Love/Hate (2010) s03e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Where's my da? Did you say anything to her? No, I can't.
I can't say anything! She's not going near no clinic.
Someone hears what happened and I guarantee within a day the cops will have heard and then Dano will hear about it.
You said we could bring our equipment in on one of you runs.
No problem.
The bad news is I sold him a pup.
Go on, who is it? Elmo and the cousin.
You're going to have to disappear and you're going to have to tell me where your cousin lives.
His girlfriend saw me.
Will she be able to identify you? No, she's dead.
We haven't used there before.
It's good though, quiet enough.
Some shopping list yis had.
I don't want you mouthing off to anybody it came in with your drugs.
It's only hash, Dano.
Alright, it's totally separate.
What's the story with your boy who shot the two? Darren.
He's keeping the head down.
I was thinking we might sort that other little prick out ourselves.
Dano, don't worry about Elmo.
We'll get him when he turns up.
No, my lads are on it.
I don't want him shot.
I need to find out where my da's body is buried.
I don't need another fuck up.
Fair enough.
Fuckin' papers, huh.
Full of it.
Everything there? Yeah.
I'll go ahead in my car.
All this hassle cos a woman gets shot.
Where's all the headlines about my da? No-one gives a bollocks.
Go easy there Ray.
Alright, that's it.
Let's brick it up.
Need to make it look like it's not new.
Lizzie say anything about that head the ball that shot the young one? She said he was alright.
Get her to come over, will you? Yeah.
Any news on yer man? No.
Mush is keeping an on his misses though.
He's a prick.
Has is bad.
Guns is good.
Fuck it.
You have him eating out of your hand.
He wouldn't be getting the guns off you if he thought you'd anything to do with the aul' fella.
We need to figure out what to do about Elmo.
If Dano gets him to talk he'll know he knows nothing.
But you get him clipped, he's supposed to be the only one who knows where Git's buried and yer man will know something's up.
The only thing to do with Elmo is the same as Git.
Kill him and bury him.
Then no-one knows where he is.
He could be in England, Spain.
No-one knows.
Do you know where he is now? No.
As long as he stays out of sight we're alright.
When he pops his head up we need to be ready to move.
Jesus Da, what are you doing creeping up like that? Call me or something, will you.
How do you sleep in that yoke? I have to.
Your uncle Liam's here to see you.
How'd he know I was here? Look Da, I'm under pressure.
I know what he wants.
I don't know who shot Gary.
I don't.
Is he upset? What do you think? I need you to tell me who it was Eric.
I know you know.
Was it to do with that row that yis had? Will you not tell me? I can't.
Why can't you? I can't.
You owe it to Gary and Nicola to say it to me.
You're more than just a cousin to him.
You were his buddy.
He looked up to you.
And now he's gone.
Fuck him.
They're being buried tomorrow.
My only son, and you're here sneaking around.
There's no good in that.
I can't be there, at the funeral.
Why not? The cops will be there.
I can't.
I said to Lyndsey to get a wreath.
The biggest one she could find.
What's the use in that? A big wreath.
I think it was the row.
And you know who it was actually done it? Yeah.
Why, what are you going to do? What am I going to do? I'm going to tell the guards and get that prick arrested.
The cops have nothing on him Liam, you know that.
I don't care Eric.
What else am I going to fuckin' do? Nothing here lads.
We might have something down there.
Check that guy behind you Terry.
Yeah, see him.
Excuse me.
Can you hold on a second there please? Sounds like a head the ball to me Lizzie.
No, he was totally calm.
Where were you? I was waiting outside.
No-one seen yis? And he said he was going to get it out of yer man about my da? Yeah, he did but.
What the fuck is this now? Alright.
You alright? Yeah.
What happened you, you panic? I'm not getting done.
That's it.
What are you going to do? I don't know.
How do they know it was you? I don't know.
Do you think you were seen? No.
You might've been.
They arrested Dano and all his crew.
That young one will keep her trap shut, will she? Yeah.
You know where Elmo's at? No.
Are you sure? I don't know where he is.
If Elmo's gone we'd be home and dry.
What do you want me to do about it? His misses is still knocking about.
That means he's around.
I can guarantee you if I know that, Dano knows it.
He'll get Elmo when he visits her and then we're fucked.
You need to think about that.
Cos if Dano gets him first we'll all be skipping town.
I'm juggling too many balls here Darren.
I've enough of a headache worrying about Siobhan keeping it together.
You understand? Can't believe you're 21 already.
I know.
They sent you this whole box? Yeah, just to have the choice.
Did you have to pay for them all? No, it's like a pick and mix deal.
Can't tell from the online catalogue what looks good.
Looks good.
Try on the wig.
Nah, it's not fitting.
What are you going as? Don't know.
Go on Donna, put on the wig.
You're right.
I'm not fitting into any of these.
It's depressing.
Why don't you see if there's another rabbit costume in the box.
I'm not going as a rabbit.
You have to be fuckin' skinny to go as a rabbit.
Who wants to fuck a fat rabbit? What are you talking about? You're not fat.
Now there's a sexy bunny who's going to get herself fucked tonight.
It was only a joke.
Are you not getting on with Tommy, hun? I know it's not cool to bring him in here but.
I had a test yesterday.
Now we have to have them every month.
So we can do it without a condom if you want.
Only if you want.
I feel bad about Emma now.
Don't worry chicken.
She understands.
What did you say to her? I just told her it was probably Tommy.
She doesn't mind.
She knows me and you and best buds.
I want to tell you something but you have to swear to me you won't tell anyone.
Absolutely Siobhan.
I swear.
You can tell me anything.
You know that.
Something happened to me.
I can't say who did it.
Who was it? Donna, what did I say? Sorry hun.
I'll shut up.
I don't know if I can say it now.
You can Siobhan.
I'm sorry.
I swear, you can tell me anything.
It'll go to the grave with me.
No matter what? No matter what.
I can't tell you any names.
I don't want you to ask.
I won't.
You have to swear to me Donna.
I swear Siobhan.
I swear.
I was raped.
I have no spare bedding for you Darren.
You can use some of the blankets off my bed if you want.
Don't worry about it Aido.
I'll talk to you in a bit.
I'm wrecked.
I need to kip for half an hour.
Bleedin' wrecked myself I am.
Do you think someone ratted you out Darren? I don't know.
You're safe here anyway Darren.
No-one will know you're here.
The neighbours don't know who you are.
You can stay for as long as you like.
Cheers Aido.
I'll keep the telly turned down low.
Here Trish.
Yeah, what? How long have I been asleep for? I don't know.
You were like in a coma.
Warren was trying to jump up and down on you but you were dead.
I feel fantastic.
Sometimes the best thing you can do when you're stressed out of your bollocks is sleep.
What has you stressed? Come here to me.
Why not? Why not? Are you joking me? The way you've been treating me lately.
Going round like a grumpy dwarf you have.
Then you expect me to go and put out for you.
Sorry babe.
I got you a present.
What? A tracksuit.
Oh no, it's high end.
Seen it in a magazine.
J-Lo wears them.
Go on.
Now we're talking.
Have you been wanking to Jersey Shore or something? Come here.
Come on.
Come here.
Come here.
Come on.
Turn around.
Don't bite! You want me to leave it on? Oh yeah.
Bleedin' filth.
When did yous get out? Half an hour before.
Lawyer said to hold on.
How did Lizzie get on? Piece of cake.
She played dumb.
You have a visitor Darren.
She was waiting outside.
How long were you out there? I couldn't remember which flat it was.
Are you alright Lizzie? I need to talk to you.
Do you want me to fuck off? No.
You stay where you are.
We'll head out.
Come on.
So what is it? I was arrested.
Did they ask you about me? They asked me but I said I didn't know you.
What did they ask? They were mainly asking about my brothers and Dano.
I said I know nothing which is kind of true.
They didn't tell me anything.
Why were you arrested then? Because I was with my brother's in Dano's place.
But I could tell they didn't think I knew anything.
I wouldn't rat you out, so I wouldn't.
I know you wouldn't.
It's true.
I wouldn't.
Even if they had anything on me I'd say nothing.
The reason I was in Dano's is cos he wanted to ask about you.
What was he asking? What you were like and everything.
What did you say? I said you were alright.
That you were decent like.
He was asking why the other fella got away and that.
And what did you say? I said you looked everywhere for him after.
What are you doing? You don't mind, do you? Go on.
I better get back inside.
TOMMY: Nidge invited them.
You're not pissed off? I thought you'd be pissed off with me.
Why should I be mad at you? I don't know but.
You're taking it well.
What way do you want me to take it? Want me to get all upset, what's the point in that? Nothing.
I'm going to get dressed up, I'm going to go dancing, I'm going to get locked, I'm going to enjoy myself.
Nidge says it's good if Dano comes.
That means he doesn't think his da has anything to do with us.
It's stupid.
It's my birthday.
Who's Nidge to ask that creep to come! There wasn't anything else I could've done.
What's wrong with you? I'm seriously starting to think that you really are thick Tommy.
You know what he done to me.
You saw it.
You were there.
Now his son gets invited to my birthday.
Why? Nidge thought that.
Somebody better tell him it's fancy dress.
Are you right? Want me to drive, luv? Nah, I have a taxi booked.
Don't give me that look.
I'm only going to have one or two.
I thought you were going to stay the night at your mother's.
She won't let me.
Says I'm neglecting you.
That's him.
Come on.
How come you're not drinking? I will later.
I'm pacing myself.
It's nice to see Siobhan happy.
Why wouldn't she be? I'm saying it's nice to see her happy.
She seemed a bit down in the dumps lately.
Seems grand to me.
Come here.
I know you think you're going bald but it's just a tiny spot.
It's tiny.
You wouldn't even notice except in the light.
Shut up.
Little grumpy Nigel.
Are you a regular ladybird or.
? What? Are you a dirtbird or a ladybird? Are you having a good time Siobhan? Yeah.
It's unreal.
Where's Tommy? Is that body paint you've on? What? Is that body paint? Yeah.
Is it edible? What? Do you need someone to lick it off for you? You're a fuckin' disgrace, you know that? She's down there pretending to be happy and you're telling me the mental state she's in.
Your number one job is to keep her happy and make her forget what happened happened.
She's not talking to me.
Don't give me that.
I know where you were.
You were down seeing that disease-ridden crack whore junkie.
You think I don't know what goes on there every day? And what are you doing bringing the child with you? I tried to talk to her.
Who? Siobhan.
Maybe she can smell the perfume off you.
That's why she's not talking to you.
What did I tell you that night? I'll look after the rest of it.
You look after Siobhan.
That's what I'm doing, I'm looking after it.
I'm the one who's sorting all this mess out.
I've got Dano coming tonight.
Him and his mrs.
That's how ahead of the game I am.
All you have to do is look after Siobhan.
Okay? Go on.
Here, another thing.
You're barred from seeing the junkie.
Here, a large bottle of cider.
Darren, will you sit down.
You're mad to go.
Turn up at Siobhan's now the cops could be there.
Ah fuck it.
It's her birthday.
I'll see you later.
Alright Nidge.
You said to drop by.
Of course.
How you doing? How are you? We're only going to stay for one.
What are you having? Whiskey, a double.
Georgina? How are the cops? Come here.
I'm going to get that little prick.
Who? Who got my da.
I got it figured.
Double whiskey.
Ah bollocks.
What's the matter chicken? This is a suit hire job.
Was it worth it? Go on.
It comes off in the wash.
Are you not going to give me one? Do you want one? Yeah.
Good party.
It is.
I needed that.
Stressed out of my box I was.
Yeah? Yeah.
Ah it's nothing.
Siobhan's all down and that.
She had a rough couple of weeks.
I'm just trying to help her out but it's stressful.
What's wrong with her? Nothing.
Just shite.
Are you her friend? Yeah.
Probably her best friend.
Come on inside and we'll have a bop and if you're lucky I'll bring you home and give you another lash.
I have to get this bleedin' thing dry-cleaned now.
I should get him home.
Have a drink.
The place we were in before he must've had 15 or 20.
Sure that'd fill anyone.
Come on, have a drink.
Go on.
I won't see you stuck to get him home.
I should get him home soon though.
Alright babe.
You can sleep in your fuckin' car tonight.
Trish! I think I'm going to go.
Don't mind Trish.
She gets like that when she's had a few.
We're kind of separating and I'd say she's had a few alright.
Have to get on with it though.
You can't let it drag you down.
You have to think of the kids.
I need to go.
No honestly.
That's the way Trish is.
Don't mind her.
Come on, one drink.
I should get him home.
You're sure now? Yeah.
You're sure? Yeah.
No problem.
We'll get you sorted out with a lift now.
No thanks.
He'll be grand.
I'll get him a taxi.
I can drive you, no problem.
I haven't been drinking.
Or I can get one of the lads.
Help you carry him in and everything.
Can't say fairer than that.
I don't want to see you stuck.
You wait here, I'll get Tommy and we'll get you sorted.
Here, I want you to give someone a lift.
Thought you wanted me to stay with Siobhan.
Just drive them home, will you.
You haven't been drinking.
I've had a few.
A few.
You only just got here.
Go on.
I'll square it with Siobhan if she notices you're gone.
Yeah? Ah you're a superstar.
There you are darlin'.
Tommy will see you home.
Won't see you stuck.
Come here.
I thought you were keeping the head down.
I am.
Just came in to say happy birthday.
We're mates.
You know I'll sort you out.
I'm doing a lot of things on the never never.
It's all out there but I can't get too heavy.
Nidge, I need it.
I'm skint.
Here's 2,000.
Come round the house in the morning and I'll get you 3,000 more.
That'll tide you over.
See you in a bit.
What's the story with yer man's mrs? Who are you talking about? Are you trying to slip her one on the sly? No way man.
What do you think, I've got a death wish? I'm not going near her.
Sure why would I fuck up the beautiful thing I have with Trish anyway? Happy birthday.
Are you alright? Yeah.
See you later.
She looks a bit sad alright.
What is it that's wrong with her? I can't say.
Get off me.
Are you alright? Are you sure? If you want me to call anybody I can wait till they come.
Sorry about that.
It's just been one of them days.
Do you ever have one of them days? Don't talk to me.
Today's one.
I'm going to go home, smoke a joint, wake up and tomorrow's another day.
Do you have any hash on you? Yeah.
I can leave you a bit if you want.
You wouldn't roll me one, would you? I haven't smoked in years.
Sit over here.
Ah man, I feel bad here.
If you husband woke up he'd think something funny was going on.
When he gets like this he won't budge till tomorrow.
Come on.
Happy birthday Siobhan.
Darren! Alright darling? What are you doing here? Just popped in.
Oh man, funny.
Why do you keep calling me man? Did I? I didn't.
You do.
You keep saying oh man.
Oh man.
I better go.
And what happened to her? She was raped.
She was raped? That's terrible.
Do you know who done it? She didn't day.
Where did it happen? It happened on Paddy's night.
That's all she'd say.
His mother is down there.
Your Aunty Tracey.
I left her at the bar.
Do you know what she said to me? No.
She said that's it.
It's over for her.
It's done.
Do you understand? Yeah.
You don't.
It's all gone to shit.
You live your life the best way you can.
You work hard, look after your kids.
They grow up, your job is done and then what? It's gone.
What is the point? There is no point.
She says it to me and we've little Seanie back in the house to look after.
And he's something.
We'll look after him.
But now it's all worth nothing.
Do you get me? I told you the cops would be no use to you.
Yeah I know.
I'm at that funeral there this morning, I see the two coffins.
I swore to Gary wherever he is, that prick, he won't get away with this.
What do you want me to say Liam? I told you all I know.
I'll tell you what I want.
You sit down there and you have a good think about this.
Where's he going to be? You know him.
Where does he hide out? What's what I want to know.
Why? You know why.
Come on baby.
You were out of your box.
That's not fair and I don't want to talk about it.
You're being paranoid.
I saw what I saw.
You didn't see nothing.
I saw what she was wearing.
You're sick.
I never met the woman in my life.
She didn't know what was going on.
The husband couldn't walk.
I was trying to sort one of the lads to bring him home.
I was telling her not to worry and the next thing you come over and start shouting at me.
Nigel, it was the same outfit! I'm telling you I never seen her before.
I've never been to his house.
Did you think about this? Maybe it's only pure spot luck.
I'm not stupid.
I don't believe you.
Look Trish, you're the one who was drunk last night, not me.
You were very on, so you were.
Alright, what's the story? We've a problem.
Is Darren there? Darren.
Your girlfriend's here.
Alright Lizzie.
What's the story? Just seeing if you needed anything.
Well come in.
This mouthing off to friends and wanting to talk to a doctor is bad news.
That Donna bird you porked.
The mouth on her.
She never met you before and already she's blabbing away.
Fuckin' Siobhan gets depressed, you don't know who she says it to next.
Have you still got the digger? Ah Jaysus, he'd be rancid by now.
Fuckin' rank he'd be.
Think I want to do it? Should've dumped him in the mountains instead.
He's ten feet down.
No-one's going to find him.
You're being paranoid.
I don't want to do it but if Siobhan's blabbing we have to do it.
I had to talk to someone, didn't I.
You don't understand.
I do understand.
I'm not a child.
What am I supposed to do? Keep my mouth shut, talk to no-one, not even anonymously? Is that what I'm supposed to do? I told you you could talk to me.
Well what do you want me to do? You know what I want you to do.
Siobhan, you know Donna's a mouth.
Leave me alone.
I don't know where he is.
Pass it on, will you.
Bringing him sandwiches, were you? You bleedin' tramp.
That'll get him out of the woodwork.
See you in a bit Aido.
I'll walk you to the bus.
No, it's alright.
Lizzie, I appreciate you looking out for me but.
You know what I mean.
Darren! Who sent you? No-one! Who sent you? No-one.
Who sent you? Liam Creed.
What was that about? Doesn't matter.
I was dead there if you weren't there.
I knew there was something going to happen.
You're like my guardian angel.
So what do we do now? You get out of here, go home.
What about you? Are you alright? Yeah.
Just got a shock.
Why'd you let him go? He's just a kid.
Someone's ratted you out, haven't they.
They broke her nose! I'm going to kill them Da, I swear.
Jesus son, have you son sense at all? I can't just sit here and do nothing.
They want you to go over there.
That's what they want you to do.
I don't care.
I'm going to see her.
Donna! Have you got a second? It's about Siobhan.
Is she alright? Jump in and I'll tell you.
Is she alright? She told you something in private and you know what I'm talking about.
After swearing to keep your mouth shut, you mouthed off.
Didn't you? You say another word about it to anyone you fat bitch, I'll personally spray paint your fat fuckin' face with acid.
Do you hear me? Even to Siobhan.
Now get the fuck out of my car.
Fuck this.
This isn't working.
Going to try something different.
Ah Jaysus Lyndsey.
Did you get anything? I can dump a tonne of red diesel I have on him.
I have some tractor tubes as well, that'll get rid of most of him.
Except for the bones.
Sure you can give them to the dogs.
You better go.
It's stupid, you know that luv.
They're not out there now.
It's stupid.
You're no good to me dead, are you.
You have to go, luv.
You want me to go? I want you to stay.
But I don't want you killed, do I? I'll wait a little bit longer and then I'll head, babe.
Whoa! Yeah, that's him.
Ah the smell.
I'd be used to that from cutting up animals for the dogs.
There she goes.
How long till it burns out? It'll be morning.
Then there'll be bones.
We can fuck them everywhere and anywhere.
Jaysus Darren, you gave me a fright there.
I didn't know who it was.
Everything alright? What's up? What's your kid's name Elmo? What? What's your kid's name? Your young fella, what's his name? It's Troy.
Why? Your uncle tried to have me clipped today.
He didn't, did he? Yeah he did.
Some kid on a pushbike.
Did you tell him? No.
Tell him what? You told him, didn't you? I didn't say anything.
How does he know then? If he thought it was anyone he'd think it was Git.
The whole bar saw the fight he had with Git.
He knows that's what it's about.
What's he having a go at me for? How does he know that? I don't know Darren.
Jaysus Darren, give us a break.
I didn't say anything.
I don't know how he knows.
I'm not even talking to him cos he's blaming me.
You better tell him he has it wrong.
I will.
If I get a smell of anything.
If you're ratting me out Elmo.
I'm not Darren, I swear.
Next time you won't even see me coming.
I'll be down the week after next Dan.
Don't tell any of them I'm coming or who I am.
It's none of their business.
We'll not leave your father to rot in some bog hole.
We will not.
We'll get whoever done this.
We'll see what they have to say.
Want a drop Nidgy? Tracey Carr, RTE 2012.

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