The Lost World (1999) s03e02 Episode Script

The Travelers

You and you bloody short cut got us lost, Roxton The rendezvous point is right over the hill Marguerite.
We'll be there long before Challenger and Veronica.
No we won't.
We are going the wrong way.
You go your way and I'll go mine! This entire endeavour is a complete waste of time.
Malone vanished when the airship exploded.
You have to stop to think why him and not us.
- Why if we just survive? - I don't know.
But we've been searching for days and we haven't found a single trace of him.
He's gone! - And we are lost.
- We are not lost! But we will be if you keep leading the way! It's the most annoying headstrong woman I've ever met.
She is complete exhausted my patience.
Marguerite! Come on, let's go! Coming, coming hardly worth the effort.
Oh great, now which way? Roxton! Rather better be you.
Allow me fair maiden.
Thank you, kind sir whoever you are? I'm your guide to a better life.
At the dawn of the last century A band of explorers searched for a prehistoric world Driven by ambition Secret desires A thirst for adventure And seeking the ultimate story They are befriended by an untamed beauty Stranded in a strange and savage land Each day is a desperate search for a way out of the Lost World Thanks for the lift.
Now, if is not too much trouble, would you kindly tell me who you really are? Francois Locke, at your service.
this are my companions as Condillac and Blum.
We're travelers on the road of life a life of high adventure and extravagant pleasure.
Travelers? A few souvenirs we've picked up along the way.
- Another way for stolen.
- Borrowed, actually.
It's nice to surrounded oneself of the trappings of a refine and civilized society.
Don't you agree? Hundred percent.
I'm sure this is one of many things we have in common.
Oh I'm sure it's the only thing we have in common.
Oh I doubt that very much, in fact I'm sure you'd be much happier with me and my companions than with those poor lost souls you called your friends.
What do you know about my friends? I've been watching you for days.
I know everything about you.
And I can give you everything you want So it would appear.
Roxton, what's happened to you? - Where is Marguerite? - But, she was with you.
Until we had an argument.
She went one way and I went hit in the head and robbed You were robbed? by whom? Oh Tom, Dick and Harry, George.
I don't know, I didn't see them.
Oh maybe Marguerite was accosted by the same people who attacked you.
Unless she went back to the tree house I'll go back and check.
That's a good idea, send us a message with the signal mirrors if you see her.
Got it! We better go back to the last place you saw her and start from there.
- If anything has happened to her - Don't you worry.
I suppose I should be flattered by your offer monsieur Locke.
But the life of an outlaw it's never as glamorous as you make it sound.
Oh, but it is.
Especially once you'd heard everything I have to offer you'll leap at the opportunity.
You are very sure of yourself.
So are you.
I'm sure my affections can't be bought that easily.
I'm disappointed, Marguerite.
- Life is full of disappointments.
- Doesn't have to be.
My friends have probably picked up your trail by now.
And when they get here you're going to have a lot more trouble than you bargained for.
Your friends will never find our mobile Shangri-la.
It really doesn't matter.
If this is not the life for you, I would gladly take you back to your dull companions.
But first consider this my travels have taken me all around the world.
And I can leave this plateau as easily as you breathe the air between us.
No kidding! Let me guess.
The way off is in a cave, across the lake, or at the bottom of the glacier cavern.
I was in Paris a little over a month ago.
Oh, dressed like that? You must made quite a sight.
Or are the fashions of the seventeenth century back in vogue.
How's your French? April 6, 1922.
How very strange! That's Marguerite handiwork, all right? I say about eight or nine attacked through this way.
And run off in that direction.
It's like Marguerite's footprints end right here.
Then the must have carried her off But why would they take her and just rob you? Gani don't rob people, Challenger.
They are headhunters and cannibals.
Then you were attacked by someone else but who else? Oh, we can discus that later.
Right now we have to get up to these savages and we'd better hurry.
Exquisite monsieur Blum.
Our dear friend Blum was the finest chef in all of Europe.
Until he chose to give it up for a life of travel.
Boulavant, secret terrine.
What did you get the ingredients for all of this? Same place I got that newspaper.
- The finest shops of Paris.
- I don't believe you.
No? Then, what do you believe? You stole that newspaper just like you stole everything else including the food.
And who did we steel it from? Maybe you attacked and robbed the search party that was looking for us the lost Challenger Expedition.
Such a fine imagination! I assure you that 5 weeks ago we were in Paris and I know exactly how to get back there.
Draw me a map, right here and now.
I'll do better than that, I'll show you the way.
What about my friends? They would like to go home too.
A sudden surge of loyalty in you surprises me, Marguerite.
But to show that I have your best interests at heart, join us and I'll leave your friends a map.
Or more if you asked for.
With us you'll be completely free to pursue your appetites.
Whatever they might be.
It's all sounds too perfect to be true.
I think it's me you really want.
What man could resist such a divine creature? I rest my case.
No sign of Marguerite.
Unless Oh! come on! - Come on.
- Damn, take it easy.
Easy old man.
- Marguerite must have eluded them.
- And where is she? Oh, why the hell did I let her go? If she made it back to the tree house, Veronica would have signal us with the mirrors I Exactly, she must be still out here.
It'll be dark soon.
I don't care, I'll search all night if I have to.
Coming? Go, go! Yia, yia! I see you made your decision.
Charming as you are I hate to overstay my welcome.
Oh, well.
I did my best.
I'll take you back to your undeserving friends, first thing in the morning.
I wasn't really a guest at all, was I? I'm your prisoner.
It'll be dark quite soon.
And you know as well as I do what happened as night out there, Marguerite.
So, go if you must.
Unfortunately the horses stay with us.
First light you'll take me back! Right after breakfast.
Belgian waffles and eggs a la blame And all the riches you have.
Go! Go! Marguerite! Marguerite! John, we've been going around a circles for hours.
First Summerlee, then Malone, now Marguerite! I'm not giving up until I find her, Challenger.
God help anyone who lays a finger on her, listen! - Horses.
- Just one.
Oh, easy boy.
Oh, easy.
Umm, settled back saddle but not rider.
Beautiful animal! Your lady friend is safe for now.
But her time is quickly fading.
If you want her back, load the horse with all the gold and gems you have and send it on his way.
Someone has kidnapped Marguerite.
No, someone has made a very big mistake! Listen to me you feeble minded off I can find a thousand of you in a blink of an eye! Please, please, I'll do ever you ask And you, you sniveling bagger Everything you are, you owed me.
I know, I'm worthless.
Less than worthless! Get away from me! You make me sick! Marguerite! How good of you to join us.
What would you like for breakfast? Your culinary wish is my command.
How about a coffee to go? Quite an argument you had last night.
A slight misunderstanding, nothing more.
Am I to assume that your night on satin sheets has done nothing to swap your mind? I slept like a queen now I'd like to return to my people.
You still don't believe we know the way out of this plateau.
You catch on fast.
As you wish.
One last cup of coffee and then I shall return you to your drab companions.
What did they mean by all the gold and gems you have.
How do they know how much Marguerite has? How do they know if we only give them half or even a quarter? We're going to do exactly as instructed! Is that clear? Oh, you've got to be kidding, she didn't.
I believe in the business they often refer to diamonds as ice.
And knowing Marguerite The ice is in the ice.
She did! How do we know they'll actually let her go if we give them all of this? I'm not taking any chances, Veronica.
Marguerite's life is at stake.
Everything goes on the horse! Marguerite is not going to be very happy about this! Hmm.
Lady Marguerite Roxton! Lady Marguerite Roxton! Do you mind? Do you really thinks she wants to be your wife? You find this situation amusing do you? Not at all! Good! Let's go with it! True love! She's hiding stuff everywhere.
Well, let's just hope that's enough to get her back.
We are going to need a bigger saddle bag to this ride - Oh watch this.
- What it is? Beware a trick.
I know that handwriting.
Ned! Ned! where are you? places is going on? Malone have left us a message.
Malone wrote that? I knew he was alive! We are not given up on you Ned! Will find you too! Let's hope the beast knows its way.
They wouldn't have sent it if it didn't.
With all this extra-weight it shouldn't be too hard to follow.
Not too closely, probably post a lookout along the way.
It's right! just make sure we don't lose its trail.
I gather a little extra treasure.
Well a radioactive extra treasure, that is.
Pitchblende! The Geiger counter should show the way.
We never lose it now.
Here you go! The weigh doesn't seem to slow it down much.
Look! What kind of phenomenon is this? You tell me.
There's no hoof prints at all? No wonder we couldn't find Marguerite? Oh, we'll find her all right.
Save again by science.
Only if we knew a kind of creatures they were Oh whoever they are, they better keep their bloody word Whenever you are ready fair damsel your ride awaits.
I don't quite believe it, but lead the way, gentlemen.
How can you go back to that horrible jungle cuisine? And turn your back on all this? opulence Last chance to change your mind.
Oh the ransom.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Ransom? - Look at all.
Rich, I'm rich.
All over again.
Obviously your tree house 'cohabitors.
value your company very highly.
Oh, no, you don't, that's mine.
One step close will be your last.
This treasure now belongs to me.
Condillac is right.
Unless of course you want to join us.
Then it's share and share alike.
Oh, you think you're very clever, don't you? Okay! You want me, here I am, fellow traveler.
Unfortunately, the tables have turned.
See, how can I trust you now that I can plainly see that's our treasure you're after.
That is my treasure.
And you can trust me to the same degree that I trust you! Finally your passions are aroused.
Such fire, such intensity.
We're the same, Marguerite.
Two peas in a pod.
There still should be plenty of pitchblende in the bag.
Enough I trust to get us back to their final destination.
- Whoever that might be.
- Indeed.
A ransom note, a riderless horse that leaves no hoof prints? Who knows what kind of evil lies ahead? Or what other advantages they might have True enough.
Better weapons, greater strength.
We'd best be on our guard.
It's a really cheer me up.
Almost time for another shopping spree, Monsieur Condillac.
I can't wait.
As soon as we get to London I'm going to buy, buy, buy.
And I am going to eat, eat, eat.
London? This time tomorrow, we'll be off this plateau and on our way.
Tomorrow? The way off the plateau is really that close? Oh yes! But even if I told you exactly where it is without my help, you'd never find it.
That's why I'm going with you! I don't think so, Marguerite.
I think it's best you return to your precious pals.
Not any more.
My future is with you, and the better life you promised.
We must be getting close by now.
Shhhhh Raptors.
No, no guns.
- I said no guns.
- And where's that leave me? - John, I have no choice.
- Damn it, Challenger! If these bandits are close enough to hear the shot, they'll now be warned we're coming.
Shoot it, shoot it Challenger! - Shoot it! Challenger! - You said, no guns.
Just shoot the damn thing! So much for the element of surprise.
So, they hear the shot, they know we are coming but they've already got the ransom and if that's what they want I see no need for confrontation at all.
Yeah, well I hope you're right.
They are in the next valley.
They'll be here in less than an hour.
How did they follow the horse? Your comrades are more resourceful than I thought.
- We'll have to kill them all.
- What? - Time for an ambush! - Kind of what I like.
Bad for the digestion but great for the appetite.
Condillac you get up in the trees on that side.
Blum you'll take this side, I'll circle around the back.
They'll be dead before they even know what hit them.
No one needs to die.
- They don't? - We just have to get away? Surely you won't deny my companions a little harmless entertainment.
Harmless? Come on.
What the devil do we have here? That looks deserted Be careful, it could be a trap.
They could be in the tents.
Oh, perhaps, just move slowly.
What this is? what's going on? Must be some kind of mirage.
Marguerite! Where's Marguerite? There! Marguerite! She didn't look like a hostage.
More like an accomplice.
Once again the horses have left no trail to follow.
Fortunately the pitchblende is holding up.
The tents, the whole bloody camp, What's happened to it all? Maybe it was a mirage like Challenger suggested.
The horses were real enough, we tied Marguerite's treasure to one of them.
That's true.
Three men in seventeenth century costumes.
I don't know what to make of it.
And what do they want with Marguerite.
She looked pretty happy to me, I think she's decided to abandon us.
Marguerite did not abandoned us, Veronica.
And you know it! I know that she hasn't so far.
This is curious.
They obviously left this behind on purpose so we could find it.
That's Olmec! The trickster god of the Checo tribe.
Who were they? They lived on the plateau thousands of years ago.
My parents came across the ruined temple.
Trickster god? Would someone care to explain? More like Esau, and Hermes, and the Coyote is to the North American Indians.
Olmec tricks people, tempting them with their greatest desires.
Testing their moral fortitude, and more often than not, leading them to ruin.
Malone warned us of this! Beware of the trick, he said.
That's right.
The hideous laughter the disappearing tents, the horses that don't leave any hoof prints.
Must as I hate to admit this, I believe we are dealing with some kind of supernatural powers.
What are you suggesting he left this thing as a warning? More likely to taunt us, because that's the job the trickster god does best.
Double back! be sure we are not followed this time.
Why did we stop here? This is what you could never find without me.
A way off the plateau.
What are you talking about? there isn't anything here.
Olmec, the trickster, what kind of game is he playing with Marguerite? Blast! must them can loose.
Ah terrific! Now what? So far, they've been heading East.
I suggest we split up.
Circling ahead, heading in that direction.
Rendezvous in a couple of hours.
To two hours due East of here.
I suppose I owe you some kind of explanation.
The truth will be nice.
I am immortal.
Here we go again.
Spirit of the forest in human form, and unless I die by violent means, I'll live forever, never age.
Nice work if you can get it.
This plateau is my home, where it all began.
And I can travel through time and space as easily as you walk through this forest.
Of course, and you have proof of all this.
Right? As you shall see.
Now that you have decided to join us, you too will become immortal, like Condillac and Blum before you.
you made them immortal.
Condillac was a greedy little accountant, when I first met him some 300 years ago.
And Blum, Blum was Louis the fourteenth chef.
There have been many others.
Why have you chosen me? I enjoy people who like to pursue their passions.
Especially when their passions happen to benefit me.
Blum loves to cook, Condillac needs all the money in the world.
And me? What is my passion? Wealth, power, and survival at any cost.
You're the most like me.
You know, I don't believe a word you're saying, don't you? Then I shall just have to show you.
You see him? No where in sight.
Must being lucky last time.
Even luckier this time, on your knees.
Get down! Through away the weapons, Do it! No need to be hostile.
Your lady friend made her own decision, - just as we did.
- Quiet! What are you going to do to us? You're taking us to Marguerite Drop it! I saw them running of the hill I got here as quick as I could.
It's all right.
We still got this one.
I'll go see back and signal Challenger.
What is this place? This was once a beautiful temple built in my honor.
- How do you do that? - I don't know.
How very strange Assuming everything you say actually is possible how do you propose to make me immortal? I have the power in my hands, As soon as Condillac and Blum return, we can begin.
Is this ritual painful in any way? Painful? No.
Not really.
How?, not really.
All these questions, Marguerite.
I thought we'd reach some kind of understanding.
Must have missed that part.
As I trust you, so you must now trust me.
Well yes of course, I do.
- With your life.
- My life? To become immortal, first you must die.
He's going to kill her? It's the only way to become immortal.
It's incredible but it works.
Immortal are we.
Let's see.
No please, please, I'm immortal.
Unless I should die by violent means.
- Even better - Take it easy, Roxton.
You can trade me for her.
Olmec is only having fun with her.
So he is the trickster god.
No, Locke.
I mean Locke.
What have we here? One of Olmec's victims by the looks of it.
Well, now that I finally have something to bargain with.
I'm hoping for a more peaceful solution.
Pray that we get there in time.
Let's go! How will I die? Idle curiosity? Or you finally beginning to accept the fate you've chosen? Gets in Mr.
Timing is everything.
Let me go.
You can find another companion.
Probably one that is a lot less trouble.
It's out my hands.
Why give up Blum for her, when she doesn't even want to go? He's right.
You should trade me for your chef.
I'm a terrible cook.
Chef's are as plentiful as sheep.
I'll soon find another.
A woman of your fine qualities that's a much rarer thing.
I will fight you every step of the way! It isn't worth it! Immortality changes people.
Blum's been faithful to you for almost three hundred years.
If you're so concerned about Blum, why don't you go save him yourself.
Maybe I'll just shoot her dead myself! - How dare - Get away from me! I gave your immortality and I can take it away again.
- Is that what you want.
- No! Go away with the horses.
Forgive me.
Sometimes emotions run a little high.
I'll forgive you if you let me go.
No! Blum will be leading your friends this way.
- We'd better hurry.
- Marguerite! Marguerite! - Right this way my lady.
- Marguerite! - Where are they? - No sign of the horses.
Marguerite! Marguerite! No! No! We're too late! What do you mean we're too late! Don't you see, they're headed for the portal! We've got to stop them! Come on! Hurry! Portal? What the hell is he talking about? I don't know, but we'd better go after him.
Where is he taking us? I don't know, but he's in a desperate hurry.
- What's the matter? - I don't like this.
I'm going back.
You stay on him.
Oh come on.
Drowning is relatively painless Condillac and Blum can vouch for that.
You drowned them? I made them immortal, and now they are mine forever.
- Who are you? - Don't you know? Haven't you figured it out, yet? I am Olmec, of the Checo people.
They tried to vanish me but I tricked them.
I laughed as I watched them die.
Brother against brother, man against woman, They slaughtered each other.
And I danced in their blood.
They are right behind me.
Where is Olmec? Still on the temple with that damn woman.
I create a diversion - You go round back.
- All right.
Take my treasure, all of it! Just let me go! I don't your jewels, Marguerite, I want your heart and soul.
You'll live forever, ravaged by your passions, consumed by your lust for power and material possession.
No! Please, No! You'll have the rest of eternity to regret the choice you made.
NO! Marguerite! Breathe! Breathe! You mean nothing to this woman.
She abandoned you for gold.
How many pieces you are cut into.
Where is your sense of humor? Very good.
You should have let her go.
Never! AH! Ah! You shot me.
- I was aiming for your heart.
- Is that any way to say goodbye? Now go.
Before I change my mind.
Thank you! Are you okay? I am now.
My gems! Where are they? There is one of them.
Drop your guns! Time to go! No.
Hold it! Right there.
Shoot him! He's got my treasure.
Get off the horse! You know I can't miss from here.
It's an open portal! London! Way off the plateau.
You had your chance.
Au revoir Marguerite! Damn! You would have died to go through there? Not me, I'm happy where I am.
So is she.
She's just upset about losing her jewelry Yes.
Well, that's what quite and scape Marguerite! Oh, I've never want to see this place again.
You know, I had no idea who he really was.
Malone tried to warn us.
Malone did? Yes, he wrote a message on the table at the treehouse.
Beware of cads and silver-tongued devils.
OH Olmec left you this.
How very generous.
His intentions were to destroy you, just like he destroyed the others with him.
I'd consider yourself lucky.
Lucky? I lost my entire treasure! Take it! Not quite.
- What's that? - A secret.
Perhaps your most precious treasure of all.
You think I want to be your wife? I think there's a lot of things you want to keep well hidden.
Lady Marguerite Roxton, I wasn't thinking of you.
I was thinking of your fortune.
I'll keep it as evidence, just the same.

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