Yellowjackets (2021) s03e02 Episode Script


- Previously on Yellowjackets
- [CALLIE] Get away from her!
[LOTTIE] Is that your daughter?
- She's so powerful.
- [VAN] Move!
- [SHAUNA] Misty!
- [MISTY CRYING] It's too late.
[LOTTIE] We gave It what It wanted.
[BARTENDER] That's seven
shots of rail whiskey.
- I think you've had enough.
- I'm trouble.
I've lit dicks on fire.
Hey, Principal Benic.
[JEFF] Our daughter was
suspended for assaulting
girls with guts?
- Oh, my God. [GASPS]
- [TAISSA] Hey, you good?
- What is it?

[LOTTIE] You feel anything?
I feel everything. [SCREAMS]
[TAISSA] We're doing
this? I'll go first.
You meet me out back.
- Excuse me.
- Just run.
- [MAN] Hey, somebody help!
[BEN] Come and get it, Bambi.
[LOTTIE] We gather to honor the child,
now with the Wilderness.
Shauna just spit in my food.
Fuck this.
No, screw all of you!
[MARI] Help!
Help! Help!
- [BEN] Whoa, hey. Hey.
- Help!
- Please, somebody!
- Hey. Hey, stop.
Goddamn it, Mari, knock it off!
If you're gonna kill
me, just make it quick.
If I'm gonna k
Jesus Christ. Pull it
together, would you?
I think it's broken.
- [SIGHS] All right.
All right, listen to me.
Listen, stop.
- Just, um
just try wiggling your toes first, okay?
Yeah? Good. Good, that's great.
It looks like it's
just dislocated, so
you're gonna have to
pop it back in place.
- No. No.
- No, hey, listen to me.
It's pretty straightforward. All right?
All you're gonna do
is straighten that leg.
At the same time,
you're gonna put pressure
on the outside of your kneecap.
- [BEN] Come on.
[MARI] No, I-I can't. I can't, I can't.
Yeah, well, guess what?
I can't do it for you.
It's only gonna hurt
worse the longer you wait.
Swelling's probably
gonna cut off circulation,
you could get gangrene.
Hey, just do it. Now, go, push.
Harder, Mari. Come on, you
can do this. You have to do it.
[MISTY] It's a boy.
It's a boy, Shauna.
- [SHAUNA] I love you so much.

Where is he? What did you do?
He was alive! He was alive.
I held him. I
Why can't you hear him cry?
Why can't you hear?
[SHAUNA WHISPERS] It's you and
me against the whole world.
It was cool, nothing fire ♪
Nothing broke ♪
Keep simple ♪
Nothing tired, nothing old ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
Oh, so cute, so revival ♪
So alone ♪
Birthday suit, just a smile ♪
No one home ♪
Same as you ♪
Same as you ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
No return, no return ♪
No reason ♪
[MISTY] If she was waiting till sunrise,
she'd be back by now.
[NATALIE] She could be asleep somewhere.
Could anyone sleep after
hearing those screams?
For real, like, what if those sounds
were something eating Mari?
[TAISSA] Shauna. Mari
didn't came home last night.
- Any insight here?
- I don't know.
Where even were you just now?
[NATALIE] Jesus, we
don't have time for this.
I'm gonna find Mari.
Is anyone else in?
Shauna, you're coming with me.
I'm not looking for her.
Fuck Mari.
- I-I'm coming, too, Nat.
- We're going, too, right?
- Yeah, but not with them.
- Obviously.
Hey, uh, if you're
going looking for Mari,
I still know the woods really well.
- [VAN] Yeah?
- Can I come with you?
- Sure.
- You guys go up on ahead.
I need Travis for something.

You should take even more today.
Travis, you heard it,
you're connecting with it.
We have to keep going.
Lottie, I don't, I don't know.
Shouldn't we help find Mari?
Hey we all want Mari home.
But this thing that you're tapping into
is so much bigger than any one of us.

- And what is this?
- [SIGHS] You know,
I'm just excited for things
to get back to normal,
and, you know, to put
my family first again.
Shauna, wow, like, that sounds great.
- [LAUGHS SOFTLY] I love it.
- Aww.
Yeah. [SIGHS]
Oh, my God, that's really good timing,
with tonight and everything.
[GROANS] Tell me you didn't forget.
- Of course I didn't.
- The dinner, Shauna.
Those hip little hotshots,
they're turning the Jolly Hitcher
into this fancy boutique hotel?
I score that contract,
that's huge for us.
I got to impress these fuckers.
- Yes, yeah. The dinner.
- Yeah.
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Looks like you're trying
- to think of an excuse.
What? Jeff, no. I'm
Callie ha um
- Oh, shit.
Well, I better get the door.
Nope. Absolutely not.
- Hello, Shauna.
- Take your shit
and get off my lawn.
- Company?

Thank you for inviting
me into your home.
- [SHAUNA] No, Lottie,
this is not us inviting
you into our home.
This is us getting you off the porch,
so the neighbors don't call the cops
when they spot some Goop sorceress
rambling about the fucking tree spirits.
Call a car and go.
Shauna, I have nowhere to go.
I only just got out
of the psychiatric hold
that you all called that night.
Are you kidding?
Do you mean the night
that you tried to kill me?
You pulled all that shit
in front of my daughter.
I agree.
I-I mean, Callie never
should've seen those things
or have been there.
But it was Jeff who brought her.
Ooh, I'm gonna stop you right there.
- Do not, don't
- Mom?
Cal, it's okay.
You don't need to be nervous.
Lottie was just leaving.
[LOTTIE] I, uh, I know you think
that we're on opposite sides here,
but it was a heartbreaking
experience for all of us.
I was shot. I was locked up.
We lost Natalie, I lost my home,
my community, everything
that I have built.
Well, I hope that
night has ruined my life
to your satisfaction.
- [SHAUNA] Lottie
Obviously, she should stay with us.
- Uh, hmm
- Um
Yeah, Cals, I-I just don't
think that's a good plan.
[CALLIE] So, what, a friend needs help
and you're just like,
what, "Get off my lawn"?
Yeah, she said that.
Oh, my God, Mom. Of course you did.
You have such "I want to speak
- to the manager" energy.
- [JEFF] Cal.
Thank you.
First of all, I do fucking not.
Second of all,
Lottie, just, o-outside for a second.
Y-You two, family meeting, right now.
- Um
Hard no.
That woman ran a cult,
she almost got your mother killed.
She can't ride this out on some, uh,
purple person futon or something?
Yeah. Agreed, agreed.
Callie, I cannot, in good conscience,
let this dangerous person stay with us.
Look, I love us, guys, I really do.
But if we're talking dangerous,
didn't you recently dismember
your lover for some blackmail
- Dad committed
[WHISPERS] then enlist
all of us in the cover-up?
accomplice to murder
and attempted murder?
We pulled up to that place with, like,
five Datelines' worth of problems.
she's unwell.
And I just feel like, lately,
a little forgiveness has
gone a long way around here.
[JEFF] Are you kidding me? Shauna.
- No way. No way.
- [SHAUNA] I know, I know.
- No way.
- I know, but-but-but
but what if she
just stays for one night?
And then, tomorrow, we figure
out what to do with her.
One night. One night.
We cannot leave those two alone.
- No, no, no, no.
- And you can't bail
- on this dinner, okay?
- Fuck.
- Jeff.
- Huh?
This meeting, is it one of those things
where people say shit like,
"It's not a hotel room,
it's an experience"?
Shauna, of course it is.
Don't fuck this up.
[VAN] Virtual insanity now ♪
Always seem to ♪
[SCATTING] We have ♪
Useless twisting ♪
- Da-da-dee, technology ♪
Oh, now there is no sound ♪
For we all live underground ♪
Thank you!
Taissa Turner, ladies and gentlemen.
- Morning.
- So, I'm actually feeling
a little bit bad about last night.
- The sex part?
- No
- But the dine and dash part.
[LAUGHS] You mean the
crime of the century?
And-and I loved it, but, um, also,
I will probably swing
by there later today
just to settle up with our server
and, you know, explain to
him how it was all your fault.
Oh, wait I'm sorry.
- What? My-my fault?
[CHUCKLES] Oh, are you
selling me out, Palmer?
How do I know you're not wearing a wire?
There's only one way to find out.
- Well, that sounds like a dare.
- Ooh, mm.
- Get over here.
- Arms out, little lady.
- Ooh.
Yeah. Got to frisk you.
- Oh.
Where is that wire?
- Is it here? Is it here?
Ow! Oh, fuck, motherfucker! Oh, God.
- Let me see.
- Oh, shi
We talked about you leaving
your dishes on the floor.
[VAN] Very cool, thank you for thinking
about that right now.
Okay, on the count of three. Ready?
One, two.
This counts as me
saving your life again.
- Fuck.
All right, let's wrap that
up and get you to a doctor.
I don't need to see a doctor.
- It doesn't need stitches.
- What are you talking about?
I could see inside your
foot. It can get infected.
It's not gonna get infected. It's fine.
- Van, in your condition
- No
Please do not speak to me that way.
Yeah, no, I'm so sorry. I get it.
But can we not take any chances?
[SIGHS] Fine.
I will take myself
to the fucking doctor.
Tell you what, mm
You go to the doctor, and
I'll deal with the restaurant.
No. Go away.
No, ma'am, I'm not gonna do that,
and your circadian rhythm
will ultimately thank me.
Up, up.
Now, what you're looking at here is
the Tattersall Oopsie Daisy Tray.
Eggs over oopsie, boopsie bacon,
and this here is the Lucky
Daisy Bottoms-Up Tonic,
which I do recommend you drink quickly.
It can sometimes burn going down.
No, thank you.
Some light calisthenics,
then? Flush out those toxins.
I thought you might want to get up,
and then I thought you
might want to, you know,
have a chat about what
happened last night.
Which is of course, no biggie,
except that it did seem to me
like what is sometimes called
a "cry for help."
And if it was that,
consider it answered.
Hi, Shauna.
No. No, I No, I don't.
Okay. [CHUCKLES] That sounds amazing.
I can't wait. All
right, see you tonight.
[SIGHS] What?
- That was Shauna?
- You know it was.
Finally returning your
call from last night?
Well, we didn't really talk about that.
So not even acknowledging
your call from last night.
[GROANS] What is this?
The Socratic method? Just
[SIGHS] make your point.
These "friends" of yours,
I-I can't help but observe
that they only come around
when they need something from you.
- And are conspicuously
absent when you need them.
Times like last night.
Or, if you think about it,
any night over the last six weeks.
It's Wednesday.
On Wednesdays, you and
I clean Caligula's cage.
[SIGHS] Walter.
Sometimes I forget that you
can't possibly understand
relationships forged in
life-and-death experiences.
See, us survivors,
we're not sitting around
keeping some petty log
of who needed what, when. [SIGHS]
Our bond just runs deeper than that.
And while I appreciate that
you're worried about me,
and your commitment to cage maintenance,
I am overdue for some one-on-one time
with one of the incredible
women that I owe my life to.
So, uh, do you mind?
- I'm gonna I'm gonna dressed.
- Right.

[YOUNG MISTY] Where do you think she is?
We know that Mari skipped dinner,
and there's a ton of
berries up that way,
so I say we head south.
[CHUCKLES] Great idea. Decisive.
You know, if there's anything
that you want to talk about,
I'm a really great listener.
And this is kind of like a road trip,
so we can share stories,
discuss the issues of the day
Yeah. You know, a lot of the time
when Travis and I went out hunting,
we wouldn't really say anything.
We would kind of quietly just
Too many people have
disappeared without a trace
Crystal, Coach Scott.
Fuck Coach Scott.
Do you think that he's dead?
Do you
definitely think that
he burned the cabin down?
Coach Scott always believed in you.
I feel like he'd be really proud
of everything that you've built.
Coach Scott didn't know shit about me.
We basically never spoke.
[YOUNG MARI] Oh, my God, I fixed it.
Oh, thank God. [GASPING]
Coach, you can't leave me here.
How am I supposed to climb out?
I'll starve. Something will eat me.
That-that thing that was screaming.
I never believed you
burned down the cabin.
What are you talking about?
- The cabin burned down?
- Seriously?
It burned for, like, weeks.
You're saying you didn't even smell it?
Honestly, I've been staying
as far away from all of you
as humanly possible.
Stay here.
Stay quiet.
- Mom?
It's okay. She invited me.
- [JEFF QUIETLY] Oh, she's here.
- Hi.
- Ooh.
I-I didn't know it was a dressy thing.
- I would've
- [LOTTIE] Misty.
How are you?
Can I ?
Is this an intervention?
Is everybody here?
Did Walter call you?
Uh, you know, about,
about my-my drinking?
Do you have a drinking problem?
I don't know. Do I?
Uh, Misty. Lottie's here
'cause she's staying with us.
- [SHAUNA] Temporarily.
- [LOTTIE] Yes.
This family was kind enough
to offer me a port in a storm.
Then wha-what am I doing here?
Jeff, um, has an important
work dinner tonight
Lottie, has anyone shown
you where the linens are?
We have a terrific selection. Come on.
I'll show you. One of the
perks of being in the biz.
- [LOTTIE] Please.
- She loves linens.
Wait, wait. So, am I here to babysit?
No. No, no, no, no. Of course not.
Um Oh, fuck, yes. Sort of.
I'm sorry. I-I called you
because I trust you, okay?
Lottie just showed up here.
I cannot leave her alone with Callie.
Callie's already suspended,
and the last thing I need is
her getting her head all
filled up with you-know-what.
What am I supposed to do?
Well, Callie has some schoolwork to do,
so I guess just keep Lottie busy.
Keep them from talking to each other.
Yeah, okay. Yeah. We're gonna be late.
Okay. [SIGHS] Um, thank you, Misty.
You're a lifesaver.
I owe you. [CHUCKLES]
- Okay, here, here, here.
- Oh, thanks.
Right. Okay, I'll, uh, put this away.
And, you know, does that mean
that it's any less heartbreaking?
Of course not, but
if-if seeing the way that
Coach Scott and I ended things
with such grace last summer did help you
with your own breakup with Travis,
then I'm just so grateful
that I could be a guiding light for you.
Wait. Yeah. You know, you really were.
Are you making fun of me?
No, uh, for real.
Um, uh, let's-let's go this way instead.
I think that we might've
Look. A clue! [CHUCKLES]
Is something wrong?
No, I I-I just don't think
that Mari could have set that up.
Um, must be one of ours.
Um, this part of the woods is a bust.
Let's head east.
I thought you wanted to go south,
in case Mari needs berries.
Well, there's berries
to the east of us, too.
Come on, let's go.
Yeah, let's go.


- Hey.
Did you need something?
Callie, I understand
that you have homework
you're supposed to be working on,
so I'll expect a status report at 2100.
- Okay?
- What?
And, Lottie, it looks like the pantry
has never even once been
alphabetized, so let's go.
Let's, uh, let's set things right.
Come on.
- Mari!
- Mari!
Here, piggy, piggy.
- She could be dead.
Well, then, she won't be offended.
And if she's dead
If she's dead, Natalie's fucked.
God, she boned that so hard.
Not to mention, she wouldn't let anyone
go looking for Coach.
What kind of message does that send?
well, she never wanted
to believe he did it.
I get that, but
who else could it have been?
[VAN] You think you'd be better?
Do you not?
Maybe. I don't know.
Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence.
Please, come on. I have
every confidence in you.
But this place, it's messy.
It doesn't want to be governed.
What are you saying?

That's Travis.
- [TAISSA] Travis.
- Oh, they're coming.
- No, no, they're coming. No.
- Hey, talk to me.
- No. No, I don't
- Who's coming?
- Talk to me, Travis, talk to me.
- I don't want to see them.
No, get away from me.
One, one, one, one,
two, three, eyes on me.
- Hey. Hey.
No! No, no, no, no. It's
trying to get inside me.
- It's okay. I know it's scary.
- No, I can't
It doesn't want to hurt you,
it doesn't want to hurt you.
- It doesn't want to hurt you.
- I don't want to No!
What are you doing, Lottie?
- Travis, stop!
- [VAN] Travis, stop. Get off.
- [LOTTIE] Travis.
- Hey, Trav hey.
- What are you doing to him?
- Hasn't he been through enough?
- [LOTTIE] It's fine.
He's just learning to hear it.
Travis. Travis.
Hi. Ugh.
God, I just love this place.
Uh, we actually had the
best meal here last night.
But you know what?
On our way out, we forgot to pay.
- You forgot to pay?
- Yes.
I, um
Well, my wife has cancer.
[CHUCKLES] so I just
wanted to square up today
and hugely overtip for your troubles.
We're a cashless restaurant.
You don't say.
Are you sure we can't just do cash?
I have more than enough to cover this.
It's a weird day, I'm just filling in.
Let me ask how to do this.


What happened to your friend?
[STAFFER] It's terrible.
He had a heart attack last night.
Mid-shift, right there on the sidewalk.
Stop her! Stop!
Should I put this under
"M" for "mac and cheese"
or "P" for "pasta"? Hmm.
You know, I felt responsible, too,
- for what happened.
- Oh, well, there's shells
and cheese also, so
maybe I should just put it
all under "N" for "N cheese."
And then I realized that Natalie's death
was exactly as It intended,
and it wasn't my fault
and it wasn't yours.
I literally put a
syringe full of fentanyl
into her chest.
You didn't do it on purpose.
And we were honoring It.
Offering It what It wanted.
And just like always, It chose.
So, they just
they just let you right
out of the hospital, huh?
Oh, by law, they can't
prevent me from leaving
just because they don't
agree with my faith.
outside of that, I am perfectly normal.
[SCOFFS] What-what a mess.
They have allergy medication
in with the spices.
And what is this?
Dog antibiotics from 2012?
- You're angry with me.
- Yes.
Yes, I am.
And I cannot believe that
Shauna, of all people,
- would allow
Is that you?
You can't possibly have
finished all your homework.
True, but I'm home from school all week,
so it doesn't really matter.
I was actually thinking
maybe we could all hang out,
you know, sleepover style?
Yes, come on. That sounds fun. Yes.
Great. Who's in? Rum milk punch?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- Why not?
- Well, because I am hungover,
she's medicated, hopefully,
and you're, what, like 15?
[CALLIE] Seventeen.
And already in trouble.
And your mother put me
- in charge of you, so
- Mm-hmm.
This is not a time for socializing.
What is it you're afraid
of, exactly? My mom?
To be fair, we're all
afraid of your mom.
[CHUCKLES] Come on. Why do
you hate sleepovers so much?
I don't hate sleepovers.
I mean, I've technically
never been to one, but
- What?
- [LOTTIE] Misty.
You've never been to a sleepover?
What was our time out in the wilderness
besides one really long,
really cold sleepover?
So I'm pretty sure I got the point.
Really, I don't think you do.
Come on, we have to fix this.
Without you, it won't
feel like a sleepover.
[SIGHS] Okay.
But can we please let's take it easy
- with the alcohol, all right?
- Mm-hmm.
[SIGHS] Can we play, um,
"light as a feather, stiff as a board"?
I've always been really curious
- about that science.
- Oh, yeah.
So glad we made this
work. I love a tapas hang.
Is this your spot?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
- Nice.
- It's totally our spot. Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
So, uh, Joel and Nathan
- Yeah.
- how did you guys start out?
We're just a couple
humble motherfuckers, man.
You know, we started from zero.
Now properties from
Palm Springs to Asbury.
It's a, it's a brand, it's
aspirational, it's lifestyle.
We always say, "It's not a hotel,
- it's an experience." Yes.
- "It's an experience."
I say that, I get it. I get it, boys.
[NATHAN] Totally.
Hey, hey, Jeff gets it.
[JEFF] So, gentlemen,
I'll be honest with you,
I wasn't sure I was
gonna take this meeting,
because business at
the shop has been hot.
But I heard your vision,
and what a fit.
I think we have just
the kind of inventory
that you guys are looking for.
High-quality, mid-century
modern shit for days.
But you guys already know that.
We're all sitting here 'cause
you're trying to figure out
if Sadecki Furniture can scale up
to fill an order this size
on a Q2 installation timeline.
My friends, we're built for it,
'cause no shop in Central
Jersey has the kind
of legacy distributor
relationships I have.
And my installation guys are madmen.
They fucking live for this shit.
- So, uh, anything to start?
Yeah. What do you say?
Tapas for the table, please.
So, all of them?
- [SHAUNA] No, um
- [JEFF] Uh
I think we are just gonna
we'll start with the ceviche,
- and for now, we'll just
- Right. Ceviche.
- keep looking.
- Of course. That's the usual.
- Yeah.
- Oh, oh. Hey. Tyler!
Excuse us, one sec.
- "Tyler."
- Idiot.
- Huh?
- Nothing.
Hey, can you just put
the phone away, please?
'Cause I'm dying over
here, and just feel free to,
you know, tap in any time.
I am just trying to get a Misty update,
and she's [GRUNTS SOFTLY]
- Honey.
- Hmm?
You are doing great.
You do not need me, okay?
Also, I don't know if I even want you
doing business with these guys.
The Joels are just like,
ugh, fucking excruciating.
Would you just relax with that?
And only one of them's named Joel.
Oh, who cares? They're just, like,
both such bland little,
- ugh, Joels.
- Okay, honey. Hey.
Phones at the table again?
- Really?
Uh, I will be right back.
I'm sick of this. Can
we play something else?
[MISTY] Uh, yeah, of course.
We could play, um, Slap or Crazy Eights.
- Something other than cards.
- Hmm.
- Truth or dare?
Oh, yes. Y-Yes, yes.
I haven't played that since high school.
[MISTY] Well, exactly.
Why would Callie
want to play "truth or dare"
with a bunch of boring grown-ups?
The body count's a little high
for you to claim to be boring.
What a great point.
Maybe we need another round.
Misty, you'd better catch up.
It's a little boozy for me.
Oh, I can fix that.
Did I see you found grenadine in there?
Just because she can ♪
Don't tell me to deny it ♪
I've done wrong ♪
And I want to suffer for my sins ♪
where were we?
What seriously? No.
Lottie, you need to ask
for a dare. Actually, no.
It was supposed to be my
turn, and I would like a dare.
I want to know what happened out there.
Were you really going to kill my mom?
[MISTY] Of course not.
My only intention that night was
to offer It what It needed.
I told you to give her a dare.
Otherwise, you're gonna hear
I want to hear more.
I want to know what "It" is.
[MISTY] Well, that's too bad.
Because you had one question
and now it's my turn, so dare me.
N-No, that's not how it works.
- Go ahead. Dare me.
- [CALLIE] Fine.
- Chug that.
- [MISTY] Well, that is cheating.
All right, then go
slash your dad's tires.
I-I I decline.
I should've known you were
gonna get all lame on us.
I did not, and
[SCOFFS] Fine.
[EXHALES] Okay, Callie,
no more "It" talk.
Now, you're suspended from school.
Truth, I want to know what
you did to get in trouble.
Mm. No, no, no. That's not how
No, it's okay, I can answer.
Some girls were bullying me,
saying that you all survived
out there by eating each other.
That is ridiculous. Right?
People have been telling that story
since the day we-we got back.
Exactly. So, did you?
[MISTY] Think of how
screwed up we would be
if we had survived a plane crash
only to end up eating each other.
Oh, I do think about it.
[LOTTIE] Of course you think about it.
How could you not?
Well, you've seen it. In fact, I think
that you understand the way that we are
better than anyone who
didn't go through it.
But, Callie, I-I promise you
it wasn't at all like people say.
Misty. Misty.
All right, why don't you
look more worried right now?
Truth, or ?
[BEN] Tie that around your waist.
All right, I'm gonna pull so you don't
have to put pressure on that leg.
- Here we go.
Here. Let me help.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry, but you've already seen me.
I can't just let you
go back to the others.
If you didn't even burn the cabin down,
then what are you so worried about?
Like the truth would
even matter to that mob.
I know you guys killed and ate Javi.
You really telling
me I wouldn't be next?
That's what I thought.
Now stand up.
I can't.
get up.
I don't want to hurt you.
I just need time to think.
So we're gonna take a little walk.
We're gonna talk it slow
and I'm gonna tell you when to turn.
Let's go.



Misty, I'm just checking in.
How are you not picking up right now?

Knowing it ain't really smart ♪
The Joker ain't the only fool ♪
Who'll do any ♪

[JOEL] We love a piece
that just fucks, right?
Does your stock fuck, Jeff?
Um, yeah.
Uh, our credenzas are
a regular fuck-fest.
- [JOEL] Yeah.
- Hi.
- [SHAUNA] Uh, somebody
left this in the bathroom.
I guess I'm just gonna
leave it with you?
All right, I'll take it.
And just
[JOEL] We're gonna need more than that.
- Oh, yeah, just for an example.
- [JOEL] Yeah.
Is everything cool?
- What was all that?
- Uh
But, like [CHUCKLES]
What happened in there?
Let's talk about something else.
[CHUCKLES] Listen, Jeff, uh
we love that you're not some chain.
You know? Y-You're a fucking
self-made doer, just like us.
Sure, you're stuck in
smalltime shit right now,
and-and obviously we're your
lifeline Hey, you're doing
a hell of a dance for
us, you really are,
but is this the right collab for us?
[JOEL] You know, TBD, TBD.
- Uh, hey
- [SHAUNA] Joel.
- [JOEL] Yeah.
- What does your dad do?
- [CHUCKLES] M my dad, uh
- He's retired. Yeah.
- [SHAUNA] Oh.
Anyways, I-I got a
question about Wiskayok.
- All right.
- [JOEL] So
[SHAUNA] Sorry. Excuse me. Um
What did he do?
Uh, he was in real estate.
- Real estate?
- [JEFF] Hmm.
[CHUCKLES] Just like you.
- Oh, my God.
- Well, that's good.
Any, uh, particular kind, or ?
Oh, my God, what are the odds?
Two self-made hotel real estate men,
- in one family back-to-back?
- [JEFF] Shauna.
[SHAUNA] Totally
independent of one another?
All right. [LAUGHS] Shauna.
mean, this is hilarious.
[NATHAN] Mm-hmm, yeah.
Joel, you painful little boner.
Do you really think that I give a shit
what you think of me?
I promise you,
you absolutely do not exist,
you fucking nothing.
You do not deserve his furniture.
Hey, Travis.
You okay?
Hey, you want to hold Mortimer?
- Hey.
- It's okay, buddy.
It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
[LOTTIE] There you are.

Look, about what happened today
- I hurt you.
- I'm fine.
I tried to hurt you.
you're connecting with
It, that's what's important.
Lottie, I can't. I-I
don't think that It's
Travis, we have to understand
what It wants from us.
Otherwise, how do we keep It happy?
The thing is, um
It actually told me
that It didn't want me.
What are you talking about?
[TRAVIS] Someone else here
is already closer to It.
It's why the animals trust her.
Any sign of Mari?
Hey, we did good today.
We'll try again tomorrow.
Hey, Shipman, have I got something
- you're gonna want to hear.
- I don't give a shit, Misty.
I think Natalie knows
where Coach Scott is.
Did you tell anyone else?
Maybe he's wearing it to the party.
He certainly likes to party.
I did a lap, bare-wristed.
I think he knew there was a chance
his ex would be there looking.
We're searching for a diamond watch
because this douche cared
more about that timepiece
than quality time with his wife
- Oh, my God!
She's crazy and I love it.
She's scary.
It's true, but it's
fun to watch, isn't it?
So good.
Oh, hi.
How was dinner?
Misty, what the hell?
I asked you to not let
them talk to each other.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Misty.
Do you have a drinking problem?
Mm-mm. Mm.
Were you in urgent care this whole time?
[SIGHS] Yes.
Hey, uh, I'm sorry I butted in
earlier about the doctor.
It's cool.
It was the right move.
Yeah, but still.
It is a delicate moment
in your life, and
mm, it's just not my place
to bring more stress into it.
Um, some-some shit is our business,
and some isn't.
Wait. Wh-Why is that funny?
It's not.
I-I appreciate that.
Thank you.
So, um,
- how was the restaurant?
- Uh
Oh. Um, no, it was
it was good.
Uh, pretty straightforward.
How was urgent care?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Same.
Uh, yeah. Elevate it.
No marathons.
The end.

Oh, my God.
A-Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm fine. [GRUNTS]
Why do you smell like coconut?
Why do you look so worried?
- We, uh
we just had an awesome sleepover.
It was amazing.
We just, like, let our hair down and
So much bonding.
And, um
It was just [CHUCKLES]
- It was really good.
- Sleepover?
It's 11 p.m.
And you're drunker than
you were last night.
Well, what have you been up to?
I can't believe Shauna let you
drive home in this condition.
[SLURRING] Well, it's because
Shauna's not the boss of me,
And neither are you.
My point is that a real
friend would've called
a ride for you or called me even.
- But once again, your "friends"
can't seem to even
do the bare minimum
Stop air quoting my friendships!
You'd tell me, wouldn't you?
If you were on drugs?
Oh, my God, would you stop?!
I cannot stand it anymore.
You're always fussing over me.
You spy, and you hover.
And you do me all these favors
that I didn't ask you to do.
It's sweet, but don't you
have anything better to do?
I mean, don't you have any friends?
I have friends.
And loving me means
loving those friends.
If you can't accept
how important they are
to me 'cause, whatever,
you're jealous, then
maybe we shouldn't even be together.
Misty, no, you can't mean that.
Please, please, I-I
didn't mean to upset you.
I just genuinely care about you, is all.
Yeah, well, you're doing it wrong!
- Misty, please.
- Come on, just leave.
You're drunk and you're grieving.
- Get out, go!
- Misty.
You're wrong, you know.
We didn't kill Javi.
We did eat him, but we had to.
He saved us.
And anyway, we're not
doing that anymore.
Akilah's been raising ducks.
Gen's been hunting.
And they're gonna come looking for me.
And I'm gonna tell them
how you set a fucked-up
Silence of the Lambs trap in the woods
and took me prisoner.
Is that really what you want?
You know, I'm starting
to believe you did
start that fire, and I
What's this?
- It's hot chocolate.
- What?
I found it.
You're welcome.
[BEN] Quiet. I'm just trying to think.
Just let me think. I
can't think like this.
That-That's enough!

tonight was really important to me.
I just
You walk around like
you're the only person here.
I get I get it, Jeff. I do. I'm
I know how I'm sorry, okay?
Now maybe ♪
Didn't mean to treat you bad ♪
But I did it anyway ♪
Get out here.
Hi. Uh Hello.
Um, I am the person who found the phone
in the restroom earlier.
Was that you? Yeah, okay.
Okay. Yeah. Um
yeah, so I'm just
following up.
[MELISSA] I'm sorry, I didn't,
like, follow you this morning.
I just was really scared.
And then I couldn't sleep
and then I happened to see you
going somewhere, and I thought
"Melissa, it's crazy out there.
You should probably keep
an eye on each other."
did someone claim it?
I'm just a-a Good Samaritan
trying to do my due diligence.
No one has any right to my baby.
- He's my baby.
Oh. Uh, no, um
I-I agree.
[SHAUNA] Okay, what do you mean why?
I am not being difficult.
I'm just Look, look, look!
Could you just, uh
Fine. Fine.
I'm sorry
for everything that's happened to you.
Um, you are
you're so resilient.
And that's so important out here.
Uh, yeah. Hi, it's me again. Uh
Oh, really? Well, you know what?
[QUIETLY] I would like
to speak to the manager.
Everyone's afraid of you, you know?
But, like
I'm not.
If you tell anybody about
this, I will fucking kill you.
Oh, so someone did pick it up?
Thank you.
I will kill you, and I will
gut your little fucking
What did she look like?
That girl thinks she's the
queen of the neighborhood ♪
She's got the hottest trike in town ♪
That girl, she holds
her head up so high ♪
I think I want to be
her best friend, yeah ♪
Rebel girl, rebel girl ♪
Rebel girl, you are
the queen of my world ♪
Rebel girl, rebel girl ♪
I think I want to take you home ♪
I want to try on your clothes, uh ♪
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