Four More Shots Please (2019) s03e03 Episode Script

We are Fine

I'm fine. You're fine. We all are fine.
But no one reads
the fine print under this "fine."
If we ever actually gave
an honest answer to "How are you?"
You think
the world will be fine with that?
-Umang! Wake up, wake up!
-What happened?
-Rise and shine!
-Oh, my God!
What a bright, sunny day!
Wake up. It's 10:00 am.
Sids, my goodness!
Did you take uppers or something?
My life is an upper, Mangs!
Now we need to upper up. We have to leave.
-What's going on? Are you kicking me out?
You forgot? We have to meet brokers.
Hey, what broker, man?
Brokers are people
who show us properties and all.
-For your studio, silly.
Oh, my goodness.
Okay. Sids, that takes money.
Which I don't have. Okay?
You forgot, didn't you?
Last night, you and I
became business partners!
No. Sids, you offered it very sweetly,
but I didn't accept your offer,
because you can't jump
into something like this.
I'm not jumping into anything, I'm not!
Okay. I'm not jumping
into anything, I promise.
We'll make proper business plans, okay?
Like, actual Excel sheets
and Word documents and everything.
My lawyers will sort out everything.
We'll do whatever you say.
And we'll do this
very professionally, I promise.
Mangs, we're gonna be partners!
I'm gonna be an entrepreneur!
From BFFs to Boss Babes. Come on!
Okay, what should I wear?
I'm thinking, like, a power suit.
Like trousers and blazer.
I'll ask Mom if she has
I emptied a closet.
-Spring cleaning?
-For you.
when are you moving in?
Sorry, this email.
Ayaz, my lawyer.
A notice from the civic authorities.
"Illegal building codes in Truck?"
What nonsense!
I'm sorry, I have to take this call.
Hello, Ayaz?
Thank you.
Why are Dada's clothes over there?
Because Dada has to take them
to the cleaners.
But they're clean.
When are we meeting Baby Arav?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Are Dada and Kavya Auntie
also getting divorced?
Don't worry, Dada.
I'll explain to Baby Arav
that from now on, he will also get
two presents on birthdays and Diwali.
I will also get two presents, right?
If Dada stays here?
You will. Okay, Mama has to go to work.
You have a good day, okay?
And Mama loves you. Bye.
This is perfect.
Ma'am, it's the best.
I want bigger.
Sids, we need a studio,
not an airport. It should be personal.
Yeah, but personal doesn't mean small.
Make it bigger. Much bigger.
Come on.
Excuse me.
This is perfect!
It's like a shopping mall.
It's so cold. Huge.
-Enter interior designer!
We'll take it.
Ma'am, there's one more place.
Old Art Deco bungalow. It has character.
No need!
Sids, what's the harm in taking a look?
This way, ma'am. Please come.
It's just a pigeon.
A pigeon.
-I love it.
-I hate it.
What's not to love? Look at this place.
It's so interesting.
It's completely run-down
and so down-market.
And why does it look like a haunted house?
Mangs, we need a youthful vibe, okay?
This is so not our image.
Madam likes the studio
she saw in the morning. Finalize that
Sids, first off, the other place
is too expensive. Secondly
Expensive is fine.
It means I have great taste.
And secondly, I don't like it.
I like this place.
Oh, God, Mangs. Trust me.
I'm saving you
from making a huge mistake, okay?
We're taking the bigger studio.
You are bulldozing me.
It's called helping.
I think it's called "being bossy."
I'm not being bossy.
I'm being entrepreneurial.
There's a difference.
We should take a break.
Because of this heat, my brain is melting.
So, whenever you guys are ready
-I think
-I think
-Please go ahead.
-After you.
-No, please, go ahead.
-I insist.
Okay, very well.
I think, right now, the best course
of action would be a mediation
to arrive at a consensus
between both the parties.
But we should file
for an ex parte injunction.
-It'll work better.
-How's it going?
Thank God you're here.
Clients want Shashank
and Anjana together as a team.
Whatever's going on, solve it
There are no issues, Mayank.
-None at all.
-It's not true.
Pretorus and Nair have already
taken their business to Dhyanchand.
Gateway Tech is threatening us.
It's not possible.
I met them. It went really well.
Really? They met me after that.
They were asking for Anjana.
They're her old clients. They'll ask.
I don't know how you guys do this.
We can't lose clients like that.
-I'm always there for my clients.
-As am I.
-I'm trying my best.
-As am I.
I don't know what's up with Mangs.
She's being so rigid of late.
I'm talking to you.
Don't ask me. Ask her.
Talk to her. She's your best friend.
"Best friend" should be like Viju!
Sneha. How are you, darling?
I think of you every day.
The sadness in your eyes.
It really haunts me, you know.
A touch of Meena Kumari.
A touch of Madhubala.
Your feet
Don't let them touch the ground.
They'll get dirty.
You don't need to do that.
I really miss Viju.
Let's meet for coffee?
-Why is he putting a shoe on my feet?
-Because you are Cinderella.
He was clearly flirting with you!
Don't be ridiculous, Siddhi.
Viju and Manohar go way back.
They were close friends.
He would never do that!
Obviously, he misses him just like us.
Yeah. Shall we?
Now you can let your feet
touch the ground, Mama.
Ever wonder what's the point of all this?
Of what? Clearing the dishes?
Marriage, kids, family.
I mean,
in the end, we all die alone.
Unless you die in a plane crash
with 150 people.
I'm serious, Anj.
But why would you die alone?
You'll have Arya and Arav.
So, Kavs and you won't be?
What if I die first?
Exactly! There are no guarantees in life.
And yet we just keep giving,
and we keep sacrificing.
Guarantees are for fridges.
You know what?
Everybody should just be single.
Just fuck who and when they please.
Okay, enough whining.
While we were married, you never took
your responsibilities seriously.
And you're doing the same thing right now.
Your problem remains the same.
Repetitive and just self-made.
And end of discussion, please.
I have enough shit going on in my life.
Shashank's vow of silence with me,
his silent mind games and
vibes colder than the North Pole
Now see, that is also self-made.
Like, you chose to fuck him.
-Fuck off.
Masturbate alone, die alone.
-That's my mantra from today.
-Not on my sofa!
You're gross!
Please bring the bags upstairs.
-What a surprise!
How funny! We just met Manohar.
Stop making plans with my husband.
-After Viju
God rest his soul,
you have been on this manhunt!
You think we are all blind?
Nobody liked you, anyway.
Keep your filthy paws off my husband.
Wait a second, Geeta Auntie. Relax.
My mom did nothing wrong.
In fact,
your pervert husband came and held her,
told her how beautiful she looked,
that he missed my papa a lot
and then he invited Mama for coffee.
He started caressing her feet and called
her Madhubala, Meena Kumari or something.
So, next time, before you accuse my mom,
tell your shitty husband
to keep his filthy paws off her.
And one more thing.
If you hadn't ostracized her,
you would have realized
just how lost, sad
and frightened she actually is.
Real queens fix
each other's crowns, Geeta Auntie.
And we don't say it just on social media,
we do it in real life, too.
My girlfriends are my biggest strength.
And honestly,
you should bloody be ashamed of yourself.
Please let me in.
Mommy, open the door, please!
I'm fine, Siddhi!
I'm coming. I'm coming.
I'm fine! I'm fine.
We have to be strong together.
And next time,
don't hide your tears from me.
Talk to me. Cry with me.
I will, darling. I will.
I'm the only one who gets it.
I'm the only one who gets it.
There's biomedical waste here.
Madhav, take a good shot.
I hate this job.
Miss Rizvi Roy.
Trying to save the world
one scrap at a time?
Mr. Dhananjay Deshpande.
The new poster boy of the old party. Wow!
There's no hiding.
Can't say the same thing
about your father.
This is the situation of his constituency.
Nobody has seen him since the elections.
He's busy raising voices in court.
That's why his attendance is 27%.
You know what?
If he cared about citizens' needs
more than partisan needs,
this place wouldn't be in this state.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
By the way,
I loved Bloody February.
I thought it was great.
Is that a compliment or a warning?
That the government is still watching me.
-From political royalty?
I'm not worthy.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm okay.
You know what your problem is?
You are a total hypocrite.
Last week you were chilling
on a beach in Ibiza.
Popping MDMA,
showing off your Gucci trunks,
fucking a model in a club bathroom.
And this week you're the heir apparent
to a political dynasty.
With your photo on every billboard.
"The new Deshpande on the block."
Same white shirt, chaste language,
Indian flag,
the same old game of "us versus them."
I feel sorry for this country
that you are its future.
Okay, wait a second.
My Insta is set to private.
Did you hack into it?
But if you must know,
last week I was in London,
at a SOAS reunion,
in my Brooks Brothers khakis,
and one Negroni at a private bar.
I did try my luck with a model,
but Zayn Malik showed up there,
so she rejected me.
But yes, hypocrisy is in my blood.
And we've been selling Deshpande
for the last four generations.
I'd recommend about a bucket
of soda bicarbonate for your outfit.
I'm a politician.
I know how to get rid of stains.
Damini, is that shit on you?
No, no! None of this is working!
I need a really,
like, Zen space, you know.
Calm, mindful,
minimalist, feng shui.
And for the walls,
I need white and natural wood. And
aromas of the forest.
-And some really soft
-Whoa, okay.
Wait a second.
Is this a fitness studio or a spa?
What bullshit is this?
"Aromas of the forest"? What on earth?
Mangs, people love this kind of bullshit.
It's all about creating an image.
Umami won't just be a studio.
We're selling a lifestyle, a brand.
And then we launch an app,
some merch, maybe even a fashion line!
Just imagine.
T-shirts, track pants, bags, slippers.
All with Umami branding.
We'll see if you want to start
Everyone out. Everyone out. Please.
-I want to talk to you.
We don't have two minutes!
We're on a time crunch, so chop-chop!
Okay. So, chop-chop.
All your ideas are ridiculous.
This is not a salon spa.
We're opening a fitness studio.
And you don't know
the first thing about it, dude.
I want an energetic space,
where people would enjoy sweating it out.
Not some, like, lah-di-da,
fast fashion, mani pedi,
aromas of the forest space, dude.
I say this with a lot of love, okay?
But this is why
your loan applications got rejected,
you know nothing about running a business.
And business is in my blood.
I know what I'm doing. Okay?
Plus, it's my money, so I think
I should get a say in how we spend this.
It's your money, your ideas,
so you take care of everything. Okay?
And train my clients as well, okay?
How about that?
Enjoy your "fragrances of the forest"
or whatever.
It's so frustrating.
Varun hasn't changed at all.
He still finishes all the coffee.
He still leaves the toothpaste tube open.
He turned the bathroom into his office.
Forty-five minute dump
while answering calls, imagine.
You know you're no longer
married to him, right?
Yeah, obviously.
And you can ask him to leave.
Or Kavya might ask him
to leave indefinitely.
And then he'll live with you forever.
You, Arya and your teenage son, Varun.
Hey, girls! All good?
-Hey, Jeh.
-Jeh, I got your text.
Listen, five months to move in?
Isn't that too long? Can you do something?
Damini, let's talk about this later, okay?
"Mangs is just a small towner
from Ludhiana."
Everyone wants to tell me
how to fucking live my life.
My family, Samara and now you!
About who I should love, my wedding,
studio, why do others dictate it?
I'm saving your ass.
We all know you're shit with numbers.
And you get to decide
that I am shit at numbers
and that you are saving my ass?
Wow! Bro, keep your money,
I don't need anyone's charity.
Whatever I've achieved thus far,
I've done it myself.
And I'll continue to do it.
Better than you were those bankers.
At least,
they didn't set my brain on fire.
Free piece of advice to everybody.
Never, and I mean never,
go into business with your best friends.
It screws up everything.
Sids, it's Umang's dream.
You have to let go.
You offered to help as a friend.
Why are you trying to be her boss?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
I'll back off.
No, Sids,
I'll find another way. It's fine.
But, I'm saying I'll back off.
I'll return your money.
With interest. I promise.
No way!
It's not a loan. It's an investment.
In you and in your dreams.
Because I believe in you.
Don't thank me.
Then what should I say?
The real language of love.
It means "two potties stuck up your bum."
I love you, too.
You don't like potty jokes?
No, no. They are the shit.
Dee, why are you being so needy?
Why do you keep asking Jeh,
"When are you moving in?"
Well, he told me that he will.
I'd just like to know when.
Sure, but
you know
that's not gonna solve your problem.
Like trying to have a baby
to fix a marriage.
Well, that ain't happening.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way.
All I'm saying is that
this isn't you.
What is "me," Anj?
Unemployed me?
Pregnant me?
Banned me. Trolled me.
Writer me.
Writing a thesis on garbage me.
I don't know anymore, Anj.
For the first time in my life,
nothing is in my control.
My body or my career. Nothing.
The only thing remotely functional
in my life is Jeh and me.
So I need to hold on to it, okay?
I need it.
Look at me.
You do you, okay?
Everything will be fine.
-Didn't you have to go to a meeting?
-Yeah, I do.
Everything will be fine, Anj.
I was thinking
I'll spend the night at my place.
I have to sort out the notice issue.
You can do it from my place, too.
I need my thinking spot.
Come, I'll give you a ride.
No, I'll walk. It's a nice evening.
Shashank, things must go back
to how they were.
And how do you propose we do that?
Isn't law our passion?
Isn't it what makes us feel alive?
Gives us a reason
to wake up in the morning?
Everything else is a distraction.
You're right.
Let's work with each other, not against.
May I?
You're stalking me?
Yes. We need to talk.
About what?
I'm an honest guy, and I'm a fanboy.
Post your exit from Investigator,
I followed you on Twitter.
Loved your take on ballot box hack.
Amongst others.
"Amongst others"?
I can list them.
EVM hack. Housing scam. Sand mafia.
-I don't want compliments.
-Then what do you want?
Stories on potholes and garbage?
I'm still following them.
Why don't I see this honesty
in your politics?
Your party switches
from centrists, socialists and rightists.
You're right. We're coalition champions.
That's why I need you.
Need me?
Plan to sabotage the government?
I plan to make one.
Work with me. Help me run my campaign.
I want to create a new image,
different from the party line.
I wanna walk the hard-line.
-You're laughing?
-Did you miss the memo?
I'm persona non-grata
in all political circles.
Left, right, center, up, down.
My career is dead on arrival.
Big fucking deal.
What's with this loser attitude?
What happened to the firebrand
that was Damini Rizvi Roy?
Well, let me think.
I got thrown out of my own news site.
My book lead to nationwide protests,
so it got pulled back.
And, oh, wait. One more fuck up.
My baby also protested.
So, I had a miscarriage.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know. Really sorry.
You just want
my left liberal followers. That's all.
Do you want to just write
about garbage or clean it up, too?
Our politics are further
than the North and the South Poles.
It's suicide.
Metaphorically and literally.
Not just for me,
but for you too.
So now, if you'll
please excuse me.
To change the system,
you have to be in it.
You can only R
and comment from the outside.
This is your chance to make a difference.
Now the only thing left for you to ask is,
do you have the guts?
To take a chance on me.
On yourself.
Don't you miss having the fire inside you?
Don't you want it back?
This isn't healthy for Arya.
I know.
I just need a couple more days.
Just a couple more days, okay?
After that,
I don't know.
Beg, grovel, apologize,
do whatever you have to, just
Make up with Kavya, please.
Or Varun, just
Just find a place of your own.
Arya needs routine, stability.
What if she gets used to living with you?
I get it.
That's the notion of perfect beauty.
So now when people ask me,
"Hey, Siddhi. What's up?"
I just tell them, "My self-esteem."
Creative Supervisor: Dinesh Shakul
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