleasure.
Listen, my boss asked me to check
all of these carts before leaving.
You never know if those cows
might steal something or whatever.
Yeah, sure thing, sure thing.
So if you can give me your phone,
I'll write down the number for you, okay?
- You'll let me know when they're done.
- Alright.
Maybe we can go out later? Here.
Get moving, get to work.
Smells like grandma's meadow
behind the house.
You know, just like a cow dung.
- Calm down, everybody!
- A total fuck-up from memories.
You must load the clean ones
because we won't make it.
I'll take it, I'll take it.
- It's quite heavy.
- I'll be fine.
- Hurry up, Mazur.
- Coming, one sec.
- Want to grab a coffee? I'll watch them.
- Yeah, gladly.
It's still dirty over there.
I guess you gave Baldly
an amazing blow job
that he let you come back.
I wanted to see you rotting here
after what you did to my son.
I didn't hurt him.
I will prove it in court.
I will get Miki back.
You will give him to us,
or I will give you hell.
- I am not afraid of you.
- And you should.
I'm not afraid of anything.
Clean up.
Hey, you were supposed to let me know
when they're finished.
Damn, right, come on in.
- Thanks.
- Done?
Call me sometime.
I was supposed to clean up in here, huh?
Garage rental, 23 Polna St.,
garage no. 13.
Well, bingo.
Oh, fuck.
You've been fucked up pretty good,
my friend.
Not necessarily.
- We need to review all this.
- Get the fuck out of here.
Get the fuck out.
I won't review anything with you.
- And what, you'll kill me with a stool?
- If I have to, I will.
For what you did, Aluta, man,
to kill you will be an act of grace.
If she wants revenge,
she will do it when she's out.
But she won't come out until we review it.
I told you to fuck off, so fuck off,
don't you get it?
Where is Hanka?
In a safe place.
Can you put it back already?
- Why did you come here?
- I'm here because Hepner is chasing Hanka.
We escaped him twice,
but we may not make
it the third time.
You should've fucked him up,
not follow me.
I'd be glad to, even today,
but I'd rather he go to jail.
It will be worse for him than death.
Help me lock him up.
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.
And, once again,
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.
Did they lose their fucking minds,
or what?
Did they start
some kind of correspondence club?
- Damn.
- Epistolographers for a dime.
- What?
- Epistolographers from behind the bars.
Okay, this all has to go into the oven
before Hepner realizes.
- And get me Mazur here.
- Mazur cleans up the bathhouse.
Can I?
Password-protected drive.
- Well, now what?
- Nothing, we will deal with it later.
We need to keep looking.
Have you found something?
What is this?
Maybe that's what we are looking for.
The Minister of Justice will nominate me
as the head of the prison service
for the next term.
- There are limits.
- You will take care of it.
You overestimate my capabilities.
What if they check you
and find out about the past?
- My past?
- You're in it too.
But you definitely have more to lose.
I have a hold on you, man.
You'll do anything to make it happen.
Otherwise, you'll end up where
you wouldn't want to be, believe me.
How long will I have to pay
- for what you did?
- We did it together.
We did it together.
And that's all?
No, that's not all.
There's also a map,
some notes and pictures.
Pictures of Hepner with some man,
he hands him documents or something.
- Can you see his face?
- No, he's wearing a cap and is backwards.
Okay, and what with this kind of
strange sound in the middle
What is it?
I don't know. Some interference,
maybe, or something.
- Where is Mazur?
- I have to go.
Today, the Director General of Prisons,
General Andrzej Rabczuk,
awarded orders and decorations
to officers and persons of merit
- in the prison service.
- What is it?
For outstanding contribution
You should watch it again, Mazur.
But you need to dump the garbage.
Colonel Sylvester Hepner receives
the Prison Service's Cross of Merit.
- Congratulation.
- Bravo!
This is a significant day
for prison officers and their loved ones
that gathered here today.
It is also
And you thought
that you would get the order, huh?
of the prison service
For exceptional courage, determination
and for exemplary service over many years.
Prison Service Board, how can I help?
Good afternoon, I would like to speak
with the Director, Andrzej Rabczuk.
General is busy at the moment,
he cannot answer.
Busy? Okay, then please tell him
that Alicja Mazur is calling
and has something to tell him
about a mutual friend, Sylvester Hepner.
- He will surely find the time.
- Hold on, please.
Hello, what is this about?
We haven't had a chance
to get to know each other,
but there is something
we should talk about.
No, we don't.
Come over here and find out that we do.
Well, you gotta face the music, Wójcik.
Why would you pretend to be sick?
Come in.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Senior Sergeant Swieta Palamarczuk
reports the escorting of the inmate.
Please take a seat.
Sit down.
- Please leave us alone.
- Yes, sir.
What the fuck are you doing?
You gave up your assignment
to work to Mazur?
She really wanted to go.
And you're just telling me now?
She trusts me.
But she'll stop if you call this off.
You are to guard her,
not let her outside the prison.
She's eluding you.
She's falling into my arms, I would say.
Don't you believe me?
After what I did for you.
I loved you, Shiv, you know?
What the fuck are you doing?
I even believed you
that they stole your son from you.
You believe the cop?
I don't,
but I do believe the girls
from the children's ward.
- What happened?
- She stumbled.
Lay down.
This fucking family.
- And I'm the one who is fucked up?
- Irina!
This is how you want to win the case?
- Don't get your hopes up.
- Take care of her, please.
You were supposed to go back to work
to keep an eye on her, not kill her!
- But she's alive.
- What have you done?
What have I done?
She is the one who hurt our son.
She didn't do anything.
What are you talking about? She beat him.
I ordered some tests.
Miki is sick,
that's why he has those bruises.
She didn't do anything.
Fuck, then why didn't you tell me?
Has anyone seen those results?
And let's keep it that way.
An unannounced visit?
Are you sure about this, Andrzej?
Are you going to control me now?
I'm not gonna control you, Sylvek.
I just bring you the good news.
It's still unofficial,
but the announcement of your appointment
is expected to take place
at a penitentiary conference in a month.
A month is a lot of time,
you would still have time to inform me.
But you wouldn't have had time
to prepare your facility.
What are you talking about?
I have requested the ministry
to hold the conference at your facility.
Andrzej, what's the matter?
Everything is fine, Sylvek.
I'm sorry, but
I have to go.
You shouldn't let
a beautiful woman wait for you.
So maybe it's time to leave her.
Does she want it, or do you?
One moment, please.
I would like to talk to the inmates.
To the inmates? As you wish, General,
but I can assure you
they won't say anything clever.
I heard that you ladies
have a new workplace.
Laundry facilities, General.
- Well, how do you find working there?
- Fucking awesome.
- Biba!
- But we have a request on another matter.
- What matter?
- Of correspondence.
We wanted to ask you, General,
if you could send them on our behalf
because the guards have been taking them.
I'm sorry, General.
If you don't want to send it,
we already gave some to our families.
Listen up, you guys are asking
for another month without privileges.
- That's okay.
- What time will it be, huh?
- The seven hundred and twentieth?
- We are guaranteed it.
We are writing to the Helsinki Foundation
for Human Rights
so that they will listen to us.
And I would very much ask you
to at least allow
- Take them away!
- I can't, I protect the General.
- I would use the restroom.
- Wall.
Hands on the wall. You have it coming.
- I'll find the way.
- As you wish, General.
Are you and Hepner involved in something?
He's blackmailing you.
- You don't know anything.
- I know!
He is only blackmailing you for now,
but you have a lot to lose,
and I have nothing.
I can end it.
Get in touch.
If you wanted a prison tour,
you should have told me.
I would have shown you around.
We can go.
And we'll talk on the way.
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