Gokusen (2002) s03e03 Episode Script

Start over anytime!

I'm tired today too.
Should we skip school?
- Let's do that!
- Good idea!
Let's go sing some karaoke!
Karaoke again?
What a waste!
- Who was that?
- Can't see anyone.
Who said that?
Good morning, guys!
- That hurts!
- What the heck?
I'll beat you up.
You're not coming to school
on such a fine day to study?
You'll have to apologize to God!
You guys totally get along now.
Isn't it great?
What's your problem?
No problem at all!
How beautiful it is to have
good friends!
I feel like having Takoyaki.
- I said I wanted grilled meat.
- Let's have grilled meat, then.
- I want grilled meat too!
- Grilled meat
Don't be late.
The gorgeous teacher you admire
will be waiting for you!
What "gorgeous teacher"?
Who does she mean
One, two
One, two
One, two
What on earth are they all doing?
- Good morning.
- Good morning
The students are so busy exercising
early in the morning.
Mr Sawatari, we've done the poster
for the ball game tournament.
Good job.
Everybody, it will finally
take place next week.
What is that?
It's the interclass ball game
tournament held in the spring.
Ball game tournament?
The games are basketball,
table tennis and
Our school's tradition, rugby
I didn't know!
Mr Ushijima, let's do our best!
Why is it even you're
so enthusiastic, Miss Takano?
I'm 3A's assistant class teacher,
so of course I'm excited.
3B has got fighting spirit too!
3C isn't going to be defeated!
No! Our class will be the champions
of the rugby match!
What are you talking about, idiot?
Wow, it's so exciting already
this year!
Darn! We've fallen behind!
How is it you didn't realize?
The students of 3D
aren't taking part anyway.
Of course they have to!
Miss Yamaguchi, you can count on me
in the sporting events
Ball game tournament
I can't let this chance go.
If they sweat together in matches,
I'm sure that their hearts
will become one!
In the ball game tournament
next week,
because there are fewer students
in our class than in the others,
I decided that we'd participate in
the rugby match only and aim to win.
I call this
Yankumi and Class 3D's Rugby
Championship Operation!
What does "Yankumi" mean?
I told you, it's my nickname.
You can feel free to call me that.
We've fallen behind a bit,
but we can make it up
in the practice.
Now is the time for us to unite
and aim to win!
Hey, guys, have you even been
listening to me?
- It's exhausting.
- What?
Nobody cares about
any ball game tournament.
How can you not care about it?
We should do this
and make your hearts one.
We don't need our hearts to be one.
Even if we participate,
we're not going to win anyway.
I tell you, it's useless
to even bother.
You're right
The results don't matter,
the point is to get all of you
to work together!
- What is it? The Olympics?
- Playing rugby makes you sweat!
What are you talking about?
Rugby is a sport for men!
Right, Ohira?
- It's part of my outfit.
- What?
Even if we participate,
we'll be disqualified anyway.
You keep saying "anyway."
How can young people like you
say something so spiritless?
You never know the result
if you don't try!
Anyway, we will start practicing
from today!
(Rugby is Youth!)
In the game of rugby,
you scramble for the ball together,
and you work together.
You run toward victory
and it's a passionate sport.
One for all,
and all for one!
And I'm here alone!
Do your best Great strike
Do your bestGreat strike
Do your bestGreat strike
Do your best
A ball game tournament is pointless
without girls!
I wish half of our class were girls!
Two thirds would be fine too!
Three thirds would be great!
That's a girls' high school.
Why are there only guys
in our school?
They're from Akado Gakuin.
I think we should call
some teachers here.
No, they'll try to take revenge.
Wait! Don't go!
What's wrong with them?
Let's go.
Oh, no
Run, guys
Who the heck did this?
Mom's going to shout at me again!
I thought at least one of them
would come to practice
Well, I did expect
that's what would happen.
The students in our class
have done a lot of practice.
Good lord! The boys are not
motivated at all!
They just say it's "annoying"
and "stupid" right away.
I mean, how do you know if you'll
win or lose if you don't even try?
At this rate, 3D will lose
by default.
I am not going to let that happen!
- Miss Yamaguchi
- Mr Baba,
- I can't breathe
- how dare you say that!
Good evening.
Dr Natsume? Why are you
Dr Natsume!
Why have you come here?
Ms Ayukawa asked me out to dinner.
- What
- My, my!
What a coincidence!
Ms Ayukawa
You stole a march on us?
No, we're meeting to discuss
the health checks.
I mean, the school nurse has to
keep closely in touch with
the school doctor.
- Don't you think, Mr Natsume?
- Yeah
She is acting so eager!
And her hand!
Well, since all of you are here,
would you mind if we joined you?
Of course you can join
Mr Natsume, you can sit here.
Please have a seat here.
Mr Natsume, if you're meeting
to discuss something
- This is my chair!
- Mr Natsume
Oh, please have a seat here.
- Over here
- Here!
Let go!
Thank you.
- Where are we going next?
- Our usual place?
Let's go!
These guys are still studying
at this hour?
They must be exhausted.
- Hey, you hurt me!
- Sorry.
Wow! Long time no see!
What, you know someone
from Akado Gakuin?
No, I don't know anyone like him.
Let's go.
What the heck?
Do you know him, Icchi?
But he seems really nasty!
That's the Aoshiba uniform,
isn't it?
Aoshiba What? Aoshiba?
All the students there are
really smart!
- How do you know someone there?
- Well
- I went to Aoshiba's middle school.
- What?
Hey, Icchi
You're actually smart?
Well, yeah.
But I dropped out halfway
and didn't go to their high school.
Wait It's impressive enough
that you went to Aoshiba!
Well, you can't find a trace
of the school on me now, though!
Don't say that!
Hey, let's go and play darts!
I think I like bowling more.
Wow, you are a GP, Mr Natsume?
Yeah, but it's just
my father's hospital.
So are you going to take over
the hospital in the future?
Yes, I will.
That means
If I get married to Mr Natsume,
I'll be a hospital director's wife!
Isn't this great?
My grandfather and great-grandfather
were doctors too,
so I'm the fourth generation.
Well, generations of the Baba family
were barbers.
- Just kidding.
- Remarkable!
My family keep telling me to be
their fourth generation leader.
But I want to be a teacher more.
Fourth generation
What is your family business?
A Takoyaki stall.
Ouch! Watch it, jerk!
Watch where you're walking.
Who the heck are you?
Good morning.
Oh, my God! This is scary!
What happened?
There was an assault somewhere
in the area last night.
(Frequent Group Violence)
It's a group of masked young men.
They just appear out of nowhere,
then disappear without taking money.
Whoa! Their only purpose
is to beat people up?
Miss Yamaguchi, you'd better not
go anywhere alone in the dark.
Nasty guys like them are having
their own way in the world?
Oh, I mean
This is bad!
Miss Yamaguchi, the guys in 3D
have done it again!
(Bring it on)
If Ms Akagi sees this,
it will be over for me.
Who drew all this on
Ms Akagi's portrait?
No idea
Do not feign innocence!
Only you guys would do
something like this
Did you guys really do this?
We have no idea
That's what they're like.
Judging from this
This assault
they did it, didn't they?
What the heck?
Don't just assume, jerk!
Wait a second.
If you don't want to be suspected,
then learn to behave better.
"Championship Operation"?
- But 3D isn't participating, right?
- Yeah.
3D has nothing to do with the event.
What do you mean by that?
Our class is participating
in the rugby match.
These guys?
Yes. They won't stand for it
when you go this far.
They are going to do this.
I totally understand how you feel.
This is when we should get
the better of Mr Sawatari!
Guys, change into your P.E. uniform
and assemble on the sports ground!
Let's do our
They have no motivation
from the bottom of their hearts.
It's like they're spiritless
or something.
Your job is tough, Missy.
Oh, no!
My students!
Darn that Sawatari!
The jerk treats us like his enemies
whenever anything happens.
Gosh, he just gets on my nerves!
I'll beat him up one day!
Don't beat your teacher up!
Let's have some!
- Welcome.
- Three packs of Takoyaki, please.
- Sure.
- They look absolutely delicious!
Smells so good!
They look delicious!
Bon appetit!
Hey, guys, I wonder if Yamaguchi
is still there waiting.
She is such a pest.
Perhaps we should've just
gone to practice.
- Why?
- Who cares?
The school doesn't expect
anything from us anyway.
Yeah, I know, but
Yamaguchi has helped us a lot.
Well That's true.
That was really delicious.
Let's go.
What? So early?
Hey, guys.
You study at Akado Gakuin?
Yes, we do.
- Hey.
- Yes, Big Bro.
This is for you. Take it.
Just go!
Thank you.
Remember to listen to what
your teacher says.
We will
Thank you!
Your students are
surprisingly frank.
Of course they are.
They are my students.
True enough.
Sorry, Big Bro.
Let's go to karaoke.
- Good
- I'll let you hear me sing.
I don't want to listen
to your voice!
I'm going home now.
Hey, Icchi, come with us!
Hey, Icchi!
What a wet blanket!
What's wrong with him?
No idea.
What, you know someone
from Akado Gakuin?
No, I don't know anyone like him.
Let's go.
- Hey, pretty!
- Hey!
- Have a drink with me!
- Let go of me!
Are there any pretty women?
Don't come here again!
No! Help!
This is so much fun!
It gets rid of our stress.
Did we go a bit too far
Why not? He was a jerk.
He's scum anyway.
Scum isn't worthy to exist.
Icchi, has something upset you?
I see.
(Outdo your past self!
Don't let it end as a dream!)
(Endless hard work
will guarantee you success)
(Brilliant future)
It's too late for you.
Long time no see, Ichimura.
What? You're looking to
go to cram school here?
And your school uniform doesn't
look like it belongs here.
How dare you!
You intimidate people right away.
I hate the low quality schools.
Don't get too carried away!
Kura! Let's go.
You guys only study
every single day,
we enjoy our lives a lot more
than you, idiots!
You might enjoy your life now,
but your future is bleak.
Well, I guess it's no use
saying that to you.
Let's go.
Wait a second.
I've been keeping quiet
but you talk too arrogantly.
- Who do you think you are?
- Kura!
Don't touch me with your dirty hand!
The world we live in
is different from yours!
Don't get too carried away!
What was your reason?
Did you not hear me, Ichimura?
Why did you punch a student from
Aoshiba Gakuin High School?
Ichimura, I know you have
your reasons. Just tell us.
- It was their fault.
- Kura.
You picked a fight first,
didn't you?
The students of Aoshiba wouldn't
possibly waste their time on you!
Mr Sawatari, I am going to
lecture him.
Please let him off today.
I have to consider giving Ichimura
some strict punishment.
What happened?
You are not someone who would
punch anyone without a reason.
It wasn't Icchi's fault.
- The Aoshiba guy got carried away.
- Don't say anything you shouldn't.
He was Icchi's classmate
in middle school!
But he kept saying mean things
That doesn't matter!
What does it matter?
I got angry and punched him.
That's all.
I think
I'll quit school.
Nothing will change anyway
if I quit.
- Why do you assume that
- But that's the case!
Our futures are limited anyway.
Everybody thinks so.
Well, I can kind of imagine.
We are different from
the students of Aoshiba.
People suspect us straight away,
even though we did nothing.
We just get labelled like that
Nothing will change anyway.
I can't stand it.
Why do you have to
compare yourselves to others?
Aren't you guys the ones
labelling yourselves?
Not the public or the teachers,
you compare yourselves to
other people
and give up right from the start!
Your life doesn't end here.
It continues for a long time
after you graduate from school.
If you didn't know it, you can start
over again anytime!
That's just fancy talk.
A teacher can't possibly
understand how I feel!
Let's go.
I understand how your student feels
a little.
When Tetsu was in high school,
his teacher told him not to go to
school till the graduation ceremony.
I see. Yeah
"The air in the classroom gets
dirty when you are here," he said.
That darn teacher
How dare he say that to Big Bro!
When you keep getting treated
like that, before you know it
you just stop caring any longer.
People just turn a cold shoulder
to those who don't fit in.
But Kumiko, you became a teacher
for the students who don't fit in,
didn't you?
In that case, don't give up
and just face them.
Your students will understand
soon enough.
That's what you have been doing,
isn't it?
You will be okay, Missy.
Yeah, you are right
I cannot give up.
Fight to win!
Good morning!
No. Icchi isn't answering his phone.
Is he
going to just stop coming
to school like this?
(Incoming call: Satoru Kuraki)
(Rikiya Ichimura)
It seems that Ichimura
hasn't been coming to school.
I hope a student who causes problems
will just quit school.
He is going to come back.
(Ichimura, Icchi)
What's the matter, guys?
Icchi beat the Aoshiba guy up
for me.
No matter what they said,
Icchi just held back.
I got angry and was going
to punch him, so
I see.
what Icchi is like.
That's all we want to say. See you.
There's something
very nice about you.
Shut up!
Your friends are worried about you.
Don't come here.
Come back to school.
It's a waste killing time here.
You're so annoying!
I am waiting for you
to take that step out.
Oh, darn! I sang too much!
My throat hurts!
I'm hungry.
Let's grab something to eat
- Okonomiyaki, perhaps?
- Good idea!
- I want a Sutadon rice bowl!
- What's Sutadon?
Hey, watch out
Who the heck are you?
Hurry up!
(We are all waiting for you! Kura)
What's wrong with those guys?
It hurts!
I'm sure that my bone is fractured.
- Are you okay?
- It's so annoying.
- Suzuki!
- Oh, Icchi.
What happened?
We got beaten up on Shirokin-dori
last night! I'm so angry!
They said nothing,
they just appeared and beat us up.
It was those guys Sawatari
mentioned the other day.
A group of seven masked guys.
Hurry up!
- Takasugi!
- What
Darn that jerk!
He won't get away with this!
He said Takasugi?
That's the Aoshiba guy
we met the other day!
How dare the Aoshiba guys
look down on us!
(Aoshiba Gakuin High School)
What are you doing here?
Come with me.
What should we do, Yamato?
Are you okay with this?
What else?
Guys, let's go!
This is bad!
All the students in 3D have started
their exodus!
You committed that assault,
didn't you?
- What are you talking about?
- Don't play innocent!
You beat my classmates up
last night too, didn't you?
I know nothing.
I saw you last night.
Why did you do that?
To take your mind off things?
- To make the world a better place.
- What?
An operation to eliminate the scum.
- Don't be ridiculous!
- I am very serious.
What a shame.
You thought I would come
alone obediently?
I have to thank you for
punching me the other day.
(Aoshiba Gakuin High School)
- Let's go!
- Icchi!
Ren, did you find him?
At Aoshiba's storage at the back.
Let's go!
You're just a dropout,
don't you dare reprove me!
You're so lame!
- You are all worthless beings!
- Stop!
You jerk!
How dare you torment our friend!
I hope you've braced yourselves
for this!
Beat us up if you want.
But we will report it
to the police.
You will be the ones in trouble
in that case.
Well, I guess all of you will be
expelled from school.
I don't think that's all.
Shut up!
I don't care if we get expelled!
If you do,
we will tell the police that you
committed the spate of assaults!
Do whatever you want.
But I wonder who the police
and the public will believe.
No adult believes you guys usually,
Who would believe anything
that scum like you say?
You jerk!
I believe them.
Who are you?
I am their class teacher.
Don't do anything.
Don't get in our way!
You still don't get it?
If you do anything, you will be
as awful as them!
As awful as us?
I am feeling offended.
Students of an excellent school use
this nonsense to kid around?
Unlike the fights they have,
we are making the world
a better place.
Making the world a better place?
We are the victors of life if we
continue to walk our paths.
but these guys are worthless
to society, aren't they?
There is no future for them.
- You jerk!
- Of course there's a future!
Yes, people see them as losers.
They don't get good grades
and keep causing problems,
they also say it's a nuisance
and give up before they even try
to do something and it's pathetic.
But just like you guys,
they all have lots of potential.
They just haven't stepped out
that crucial step,
but they have a future too.
They can change if they
just step out that step.
You use academic results to
decide who is more superior,
isn't that disgusting as a person?
I don't care how grand
your reason is,
what you're doing is
totally a crime.
Shut up!
You are nothing more than
a teacher at Akado!
You don't understand people's
feelings and pain. You know nothing.
You have no right to talk about
how much people are worth!
You guys can start over again too.
Are you okay?
Don't be so reckless!
It looks painful
You made us all worry.
Well done on
not beating them up, boys.
That's because someone
desperately stopped us.
It shows that you have
moved a step forward.
Do not forget this.
You guys can change,
and you have much potential.
You can create your own futures.
So you should be more confident
in yourselves.
Okay, Ichimura?
Let's participate in
the ball game tournament.
It makes me feel ill
if we just do nothing.
And I don't want to give up
before we even try.
You never know if you don't try.
Count me in!
What? We're doing this?
Count me in too!
Well, I'll join too, then.
I'll join too
Me too
Me too
Goodness me!
All right, fine!
Okay, let's do it!
Fight to win!
Well done, guys!
Here you go, Yankumi.
You just called me Yankumi
Yeah, so what?
We'll call you that
as many times as you want.
Okay, guys!
I'll race you to the setting sun!
Come on!
Guys, come with me now!
But the clouds are covering
the sun
Well, fine
- Kazama!
- Guys!
I am sure that 3D's students
are there!
- Oh, no!
- He did something outrageous.
You want me gone too,
don't you, Kaoruko?
Don't be ridiculous!
Members of a family have to
give support to one another.
To your sister,
you are her only family.
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