Invincible (2021) s03e03 Episode Script
You Want a Real Costume, Right?
[Radcliffe] The artificial skin took.
They missed a spot.
[Cecil] It was all that was left
of my real skin.
It's a reminder that I messed up.
And to never let it happen again.
[Radcliffe] You can be the good guy
or the guy who saves the world.
You can't be both.
[Cecil] It's my job to defend
the planet from threats.
There's a thing in my head.
You got to get it out
- before Cecil finds me.
- Everyone step back.
- [Cecil] This has nothing to do with you.
- [Monster Girl] Hell it doesn't.
I will never work for you again.
- We don't have to put up with it anymore!
- [Immortal] The door is over there.
Do you think I should help
this Titan guy out?
Well, whatever you told that kid
to get him on your side, it fucking
[Titan] I told him the truth.
I'm gonna make this city better
for a lot of people.
I didn't get my powers
until I was way older than you.
[Paul] When you never called me back,
I figured maybe you weren't interested.
[Mark] Let's give it a try.
[plaintive music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[plaintive music playing]
[pulsing music playing]
[somber music playing]
[Mark] What are you doing here?!
You promised you wouldn't use
your powers without me.
You could have gotten hurt!
I just wanted to see you
beating up bad guys.
But they were gonna pour lava
in your face, so I had to help.
And I'm not using my powers
without you. You're here.
[sirens wailing]
We're leaving.
- But I want to stay and watch.
- I said we're leaving.
Am I in trouble?
- [scoffs] What do you think?
- Go to your room.
Your brother and I
need to discuss what you've done.
And what have I said
about flying in the house?
I was worried this was gonna happen.
I know, but asking him to not use
his powers isn't realistic.
And you did promise I'd train him.
- [sighs] He's so young, Mark.
- Yeah, but he's tough.
You should've seen him today.
I just want him to have a normal childhood,
- or as normal as we can give him.
- I'll be careful, I promise.
I won't let him get hurt,
and I won't let him hurt anyone else.
I know you didn't ask for this.
Neither did you, but we're a family.
We'll figure this out together.
[Helen] Did that make any sense to you?
I mean, it's supposed to be
an introduction to architecture.
Yeah, it's pretty complicated,
but I like applying what we learn.
Um, where exactly
are you applying this stuff?
Oh, uh, just like building models
and stuff.
[Amber] Eve? Oh, my God.
- I thought that was you.
- Amber.
I'll see you in class next week.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
Oh. No, no, it's fine.
It's-it's really good to see you.
- I didn't know you'd enrolled.
- Just part-time, but,
yeah, I'm taking some architecture
and engineering classes.
I want to get better at using my powers,
and since I make and build stuff,
this, you know, kind of made sense.
Ah, I guess I never really
thought about superheroes
having to learn to use their powers.
It's not all tights and fistfights.
[both laugh]
Are you busy?
Do you want to grab coffee
and, like, catch up for real?
But Debbie and Oliver are okay?
Yeah, Mark rescued them
from this Angstrom Levy guy.
It was rough, but they're all
doing much better now.
Oh, thank God.
And then Mark and Cecil
got in a huge fight,
so Mark's on his own right now.
And, uh, hmm
Speaking of Mark,
I should probably tell you something.
You two are dating.
[sharp inhale]
[laughs] It's okay.
William told me.
I'm happy for you both.
I didn't want it to mess up
anything between us.
I mean, I'm glad it didn't happen
the next day, but honestly
I always wondered if you two
would get together after we broke up.
[scoffs] It's obvious to everyone
but us, huh?
Maybe a little.
But, seriously, Mark and I
Our worlds were too different.
But you and him,
that's where you both live.
Yeah. And I have to be honest,
it feels good.
It's exciting but also comfortable.
- Do you know what I mean?
- Hmm. I do, in fact.
- Wait.
- Well there's this guy Kyle.
- And
- Go on.
[Rex] Ta-da!
It's not buried under a mountain
and it doesn't have a pool,
but it's ours.
- Technically the deed is in my name
- We're gonna make a mint
when we finally sell it, but for
now it's good to be home, baby.
It's bigger than I thought.
[laughs] That's what she said.
Okay, wait, hang on.
Sorry. Old me again.
[laughs] Did I do that?
Anyway, it's pretty big.
A little dusting, some new furniture,
and it'll be the perfect crime-busting
fight palace once again.
Come on, I'll give you the tour.
[optimistic music playing]
We can find you a room
before the others take first pick.
You want a window, right?
Wow, this is [chuckles]
I really didn't remember
my old room being so
- You?
- Yeah, oy, I guess.
You all look so happy.
And you fought actual supervillains.
Well, same as you, right?
You've been a superhero
since you were a kid.
Yeah, but not like this.
When my parents discovered I had
powers, they went all in on it.
Suddenly, instead of soccer
in the backyard,
I'm learning chokeholds
and bomb defusals.
I worked solo in our town.
But it was all small stuff.
Gangs, bank robberies, lost pets.
I think we had
one bad guy with superpowers
- in a 200-mile radius.
- Ah, at least you had parents.
Mine sold me to the government
for the price of a steak dinner,
so I got scientists instead.
Same ones who cut me open
and grafted shit
up and down my nervous system.
I'm sorry.
That must have been hard.
Eh, it's better than being a nobody, huh?
And everyone has fucked-up childhoods.
Mm, not like ours.
Man, I would've killed for a place
like this when I was a teenager.
This is the first time
I've actually been here.
Oh, I kept my real body
at another location.
was always a bit of a misnomer.
Uh, we're not going back to that, are we?
I'm a grown-ass man.
He's right.
We definitely need a new name.
Rex and the Splosions.
Rex and his Exes.
Rex Splode and a bunch of other people
whose names you don't really need to know.
What? I'm just giving
the people what they want.
Amanda, wait,
that's a pet project of mine.
- Okay.
- Sorry. It's, uh
not ready to be shared yet.
[doors open and close]
[Eve] Huh.
So much for my spare apartment
in the city.
Oh, you're welcome to stay, Eve.
There's enough room for all of us.
Or, you know,
you could rejoin the team.
Thanks, but it wouldn't be the same.
I can't believe Kate chose
to stay with the Guardians.
She's marrying the Immortal.
Eh, guess we won't be invited
to the wedding now.
- Where will you go?
- I'm moving back in with my folks.
[Rex] Seriously?
Because they're my parents
and I need to fix things between us.
[Rex groans] And
you want to be closer to Mark, right?
[Eve] I thought you weren't
such a jerk anymore.
Baby steps, Eve.
Baby steps.
[Liu] This is unacceptable.
My best assassin rots in one of
your disgusting American prisons
and you do nothing about it.
Because it has nothing to do with me.
You seized Machine Head's empire,
so you inherited
his obligations to The Order.
Mr. Liu, with all respect,
I don't care about your Order.
I took the city, and that's all I want.
You and your pals can keep
everything else.
That's not how this works.
You are now a member of The Order
and you will handle this issue
in your territory.
Even if I agreed with you,
which I don't,
this was a private vendetta.
Multi-Paul got himself into this mess,
so he can get himself out.
Boss, uh a word?
I know you do things your own way,
but even Machine Head
bent a knee to The Order.
They got the whole world
split up between them.
Just make 'em happy,
and they'll leave us alone.
- Or what?
- Or they replace you with the next guy.
Their guy.
And he does it.
And you, me, and your family
are all six feet under.
We just got the East Side under control.
The last thing we need is the kind of heat
that breaking out Multi-Paul
is gonna bring down on us.
We don't have a choice. And I
can't teleport him out of there.
They got a energy field up or something.
Maybe Machine Head
knew a thing or two.
Okay, tell Liu
I'll take care of it this one time.
But then I don't want to see
his fucked-up face in my city again.
I mean, I ain't gonna tell him that, but
- [growls]
- You got it, boss.
[Oliver] Wait up!
Whoa! Whoa!
Come on, you can do better than that.
It's not fair.
You're way faster.
Hey, I said we'd start training.
I didn't say it was gonna be easy.
When are you gonna teach me how to fight?
I've been practicing stuff
I saw on the Internet.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay.
One thing at a time.
Flying first.
Fighting second.
You'd better keep up,
we don't want to be late.
Late for what? [whimpers]
Wait up!
[lighthearted jazz playing]
[Oliver] This is so awesome.
- Remember our deal.
- [Oliver] I know, I know.
No using my powers
in public without permission.
That's right.
Thanks again for doing this, Art.
Eh, it's my pleasure.
I'm glad to finally meet the little guy.
[Oliver] All right.
Get ready, because
Kid Omni-Man is here!
Oh, geez.
He told me the "O" was for "Oliver."
- [sighs] Can you give us a minute?
- Yeah, of course.
- You don't like it?
- Costume's great.
It's the name that's the problem.
- Why?
- [Mark sighs]
People are gonna hear that
name or see that symbol
- and think of Dad.
- I know, it'll be great.
Dad did terrible things here.
Things people aren't gonna forget
anytime soon.
But you said he's different now.
And when I save people in
this costume, they'll get it.
It's more complicated than that.
It's gonna take a long time
and a lot of work
for everyone to forgive him.
Maybe someday that might happen.
But we're not there yet.
Not even close.
- Do you understand?
- I think so.
Word on the street is,
you cut ties with Cecil.
It's time for a change.
In more ways than one.
- What's this?
- A fresh start.
- You look amazing!
- I don't know.
Feels a little serious?
[newscaster] We interrupt our
afternoon classics with breaking news
of an attack at Payton Penitentiary.
Early reports indicate superpowered
individuals are involved.
Oh, man, this is perfect.
- We can try out our new suits.
- Okay. You can come along, but
I know, I know. I won't fight.
I'll just watch.
Let's go already, we're gonna miss it.
- Hey, say thank you to Art.
- Thank you, Art!
- It's a pleasure.
- [grunts]
He has no idea where we're going.
Reminds me of another kid I knew.
[alarm blaring]
It's about time.
[Kursk] Look at these fools.
Their weapons are like tiny tickles.
Their body armor is thin,
- like cheap toilet paper.
- [Furnace] Yeah!
Whoa, who are those guys?
That's Kursk.
He's got electricity powers.
The other guy's Furnace.
Inside that suit I think he's
made of lava or something.
- I've fought them before.
- Then let's go get 'em, Mark.
- Whoa. H-Hold on.
- Huh?
First, when we're out in public,
you got to call me Invincible, not Mark.
And you can call me Kid Omni
Wait, I haven't figured out
a new name yet.
That's fine,
because I'm not calling you anything
because you're just gonna stay here
and watch.
[guards shout]
Those guys need help.
Oliv Kid Oh, my
Just stop!
Furnace, is raining boy!
Leave him alone!
Oliver, are you okay?
I thought we weren't supposed
to use our real names.
Oh, thank God.
- You didn't save one for me?
- Are you kidding me?
I told you to just watch.
You almost got yourself killed!
I'm fine.
It barely hurt.
- Don't ever do that again.
- But those guys
I don't want to hear it.
You either listen or you go home.
- Got it?
- Okay, sorry.
[laughter, indistinct chatter]
[Debbie] Thank you.
- Like this?
- Mm-hmm.
- Then smell it.
- Mm. [inhales]
- Now taste.
- Mmm.
You should get
black currant,
dark cherry,
uh, wet earth.
That's amazing.
How'd you learn all this?
Nolan and I did a lot of wine touring.
You know, before
Benefits of being married
to a travel writer, I suppose.
Yes, exactly.
- What?
- You're just so full of surprises.
Liking wine is hardly a surprise.
I just after our last date,
- I didn't think I was getting another.
- Oh. Oh, Paul, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to make you feel that way.
It wasn't you. It was just
- a lot.
- No, it's fine.
I-I thought maybe you
weren't ready to date again,
which would have been understandable,
what with everything
you've been going through and
Paul, I want to be here tonight.
I appreciate you being honest with me.
- Oh. Of course.
- Mm.
There's that wet earth.
[laughs] Ooh, mmm.
- Paul?
- Debbie?
We've known each other for years.
But you don't know me.
Not really.
And I don't want to lie to you
- like Nolan lied to me.
- I uh
- Okay.
- Nolan wasn't a travel writer.
And he's not dead.
So all that stuff in Chicago,
- that was Nolan and Mark?
- Yes.
- And the new kid is from
- Another planet.
[distant laughter]
I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
No, it's just, I, uh
- Maybe I should go.
- Wh-What? Why?
Well, Debbie, I'm-I'm just a normal guy
with thinning hair and a bad back.
I-I can't fly.
I can barely jog.
You don't want to waste your time
with someone like me.
Paul, you're so much more than that.
You're smart and kind,
and you pretend to like wine
that tastes like dirt.
And I like your hair.
- Really?
- Really.
[distant glasses clink]
[Debbie] Mmm.
[Eve] This is a normal family.
You used to say that all the time
when I was a kid.
But we both know it's not true.
It was never true.
[Adam groans softly]
I know my powers
make you uncomfortable.
they make me uncomfortable, too.
But they're part of me
and they always will be.
So I'm asking you to finally accept that.
So, this is how it's gonna be?
You have powers
so you think you can just deliver
- ultimatums to your parents?
- No, Dad, but
if you can accept
your daughter has powers,
I can accept that you don't want me
to use them in the house.
But that doesn't mean I'm gonna
stop using them to help people.
- Hmm.
- I want us to have a relationship
because I love you both
and I know that you love me, too.
But you have to accept me for who I am.
All of me.
I'm not gonna see you anymore.
[Betsy gasps]
I am tired of feeling like a freak
and a failure every time I come home,
and I don't deserve it.
- Samantha
- I am serious.
That is the deal.
I won't use my powers in the house,
and you won't make me feel bad
for being who I am.
Oh, honey, of course we accept you.
[Adam grumbles]
Adam, she's your daughter.
[Adam grumbles]
All right.
- It's a deal.
- Oh.
- [Eve] Oh.
- [Adam] I need a beer.
Also, is it okay
if I move back in for a while?
I just don't know what it's
gonna take to get through to you.
[Oliver grunts]
[Mark gasps]
- [Debbie] Mmm.
- [Mark] Uh
- Um
- Oh! Oh, um you're back.
Uh, you
uh, you remember Paul, right?
Hi Mark. Hi. Hi, Oliver.
Uh, the-these are, uh
We-we were at a comic-book store opening.
- Are you guys gonna mate now?
- Uh, your mom and I,
not sure if she told you, but
we've been talking a lot lately, and I
Oh, look.
You-you-you boys are on the news.
We are?!
- [sighs] Oliver!
- I'm fine! It was awesome!
Whoa, tha-that's not us. How?
You told him?
- Mark.
- [Paul] It's okay. I can keep a secret.
I once sold a house to a famous
rock star and never told a soul.
- Oh, yeah? Who?
- Exactly.
[newsman] With a costume clearly inspired
by Invincible,
we don't know who this new hero is.
But social media is referring
to him as Invinciboy.
- [laughs] You're Invinciboy now?
- In other news, stocks took a tumble today
with reports that some of the
[slow, contemplative music playing]
- How'd it go with your folks?
- Better than expected.
I explained how I felt
and delivered my ultimatum.
- We have a deal.
- Yes.
That's so good. Did you tell
them you're back at school?
Yeah, oh, and speaking of that,
I ran into Amber on campus.
Oh, wow.
How-How's she doing?
She's good.
College life suits her.
You look a little rough, though.
- How are you doing?
- Where do I start?
Art made new suits for me and Oliver,
so that was kind of cool.
Uh but then Oliver followed me
into a fight at Payton Penitentiary
- and almost got himself killed.
- What? Shit.
He's fine.
He was even annoyed that I took out
Kursk and Furnace by myself.
But then we got home
and I find out my mom
told her new boyfriend
my secret identity
without even asking first.
- Wow, you have had a day.
- I-I don't think I can do this.
How can I be a son,
a brother, a boyfriend,
and a superhero all at the same time?
I'm just gonna let everyone down again.
Mark you're looking at it wrong.
Those people who depend on you?
Your mom, Oliver, me?
We're also here for you to depend on us.
You're not alone.
"Invinciboy". [chuckles]
- Aw, man. You saw that?
- Saw it?
I saved a clip on my phone.
[Mark] Mmm.
[footsteps approaching]
- Jesus, I hope that's decaf!
- Oh, God. [sighs]
Sorry, Nate.
This place just gives me the creeps.
Well, don't you think
you're being a little paranoid?
Y-You didn't see it, okay?
The Lizard League tunneled
into the base right here.
And I was part of the cleanup detail.
[sighs] There was so much blood.
- So many parts. [shudders]
- I heard.
But the safest place to stand
is where lightning's already struck
because lightning never strikes
the same place twice, you know?
Yeah, that's not how lightning
[Tania yells, sighs]
[up-tempo, pulsing music playing]
That was easier than I thought.
That's the U.S. military for you,
always fixing things
as cheaply as possible.
- [whimpering]
- [Mauler 2] Oh, look. New friends.
[Nate grunts]
[Mauler 1] Another stupid, different bolt.
Who designed this piece of junk?
- Hey! Watch it!
- Nukes don't go off from impact, idiot.
They still hurt
if they land on your head, jackass!
[metallic thud]
Here they come.
[metallic thudding]
Took them long enough.
[Run the Jewels: "Blockbuster Night, Pt. 1"]
Give it up. You're outnumbered.
- And outclassed.
- And out of luck.
- And now I say something.
- Where's the rest?
We're more than enough
for the likes of you.
- They've downgraded us.
- What?
We deserve the right
to murder their whole team.
Well, get down here,
or you're gonna miss all the fun.
- No hocus-pocus ♪
- [yells]
You simple suckers
been served a notice ♪
- Top of the morning ♪
- [groans]
- My fist to your face ♪
- [grunts]
- Is fucking Folgers ♪
- We might be giants ♪
- Standing on little dandy shoulders ♪
- [grunts]
Who would have guessed the one weakness
all Guardians have in common is
their nervous systems?
DDT 'em in mausoleums,
macabre massacres ♪
I did. That's why I built it.
Now will you shoot her before
she makes any more of herself?
Please never save my life like that again.
Look out!
The fellows at the top
are likely rapists ♪
You forgot about this one.
[both grunting]
Well, pardon me,
I guess I'm just insane ♪
I don't think so.
Or maybe sanctifying
the sadistic is deranged ♪
This Run the Jewels is
murder, mayhem, melodic music ♪
Junkies simply abuse it ♪
That's word to Philip Seymour Hoff'
and I'm kushin', coughin' ♪
You're welcome.
- [Debbie] Mark!
- [Mark] What?
[newsman] Continuing coverage of a crisis
at the same nuclear missile silo that the
Lizard League attacked mere months ago.
To recap, the Guardians of the Globe
are on scene, but there have been
no updates since they entered the silo.
We'll continue
to monitor the situation and report
I don't work for Cecil anymore.
- But
- You still help people.
Then I guess it's settled. Just
be careful.
[slow, suspenseful music playing]
[Mauler 2] Why not leave them out there?
- Let the engine cook them during launch.
- [groans]
You never kill a hostage
before you need to.
Besides, I think they can still
kind of tell what's going on,
and I want them to know they lost.
[sighs] Your sentimentality is
gonna get us killed one day.
Coordinates are set.
Do you concur
that it's time we controlled the world?
I concur.
[Mark grunting]
Step away from the computer.
- Who the hell are you?
- That's Invinciboy.
I saw him on TV.
He's new.
He was new.
Where's Mark?
- We're supposed to go flying.
- [newsman] There's still no sign of activity
since Invinciboy entered the silo.
I'm told the attackers
have cut all communication with
- [turns TV off] Oliver.
- Holy crap. Mark's there?
Hold on. I don't want you to
- He might be hurt!
- Oliver!
- Aw. You want to call for help?
- [Mauler 2] Too bad. You can't.
And no one else will be able to either
once we destroy the entire planet's
communications network
with our EMP missile.
You'll have to pay
to use our shielded system instead.
Oh, we're so much worse
than supervillains now.
[both] We're businessmen.
[Mark straining]
Huh, look at that.
He's tough for a guy
with "boy" in his name.
Shoot him again and
let's get this thing launched.
[Oliver grunting]
[dramatic music playing]
You guys are in big trouble.
- Did school just get out?
- Just get him.
What are you doing here?
Saving you.
I was worried you were dead.
[Mauler 2] You're both dead.
- Get out of here. I can handle this.
- So can I.
[Mark shouts]
I said get out of here.
[scoffs] I'm fine.
You just distracted me.
- I'm not saying we're gonna lose, but
- Just in case.
[Oliver gasps]
I'm going after it.
Go home now!
[Mark straining]
[Mauler 1] You heard Invinciboy.
Like I said before,
you guys are in big trouble.
We don't usually murder children,
but there's always a first time.
We warned you, you little shit!
You're gonna need surgery.
And even then,
I don't know if we can fix
[Mauler 1 mumbles]
[Mark shouts]
[Oliver shouts]
[labored groaning]
[garbled] Holy shit!
That's what happens
when you're a bad guy.
[ominous music playing]
[garbled] I give up. I give up.
- I give up!
- [Oliver] Too late.
[Immortal] You
I didn't mean it.
It was an accident.
I didn't mean to kill them.
I saved you guys.
They're just stunned, Oliver.
Even superheroes
aren't used to seeing kids
do something like this.
But I know you were just trying to help
[Cecil choking]
I told you to stay away from my family.
I'm just here to clean up
your brother's mess.
- Wait.
- Looks like you've been training him
in the family business.
- What? I stopped them, didn't I?
- Sky. Now.
What the hell were you thinking?
- [straining]
- I told you to go home!
Why are you so mad?
We won. I beat the bad guys.
You I
- You killed them!
- I didn't mean to, but now they won't
- hurt anyone else.
- [Mark sighs]
Didn't you listen to
anything Mom or I said?
- We don't kill!
- Stop yelling at me for saving you.
I saw the news and
I thought you might be hurt,
so I tried to help you,
and now you're mad at me?
Oliver! [groans]
Oliver, wait!
[intense music playing]
[Oliver strains]
Damn it, when did you get so fast?
[Oliver panting]
Just listen, okay?
I get that you didn't mean
to murder the Maulers.
You were scared for me
and you wanted to help.
You can't just kill people
and pretend it's no big deal.
You killed the guy who broke Mom's arm.
- That was an accident.
- So was this.
- Oliver, it's wrong.
- Why? You and Mom say
I need to be responsible with my powers.
Isn't it responsible to
make sure that the bad guys
never hurt anyone else?
[sighs] Life is precious.
We don't just take it.
It's not precious.
People kill each other all the time,
and most people
aren't even special like us.
They're just normal.
- You sound just like Dad.
- So? Why is that bad?
You act like you know everything,
but do you ever think that
maybe Dad was right?
[door slides closed]
- Shit.
- [Eve] Hey.
Oh, I am so sorry.
I can't believe I'm late
to our first date.
It's okay. I saw the news.
No, it's-it's supposed to be special and
Mark, stop.
We both know how this works.
- [exhales] How'd I get so lucky?
- I don't know.
Well, Cecil made sure
this wasn't in the news,
but Oliver followed me
to the missile silo.
- [gasps]
- He saw the Maulers
attacking me and he just
killed them.
- What? Oh, God.
- Yeah. I mean maybe
killing the first Mauler was an accident,
but the Immortal told me
the second surrendered first.
What are you gonna do?
I don't know.
I am not trying to minimize what
he did, but he's just a kid
with powers he doesn't know
how to control yet.
Yeah, but
he doesn't seem sorry
or upset about it.
Just like my dad.
I don't know what I'm doing, Eve.
I don't know how
to raise a kid like Oliver.
You're forgetting about your mom.
She did a pretty good job with you.
That was before
she outed my secret identity
to her new boyfriend.
You lost your dad,
but she lost her husband.
Doesn't she deserve someone in her life?
And, yeah, she told Paul
who you are, but honestly,
who is he gonna tell?
Who would even believe him?
Where would I be without you?
Probably still looking
for Mount Rushmore.
Sounds about right.
- This is a weird first date.
- [Eve chuckles] I've had worse.
[water splashing]
[door opens]
That was a short date.
Yeah, we decided to reschedule.
- Where's Oliver?
- Up in his room.
I said we were going to have a talk
when you got home.
Want me to take over?
No, I'm fine.
I need this right now.
- It helps me feel normal.
- Sure.
- You wash, I dry?
- Works for me.
[introspective music playing]
[Mark] I'm sorry I was mad about Paul.
You need someone you can talk to.
About everything.
- Like I can with Eve.
- [Debbie] Yes.
And I should've talked to you
about it first.
- This is uncharted territory.
- For all of us.
[Debbie] You told Mark
that life isn't precious,
that it's okay if some people die.
- Is that really how you feel?
- Kinda.
Do you think my life isn't precious?
- Would you care if I died?
- Of course I'd care.
I don't want you to die.
I love you.
I love you, too.
But think about all the other
people on this planet.
They all have friends and families
who would be sad if they died.
So, just because
you don't know these people
doesn't make their lives less important.
Do you understand?
The Maulers didn't have friends or family.
I understand.
I won't do it again.
You need to really mean it.
- I do, Mom.
- Okay.
Come here.
[ominous music playing]
[car alarms blaring]
[dogs barking]
Mark, are you okay?
- What was that?
- I don't know.
Come here.
[ominous music playing]
[Angstrom Levy] Such a happy family.
[Radcliffe] The artificial skin took.
They missed a spot.
[Cecil] It was all that was left
of my real skin.
It's a reminder that I messed up.
And to never let it happen again.
[Radcliffe] You can be the good guy
or the guy who saves the world.
You can't be both.
[Cecil] It's my job to defend
the planet from threats.
There's a thing in my head.
You got to get it out
- before Cecil finds me.
- Everyone step back.
- [Cecil] This has nothing to do with you.
- [Monster Girl] Hell it doesn't.
I will never work for you again.
- We don't have to put up with it anymore!
- [Immortal] The door is over there.
Do you think I should help
this Titan guy out?
Well, whatever you told that kid
to get him on your side, it fucking
[Titan] I told him the truth.
I'm gonna make this city better
for a lot of people.
I didn't get my powers
until I was way older than you.
[Paul] When you never called me back,
I figured maybe you weren't interested.
[Mark] Let's give it a try.
[plaintive music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[plaintive music playing]
[pulsing music playing]
[somber music playing]
[Mark] What are you doing here?!
You promised you wouldn't use
your powers without me.
You could have gotten hurt!
I just wanted to see you
beating up bad guys.
But they were gonna pour lava
in your face, so I had to help.
And I'm not using my powers
without you. You're here.
[sirens wailing]
We're leaving.
- But I want to stay and watch.
- I said we're leaving.
Am I in trouble?
- [scoffs] What do you think?
- Go to your room.
Your brother and I
need to discuss what you've done.
And what have I said
about flying in the house?
I was worried this was gonna happen.
I know, but asking him to not use
his powers isn't realistic.
And you did promise I'd train him.
- [sighs] He's so young, Mark.
- Yeah, but he's tough.
You should've seen him today.
I just want him to have a normal childhood,
- or as normal as we can give him.
- I'll be careful, I promise.
I won't let him get hurt,
and I won't let him hurt anyone else.
I know you didn't ask for this.
Neither did you, but we're a family.
We'll figure this out together.
[Helen] Did that make any sense to you?
I mean, it's supposed to be
an introduction to architecture.
Yeah, it's pretty complicated,
but I like applying what we learn.
Um, where exactly
are you applying this stuff?
Oh, uh, just like building models
and stuff.
[Amber] Eve? Oh, my God.
- I thought that was you.
- Amber.
I'll see you in class next week.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
Oh. No, no, it's fine.
It's-it's really good to see you.
- I didn't know you'd enrolled.
- Just part-time, but,
yeah, I'm taking some architecture
and engineering classes.
I want to get better at using my powers,
and since I make and build stuff,
this, you know, kind of made sense.
Ah, I guess I never really
thought about superheroes
having to learn to use their powers.
It's not all tights and fistfights.
[both laugh]
Are you busy?
Do you want to grab coffee
and, like, catch up for real?
But Debbie and Oliver are okay?
Yeah, Mark rescued them
from this Angstrom Levy guy.
It was rough, but they're all
doing much better now.
Oh, thank God.
And then Mark and Cecil
got in a huge fight,
so Mark's on his own right now.
And, uh, hmm
Speaking of Mark,
I should probably tell you something.
You two are dating.
[sharp inhale]
[laughs] It's okay.
William told me.
I'm happy for you both.
I didn't want it to mess up
anything between us.
I mean, I'm glad it didn't happen
the next day, but honestly
I always wondered if you two
would get together after we broke up.
[scoffs] It's obvious to everyone
but us, huh?
Maybe a little.
But, seriously, Mark and I
Our worlds were too different.
But you and him,
that's where you both live.
Yeah. And I have to be honest,
it feels good.
It's exciting but also comfortable.
- Do you know what I mean?
- Hmm. I do, in fact.
- Wait.
- Well there's this guy Kyle.
- And
- Go on.
[Rex] Ta-da!
It's not buried under a mountain
and it doesn't have a pool,
but it's ours.
- Technically the deed is in my name
- We're gonna make a mint
when we finally sell it, but for
now it's good to be home, baby.
It's bigger than I thought.
[laughs] That's what she said.
Okay, wait, hang on.
Sorry. Old me again.
[laughs] Did I do that?
Anyway, it's pretty big.
A little dusting, some new furniture,
and it'll be the perfect crime-busting
fight palace once again.
Come on, I'll give you the tour.
[optimistic music playing]
We can find you a room
before the others take first pick.
You want a window, right?
Wow, this is [chuckles]
I really didn't remember
my old room being so
- You?
- Yeah, oy, I guess.
You all look so happy.
And you fought actual supervillains.
Well, same as you, right?
You've been a superhero
since you were a kid.
Yeah, but not like this.
When my parents discovered I had
powers, they went all in on it.
Suddenly, instead of soccer
in the backyard,
I'm learning chokeholds
and bomb defusals.
I worked solo in our town.
But it was all small stuff.
Gangs, bank robberies, lost pets.
I think we had
one bad guy with superpowers
- in a 200-mile radius.
- Ah, at least you had parents.
Mine sold me to the government
for the price of a steak dinner,
so I got scientists instead.
Same ones who cut me open
and grafted shit
up and down my nervous system.
I'm sorry.
That must have been hard.
Eh, it's better than being a nobody, huh?
And everyone has fucked-up childhoods.
Mm, not like ours.
Man, I would've killed for a place
like this when I was a teenager.
This is the first time
I've actually been here.
Oh, I kept my real body
at another location.
was always a bit of a misnomer.
Uh, we're not going back to that, are we?
I'm a grown-ass man.
He's right.
We definitely need a new name.
Rex and the Splosions.
Rex and his Exes.
Rex Splode and a bunch of other people
whose names you don't really need to know.
What? I'm just giving
the people what they want.
Amanda, wait,
that's a pet project of mine.
- Okay.
- Sorry. It's, uh
not ready to be shared yet.
[doors open and close]
[Eve] Huh.
So much for my spare apartment
in the city.
Oh, you're welcome to stay, Eve.
There's enough room for all of us.
Or, you know,
you could rejoin the team.
Thanks, but it wouldn't be the same.
I can't believe Kate chose
to stay with the Guardians.
She's marrying the Immortal.
Eh, guess we won't be invited
to the wedding now.
- Where will you go?
- I'm moving back in with my folks.
[Rex] Seriously?
Because they're my parents
and I need to fix things between us.
[Rex groans] And
you want to be closer to Mark, right?
[Eve] I thought you weren't
such a jerk anymore.
Baby steps, Eve.
Baby steps.
[Liu] This is unacceptable.
My best assassin rots in one of
your disgusting American prisons
and you do nothing about it.
Because it has nothing to do with me.
You seized Machine Head's empire,
so you inherited
his obligations to The Order.
Mr. Liu, with all respect,
I don't care about your Order.
I took the city, and that's all I want.
You and your pals can keep
everything else.
That's not how this works.
You are now a member of The Order
and you will handle this issue
in your territory.
Even if I agreed with you,
which I don't,
this was a private vendetta.
Multi-Paul got himself into this mess,
so he can get himself out.
Boss, uh a word?
I know you do things your own way,
but even Machine Head
bent a knee to The Order.
They got the whole world
split up between them.
Just make 'em happy,
and they'll leave us alone.
- Or what?
- Or they replace you with the next guy.
Their guy.
And he does it.
And you, me, and your family
are all six feet under.
We just got the East Side under control.
The last thing we need is the kind of heat
that breaking out Multi-Paul
is gonna bring down on us.
We don't have a choice. And I
can't teleport him out of there.
They got a energy field up or something.
Maybe Machine Head
knew a thing or two.
Okay, tell Liu
I'll take care of it this one time.
But then I don't want to see
his fucked-up face in my city again.
I mean, I ain't gonna tell him that, but
- [growls]
- You got it, boss.
[Oliver] Wait up!
Whoa! Whoa!
Come on, you can do better than that.
It's not fair.
You're way faster.
Hey, I said we'd start training.
I didn't say it was gonna be easy.
When are you gonna teach me how to fight?
I've been practicing stuff
I saw on the Internet.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay.
One thing at a time.
Flying first.
Fighting second.
You'd better keep up,
we don't want to be late.
Late for what? [whimpers]
Wait up!
[lighthearted jazz playing]
[Oliver] This is so awesome.
- Remember our deal.
- [Oliver] I know, I know.
No using my powers
in public without permission.
That's right.
Thanks again for doing this, Art.
Eh, it's my pleasure.
I'm glad to finally meet the little guy.
[Oliver] All right.
Get ready, because
Kid Omni-Man is here!
Oh, geez.
He told me the "O" was for "Oliver."
- [sighs] Can you give us a minute?
- Yeah, of course.
- You don't like it?
- Costume's great.
It's the name that's the problem.
- Why?
- [Mark sighs]
People are gonna hear that
name or see that symbol
- and think of Dad.
- I know, it'll be great.
Dad did terrible things here.
Things people aren't gonna forget
anytime soon.
But you said he's different now.
And when I save people in
this costume, they'll get it.
It's more complicated than that.
It's gonna take a long time
and a lot of work
for everyone to forgive him.
Maybe someday that might happen.
But we're not there yet.
Not even close.
- Do you understand?
- I think so.
Word on the street is,
you cut ties with Cecil.
It's time for a change.
In more ways than one.
- What's this?
- A fresh start.
- You look amazing!
- I don't know.
Feels a little serious?
[newscaster] We interrupt our
afternoon classics with breaking news
of an attack at Payton Penitentiary.
Early reports indicate superpowered
individuals are involved.
Oh, man, this is perfect.
- We can try out our new suits.
- Okay. You can come along, but
I know, I know. I won't fight.
I'll just watch.
Let's go already, we're gonna miss it.
- Hey, say thank you to Art.
- Thank you, Art!
- It's a pleasure.
- [grunts]
He has no idea where we're going.
Reminds me of another kid I knew.
[alarm blaring]
It's about time.
[Kursk] Look at these fools.
Their weapons are like tiny tickles.
Their body armor is thin,
- like cheap toilet paper.
- [Furnace] Yeah!
Whoa, who are those guys?
That's Kursk.
He's got electricity powers.
The other guy's Furnace.
Inside that suit I think he's
made of lava or something.
- I've fought them before.
- Then let's go get 'em, Mark.
- Whoa. H-Hold on.
- Huh?
First, when we're out in public,
you got to call me Invincible, not Mark.
And you can call me Kid Omni
Wait, I haven't figured out
a new name yet.
That's fine,
because I'm not calling you anything
because you're just gonna stay here
and watch.
[guards shout]
Those guys need help.
Oliv Kid Oh, my
Just stop!
Furnace, is raining boy!
Leave him alone!
Oliver, are you okay?
I thought we weren't supposed
to use our real names.
Oh, thank God.
- You didn't save one for me?
- Are you kidding me?
I told you to just watch.
You almost got yourself killed!
I'm fine.
It barely hurt.
- Don't ever do that again.
- But those guys
I don't want to hear it.
You either listen or you go home.
- Got it?
- Okay, sorry.
[laughter, indistinct chatter]
[Debbie] Thank you.
- Like this?
- Mm-hmm.
- Then smell it.
- Mm. [inhales]
- Now taste.
- Mmm.
You should get
black currant,
dark cherry,
uh, wet earth.
That's amazing.
How'd you learn all this?
Nolan and I did a lot of wine touring.
You know, before
Benefits of being married
to a travel writer, I suppose.
Yes, exactly.
- What?
- You're just so full of surprises.
Liking wine is hardly a surprise.
I just after our last date,
- I didn't think I was getting another.
- Oh. Oh, Paul, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to make you feel that way.
It wasn't you. It was just
- a lot.
- No, it's fine.
I-I thought maybe you
weren't ready to date again,
which would have been understandable,
what with everything
you've been going through and
Paul, I want to be here tonight.
I appreciate you being honest with me.
- Oh. Of course.
- Mm.
There's that wet earth.
[laughs] Ooh, mmm.
- Paul?
- Debbie?
We've known each other for years.
But you don't know me.
Not really.
And I don't want to lie to you
- like Nolan lied to me.
- I uh
- Okay.
- Nolan wasn't a travel writer.
And he's not dead.
So all that stuff in Chicago,
- that was Nolan and Mark?
- Yes.
- And the new kid is from
- Another planet.
[distant laughter]
I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
No, it's just, I, uh
- Maybe I should go.
- Wh-What? Why?
Well, Debbie, I'm-I'm just a normal guy
with thinning hair and a bad back.
I-I can't fly.
I can barely jog.
You don't want to waste your time
with someone like me.
Paul, you're so much more than that.
You're smart and kind,
and you pretend to like wine
that tastes like dirt.
And I like your hair.
- Really?
- Really.
[distant glasses clink]
[Debbie] Mmm.
[Eve] This is a normal family.
You used to say that all the time
when I was a kid.
But we both know it's not true.
It was never true.
[Adam groans softly]
I know my powers
make you uncomfortable.
they make me uncomfortable, too.
But they're part of me
and they always will be.
So I'm asking you to finally accept that.
So, this is how it's gonna be?
You have powers
so you think you can just deliver
- ultimatums to your parents?
- No, Dad, but
if you can accept
your daughter has powers,
I can accept that you don't want me
to use them in the house.
But that doesn't mean I'm gonna
stop using them to help people.
- Hmm.
- I want us to have a relationship
because I love you both
and I know that you love me, too.
But you have to accept me for who I am.
All of me.
I'm not gonna see you anymore.
[Betsy gasps]
I am tired of feeling like a freak
and a failure every time I come home,
and I don't deserve it.
- Samantha
- I am serious.
That is the deal.
I won't use my powers in the house,
and you won't make me feel bad
for being who I am.
Oh, honey, of course we accept you.
[Adam grumbles]
Adam, she's your daughter.
[Adam grumbles]
All right.
- It's a deal.
- Oh.
- [Eve] Oh.
- [Adam] I need a beer.
Also, is it okay
if I move back in for a while?
I just don't know what it's
gonna take to get through to you.
[Oliver grunts]
[Mark gasps]
- [Debbie] Mmm.
- [Mark] Uh
- Um
- Oh! Oh, um you're back.
Uh, you
uh, you remember Paul, right?
Hi Mark. Hi. Hi, Oliver.
Uh, the-these are, uh
We-we were at a comic-book store opening.
- Are you guys gonna mate now?
- Uh, your mom and I,
not sure if she told you, but
we've been talking a lot lately, and I
Oh, look.
You-you-you boys are on the news.
We are?!
- [sighs] Oliver!
- I'm fine! It was awesome!
Whoa, tha-that's not us. How?
You told him?
- Mark.
- [Paul] It's okay. I can keep a secret.
I once sold a house to a famous
rock star and never told a soul.
- Oh, yeah? Who?
- Exactly.
[newsman] With a costume clearly inspired
by Invincible,
we don't know who this new hero is.
But social media is referring
to him as Invinciboy.
- [laughs] You're Invinciboy now?
- In other news, stocks took a tumble today
with reports that some of the
[slow, contemplative music playing]
- How'd it go with your folks?
- Better than expected.
I explained how I felt
and delivered my ultimatum.
- We have a deal.
- Yes.
That's so good. Did you tell
them you're back at school?
Yeah, oh, and speaking of that,
I ran into Amber on campus.
Oh, wow.
How-How's she doing?
She's good.
College life suits her.
You look a little rough, though.
- How are you doing?
- Where do I start?
Art made new suits for me and Oliver,
so that was kind of cool.
Uh but then Oliver followed me
into a fight at Payton Penitentiary
- and almost got himself killed.
- What? Shit.
He's fine.
He was even annoyed that I took out
Kursk and Furnace by myself.
But then we got home
and I find out my mom
told her new boyfriend
my secret identity
without even asking first.
- Wow, you have had a day.
- I-I don't think I can do this.
How can I be a son,
a brother, a boyfriend,
and a superhero all at the same time?
I'm just gonna let everyone down again.
Mark you're looking at it wrong.
Those people who depend on you?
Your mom, Oliver, me?
We're also here for you to depend on us.
You're not alone.
"Invinciboy". [chuckles]
- Aw, man. You saw that?
- Saw it?
I saved a clip on my phone.
[Mark] Mmm.
[footsteps approaching]
- Jesus, I hope that's decaf!
- Oh, God. [sighs]
Sorry, Nate.
This place just gives me the creeps.
Well, don't you think
you're being a little paranoid?
Y-You didn't see it, okay?
The Lizard League tunneled
into the base right here.
And I was part of the cleanup detail.
[sighs] There was so much blood.
- So many parts. [shudders]
- I heard.
But the safest place to stand
is where lightning's already struck
because lightning never strikes
the same place twice, you know?
Yeah, that's not how lightning
[Tania yells, sighs]
[up-tempo, pulsing music playing]
That was easier than I thought.
That's the U.S. military for you,
always fixing things
as cheaply as possible.
- [whimpering]
- [Mauler 2] Oh, look. New friends.
[Nate grunts]
[Mauler 1] Another stupid, different bolt.
Who designed this piece of junk?
- Hey! Watch it!
- Nukes don't go off from impact, idiot.
They still hurt
if they land on your head, jackass!
[metallic thud]
Here they come.
[metallic thudding]
Took them long enough.
[Run the Jewels: "Blockbuster Night, Pt. 1"]
Give it up. You're outnumbered.
- And outclassed.
- And out of luck.
- And now I say something.
- Where's the rest?
We're more than enough
for the likes of you.
- They've downgraded us.
- What?
We deserve the right
to murder their whole team.
Well, get down here,
or you're gonna miss all the fun.
- No hocus-pocus ♪
- [yells]
You simple suckers
been served a notice ♪
- Top of the morning ♪
- [groans]
- My fist to your face ♪
- [grunts]
- Is fucking Folgers ♪
- We might be giants ♪
- Standing on little dandy shoulders ♪
- [grunts]
Who would have guessed the one weakness
all Guardians have in common is
their nervous systems?
DDT 'em in mausoleums,
macabre massacres ♪
I did. That's why I built it.
Now will you shoot her before
she makes any more of herself?
Please never save my life like that again.
Look out!
The fellows at the top
are likely rapists ♪
You forgot about this one.
[both grunting]
Well, pardon me,
I guess I'm just insane ♪
I don't think so.
Or maybe sanctifying
the sadistic is deranged ♪
This Run the Jewels is
murder, mayhem, melodic music ♪
Junkies simply abuse it ♪
That's word to Philip Seymour Hoff'
and I'm kushin', coughin' ♪
You're welcome.
- [Debbie] Mark!
- [Mark] What?
[newsman] Continuing coverage of a crisis
at the same nuclear missile silo that the
Lizard League attacked mere months ago.
To recap, the Guardians of the Globe
are on scene, but there have been
no updates since they entered the silo.
We'll continue
to monitor the situation and report
I don't work for Cecil anymore.
- But
- You still help people.
Then I guess it's settled. Just
be careful.
[slow, suspenseful music playing]
[Mauler 2] Why not leave them out there?
- Let the engine cook them during launch.
- [groans]
You never kill a hostage
before you need to.
Besides, I think they can still
kind of tell what's going on,
and I want them to know they lost.
[sighs] Your sentimentality is
gonna get us killed one day.
Coordinates are set.
Do you concur
that it's time we controlled the world?
I concur.
[Mark grunting]
Step away from the computer.
- Who the hell are you?
- That's Invinciboy.
I saw him on TV.
He's new.
He was new.
Where's Mark?
- We're supposed to go flying.
- [newsman] There's still no sign of activity
since Invinciboy entered the silo.
I'm told the attackers
have cut all communication with
- [turns TV off] Oliver.
- Holy crap. Mark's there?
Hold on. I don't want you to
- He might be hurt!
- Oliver!
- Aw. You want to call for help?
- [Mauler 2] Too bad. You can't.
And no one else will be able to either
once we destroy the entire planet's
communications network
with our EMP missile.
You'll have to pay
to use our shielded system instead.
Oh, we're so much worse
than supervillains now.
[both] We're businessmen.
[Mark straining]
Huh, look at that.
He's tough for a guy
with "boy" in his name.
Shoot him again and
let's get this thing launched.
[Oliver grunting]
[dramatic music playing]
You guys are in big trouble.
- Did school just get out?
- Just get him.
What are you doing here?
Saving you.
I was worried you were dead.
[Mauler 2] You're both dead.
- Get out of here. I can handle this.
- So can I.
[Mark shouts]
I said get out of here.
[scoffs] I'm fine.
You just distracted me.
- I'm not saying we're gonna lose, but
- Just in case.
[Oliver gasps]
I'm going after it.
Go home now!
[Mark straining]
[Mauler 1] You heard Invinciboy.
Like I said before,
you guys are in big trouble.
We don't usually murder children,
but there's always a first time.
We warned you, you little shit!
You're gonna need surgery.
And even then,
I don't know if we can fix
[Mauler 1 mumbles]
[Mark shouts]
[Oliver shouts]
[labored groaning]
[garbled] Holy shit!
That's what happens
when you're a bad guy.
[ominous music playing]
[garbled] I give up. I give up.
- I give up!
- [Oliver] Too late.
[Immortal] You
I didn't mean it.
It was an accident.
I didn't mean to kill them.
I saved you guys.
They're just stunned, Oliver.
Even superheroes
aren't used to seeing kids
do something like this.
But I know you were just trying to help
[Cecil choking]
I told you to stay away from my family.
I'm just here to clean up
your brother's mess.
- Wait.
- Looks like you've been training him
in the family business.
- What? I stopped them, didn't I?
- Sky. Now.
What the hell were you thinking?
- [straining]
- I told you to go home!
Why are you so mad?
We won. I beat the bad guys.
You I
- You killed them!
- I didn't mean to, but now they won't
- hurt anyone else.
- [Mark sighs]
Didn't you listen to
anything Mom or I said?
- We don't kill!
- Stop yelling at me for saving you.
I saw the news and
I thought you might be hurt,
so I tried to help you,
and now you're mad at me?
Oliver! [groans]
Oliver, wait!
[intense music playing]
[Oliver strains]
Damn it, when did you get so fast?
[Oliver panting]
Just listen, okay?
I get that you didn't mean
to murder the Maulers.
You were scared for me
and you wanted to help.
You can't just kill people
and pretend it's no big deal.
You killed the guy who broke Mom's arm.
- That was an accident.
- So was this.
- Oliver, it's wrong.
- Why? You and Mom say
I need to be responsible with my powers.
Isn't it responsible to
make sure that the bad guys
never hurt anyone else?
[sighs] Life is precious.
We don't just take it.
It's not precious.
People kill each other all the time,
and most people
aren't even special like us.
They're just normal.
- You sound just like Dad.
- So? Why is that bad?
You act like you know everything,
but do you ever think that
maybe Dad was right?
[door slides closed]
- Shit.
- [Eve] Hey.
Oh, I am so sorry.
I can't believe I'm late
to our first date.
It's okay. I saw the news.
No, it's-it's supposed to be special and
Mark, stop.
We both know how this works.
- [exhales] How'd I get so lucky?
- I don't know.
Well, Cecil made sure
this wasn't in the news,
but Oliver followed me
to the missile silo.
- [gasps]
- He saw the Maulers
attacking me and he just
killed them.
- What? Oh, God.
- Yeah. I mean maybe
killing the first Mauler was an accident,
but the Immortal told me
the second surrendered first.
What are you gonna do?
I don't know.
I am not trying to minimize what
he did, but he's just a kid
with powers he doesn't know
how to control yet.
Yeah, but
he doesn't seem sorry
or upset about it.
Just like my dad.
I don't know what I'm doing, Eve.
I don't know how
to raise a kid like Oliver.
You're forgetting about your mom.
She did a pretty good job with you.
That was before
she outed my secret identity
to her new boyfriend.
You lost your dad,
but she lost her husband.
Doesn't she deserve someone in her life?
And, yeah, she told Paul
who you are, but honestly,
who is he gonna tell?
Who would even believe him?
Where would I be without you?
Probably still looking
for Mount Rushmore.
Sounds about right.
- This is a weird first date.
- [Eve chuckles] I've had worse.
[water splashing]
[door opens]
That was a short date.
Yeah, we decided to reschedule.
- Where's Oliver?
- Up in his room.
I said we were going to have a talk
when you got home.
Want me to take over?
No, I'm fine.
I need this right now.
- It helps me feel normal.
- Sure.
- You wash, I dry?
- Works for me.
[introspective music playing]
[Mark] I'm sorry I was mad about Paul.
You need someone you can talk to.
About everything.
- Like I can with Eve.
- [Debbie] Yes.
And I should've talked to you
about it first.
- This is uncharted territory.
- For all of us.
[Debbie] You told Mark
that life isn't precious,
that it's okay if some people die.
- Is that really how you feel?
- Kinda.
Do you think my life isn't precious?
- Would you care if I died?
- Of course I'd care.
I don't want you to die.
I love you.
I love you, too.
But think about all the other
people on this planet.
They all have friends and families
who would be sad if they died.
So, just because
you don't know these people
doesn't make their lives less important.
Do you understand?
The Maulers didn't have friends or family.
I understand.
I won't do it again.
You need to really mean it.
- I do, Mom.
- Okay.
Come here.
[ominous music playing]
[car alarms blaring]
[dogs barking]
Mark, are you okay?
- What was that?
- I don't know.
Come here.
[ominous music playing]
[Angstrom Levy] Such a happy family.