The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s03e02 Episode Script

Eep Walking

- Good morning,
chirpy chirperman.
- Pillow fight!
- It's on.
- Oh, yeah, you better run.
- What is happening?
- It's the end of the world.
Where'd you go?
Are you okay?
- Yup. And that was
an epic finishing move.
You're a pillow boss!
- It's the only weapon
I'm allowed to use,
so I've made the best of it.
What's that?
Does this tree grow luggage?
- That's not luggage.
That's my cave stuff!
- We found my cave stuff!
- Whoa, whoa.
Cave stuff!
Also ahh!
- Remember the day my family
moved into the tree house?
- Sure, best day ever.
- Exactly. But I didn't trust
you or your family yet
so I stashed
all my favorite things in a tree
to make sure
you wouldn't steal them.
But I forgot
which tree until now.
- Smart move.
I wouldn't have
trusted me either.
So what's this?
- That's a shell I found
on the beach when I was little.
This is sharp.
- It sure is.
Way too sharp for a baby.
I loved it.
- And this is
one of my first paintings.
- That's a pretty flower.
- Pretty and dangerous.
It's called a chrysanthenumb.
It numbs any animal
dumb enough to touch it.
- That's really cool.
And terrifying.
Ooh. What's this?
It just looks like a stick.
- It's actually my sleep stick.
- Oh, you used it for protection
against predators
while you were sleeping?
- Ha, ha. No.
I used it to get fresh air.
Lot of hot breath
in a sleep pile.
Ah. Memories.
- Do you ever miss your old life?
You know, before you moved here?
- Not even a little.
I mean, look around.
Would you rather be here
or in a dark stinky cave?
- I see your point.
- It's nice to have
this stuff back though.
I'd thought I'd lost everything
but my lucky aardshark tooth.
I keep that in my pillow.
Wait, it's not here!
It must have fallen out
during the pillow fight!
- Okay, don't worry.
We won't sleep until we find it.
- Eh, you know what?
I'm sure it'll turn up
just like this stuff did.
But more importantly
- Oh, it's on again.
Best pillow fight ever.
- Yeah! Too bad our pillows
didn't survive the battle.
- It's okay.
We've got more pillows.
- See? This place is the be--
Sorry. Pillow instinct.
- Never apologize
for who you are.
And thanks for the pillow.
- Night.
- Good night.
- What am I doing here?
Again? Seriously?
Out for a little
pillow payback, huh?
Well, I was waiting for you.
Wait, we're not
doing a pillow fight?
Right. Because it's time
for midnight mayhem!
Oh-ho-ho, I am in!
So, what's the plan?
Wait, don't tell me.
Let me guess.
Crowverine gliding?
We just did that.
Quicksand swimming?
Right. Too much sand.
Okay, I give up.
What are we doing?
Are your eyes closed?
That's new.
I'll take a piece
of that action.
- Okay. this isn't so bad.
A little scary, but I guess
it's only a problem
if you run into a--
So how do you avoid trees?
- Eep?
Are you not talking to me?
Are you mad
about the pillow fight?
Whoa. You're asleep.
You're sleepwalking.
What should I do?
Wait, why am I asking you?
You're asleep.
Eep, wake up.
Eep, can you hear me?
It's Dawn!
You're sleepwalking, so wake up!
Where are you going now?
Dad's ballista?
Why do you have that--
Oh, no. You're gonna turn
sleepwalking into sleep-flying.
It's too dangerous!
You're strong even
when you're asleep!
Eep! Eep!
Wake up!
- Oh, no. It happened again.
- Again?
is a serious problem.
Fortunately, there's no problem
I can't fix.
Why can't I fix this problem?
Anyway, back to your problem.
I can make sure
you never sleepwalk again.
- Good. Because last night
Eep almost went sleep-splat.
- And I don't wanna go splat,
asleep or awake.
- Yes. It's best to avoid
soaring in one's sleep.
Though, had you succeeded,
the data would
have been invaluable.
- Dad, can you stop this or not?
- I can and will,
through Betterman Mind Molding.
It's a complex
scientific process
wherein I reconfigure
your neural cortex
to obey my every command.
Are you ready to begin?
- Not sure what
most of that means, but, yes.
- Wonderful.
Now look at the rock.
- Is this it? This can't be it.
- Of course it isn't.
Thisis it.
Now keep looking at the rock.
- Okay, Dad, we're gonna go.
- Thanks for trying, Phil.
- Wait. Don't go.
It's working. I am now--
- Phil, if
I find one more broken wheel
in my kitchen, I'm going to--
Betterman Mind Molding?
- Yup.
- Yeah, it doesn't work at all.
Follow me.
- And you're cured!
When I have trouble sleeping,
it's because I need to relax.
And one thing that relaxes me
is the sound of wind chimes.
- That makes sense.
Wind chimes are super boring.
- Right. And the more
wind chimes you have,
the more relaxed you are.
- Mom, this is
a lotof wind chimes.
- Because I have a lot of stress!
And all those wind chimes
help me relax,
so turn on the fan!
Isn't this relaxing?
- What?
- I said, isn't this relaxing?
- I can't hear you!
I can't hear anything!
- I knew you'd like it!
- It's so loud!
It's melting my brain!
- Turn it off! Turn it off!
I feel like a whole new me.
You're welcome.
- She feels hot.
Huh? And cold.
Actually, I can't tell.
That means she's sick.
Or maybe I'm sick.
- Dad, I'm not sick.
I'm sleepwalking, remember?
- And I hate it.
- Maybe you're sleepwalking
because something's
on your mind.
Is anything bothering you?
- Nope. Everything's great.
My life is a dream.
Except when I'm dreaming.
- Well, so much for that idea.
Hopefully sleepwalking
is just temporary, honey.
So we can keep
an eye on you until it stops.
- We should start an Eep-watch.
We'll take shifts
to make sure she doesn't
wander off and get hurt.
- Ugh. That's a terrible idea.
What we should do
is start an Eep-watch.
We'll take shifts to make sure
she doesn't wander off
and get hurt.
- Great idea, Grug.
- But he just said
the exact same thing I did.
- No. You said what I said.
- Right. Before you said it.
- I don't think everyone
watching me will help me
stop sleepwalking.
- Sleepwalking?
I'll fix ya. Come with me.
- Now?
- Now!
- The lightning desert?
- That's right.
Anything that ails ya
can be cured with lightning.
- Can it?
- Yeah. I'm pretty sure
lightning is lethal.
- That's true.
But not all the time.
- Now, let's go find
the Lightning rock.
- Lightning rock?
- Yeah.
It's a rock that
gets hit by lightning.
And we're gonna grab it.
- On purpose? Wh-why?
- Well, how else are you gonna
get struck by lightning?
- Uh is that
the lightning rock?
- What makes ya say that?
Ha! Just messin' with ya.
Come on.
Let's get our lightning on!
Just grab on and wait
for a nice, juicy bolt.
- Gran, I think
this is a bad idea.
- What? Are you saying
trying to get struck
by lightning is a bad idea?
- Yes, that's exactly
what I'm saying.
- Maybe you should give Betterman
Mind Molding another shot?
- What are you talking about?
This is foolproof.
Here, I'll show ya.
- Gran! Are you okay?
- Argh. Who's Gran?
Ha! Just messin' with ya.
But, seriously, who's Gran?
So, maybe
I'll just keep sleepwalking.
- Maybe you should
never sleep again.
- Ooh! Maybe we should
go to the lightning desert!
- Or maybe I should talk
to the one person
who knows sleep
better than anyone.
- You came to the right guy.
Sleep is when
you close your eyes
and then you fall asleep.
- I know what sleep is.
- Oh, great. Well, good night.
- No, Thunk, I'm walking in
my sleep and I want to stop.
- Th-that sounds awful.
I mean--
I don't even like
walking when I'm awake.
Hey, maybe this'll help.
I found the key to a good
night's sleep is exercise.
I did not see that coming.
- Understandable.
I'm not known
as a big fan of sweating.
Or moving at all.
But even I have to exercise
if I want some solid Z's.
So every night,
before I go to bed, I do this.
- Jumping jacks?
Okay. How many do you do?
- Uh, th-that's it.
Oh, yeah.
Getting sleepy already.
Good night.
- I don't know why I thought
this was a good idea.
But today was so exhausting,
I doubt I have
the energy to sleepwalk.
- That's the spirit.
- Eep!
Eep is sleepwalking!
Eep is sleepwalking!
- Eep is sleepwalking?
- Yeah, that's what I said.
- Eep is sleepwalking?
Yes. I've yelled
that a bunch of times!
Yeah, Guy, try to keep up.
- Eep? Eep? Wake up.
- That's not gonna work.
Eep sleeps like a stone.
We have to grab her.
Okay, honey.
Time to stop sleepwalking
and start sleep-sleeping.
- Easy, Eepyhead.
We just wanna get you--
- Sorry, Eep. But I'm doing this
for your own good.
- How did we all miss her?
She's asleep.
- Awake or asleep,
she's still Eep.
- What if she's trying
to get over the wall again?
We need to cut her off.
- She's not here.
Are we too late?
- What is that?
- How is she doing all this
while she's asleep?
- Like I said. She's Eep.
- Chunky. Don't you do it.
- No, Chunky. Bad death cat!
Ugh! He never listens to me.
- Chunky!
Get down.
- Why does he listen to you?
- Because animals can sense
the kindness
and generosity in me.
And I bring treats.
- Mom? Why am I on Chunky?
Oh, no, I was trying
to get over the wall again?
- You sure were, honey.
Now, let's get you back to bed.
Eep-watch starts now.
I'll take the first shift.
To the tree house, Chunky.
- I just wish we knew
why Eep was sleepwalking.
- Right. And while you and Guy
try to figure it out,
I'll get ready
for my Eep-watch shift.
I'll track Eep like an eelgle,
all the time and never
let her out of my sight,
even for a moment.
- Uh, actually,
Eep-watch was my idea
so I'll take the next shift.
Why don't you do it together?
Four eyes are better than two.
- That's a great idea, Dawn.
Yeah. Great idea, Dawn.
- Really?
- No.
That's it. Tooth!
- Eep!
- I need to stop
eating scream fruit.
- No. You need
to stop sleepwalking.
And I think I might now how.
- This is why
you're my best friend. Spill.
- Okay. Remember when
your mom asked if something
was bothering you?
- Well, something is.
- Wh-- It is?
- Yup. And this all started
after you lost
your aardshark tooth, so--
- My aardshark tooth! Yes!
I'm a mess without that thing!
So, if we find it,
I'll stop sleepwalking?
- Only one way to find out.
- I concur.
- Why are you two
standing so close?
- We're on Eep-watch.
- To make sure
you don't sleepwalk.
- But it's daytime.
- Can't be too careful.
Also, it was my idea.
- Well, it's a terrible idea.
- That's what I told Guy.
Because it was his idea.
- Ha! So you admit it.
- That your idea
was terrible? Yes.
- No. no. That's not--
Wait, where's Eep?
- Oh, no!
- Is this your aardshark tooth?
- Nope. That's one of mine!
Make a path, log bumps!
- Whoa! What about this tooth?
- That one's mine too!
- Heads up, batboons!
- We've looked everywhere else,
so it's gotta be here.
- I'm sure we'll find it.
And if we don't,
maybe your dad and Guy will.
Okay, this has to be your tooth.
- Hey, that's it! That's my--
- Nope. Mine.
False alarm.
This one doesn't fit.
It's all yours.
Come on, Sandy,
let's go knock Grug and Guy
out of that tree.
- So that's it.
- Yep. This is my tooth.
- Yeah!
- Whoo!
- Now I'm gonna
stash it in my room
so it doesn't get lost or end up
in Gran's mouth again.
- Gran sure loses a lot of teeth.
- Oh, those are loaners.
She lost her own teeth
years ago.
I'm so glad
you found this, Dawn.
Thank you.
Now I can finally
get a good night's sleep.
- Not me.
I'm gonna go brush my teeth
for the rest of my life.
Eep-watch is going really well.
Yeah. So far, so good.
That tooth did the trick.
- She's sleeping like a baby.
- Yup.
- Well, I guess you can
call it a night.
- What about you?
- Oh, you can't be too careful
with sleepwalking.
I'm gonna stick around.
Just in case.
- Well, then I'll stick around,
too. Just in case.
- Oh, you don't need to do that.
- What if you fall asleep?
Guy, I never fall asleep.
- Well, neither do I.
What happened?
Were we attacked?
- Oh, uh, no,
I was just stretching.
Because I definitely
wasn't asleep.
- Yeah. Me neither.
Wait, where's Eep?
- Eep's gone!
- Please stop doing that.
We need to get to the wall now.
Eep! Eep!
Gah! She's not here.
Guy, this is your fault
because you fell asleep.
- Me? You fell asleep too!
- Yeah, but if you'd been awake,
you could've woken me up
and Eep wouldn't be
who knows where!
- I might know where.
- I went to check on Eep
but she was gone.
I guess she wasn't
looking for her aardshark tooth.
So, I started thinking,
what is Eep looking for?
And then
I remembered these things.
That's Eep's old stuff.
- Right.
We found it the other day.
Eep said she didn't
miss her old life
but maybe she does.
- And maybe those things are
clues that will lead us to Eep.
- Or maybe those things are clues
that will lead us to Eep.
A shell, huh?
Well, I know exactly
where to go. Follow me.
- Now?
- Now!
- Lot of shells, but no Eep.
- Well, thanks for
wasting our time with
your dumb idea, Guy.
- I'm starting
to detect a pattern.
- Wait! Eep was here.
Those are her footprints.
- Right. Because it was my idea
to come here.
- Okay, Grug. Where to next?
- Why are you asking me?
- Hmm.
- Those aren't
Chrysanthenumbs are puce flowers
with jade leaves.
- Right. Just like these flowers.
- No. These are too puce,
and too jade.
So they're not chrysanthenumbs.
- Here, I'll prove it.
- What are you doing?
Your whole body will go numb
if you touch it.
- No, that only happens
if you touch a chrysanthenumb.
See? Told you these weren't
- Either way,
Eep was definitely here.
- Looks like we missed her again.
- And the only thing
left is this.
Eep's sleep stick. Oh, no!
- Oh, no, what?
- Oh, no,
I know where Eep is.
Follow me.
- Oh no.
- Now what?
- I can't move. I guess
these are chrysanthenumbs.
You're gonna have to carry me.
- Carry you?
- This is it.
- Are you sure
you can't move anything?
- Not a muscle.
- Did you just move your arm?
- Who, me?
Oh, I guess I did.
I'm cured.
Anyway, uh,
take me into that cave.
- What?
I'm not carrying you anymore.
- Aw, please?
Hey, wait for me.
My legs are asleep!
- Eep is in a pile of bearacudas.
Right. A sleep pile.
Eep must miss them
'cause we stopped doing them
so this is the closest one.
But why are you so calm?
They're bearacudas!
- Because we'll just slip her
out of there and sneak away
before the bearacudas wake up.
Come on, Guy.
- She's stuck.
- Pull harder.
She's still stuck.
- Then pull harder!
- I am pulling harder.
- No! Like this!
What's going on?
- Don't worry, sweetie.
You sleepwalked
into a pile of bearacudas
and we rescued you.
- Did we?
- Yes, and now comes
the running part of the rescue.
- No. Now comes the pillow
part of the rescue.
- A pillow?
Bearacudas are ferocious beasts.
No way that'll work.
- Oh, Dawn's a beast
with a pillow.
- Pfft. Not a chance.
- Guess there's a chance.
A really good chance.
- Rest your sleepy heads on that.
- Thanks again
for saving me, guys.
- It wasn't us. It was Dawn.
- And me.
But mostly Dawn.
- I guess I do kinda
miss my old life.
And even though
I was almost beara-fooda,
the sleep pile
was surprisingly comfy.
Too bad
I can't have it both ways.
- Oh, yes, you can.
Ahh. This is nice.
- So, you think you're
done sleepwalking?
- Yeah.
I guess all I needed
was a good
old-fashioned sleep pile.
- Isn't this great?
Why did we stop doing this?
- Anyone want a sleep snack?
Wait, I ate 'em all. Never mind.
My foot's asleep.
Guys, my foot's asleep!
- Pipe down or I'll put the rest
of you to sleep permanently!
- On second thought,
I don't miss this at all.
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