Friday Night Lights s03e03 Episode Script

How the Other Half Lives

That's why I'm here, Coach.
My boy, J.
D, he is the real deal.
He is a great quarterback and I want him mentored by a great coach.
And that is why I moved my family to Dillon, Texas.
If you only did what you wanted to do your life'd be all about football, beer and sex, wouldn't it? - What's the problem with that? - Letter of interest from Oklahoma.
You didn't tell me you were getting interest from colleges.
We're talking about the rest of your life.
And maybe, if you're really nice to me, I might give you a ride to school.
Will you marry me? Damn, let's call it.
Women can eat.
And you, what the hell are you doing ordering a Bronco? - That's like a $30 steak, man.
- Do you want to remind your soul mate not to point out to everyone in the restaurant who she gave a lap dance to? Kinda made Lyla feel uncomfortable.
- You're so whipped, it's pathetic.
- Where are we, anyways? I got a business meet.
What do you mean? What kind of business meet? Gotta get us a little scratch together.
Get us out of this hole.
If we're so broke, why do you keep picking up all these checks, Trump? What do you want me to do, dumbass? Have my fiancee's mom paid for it? - Why not? - See, you're an idiot, that's why not.
Hey, Lou, how are you doing? How about next time you call? Who is he? It's my brother.
Don't worry about him, man, he's cool, he ain't gonna say nothing to anyone.
Wait out here.
Watch the target.
Keep it coming.
Roll around, roll around.
- That's it.
- How long has he looked that good? I'll tell you, Wade has made a great difference in J.
D's game.
Arnett Mead's gonna be coming after you.
They're gonna be making it personal.
You stay light on your feet, read the blitz, keep the tone up.
- You're gonna be fine.
- Yes, sir.
Line 'em up.
Don't hit one.
- Good job, really good.
- Thank you, Coach.
Hey, they flew that coach down from Dallas with him.
Square fire.
Hey, Buddy.
You listen to me.
That is not my quarterback, you're my quarterback, you understand that? I want you concentrated on Friday night.
You go out there and you play with what we've taught you, what you know.
Everything is gonna go just fine.
- Yes, sir.
- Go warm-up the arm.
Let's go.
Let's go gentlemen, bring it up.
Hey, Coach.
Thanks for letting us use the field earlier, I really appreciate that.
All right, circle it up.
Didn't know you were gonna bring along cheerleading section.
They just want to see him throw the ball, you know I know everyone is talking about switching to the spread offense for that Arnett Mead game and I want you to know I support your decision 100%.
- I appreciate that.
- But I also want you to know that if you do decide to switch to the spread, J.
is ready.
will light it up.
You know what? I only got these boys until 8.
How about you clear those cones off? Sure enough.
Let's go, gentlemen, stretch it out.
With the participation of: benj!, DarKsh, GillesSilb, Ju, loky34, ouazo, Teardrop Buddy, I don't give two farts about the booster's anxiety, I'm not gonna choose my quarterback by committee.
I don't even know why we're having this conversation.
Fine, you tell 'em that it is gonna be my decision.
End of conversation.
What's wrong with people? Tell me about it.
I gotta throw a party for them.
We win first 2 games this season and everyone is breathing down my neck.
You think 200 cups is gonna be enough? You know that Joe McCoy spends thousands of dollars a month on his son - for a quarterback coach.
- Thousand of dollars is what this party - is gonna cost us.
- Did Julie take the keys again? Maybe next year we could think about not having this party at our house.
- What are you talking about? - I don't think our house is big enough.
And those boys are slobs, they get the corn chips all over the floor, they clog my toilet, they break my things.
- At this point, it's a lot of work.
- Listen to me, I understand, please.
Look Next year, I promise Maybe, we'll have it somewhere else, all right? Did I tell you how sexy you look today? Did I tell you that you're the best friend, mother, and lover that a man has ever had? I need your truck, I have to pick up your ribs.
You can have my truck as soon as you can find the keys.
So, you think I should call him? No, don't call him.
You're supposed to let him come to you.
You got to get your head on straight.
I mean, the Smash ain't gonna be around to give all his free advice.
- You're just nervous about next week.
- Smash don't get nervous.
He gets ready.
She's not here.
Miss, time to get up from there, come on help me.
Get up your butt and I think you got the wrong information 'cause my mom already has a job.
What are you doing? Give me this phone.
This is she.
Yeah, Saturday would be just fine.
All right, bye-bye.
What was that all bout? - You're taking another job? - Yes, it's no big deal.
Just some home health care on the weekend.
- Like changing bedpans? - What do you think nurses do? Sit around and flirt with doctors all day? Why are you taking a second job? Well, you're going to A&M, who's gonna pay for this? - No, mama - No, no mama nothing.
It's just a situation, baby.
We're gonna make it work.
Bring the rest of these groceries so I can get this dinner started, baby.
No, I ordered 20 racks of ribs.
Not 2.
I had somebody special on the phone.
- I don't know anything about it.
- I talked to a woman.
Maybe it Could that be her? I'm sure there must be somebody around here Excuse me, I just need You know what? Can we get through this? Sorry, I'm in the middle of something.
I'm telling you, I only have Don't call me lady, I hate that.
Thanks so much.
I did speak to somebody.
Is there another woman? {\- Maybe you got some pounds in the back.
I'm gonna check in the back.
- Either way, anything will work for me.
- You got it.
Atkins diet? It made me real cranky, too.
- Sorry, I don't - Never mind.
You're principal Taylor, I'm Katy McCoy.
My son goes to your school.
- Oh, J.
D, right.
- Yeah.
Nice to meet you.
I'm sorry if I was a little rude, I got to get those ribs.
No, you're kidding, I think it's hot.
I like a woman that speaks her mind.
I do.
You know what? Speaking of which, I'd like to come by, visit with you and talk about getting involved.
- What do you want get involved in? - I would like my son to go to a school that has enough books, maybe even a music program.
I know, you and me both but you know, it's There's a money issue, you know, so it's That's what I mean about getting involved.
See we got a little bit of money and I'd like to give some of that away.
But I also love to throw parties, right? And get other people to come and give some of their money away.
I'm a connector Ever read The Tipping Point of Malcolm - What's his name? - I don't think A connector{\ is somebody knows everyone and brings them all together to get things done.
- Neat! - Yeah, that's me.
Now what's a little thing like you doing with 20 racks of ribs? It's a long story You know My husband Don't make it obvious.
Seven o'clock.
Don't make it obvious.
Tim, stop it.
Seriously, I can't focus.
- It's a library.
- I know it's a library.
- You win, buddy.
He wins.
- No, wait, Tim, stop.
Please? You're gonna work on this thing and you're gonna ace this test and you're gonna improve your grades and you're gonna get a scholarship.
And we're gonna go to colleges that are really close to each other.
You are coming over tomorrow night, correct? - Mindy and Angela are gonna be there.
- OK, no Mindy, what No.
I don't know if you notice or not, but Mindy and Angela hate me.
What? They don't hate you.
They don't even know you.
If they did, they'd love you.
And you know what? Somebody wants his girlfriend to be there.
Okay? And you know what? If they even look at you wrong, and you don't see it and I do? I'm gonna blindsight them with the worst block they'll have ever seen.
So, what I want from you right now is for you to say, "Yes, Tim, "I can't wait to see you and hang out with you tomorrow night.
" Just That's what I want from you.
So Just give me that much.
Okay, really? Still You're still - Honey? - Hey, babe.
Hey, honey.
Guess what? I just met Katy McCoy at the grocery store.
You know, Joe McCoy's wife.
And she is so nice.
I think she's gonna be really a great asset to Dillon.
And the best part is, she has agreed to do the whole barbecue at their house.
Done and done.
Don't eat those sad beans.
I bought Marcello's.
I don't want Marcello's.
What is it you said about the barbecue? I was telling her how difficult it's been, how much work it's been and how I don't have time for it.
And she said: "Why don't I take it off your hands?" Explain something to me.
How can we be a host of our barbecue at their house? Isn't the definition of hosting when you have something at your own house? Well I think it's like co-hosting.
What the hell is co-hosting? This is my barbecue.
It's funny that you say that.
I've been the one doing all the work.
But You know This time of the year, there's a lot of scrutiny going on I can tell you that I don't plan to be in someone else's house being scrutinized.
I wanna be right here.
- Right here.
- You are not the only one who has been scrutinized.
And I frankly would rather not be scrutinized in my own house.
This reaction surprises me.
This morning you said we could do the barbecue somewhere else.
Next year we could.
I was telling you what you wanted to hear, anyway.
And as far as this barbecue It's not just important to me.
It's a symbol of trust to have the kids over here at the house so they can be in our home and feel welcome.
And you're being played right now and you don't even realize it.
That is silly.
I don't even know what that means.
I tell you what it means.
It means scotch, cigars, Now they got the party.
And the next thing you know we are gonna be indebted to them.
I don't want that.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm not being played.
She's nice.
Set! Blue 8! Hut! Oh, come on, Matt.
- Come on, now.
Spread release.
- Yes, sir.
Square, baby! There it is! What are you doing? Matt! What you short-arming it for? Loosen up.
Let's loosen up out here and have some fun! Come on, let's have some fun out here and play some football! Maybe we ought to get little JD a few reps just in case.
Matt will take the reps.
- I'm just saying - Matt will take the reps.
It's my job, like you, too.
I'm not looking forward to U-haul for sales signs at my yard if we loose, too.
You know what I mean? Well, I'll bear that in mind, Mac.
I'm trying to fight this media machine JD McCoy.
He's got like a 3-page spread in there.
Well, it's the freshmen preview.
So that makes sense.
People like this.
- I don't wanna hear - But look, you don't have an angle.
Can you please just go away? Go away, just leave.
So people know who you are, and know what you gonna bring.
I'm just trying to help you.
His angle is that he's young, he's new.
I don't need an angle.
Who cares? No one cares.
He's not hip.
He's not hip.
You heard him talk? He's not hip.
Hello how are you? - I'm OK.
- I don't care.
I'll leave this here.
If you want to I'm gonna get a Coke.
Julie, how are you doing? - Doing good? - I'm good.
- See you later.
- Bye.
What's up with him? He's an idiot.
He's stupid.
Half eaten tacos! Those are all yours right there.
He won't mind.
He doesn't want them.
I'm pretty good.
So Big game, Friday? It's huge.
Yeah, it might alter my life, in fact.
Bad subject matter? It's not This is I'm starting to worry about beating Arnett Mead on Friday.
That's all I wanna be thinking about.
And that's hard.
I don't know if you're aware.
But we never beat Arnett Mead.
Not even Jason Street ever beat Arnett Mead.
Ever! I'm trying to worry about that.
Meantime, I've got some freshman named Joe Doyle breathing down my neck.
If I hear anyone talk about this I'm gonna loose it, because I don't even care, he was in practice.
There wasn't defenders.
I can throw a ball 70 yards when no one is running at me.
It's hard to do - Sorry, you don't care about this.
- No! I do care.
I asked.
No, you shouldn't.
I'm just ranting.
I apologize.
You're really adorable when you rent.
Are you gonna eat your tacos? I didn't come over here to eat tacos.
Brian, they told me I'd probably find you back here.
Hey, Mr.
What's up? I came here to see you.
I was wondering if you thought about a future with Alamo Freeze.
Honestly, sir.
No, I have not.
We're impressed with you.
You're smart, you're reliable.
The employees like you.
The management likes you.
And the company is expanding.
We're opening 4 new stores.
And we need a regional manager to oversee them.
Well, sir I don't know It's a $10,000 raise to start.
Plus bonuses and a company car.
Brand new.
For real? Think about it.
Think about it.
I think it's just a really good fit for both of us.
All right? - All right.
We'll see you.
- Hey, thanks.
Let's have a margarita bar around the pool.
- We all should have some fun.
- Amen to that.
I love that idea.
Maybe we could play some silly games like "Toss the orange".
- Hey, how you doing? - Hi, hon.
- This is Katy McCoy, my husband Eric.
- Nice to meet you.
Pleasure to meet you.
I've heard a lot about you.
Pleasure to meet you as well.
As far as the games and the barbecue and everything, I mean just to let you know that the important thing is getting everyone ready for the Arnett Mead game.
I guess I just got a little carried away.
No, that's all right.
That's fine.
I've got some work to do.
Hon, could you? There's a little dirty diaper that would love to say "hi and welcome home".
- Oh, OK.
- Hi Daddy.
Bye sweet angel.
Now, you're gonna feel better.
- Goodbye.
- Thanks, honey.
I appreciate that.
He's mad at me cause I took the barbecue? I really appreciate you're doing this.
I really appreciate you're doing this at your house.
Making it so I don't have to have all these mean boosters yelling at me about the jumbotron in my house.
You know what this is? Grown pains.
Honey, it's great, but Do we really need this many people? Cousin Floyd isn't bringing Vicky.
They split up.
Big surprise.
So that's one less.
Keep him away from my friends at the club - Hey! - Oh, yes mama.
- High school memories.
- I'm dying.
Gimme one, please.
- I'm dying over here.
- Angela? Beer? Thank you, Timmy.
Timmy, I want you to hear this.
You too, Lyla.
It is our vows to each other.
Mine of course only, - cause Billy hasn't written his.
- I'll get to it.
Ready? Billy Riggins No one has ever stuck with me so long before.
It's there.
I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it.
When I look at you, I'm home.
I don't want that to go away.
I don't want to forget.
Come here.
That's Finding Nemo, right? I don't think it's very nice to laugh about it, honey.
Oh, no, no, no.
I thought it was a joke.
I thought it was a joke.
I'm sorry.
I think it's great.
I really do.
I think it's really romantic.
What's your problem, Garrity? - What's that? - I'm saying I think it's great.
I love Finding Nemo.
Where are you going? There's somebody outside.
I can't Damn it, Falcon! - Wait.
Rehab Falcon? - Shut up, OK? I gotta deal with this real quick.
I'll be back in a second.
It was It's real pretty.
It was very pretty.
Finding Nemo has great messages Finding love, and family.
Tim, tell them how much I love Finding Nemo.
Sweet fish.
I'm sorry that my daughter's wedding vows aren't up to Garrity standards, but then, not much is.
I'll be right back.
- Where are you going? - It is not everybody's taste.
- You guys just let it go.
- Of course.
It's only my wedding.
You know, you stop being your little princess.
- Jackass! - Alright.
What's going on? Nothing.
- What's going on? - I just lost my wingman.
There is this abandoned power plant out by Route 6.
It's They got copper wire out there, and copper wire is worth a lot of money.
- So we were gonna go out there - And steal it.
You're kidding me.
No, Lou set the whole thing up.
He's got the truck for me.
All I gotta do is get out there, grab the stuff, and then I'm home free.
What about cops? I mean You go down Route 6.
That's gonna be littered with cops, and speed traps.
You should just take Pans Road.
At least, that gives you a backway out of there.
You're right.
That's just That's good.
And much better than Falcon would do.
What? Forget it, Tim.
- OK.
- Look, hey, hey.
Come on.
I really need this, man.
It'll be 2 hours - and no danger whatsoever.
- I got a barbecue tomorrow night.
- 8 o'clock.
Team function.
- Can't do it.
Where is everybody going? Please don't go.
- See you later.
- What happened? We are going home where life is just not so pussy and judgy.
- What happened? - I said I'm sorry.
- Come on, Tyra.
- Thanks a lot, Lyla.
- Shut up, Billy.
- Nice girlfriend, Tim.
Thanks for throwing the block, Tim.
Mindy, I call you.
I don't even know what's going on, right now.
What just happened? - Don't drive away.
- Watch your feet.
This gotta be it, right here.
Wow! That is a big house.
Looks like a sanatorium.
A sanatorium? This is just gonna really boost Matt Saracen's confidence.
Fantastic! It's got nothing to do with Saracen.
He's gonna have a good time.
They got valet.
Oh my Lord! - Good evening - I'll park it, thank you.
- There's no charge, sir.
- I know, - I'll park it.
- That's what they do - I know.
I'll park it.
Thank you.
- That's what the valet's for.
And make sure they have food all times.
We don't want hungry guests.
Hey y'all! Hey you! Look at you! You're the sexiest principal on the planet.
- You look great! - Look at this beautiful house! I'm gonna be monopolizing her all evening.
So you go find the fellas.
Shepard, how you doing? What's the plan for Friday? Tim is gonna show up late at the party? He's not even I'm taking you to the party.
What is that? - Something with his brother.
- What? He's got something with his brother.
What is it? I don't know.
Well It's a lot different than it used to be back in the olden days.
If a guy was gonna take a date to a party, then I mean, I'd take her to the party.
- Dad listen.
I know you don't like him.
- No, honey.
I like him.
I do.
It's just some things I know about him that you don't know.
Honey, listen.
Your daddy just doesn't want you to have a broken heart.
That's all.
He isn't who you're thinking, alright? - Alright? - Alright.
Holy shoot! Come on.
Let's go! - Wait, wait, wait.
- What? What the hell is that? - That's dogs! Go, Billy! - Get in the truck! There they go.
They're gone.
They're gone.
When Tim was so hungover for kick-off.
You remember that man? He shows up at the stadium at 8:30.
They wouldn't even let him in.
- He had to scalp a ticket to get in.
- Riggins is a beast, man.
This is a huge house.
Probably the biggest in Dillon, Hello.
I think, you forget about the Saracen estate.
I'm a little offended, actually.
But that's fine.
I just keep forgetting, cause it's You have the north wing and you have the south wing.
Actually, it's the east wing, and the west wing.
- Look at this.
- It's like a giant shrine to JD.
Oh my gosh.
Look at this one.
It's from 1999.
That would make him 6.
Seems a little extreme.
Why did he put all these participation trophies up in here? Even the fat kids get these! Hey man! Sorry we were just You know, they actually bronzed my first diaper.
It's kind of I can show it to you if you want.
It's in the garage.
That was awkward.
So, Tim gonna show? I know he's coming.
He just had a thing - A thing.
- with his brother or something.
Rally girl and a free 6 pack on his way.
I did not mean that.
It's okay.
- Hey baby.
- Hi daddy.
- Hi Tyra.
- Hi.
- Hi daddy.
- Hi.
- Do you need me to take you home? - No, I'm fine.
- You're okay? - Yeah.
Just let me know if you need anything.
I'll be with the boosters.
- Let me know if you need anything.
- I'm fine.
Let's get the hell out of here.
Help me with this.
Hold on a second.
What? Let's get the other 3.
- Come on, man.
- No, Billy.
I'm already late for the party.
Plus I promised Lyla I'd be there Forget about Lyla for 2 seconds.
I'm your brother, okay? I know you're my brother, Billy.
But I don't feel like getting busted cause you wanna take Mindy and her mom - out for a nice steak dinner.
- You think this is what it's about? - I do think it's what it's about.
- I need this.
Okay? I need this.
I got a second chance here, Tim.
Maybe start a little business.
Have a decent life.
Ain't no football games or rally girls for me anymore.
I'll never ask you for anything else ever again.
So help me God! But, please I need this.
Get down, get down! Get down! Unbelievable Let's load 'em up! Oh, here he is.
Here he is.
- Hey, Buddy.
- Good shot! Can we crash the party? Not my party.
- How you doing? - Good.
Having a good time? - I am having a good time.
- Good.
- Wayne, it's a pleasure to meet you.
- Nice meeting you.
- I've heard a lot about you.
- Likewise.
I'm gonna go ahead inside this real quick.
I wanna get it out of the way.
Cause we've been talking about it.
I just wanna know.
What do you think about the spread? What he's trying to say is we wish you'd think more about the run issue.
Most 5A schools are going spread, now.
I think you need the right person to run that kind of offense.
You're saying you don't think you have the guys? I don't think we're ready to install something like that is what I'm saying.
Well Coach, I don't know.
Maybe you just need a shot.
Wait, I don't know what you're being paid.
But I'm not paying you.
- So I don't really need your opinion.
- We're just talking about football.
Eric, just admit Look, JD is a great little quarterback.
He's got a great arm.
Great feet.
- You can admit that.
- Is it what you want me to admit? Well, that's easy to do.
I admit that your son is an incredible 15 year old.
Most of the kids out there hit puberty about 5 years ago.
Your son hit it about a month ago, as far as I can tell.
I know Matt Saracen.
I don't know your son.
Then I would say this would be an ideal time for you to get to know my son.
Why don't you just give me a chance? - You have a good night.
- Alright, alright.
Thank you very much for the party.
That was fun! That house is gorgeous.
And that chocolate fountain.
Did you have some of that? - That was so good! - Chocolate fountain.
I even had some boosters be nice to me.
Of course a lot of them were staring daggers in the back of my head.
I could feel that.
I spent my whole time getting my ear chewed off about Matt Saracen Boy wonder I'm sorry you didn't have a good time, honey.
You know who I miss? I miss the Coach's wife.
You know who I can't wait to meet? The Principal's husband.
Touché It's Friday night, folks, and if you're in Hermann Field in Dillon, Texas, you're exactly where God wants you to be.
It's the Tigers of Arnett Mead versus the Dillon Panthers, in what should be a real knock-down-and-drag-out.
It's about heart, it's about commitment, it's about who wants it more.
Alright, listen up, this is it.
Anyone doesn't think we can win, he get the hell of my O-line, alright? Coach Taylor is putting all his money on quarterback Matt Saracen, over the much ballyhooed JD McCoy.
And there is not a soul sitting for this one, folks.
Saracen's back to pass, he's on the pressure.
He fires He takes a hard hit, but completes the pass to Tim Riggins for a first down.
Saracen feints back to pass, all the protection breaks down, he's gotta scramble A nifty move inside, he's running off the left side line to the 15 And he's gonna be out of bounds about He gets a late hit out of bounds.
How about a flag? Coach Taylor is absolutely livid after that late hit.
I'd guarantee that he's gonna feel that one, tomorrow.
Saracen hands off to Riggins, Saracen gets drilled again and Riggins is heading to the house, folks.
Touchdown, Panthers! Saracen's tenacious play has inspired his team.
That's nice, that's your game! Yes, sir.
Arnett Mead comes out that big spread offense.
He's back to pass.
He lets one fly, he's got a man open Touchdown as Arnett Mead's powerful pass in attack has put them back in the lead.
It is an opens up.
It's a reverse option.
No, it's a late pass to Riggins.
Riggins leveled, and Riggins is down Matt Saracen just keeps taking it for the team! All we have to do is stay in the I! Saracen back to pass.
Pressure's coming.
He just gets rid of that ball.
He's got a man open.
Touchdown, Dillon Panthers! We're back in this long one.
Arnett Mead back to pass.
He's looking deep.
Arnett Mead takes the lead, with less than two minutes left in this contest.
Can you see all that? Yes, good.
We're gonna get the ball back, we need to take some more.
- You got one more in you? - I always got one more.
This is it.
The clock is running down, it is all or nothing, here, folks.
Saracen brings him over the ball.
Touchdown, touchdown, no No, the ball has come out! The ball is on the ground! And Arnett Mead has it! He didn't control that ball going over the goal line, that is not a touchdown, and this game is over, folks! A brave effort, where the victory that was promised was not to be.
The Dillon Panthers have lost.
I'm sorry, I didn't know you I was just waiting for you.
I don't really want I was just trying to wait everyone out, so I don't have to talk about the game.
We don't have to talk about the game if you don't want to.
Or we can if you do.
How about we go somewhere and talk about anything but football? That sounds good.
They made me employee of the month at Alamo Freeze.
There's some more pie in there, you want it? I'm not going to the walk-on next week, mama.
What? Alamo Freeze made me an offer.
They want me to be regional manager.
- It's a good job - Alamo Freeze Hell no.
Look, I've decided.
- And I'm gonna tell Coach tomorrow.
- All you gonna say is thank you.
After all that man has done for you.
He could've lost his job, Brian.
This is not what it was supposed to be.
I was supposed to buy you a house.
I didn't have kids to buy me no house.
What is wrong with you? I've done everything right.
I've done everything I was supposed to do, - and it's still not enough.
- We will keep doing things right.
That's what makes you a man.
The son I raised is a man.
So, you're going to that try-out, and you're going to play like God made you do, and you are going to go to that college.
- What if I don't take your help? - You're gonna take my help.
I am your mother.
Maybe you'll get this scholarchip, but if you don't, I'm going to help you! You let me be your mama, that is my job! - I'll pay you back.
- You bet you will! When you graduate.
And I wouldn't mind seeing you play football again either.
I think you got game tape to watch, don't you? Hey, Mr.
Is Lyla around? Hello, Tim.
Yes, she's in there.
You got you a nice set of cojones, coming over here after standing her up like that.
Seriously, it's not what you think.
Let me tell you something Dad, can I talk to him for a second, please? - Yes, honey.
- Thank you.
It's okay? I screwed up, I'm sorry.
So many people warned me about getting into this with you.
You know what I tell them? I tell them that they don't know you like I do.
I tell them that you're a good guy.
You are, right? You're a good guy.
Please, don't make a fool out of me.
I won't.
Come on, honey.
Listen closer, like you've never listened to me before.
Right now, right here, do what you do best.
Next week on an all new Friday Night Lights.
Honey, it's obvious.
You're right, they're wrong.
Doesn't matter, 'cause I'm gonna lose tomorrow.
Do not keep throwing this to me.
Maybe I should have been clearer.
We're not together! Yes, I'm choosing him.
Let's go, fellows.
We're gonna shake things up on Friday night.

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