The Unit s03e02 Episode Script

Pandemonium, Part 2

Previously on The Unit This entire organization is on stand-down, pending on article 32 investigation.
Who assigned you the mission? My direct superiors.
Congressmen, I have no knowledge of this mission.
You had those mission orders intercepted, didn't you? In the last year, you had access to information about the unit.
The Unit is going down in flames and your career is thriving.
CIA could use a man inside the Unit.
Now that it's done when can I get my wife and my children off base? - Did you sign the divorce petition yet? - I thought we could actually save our marriage.
That's fine but I don't care.
- I'm ready to cooperate fully.
- Tell me about the mission in San Tomas.
Not there.
Take me to DC, I'll tell them whatever you want.
On your mission last year in San Tomas, did you meet a CIA agent named Mariana Ribera? One meet so many people.
The Agency sent me on to that mission with you to steal something.
- Something? A map of some sort.
But they think that you have it.
There gotta be something down there.
Yeah, but it'd be nice if we knew what we were looking for.
There's another one.
By morning these bodies are gonna stink like week old mackerel.
One would have done.
Must have been there a couple of months.
No body markings, no tattoos.
Nothing on the bags either.
Also who are they? One man's buried treasure, another man's blackmail.
That Oil Minister.
Mariana told me Reale was holding this over the CIA.
She just never knew why.
When you gotta take out your own agents.
It's pretty deep cover.
It's like playing wonder ball, You're the one who holds it last and for you the game is past.
She's a good agent.
Any guess on where there bodies came from? Well, hundred miles from El Salvador, a hundred miles from Nicaragua, but a string of islands in between.
God knows where they could have come from.
God ain't Uncle Sam.
Question is: What are we gonna do about them know? Yeah, and the 42 like 'em right below us.
How about that? Don't move, or this blade goes someplace you ain't gonna like.
You guys aren't military.
Where am I? You're right here.
You wanna smile.
Sit down, why don't you? Bob Brown, I should have known.
I thought you were gonna respect me in the morning.
Even dodging my calls.
- I beg your pardon? - What haven't you told me? - My weight, my dog's name.
What would you like to know? Let's start from the bodies dumped in the ocean.
Mass executions.
Is this why the Agency was after sergeant Blane? I sent you to find him, not go on a fishing trip.
You sent in your bird dog at Jonas, you could have him whacked.
I took out your shooter myself.
No kidding? No kidding at all.
You know the position you put me in? Tell me about it.
We can't be seen together now.
It's too dangerous.
You're being watched? - You have to understand that in our organization - All right.
There are certain elements - Elements? - That I can't account for.
My contact, Vorhees, is he one of these elements? I'm not sure.
But trust me, I'm on your side.
Trust you? What is your fondest wish? Put it all back to one.
- You wanna put the Unit back together again.
- That's right.
There's nobody who told you the story of Humpty Dumpty? Who is responsible for these corpses at the bottom of the ocean? I wanna stop looking over my shoulder every time nature calls, so let's help each other out, I may have information which may prove useful.
Those bodies, you knew all along.
- What I knew and what I heard are not the same.
- Who was being executed, and why? Not a good idea, buddy.
- I have to make inquiries.
- Find out.
- At considerable risk on myself.
- Find out and I will set up the drop.
God awful work.
Why'd you get into it? To impress a girl.
That's not too late.
Move it, buddy! - Tom, I was expecting - Can we talk? My lawyer sais I shouldn't.
Please, Charlotte.
You used to know what "pleased" meant.
I believe it's a term you used yourself.
- If you'd taken my advice - You were trying to protect me.
More than that.
Charlotte, I'm facing a Court Martial, I need a way out.
Are you asking for my advice? Because if you are, you know what I'm gonna tell you.
Is there still time? For a deal with the subcommittee? Yes, but the deal requires each party brings something to the other.
But they want me.
They don't want you, they never did.
They incriminate an officer, the accusation goes all the way up the chain of command to places they don't want to go.
They don't want you.
What do they want? - I don't know.
- Yes, you do.
- They want my men.
- That's right.
I can't give them my men.
Look around, Tom, where are these men? They're gone.
They've deserted you already.
The situation is a subcommittee has been informed.
Whatever their purpose they want a scapegoat and they will find one.
And if you aren't their friend your their enemy.
What do they need? They need the appearance of a win.
Give it to them.
The scapegoat for what? Come in, I've been waiting for you.
Look whio it is, Tom.
Good to see friendly faces.
We've been all over the city and no one would even talk to us.
We were just saying how tough this must be for you both.
Is Jonas alive? Have you heard anything about it? I've just heard the same rumors you have, nothing more.
I can't believe he's dead, I won't.
Senator Webb has promised me some answers.
When? - Soon.
- Will you call her again? - I will.
- Do you know where they've taken Mack? D.
D won't even acknowledge they have him.
They won't give me anything.
But we'll keep trying.
You girls hang in there.
New Jersey Avenue.
We got a better idea.
Get in.
Good to see you alive and all, Jonas.
Bob and me went to your drop site for the mission orders.
Almost got our asses hauled in by some Agency types.
you want a chit, go see the padre.
Did you set us up? Forgotten how to say "sir"? Did you see this set us up, sir? If I had set you up would I still be facing charges myself? Well, without those written orders We look like the rogue unit they're claiming we are.
Which is why I suggest you boys turn back around to wherever you're hiding till I clear up this mess.
Now, we gave you your chance.
Now we're gotta do it on our own.
It's a political fire fight, son.
You got a club on your back for that? So it's every man for himself.
Is that it? Subcommittee's got a new star witness against us.
Who is it? It's Hector Williams.
You want me to read this to the committee? You can sing it if you like.
As long as you get the words right.
And when I testify I'm done? Hey, easy.
What the hell took you guys so long? The Unit - S3 Pandemonium The Unit Team S3 Special thanks to jblane.
Pick a room, windows first, access points, surveillance sights.
I call top bunk.
They told me you were dead.
It's a temporary thing.
It's good to see you.
Broker said the neighbors are mostly old folks.
Too deaf to complain about any noise.
Why should there be any noise? Bob told her we're with the gay man's chorus.
Please, If ever a place needed remodeling Don't get attached, we're not gonna be here that long.
Now that we have Hector back, they'll try to make Mack turn.
You should have heard the testimony they worked up for me.
Prisoner executions, tortures Did you kill lincoln, too? No, that was john wilkes booth.
Wanted a do-over on the civil war.
Colonel, hector says they wanted him to cop to execution of prisoners.
Which prisoners? Hajis mostly.
Detainees, we did or didn't turn over for interrogation.
Never thought we needed a receipt.
Yeah, so now we're patsies, too.
That guy that wa bringing you, was he CIA? CIA, NSA, contractor, I don't know.
- And no sign of Mack? - Not since we split up.
Wherever he's being held we gotta get him out before he breaks.
Breaks? That boy ain't even gonna bend.
So we'd like to think, but from what y'all dug up, That covers whide as it is deep, they ain't gonna go easy on Mack.
I was looking for Jerome.
I don't think he lives here anymore, ma'am This is a police operation.
Might want to lock the door now? So, everybody wants the unit dead.
Where do we start? Any battle's won when the other side says they're so crazy they'll do anything.
We're gonna find everybody that wants the unit gone, we're gonna break their will.
My pride just kicked in.
Master sergeant MacDonald Gerhart.
You again? How ya been? Sign the bottom, affirming these are your words and that no one coerced you to this confession.
What is this? Your admission to the stated charges.
I wanna know where I am.
The uniform code of military justice requires I'll give you a moment to review the document.
I won't counsel.
You'll be provided an attorney at a given time.
Sign the document.
I've never heard any of these things.
- You deny the charges you'll just be here longer.
- Here? - Where's "here"? - Sign the document.
We never did any of this.
Then you refuse? Hang on.
You got anything else you want me to sign? Hey.
Where have you been? I got home from Texas, the street was dead.
We went to Washington.
Find any answers? Even Charlotte Ryan couldn't help.
How's Bob? He's all right.
Worried,like the rest of us.
Has he heard from Jonas? I don't know exactly.
Not exactly? Kim, why is Bob not jammed up like the others? Maybe whatever charges there are predates Bob's joining the unit.
But we're all in this together.
Where's Bob now? I'm only trying to be careful.
Be careful with us? Ok, look, I know some things, - but I can't - You can't? I have reason to believe my house is bugged.
I did see Jonas.
- You saw him? - Once.
- When? - 5 days ago.
- Where is he now? - I wish I knew.
I don't know.
- What about Mack? - I don't know where Mack is, but the same people who are holding him are the same ones after Jonas.
What people are we talking about? - I can't say.
- I thought we were all in this together.
You did see him.
He is all right? He said to give you a message.
"To lose thee were to lose myself.
" - What is it? - Paradise lost.
She's cute.
Yours? She's really cute.
Come on, sweetie, let's go.
Liberty veil Peovidencia Colombia Liberty Veil.
Matches Bob's intel.
She sails under the liberian flag.
Ownership's murky.
All right Those pallets they're loading look like breadfruit and bananas.
No dead bodies.
Check out the security.
That's a lot of protection for fruit salad.
Ship that size carries a crew of 15.
They're loading food for 150.
She's a supply ship, but to where? Cuba's due north.
Could be to the detention centers.
It still doesn't explain the armed guards.
How do you think they feel about stowaways? I'm more interested in that port office there.
Windows barred, guards at the door.
Let's get inside.
Gettin' a sunburn out here all day.
They took you right off capitol street? That's right.
Didn't anyone try to help? I don't know.
It happened so fast.
And they actually threatened you? If I cooperated with the subcommittee.
Jonas is afraid of what you might say at the hearings.
They picked off Williams.
God knows what else they've done you don't know about.
I didn't expect this from my men.
They see me as the enemy.
Well, they made your choice easier, then, haven't they? That's correct.
They have to be stopped before they hurt you or anyone else.
I think I know how to find them.
You do? What's this worth to the right people? You tell me.
Your name cleared and honorable discharge.
The army's all I've ever known.
Yes, but even with reinstatement, what are your chances of advancement? No, you gotta look ahead.
To what? Tom, there are people of influence in this town who would place a high value on your skills, and your loyalty.
As for example, who? People I know.
But first, we have to protect you.
Brown, it's Dan Voorhees, how are you? Fine, thank you.
Listen, I happen to be near the base and I have some of those real estate listings to drop off.
That's kind of you, but now is not the best time.
Well, I'm looking at one here, great 4-bedroom, 4-bath, falls church, Virginia.
Good school district, too.
Sounds appealing,but It would only take a few minutes.
We could talk.
I have no news for you.
You've seen your friends.
As I said before, Molly's had no contact with Jonas.
We know that Jonas Blane was in D.
, as was his wife.
She said nothing of it to me, sir.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
Stay with them.
It may take some time.
Voorhees Dan.
I really don't I'm not spying on my friends.
Doesn't the agency have their own people for this kind of thing? Kim, you are our people.
Put in for workmen's comp.
Now show me the routes on the Liberty Veil.
Don't you understand? The last 3 trips.
These are her routes.
Don't that look familiar.
The same way every time? She doesn't go anywhere.
She sails out to sea and comesright back again.
With an empty hold? Maybe she's supplying a bigger vessel.
In the same waters we found the bodies.
A lot of food for a ship full of dead prisoners.
Why do they keep sending the rations out? Because Because some of them are still alive.
Hello, Bob.
Where's Kern? Kern is dead.
- Is he? - That's right.
- Of what? - A heart attack, it would appear.
It would appear? Looked like a heart attack.
Who the hell are you? A friend of Kern's.
Trust me.
I'm here to warn you.
Trust you? I didn't trust him.
The roguesin our agency know you found their floating prison.
A terrorist cruise to nowhere.
That's right.
How many have they killed so far? How many detainees left in the camps? - I don't know.
- Right.
You don't know.
Congress doesn't know.
The american people don't know.
Who else is involved? Who killed Kennedy? How far up does it go? I heard you the first time.
I am trying to tell you something.
What are you trying to tell me? If they're willing to kill Kern over this You're out of your league.
Give it up.
Is it the pentagon? The white house? Real power isn't concerned with the oval office, Bob.
It rents the oval office out.
Then it's a private operation.
Say a proprietary company.
We have them,the pentagon has them.
Each of them with their own agenda.
Do you think the president wants to know? Who has targeted my unit? Back off.
Why? You're too young to die of a heart attack.
Who are you trying to protect? Believe it or not,you.
As Kern was trying to do.
You need me again, hang it from your mirror.
Hosni Al Sadr, enemy combatant picked up by your unit for interrogation.
Mogadishu, march '07.
Moazzam Ahmed, taken in a fire fight with your unit, Kabul,j une '07.
Unaccounted for.
Abu Bakr, assigned to camp Echo, Guantanamo.
December '06, transfer never completed.
Again, your unit.
Never happened.
Ok, let's start from the beginning.
Ali Masri Look, I don't know what you're trying to prove.
My unit never executed any of those prisoners.
Hell, I've never even heard of most of them.
You know, the ancient romans believed you could only get the truth from slaves by torturing them.
No other testimony was considered credible.
Good thing I'm not a slave.
Yet here you are, on your knees.
Ok, remember, Jen, no unwrapped candy, and everything gets brought home so it can be divided up fairly.
So mom can steal all your snickers.
Dad, make that face again.
What face? The grimace thing you do when you're carving.
I'm using it for the mouth.
Are you calling me a pumpkin head, little girl? Well, maybe he just needs to look the part.
Oh, well, maybe you need a little pumpkin pie yourself.
Oh, Mack! Pumpkin pie! Pick him up.
Hosni Al Sadr.
Enemy combatant, picked up by your unit for interrogation.
Mogadishu, march '07.
Kim, Kim, wait a minute.
You did what? I was just trying to help you! No, why are you even dealing with the C.
? Bob, you don't have to yell.
I told him I wouldn't Stay away from him, and any other spook that tries to talk to you.
Look, we'll talk about this later.
Not on the phone.
Please,don't hang up yet.
I gotta go.
I'll call you.
Tell me his actual words.
His actual? Don't tease me.
Tell me what the man said.
He said there might be an opportunity.
By which he means a job? That is correct.
What kind of job? He has operations all over the world, some of them military.
He needs somebody to run field operations.
And he knows we want to be in London, for you? Yes, but that's all predicated upon Yes? On you, on your honorable discharge.
They need all of this behind you.
It's already taken care of.
They need sergeant Blane and the others.
I gave them everything I know.
Tell me more about London.
Don't move.
Last man standing.
Back off.
You're not exactly in a negotiating position, friend.
You men are traitors.
They told you that? Who are they? Who are you working for? What's left of this country.
And what would his name be? Wanted you to kill him.
Suicide by dogma.
It means whoever we're fighting cares as much about winning as we do.
How about that? Whatever you can scrape together.
I want you to take it to the West Virginia Liberty Bank in Wilmer.
Jonas, is it ok On the phone? Kim, listen to me.
Go to the teller, tell him you want to send a bank wire.
A bank wire, right.
It's a dummy account under the name of John Milton.
Molly knows where the number is.
Got it.
How soon do you need it? Soon as you can get it here.
West Virginia's a bit of a drive, but Can I talk to Bob? I'm not with Bob right now, but I'll tell him you asked.
Kim, we're counting on you.
Your phone back.
I knew this manicure wouldn't last.
It's almost out.
I have $630.
Would have been more than that if I hadn't dipped into it for Betsey's car insurance.
Still good.
I've got another 400 in my sewing box.
What did Jonas say the money was for? He didn't.
He just said he needed it immediately.
I have a long drive ahead of me.
I'm not gonna let you drive all the way to West Virginia by yourself.
I don't know.
Jonas told me to take precautions about being noticed.
He's my husband.
If anyone's gonna help him, it's me.
I need you to sign this statement.
I need you to sign this statement! He's off in his head somewhere.
Look at my hair.
I think the water in the shower's too hard.
Well, if you're looking for something softer, you came to the wrong place.
Look at you! What do you think's gonna happen tonight? Nothin' much.
Mack? Well, I'm just laying here minding my own business.
Are the girls asleep? Yes, ma'am.
And there's nothing good on tv? Not a thing worth watching.
Oh,well In that case Come here.
Take this, and call me in an hour.
Lie back.
I love you, baby.
- You need me? - Always.
If you ever left I won't.
I'd be lost.
- I'll never leave you.
- Mack? I'd like to wire this money to the account number here.
I'd be happy to let me get you the right form.
Oh, my god.
Pardon me.
You don't mind? Kim? Excuse me.
What's happening? Stop what you're doing.
I'll take that.
I'm sorry.
She just hasn't been herself lately.
Dan, please.
You're not very clever after all.
We'll give your regards to Jonas.
We have to get to Jonas.
We have to warn them.
Tell them not to go for the money.
They're tracing it.
I'm trying.
The number's not working.
Then try Bob's cell.
That was.
That one guy that got on the base before, threatening me? - Who are they? - They're C.
How do you know? I just do.
- Kim! - They tried to recruit me and Bob, ok? To spy on the unit.
At the time.
Is that why Bob isn't in prison now? The important thing is, we're not working for them now.
If you knew they were following us, how could you lead them here? What's that? He wanted them to follow you.
- Who? - Jonas.
Paradise lost.
We got a trace working on the bank accounts in Georgia.
We're on our way.
- Pain in the ass.
- Yeah, come on.
We can make it by midnight.
Oh, hell.
Ok, the first one to tell us who they work for gets to keep his knees.
Gary Marsh, C.
He was rude to my wife once.
Sit up.
Mack, can you hear me? How's your head? Kind of like a football After a Texas-Oklahoma game.
Bad night? Well, maybe we can get you a hot meal and a real mattress tonight.
Just leave me alone.
Right after you sign this statement.
Go away.
You're tired.
We can give you something to help you sleep.
No, no more.
A few days, you're gonna be begging me for a fix.
I can't.
Look Now's the time to sign, Mack.
Don't be harder on yourself.
Just sign this, and you'll walk out that door.
No deal.
You got a wife and kids to think about.
Don't you want to go home? You're only human.
"Gary Marsh" Take him.
Good job, sweetheart.
Now watch the ball,ok? All the way, right into the racket, ok? Here we go.
Good one.
Olivia, come here.
Here is some money, sweetheart.
Why don't you go over there and get us some ice cream, ok? So the hunted become the hunters? We want Mack.
We all have desires.
We know all about your ghost ship.
We found the bodies.
I see.
You're outraged, but your patriotism is negotiable.
Whatever's necessary.
Then we're in the same proverbial boat.
We answer to the american people.
I don't know who in hell you work for.
But we all know what the stakes are.
You of all people know the threat.
After the next election, the gates of our detention centers will be thrown open.
Then what? The lefties already shut down our jails in Bulgaria and Romania, hamstrung our military courts.
Do you really want those terrorists walking the streets of New-York and Chicago? 'Cause I can tell you this much Their own countries won't even take them back.
There simply are no good choices, Jonas.
No good choices except to execute them.
We call it embracing the suck.
How about embracing the constitution? Want to do business? Tell me what you want.
Give us Mack.
And you'll give us your silence? Agreed.
I'll have to sell it up the line.
The sooner you do, the sooner we both get back to work.
Maybe London will be good for us, give us a new start.
Why do you think I got the job? If it goes well tonight.
I really can't wait to meet the man.
Good for you.
Why are you two standing together? You, I'll meet you at the side door, you take the lobby.
So nice to see you.
Let me introduce my husband, colonel Ryan.
Tom, the gentlemen on security is agent Gary Marsh.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Pleasure.
Shall we go up front? It's a wonderful affair, isn't it? Glad you could make it.
Your wife has told me a great deal about you.
She's always looking out for me.
Gotta make room for good people in our organization.
She said you were good people.
Chardonnay, gentlemen? Yes, please.
- Should we toast the occasion? - Of course.
Just one small matter about my qualifications for this job.
All right? My resume doesn't include treason.
I don't understand.
I don't know if you're doing the agency's dirty work, or they're doing it for you, but I could put a hollow point through your head for what you've done to my unit.
That's a bit brusque, don't you think? I have a man prepared to shoot you right here.
Right now.
We have more security then the damn White House.
I have men all around this room.
So do I.
It's ok.
The glass cut his hand.
He's all right.
My name's command sergeant major Jonas Blane.
And you and I have some business to settle.
If you'd look at your white lapel, you'll see the red dot of my man's laser sight.
You will understand, we do not need to kill you now because if we can defeat your security here, we can most certainly kill you at your home, in your office, or on the street where you live.
What do you want? Call off the executions.
Call off the dogs, and release my man Gerhardt.
You overestimate my ability.
Oh, golly, I hope not.
Let's go outside and make that call.
Tom, what's going on? We're done here.
What do you mean? What happened? I told that arrogant son of a bitch what he could do with that job.
What about us? What about London? Can't stand the rain, baby.
Stand up.
Stand up.
I'm standing, I'm standing.
You're goin' home.
And I'm still standing.
Yeah, great.
I won't be needing this anymore.
You might want to reconsider.
We shut down the prison ship, stopped the executions.
The unit's being reinstated.
For now.
For as long as we hold the evidence.
What about Voorhees and Marsh? No, rogue agents are C.
's problem.
Good men like you are the answer.
Oh, is that right? Kern certainly thought so.
Kern needed a throwaway to end this thing, and now it's done.
He had this planned from the start, didn't he? That first mission in Belarus, it was all an audition, a test.
That's right.
And when you came to warn me off, you never expected me to quit.
How dreadful of me.
Well, I'm going back to my day job.
That's it? You don't respect me in the morning? Good-bye.
It's Suzanne.
Since you asked.
Good-bye, Suzanne.
If you change your mind I didn't think I was gonna see you till my funeral.
They worked you over pretty good.
Another day in the army.
Let's get you fed and into some clean clothes.
You smell like light crude.
Took a beatin' son? Somethin' like that.
What pulled you through? Bob bet $5.
00 you were thinking about your oath.
I was thinking about the senior prom.
Betty Sue Bryant and her purple prom dress on my chair.
Ah, forget my oath.
I was thinking about America.
And all I saythat my life has changed in many ways if your name is life, show me some grace.
And when everything you know falls apart, when the wind blows when everything seems so tough my name is love my name is love
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