The Legacy (2014) s03e02 Episode Script

Afsnit 2

Hello Emil. I am on the way home.
- Thanks for your help with Hannah.
- It is a huge pleasure.
- You know I can not throw you out.
- I miss my family.
We will have pigs together.
Let go of me! Let me go, I say!
- The reactions are part of the work.
- You do not mean that.
- You should have told me.
- You have to trust us.
I can not decide who Hannah becomes lovers with.
Should you ask Gro permission for everything?
Will you do me a favor? Its a secret.
They have been to many birthdays.
- Try to see. Ginger.
- Fine.
Will you take it?
Dav, Robert. Do I not speak with Gro?
- You're not easy to get a hold of.
- We have a bit busy.
The Board is concerned by your opening.
- Can we not talk about this later?
- No, I need to meet today.
- I need something visual.
- I can not therefore.
I need something for the board.
Are you ready?
- I have to run. Okay?
- Where are you?
You'll understand when you see the material.
You will be pleased.
- Hey. Is that all? - Yes.
- Hi. Have you come on board?
- Yes. Are you getting the signal?
- Yes. - It's a little hard to hear.
We'll have to be close.
They start the alarm when they see the smoke.
- Now they come.
- Watch out, Malik.
You too.
I've tried to get hold of Hannah
for three days, Gro.
I have been reading the papers, she sent me.
It's about a month ago.
Something with some board designs.
I do not know what she should do with them.
I have to take it with her over Skype.
Yes, I'm coming.
And I try to get Villads on the road.
There was something with Solveig,
but I try, if I can get him.
It is well. See you. Bye Bye.
I have a whole birthday party that is waiting.
- But thank you for yesterday.
- It was good.
- Thank you.
- We can well do it again.
Yes we can. Thanks for the help.
I get them to send some breakfast up to you.
- Take care.
- You too.
So. Have you got cut them?
No, here it is fine.
- They are good.
- Hey. We need one more.
- Who is the small one?
- I do not know.
Is it a goblin?
I think we have enough now.
Just put the rest up in the jar.
Then we have found the lights in the cellar.
Do you want to?
- Put the right shoes on.
- You can not catch me.
Slippers, honey.
You are so naughty.
- There is a hole through.
- Have you got it?
Hannah has sent the test.
There is a difference in the solution.
There is a hole through. There are fish.
- But can it be used?
- It can get really cool.
- Is it not great?
- Melody?
Yes, we'll talk. Bye.
Was it Hannah?
What are you doing in Greenland?
It's just some research, we are doing right now.
- Lea, have you seen Melody?
- No, I have not.
She ran down the stairs and entered here -
- And she is not here. You can see.
- She must have her slippers on.
- Kuk-kuk.
Did you hear that? There was a kuk-kuk.
- Where can she be?
- It comes from the drying room.
No, she is not out.
- I think we should be looking in here.
- Do you think so?
- Kuk-kuk.
- There it is again.
There is someone that says kuk-kuk. It's not me.
- Kuk-kuk.
- It was you.
We have the birthday of Melody today here at two o'clock.
Do you get gifts?
- I do not see any gifts.
- You'll get that later.
You may also want to get up and join in, if you like.
- Thank you.
- We go up and get ready.
Come on. See you.
Hello, brother.
No. I have not heard from her.
Yes of course. Yes, believe it. I do.
- See you.
- Yes. Bye.
- Have you heard anything? - No.
We will not have contact the next half hour.
They just jumped into the boats.
You should relax a little, Lea. I'll tell you.
- Hold it here. Can you hold it?
- Yes.
One more.
- Gro? - Good morning.
Board. You need to know that they are concerned.
The replacements Those glasses that were crushed.
Yes, well, you'll solve it, Kim.
But what has happened is that our
main sponsor is considering to withdraw.
We have given them a year in the room.
You went along to grant it.
It is a huge investment.
Now you must also stand for it.
Of course. There is nothing I would rather.
It's supposed to be breaking some boundaries.
We must relinquish control.
We have given young people the room.
They will clap their little hands and
think that you are super brave.
- And so are you. - I hope.
- I think you are super brave.
- Thank you. We hope for the best.
We can solve it. See you.
But the barn, which is for sale,
is absolutely perfect in relation to the fields.
We do it right quickly.
And it sits. That one should also be included.
- Hi. Who comes there? - Hi, Melody.
Hello. Come and give Signe a hug.
Now, a nice dress. Is that the one Lise has made?
And Hannah sat the car on.
Happy Birthday. So I have sausage rolls with me.
Well, how cool. Could you just hold the rope here?
- Jo.
- Keep it as tight as possible.
- Where's the handle.
- We put all these clamps on.
For the treasure hunt Can you not go around with me and the kids?
Lone and Frederik have items. Troll and fox.
- Jo.
- Fat. Tight.
I have taken Karin with me. Karin?
I do not know just where she went. Karin?
Would you not just say hello to Emil?
It is Karin.
- Hi. - Hi.
- Hi there. Emil. - Karin.
- We have heard a lot about you.
- Well.
And you have brough a gift?
- Let?
- We will have pigs together.
- Here?
- Yes.
Now, okay.
- When is that?
- Now here. As soon as possible.
Are you moving back?
I didn't move out.
I have just been with Aksel and Karin while I was learning.
Okay. It is fine.
Can I stay for a few weeks on,
so we have time to rearrange us?
- We'll find out. - Yes. Jo.
Could you give a hand for the birthday?
There are a thousand things to do.
here must be bowls and pillows.
I do it when I get back.
- I have little need for help now.
- I'll take Melody.
- She has just taken a shower.
- It is fine.
Do not grease her too much.
Come on, boys. A little more pace.
Faster pace.
- Hello, darling. It's good to see you.
- What are you doing here?
- Mom said I shouldn't come? - No.
- Where is she? And Klaus?
- Out in the canteen.
- Here she comes.
- I'll talk with her.
- Okay. So you came anyway.
- Solveig.
Yes. It's the usual. You just do what suits you.
I am just here. Can you not try to give me a chance?
Can we not put a line in the sand and move on?
I would like to apologize to Klaus.
Dav, Frederik.
Do you want a cup of coffee? It is black.
What happened to Villads' birthday
I am mad With your greenhouse and
I'm quite mad.
Do not think about it anymore.
I do not either.
Come on, boys. Throw the balls.
Out and have some pace in the feet.
- Faster, faster, faster.
- There he was lucky.
- It's damn long ago.
- Yes. Well, you are still here.
Yes, I am damnit not ready to retire.
Now I'm just over it all.
Coaches help with the young players
and help to build the teams up.
- Villads will soon be in the first team.
- Yes, if he continues like this.
Can Villads not take Frederik to the birthday?
- Do you want that?
- Yes.
I help with homework tonight.
Is it okay?
- Should we not slip away?
- Jo.
See you. Bye.
First team. Shut up. When shall
Off you go.
He's a damn wonderful kid.
Well done. We made it.
- Malik has sent the footage now.
- Let's go. See you.
He was a little stressed. That is how he is,
when there is something with Melody.
It's Thomas, who is her father.
Emil is her brother.
Okay. Father-brother. Thomas is not his real father.
She could not really take care of Melody -
- So when Thomas died, she gave custody to Gro.
Thomas is Gro's father. It's a little hard.
And my fields go well all around and up to there.
He rents it at an undervalue. He's a real haggler.
It all needs to be cleared and made clean.
And there it is quite dry.
It may well be that we can make a deal outside of Jensen.
He will be pissed.
We can have pigs over there.
Next year we move them over to the other field.
Karin, I have learned all from you.
I couldn't have done it without you.
There's just a cat that has gone up at me.
- They did not send the material?
- There is no hole through to Hannah.
- Why don't they reply?
- There is no connection.
- Why doesn't she report back?
- Hi.
- They are waiting.
- I am coming. Call Pitu again.
You have not written what I asked you.
I have not reached it. I've been a little busy.
Now. Tell me, have you mastered it?
We go in and improvise, and then you
have to write something, I may send afterwards.
Keep going. Call if you get through. I'll be right back.
- Give me the computer.
- No. It all must be deleted.
- It's filled with evidence.
- It is encrypted.
They take it all. Are you an idiot or what?
- What happens? - Pitu!
Relax right on! Give me that. Calm. What happens?
What happens? What happens?
No, we are so fucked! Pitu, dammit!
- Who is fucked? - We're all fucked.
- If the police come here
- Why would the police come here?
Lea, why would the police come?
- What have you done?
- Hannah may have been taken.
Hannah? For what?
- We made an action.
- You keep your mouth shut.
You stay right out of it. Okay?
Hannah is my niece.
If there has happened something to her,
I would like to know.
- What kind of action?
- It's up there in Greenland.
- She should have been back.
- They know nothing yet.
- No, but that is
- What are you doing, Emil?
I'm calling Gro.
We respond all the time on what is
happening right now and throughout the world.
It is the meeting between the artificial and real -
- Our expression occurs.
It is an exciting way of working,
but we do not have unlimited resources.
We can not afford to several unforeseen discharges.
I have a post in the budget that should cover the damage.
I understand your concern,
but I am in close contact with the artists -
- And I approve everything that happens.
But concerning your next project
Could we get a little in writing before?
- Mostly what we do is live.
- Do we see the description, we asked for?
Of course. It is in the process of being written.
I'll have to take it here.
- The exhibition is about less than a week.
- Of course you get a description.
It's stupid to print it when the project is constantly changing.
We want to create an online group where I can keep up.
It is updated continuously. Here you can provide feedback.
We always need inspiration.
I have the experience and we have the courage.
- Be back in a moment.
- It's not so crazy.
- Well, finally.
- I'm on the way. I'm in the car.
What the hell is going on?
I just got to know that Hannah might be arrested in Greenland.
In Greenland? Who says that?
Is it not your exhibition?
Lea and Pitu are completely up and running.
There are all sorts of reasons why they are nervous.
It runs an insurance claim.
There is one week to the next vernissage.
Fine. Call and talk to Frederik about it.
Why do we not just get an overview
before we blend more into it?
- If Hannah is arrested
- So we get her out.
- It is Greenland, not Thailand.
- You are so far-fetched.
See you in a bit.
- I keep it here.
- You simply do not think.
Stop right. Emil?
Try to hear. I have everything on the computer.
- It is not just ours.
- You must delete our files.
Fine. I delete ours.
Do not fuck with me. You must delete it all.
You need to take me with.
Hannah's parents have a right to know
if she is sitting in an arrest.
You will need to take us with to tell what you have done.
It went damn good. We have no problems with them.
- Is Hannah arrested?
- Nobody knows anything for certain right now.
- We can not make contact.
- I should know such things, Nick.
It is Gro. Want to put a telephone
meeting up with our lawyers?
I think I will need them all. It is urgent.
- Thank you. See you.
- I'm coming with more.
- We are having a birthday.
- I can talk to Lea.
We keep a low profile until we know what has happened.
- I see the board for me.
- Maybe it will solve itself.
And otherwise it becomes part of the work.
With Hannah arrested?
She knew that there was a risk.
She has even taken the vote.
You knew that what we were doing, was civil disobedience.
I do not know that you would go to Greenland.
You have worked with persecuted artists in exile, right?
It is something else.
Because it is your niece?
My brother is killing me. Are you aware of it?
It is his lawyer. So he can help her.
Over. Yes, it's great.
Come on, boys.
Close. Come again.
- Are you not having a birthday?
- I gotta talk to you.
- I have apologized to Klaus.
- Okay. Super. Come with me.
- I see the ball.
- Come right.
What happens?
Perhaps Hannah is arrested in Greenland.
- Arrested in Greenland?
- Come on.
I put her down here on a dress.
Then I find the papers. See.
- I do not want it on.
- Do you not want it on?
- It is so beautiful with the flowers.
- I do not want it on.
- Then this one? It is as great.
- No.
- Melody, that is. - Signe?
Emil just called. He's in the hall along with Frederik.
- What is he doing there?
- He sounded a little pressured.
See if we have a list of what we needs.
Emil said that it should be under the bed in a bag.
Lone, I do not know right now.
I find those papers for you.
Aksel, put Melody a dress on. Then I find papers for Karin.
It's not here. It is strange. He said that it should be here.
No, you are not having that on, Melody.
- Should you not have this on?
- No, I would like to have this here on.
- You can not have that on.
- Hello?
- Hi. We are running with this.
- It is nice.
- We did not come too soon, right?
- No, it's so fine.
Hello. What is that? Do you have a gift? Can i see?
- Now, isn't that nice.
- Emil's not here, right?
- No. He is coming soon.
- Okay.
- Do you want a cup of coffee?
- No, I'd better
- Hey, hey. - Did you drew that?
Well, you found it.
Thomas had that always on when Gro and the boys had a birthday party.
- I do not know if I can fit it.
- It would have pleased him.
Now I go down and change.
She said what she can.
Malik was sure that there would not be any police.
- It was his plan. - What was Malik's plan about?
I drive now. I have the house full of guests soon.
- Lea, sit down. - I do not know more.
What was that material, Hannah had on?
- Why were they out on the boats?
- What happened?
- Why are you not playing?
- There's a break
- I'm coming in.
- Frederik, we are running now.
She said what she could and I have guests now.
Excuse me? I must see if they arrested a Hannah Grønnegaard.
No, we can not contact her.
Okay. I am pleased. Thank you.
I think I might go in and check out.
- Emil, what happened?
- They're coming too early.
- I should have been here.
- Emil, relax now.
Relax straight off. What happens?
Hannah may have been arrested in Greenland.
I had to get hold of Frederik. He should have been fox.
We get the house full of guests in two seconds.
Is not that something, Frederick and Gro to take care of?
We must talk about it afterwards.
Now we have the birthday of Melody -
- Not too?
Hello. What kind of a dress is that?
We just had a little accident. Isn't that right?
She has chosen it.
Yes, but it is also nice. Come here.
We are pirates. There is a bullet inside your mouth.
A bullet?
Hello. If everybody takes their flight suits and shoes of -
- then it's about time for a little secret -
- inside the Troll Mountain. I will tell you a story.
Melody's father's name was Thomas.
And he loved to travel around the world.
And once he was walking, he came to a huge mountain.
And inside that mountain he could hear
that there was someone who sat and wept.
Thomas went around the mountain,
and then he found a cave -
- that he could look into.
There he could see a small troll.
He went in and asked about the crying.
And he told her -
- that he was sad, because it loved birthdays.
Who was it that won today?
It was them from SOK.
Who was it that won today?
It was them from SOK.
Well played. We have to hurry away.
If you get changed, I wait for you.
There has arisen a situation.
Do you want a soda?
Yes. Yes, okay.
So I have to wait. Yes thanks.
- You just put yourself into.
- I just think that I stay here.
I just need to get hold of Hannah, and here we go.
No, Villads. Come on.
All the others are waiting for us out there.
Now, okay.
I'm glad that I got to see you play.
And soon I'll have to be much more at home.
It is insanely demanding to start your own business.
I look forward to hanging out with you and Hannah.
I'll call you next time I'm home. Then we can
Yes hello.
Emil is soon finished with the story.
You must be in Thomas' car.
You just have to hurry to change, right? So.
The Greenland authorities can not
confirm that Hannah is arrested.
Beautiful, Lea. Now they know who to look for.
Fucking Well done.
I would like to talk to those who have been
in contact with Hannah last.
So I still have to get the police to help me.
Okay. Hey.
We have not been able to contact in the last hours.
- Then try again.
- Rikke?
- They do not respond.
- They've probably all been taken.
Tell me what's been going on. Why was Hannah out on the boat?
There should be a chest somewhere.
I think that it must be here. Yes exactly. That's it there.
Yes like that. Thanks.
Frederik is here. You do not say anything in there.
- And how long ago is it?
- Bye.
- Lea and Rikke are babbling.
- We have to
He can not use it for anything.
They are just sitting and reading.
- We are witnessing that they are lying.
- What's your name?
- My name is Nick.
- You think this is funny?
You must keep quiet. It is you who has paced them for this.
They have terrorized people on board a ship.
They made fake IDs and hacked into military radios.
- Oh boy! - Do not be impressed.
I need not tell you what is forgery.
- Do you know the penalty for that?
- We have no idea what you're talking about.
My daughter is 18 years old.
She should not sit in jail because of a fanatical idiot like you.
Should we not find out what has happened?
Emil asks if you're ready. Otherwise,
you must give Aksel the hat.
Where's Aksel? Can you not give him this?
- I'm going out to the children now.
- Lone
Hannah starts university this summer.
If you are responsible -
- you're going to be accountable.
- It is now, Frederik.
- I'm not finished with you, you.
You should let me run it there.
You must not trip back that way.
Of course he's concerned. His daughter is gone.
Aksel? Aksel?
For fuck sake!
When you are on a treasure hunt,
you look around all the time.
There is mud here.
Is there a key?
Just look here.
Behind the troll.
Good day, sir. Fox. Look again.
- Go in to the fox. - Hi. Is it you?
What do you have there?
You may help to find the last key.
A key? Just wait. You have it.
You have it there in the hand. No, that's not it.
But you have a key. Here you go.
You did not know.
When you say goodbye to the fox,
you have to make the secret fox sign.
Are you ready?
Thanks for the help. It may be that
we see each other outside the forest.
Thanks, fox. See you maybe later.
So we go up and find the owl.
- See you, Fox. - Bye there.
So, we go.
- We can not get hold of her.
- What are you doing here?
Villads told that Hannah was gone.
Why did you not call me?
I'm waiting for a call from the Greenland police.
So we need to find the last key.
We have found all but one.
We need to get to bed.
I think maybe the last key is over here somewhere.
- I'll have to look over here.
- Do you need a key?
Have you found it? There it was.
That was fast. Can I hang it up on here?
- I'll do it.
- We can do it together.
Like that. Super. Well. Then we have all the keys.
- Are you coming up too?
- I would like to just
We'll just sing Thomas' birthday song. Two minutes.
Come now.
The magical instruments were there.
Everyone takes an instrument.
- Now I suddenly remember the song.
- 1, 2, 1, 2, 3
I smell birthday.
Who can it be?
It smells of birthday.
There is a child that smells very much of birthday.
Is that my baby girl
who is having a birthday today?
Now the party can begin.
Forest animals are exciting.
Try to make yourself comfortable around.
Now I want to get them.
When the fox says congratulations, it says meow-meow.
When the owl says congratulates, it says bow-wow.
When the sparrow says congratulations, it says oink-oink.
But when the troll says congratulations, it says hurray!
Hurray for Melody.
Come on.
All in the kitchen. There are candy apples.
Then I take an apple. There.
- I remember when he made it.
- Can i see?
- Sun.
- He should have heard it here.
Thanks for today. It will be hard to come by.
See you tomorrow.
Thor says it's the best birthday he has had.
- Goodbye.
- Yes, see you.
Hello. Get home well.
Signe, let it stand. I'll take it.
- Are you sure?
- Yes that's fine.
Is she sweet, Thor's mother?
You are so stupid, man! What are you talking about?
See you. Thanks for the help.
- It was worth gold.
- Thanks for the help, Aksel.
- See you.
- Bye. Getting home safe.
Where is Frederik?
- So what? Have you heard anything?
- No, I'll give you a message.
It's Frederik Grønnegaard.
I talked to Section B to check up on a possible arrest.
No. Hannah Grønnegaard. H-a-n-n-a-h.
Yes thanks. I'll wait.
- We have failed her. - No.
She had not done this if she felt she could trust us.
She knows as well that we love her.
Yes hello.
It's them.
- Hello.
- It's Gro from the Art Center.
Is there anything new? Hello.
- We do not know where she is.
- We have contact.
Hello. It is Hannah's mother. My name is Solveig.
When she calls, tell her that we are on our way.
We're going as fast as we can.
It's Hannah's father.
- Where have you seen Hannah last?
- She drove back here over the ice.
- From the boat?
- Yes.
- Was she alone?
- Yes. She had the recordings.
- Has anyone seen her since?
- No. When we came, she was not here.
Approximately 11 km southeast of Nuuk.
They may well not have come this far.
Thanks. Bye.
They send helicopters and emergency out for her.
They'll find her, Solveig.
- They'll find her.
- Yes.
Hannah? Come now.
Who is it? It's Frederik.
- Malik? - What is it?
- Do not make fun of it there.
- What is it?
What is it?
What do you say? What do you say?
She crashed. They say that she is
There had been an accident. She did not survive.
I can not.
I can not.
I can not.
What have you done?
They can what?
I can not.
I can not. I can not.
Little Melody.
Now you need to sleep, honey.
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