The Following s03e02 Episode Script

Boxed In

Carroll's execution's set for the end of this month.
Joe--you been to see him? No.
I've moved on.
You will, too, as soon as we catch Mark.
Why am I letting you guys have all the fun? Come on.
Let's go kill some people.
This is all wrong.
We have to make this perfect, or he'll kill us all.
Our boy Mark is punishing us for killing his family last year.
These murder scenes are re-creations of their deaths.
This is the second time in 24 hours that I've been called a liar.
First you're the liar, now me.
You lived this moment.
You both did.
It's a tableau of Max shooting Luke.
Mark has his own followers now.
Why is he writing you've lied at every scene? He's delusional, Gina.
Hey! This is our revenge! I know.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry, little bro.
Be angry.
I was pushing you away.
I don't want to do it anymore.
I need you I need you, too.
I'm proud of you.
Tomorrow will be awesome because tomorrow one of them dies.
Big day, dude.
Is this Andrew's truck? Yeah.
We got to get it off the street now he's in custody.
I'll take care of it.
Is everything ready? See for yourself.
What do you think? Um Torture's not really my thing.
That's why you need me, but you haven't seen the best part.
Is that Yes, sir.
Bought it in Huntsville, Texas, last year.
Used in over 50 executions between 1951 and 1970.
Today, we're gonna use it to fry ourselves an FBI agent.
I'm sorry.
Did I wake you up? I thought I wore you out last night.
Believe me, you did.
Your hands are quick, but your jab's a little weak.
Oh, really? My high school boyfriend was a boxer.
I used to patch him up after fights.
It's how I fell in love with medicine.
How is it possible I don't know this? to reveal all our secrets.
Why don't you tell me something I don't know about you.
Saved by the bell.
- Bad news? - Good actually.
We've got a fingerprint match on the guy that threw blood on me at the wedding.
I got to take a shower.
My brother taught me how to fight.
Guess he got tried of scraping me up off the schoolyard.
Lesson one was never go looking for trouble.
Lesson two When it's on, do whatever it takes to win.
I wish I could have met him.
He would have liked you.
Rise and shine! Eggs and oatmeal! Protein and slow-releasing carbs, plenty of energy for today's mayhem.
I don't eat breakfast.
Uh, manners.
This is very sweet, Mark.
Thank you.
Do we need to go over anything? Timing will be crucial today.
We got it.
I know you're upset about Andrew's arrest.
I am, too.
He brought us together, but He'd want us to keep our focus.
Of course.
You can count on us.
See you downstairs.
What--ow! What's your problem? We have to keep him happy.
That guy's a freak show, bopping around the kitchen all the time, talking about his dead brother.
Yeah, and he will gut us in our sleep if he even suspects that we have our own agenda, so just play nice.
How you doing? How do you think? A lot of innocent people died yesterday.
Hey, Mike.
I don't want to square off with you, all right? I know that you and Max-- Ancient history.
Don't even worry about it.
Yeah? So we're cool? Sure.
Nice to see you're making friends.
Not here to make friends.
What's Andrew doing here? We got a match on his real I.
Andrew Sharp.
Turns out he's got a wife and kids in Westchester.
According to the wife, about a year go, Andrew walks out the door, got into his truck, and disappears.
He's been listed as a missing person ever since.
I sense a punch line coming.
Right before he left, Andrew got a call.
We checked the records.
It originated in Layton, New Jersey.
That's the last place we saw Mark.
Andrew got the call right after Mark escaped.
He must have picked him up.
So you got a few things you want to ask Andrew? Yeah, I do.
Good morning, sunshine.
I guess someone didn't enjoy their first night in jail.
So let me ask you something.
How could you do it? Just walk out on your wife and kids and never look back? You were married, what, 10 years, witnessed the birth of your daughters, watched them grow up.
I mean, to just throw all that away.
It's been hard.
I miss them every day.
You don't know how many times I wanted to pick up the phone and-- Yeah.
They were just camouflage.
That's what I thought.
But Mark is your real family, isn't he? That's why he called you, that's why you picked him up.
You dropped everything to protect him, even though it meant throwing away your cover life.
So what's the connection? My guess is Lily Gray.
Did she see you as a potential father for her boys? Is that why Mark trusted you enough to call? Wow.
Am I supposed to clap or something? Because really, your insights are fairly obvious.
May I offer a little advice? Yeah.
Well, you're kind of sitting on the wrong side of the table for it to hold much weight, but go ahead, knock yourself out.
Confess while there's still time.
My conscience is clean.
Clean or not, until you tell the world what you did, innocent people will keep dying, and their blood will be on your hands.
What kind of fruit is that? It's a melon.
Well, yeah, uh, I know, but what kind? I always get them confused.
It's a cantaloupe.
I'm Jack.
I'm married.
Me, too.
So what? Bye, Jack.
That was sad.
Let's run DMV records, see what Andrew was driving when he disappeared.
I'll catch up.
You all right? You don't look so good.
I thought we were done with this.
So did I.
I don't think I can go through with it again.
Just keep it simple in the hearing, stick to the script.
I got it.
You don't raise your voice, you don't get angry, none of that.
Jeff, Jeff, I'm fine, but honestly, you seem like you're wound a little tight.
Is it that obvious? Uh-huh.
You know, I asked director Franklin to let me run point on your covert op? No.
I didn't know that.
Even though I knew that if all of this stuff went south that I'd--I'd probably lose my job or I'd even end up in prison, but Joe Carroll is a monster, and so was Lily Gray, and they had to be stopped by any means necessary, but now that the pressure's on, I I can't sleep.
I'm drinking all the time, and All right.
I'm scared, Ryan, ok? What if it get-- Wait.
I got-- What's up? You ok? Yeah.
My chest is tight.
All right, buddy.
Hang on.
Come here, come here.
All right.
Here we go, buddy.
We're going to the ER.
Take it easy, nice and easy here we go Hey.
This is not all on you, ok? I'll take the hit if I have to.
I got to get back in there.
We're on to something.
Get it done.
You good? I'm fine.
According to the DMV, Andrew's the registered owner of a 2006 silver pickup truck.
License plate number's All right.
Let's put Big Brother to use.
Listen up! We're looking for a 2006 silver pickup.
I want the plate number run through every camera in the city as far back as we can.
We find that truck, we find Mark.
Let's go.
Come on.
We on schedule? Yeah.
Daisy and Kyle should be making contact right now.
Honey, what are you doing home? It's a little early in the day for wine.
Heh heh heh.
You're not expecting any of that to still fit? What are you doing, you bad boy? You really hurt my feelings back there, you know? Comfortable? Why are you doing this? Um I wasn't held enough as a child, or maybe it's because my amygdala's underdeveloped.
I'm gonna get some cantaloupe.
You want some? Ugh.
Babe? No.
I'm good, thanks.
Time to call your husband.
Why? It's not a party without him, is it? I don't do it.
Honey, I'm not asking.
Say whatever you need to to get him home.
Give us away, and he'll get your face in the mail, got it? It's me.
I'm sorry to do this.
I just got a migraine.
Can you come home? I know, but it's really bad.
I love you.
You lied like a pro.
I bet he can't tell when you're faking it.
Come on.
We all do it.
How long have you been married? That's incredible.
I mean, how do you keep it fresh? In the bedroom, I mean.
Go to hell.
Kyle and I do whatever we can to keep the spark alive.
On his way yet? Yeah, but I'd say we still got half an hour.
Do you want to go and check out her night table, see if she's got anything naughty in there? Hell, yeah.
I'll be right back.
Oh, God.
I love him so much.
That's it.
We found the truck! Where? Traffic cam caught it entering a garage in East Harlem this morning.
I think that might be Mark.
Have HRT meet us there.
I'm on it.
Damn! What's that? Silent alarm! No! No, no! We got to get you out of here! How'd that happen? Sewer pipe.
Lets out a block away.
Wait, wait, wait.
What about you? Don't worry about me.
Go! Move in! Move! Hold up, hold up.
Unh! You all right? Better than him.
Shooter's down! This yours? Try holding on to it next time.
Ryan, get in here! It's Anna.
Let's move! Anna baby, you down here? You-- I'll do whatever you want.
Just don't hurt my wife.
We don't make deals.
Unh! No! No! Sorry.
Wish I could stay.
Suffocation's such a turn-on.
Anna! Oh, no.
Anna! Oh, my God.
I need emergency medical to 529 Cloverdale Drive, possible suffocation victim.
Get her down.
Come on, Anna.
Come on! Come on.
All right.
Take a deep breath.
You ok? Ok.
We got you.
We got you.
They--they took Jeff.
They took Jeff! It's Mark.
Th-they got Spider.
What? Yeah.
The FBI raided the garage.
I barely got away.
What? What happened? How did they find you? How should I know, but y-you said had a plan "B", right? No.
That's not a good idea.
You said he could do it.
He could definitely do it.
He--he just scares the hell out of me.
We don't have a choice.
What's going on? We have to call Neil.
One more.
Do I know you? I'm your son, Neil.
My son is much younger.
I have to go out for a little while.
Can you take over? Of course.
I'll get him all cleaned up and ready for bed.
Thank you.
Louise is gonna look after you for a little while until I get back, ok, dad? Luke.
You did great back there.
I wanted it all to be perfect, and now--now it's all messed up.
It's not, it's not.
You were smart.
You had a backup plan.
The question is are you ready for what has to be done next? You sure you can't help? I'm sorry, little bro.
You're gonna have to do this one a.
Just be strong.
They dumped his cell phone a block away.
We're pulling traffic cam footage, see if we can identify what they're driving.
Well, it's got to be the couple from the hotel.
They must have been taking him to that garage to be tortured, which means they're looking for a backup location now.
So we've got a small window to find them before they go underground.
We have an incoming Skype call.
It's Mark Gray.
Trace it.
Put it up on the screen.
The gang's all here except Clarke.
I've got him.
What do you want? I thought I made that very cleary.
Tell the truth, but you haven't, so here's the deal.
Go on television by 8:00 tonight, tell the world how you executed my mother, or Clarke dies.
Any shot at a trace? - The code's encrypted.
- We can break the firewall.
It's just gonna take time.
Time we don't have.
Send me that Skype image of Mark, see if it gets us anything.
We have less than 5 hours to find Agent Clarke.
I need us to go back through everything that we have, the tableau murders, the couple who took him, Andrew Sharp.
We need to go through everything.
We need to figure out where they're holding him.
What truth was he talking about? His version of what happened to his mother and brother.
He's delusional.
He can't cope with the fact that his own killing spree led to the death of his family.
Can't believe anything that psycho says anyway.
Mendez knows.
She doesn't know anything.
She can't.
Then let me put it a different way, guys.
We know.
What's that supposed to mean? How long can we outrun the fact that we lied about Lily's shooting? Mark Gray is in no position to judge us.
Of course he's not, but don't we have to consider at least for a second whether coming clean is gonna help Clarke.
No matter what we do, there is no way that Mark lets him live.
The only way to save Jeff is to find them.
Where's Anna? Where's my wife? Facing death, and all you're worried about is your girl.
I like that.
Tell me she's ok.
She's good.
I can tell you guys have something special like me and Daisy.
You ever cheat on Anna? What? A lot of guys do.
I never would.
I mean-- I--I get tempted because who doesn't, right, but I could never hurt Daisy like that, and I sure as hell couldn't keep it from her.
That girl can see right through me.
What are you two gabbing about? How much we love our wives.
I've got something! I was digging deeper into Andrew Sharp's past, looking for a connection to Mark, and what I found was a connection to Joe Carroll.
What connection? When Andrew was a teenager, he went to a school down the road from Lightford Academy.
Joe's boarding school.
The two schools have shared instructors.
Records show Andrew and Joe had at least one class together.
But if Andrew's one of Joe's followers, why would he be working with Mark? Mark hates Joe, blames him for what happened to his family almost as much as he blames us.
He wouldn't have anything to do with one of Joe's followers.
Well, we have to make sense of all this.
Ryan, you have to go see Joe.
I'm done with him.
- Ryan.
- No.
If he can give us a lead on to who Mark is working with-- We don't know that he can.
Well, we don't know that he can't.
So let's find out.
Clarke's life is on the line.
Where's the damn doctor? All right.
You really got to try and relax because it's only gonna put extra stress on your heart.
Believe me.
I know about this.
I'm worried about Anna.
I left her a message.
I'm sure she's on her way.
You know, I made her so many promises.
We're supposed to go to Barcelona, right, go learn how to tango.
Tango? Yeah.
Shut up.
It's-- I keep telling her I'll do anything for her, Ryan, but the job keeps getting in the way.
I'm sure she understands.
Job's important.
Well, right now, nothing's more important to me than her.
Just take it easy, take it easy.
Uh, nurse, please.
Can we get a little help in here, huh? Dr.
Agent Hardy.
I wasn't expecting to see you until my trial.
Come to wish me luck? I'm here about Andrew Sharp.
Who? I made some calls.
Andrew was in a class with Joe Carroll that you taught at Lightford Academy.
That was 30 years ago.
He's prone to tears.
I vaguely remember him.
An emotional child.
Except it was all an act, and you knew it.
My guess is that you taught Andrew just like you taught Joe-- how to hide his psychopathy, camouflage it so he could fit in.
Andrew's not one of Joe's followers, is he? He's one of yours.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Andrew has made himself some very dangerous friends over the years.
Well, they could be just about anybody.
If you can tell me how to find them, the prosecutor is prepared to amend your attempted murder charges, and who knows? You could walk out of prison on your own two feet instead of in a body bag.
First, you need to convict me, Agent Hardy, and I like my chances at trial just fine.
- That's funny.
- Pardon? Well, you didn't even ask me what Andrew did.
You're not curious? Not my concern.
I will offer you this.
From what I remember of him, Andrew would need a very powerful motivating factor to do anything that would have drawn the attention of the FBI.
Devotion? I was thinking fear.
How's Joe? I wouldn't know.
You two broke up? You miss him? How much longer? How much longer? I don't like to be rushed.
No, no, no.
Take your time, brother.
Not like we're on the clock or anything.
Kyle! So.
Did you get anything from Strauss we can run on? He confirmed his connection to Andrew, nothing else.
Hang on.
Hello? Ryan, it's me.
Put a trace on this.
Where are you? I don't know.
Anna--is she-- Anna's good.
She's fine.
She's worried about you.
Now take a look around and tell me what you see.
I'm in a warehouse, I think, or, I don't know, a factory, something that's abandoned.
How did you get there? They tied me up, they threw me in a van.
There were no windows.
I couldn't get-- And how long were you driving? Jeff? Hello, hello? Clarke, you there? Hello? Did you find him? Working on triangulating the nearest cell tower.
Looks like the call emanated from Pennsylvania, Reading area.
I'm going.
I'll get you backup.
Agent Hardy.
We have vehicles on site for your team.
We'll assist your search any way we can.
That cell tower covers Target needs privacy-- abandoned factory, warehouse.
We got a lot of that around there, but we'll pull together a list.
Hey there, buddy.
Wakey wakey.
What you want first-- the good news or the bad news? I don't care about either one.
Come on.
Don't be so negative.
Bad news first.
Looks like your friends did not come through for you.
What are you talking about? Their deadline to confess the truth.
I don't think they're gonna make it.
I don't think it's anything personal.
The good news-- you could save yourself, Romeo.
I don't have anything to confess.
Please--please reconsider that.
I was a bit rushed, but I'm satisfied.
The dimensions have been carefully calculated to be exactly the right size.
For what? To put you in.
What? Yeah.
That was my reaction, too? Wait.
What the hell is that? This is a pithing needle, used on cattle.
I'll insert it in the base of the skull.
You'll be paralyzed but fully conscious.
Then I'll dislocate your joints one at a time.
That will allow me to fold your body limb by limb on top of itself.
You'll be aware every moment.
Hopefully, you'll appreciate the artistry in what you're experiencing.
Hey! Tom just called in.
He didn't find anything at his location.
Damn it! Ryan, it's almost 8:00.
I know, I know.
If we give Mark what he wants, it could buy us more time.
Found something.
Abandoned industrial park off route 7.
Lots of places to hide.
Local pd said they saw cars pulling in today.
Abandoned industrial park, route 7.
Two minutes.
All right.
Two minutes.
We're on our way.
All right! Split up! Two-man teams! Stay focused, people.
We're close.
Ryan, a video just came through.
You need to see it.
It's--it's streaming on the Internet.
I'm sending it to you now.
My name is Jeffrey Clarke.
I'm a special agent with the New York office of the FBI.
I have a confession to make.
I sanctioned an FBI black ops unit led by agent Ryan Hardy.
Laws were broken, and people were killed.
Lily Gray was executed in cold blood.
I am confessing to these crimes, and I seek absolution that I know I don't deserve.
Thank you, Agent Clarke, for doing what your friends were too cowardly to do.
Come on.
We're out of time.
They shot the video here.
He's got to be close.
Did he suffer much? Medically speaking, it's impossible to know.
You didn't answer the question.
He was no doubt in shock.
Hopefully consciousness or any pain was mercifully brief.
You try and sleep now, ok? Thanks, Neil.
People were killed.
Lily Gray was executed in cold blood.
I am confessing to these crimes, and I seek absolution that I know I don't deserve.
Pretty good, huh? Yeah, fine.
I should have been there.
And there's nothing we would have wanted more, sweetie.
It just didn't work out that way.
I wanted to look in his lying face, but somehow, the FBI got on to Spider's place.
How'd that happen? You're lucky you're not dead like Spider.
What did you say? I'm hearing a lot of whining and crying when what I should be hearing is "thank you.
" Shut up, Kyle.
That's how you talk to me? Take it easy, man.
I didn't mean anything by it.
Don't you ever speak to my brother like that.
No, no, Mark.
Don't kill him, please.
You need us.
Ok, ok.
I'll be dead by the time the damn doctor gets here.
I like that.
More of that.
Sorry for the wait.
We're really backed up today.
No problem.
He's only dying.
I thought you said I was fine.
Let me be the judge of that.
Well, good news.
You're alive.
Your heart rate's a little high but steady.
We like that.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
I'm gonna run an EKG, but I think you're gonna be ok.
Thanks, doc.
My pleasure.

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